WRAP Aceh peace signing, comments
- Опубліковано 7 лют 2025
- (15 Aug 2005) SHOTLIST
1. Exterior of Smolna Building, government building, where signing ceremony is taking place
2. Former Finnish President Martti Ahtisaari walking in followed by Indonesian Justice and Human Rights Minister Hamid Awaluddin and exiled Aceh rebel leader Malik Mahmud, sitting down
3. Ahtisaari, Awaluddin and Mahmud sitting, officials standing behind them
4. Officials
5. Zoom into Awaluddin signing documents
6. Media
7. Various of signing ceremony
8. Close up of Mahmud signing
9. Officials
10. Awaluddin and Mahmud shaking hands
11. Media
12. Awaluddin, Ahtisaari and Mahmud seated, officials standing behind them
13. SOUNDBITE (English) Martti Ahtisaari, former Finnish President:
"This is a beginning of a new era for Aceh. Much hard work lies ahead. With signing, both parties commit themselves not to undertake any action inconsistent with the letter or spirit of the memorandum's understanding. It is of utmost importance that the parties honour the commitments they have made in the agreement."
14. Awaluddin, Ahtisaari and Mahmud seated, officials standing behind them
15. SOUNDBITE (English) Malik Mahmud, exiled rebel leader:
"However, the number of troops that will remain in Aceh does not appear to correspond with the usual requirements of the Indonesian military's territorial structure. At the end of this process there will be around twice as many troops to be stationed in Aceh as any other area in Indonesia. This outcome cannot be explained by a focus on Acehnese defence and it does not create confidence in the GNI's intentions."
16. Officials
17. SOUNDBITE (English) Malik Mahmud, exiled rebel leader:
"We now call on the international community to (inaudible) its opposition to the continuous presence of militias in Aceh at this time of working for peace."
18. Media
19. SOUNDBITE (English) Hamid Awaluddin, Indonesian Justice and Human Rights Minister:
"We aim to end violence and to begin a new life. Our commitment is to value human life for human dignity."
20. Officials
21. SOUNDBITE (English) Hamid Awaluddin, Indonesian Justice and Human Rights Minister:
"With this peace accord we are hoping that no more children become orphans. We cannot afford our women (to) become widows, parents will not lose their lovely children any more, tears and blood must be stopped, sadness must be ended."
22. Pan of news conference
The Indonesian government and Aceh rebels on Monday signed a peace treaty to end nearly 30 years of fighting in the province that has killed 15-thousand people, but rebel leaders voiced concern about troops remaining in the region.
The signing ceremony in Helsinki followed seven months of talks mediated by former Finnish President Martti Ahtisaari, who spurred the two sides to agreement to help international aid reach the province that was devastated by last year's tsunami.
The pact gives amnesty to members of the Free Aceh Movement, or GAM, and allows the region limited self-government.
It was signed by Indonesian Justice and Human Rights Minister Hamid Awaluddin and Malik Mahmud, an exiled rebel leader who was briefly jailed in Sweden last year after Indonesia accused him of terrorism.
Both sides agreed to end hostilities immediately after the signing.
The accord became possible after GAM agreed to renounce a demand for full independence and disarm, and the Indonesian government said it would cut troops in the region, from 35-thousand to 14,700, and police from 15-thousand to 9,100.
Mahmud, however, said too many troops will remain.
Ahtisaari was upbeat about the treaty.
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Today Martti Ahtisaari was buried in Helsinki Finland.I hope your peace will stay strong.hello from Finland 🇫🇮
MOU Helsinki-Finlandia tgl.15-8-2005 harus di jalankan di Atjeh dan lain-lain.
Perjanjian damai yang di tanda tangani di Helsinki tgl.15-8-2005 belum dijalankan di Aceh.
Vdio 5 Thun yg lalu mntong di ungngah di yutup.🙊
hai bangsa aceh yang dilu nanggro neutulong aneuk banggsa yang di aceh...
kamoe pemuda2 melepah tpet sino lam nangroe
Seperti dalam film mencari harta Karun waktu di gunung sama pendapat udah sampai kedaruratan lain cerita
dunia menatap aceh akan maju di 2024 asean benua dan dunia majukan sepakat besar
Yang tanda tangan di kertas, malik mahmud. Bukan hasan tiro...
Hyyy maleek mahmuud ramjadah .neupeu seulesai aceh ileee..bendera golom ji eek di aceh...
dari sabang to marauke
aceh hingga papua
Kilang pade katet, jeut kutem peugoet masalah,
Perdamaian Aceh di Motori unieropa termasuk Inggris krn waktu itu Inggris masih bagian unieropa dan wakil asia diwakili jepang dan Malaysia, kalau Indonesia mengkhianati MOU Helsinki berarti juga mengkhianati dan menipu unieropa bukan cuma mengkhianati Aceh dgn syarat Aceh harus memprotes pengkhianatan MOU Helsinki kpd Indonesia dan melaporkan nya kpd unieropa,kalau aceh senyam senyum ditipu dan dikhianati sudah pasti unieropa pun tdk akan peduli
Jlass ada udang di balik batu itu uni eropaaa
Dom terbukti gagal menyelesaikan masalah di aceh dan papua , dom di aceh malah bikin banyak sipil tewas , cacat , dan trauma
Alhamdulillah aceh dah damai
Alfian Prabowo makanya jangan cari masalah nanti DOM lagi.
hha..bilang apa kau frada..seolah2 membenarkan membunuh rakyat sipil..gam masih eksis frada..jika dikhianati mou kemungkinan perang lagi
Karena banyak masalah yg tidak layak.untuk mengatur nasib rakyat.pendapatan dan pengeluaran
Satu kata kepada_ MR.Antasari. umumkan saja mArdeka
Yaaa...Allaaah neu brie bue bagah merdeka nanggro aceh yaaa...Allaaah ...neu kabulkan doa kamoe yaaa...Allaaah.
benua asian akan bangkit nusantara indonesia
Well now has been 16 years after the agreement. And what do we get? Nothing. We can't even wave our flag in Aceh. This is all bullshit that given by Indon government.
Ya bang ya abua bak long nalong publou ubat saket pruet panas dalam dan tolak tipeei..beh
Brat kecewa kamoe banda Atjeh dengan oerdamaian nyo
asean benua opening aceh
aceh vs indonesia = MoU membawa aceh kembali menjadi bagian dari indonesia untuk kembali dikuras lagi hasil alam sampai habis seperti pt.arun di aceh utara dan sekarang dengan mudah dapat diangkut dengan cepat melalui adanya tol.
Cosovo vs serbia = MoU dapat membawa cosovo merdeka dari serbia melalui politik internasional PBB tanpa mudah tertipu oleh politik serbia( gila jabatan, gila harta, gila berkuasa seperti para politik aceh sebatas pemain politik dilevel lokal atau digoblokkan dalam kandang sendiri).
As pak matisari..gmn hsl mou jalan apa egk,...kalau egk..berati antisari..egk ada harga sama kolonel indonesia.
Asalamualaikum.kami harap aceh segera di pisah dari indonesia. Demi keselamatan umat islam.
Jga damai
PerLukah Negara juru damai perundingan yg kedua????????
masalah masa lalu
Tim tim merdeka tanah
Beukeumah keuh keudeuh hhh
Km jgn pernah ngomong GAM
gam separatis
Jawa PKI,,,, dasar keturunan Belanda karena wong jowo pengkhianat Nusantara ajak Belanda menyerang pulau Sumatra terutama Aceh masih ada kuburan wong jowo pengkhianat Nusantara dibanda Aceh dan kuburan Belanda di Aceh
Gam pejuang tni yg sparatis d mata org Aceh, gam tk pernah bunuh tni d luar Aceh, jgn asal ngomong kau, perdamaian sdh trlaksana tpi jgn anggap akan abadi klo kalian mengusik pejuang kami
@@idawati8494 tapi hebat kan
benua asian akan bangkit nusantara indonesia