I just finished watching a documentary about Haile Manas Academy on Arts TV, and I'm absolutely thrilled. My heartfelt thanks go out to Dr. Rebecca, her husband, all the staff members, and the amazing students who made the bold choice to join the academy. A special shout-out to Arts TV for producing this insightful documentary. A million thanks!
I have never watched from beginning to end any programs on social media; usually I try to browse to enjoy or update myself on current affairs. Today, while surfing on UA-cam, an Arts TV popped up on my screen. I opened it and started watching/listing. It caught my attention and impressed me with its activities, especially the founder initial plan and determination. Really, this is not just an investment, it is building the nation. I don’t have words to express all my fillings, but you are hero, and you should be proud of what you have accomplished.
This is an inspiring work. Others should follow suit and multiply these kinds of schools all over the country. Really appreciate Rebecca Haile for your great work!
The Legacy of Professor Getachew Haile is alive. He was an icon in his time and his life experience as an educator in language was outstanding. Now his wish for Ethiopians’ education has become a reality by his beloved daughter. I had a chance meeting with Professor Getachew and his beloved wife Mrs Misrake. Professor Getachew loved my two children and gave them advice to be good students and have the best jobs in their lives. The family trends in education flow to Ethiopia as well. I wish he was alive to see this amazing school foundation by his daughter and her husband. God bless you richly. I will visit the school when l have a chance to come to Ethiopia. I thank you from the bottom of my heart on behalf of the students in your school.
Thank you, you are an idol for many Ethiopians and other nationals in doing this project! we are very grateful to Ms. Rebeca and her family for their magnificent contribution.
I'm now a highschool student. I'm sad for having not gotten such opportunity to exploit my massive potential to the fullest extent. However, i'm confident and hopeful too that i'll also build such high - quality nationwide school in my village, in the future . Thanks to Dr. REBECCA for being a role model. We want such people!!
This really makes a difference ❤ Take a lesson other regions and use your land for fruitful business like this school!!! It has a generational impact!!!
Why your school compound have no trees and garden plants? Do you collect rain water for ur your water shortage? Other than that it is indeed the best Boarding school. Thank you so much Mrs. Haile Manas.
Wow, very amazing? This is what the country badly needs. Surprisingly I'm happy to see one of my product Abdulkadir giving service in this model boarding school.
Two visionary couple leaving behind a legacy that will heal Ethiopia for generations to come. This has inspired me to be visionary and to start thinking about what I can do for the people of Ethiopia.
Thank you!! It's truly inspiring to hear about Dr. Rebika’s dedication to education and her impactful work in fostering the development of future leaders in her home country. Her commitment to investing in the youth and providing quality education is commendable. Thank you again!
ወ/ሮ ርብቃ በጣም ትልቅ ሥራ ነው የሰራሽው ለአንቺ ክብር ይገባሻል: ለአገር መሥራት ማለት እንዲህ ነው ሌላውም አቅም ያለው ኢትዮጵያዊ በተመሳሳይ ኢንቨስትመንት ተሳትፎ በሁሉም የኢትዮጵያ አካባቢዋች የራሱን ድርሻ ቢወጣ የነገውን ጠንካራ አገር ተረካቢ ማፍራት ስለሆነ በርቱ እላለው በተጨማሪም ወ/ሮ ርብቃንና ባለቤቷን ለዚህ አኩሪ ሥራ ማመስገን እወዳለሁ!
ይህን ትምህርት ቤት የከፈትሽ ዘርሽ ይባረክ እድሜና ጤና ይስጥሽ አሜን🙏
ለዲያስፖራው በተግባር ያሳየች ድንቅ ትውልደ ኢትዮጵያዊ ነች።
እንዲህ ነው ስው ማለት ሀገሩን የሚረዳ ለሀገሩ ለህዝብ የሚያስብ ወ/ሮ እርብቃ ከልብሽ ስው ነሽ ዘመንሽ የተባረከ ይሁን ባልደረቦችሽ ባለቢትሽን ልጆችን ይባርክልሽ ሀራችን ኢትዮጵያ ለዘላለም ትኑር
I just finished watching a documentary about Haile Manas Academy on Arts TV, and I'm absolutely thrilled. My heartfelt thanks go out to Dr. Rebecca, her husband, all the staff members, and the amazing students who made the bold choice to join the academy. A special shout-out to Arts TV for producing this insightful documentary. A million thanks!
Yes!!! Million thanks ❤
የታላቅ አገር ወዳድ ልጅ የአቧቷ ልጅ ናት እግዚአብሔር ይጠብቅሽ ኩሩ ኢትዮጵያዊ የወደፊት አገር ተረካቢዎችን መፍጠሪያ ።ተባረኪ! ታላቅ አክብሮት።
እጅግ የሚደንቅ በረከት ነው ርብቃ ልዩና ታላቅ ኢትዮጵያዊ ናት ፕ/ር ኃይለ ጌታቸው አልሞቱም ፍሬያቻው እንደ ከዋክብት ሲባዛና ሲያበራ ይኖራል
ለኢትዮጵያ እንዲህ አይነት ትምህርት ቤቶች ያስፈልጓታል ለትምህርት ጥራት ወሳኝ የሆኑ ነገሮችን የያዘ ተቋም ነው በጣም የሚገርም ነው👏👏👏
ምን አለ ሌሎቻችንም ከጭቅጭቅ ወጥተን ለሀገር ለትውልድ ብንሰራ እንደዚህች አኩሪ ኢትዮጵያዊ !! ተባረኪ እህቴ !!! እነነደ አንቺ አይነቷን ፈጣሪ ያብዛልን!!!
ወይዘሮ ርብቃ የታላቁ የኢትዮጵያ ሊቅ የዶ.ር ጌታቸው ኃይሌ ልጅ ናት። እግዚአብሔር ይባርካት።
he was professor
ወሮ ርብቃ እንኩአን ሀሳብሽ ስመረልሽ ከአንድ ሚሊየን ውስጥ አንድ እደአንቺ አይነት ኢትዮጵያ ካገኝች አልወደቅችም ማለት ነው ተባረኪ ለቀረነው ልብን ይስጠን🙏🙏🙏💕
እጅግ አስገራሚ, ኢትዮጵያዊነት በልቧ/ቡ; ጽላት የተሳለበት ሰው የሥራ ውጤት ነው፣ የኼ ቡዙዎች ላይ ተነሳሽነትን የመፍጠር ሀይል እለው ብዬ አምናለሁ ፣ ይህ ድንቅ ሥራ፣ ቡዙዎች ያውቁት ዘንድ፣ ተደጋግሞ፣ እነዴ ብቻ እደለም፣ እየተደጋገመ ቢተዋወቅ? ዛሬኮ አሉታዊው ነገር ነው የሕዝቡን ጭንቅላት እየበረቃቀሰ ያለው, እናመሰግናለን!
I have never watched from beginning to end any programs on social media; usually I try to browse to enjoy or update myself on current affairs. Today, while surfing on UA-cam, an Arts TV popped up on my screen. I opened it and started watching/listing. It caught my attention and impressed me with its activities, especially the founder initial plan and determination. Really, this is not just an investment, it is building the nation.
I don’t have words to express all my fillings, but you are hero, and you should be proud of what you have accomplished.
እውነትም ልጅ ሆኜ አንደገና ብማር አልኩ፡፡ ግን ምንም አይደለም የልጅ ልጆቼ ን አስተምርበታለሁ እግዛብሔር ይመስገን፡፡ ወ/ሮ ርብቃ እድሜና ጤንነት ይስጥሽ ሌላ ምንም ማለት አልቻልኩም ተአምር ነው
This is an inspiring work. Others should follow suit and multiply these kinds of schools all over the country. Really appreciate Rebecca Haile for your great work!
That is Ethiopia desperately needs. Thank you so much for your kind thoughtful job. God bless the founders and the staffs.❤❤❤
Wonderful Job. God bless you!
The Legacy of Professor Getachew Haile is alive. He was an icon in his time and his life experience as an educator in language was outstanding. Now his wish for Ethiopians’ education has become a reality by his beloved daughter. I had a chance meeting with Professor Getachew and his beloved wife Mrs Misrake. Professor Getachew loved my two children and gave them advice to be good students and have the best jobs in their lives. The family trends in education flow to Ethiopia as well. I wish he was alive to see this amazing school foundation by his daughter and her husband. God bless you richly. I will visit the school when l have a chance to come to Ethiopia.
I thank you from the bottom of my heart on behalf of the students in your school.
Thankyou Hile Menas/M Rebca
Rebika daughter of the brave man prof. Haile , who were effective and trusted for his country Ethiopia ❤❤
Adding a value to the home country is just like this. This is the best contribution to Ethiopia. May God bless HMA's founder.
በጣም ጥሩ ስራ ነው የነ ጥያቄ አገር በቀል እውቀት ላይ ምን ያህል ተሰርቶአል ነው ??
This is what Ethiopia lose in education sector which is the backbone of our growth and pillar of our country.
May God bless your work Rebekah ❤❤
እግዚአብሔር ይባርክሽ ይህን የተቀደሠ አላማ አንግበሽ የአገሪቱን ቢሮክራሲ በትግስት ተወጥተሽ እና አልፈሽ ለውጤት መብቃትሽ እግዚአብሔር ይመስገን። ስንቶች በተመሣሣይ ተግባር ለመሠማራት ከዉጭ መጠዉ ይጠይቁና ባለስልጣናትን ለማግኘት እየተቸገሩና በሚጠይቁት የግል ጥቅም በመበሳጨት ተመልሠዉ የሚሄዱ ብዙዎች ናቸውን።በተረፈ ለደብረብርሀን አመራሮች የከበረ ምስጋና ይገባቸዋል ፈቅደዉ አና ተከታትለው ከዚህ እንዲደርስ በማደረጋቸው። በተረፈ ጅምራችሁን እና አሠራራችሁን ከሚያደናቅፍ የደንጋይ ማምረቻ አመራር ሰጭ መሠናክል ይጠብቃችሁ በርቱልን ።
ልጆቻችን በዚህ መልካም እድል ተጠቃሚ እንዲሆኑና ለወደፊት መልካም እድል እንዲኖራቸው ታሳቢ አድርጎ ያለምንም ትርፍ በማሰብ ይህን እድል ለልጆቻችን ለሰጡን ለዶ/ር ርብቃና ቤተሰባቸው በእጅጉ አመሰግናለሁ ።
"ትምህርት እንጂ ጦሪነት ችግርህ አይፈታም ስለዚህ ከዚህ ትልቅ ባለሕልሞች ተግባር ትምህርት ወስደን እንደምንቀር ተስፋ አደርጋለሁ"!!
Piss off! Amhara people are fighting against savages for their existence. FANO prevails.
የመጪው የአገር ተስፋዎች በርቱ
እግዚአብሔር አንቺንም ቤተሰቦችሽን ይባርክ አባትሽ አንቺን የመሰለ ጀግና ተክተውልን አልፈዋል
God bless this lady. Thre is hope for Ethiopia because of people like this lady. Please diaspor's learn from this lady.
Thank you, you are an idol for many Ethiopians and other nationals in doing this project! we are very grateful to Ms. Rebeca and her family for their magnificent contribution.
Kudos to you Dr. Rebeka! May God bless you abundantly!
ክፍያው ስንት ነው?በጣም ነው የጓጓውት ወይስ ነፃ ነው?
This amazing Rebeca God bless you . እኔስ ለሀገሬ ምን አበረከትኩኝ ብለን እራሳችንን መጠየቅ ይኖርብናል
Thank You for all who involved in this remarkable academy and of course to the founders.
God Bless this families I have no words❤❤❤
I appricate her efferet , Thank you Rebeka, you have done it. Thank you all your staff. God bless you and all your family.
Teacher Samrawit, we were roommates at AAU 4killo campus. Good to see you!
Very impressive ❗️God bless you my sister ❤️ 🙏🏾
Ethiopia and Ethiopians thank you!
This is Brilliant!! How come we did not hear about such a huge deal. This just gave me piece of hope in our education.
I'm now a highschool student.
I'm sad for having not gotten such opportunity to exploit my massive potential to the fullest extent. However, i'm confident and hopeful too that i'll also build such high - quality nationwide school in my village, in the future . Thanks to Dr. REBECCA for being a role model. We want such people!!
This really makes a difference ❤ Take a lesson other regions and use your land for fruitful business like this school!!! It has a generational impact!!!
Thank you Rebecca and family!!!!
Thank you so much HM!!
ኢትዮጵያ ውስጥ ይሉ ዩኒቨርስቲዋች እንዳለ የዚህን አካዳሚ መጸዳጃ ቤት እንኳን አይሆኑም ። በጣም ደስ ይላል ነገር ግን በብዛት ከዚህ ሚወጡ ተማሪዋች በት/ት እድል እየተባለ ለውጪ ነው ሚሸጡት ።
WoW !!! Egziabher yibarkish .... Betam Dess yemill timihirit bet newu. Temariwoch or lijoch endet newu HMA Yememar edill liagegnu yemichilut ...Please ,Bitasawuqqun.
This is how nation is built.
Great work.
ፈጣሪ ይባርክሽ ዋው ለሀገራችን ምርጥ ሴት❤❤❤❤❤
Yes, It is true I know this boarding school , it is very amazing and nice school.
Great idea and amazing facility and keep this momentum educating the generation. Wish you a success.
How to jion this scool.
ውብ አገሬ ውብ አገሬ፣
በአንቺ እኮ ነው መከበሬ።
እያሉ ዘፈኑ ሕፃናቱ። ልብ የሚነካ ነገር።
ይህንን ትልቅ በጎ ሥራ ለመሥራት ለቻሉት ሁለት ኢትዮጵያውያን ምሥጋና ይገባቸዋል። እንዲያድጉና እንዲስፋፉ፡ እንዲህም ብር ለሌላቸውም ልጆች የሚሆኑ ት/ቤቶች እንዲያስቡላቸው የክልሉ መንግሥት እርዳታ በያደርግላችው እንዴት ጥሩ ነበር።
ይህች ድንቅና ብርቅዬ ዲያስፖ ነች
እኔ የመሰረት ድንጋይ ሲጣል ያኔ ነበር እማውቀው ዛሬ እንደዚህ አልቆ በውስጡ እምቡጥ አበባ ልጆች ሳይ እጅግ በጣም ተመስጫለሁ ። ልጄን እዚህ ማስተማር እፈልጋለሁ ስልክ ካለችሁ እምታውቁትም ካለ እባካችሁ❤❤❤
የት ነው የሚገኘው ትምርት ቤቱ፥ ለማየት ጋጉቻለው
@@BsG-np9kq ደብረ ብርሃን
EGZEABHER yebarkeshe ❤denk sera
Great job, investing in the generation is what Ethiopians need.
God bless you!
Let give this opportunity for elementary .Please ❤❤
Very happy to see this.
እንደገባኘ በጃንሆይ ፀመን ተቋቁሞ በደርግ ዘመን የፈረሰው ጄኔራል ዊንጌት ትምህርት ቤትን የሚተካ ነው ደውዬም አነጋግሬያቸዋለሁ በአገር ውስጥና በውጭ አገር ላሉት ወላጆች ትልቅ እፎይታ ነው እስከዛሬ በሚዲያ አለመነገሩ ትክክል አይደለም የየክልሉ ባለስልጣናት ቢጎበኙትና ቅርንጫፍ እንዲከፈቱላቸው በማድረግ ወጣቶቻቸው ተጠቃሚ ቢያደርጓቸው በጣም ጥሩ ነው። የአካዳሚውን ህብረተሠብ ሁሉ አመሰግናለሁ። ትምህርት ሚኒስትም ከአካዳሚው ጠቃሚ ልምድ እንደሚያገኝበት አምናለሁ።
Why your school compound have no trees and garden plants? Do you collect rain water for ur your water shortage? Other than that it is indeed the best Boarding school. Thank you so much Mrs. Haile Manas.
GBU ❤ Melkam Sew Ayasatan Ehetaleme Egezabehere Yakebereleg 🙏betesebesh, Zemeneshe Yebareke 🙏
ወይዘሮ ርብቃ በቃ ሀገር ነች የእውንት የተማረች የተማረ ቤተሰብ ያለት ከአሉት ማሃይማን ጠቅላይ ሚኒስትር ፖለቲከኛ እጅግ የላቀች ትልቅ በለራዕይ ድንቅ ሴት ነች ። በቃ አሳምነሽኛል።❤❤❤
What is your contribution as educated man as you mentioned the brilliant PM as illiterate. Show your potential instead of criticizing others.
Hi, please give the information how the students register in the next year.
Wow, very amazing? This is what the country badly needs. Surprisingly I'm happy to see one of my product Abdulkadir giving service in this model boarding school.
Thank you very much
Can you tell us about who is eligible? Is that free or with payment? If so, how much? and how can we bring new student?
$10,750USD yearly payment
Two visionary couple leaving behind a legacy that will heal Ethiopia for generations to come.
This has inspired me to be visionary and to start thinking about what I can do for the people of Ethiopia.
ዋጋ የማይወጣላት ውድ ኢትዮጵያዊ ዜጋ። የአባቷ ልጅ!
Kezih befit semchew, minew lij hegne bihon noro biye bekuchit yesemahut, thank God about this amazing school compound.....
Good job 👏🏽
Very great job!!!
I’m so impressed with the Math teacher!
Thank you!!
It's truly inspiring to hear about Dr. Rebika’s dedication to education and her impactful work in fostering the development of future leaders in her home country. Her commitment to investing in the youth and providing quality education is commendable. Thank you again!
It's my dream 😢😢❤❤❤ i am in elementery but i will get hear❤❤🎉
ፈጣሪ የኢትዮጵያን ሕዝብ እግዚአብሔር አምላክ ያስባት! ድል ለፋኖ!
Egzyiabhar Edman tena abzto kemelawu betesebochsh gar yistsh (great God bless your
Good job
Amazing 👏❤️
Wow I am so surprised when I see this boarding . school in my country Ethiopia , how is the security of the city and around the campus let me know
Where it's located
Tesifish yesew magna GOD be with you
@@God bless you abundantly!!
መፃኢት ኢትዮጵያ ብትምህርትቤቶቻችን ውስጥ መሆንዋን ኣምናቹህ ትውልድ ግንባታ ላይ ለተሰማራቹህ ሁሉ ፈጣሪ ይባርካቹህ!!
ዶክተር እጓለ ገብረ-ዩሃንስ
ትምህርት ሰብኣዊ፡መክሊታዊ እና ሳይንሳዊ ነው ይሉ ነበር።
"'ህልማቸውን ለሚማሩ ተማሪዎች ነገ ብሩህ ነው""
❤❤❤egzeabeher yemsgen , yestelen ,yebzalen.
Long live Ribka ❤
በጣም ደስ የሚል ነዉ። አዲስ አበባ ላይ ለምን ብራንች አትከፍቱልንም?
ይሄ ከአዲስ አበባ ርቆሽ ነው? እዚያ ሄደሽ አትማሪም?
ኧረ ለልጆቼ ነዉ
An exemplary and wonderful contribution to the national youth development by a member of the diaspora community.
የሀገሪቱ የትምህርት ደረጃ ከዘሮ በታች በደረሰበት መሪዎቿ ቸተጭበረበረ ወረቀት በሚያምሱበት ወቅት አገር ሀገሪቱን ለማከም ብቸኛ መድሀኒት ከትምህርት በላይ ምን አለ ? ይህን ለማድረግ መነሳስትዎ እግዝአብሔር ይባርኮት። ለትምህርትቤትዎ ስኬትን እመኛለሁ።
አንዴት ልመዝገብ
ልጅ ጎበዝ ተማሪ ናት መስፈርቱ ምንድነው
ዋጋው እንዴት ነው
ለምንድነው ግቢው ውስጥ ዛፍ ብርቅ የሆነባችሁ!? Please, plant trees in your compound. Just buildings, it appears that something is missing.
gegina set nesh ende anchi aynet asabi bicha new leethiopia yemiasfelgat yenebere ahunm lemechiwum thank you !
እንደዚህ ያለ 20 በየክፍለከተማው ቢኖር ኢትዮጵያ ትፈወስ ነበር!!!
መሰረታዊ ሃሳቡና ግብሩ የሚደነቅ ነው። ሆኖም በዚህ ሰፊ ኮምፓውንድ ውስጥ አንዲት የዛፍ ችግኝ አይታይም። የውጭ ዜጎች ሰርተውት ቢሆን ይገባናል ነገ ጥለውት ስለሚሄዱ ብዙ አይጨነቁም ሆኖም እንደ ሃገር ሰው ይህንን ትልቅ ስራ በዘለቂ መልኩ አለመገንባት ምክንያቱ አይገባም።