Great job! Not that these arguments were really new to me personally, but I'm in the process of teaching new FileMaker developers inside our offices and I really appreciate good didactics to explain complex things in an easy and comprehensive way. Bravo!
Hi Matt, please make a video on how to plan the solution, startup variables, don’t repeat yourself principles etc. Or maybe you can start creating a solution from the stretch and we may follow your logic and approaches.
I'm attempting to do that through this process. I've not planned out everything it needs because I've not come across the needs yet. I'm adding to it as I need features within. What is is that you mean by startup variables?
Matt, the reason I requested you start developing some simple app is to show us how to start developing properly. Newbies like me tend to develop “bad habits”
Hi, Matt. Excellent production quality ! Can you give me the deets about your equipment/tools to shoot video ? For example, what screencaster, editing software, mic, camera ? I know that's not Filemaker, but you clearly are expert in this other area as well ! Thanks
Here's a list of the tools I use to create my videos. * Camera: Sony RX 100 V (older version) * Capture: Blackmagic UltraStudio Mini Recorder (older version) * Capture: OBS * Sound: Audio Hijack * Sound: Loopback * On Screen Cursor 1: * On Screen Cursor 2: (custom cursor) * Screen draw: * Hide desktop + background: (optional) * Edit videos: Apple's Final Cut Pro
Thanks Dr. John. Unfortunately, I'm making the videos for those who've not worked in the world of structuring a database system. But, yes, the fundamental data elements is what we always want to track and manage.
@@filemakermagazine And thus, why I use words people understand, not Contacts, Companies, and Accounts and other crazy words FM programmers love. Which gets back to your comment on using multiple terms for the same thing. 7:15. These 5 headings are the generic equivalents that data model all human activities.
@@Me_ThatsWho Interesting comment but actually not a mnemonic, More the foundation of a system in use since 1995 to track all my transactions. Party Model to me is an abstraction, but it starts with P so I like that part. It just gets a bit sticky combining People and Places after a while. Better to keep them separate to start with and then combine later at the Party level.
@@Me_ThatsWho re 1) That sounds right to me. There are some complete explanations of the "party model" on what used to be called the FM (Claris) Community website where they have the conference videos. I'm pretty sure Matt has addressed this as well. re 2) My Process table contains all the transactions data which is populated via links to the various foreign ids for the person/place/penny/product involved in the transaction. Although there are other aspects, that's it in a nutshell. Any human transaction can fit into the system as the various people/places etc are defined by picker values. Hope this clarifies!
Matt Many videos on 1) watching someone eat 2) watching a child playing with his/her toys 3) watching a gamer play video games (PewDiePie) 4) finally, watching a Filemaker developer develop in real time!! Thank you!
Great job! Not that these arguments were really new to me personally, but I'm in the process of teaching new FileMaker developers inside our offices and I really appreciate good didactics to explain complex things in an easy and comprehensive way. Bravo!
Hi Matt, please make a video on how to plan the solution, startup variables, don’t repeat yourself principles etc. Or maybe you can start creating a solution from the stretch and we may follow your logic and approaches.
I'm attempting to do that through this process. I've not planned out everything it needs because I've not come across the needs yet. I'm adding to it as I need features within. What is is that you mean by startup variables?
@@filemakermagazine well, in my solution I have a set of variables (I call those startup variable) which are loaded on First layout enter.
Matt, the reason I requested you start developing some simple app is to show us how to start developing properly. Newbies like me tend to develop “bad habits”
Hi Matt! Awesome format. Thank you always for your work and inspiration.
Thanks. I'll keep going with the format for a while and see how things turn out.
While I would use plurals for list layouts and script names, I would use singular for table name and layout ment for 1 item from the table content.
Hi, Matt. Excellent production quality ! Can you give me the deets about your equipment/tools to shoot video ? For example, what screencaster, editing software, mic, camera ? I know that's not Filemaker, but you clearly are expert in this other area as well ! Thanks
Here's a list of the tools I use to create my videos.
* Camera: Sony RX 100 V (older version)
* Capture: Blackmagic UltraStudio Mini Recorder (older version)
* Capture: OBS
* Sound: Audio Hijack
* Sound: Loopback
* On Screen Cursor 1:
* On Screen Cursor 2: (custom cursor)
* Screen draw:
* Hide desktop + background: (optional)
* Edit videos: Apple's Final Cut Pro
@@filemakermagazine TY
Let me speed this up for you. People, Places, Products, Pennies, and Process.
Thanks Dr. John. Unfortunately, I'm making the videos for those who've not worked in the world of structuring a database system. But, yes, the fundamental data elements is what we always want to track and manage.
@@filemakermagazine And thus, why I use words people understand, not Contacts, Companies, and Accounts and other crazy words FM programmers love. Which gets back to your comment on using multiple terms for the same thing. 7:15. These 5 headings are the generic equivalents that data model all human activities.
@@Me_ThatsWho Interesting comment but actually not a mnemonic, More the foundation of a system in use since 1995 to track all my transactions. Party Model to me is an abstraction, but it starts with P so I like that part. It just gets a bit sticky combining People and Places after a while. Better to keep them separate to start with and then combine later at the Party level.
@@Me_ThatsWho re 1) That sounds right to me. There are some complete explanations of the "party model" on what used to be called the FM (Claris) Community website where they have the conference videos. I'm pretty sure Matt has addressed this as well.
re 2) My Process table contains all the transactions data which is populated via links to the various foreign ids for the person/place/penny/product involved in the transaction. Although there are other aspects, that's it in a nutshell. Any human transaction can fit into the system as the various people/places etc are defined by picker values. Hope this clarifies!
@@Me_ThatsWho People go in the People File. Places go in the Places file. Get it? A business is a Place.
Many videos on
1) watching someone eat
2) watching a child playing with his/her toys
3) watching a gamer play video games (PewDiePie)
4) finally, watching a Filemaker developer develop in real time!!
Thank you!
9:21 Gem ^^