DO NOT TWIST HISTORY. What a baseless analysis! General Aman Andom was not the reason for the killing of 59 generals, The 59 generals were killed because of Colonel Mengistu’s covetousness for power. General Aman Andom was an educated, liked and well respected General by the military. Colonel Mengistu did not like the fact that General Aman Andom was liked by the military and for that reason Colonel Mengistu decided to get rid of General Aman Andom.
በ60ዋቹ የተጀመረው ግድያ
ለሙሉ ኡትዬጵያውያን ተራ በተራ ደረሰ::
ፀረ ኃይማኖት ግድያ እስካሁን ቀጠለ በ TPLF and OLF
ኤርትራ ተገነጠለች
ታሪካዊ ስህተት ሳይሆን ታሪካዊ ዎንጀል ነው።ቀለል አታርግላቸው።ገና ያልተዎራረደ ዎንጀል አለ።መንግሥቱ ለፍርድ ይቀርባል።
ወይ ጉድ እነ ጄኔራል ጃጋማ ኬሎ እዚህ አረመኒያዊ ውሣኔ ላይ ነበሩበት?? አላውቅም ነበር ያሳዝናል😢😢😢
አሰከዛሬ ነሚየፍጀን ታራካዌ ሰህት
DO NOT TWIST HISTORY. What a baseless analysis! General Aman Andom was not the reason for the killing of 59 generals, The 59 generals were killed because of Colonel Mengistu’s covetousness for power. General Aman Andom was an educated, liked and well respected General by the military. Colonel Mengistu did not like the fact that General Aman Andom was liked by the military and for that reason Colonel Mengistu decided to get rid of General Aman Andom.
Tarkaanfi dargiin fudhate seeruma.