Crkva Sv. Roka u Betini na otoku Murteru - Kirche St. Roka in Betina auf der Insel Murter

  • Опубліковано 9 лют 2025
  • Creva Sv. Rola sagradena je sredinom 17. stoljeca. Posvedena je Sv. Roku, zastitniku oboljelih od sube, kuge, kolere i zaraznih bolesti opéenito. U orkvi se nalazi kip Sv. Roka nabavljen 1906. godine, za vrileme slubovanja Zupnika don Nike Plandica.
    Na blagdan Sv. Roka, 16. kolovoza, ovdje se odriava misno slavlje te kreée procesija okicenim ulicama starog dijela Murtera - „Sela" do Zupne crlve Sv. Mihovila. Viernici, vedinom obudeni u tradicionalne narodne no‹nje, nose kip Sv. Roka u orku Sv. Mihovila sdje ostaje do dana Sv. Bartula, kada se vrada u mationu crkvu.
    Crkva Sv.Roka
    The Church of St. Rocco
    The church of St. Rocco was built in the mid 17th century. It is dedicated to St. Rocco, the protector of people who became ill from leprosy, cholera and other contagious diseases. There is a statue of St. Rocco in the church. It was acquired in 1906 during the office of pastor don Niko Plandié.
    On 16th August, the holiday of St. Rocco, a celebration mass is held and a procession, starting from the church, goes along the ornate streets of the old part of Murter (The Village) to the parish church of St.
    Michael. Believers, mostly dressed in traditional costumes, carry the statue of St. Rocco into the church of St. Michael, where it remains until the feast day of St. Bartholomeus, when it is brought back to its original church
    Unutrasnjost crkve
    The Interior of the Church
    • MURTER