EU4 A to Z - Forming THE USA As Hamburg SHOULD BE BANNED

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @TheRedHawk
    @TheRedHawk  2 роки тому +37

    What should I do as Hejaz next time? Leave a comment here and join The Discord to chat with me and get the save-game if you're a UA-cam Member:
    Check out more A to Z here:

    • @ActiveThreatToTheDutchEmbassy
      @ActiveThreatToTheDutchEmbassy 2 роки тому +2

      Surround the entirety of the Arabian subcontinent and make every country Inside it your subject

    • @jallade5316
      @jallade5316 2 роки тому +6

      Originally, the Sharif of Mecca (basically Hejaz) was supposed to unite the Arab world after WW1. But then the British and the French screwed them over with the modern day borders of the Middle East. So you should unite the Arabian peninsula, and occupy London and Paris.

    • @hs5312
      @hs5312 2 роки тому

      Form Arabia

    • @khansahb-o4e
      @khansahb-o4e 2 роки тому +2

      Hejaz is the site of Mecca so Unify Islam and form the true caliphate.

    • @electrickeese236
      @electrickeese236 2 роки тому +4

      get the rashidun caliphate borders!

  • @Clear_Ski3s
    @Clear_Ski3s 2 роки тому +572

    The leader of the US being called Burgermeister is peak comedy

    • @gengarzilla1685
      @gengarzilla1685 Рік тому +3

      Burgermeister Meisterburger!

    • @mawk20
      @mawk20 Місяць тому

      I also cracked up when the Burghers turned out to be the only estate xD

  • @petemagnuson7357
    @petemagnuson7357 2 роки тому +335

    When we get to season M in 6 years, form Florida as Mann

    • @buivars
      @buivars 2 роки тому +37

      Actually a hilarious idea, I'm down.

    • @94sjolander
      @94sjolander 2 роки тому +27

      He can do that in the releaseables series

    • @BertyLohani
      @BertyLohani 2 роки тому +6

      We do have native palm trees over here so it wouldn't be that much of a culture shock for the locals

    • @mrszmatan2727
      @mrszmatan2727 2 роки тому +12

      Florida Man forms Florida as Mann

    • @Yental
      @Yental 2 роки тому +6

      the AI actually did that once in one of my games

  • @sakaykmehmet4833
    @sakaykmehmet4833 2 роки тому +378

    Hejaz means 'barrier' in Arabic, so how about trying to conquer all of Middle East or whatever the region's named in the game and get some cool forts going?

    • @tolia5587
      @tolia5587 2 роки тому +33

      Conquer the border of Europe and Asia

    • @ZetaArcticana4006
      @ZetaArcticana4006 2 роки тому +18

      I believe it’s called the Levant so I think it would be cool to own every province in the Levant that is either coastal or borders another region.

    • @DarkLordFromTheSecondAge
      @DarkLordFromTheSecondAge 2 роки тому

      Build a fort on every border province of the levant

    • @mtiger1086
      @mtiger1086 2 роки тому +16

      conquer the great china wall

    • @mrszmatan2727
      @mrszmatan2727 2 роки тому +5

      @@mtiger1086 Only true answer

  • @caprimercenary2522
    @caprimercenary2522 2 роки тому +296

    You know, it's not totally unreasonable to have a German USA when like 10-15% of early America spoke German, to the point several states considered using German as a second language to write laws in.
    Great video as always!

    • @kasty4255
      @kasty4255 2 роки тому +22

      I get you but that was a lot later than when the territory of the US was first settled and colonized.

    • @caprimercenary2522
      @caprimercenary2522 2 роки тому +18

      @@kasty4255 True, the number of pre-Revolution settlers who were German was fairly low. In the 1800's there were hundreds of newspapers in German.

    • @Darth_Conans
      @Darth_Conans 2 роки тому +13

      Americans with German ancestry are still the largest ethnic group in the US, something like 15% of the population.

    • @greatwolf5372
      @greatwolf5372 2 роки тому +30

      @@Darth_Conans The numbers are very exaggerated. An American could be of mostly English ancestry but if they have one German(or Irish/Italian/etc) ancestor, they identify as such because English ancestry is not as "cool". Look at Biden, he is of mostly English ancestry(even his last name Biden came with an English ancestor) but he identifies as "Irish".

    • @TheKlaun9
      @TheKlaun9 2 роки тому

      @@greatwolf5372 your source sir? The US being surprisingly (as in after ww1 propaganda reduced the number of people identifying as that group and their influence drastically) heavy in German ancestry is one of the most common "did you know?"-factoids thrown around the internet, never seen that disputed nor can I find any data on that in a 5 min Google search, so I ask you. Biden yes, but that seems beside the point. I'd assume if this were in fact the English, they'd let you know constantly, perhaps even more frequently than the Germans. They sure let the Australians know that they were their giant prison island. People really like to claim that their nation is more important than it actually is

  • @yaldabaoth2
    @yaldabaoth2 2 роки тому +77

    >Crush natives
    >"Defend Liberty!"
    historical game

  • @Darth_Conans
    @Darth_Conans 2 роки тому +23

    "What I actually want to do first is move my capitol to Bermuda..."
    *highlights random part of southern Brazil*

  • @louisrizzi9990
    @louisrizzi9990 2 роки тому +20

    Hawk embracing the hoi4 army composition meta of 14 infantry+4 artillery divisions, you love to see it a few hundred years early

  • @soumajitsen1395
    @soumajitsen1395 2 роки тому +67

    This was the most chill A-Z episode ever.

    • @derAlphabet
      @derAlphabet 2 роки тому +5

      Even with an accidental war. Wowsy

  • @torbjornlover2294
    @torbjornlover2294 2 роки тому +27

    Before forming new-world nations, destate your old-world lands and concentrate dev. Did it as Portugese Australia, instantlly got a 40 dev province for free.

  • @94sjolander
    @94sjolander 2 роки тому +86

    As Hejaz is the Custodian of the Two Holy Cities why not conquer the rest of the holy cities of Sunni Islam. Jerusalem, Mecca, Medina, Cordoba, and Baghdad. (Picked the cities based on ck2 sunni holy sites. If you want it to be a bit easier you can substitute Damascus for Cordoba).

    • @fuuemir08
      @fuuemir08 Рік тому

      Dont forget Konstantiniyyah (Istanbul)

    • @llamaboioflusatia
      @llamaboioflusatia 11 місяців тому

      @@fuuemir08Constantinople is a holy city, but not for Islam

    • @fuuemir08
      @fuuemir08 4 місяці тому

      @@llamaboioflusatia It is counted as by some. The reason being the hadith "Verily, you shall conquer Constantinople. What a wonderful army will that army be, and what a wonderful commander will that conqueror be.”

  • @realhawaii5o
    @realhawaii5o 2 роки тому +5

    7:55 ah yes, *Bermuda* in the south Atlantic. Guess the triangle sucked it halfway across the ocean.

  • @leopoldpferdmann6980
    @leopoldpferdmann6980 2 роки тому +5

    "I'm generous, I'm humble- in fact, I'm the most humble. Like I always say: there's no-one more humble than me."
    Red Hawk for President

  • @Cohac
    @Cohac 2 роки тому +7

    As we're now in season H this feels appropriate to post. When you get to Hormuz, go all out on the trade and imperialism. I achieved Economic Hegemon in 1653 and im sure you can do it even faster :D

  • @kawalerkaro805
    @kawalerkaro805 2 роки тому +14

    Great video!
    Shouldn't you play Hatakeyama next though? Given that they've got unique ideas and do exist at the start date, and also the wiki page for National Ideas mentions them ahead of Hejaz?

    • @electrickeese236
      @electrickeese236 2 роки тому +7

      I dont think hawk is doing the japanese countries bc its too repetative

    • @TheWolfboy180
      @TheWolfboy180 2 роки тому

      @@electrickeese236 stupid excuse

    • @ArakkoaChronicles
      @ArakkoaChronicles 2 роки тому

      @@electrickeese236 Isn't that also true for a lot of the other countries? Like all the various South American tribes.

  • @RavencoarEDM
    @RavencoarEDM 2 роки тому +1

    My favorite save up to today was playing as an OPM Hamburg vassalizing everyone around us, like you did with Dortmund once (that was my motivation to try it out, actually!). Influence, pluto and trade can be really insane in the early game. Nice to see you having a crack at Hamburg.

  • @Tera1306
    @Tera1306 2 роки тому +22

    Hamburg with the Bürgermeister 🤣 lmao

  • @117lyrics
    @117lyrics 2 роки тому +4

    loving all the fresh eu4 content with the 1.34 update out. keep it up!

  • @UserStillLoading
    @UserStillLoading 2 роки тому +3

    I played Hamburg in a RP EU4 server and turned into Scottish La Plata, and honestly I have no regrets.

  • @hangingjester668
    @hangingjester668 2 роки тому +2

    Love the vids You got me into eu4 .Keep up the good work

  • @juandave17
    @juandave17 2 роки тому +5

    When developing a province, PLEASE expand infrastructure at 15 dev, the 25% dev discount is worth the 50 admin. Don’t expand infrastructure on 30 dev tho, it’s not worth the extra 25% discount

    • @albertgreen2440
      @albertgreen2440 2 роки тому

      Doesn't that increase gov cap too much to be worth it?

    • @mjwoodroff8446
      @mjwoodroff8446 2 роки тому

      @@albertgreen2440 If you aren't playing tall, I guess the thought would be to expand infrastructure in a province where you intend to develop an institution (maybe even developing a centre of trade province or gold too?). When blobbing you obviously don't want to expand infrastructure lots because of the penalties but 1 or 2 important regions may be worth it.

    • @BenRye495
      @BenRye495 2 роки тому

      @@albertgreen2440 yes, but if you use state houses and town halls it usually isnt a big deal. Also, if you use centralized monarchical bureaucracy you can centralize all of your states FOR FREE

  • @thefbi3350
    @thefbi3350 2 роки тому +5

    I smiled when He said "let's pick up 14/4" if you get it you get it

  • @SpitZen7
    @SpitZen7 2 роки тому +2

    Forming USA with Hamburger ideas is historically accurate!

  • @DiegoBPiquer
    @DiegoBPiquer 2 роки тому +2

    Hejas was promised jerusalem and damascus after wwi and was screwed by the French and British who never intended to give them that. They just told them whatever to get them in the war.
    So as Hejaz conquere the land claims tha the king of Hejaz, Hussein bin Ali al-Hashim, wanted and as bonus form Arabia

    • @DiegoBPiquer
      @DiegoBPiquer 2 роки тому

      Or maybe as a bonus fracture England/Great Britain and France the way they fractured the Arab world after wwi

  • @pohateos9394
    @pohateos9394 Рік тому

    "I see the Two Sicilies every game now" me with 6,000 hours and having never seen it form without my intervention lol

  • @kylewright7596
    @kylewright7596 2 роки тому

    Now that Expand Infrastructure gives -25% dev cost per click per 15dev playing tall for your future runs could be pretty interesting. I haven’t figured out if its worth the 50 admin. That dev cost does stack so for a 30 dev you can get -50% dev cost before you even start throwing points into it

  • @zachmoore6084
    @zachmoore6084 2 роки тому +1

    Go on, do it. Manifest that destiny across North America

  • @motsuwu
    @motsuwu 2 роки тому

    11:02 Good Soldiers Follow Orders, Good Soldiers Follow Orders, Good Soldiers Follow Orders ...

  • @TheJonnyjoh
    @TheJonnyjoh 2 роки тому +3

    "I wanna move my capital to Bermuda" *pans to the south atlantic* I think you were off by a few thousand kilometers xD

  • @therealestpost643
    @therealestpost643 2 роки тому

    I love your vids man they actively make me wanna play eu4 constantly

  • @purin6792
    @purin6792 2 роки тому +4

    This feels like it should be an actual achievement

    • @hanselsihotang
      @hanselsihotang 2 роки тому +2

      "The Hamburgerland" achievement, that should be neat.

  • @IronWolf123
    @IronWolf123 2 роки тому +1

    Hamburg into USA
    - Only Burghers
    - Started as a Hanseatic German city
    - Capitalism

  • @tragarts
    @tragarts 2 роки тому +10

    hamburger🍔 also its kind of funny that do you did this as a German nation since there's a lot of Germans/descendants of Germans in America

  • @hansmercier2809
    @hansmercier2809 2 роки тому

    @12:50 Best unintended joke ever on this channel : we just have the BURGERS as the US ?

  • @austinharris5346
    @austinharris5346 2 роки тому +6

    Man ever since the face reveal, I just can't get over the feeling that you are just Budgetmonk's non-evil twin. This run doesn't do anything to change that.

  • @TheMaria3356
    @TheMaria3356 2 роки тому

    19:57 take a look at this beautiful "burgundy"

  • @Phantom-mg5cg
    @Phantom-mg5cg 2 роки тому

    I am from Hamburg, but played them only once in EU4. I could continue this campaign and form Germany. I went for "Bunte Kuh", but didn‘t play long enough.

  • @Neknadeg
    @Neknadeg 2 роки тому

    "At this point, apparantly, we HAVE defended liberty!" :D :D

  • @Kasaaz
    @Kasaaz 2 роки тому

    Long Island in New York still looks like a little T-Rex Arm. It can't be unseen.

  • @portalmasterjake5267
    @portalmasterjake5267 2 роки тому

    hawk i love these videos keep em up man

  • @anakin07
    @anakin07 2 роки тому +9

    Funfact: as i live in the area around Hamburg I played it in my very first run. Ok granted I used millions of cheat and I didn’t have any dlcs but I did conquer all of the new world, half of Europe and half of Africa, good old times😂

  • @Sebastian-tu8zt
    @Sebastian-tu8zt 2 роки тому +1

    I wish you hadn’t formed the US, so we could have seen “Hamburger North America” instead

  • @Quadrophiniac
    @Quadrophiniac 2 роки тому

    They made it so that natives cant chain federations anymore, which makes a huge difference in NA. They can federate once, and that's it so there shouldn't be massive continent spanning native nations anymore

  • @unbekannteruser2418
    @unbekannteruser2418 2 роки тому +1

    As a German, I hate you for the Hamburger Joke.

  • @electricVGC
    @electricVGC 2 роки тому

    "Defend liberty" is a bizarre way to describe genocide huh

  • @foggy9900
    @foggy9900 2 роки тому

    maybe theres an alternate reality where the US stopped there and didn't fulfil manifest destiny

  • @stupnevroman
    @stupnevroman 2 роки тому +1

    As Hejaz you could do a little bit of alternative history and destroy Najd and everyone around, form Arabia, then humiliate the ottomans, while the only nation you can be allied to is England (or GB)!

  • @x0lopossum
    @x0lopossum Рік тому +1

    15:03 Lol, I feel you man.

  • @Т1000-м1и
    @Т1000-м1и 2 роки тому +1

    Within 22 min. Early.
    Thanks for making unique interesting videos

  • @nicobruin8618
    @nicobruin8618 2 роки тому

    What do you mean? Playing America as an oligarchy is peak roleplay.

  • @tacticaldolphin359
    @tacticaldolphin359 2 роки тому +1

    As Hamburg, shape the HRE as a hamburger using different nations as different toppings.

    • @z0rO999
      @z0rO999 2 роки тому +1

      This would ve been a pain to do

    • @saxogrammatikus4195
      @saxogrammatikus4195 Рік тому

      @@z0rO999 The Holy Hamburger Achievement.

  • @ohmyzomfg
    @ohmyzomfg 2 роки тому

    I think Lübeck declared war on Denmark because of the trade conflict mission from Denmark's new mission tree.

  • @syrion5521
    @syrion5521 2 роки тому

    3 starting explo ideas are more needed that dip tech 5

  • @wheelman1324
    @wheelman1324 2 роки тому +1

    Hamburgers are great. I prefer my ground beef to be a combo or short rib and chuck.

  • @ky6uk1337
    @ky6uk1337 2 роки тому +1

    Take more loans as America, do historical things

  • @jeroennienhuis3711
    @jeroennienhuis3711 2 роки тому +2

    7:56, is your villain character confusing the viewers by not pointing out the island you mention? 😮

    • @mrszmatan2727
      @mrszmatan2727 2 роки тому +1

      Points out the island he actually meant but calls it wrong, truly evil

  • @MrCr1spy1
    @MrCr1spy1 2 роки тому

    It's ok, as long as you're not the moustache guy.

  • @Frahamen
    @Frahamen 2 роки тому

    "sometimes I wonder why I'm doing this"
    Because Hamburger=funny, that's why.

  • @freez2406
    @freez2406 2 роки тому

    I wonder why you dont get the estates in line like in the latest version of the game, is it setting or what ?


    hawk: hamburger funny
    me: yes

  • @ohNojames
    @ohNojames 2 роки тому

    Kind of sucks US has no other estates. Makes sense but I’d miss those monarch points.

  • @Т1000-м1и
    @Т1000-м1и 2 роки тому +1

    +1 for cursed formable Ukraine somehow

  • @ha2kon539
    @ha2kon539 2 роки тому

    A 14/4 army? Getting flashbacks to hoi4 lol

  • @limon16025
    @limon16025 2 роки тому

    Hejaz has a white map color and is the protector of the holy cities. You know who else has a white map color and protects a holy city? The Papal States.
    So as Hejaz, you should conquer Rome. And also Jerusalem to ensure all the holy cities are protected.

  • @r4g1ngsquirr3l9
    @r4g1ngsquirr3l9 2 роки тому

    Close enough to strengthening noble privileges

  • @kumakohai7499
    @kumakohai7499 2 роки тому

    You mean you are going to form the United Steaks of Murica, as Hamburger

  • @michaeldillon3152
    @michaeldillon3152 2 роки тому

    You need to try the update they did to Riga it’s viable af

  • @talhazubayurulislam9599
    @talhazubayurulislam9599 2 роки тому +1

    England got the burgundian inheritance?

  • @SenorD34652
    @SenorD34652 2 роки тому

    excuse me but I'm pretty sure failing to comment on East Frisia inheriting Burgundy is a war crime

  • @jacobtepper4454
    @jacobtepper4454 Рік тому

    genuine question, why would you dev rennaisance in Europe? its gonna naturally spread to you in 5-10 years in north germany...

  • @Sirvalian
    @Sirvalian Рік тому

    What should be banned though is that it doesn't get properly German, no matter what you do in the game the rulers will be English or at least heavily influenced. Just like the other parts of America will be Spanish even if Spain was wiped off the map before even touching the Americas.
    US president James von ....
    California president Juan ..shimoto
    These are just the rulers. The generals will be completely Spanish/English.

  • @jeuxschmo
    @jeuxschmo 2 роки тому

    (explaining a red hawk video to an american) ok so imagine a hamburger,

  • @jumpanama
    @jumpanama 2 роки тому

    Hejaz was the leader of the Great Arab Revolt against the Ottomans in WWI which eventually Liberated the Arab states from Ottoman rule. So why not have as a sidegoal for Hejaz be to liberate Arab provinces held by the Ottomans after completing your main goal.

  • @kaocakeman2964
    @kaocakeman2964 5 місяців тому

    I guess in this world Americans would rightly be referred to as Hamburgers.

  • @chunky5896
    @chunky5896 9 місяців тому

    I know I'm late to the party but can smb explain why he moved his capital to the new world and then to the us region? Why didn't he just form a colonial nation in the us region, released and played as it instead? Did he do it just because it is faster this way?

  • @limon16025
    @limon16025 2 роки тому

    Dumber idea for next episode: As Hejaz, convert to Catholicism and either become the curia controller or vasallise the Papal States.

  • @Hatsuzu
    @Hatsuzu 2 роки тому

    You need to create the great Omani empire when you reach Oman.

  • @JustanotherGuy-xx4gy
    @JustanotherGuy-xx4gy 2 роки тому

    How'd you manage to keep Hamburg still alive when you moved your capital to north America?

    • @TOFKAS01
      @TOFKAS01 2 роки тому

      A Hamburgian never forgets his town!

  • @trex6690
    @trex6690 2 роки тому +1

    Why not form Arabia as Hejaz?
    The end goal could be to form the Caliphate

    • @mrszmatan2727
      @mrszmatan2727 2 роки тому

      Because forming Arabia sucks and you need 20 admin tech to do it iirc

  • @Riftrender
    @Riftrender 2 роки тому +2

    hamburger ideas tee hee.

  • @ed-b8045
    @ed-b8045 2 роки тому

    Hejaz means barrier in Arabic so Maybe conquer South east Australia so you own the great barrier reef

  • @imperialisticvonhabsburg3149
    @imperialisticvonhabsburg3149 2 роки тому

    Considering Hejaz starts with Mecca it would be cool to try to unite Islam

  • @sprites75
    @sprites75 2 роки тому +1

    hopefully the campaign is ended , because Portugal would 100% declare on you for those new portugal cores...

  • @thecanbandit
    @thecanbandit 2 роки тому +1

    Great video but I dont like the thumbnail not being part of the actual gameplay feels kind of click baity

  • @BSideWasTaken
    @BSideWasTaken 2 роки тому

    Hey, Hawk, I know you got a lot of American fans but you've done this like 4 times now xD

  • @Necromediancer
    @Necromediancer 2 роки тому

    How does the US not have a mission tree

  • @coskntkk
    @coskntkk 2 роки тому

    hmm yeah, hamburger ideas

  • @MasterOfManyMuffins
    @MasterOfManyMuffins 2 роки тому

    You should make "like" puns. Colonize that like button Boys.

  • @Salnax
    @Salnax 2 роки тому

    Heh, funny American Hamburger game.

  • @Romanyoni
    @Romanyoni 2 роки тому +2

    What about Ukraine as your next formable nation?

  • @seoreh3138
    @seoreh3138 2 роки тому

    The lübeck war was scripted from a Danmark mission btw

  • @felipea1399
    @felipea1399 2 роки тому

    The US gets way too much content honestly. Like even Texas has unique ideas despite being outside of the timeline. Meanwhile the rest of America has mostly generic ideas

  • @arseniygasov9250
    @arseniygasov9250 2 роки тому +1


  • @samuelbuchlak2507
    @samuelbuchlak2507 2 роки тому

    Day 3 of asking Red hawk for knights guide

  • @TOFKAS01
    @TOFKAS01 2 роки тому

    Why not? The Hamburger is already America's most famous dish. Why not changing the whole nation's name?

  • @birdboy2000
    @birdboy2000 2 роки тому

    Hejaz was the base of the Caliphate so you've gotta unify Islam as it

  • @g.santoro1387
    @g.santoro1387 2 роки тому +1

    My Hometown forms the USA

  • @friedrich_13
    @friedrich_13 2 роки тому

    I never sah something this based

  • @damarcusmitchell9775
    @damarcusmitchell9775 2 роки тому

    Orange killed her

  • @dvhsvt1374
    @dvhsvt1374 2 роки тому +1

    I am from Hamburg