But stop signs are made to appear _red._ There are, of course, people who _won't_ see it as red, but that's an _exception._ The makers of stop signs knowingly use a pigment which will, in fact, appear red to most people. There must be some measurable property in that pigment/paint itself, which doesn't measure the same in, say, a green paint. Something in the _object itself_ (not the viewer) is known to cause the concept "red!" in the minds of most viewers.
The Moment of Instantaneous Phase & Amplitude of all Vibrational Waveforms Observed & Experienced determines Instantaneous Reality...
But stop signs are made to appear _red._ There are, of course, people who _won't_ see it as red, but that's an _exception._ The makers of stop signs knowingly use a pigment which will, in fact, appear red to most people. There must be some measurable property in that pigment/paint itself, which doesn't measure the same in, say, a green paint. Something in the _object itself_ (not the viewer) is known to cause the concept "red!" in the minds of most viewers.
thank you!
has anybody told you that you have a voice like Barrack Obama?