Pete is the short one, and Bas is pronounced 'Baz' just for future reference. You should watch interviews with them. Defiantly write their own stuff, their grand children help them with all the modern slang!
Bro, I'm in my 50's. I'm born and raised in Bklyn NY! I just came back from their show in Ireland. TRUST AND BELIEVE it's the real deal. I have the pics and footage to prove.
8:53 - This is not just instructions on making a drink, it's disposing of a body, chopping up the corpse, adding (quick)lime, etc. He starts the verse by establishing the 'breaking him down like steps on the back of the Crocker" (Betty Crocker, cake mix maker). He's creating the theme that he'll be speaking in double entendre about the business, whether with cooking/cakes or with weights/sticks (moving product, getting lit, waxing people off, moving weight in and out of the gym)
@@deanosaur808 It depends on the size of the glass, and how smelly the location can get. >.> But since it is quicklime and not, say hydrofluoric acid, glass will be fine.
Just to add someting minor: He actually says "like steps on the back of the box of the crock', I'll bet he ...." which sounds like Betty, nice wordplay there
The bar about the Gin isn't just that he's also saying he's having a drink (celebrating) this bloke being buried. The rectangle box being a coffin. And it's goes from graphic 'all bruised and mangled, grim' to a casual line about pouring a drink. Such strong imagery you can almost see a gangster film playing out. Cutting from violent imagery to casual luxury. Fucking genius.
The battenberg him bar is so under appreciated and gets missed. "Mess with the cake and I'll Battenberg him" Battenberg is a type of cake made by cutting apart multiple cakes so mess with his money hell chop you up
It's even better than that. Ambulances in the UK have that same checkerboard pattern, so it's putting you in an ambulance by cutting you up and rearranging you.
11:23 - There are layers here, almost everything is a double, if not a *triple.* "Burn rubber like I'm Michelin, five star food that I serve to them", Michelin tires, Michelin stars, food = drugs, but being involved in both the production and distribution side of the business "chef's hat on when I'm whippin in the kitchen and I switch suits like I'm Mr Ben" (Chef's hat as in cooking but also running the business, and he is involved with the production but then switches suits to go out and get involved with the street level stuff as quickly as Mr Ben) and then Bas picks up on the Mr Ben with 10/10... Ben 10?! He also makes a Gundam reference later in the joint. If you think that nothing is going over anyone's head, sorry bruv - it's going over yours.
If a person can flow in their 20s, then there's no reason a person can't rap in their 60s. They've lived 3 times the length of your average rapper. People question their skills because of their age, but to me it adds validity. Experience, wisdom, knowledge.
@@topshelfdustin3300 a 70 year old with decades of horn playing experience is going to have leagues better breath control than any 20 year old rapper you can compare them to
Love it. Look at the audience in the live part, thats London, thats England. No media invented outrage or anger, no divide by skin colour. You ask how Ren can mix so many styles its in front of you right there. People of all ages, all colours enjoing being together & having fun. Thats the future when you have been raised in a multi cultural mix that judges you by you character not your pigment level. You get access to it all.
100 percent agreed! I’m from Peckham London but live out here in the states and tell lots of hip hop friends what UK culture is like ! People don’t understand how great the UK is . Pegasus’s mind would be blown if he get out there especially if he ever made it to nottinghill carnival!
They released their first single in 2017 with "Shut Ya Mouth". They recorded the song after Pete discovered his enjoyment for hip hop when his granddaughter was playing rap music on his car radio. He told Bas about it, and they decided that it would be good fun to issue it on UA-cam. It was an immediate success and went viral, so they continued to create new music. They write their own lyrics...
They are not and never have been gangsters 🤣🤣🤣 Pete was a postman for 30 years , basil was a pianist and musician for 40 years .. they never were involved in nothing gangster 😂
Sindhuworld is their 'record label', which grew out of a convenience store (I guess - bodega?) in South London. There are other acts out of the same stable, like the Northern Boys.
Sindhu Sesh is a platform set up by Sindhu World, the record label owned by Uncle Bal, the Indian member of Pete and Bas' crew 'The Snooker Team, who appear in many of P&B videos.
"And I dream like Martin Luther, fall asleep to the sound of the Hoover Nightmare - Frederick Kruger" This is one of the bars that shows that whoever is writing this is around as old as they are. "I have a dream" like Martin Luther King Jr., but also Martin Luther nailed the 95 Theses to the door establishing that he was going his own way and showing everyone in the game (religion) that there was a new way. "Fall asleep to the sound of the Hoover" - FBI assassinated MLK Jr, Hoover ran the FBI [Old people falling asleep to the sound of the Hoover/vacuum cleaner] "Nightmare - Frederick Kruger" - More of the sleep/nightmare bars, but goes back to the Dream like Martin Luther as Martin Luther (not King Jr)'s words were misused and his symbolism adopted by a nightmare. The sheer depth of historical, musical, cultural, and criminal knowledge suggests a long life. And being able to deliver the bars with conviction live suggests a personal connection to them.
@@MultiClassGeek My pleasure, I love helping people fall further down the Pete & Bas rabbit hole. I had never heard UK Drill until their Plugged in with Fumez and immediately I had to research. When Pete dropped the "one side of the family's Irish - tiochfaidh ar la if he's takin' the mick" bar I was hooked. Tiochfaidh ar la (sounding like chocky ar lah) is Gaelic for "Our day will come", and is associated with Sinn Fein and the IRA. RIP Bobby Sands.
@@thetalantonx And of course, it doubles up with "Mick", a derogatory term for the Irish. So the implied threat would be enacted if they insulted Pete's heritage, *or* if they got in the way of his business.
I am so glad you came back to them! I discovered them a week ago and am still just blown away by how good they are! They go hard! Quick 1-2 is amazing!!
Pete and Bas write everything themselves, with their grandsons and a couple of their friends providing beats and production for them. “They give us the beat, and we provide the words,” said Pete.Nov 19, 2020
15:00 - Yeah Bas (said like Baz/Jazz, short for Basil, said like Baz-ill) has flow and lungs for days, Pete (the short one) has explosive temper and energy.
I loved this.. It was a true honest reaction... The struggle of acceptance... Processing this madness... 2 old age pensioners out rapping all these pups.
"Shut Ya Mouth" was their debut in 2017. It seems they write their own bars as well as spitting them. Pete was turned onto hip-hop by his granddaughter.
I gotta say, there's a fire reference that I never see anyone mention and it's when Pete says "switching suits like I'm Mr. Ben" then Bas immediately following that with "10/10" ...but nobody's appreciating the Ben10 show shoutout!
But do you know what 'Mr Ben' is? It's a cartoon from the 70s at latest I'd say, where the character goes in a magic costume shop, tries on a costume (like a spaceman suit) and then he's a real spaceman for the rest of the day. Next episode he might be a knight or cowboy etc
Welcome to the collective rabbit hole sir! Hope you have fun here and some quick facts about these lovely gentlemen: they are both in their 70s Pete is the shorter one Bas what is the music teacher They have been doing this since 2017 They have a mixtape They became friends in their later years Pete decided to do this because his granddaughter kept leaving the car radio on the hip hop station and he began to like it They have a whole crew of older gentlemen that they do videos and songs with Lastly they write their own stuff with the help from their grandchildren for the slang and one of them has a grandson that is a producer
So imagine all the talented rappers, B-boys, skaters etc, who were in their mid-to-late 20's, early 30's, back in 1980-1990. Today, they are seniors, 60-70 years old. Many of them still retain the talent, it'll come back with some practice. I don't know these two personally, but my money is on the fact that they were the talent of UK underground rap scene back in the 70's or 80's. The style, the flow.. You aren't born with it, this is practice and skill, honed over a long time.
There was no underground rap scene in the UK in the seventies, especially not with white guys 😂 The closest you'll get is Ian dury doing disco style rap "Reasons to Be Cheerful, Part 3" in 1979! Ian could be considered the oldest UK rapper if he was still alive (81) 😅🤣
They write all their own stuff, their Grand kids help with the modern day lingo.......and yes, they used to be Gangsters back in the day. Bas (the tall one) also used to do bare knuckle boxing, so they are not to be messed with even now, lol.
They do everything they have grandchildren who tell them the slang words. These guys or on another level, they pick up from each on point then switch the flow effortlessly. So many bars go over peoples heads with these guys.
They may be a couple of old-timers, but they can still kick some ass. 😁 Fun fact. Bas used to run an illegal bare knuckle boxing ring. Ohh. And nice shirt 👍😊
They were actually London gangster's. Pete was an actual gangster and bas was an underground boxing champ. They talk their shit because they've lived it fr
Man, Americans are blown away as it is, but if they knew the depth of their British slang and references....There's a lot of references going over Americans heads.
Pete is the short one, and Bas is pronounced 'Baz' just for future reference. You should watch interviews with them. Defiantly write their own stuff, their grand children help them with all the modern slang!
All Facts here @BlackPegasus
this is gold yall been sleepin over there lol
Yup! His name is Basil!
@@fruitlandgrizzly no. Berry
@@fruitlandgrizzly bas is short for berry
Bro, I'm in my 50's. I'm born and raised in Bklyn NY! I just came back from their show in Ireland. TRUST AND BELIEVE it's the real deal. I have the pics and footage to prove.
8:53 - This is not just instructions on making a drink, it's disposing of a body, chopping up the corpse, adding (quick)lime, etc. He starts the verse by establishing the 'breaking him down like steps on the back of the Crocker" (Betty Crocker, cake mix maker). He's creating the theme that he'll be speaking in double entendre about the business, whether with cooking/cakes or with weights/sticks (moving product, getting lit, waxing people off, moving weight in and out of the gym)
Is one glass enough though?
I've not got any bodies I need to dispose yet, although the ex wife... 😝🤣
@@deanosaur808 It depends on the size of the glass, and how smelly the location can get. >.> But since it is quicklime and not, say hydrofluoric acid, glass will be fine.
Just to add someting minor: He actually says "like steps on the back of the box of the crock', I'll bet he ...." which sounds like Betty, nice wordplay there
The bar about the Gin isn't just that he's also saying he's having a drink (celebrating) this bloke being buried. The rectangle box being a coffin. And it's goes from graphic 'all bruised and mangled, grim' to a casual line about pouring a drink. Such strong imagery you can almost see a gangster film playing out. Cutting from violent imagery to casual luxury. Fucking genius.
The battenberg him bar is so under appreciated and gets missed. "Mess with the cake and I'll Battenberg him" Battenberg is a type of cake made by cutting apart multiple cakes so mess with his money hell chop you up
It's even better than that. Ambulances in the UK have that same checkerboard pattern, so it's putting you in an ambulance by cutting you up and rearranging you.
You can even say it's a triple...because battenburg can be broken into "Bat and berg him" so beat em with a bat then put them on ice.
@@Necron00b Sooooo friggin good.
Don't forget that cake is "Cut" up and then "Wrapped" up
as well... bat and berg = batter and burgle
11:23 - There are layers here, almost everything is a double, if not a *triple.* "Burn rubber like I'm Michelin, five star food that I serve to them", Michelin tires, Michelin stars, food = drugs, but being involved in both the production and distribution side of the business "chef's hat on when I'm whippin in the kitchen and I switch suits like I'm Mr Ben" (Chef's hat as in cooking but also running the business, and he is involved with the production but then switches suits to go out and get involved with the street level stuff as quickly as Mr Ben) and then Bas picks up on the Mr Ben with 10/10... Ben 10?! He also makes a Gundam reference later in the joint.
If you think that nothing is going over anyone's head, sorry bruv - it's going over yours.
If a person can flow in their 20s, then there's no reason a person can't rap in their 60s. They've lived 3 times the length of your average rapper. People question their skills because of their age, but to me it adds validity.
Experience, wisdom, knowledge.
Facts- and do not forget that Bas is a musician , playing different instruments . 😉😎🔥
I think they're in their 70s now
I mean....your ability to do what bas does with the long lyrics does get harder with age. IT's freaking crazy he has that lung control at 70+
@@topshelfdustin3300 a 70 year old with decades of horn playing experience is going to have leagues better breath control than any 20 year old rapper you can compare them to
@@zackmash851 that doesn't change what I said...
There are enough old people references in there that I believe they are very, very involved in writing.
Studio version of that Plugged In With Fumez live performance is a must
Love it. Look at the audience in the live part, thats London, thats England. No media invented outrage or anger, no divide by skin colour. You ask how Ren can mix so many styles its in front of you right there. People of all ages, all colours enjoing being together & having fun. Thats the future when you have been raised in a multi cultural mix that judges you by you character not your pigment level. You get access to it all.
Well said
2 tone revival
Funny how a few drinks, music and comradery can bring out the best of humanity. We need more Bloc parties.
100 percent agreed! I’m from Peckham London but live out here in the states and tell lots of hip hop friends what UK culture is like ! People don’t understand how great the UK is . Pegasus’s mind would be blown if he get out there especially if he ever made it to nottinghill carnival!
London born and bred. I hear you fella.
Appreciate your words fella
They released their first single in 2017 with "Shut Ya Mouth". They recorded the song after Pete discovered his enjoyment for hip hop when his granddaughter was playing rap music on his car radio. He told Bas about it, and they decided that it would be good fun to issue it on UA-cam. It was an immediate success and went viral, so they continued to create new music. They write their own lyrics...
Pete & Bas are awesome!
What Gangstas do in their retirement ;) Love Pete and Bas! They go hard. You have to see Mr.Worldwide
They are not and never have been gangsters 🤣🤣🤣 Pete was a postman for 30 years , basil was a pianist and musician for 40 years .. they never were involved in nothing gangster 😂
@@petercoyne8300 👍😂😂 Hence the wink and a smile. My comment was tongue in cheek Sir. They may not have ever been but they sure are now 😉
@@Padillwan 🤣🤣 they are brilliant rappers I’ll give them that they are better than most the youngest out here
@@petercoyne8300they're gangsters, not traditional sense with guns etc, but they're 'Gansta' 😅
@ they are grandpa’s you misspelled it 🤣
What the hell hahaha 😆 I hadn't heard of these guys before! Thanks for the introduction!
Oh you have missed out...worth diving into frfr💯
@@justmejoy124 I am now!
@@davidhellus9120 I hope they brought you some entertainment 👍
Sindhuworld is their 'record label', which grew out of a convenience store (I guess - bodega?) in South London. There are other acts out of the same stable, like the Northern Boys.
Haha Northern Boys might be abit too hard for him 😂😂😂😂 let's not forget The Snooker team.
Sindhu Sesh is a platform set up by Sindhu World, the record label owned by Uncle Bal, the Indian member of Pete and Bas' crew 'The Snooker Team, who appear in many of P&B videos.
They 💯 write all their own lyrics aside from getting some help with the modern slang from their grandkids! You should do Mr Worldwide next!!
Not sure I'm buying it. Not sure if it's real.
@@kylekarcher it's i have met them and no one cares about what you think to be honest
Good arguments
@@kylekarcher they are huge out and do UK man. I mean you don’t have to believe it. They literally have live concerts.
speaking facts
"And I dream like Martin Luther, fall asleep to the sound of the Hoover
Nightmare - Frederick Kruger"
This is one of the bars that shows that whoever is writing this is around as old as they are. "I have a dream" like Martin Luther King Jr., but also Martin Luther nailed the 95 Theses to the door establishing that he was going his own way and showing everyone in the game (religion) that there was a new way.
"Fall asleep to the sound of the Hoover" - FBI assassinated MLK Jr, Hoover ran the FBI [Old people falling asleep to the sound of the Hoover/vacuum cleaner]
"Nightmare - Frederick Kruger" - More of the sleep/nightmare bars, but goes back to the Dream like Martin Luther as Martin Luther (not King Jr)'s words were misused and his symbolism adopted by a nightmare.
The sheer depth of historical, musical, cultural, and criminal knowledge suggests a long life. And being able to deliver the bars with conviction live suggests a personal connection to them.
When the bars need citations and footnotes, you know it’s the good stuff.
Respect to you for the Deep Dive
@@MultiClassGeek My pleasure, I love helping people fall further down the Pete & Bas rabbit hole.
I had never heard UK Drill until their Plugged in with Fumez and immediately I had to research. When Pete dropped the "one side of the family's Irish - tiochfaidh ar la if he's takin' the mick" bar I was hooked.
Tiochfaidh ar la (sounding like chocky ar lah) is Gaelic for "Our day will come", and is associated with Sinn Fein and the IRA. RIP Bobby Sands.
@@thetalantonx And of course, it doubles up with "Mick", a derogatory term for the Irish.
So the implied threat would be enacted if they insulted Pete's heritage, *or* if they got in the way of his business.
@@MultiClassGeek Exactly right! Taking the mick/taking the piss also goes back to the root word micturition.
I caught the vacuum hoover obviously. But J.Edgar Hoover.. nice catch.
Hello from Cody Wyoming 😊they are THE REAL DEAL You're awesome by the way
Generals corner. Doesn’t get the love it deserve.
Ive bumped this probably 100 times. You DO need to play it back. Its very densely packed with crazy crazy wordplay. Inspiring as a writer
I am so glad you came back to them! I discovered them a week ago and am still just blown away by how good they are! They go hard! Quick 1-2 is amazing!!
Pete and Bas write everything themselves, with their grandsons and a couple of their friends providing beats and production for them. “They give us the beat, and we provide the words,” said Pete.Nov 19, 2020
“You’re man got shelled on (Sheldon) big bang theory!”
Sindhu sesh is my favorite, the bars and they way they trade the mic is perfect
Pete and Bas are a great story. Proving age ain't nothing but a number. Big up to them.
"I'm snatching his bird and thunder"
Bird = lady
Thunder = power
Also, Thunderbird.
Just ridiculous doubles buried all through their stuff.
Sindhu is a River in India. So, River =Flow; Sesh=Session >flow session. Get it?
Sure, but here Sindhu = Sindhu world!
It's their channel/management name.
“Breakin em down like steps on the back of the box of the Crocker, bet he (Betty) take that” nobody EVER catches the Betty Crocker bar
Loved the reaction. Yes, please go on down the rabbit hole. They have many banging tracks. Their track Gangster Sh** is also a good one to check out.
The Kings of UK Drill: Pete and Bas 👏❤️✊💪🔥😎
15:00 - Yeah Bas (said like Baz/Jazz, short for Basil, said like Baz-ill) has flow and lungs for days, Pete (the short one) has explosive temper and energy.
Would LOVE to see you and Don interview these guys on your podcast.!!!!
if you bring them to the states for a show IM 100% flying there
The song at the concert is Fumez the Engineer featuring Pete & Bas Plugged In Play
Oh boy i love these guys cant wait to finish watching
I loved this.. It was a true honest reaction... The struggle of acceptance... Processing this madness... 2 old age pensioners out rapping all these pups.
"Shut Ya Mouth" was their debut in 2017. It seems they write their own bars as well as spitting them. Pete was turned onto hip-hop by his granddaughter.
Of course it's real. OGs 🔥
'Spitting' amazing, Pete and Baz. Again your reaction says 'REALLY' look forward to the next petebazREACTION...👊👍☝️🖼☝️🎇🤓
Fkn loved the shock 😮 on yer face do more Pete and Baz mate UK drill geezers 😂
I gotta say, there's a fire reference that I never see anyone mention and it's when Pete says "switching suits like I'm Mr. Ben" then Bas immediately following that with "10/10" ...but nobody's appreciating the Ben10 show shoutout!
But do you know what 'Mr Ben' is? It's a cartoon from the 70s at latest I'd say, where the character goes in a magic costume shop, tries on a costume (like a spaceman suit) and then he's a real spaceman for the rest of the day. Next episode he might be a knight or cowboy etc
@@pukkapeterand 10/10 is a reference to “tin tin”. Which is another old cartoon.
They're the real deal. Respect the OG's.
This is crazy.. am I ACTUALLY seeing this….!!!? Write it or not they SPITTIN IT man and looks GREAT
We need Sindu Sesh, Gangsta Shit and Plugged In with Fumez reactions with homies that haven't ever heard of them. These guys are OG's
I’m already loving this reaction
Get an interview with them as well!! They’re fucken awesome
Welcome to the collective rabbit hole sir! Hope you have fun here and some quick facts about these lovely gentlemen:
they are both in their 70s
Pete is the shorter one
Bas what is the music teacher
They have been doing this since 2017
They have a mixtape
They became friends in their later years
Pete decided to do this because his granddaughter kept leaving the car radio on the hip hop station and he began to like it
They have a whole crew of older gentlemen that they do videos and songs with
Lastly they write their own stuff with the help from their grandchildren for the slang and one of them has a grandson that is a producer
So imagine all the talented rappers, B-boys, skaters etc, who were in their mid-to-late 20's, early 30's, back in 1980-1990. Today, they are seniors, 60-70 years old. Many of them still retain the talent, it'll come back with some practice. I don't know these two personally, but my money is on the fact that they were the talent of UK underground rap scene back in the 70's or 80's. The style, the flow.. You aren't born with it, this is practice and skill, honed over a long time.
There was no underground rap scene in the UK in the seventies, especially not with white guys 😂
The closest you'll get is Ian dury doing disco style rap "Reasons to Be Cheerful, Part 3" in 1979!
Ian could be considered the oldest UK rapper if he was still alive (81) 😅🤣
Yes. Venture down that rabbit hole. All of its worth it really
Quite simply one of the best rap tracks of all time
I think Black Pegasus should do an interview with Pete and Bas
These boys are the mutts nuts !….
Im from London and i can tell you now that hes no joke💪🏽💪🏽💪🏽
Don’t sleep on the MLK bar. Hoover had FBI bug MLK’s house. Fall asleep to the sound of the Hoover.
Sindhu is a flowing river or stream😊
Welcome to the Rabbit Hole, man - great reaction!
These guys are fire
They write all their own stuff, their Grand kids help with the modern day lingo.......and yes, they used to be Gangsters back in the day. Bas (the tall one) also used to do bare knuckle boxing, so they are not to be messed with even now, lol.
Love em, thanks BP 🙏🐊❤️🦉👍
Chin dropping once again! Always amazing talent showcased on your channel! 👍👍🙏🙏
Pete and baz are one of our own that's how we do things in the uk. 🇬🇧
top hits by these 2 top hitmen
Them pops is POPPIN!!!
There real as they fire
Love these guys so much. They write their own music. Then they get input from their grandkids for modern slang.
This makes me so happy to see how happy they make you!
"Breaking em down like step on the back of the box of croker, betty take that.. BAIT" - This is madness
They do everything they have grandchildren who tell them the slang words.
These guys or on another level, they pick up from each on point then switch the flow effortlessly.
So many bars go over peoples heads with these guys.
Shout out for this pair aged 71 and 74...Fire
Crazy! Let's Go!
"he's like a UK Pop Smoke!!" 😂😂💯💯💯🔥🔥🔥
You gotta go down the rabbit hole... They don't miss
They do write their own lyrics. I believe Bas (the taller one) has been in music for a long time just didn't start rapping until later in life.
Its thearte!!
Honestly London in the 50/60's was like the wild west, these guys have been round the block, it's no gimmick, they're the real deal.
I'm 52 years old, and I'm like I can get some 50 and 60-year-olds to be their backup dances on tour. 😂
These guys are 🔥
I saw them live in Reading England, good night.
Start at press play with Fumze, it's where most of us started.
Do all the pete and bas!! I love it
You just can't help but love these guys!!❤❤ this is one of their best songs.🖖
British intelect and experience.....pays off son!
As far as I know, they write their own shit. With some help from the grandkids on current slang. ❤
These guys are the REAL deal.
They may be a couple of old-timers, but they can still kick some ass. 😁
Fun fact. Bas used to run an illegal bare knuckle boxing ring.
Ohh. And nice shirt 👍😊
Stop repeating that bs! He claimed his father ran such events. It was tongue in cheek 😉
and the walk off at the end is cold
Just a honest London boy looking after family keep up the good work 👊
There plugged in with fumez is there best one, please watch the official video
Great reaction, made sweeter by your previous vid. (Very proud Brit)😂
1Luv bro. I love Pete&Bas. And love your reaction. I would love to see you react to theyr songs.. Windowframe Cypher part 1 & 2.
💯 Real.
I was wondering where I saw this sweatshirt then it hit me it’s the Hmack’s.Legend bro🙏
100% rabbit hole!
Drop tha Vandam…! Puts me in stitches every time!!
Gotta check out "The Old Estate" by Pete and Bas next
React to “Golf” by Pete and Bas 🔥
They were actually London gangster's. Pete was an actual gangster and bas was an underground boxing champ. They talk their shit because they've lived it fr
It's true they write their own No Gimmick I'm from the UK.
Man, Americans are blown away as it is, but if they knew the depth of their British slang and references....There's a lot of references going over Americans heads.
Also the bar about Hoover … who was in charge of the FBI when Martin Luther was killed …
Plugged in with Fumes is a must 👌Clean shot, make a man dance and i don't mean Tiktok 🎤
The benefits of the back and forth is shorter schemes..keeps the energy fresh i like it