It's easier with hatchet or knife Almost every character can easily kill with those, even if you're hungry Good combatents can kill with crowbars too, i guess even Boris and Pavle, but you gotta be careful The most OP combat set is shotgun + hatchet
Amazing tutorial, I was getting frustrated with the combat, almost rage quiet and uninstalled the game, because i lost so many characters and it was so annoying..
How to kill somebody: Step 1: Go at Military Outpost with shit gun and ass rifle Step 2:Fail and die. Step 3:Ragequit. Step 4:Get hacks. Step5:Murder everyone with inf health. Step 6:Realise how unfun the game is after you have cheated and uninstall. This ancient method works but is can make you not like the game.
Andrei Cotos he used a terrible character for fights and that's something you should never ever do for frontal assaults. the only time I use them in fights is when I want to go stealthy with my knife.
The dueling system with melee combat works with different characters. Yes its a random number generator, but Katia is a poor fighter, that's why you were severely wounded. If it was someone like Roman, you can take out most people with a crowbar and be sightly wounded max.
Thank you for this, it gave me an idea on how to better manage the Combat in the game, cause its kinda frustrating to do combat without knowledge of how it works. ty man....
I got the game as soon as it was out - and some time later I watched this video, because I was always afraid of combat. I remember that it helped me! Now, today, eight years later I got back to the game and forgot everything - even that I watched this video. I just saw, as I searched for "stealth kill this war of mine", that I hae already seen it? And then it hit me. Thanks again, great video still!
Nice. Just one thing: different characters do different amounts of damage with mele weapons - Aricia, Roman and Boris are the best, but Aricia is also very quiet and makes the best knife assasin.
The first time I was put in a combat situation, I didn't even stand a chance. Someone showed up out of nowhere, an icon I didn't recognize appeared, and before I could even think about what it could be for I was shot and killed.
It's lucky there are video tutorials on this. This game's combat mode is like a punch to the face, you can't train for it beforehand in anyway, and when you enter combat out of necessity you instantly die, not knowing what the fuck to do
Curious how people are supposed to know any of this since the game doesn't address anything about combat. I remember getting the vest, helmet, assault rifle and thinking okay now I'm going to kick some thug butt. Took on two guys one with a pistol the other with a shotgun, got the first shots in and died. Did kill one, but other wasn't touched when I tried to change targets. Then I read about ambushing and started laying waste to heavily armed soldiers with an ax. But I kind of get it now. If combat was too easy what challenge would there be? I still think its incredibly buggy with my character doing nothing far too often when being shot.
Tried to get into a knife fight with a thug with Cveta, never again... Random number generator is not on her side... -Back stab -miss -miss -miss -miss -Cveta died
ONE TIP FOR YOU GUYS! Get close to a hiding area and make sure enemies are also close. Now sprint a bit so you attract their attention, and run into the hiding before they see you. They will start to investigate and should come to the kill.
Good tutorial. But it makes me realize the game is too random against the player. Especially in combat. I felt it too, my character would just stand there and take bullets when I'd be trying my best to get them go do anything at all
I'm here after my many attempts to survive without killing. It's damn hard! I did it... but would you look at what I'm watching? Very useful tutorial! Thanks!
You said that when the circle is full and orange it's basically an instakill yet the incident at 6:35 is the same but you seemed to barely do any damage? What's the crack?
Okay, several questions regarding this bullshit combat system: 1.) What happens if I knife execute someone from behind cover, hide back in cover, then wait for someone else to come, knife execute them, and rinse and repeat? Does that work or is the AI too smart for that? As long as they don't see me enter the shadows, I'm fine, correct? Pay no heed to the dead bodies in front of me! 2.) @ 7:11 Why was your character not responding? Bug? 3.) How much protection is too much protection? So I have a kevlar vest, then a helmet, then a weapon, and bullets. That's four inventory slots! That's insane. What's your advice for best optimizing inventory for a shooting mission? 4.) What role exactly does hunger play into your combat stats/rolls? You mentioned being well fed is good for walking up behind people. Obviously, my movement speed is impacted, but otherwise, can I duplicate the results in this video by being "hungry?" I've noticed sometimes I creep behind someone and they somehow see me. I'm wondering if maybe my belly is rumbling, or some shit. On a side note, I think this combat system is the only flaw in this game and it's cost me a number of save files and hours of frustration. First, there is no back-stepping. If I try to walk backwards to put space between my opponent, my character instead turns their back to their target, and I suffer a damage penalty. Second, and this is my biggest gripe: Why cant I use guns in melee range!? If a person stuck a gun to my head, are the developers telling me the gunman has no chance of firing at me!? Maybe if I was a black belt, like this guy: How-to Disarm a Gunman Cool, so next time I get held up at gunpoint in a dark alley, I'll be sure to defend myself! The gunman has no chance!
ReMeDy 1. Yup, you can totally hide in the same spot as long as they don't see you.2. Yup, I'm assuming it's a bug. I've posted on their forum about it.3. Depends on what you plan to do. I think a knife should do it in most circumstances. Obviously, the helmet and kevlar are there to help when things go wrong. Also, depends on how many enemies are on the level. Don't forget that you'll often pick things up from the folks you kill. If you plan to just go in and kill everyone the first time. I'd suggest a knife, a shotgun or assault gun, bullets, and one item of armor. Once you've cleared the level you won't have to bring anything from then on.4. No idea. I assume the RNG takes into account your character's status for getting the hit in or not. As for being heard, it might be the floor. I've seen certain areas give off a lot of noise when my characters walk over them...I'm assuming squeaky floorboards.
Some more tips. - Some people like Marko and Boris have insane slots so if you are going for full out assault they are the best to arm and still have scavenge ability while others its best to bring a single weapon and play smart. I don't like using guns much as its mandatory 2 slot:weapon and ammo sucks--> a Knife and some smart movement is best but play smart..I also don't use items like helmet and vest because they are great for raid defenses(they use it as well as weapons and equipment for protection but if your on a kill mission than extra protection is good. I've had a wave of crime event with 2 vest and a helmet in stock and despite several 'aggressive' attackers so one has been injured even when i had everyone sleeping (YAY) - The RNG does take effects like tired,hungry into affect as if you attack their ability to react or how quickly they attack is factored into who hits,how much damage, how fast/well they aim etc. Those factors do seem to apply even when backstabbing(it will affect damage). I seem to have better reactions when i double click the icons if its urgent(could be my luck) Also some characters do make more noise than can darn near sprint through houses with Arica and no one notices a thing but if your Boris he makes a bit of noise even when sneaking.
I think that Helmet and Kevlar shouldn't waste slots, because you are wearing them, not holding them in your backpack, or something like that, and also the game needs a clip system where you can put your bullets in the gun and don't have to waste inventory slots.
francompalmieri I agree with all that. I find it ironic a person can carry a shit ton of wood/materials, but has to use up half their inventory just to carry a loaded gun, while wearing a kevlar vest and helmet.
ReMeDy I guess it would only make sense if a person is limited to how much weight they can carry. A kevlar vest isn't as light as one would think plus all the components, wood, medical, pocket limits. They really should let you craft items that increase a characters backpack size though. I say a petition for backpack crafting.
When you end up dying though how are you restarting the game? Do you just ctrl + alt delete or what? or your saying you can die, as long as its not night time, you then just leave and re-load?
Excellent video - esp like: fact that you point out the importance of being WELL FED. I have seen way to many TWOM vids where people boast about how little they are feeding their people (feed them every third day etc) That is just pure stupidity IMO. If your goal is to WIN the game & have your people able to fight and scavenge obv its best if they are not on the verge of exhaustion. Common sense one would think.... Also that you point out the importance of scavenging from the BODIES. This is extremely important. In this vid for example the vest would be (and probably is) missed by those who just kill so as to scavenge the building - In most cases the only way to get ammo, AKs and vests(undamaged) is from bodies.
every single time I get into the RNG 1v1 combat side against someone, no matter how strong my character is or what I'm using, I always seem to end up getting hit over and over until I die. wearing a helmet and body armour, wielding a shotgun and a hatchet I went to attack a civilian who had a knife, he stabbed me repeatedly until I died, I was playing as Roman and got one hit on him.
When you did the non-wall backstab (second kill) the orange circle was full (as with the hidden wall backstab) indicating "full damage," but he didn't die in one hit. Why?
i have questions for the combat mode... - does the enemy see us when we're taking cover?? - can we use "cover" for stealth killing if the enemy can't see us?? - How do you counter attack the enemy like that??
+Muhammad Syaiful Akmal Cover stealth kill is the best doe to its 1 hit ko to counter attack the white circle shall be at its highest point for more damage
Yes several covers could reveal our freakin position. Coz i got shot by a goddamn shotgum when i was takin cover behind a damn door. I was sure that this guy never saw me running towards the door. He was suspecious about the noise i made earlier. But far before he came, i was hiding. The door was like having some kinda light. I recommend no hiding near lighted doorways. You'll get killed in no time.
Trying to do combat with a controller (on ps4) is totally broken, my guy won't attack, he'll act like he's going to then start messing with the nearest door.
Thank you for this. I didn't think the combat was that intuitive. I didn't know what the orange crosshairs meant (does that mean I have a good shot, that the weapon is loaded, what?) or what the white fill for the melee weapons...
I was trying to sneak up on an armed thug that was beating up an innocent lady. And I switch to my knife in my genius character decided, “oh no you wanna attack the innocent lady, right not the armed guard that’s in front of you, right?” So when I pressed attack it went to the innocent lady and not the arm guard and then I got shot and then I rage quit. It was by far the most stupid thing I’ve ever experienced in this game.
I just finished my first game and everybody survived, although I tried combat once and reloaded because my character died... Soooo, I never realised you had to press the combat button... Well, now I'm wiser
i have been playing so much this game, i enjoyed watching u really, u made me laugh at min 5:23, it is a shame she was dead at that fight, goddd, i know now how to kill with the character moral being affected.
Many thanks for this awesome tutorial, I'm still wondering where I can get shotgun shells from especially since I got a shotgun and I can't seem to make anything else than regular bullets. For sure I'll try this out with the pistol and knife combo, it seems to work very nice. ^-^
I've been playing this on the PS4. It's a nightmare. I can not kill anyone. I get those stupid icons for cover, and when I pop out to kill someone, the don't attack. Instead they run for the cover of a door, or a wall, and just sit there. I pressed the X when the bad guy walks past me, and his icon has the sneak-attack-instant-kill thing, in full orange, and I STILL just run out and hide right in front of him. Then die. I lost 4 people, and I am really hesitant about starting another game, and trying to get through it without killing anyone.
Can you switch targets? I was trying to stealth kill the soldier with the axe in supermarket and I accidentally swung at the girl. Both started attacking me.
NprogresiveR Save Scumming: I copy and paste the save folder to a different location and then when I die I just copy that saved folder over the current one.
Hey, thank you for this! I had no idea that you could equip 2 weapons at once. I wonder how many I will have to lose to practice this lol. I love this game. I have too little time put into it. Hey, quick question. I figured out a formula for choosing shelter when starting but forgot what it was. Of course restart and restart until you get the one you want, but for some reason it stopped allowing me to choose anything but the house. Any ideas?
There is a very easy way to cheat character death on the mobile version but you have to repeat the day before you head out Still one less character dead and you get 1 more time with that same character too I had a massive pile of bandages so I traded them and donated to the hospital
I have same problem i think it's because I play the ps4 version and it's not the greatest point and click game for mechanics on the ps4. Maybe this is why
Found this tip that might help others who are struggling: Your game state is automatically saved when you reach the end of a night. That is the state you return to when you resume a game. It is overwritten when you complete the next night. Let's say you leave the game sometime during day 12, then you will restart day 12 when you resume. That can be an advantage if you make a mistake or don't like a certain result. If you accidentally chop your vegetable garden, or if the "wrong" person shows up to join you, or if you're about to get killed at the brothel you can leave the game and try that day again. Yeah, that's cheating, but ...
combat is so random. My charecter once did a 1v3 on some people while tired and wounded and had nothing but his fist and they had knives. then i walk up on someone with a knife backstab them and they turn around and turn into a black belt and destroy me
I made a copy of the actual save file outside of the game and would copy and paste it back into the game folder each time. That was just to guarantee that I could...alternatively if you ALT+F4 out of the game before it has a chance to update the save file, it'll start you back at day's beginning.
How exactly did you start the same level everytime? i thought there are no safegames and then a char is dead he stays dead... is there a way to avoid it?
Took a second crack at it and was making great progress. I gave Roman the knife and he was kicking all kinds of ass. Unfortunately, I slipped up and got cornered by three guys armed with assault rifles and... another one bites the dust. FUCK! this game is about to make me cry in frustration
I haven't played in years, but it probably hasn't changed THAT much. Keep them fed and well-rested and avoid any negative morale things (don't do really awful things to innocent people). During the winter keep them warm. Quickly repair the holes in the house for safety and warmth. Build enough beds so that the folks not on watch or an outing can sleep. Build a radio for music and news. It only gets tough to keep them content if you can't supply the things needed for their survival. Good luck!
@@AramazonVar last q, how do you do to restar from that point where the girl is at the first door? Need to know so i can restart from a wished point instead to start from de beginning of the history again. Thanks, by the way for the video, and your response to the comment.
@@malcolm004 For making the video I was save scumming. So I would made a copy of the save file on my computer and I would simply copy and paste it over the new save file after dying. I've heard that if you alt-F4 out of the game before it saves, it will also revert you to the start of the day. One of the problems of save scumming is that you'll start at the beginning of the day every time I think. So you'll have to redo all your house stuff before going on an outing.
There is no trick - its common sense - think what would make you happy and do it for them. Do you enjoy starving to death, being tired to the point of exhaustion, and having no diversions or stuff to feed your addictions? No? Well then the answer is: Make sure they are at the very least NOT hungry. If that is not possible as you have no food; then at least make sure that the person scavenging; and if possible any sick or injured characters are not hungry. If possible keep all (esp scavenger for that nite) well fed. This actually adds an extra layer of protection when they are fighting and thus is the equivalent of a vest or helmet! On that note if it is at all possible when a mission is dangerous (ex warehouse, brothel, ruined villa (soldiers) give them the vest & or helmet. They are the equivalent of an extra "life" as when wounded they go from uninjured to slightly injured to wounded to severely wounded to lethally wounded to dead. And - lethally wounded is not the same as dead. With rest, bandages and food they can come back to normal just fine in a few days. Back to your question - also make sure there is at least one less bed then the # of survivors. If that is not possible at least be sure that all get some rest. If necessary it is sometimes better to just stay in for the nite (ex if all are wounded and/or sick and/or very tired/and/or very hungry. One nite of rest (for all but the guard) can do wonders. Finally diversions and addictions are not minor points and can go a long way toward keeping your people happy/content esp if there is a lot of death or other misery. So DONT BURN BOOKS! Read them instead. And note that the more books you have what is said in the write up changes from some books to many books - thus more happiness. Also a radio helps as does a guitar as does the presence of Zlata. Finally if they need coffee or smokes do what you can to get them. Coffee is harder as it must be scavenged or traded for - but you only need one bean per day per person who drinks coffee. Smokes are easy the cheapest can easily be made with components and herbs so ASAP build the herbal crafting bench/build herb garden and problem solved. I strangely have not noticed any difference between how the react when given expensive smokes vs cheap so unless you have piles of tobacco & no herbs best to keep it for trading. Frank loves it!
Save Scumming: I have the GOG version. I found the folder the game saves to: C:/Users/*actual username*/AppData/Roaming/11bitstudios/This War of Mine/ Yours might be different if you have the Steam version for example. The save folder is iPhoneDefUser...I simply copy the folder and place it into another folder which I then name according to the save. Whenever I want to load I just recopy the iPhoneDefUser folder from one of my Save Folders. As you know, the game only saves the beginning of the day, so to get to the combat I would always hit end day and get into it. Takes some time. Helps for making videos, but using save scumming definitely takes away from the intensity of the game. I used it to practice combat though and now I'm avoiding it.
Nice tutorial! By the way I agree with some guys that there are possible improvements to the combat but all this complaining about losing characters and stuff... Are you forgetting that you play with civilians? This is not Call of duty and you are not a soldier. You would want to avoid combat not initiate it. This is for Lash een and NprogresiveR. And for ReMeDy's question 3: I think they left it fill the inventory because without weight system they have no way to represent how the character cant really carry that much. Also again this is not shooting game. If you decided to go to the place for scavenge you wont bring so much stuff. If you decided that you came with the idea to clear out the place you will come prepared for this situation.
This is pretty useless honestly. The combat in this game is severely stacked out of your favor even when you carry the best gear you're survival is low.
In some ways, that is a good thing, as it teaches you to be more careful, but it also mirrors the real world, realistically, a civilian, as opposed to a soldier who is trained to fight and kill, would really stand less chance in a combat situation.
@@simon8126 I think you all seem not to understand that most people you fight here are BANDITS! These people are mostly civilians, armed and with bad intentions. And also, the game is set in about 1992 in Yugoslavia, where compulsory service was probably still a thing (to confirm, but anyway), so all men should know basics.
Can i tell my story? . So i was playing a match. So in day 17 i think. I went with arica to the military safe or idk. Basically arica died. So i was so mad she died. I took my shotgun. And 5 bullets. And i shot the first person . Then i went to the second floor and quietly went behind the other guy. And used an axe to finish em off. Was worth it
step 1: get roman
step 2: make a knife
step 3: make him look like an assassin
Epsolio or you can use Arica cause she is the master of sneaking
The robber of the century ladies and gentleman
Epsolio Indeed. she never makes a sound when she runs so she is perfect for ambushing someone
Been playing for years, had no idea stealth kills were so easy, I’ve been avoiding combat like the plague, and missing so much loot!
first time playing in a while and wiped out a brothel and saved some enslaved prostitutes lol
It's easier with hatchet or knife
Almost every character can easily kill with those, even if you're hungry
Good combatents can kill with crowbars too, i guess even Boris and Pavle, but you gotta be careful
The most OP combat set is shotgun + hatchet
it looks like stealth kills are the most effective in the way of dealing with enemys.
+Skriva Kanga yes but full frontal asssult may be needed when you fail at stealth
Wow, amazing, tell me more.
No shit
Just like in real life. Well, in real life there’s one other superior method: flooding their nation with non-white immigrants
Amazing tutorial, I was getting frustrated with the combat, almost rage quiet and uninstalled the game, because i lost so many characters and it was so annoying..
thanks, glad I could help :)
How to kill somebody:
Step 1: Go at Military Outpost with shit gun and ass rifle
Step 2:Fail and die.
Step 3:Ragequit.
Step 4:Get hacks.
Step5:Murder everyone with inf health.
Step 6:Realise how unfun the game is after you have cheated and uninstall.
This ancient method works but is can make you not like the game.
well I'm glad I'm not the only one that cant fight without it turning into a disaster or dying.
Thanks for tutorial.
I just lost a character and cried.
Andrei Cotos same, I wish you could save and load games on ps4
well im on ps4
Andrei Cotos What I do is if I fail, I quickly close the application and play the game again and they're alive again.
Andrei Cotos he used a terrible character for fights and that's something you should never ever do for frontal assaults. the only time I use them in fights is when I want to go stealthy with my knife.
@@thejournalist8091 that's what I'm talking about tips and tricks
The dueling system with melee combat works with different characters.
Yes its a random number generator, but Katia is a poor fighter, that's why you were severely wounded.
If it was someone like Roman, you can take out most people with a crowbar and be sightly wounded max.
DipsyDavid Also Roman can insta-kill anyone with a standing backstab with any weapon. Arica can do it with a knife.
Catmunism Also i just recently found out roman can kill anyone with his fist in hiding.
@@3lettersl0l my first playthough was with Roman. I thought this was too easy
Thank you for this, it gave me an idea on how to better manage the Combat in the game, cause its kinda frustrating to do combat without knowledge of how it works. ty man....
I got the game as soon as it was out - and some time later I watched this video, because I was always afraid of combat. I remember that it helped me! Now, today, eight years later I got back to the game and forgot everything - even that I watched this video. I just saw, as I searched for "stealth kill this war of mine", that I hae already seen it? And then it hit me. Thanks again, great video still!
Nice. Just one thing: different characters do different amounts of damage with mele weapons - Aricia, Roman and Boris are the best, but Aricia is also very quiet and makes the best knife assasin.
I just lost a character because of not knowing how to fight and almost uninstalled the game
The first time I was put in a combat situation, I didn't even stand a chance. Someone showed up out of nowhere, an icon I didn't recognize appeared, and before I could even think about what it could be for I was shot and killed.
This, but i had the buggy shotgun that didnt shoot even once
It's lucky there are video tutorials on this. This game's combat mode is like a punch to the face, you can't train for it beforehand in anyway, and when you enter combat out of necessity you instantly die, not knowing what the fuck to do
i hate sooooooooo much when they just dont fire and let the enemy kill them shot by shot -.- its so bugged!!
+Ema “S3N7IN3L” J. maybe but sometimes the recticle the white circle may be blank means its out of range or use the hiding spot
Curious how people are supposed to know any of this since the game doesn't address anything about combat. I remember getting the vest, helmet, assault rifle and thinking okay now I'm going to kick some thug butt. Took on two guys one with a pistol the other with a shotgun, got the first shots in and died. Did kill one, but other wasn't touched when I tried to change targets. Then I read about ambushing and started laying waste to heavily armed soldiers with an ax. But I kind of get it now. If combat was too easy what challenge would there be? I still think its incredibly buggy with my character doing nothing far too often when being shot.
I am pretty late in getting this game but I love it. I just need to perfect my combat skills. Thanks for the video.
Tried to get into a knife fight with a thug with Cveta, never again...
Random number generator is not on her side...
-Back stab
-Cveta died
+EpicAMV911 cveta is worst for combat so yeah she's bad
I kill cveta at sniper junction whenever I have her. she is waste of food.
''-Back stab
-Cveta died'' Hahahahah xD
I just walk into the hospital and let her flail her arms against the entrance guard haha.
Öküzbaş Alyon .. People can see the original comment you know why tf couldn’t you just type lmao or something?.....
ONE TIP FOR YOU GUYS! Get close to a hiding area and make sure enemies are also close. Now sprint a bit so you attract their attention, and run into the hiding before they see you. They will start to investigate and should come to the kill.
Good tutorial. But it makes me realize the game is too random against the player. Especially in combat. I felt it too, my character would just stand there and take bullets when I'd be trying my best to get them go do anything at all
I'm here after my many attempts to survive without killing. It's damn hard! I did it... but would you look at what I'm watching? Very useful tutorial! Thanks!
Well fed advice is good.
You said that when the circle is full and orange it's basically an instakill yet the incident at 6:35 is the same but you seemed to barely do any damage? What's the crack?
Okay, several questions regarding this bullshit combat system:
1.) What happens if I knife execute someone from behind cover, hide back in cover, then wait for someone else to come, knife execute them, and rinse and repeat? Does that work or is the AI too smart for that? As long as they don't see me enter the shadows, I'm fine, correct? Pay no heed to the dead bodies in front of me!
2.) @ 7:11 Why was your character not responding? Bug?
3.) How much protection is too much protection? So I have a kevlar vest, then a helmet, then a weapon, and bullets. That's four inventory slots! That's insane. What's your advice for best optimizing inventory for a shooting mission?
4.) What role exactly does hunger play into your combat stats/rolls? You mentioned being well fed is good for walking up behind people. Obviously, my movement speed is impacted, but otherwise, can I duplicate the results in this video by being "hungry?" I've noticed sometimes I creep behind someone and they somehow see me. I'm wondering if maybe my belly is rumbling, or some shit.
On a side note, I think this combat system is the only flaw in this game and it's cost me a number of save files and hours of frustration. First, there is no back-stepping. If I try to walk backwards to put space between my opponent, my character instead turns their back to their target, and I suffer a damage penalty. Second, and this is my biggest gripe: Why cant I use guns in melee range!? If a person stuck a gun to my head, are the developers telling me the gunman has no chance of firing at me!? Maybe if I was a black belt, like this guy:
How-to Disarm a Gunman
Cool, so next time I get held up at gunpoint in a dark alley, I'll be sure to defend myself! The gunman has no chance!
ReMeDy 1. Yup, you can totally hide in the same spot as long as they don't see you.2. Yup, I'm assuming it's a bug. I've posted on their forum about it.3. Depends on what you plan to do. I think a knife should do it in most circumstances. Obviously, the helmet and kevlar are there to help when things go wrong. Also, depends on how many enemies are on the level. Don't forget that you'll often pick things up from the folks you kill. If you plan to just go in and kill everyone the first time. I'd suggest a knife, a shotgun or assault gun, bullets, and one item of armor. Once you've cleared the level you won't have to bring anything from then on.4. No idea. I assume the RNG takes into account your character's status for getting the hit in or not. As for being heard, it might be the floor. I've seen certain areas give off a lot of noise when my characters walk over them...I'm assuming squeaky floorboards.
Some more tips.
- Some people like Marko and Boris have insane slots so if you are going for full out assault they are the best to arm and still have scavenge ability while others its best to bring a single weapon and play smart. I don't like using guns much as its mandatory 2 slot:weapon and ammo sucks--> a Knife and some smart movement is best but play smart..I also don't use items like helmet and vest because they are great for raid defenses(they use it as well as weapons and equipment for protection but if your on a kill mission than extra protection is good. I've had a wave of crime event with 2 vest and a helmet in stock and despite several 'aggressive' attackers so one has been injured even when i had everyone sleeping (YAY)
- The RNG does take effects like tired,hungry into affect as if you attack their ability to react or how quickly they attack is factored into who hits,how much damage, how fast/well they aim etc. Those factors do seem to apply even when backstabbing(it will affect damage). I seem to have better reactions when i double click the icons if its urgent(could be my luck) Also some characters do make more noise than can darn near sprint through houses with Arica and no one notices a thing but if your Boris he makes a bit of noise even when sneaking.
I think that Helmet and Kevlar shouldn't waste slots, because you are wearing them, not holding them in your backpack, or something like that, and also the game needs a clip system where you can put your bullets in the gun and don't have to waste inventory slots.
I agree with all that. I find it ironic a person can carry a shit ton of wood/materials, but has to use up half their inventory just to carry a loaded gun, while wearing a kevlar vest and helmet.
ReMeDy I guess it would only make sense if a person is limited to how much weight they can carry. A kevlar vest isn't as light as one would think plus all the components, wood, medical, pocket limits. They really should let you craft items that increase a characters backpack size though. I say a petition for backpack crafting.
When you end up dying though how are you restarting the game? Do you just ctrl + alt delete or what? or your saying you can die, as long as its not night time, you then just leave and re-load?
How did u do to start this sequence again with the same character ? Is there a savegame option or something ?
Sam Gratt alt + f4 = dead not saved
He has a backup save as well. The one time it went to the Loading screen which is too late to avoid it saving the progress.
Excellent video - esp like: fact that you point out the importance of being WELL FED. I have seen way to many TWOM vids where people boast about how little they are feeding their people (feed them every third day etc) That is just pure stupidity IMO. If your goal is to WIN the game & have your people able to fight and scavenge obv its best if they are not on the verge of exhaustion. Common sense one would think.... Also that you point out the importance of scavenging from the BODIES. This is extremely important. In this vid for example the vest would be (and probably is) missed by those who just kill so as to scavenge the building - In most cases the only way to get ammo, AKs and vests(undamaged) is from bodies.
every single time I get into the RNG 1v1 combat side against someone, no matter how strong my character is or what I'm using, I always seem to end up getting hit over and over until I die.
wearing a helmet and body armour, wielding a shotgun and a hatchet I went to attack a civilian who had a knife, he stabbed me repeatedly until I died, I was playing as Roman and got one hit on him.
Thanks for the vid. Would like a brief follow up, especially following the 1.2 update. :)
Heywoodinator might do in a bit.
if you're character dies just ALT+F4 immediately and restart the day
When you did the non-wall backstab (second kill) the orange circle was full (as with the hidden wall backstab) indicating "full damage," but he didn't die in one hit. Why?
Just bought the game about 24 hours ago. yet to play been watching vids and learning. i played frostpunk so i got a good idea whta i getting into lol
i have questions for the combat mode...
- does the enemy see us when we're taking cover??
- can we use "cover" for stealth killing if the enemy can't see us??
- How do you counter attack the enemy like that??
+Muhammad Syaiful Akmal
Cover stealth kill is the best doe to its 1 hit ko
to counter attack the white circle shall be at its highest point for more damage
Yes several covers could reveal our freakin position. Coz i got shot by a goddamn shotgum when i was takin cover behind a damn door. I was sure that this guy never saw me running towards the door. He was suspecious about the noise i made earlier. But far before he came, i was hiding. The door was like having some kinda light. I recommend no hiding near lighted doorways. You'll get killed in no time.
How do you get to re-play when you die?
Thanks for the tutorial by the way, very helpful
Trying to do combat with a controller (on ps4) is totally broken, my guy won't attack, he'll act like he's going to then start messing with the nearest door.
Thank you. I've been getting my ass kicked so far lol
I fucking love this game. I remember i skipped work just to play this the whole day after buying it 😂 amazing game!!
Thank you for this. I didn't think the combat was that intuitive. I didn't know what the orange crosshairs meant (does that mean I have a good shot, that the weapon is loaded, what?) or what the white fill for the melee weapons...
How you die and go back to the save ?
This was really helpful thanks :)
You got a sub buddy, i really enjoyed this tutorial.
So is there really a difference between well fed, normal, and hungry?
Health bar is lower
Naughty Cyrille ahhh thank you
After watching this I don’t feel bad about dying
Dude you're the best!
I was trying to sneak up on an armed thug that was beating up an innocent lady. And I switch to my knife in my genius character decided, “oh no you wanna attack the innocent lady, right not the armed guard that’s in front of you, right?” So when I pressed attack it went to the innocent lady and not the arm guard and then I got shot and then I rage quit. It was by far the most stupid thing I’ve ever experienced in this game.
I just finished my first game and everybody survived, although I tried combat once and reloaded because my character died... Soooo, I never realised you had to press the combat button... Well, now I'm wiser
i have been playing so much this game, i enjoyed watching u really, u made me laugh at min 5:23, it is a shame she was dead at that fight, goddd, i know now how to kill with the character moral being affected.
The Scoped AR is a beast :p
Its gonna crazy if you play without knowing how to use the weapon to kill people, so im here to learn
Do you get sad or guilty from this?
Many thanks for this awesome tutorial, I'm still wondering where I can get shotgun shells from especially since I got a shotgun and I can't seem to make anything else than regular bullets. For sure I'll try this out with the pistol and knife combo, it seems to work very nice. ^-^
There is only one type of bullets and it works for every weapon. ;)
PavolJuraj u can get empty shotgun shells u bot
I've been playing this on the PS4. It's a nightmare. I can not kill anyone. I get those stupid icons for cover, and when I pop out to kill someone, the don't attack. Instead they run for the cover of a door, or a wall, and just sit there. I pressed the X when the bad guy walks past me, and his icon has the sneak-attack-instant-kill thing, in full orange, and I STILL just run out and hide right in front of him. Then die. I lost 4 people, and I am really hesitant about starting another game, and trying to get through it without killing anyone.
Can you switch targets? I was trying to stealth kill the soldier with the axe in supermarket and I accidentally swung at the girl. Both started attacking me.
hey dude thanks a lot for this tutorial , gonna practice it now , got the game yesterday and was having some serious issues combat about.
You're welcome! The combat is definitely the hardest, but most rewarding part.
saw on your videos when you got killed , theres no checkpoint . how can you it once again? . i got killed practicing and lost the character (>_
how can you do it*
NprogresiveR Save Scumming: I copy and paste the save folder to a different location and then when I die I just copy that saved folder over the current one.
excuse me but wheres the save folder? , could not find it , got the game throught steam btw
how do you load the game from the same position you were?
U alt +f4 from the game...
+Frenky Žule stfu that joke is so old and stupid
+Cooper Kid Actually he's not joking. You do that to exit the game before it auto-saves and you lose your character.
I'm pretty sure the guy means THE VERY SAME SPOT not restart the lvl I know that
Cooper Kid he was using the powers of video editing
At 6:04 the icon was orange showing full damage.... why the NPC survive?
Double on left or 1 on right
I'm new to this game and IDK how to equip a gun I press equip in my inventory and iv tried 4 different ppl but it won't work
Watching this literally after I lost Marko in a gun combat
My shotgun is equipped but I can’t see it on the left.
Thanks for this tutorial! I have always avoided combat until now, but I really want to kill the thugs tbh!
Hey, thank you for this! I had no idea that you could equip 2 weapons at once. I wonder how many I will have to lose to practice this lol. I love this game. I have too little time put into it. Hey, quick question. I figured out a formula for choosing shelter when starting but forgot what it was. Of course restart and restart until you get the one you want, but for some reason it stopped allowing me to choose anything but the house. Any ideas?
There is a very easy way to cheat character death on the mobile version but you have to repeat the day before you head out
Still one less character dead and you get 1 more time with that same character too
I had a massive pile of bandages so I traded them and donated to the hospital
Hey why is it that sometimes I aim at someone with the assault rifle and instead of shooting the character comes closer to the enemies?
I have same problem i think it's because I play the ps4 version and it's not the greatest point and click game for mechanics on the ps4. Maybe this is why
How are you reloading the scavenging mission??? And is there a keyboard button to switch between weapons?
+Vux911 probably alt -f4 and reloaded the game
theking9957 and on the ps4?
Very helpful, thanks.
Thanks for the tutorial bro :D keep on making these videos pls subbed ^^
How are you dying and re-loading the level? isn't it once your dead, you dead? is there a way to save in this game and re-load?
Found this tip that might help others who are struggling: Your game state is automatically saved when you reach the end of a night. That is the state you return to when you resume a game. It is overwritten when you complete the next night. Let's say you leave the game sometime during day 12, then you will restart day 12 when you resume.
That can be an advantage if you make a mistake or don't like a certain result. If you accidentally chop your vegetable garden, or if the "wrong" person shows up to join you, or if you're about to get killed at the brothel you can leave the game and try that day again. Yeah, that's cheating, but ...
@@coryssanchez i died like 10 times so far i will try it out.
This game is getting me through my concussion. But I’m late to the party, just started playing so most mods are game crash pretty much
This game is relly awesome i hope they add updates
combat is so random. My charecter once did a 1v3 on some people while tired and wounded and had nothing but his fist and they had knives. then i walk up on someone with a knife backstab them and they turn around and turn into a black belt and destroy me
off topic but are the scenario editor & custom characters available for Android?
Joe Gold I think not
When character well fed its good or bad ?
If they are well fed they perform better
If they're not then they perform bad
+marc go unless it's Roman.
How are u able to restart the level over and over again. Last time I played my of my characters got shot. It auto saves every time I think.
I made a copy of the actual save file outside of the game and would copy and paste it back into the game folder each time. That was just to guarantee that I could...alternatively if you ALT+F4 out of the game before it has a chance to update the save file, it'll start you back at day's beginning.
Aramazon thank u :)
How do you load a game after a death? It seems to auto-save and I can't retry.
+J Hepner (Milkman) ikr
+J Hepner (Milkman) some other guy said alt+F4 but idk
How exactly did you start the same level everytime? i thought there are no safegames and then a char is dead he stays dead... is there a way to avoid it?
ALT + F4
Genrow 1st Asswipe... ALT+F4 for those who dont know shuts down your game dont press it. (Unless you want to)
lets check if it really works xD
Took a second crack at it and was making great progress. I gave Roman the knife and he was kicking all kinds of ass. Unfortunately, I slipped up and got cornered by three guys armed with assault rifles and... another one bites the dust.
FUCK! this game is about to make me cry in frustration
I dropped my phone watching this video and I thought the green line was my broken screen😅
Good tutorial ;D
Thanks man :)
How do yo make them feel content? Like, whats the trick?
I haven't played in years, but it probably hasn't changed THAT much. Keep them fed and well-rested and avoid any negative morale things (don't do really awful things to innocent people). During the winter keep them warm.
Quickly repair the holes in the house for safety and warmth. Build enough beds so that the folks not on watch or an outing can sleep. Build a radio for music and news.
It only gets tough to keep them content if you can't supply the things needed for their survival. Good luck!
@@AramazonVar last q, how do you do to restar from that point where the girl is at the first door? Need to know so i can restart from a wished point instead to start from de beginning of the history again. Thanks, by the way for the video, and your response to the comment.
@@malcolm004 For making the video I was save scumming. So I would made a copy of the save file on my computer and I would simply copy and paste it over the new save file after dying. I've heard that if you alt-F4 out of the game before it saves, it will also revert you to the start of the day. One of the problems of save scumming is that you'll start at the beginning of the day every time I think. So you'll have to redo all your house stuff before going on an outing.
There is no trick - its common sense - think what would make you happy and do it for them. Do you enjoy starving to death, being tired to the point of exhaustion, and having no diversions or stuff to feed your addictions? No? Well then the answer is: Make sure they are at the very least NOT hungry. If that is not possible as you have no food; then at least make sure that the person scavenging; and if possible any sick or injured characters are not hungry. If possible keep all (esp scavenger for that nite) well fed. This actually adds an extra layer of protection when they are fighting and thus is the equivalent of a vest or helmet! On that note if it is at all possible when a mission is dangerous (ex warehouse, brothel, ruined villa (soldiers) give them the vest & or helmet. They are the equivalent of an extra "life" as when wounded they go from uninjured to slightly injured to wounded to severely wounded to lethally wounded to dead. And - lethally wounded is not the same as dead. With rest, bandages and food they can come back to normal just fine in a few days. Back to your question - also make sure there is at least one less bed then the # of survivors. If that is not possible at least be sure that all get some rest. If necessary it is sometimes better to just stay in for the nite (ex if all are wounded and/or sick and/or very tired/and/or very hungry. One nite of rest (for all but the guard) can do wonders. Finally diversions and addictions are not minor points and can go a long way toward keeping your people happy/content esp if there is a lot of death or other misery. So DONT BURN BOOKS! Read them instead. And note that the more books you have what is said in the write up changes from some books to many books - thus more happiness. Also a radio helps as does a guitar as does the presence of Zlata. Finally if they need coffee or smokes do what you can to get them. Coffee is harder as it must be scavenged or traded for - but you only need one bean per day per person who drinks coffee. Smokes are easy the cheapest can easily be made with components and herbs so ASAP build the herbal crafting bench/build herb garden and problem solved. I strangely have not noticed any difference between how the react when given expensive smokes vs cheap so unless you have piles of tobacco & no herbs best to keep it for trading. Frank loves it!
Yo tengo tutoriales en español, para todos aquellos que no entiendan a este señor
How are you constantly able to restart it? Every time someone dies I'd have to restart the game to get them back.
Save Scumming: I have the GOG version. I found the folder the game saves to: C:/Users/*actual username*/AppData/Roaming/11bitstudios/This War of Mine/
Yours might be different if you have the Steam version for example.
The save folder is iPhoneDefUser...I simply copy the folder and place it into another folder which I then name according to the save. Whenever I want to load I just recopy the iPhoneDefUser folder from one of my Save Folders. As you know, the game only saves the beginning of the day, so to get to the combat I would always hit end day and get into it. Takes some time. Helps for making videos, but using save scumming definitely takes away from the intensity of the game. I used it to practice combat though and now I'm avoiding it.
AramazonVar Thanks for the help :)
Nice tutorial! By the way I agree with some guys that there are possible improvements to the combat but all this complaining about losing characters and stuff... Are you forgetting that you play with civilians? This is not Call of duty and you are not a soldier. You would want to avoid combat not initiate it. This is for Lash een and NprogresiveR.
And for ReMeDy's question 3: I think they left it fill the inventory because without weight system they have no way to represent how the character cant really carry that much. Also again this is not shooting game. If you decided to go to the place for scavenge you wont bring so much stuff. If you decided that you came with the idea to clear out the place you will come prepared for this situation.
1 times with a knife, how can I kill?
Debating on getting this game but after watching the combat I'm still not convinced.
You should also have stated that weapons such as the hatchet do more damage but are slower
This is pretty useless honestly. The combat in this game is severely stacked out of your favor even when you carry the best gear you're survival is low.
Noah Chandler this is why you should use the character whose name is Roman because his attribute is that he’s trained in combat
In some ways, that is a good thing, as it teaches you to be more careful, but it also mirrors the real world, realistically, a civilian, as opposed to a soldier who is trained to fight and kill, would really stand less chance in a combat situation.
@@simon8126 I think you all seem not to understand that most people you fight here are BANDITS! These people are mostly civilians, armed and with bad intentions.
And also, the game is set in about 1992 in Yugoslavia, where compulsory service was probably still a thing (to confirm, but anyway), so all men should know basics.
Noah Chandler well only if ur as shit as u I cleared the whole military base with a crowbar u bot
nice video
can you show us how to defeat the two guys in construction site?
Miscellaneous Knife + Shotgun? Stealth instakill one, shotgun at close distance another. Vest and helmet would be very nice to wear.
how do u reload when u died?
+Andrew L alt f4 it will start every day like day 4 you die scavenging then alt f4 and start the game the game loads at the morning of day 4
@@eeppy1111 lmao
big thanks for help!!! :D
cool looks awesome
How do you get OUT of combat?
Can i tell my story?
. So i was playing a match. So in day 17 i think. I went with arica to the military safe or idk. Basically arica died. So i was so mad she died. I took my shotgun. And 5 bullets. And i shot the first person . Then i went to the second floor and quietly went behind the other guy. And used an axe to finish em off. Was worth it
*4:40 Why didn't you just Aktz+F4'd? *
1:40 she stabs his feets 😂😂😂😂😂😂
how do u revive someone?
oh god, seriously?
It's actually quite easy.
Once you get the hang of it.
You made my day Like