Actually, that was frightening. Absolute confusion for that poor woman. Horrible for her alone in that strange place with buttons and machines and a mad man.
There was one I recall where a wife set up her husband, and one of the Beadle's About crew pretended to be a really smooth ex-boyfriend of hers. I think it was filmed at an airport.
Absolutely hilarious!
The Hair CURLS during the 80s and 90s Fashion was Fabulous.
80s and 90s what a time for British tv!
The goodies 😂
Absolutely brilliant times … 2023 even better seeing it again
True ❤
No the 70s were
Soon enough the BRITs will have Sharia law and Caliphate instead..... Lucky you!😮
She was a crack up. Well done.
love the smoke alarm sound lol
Bless her❤❤❤
David Copperfield's act 😂😂😂😂😂
As close as can be to immortality, always remembered for the pranks...
1 Gorillaz😂
I m trying to think if I would be that thick 😅❤
The sad thing is, there are people wandering around today with less intelligence than that!!!
Most of them, 2020 proved that
Laughing SO hard! 😅
and she wasnt even blonde
🦍That ain't you 🤣
Watching Jeremy kiss her twice at the end his different these days
And then him saying "she can beam me up anytime".
Many of these gags play on people's ignorance. It made for entertaining TV. Great girl.
Actually, that was frightening. Absolute confusion for that poor woman. Horrible for her alone in that strange place with buttons and machines and a mad man.
I can see you're the type that holds REFUGEES ARE WELCOME banners up at protests.
That's why it's so funny.
Too much canned laughter ffs
Dum as they come
There was one I recall where a wife set up her husband, and one of the Beadle's About crew pretended to be a really smooth ex-boyfriend of hers. I think it was filmed at an airport.