Amazing Spider-Man Movie Figures - The Honest Truth

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @prower2149
    @prower2149 2 роки тому +135

    What's infuriating for me is that they had a full scene of Connors and his son and it could've been very well a solid motive for him trying to get his arm back. Idk why they delete scenes like that.
    Same thing for the 2nd movie where u see peter's dad making a return, meeting peter. It was such a good scene and the acting was superb coming from Andrew. You could really see the emotion coming from him.

    • @CarbonScoring
      @CarbonScoring  2 роки тому +18

      This is where film editing is so important and so under appreciated. It can make or break a movie. In this case - I think it broke it...

    • @prower2149
      @prower2149 2 роки тому +2

      @@CarbonScoring facts right there

    • @arinhossain2100
      @arinhossain2100 2 роки тому +1

      @@CarbonScoring Yep. Also good news (most likely). Remember earlier Spider-Man 4 and TASM 3 were both cancelled? Not anymore because now they are rumoured (most likely). Sinister 6 movie is actually in the works by Sony for so long. In 2018, Amy Pascal (Sony producer) said they are working the film, but she is wait for director Drew Goddard to be ready to direct it because he also wrote the script.
      Go to 5:33.

  • @MobotnikStudios
    @MobotnikStudios 2 роки тому +103

    There was an Amazing Spider-Man 2 prelude comic that shows Peter fighting crime in the TASM1 suit, it gets extremely damaged and Gwen makes Peter the TASM2 suit. The reason it’s so different is because it’s her take on Peter’s design. Definitely a plot point that should’ve been included in the movie.

    • @CarbonScoring
      @CarbonScoring  2 роки тому +25

      Even if it was just a scene over the opening credits, that would have made more sense

    • @skylinelife5587
      @skylinelife5587 Рік тому +4

      It was also explained in the video game in the bio of the TASM2 suit

    • @shaunross3631
      @shaunross3631 Рік тому +2

      It was

  • @Tarriq
    @Tarriq 2 роки тому +26

    Max’s reasoning for being ‘bad’ was that he never had power and attention and now he could. He saw that Spider-man got it and tried to get a taste of it. His hatred for Spider-Man was that even his hero forgot him but had the attention he wanted.

    • @chrisrodriguez2244
      @chrisrodriguez2244 2 роки тому +6

      This dude gets it 👏👏👏

    • @DanialDEcool
      @DanialDEcool 2 роки тому +5

      The reason he’s actually bad in the amazing spider man 2 was because it was his birthday and he was forced to fix a wiring problem and stay overtime but
      Oscorp wouldn’t shut down the rooms power and when he fixed it he was electrocuted and fell into the eel tank he wanted people to know who he was but couldn’t as oscorp wouldnt give him his credit and that made him feel forgotten especially when his hero which became his friend forgot who he was so he wanted people to remember who he was
      And well he’s just forgotten by everyone in all universes

    • @Zekeee17
      @Zekeee17 Рік тому

      @@DanialDEcoolyou basically just described what happened in the movie 🫤

  • @PixelJD
    @PixelJD 2 роки тому +24

    The Marvel Select Spidey figures for their price point have been incredible. I really hope we get a Tobey Marvel Select at some point to complete the collection.

  • @markt5090
    @markt5090 2 роки тому +27

    Im suprised you didnt look at the Select Lizard. It was one of the first figures I ever owned along with the Spiderman you showed. It was an amazing sculpt and suprisingly decent articulation for the time considering what Select put out to that point.

    • @CarbonScoring
      @CarbonScoring  2 роки тому +9

      I think I got it when it came out and my wife thought it was in a box to give to Toys for Tots - so hopefully there is some kid out there who loves that Lizard figure

    • @CaptainRockoBD
      @CaptainRockoBD 2 роки тому +1

      @@CarbonScoring duuuuuude i would have RIFFFFEEEDDD

      @DAGREENBOBLIN Рік тому


      @DAGREENBOBLIN Рік тому


      @DAGREENBOBLIN Рік тому


  • @bcwgames1083
    @bcwgames1083 2 роки тому +11

    The 90s series made it so that the spider transferred some type of instinct or something to Peter on how to make his web shooters/web fluid, like how a spider makes its own webbing. I like that idea better than the organic web shooters, even though that is more convenient.

  • @sockfullofsoup3165
    @sockfullofsoup3165 2 роки тому +5

    the thing i love most about this design is that it reflects what peter is feeling emotionally, at this point he’s a angry teen that’s filled with guilt, loss, anger and vengeance and that suit reflects that. he’s not a friendly neighborhood spider-man he was kinda a menace and took a lot of his anger out on the thugs and stuff

    • @CarbonScoring
      @CarbonScoring  2 роки тому +2

      I hear ya - never really thought about it that way - great thought!

  • @JaydenCruz-x2k
    @JaydenCruz-x2k Рік тому +2

    i grew up on The amazing spider man movies and i remember loving the movies and i remember having the lizard and i remember fucking loving that lizard god it brings back memories

  • @anonymouslyunknown4811
    @anonymouslyunknown4811 2 роки тому +21

    Fun Fact: Gwen Basically gives Peter the Spider-Man Name, in the rooftop scene when he webs her she says under her breath "you're Spider-Man"

  • @yourfatboy5359
    @yourfatboy5359 2 роки тому +149

    Andrew had it the roughest when it came to his action figures hahaha

    • @CarbonScoring
      @CarbonScoring  2 роки тому +19

      certainly one of the big topics of the video...

    • @herrera728
      @herrera728 2 роки тому +7

      And his movies

    • @exhalo2604
      @exhalo2604 2 роки тому +7

      And his relationship

    • @alpspider273
      @alpspider273 2 роки тому +1

      @The amazing spider man thank you

    • @Sky_8D
      @Sky_8D 2 роки тому

      @The amazing spider man yup that’s so true

  • @spider-manunknown9193
    @spider-manunknown9193 Рік тому +2

    My only tasam figures that I still have are the 6 inch Hasbro Tasm 1 and tasm 2 select figure and the 3 inch tasm 1 figure and lizard figure and tasm 2 electro figure. I have more 3 inch figures for the tasm films. Also I have the TASM 2 Mafex.

  • @JuanPaOfRhye
    @JuanPaOfRhye 2 роки тому +8

    I think the TASM series is an example of how something with great potential can be tumbled by Studio's pressures, it even shows in the toys.
    I hope Hasbro, MAFEX and figuarts bring better figures now that they have a chance to revisit this Spidey universe

    • @CarbonScoring
      @CarbonScoring  2 роки тому +1

      I agree - too many cooks in the kitchen

  • @FredFuchs570
    @FredFuchs570 Рік тому +1

    There is a bootleg figure of TASM 2 Rhino, but it's really hard to find

  • @UchihaMadara-e6u
    @UchihaMadara-e6u Рік тому +2

    I've got the Nendoroid TASM 1 figure and it's really cool

  • @nothingspeaks
    @nothingspeaks 9 місяців тому +4

    I'll say it until I die Andrew was my favorite spiderman, the TASM suit is my favorite out of all of them. Everything about TASM was just perfection to me

  • @noahlutzke9456
    @noahlutzke9456 2 роки тому +11

    I LOVE the amazing Spider-Man 1! It’s still my favorite live action spider-man movie. Andrew is my definitive actor for Peter Parker so it really sucks he was given the short end of the stick.

    • @CarbonScoring
      @CarbonScoring  2 роки тому +3

      Keep that love going - he may be back in the webs!

  • @JackGamerEpic21
    @JackGamerEpic21 Рік тому +1

    That tiny Andrew Garfield looks like a Roblox character with that giga chad face 😂

  • @willfomes406
    @willfomes406 2 роки тому +2

    It isn’t entirely cancelled yet. Marvel Studios are currently in talks about making a third Amazing spider man film with Andrew Garfield.

  • @loganstone3593
    @loganstone3593 2 роки тому +3

    I also wanted to say that I'm new here but I've watched a lot of the videos and I adore the content. It makes me feel like a kid again. I don't want to give too much personal information away about me, but what I'll say is that I'm in my late teens and these videos just brighten up my day.

    • @CarbonScoring
      @CarbonScoring  2 роки тому +1

      That is awesome Logan - I am always happy when I can crank up the nostalgia for one of my viewers! Glad you are here!

  • @arinhossain2100
    @arinhossain2100 2 роки тому +5

    Andrew Garfield loved playing Spider-Man is equivalent to Henry Cavil playing Superman, but where both ruined by studio interference. They are perfect casting choices and did their best but once again studio interference.

    • @CarbonScoring
      @CarbonScoring  2 роки тому +2

      It does seem like having too many cooks in the kitchen really doomed his time in the webs

  • @WilliamAftonOfficialYTChannel
    @WilliamAftonOfficialYTChannel 7 місяців тому +2

    0:58 bro just violated Garfield 😂

  • @chrisrodriguez2244
    @chrisrodriguez2244 2 роки тому +17

    Part of the reason no way home is so great imo is that the way it pokes and prods (lovingly, I think) at some of the more poorly written plot points, character traits, etc.from the previous films and even source material in a way that then makes those films enjoyable again in ways that redeem them and that’s why I think people connected most with Andrew in no way home because him and Gwen were almost solely the best parts of those films and I hope in the same way Marvel redeemed these characters I hope hasbro redeems these figures (even the first amazing costume)

    • @CarbonScoring
      @CarbonScoring  2 роки тому +2

      Fantastic comment and absolutely spot on! From Tobey's back to Andrew's "villains" No Way Home handled everything perfectly!

    • @anonymoustroll2432
      @anonymoustroll2432 Рік тому

      It was an overhyped disaster. Kevin Feige ruined Spiderman. It was for nostalgia purposed and the three Peters acted like complete idiots and to make matters worst the ship between Tom and Zendaya made me racist.

  • @joaojahnke9684
    @joaojahnke9684 2 роки тому +5

    I LOVE Andrew Garfield, he's such a great actor. Sadly, you can have the greatest talent on your project, but if the project itself isnt that good, yeah, it wont be so good

    • @CarbonScoring
      @CarbonScoring  2 роки тому


    • @PrinceVegetaBrief
      @PrinceVegetaBrief 7 місяців тому

      When you have the people on top making all the calls, no amount of talent will save you.

  • @erastopacheco3770
    @erastopacheco3770 2 роки тому +7

    Yay he's posting again

    • @Chocko195
      @Chocko195 2 роки тому +3

      What do you mean, he has been posting🤔

    • @erastopacheco3770
      @erastopacheco3770 2 роки тому +3

      Not he has been posting he posted again

  • @modern331
    @modern331 Рік тому

    8:47 well in the first movie it actually explained the weird detail of the spider sense. It said on a board, after Peter was bitten, that this spider was modified to have super strength better eye sight a thicker webbing then other spiders and last but not least a spider sense

  • @LeKnightStudios13419
    @LeKnightStudios13419 2 роки тому +2

    I didn’t know Dr. Connors worked at ‘Osborne’ lol

  • @loganstone3593
    @loganstone3593 2 роки тому +4

    I know it's been 4 days since the video's come out but for me I don't blame the actors, I blame the script. For me, TASM and TASM 2 were part of my childhood and I loved both movies as a kid and I still do. I just feel bad that Andrew got the short end of the stick.

  • @vaqejm57
    @vaqejm57 2 роки тому +2

    For the People Who don't know, the tasm 2 suit has an explenation in the tie in comics. From what I remember hé gat in a fight and there was a weird big machine that just sucked a big portion of his suit and he created a New suit

    • @CarbonScoring
      @CarbonScoring  2 роки тому

      Thanks for that - always glad for my viewers to help me fill in the gaps!

  • @Robloxnoob12
    @Robloxnoob12 2 роки тому +1

    Happy 1 year anniversary on your channel

  • @sik7476
    @sik7476 2 роки тому +3

    Andrew Garfield is the best Spider-man, in my opinion. Tom Holland is a close second. But Andrew one, has the best "shape" to wear Spidey suit (lenky, long neck, big head). Two, he has the perfect kind of nerd-swag, that a Peter Parker should possess (as does Tom Holland). And ASM2 has THE BEST Spidey suit, out of every Spider-man movie to date. So again, IMO, Andrew Garfield is #1... and Im hearing a lot of other people saying that they thought (as did I), that A.G. stole the show in "no way home". And, if hes able to steal the show from Toby Mac and Tommy Holland, I think that speaks for itself. Sik

    • @CarbonScoring
      @CarbonScoring  2 роки тому +2

      I love it - stand strong for Andrew, my friend!

    • @sik7476
      @sik7476 2 роки тому +1

      @@CarbonScoring Thanks bro! He just fits my mental "Spidey picture", more than the the other 2. ...Tom is a bit squatty, than lenky and Tobey ruined my opinion of everything I previously liked about his version, with that damn cringe dance from SM3! 🤣🤣 Sik

  • @officespace7777
    @officespace7777 2 роки тому +4

    Thank you for doing this video.
    I remember at the time I was like where are all the action figures for The amazing Spider-Man?
    For whatever reason they took a dive and didn't produce any action figures off of those movies.🤷🏻‍♂️

    • @CarbonScoring
      @CarbonScoring  2 роки тому +1

      Slim pickin's for sure!

    • @arinhossain2100
      @arinhossain2100 2 роки тому

      @@CarbonScoring I mean you aren't wrong about Andrew Garfield Spider-Man. He was in fact the best Spider-Man like accurate to the comics. His movies were good. 1st one was well received and 2nd one was less well received with mixed reviews. That's only because Sony repeated the same mistake with Spider-Man 3. Interfering with the project and not letting the director do what he wants. For villains, only electro and lizard were good but green goblin was decent and rhino was bad. Studio intereference about rhino. That's why they brought back Electro and Lizard. But the casting was amazing. Don't get me wrong, TASM 2 is good but is jus htat if it wern't for sony then it would have been better then what we got. Look the deleted scence for the 2nd one. I say the 2nd was better then the 1st one because 1st one was just another origin story, also 2nd one had more and better action, and the suit is better. Electro from TASM 2 is better then Spider-Man No Way Home, because of the badass soundtrack. Vuture and Msterion were good but they were Iron Man villans. Raimi verse and Webb verse villans were better. I've seen better Spider-Man then Holland. TASM 3 was cancelled and now it's rumoured from the Twitter trend with about a million tweets about it. It should happen since Andrew's return was well received from fans. He always been the best spider-man since 2012 and he stole the show from No Way Home.

  • @ArchivallC
    @ArchivallC 2 роки тому +6

    If the fireman hat had happened in a MCU movie, i bet you would’ve loved that scene. I don’t like ASM2, but saying him joking around fight scenes is the reason that ruined the movie, then that’s kinda hypocrite if you love MCU movies

    • @CarbonScoring
      @CarbonScoring  2 роки тому +1

      I get that, but I think it was a symptom of how they approached the plot and storytelling in TASM2 - I love the organic humor in the MCU, but there have been cringeworthy moments of forced humor there as well

    • @poob1082
      @poob1082 2 роки тому +2

      People just want to shit on these movies, they aren't even bad compared to stuff coming out today

    • @sidecharacter3193
      @sidecharacter3193 2 роки тому +2

      It’s fine to joke around but not when people are dying
      Sure the avengers make jokes but in between those jokes they are still saving people first
      In the movie electros getting out of control, and Spider-Man takes the time to where a silly suit piece instead of stopping him right away

  • @TwilightZoneMusic03
    @TwilightZoneMusic03 10 місяців тому +2

    This is my favorite Spider-Man suit

    • @CarbonScoring
      @CarbonScoring  10 місяців тому +1

      1st movie or second?

    • @TwilightZoneMusic03
      @TwilightZoneMusic03 10 місяців тому +1

      @@CarbonScoring sorry I meant to say first. The TASM 1 suit is my favorite

  • @rjprice13
    @rjprice13 2 роки тому +3

    they threw wayyyy too much in TASM2. and none of it really worked for me. i never liked the heavy focus on his parents. i loved the suit though!

  • @julianx2rl
    @julianx2rl 7 місяців тому +1

    If the Figma head pops-off a little too easily, that probably means that is not fully popped in.
    So what you do, you press harder? No, not only will that not work, but you will break the peg that holds the lower neck.
    You have to warm the head with either hot water or a hairdryer, and then pop it in, it'll have a much tighter hold.

  • @tateparker7263
    @tateparker7263 2 роки тому +3

    Agree with all the points Andrew was great for spidey’s personality and ultimate Peter but yes they threw way too much in that second movie he had a lot of potential the studio screwed him but again tom is the best we’ve gotten so far in terms of spidey but Andrew, especially now and how good he’s gotten at acting I’d love to see him in a solo film again or even more cameos, he deserved more heroic scenes and character development

  • @22logtujuh
    @22logtujuh 2 роки тому +1

    How to i get the lizard action figure and spider man and electro

    • @CarbonScoring
      @CarbonScoring  2 роки тому

      Unfortunately those are long gone from store shelves

  • @dk9p449
    @dk9p449 2 місяці тому +2

    Hi Carbon Scoring! Great video and beautiful figures :) Do you think the TASM Walmart exclusive figure will ever come back for sale?

    • @CarbonScoring
      @CarbonScoring  2 місяці тому +1

      I don’t know. I talked to the Hasbro team back at San Diego Comic Con about the need for “evergreen” characters like cap, wolvie, Spidey, etc to always be available. I told them it was the most common question I get on the channel - they hear you guys - I’ll be interested to see how they respond

    • @dk9p449
      @dk9p449 2 місяці тому

      ⁠@@CarbonScoring I see, thank you, it is deeply appreciated

    • @BrenoSaldana
      @BrenoSaldana Місяць тому

      Mais o da figma ainda vai voltar mais barato no brasil tipo?​@@CarbonScoring

  • @kinggojirakingofthekaijus1984
    @kinggojirakingofthekaijus1984 Рік тому +1

    I LOVED Andrews Spider-Man movies I’m so happy to see him back on the big screen he was the first Spider-Man to ever watched ❤

  • @anonymouslyunknown4811
    @anonymouslyunknown4811 2 роки тому +8

    For me I've always loved Andrew Garfield's Spider-Man, his films I feel are Underrated, they're not perfect but I really enjoy them, also I love the use of Parkour in Andrew Garfield's Spider-man, I got into Parkour around the time the film came out It super cool to me seeing it used in a Spidey film

    • @CarbonScoring
      @CarbonScoring  2 роки тому +4

      That is totally cool with me - a ton of people enjoyed these films and if you are happy, then I am happy!

    • @anonymouslyunknown4811
      @anonymouslyunknown4811 2 роки тому +1

      @@CarbonScoring I definitely love the first film, the second one was awful imo, lots of bad ideas,

    • @qwerty5684
      @qwerty5684 2 роки тому +2

      @@anonymouslyunknown4811 For me it's the opposite lol, I love TASM 2, but despise the first one. (TASM 1 does have the best final swing in a Spider-Man movie

    • @anonymouslyunknown4811
      @anonymouslyunknown4811 2 роки тому

      @@qwerty5684 the Webswinging is Great in both imo

    • @arinhossain2100
      @arinhossain2100 2 роки тому +1

      @@anonymouslyunknown4811 2nd one wasn't really awful, it had mixed reviews because of studio interference. I love Andrew Garfield movies. I like both but 2nd one was better because it had more action, and 1st one was just another origin story. Andrew's portrayal in the 2nd one was good too.

  • @willtheog34
    @willtheog34 2 роки тому +1

    Fun fact:spiderman was shocked in amazing spiderman 1 so he soon put rubber web line on his suit as an insulator to electricity that's why In the amazing spiderman 2 he isn't very much affected by lightning from electro

    • @CarbonScoring
      @CarbonScoring  2 роки тому +1

      Interesting - I didn’t remember that!

  • @connorswrestlingfederation212
    @connorswrestlingfederation212 2 роки тому +2

    Tasm figures are good but should have been more widely spread

  • @NotRonin96
    @NotRonin96 2 роки тому +1

    Hey carbon, How much did your marvel select tasm 2 unmasked edition figure cost?

    • @CarbonScoring
      @CarbonScoring  2 роки тому

      No clue - I got it for retail price, so whatever that was

  • @NuggetTheFood
    @NuggetTheFood 2 роки тому

    2:35 what the name?

  • @fernandodelgado4329
    @fernandodelgado4329 2 роки тому +1

    Carbon Scoring, I forgot to mention that I cannot wait to see your updated MARVEL LEGENDS, DC, STAR WARS, etc collection. Because I would love to see it. Please do what you do best.

    • @CarbonScoring
      @CarbonScoring  2 роки тому

      Thanks, Fernando - I'm working on that video as we speak. In fact, I am going to let my viewers decide which display shelves stay and which ones go!

  • @dabi1093
    @dabi1093 2 роки тому +1

    the second movie costume has an explanation....... it's just that it's explained in the video game, gwen made him that suit apparently

  • @PetchReviews
    @PetchReviews 2 роки тому +1

    Love these figure videos dropping just as I finish work!

  • @gall9had
    @gall9had Рік тому +1

    amazing spider-man 2 was like you said made to set up future movies and a sinister six spin-off movie i wish they'd have just given them the chance to flesh it all out it'd be perfect

  • @arinhossain2100
    @arinhossain2100 2 роки тому +1

    Andrew Garfield is my favorite Spider-Man. TASM movies are my favorite Spider-Man movies apart from No Way Home. TASM 2 had potential if it weren't for Avi Arad interfering the same way he did with Spider-Man 3.
    The things you got wrong about this assessment:
    - Lizard: Wanted to cure people and make a world with no weakness
    - Electro: Wanted people to know and care about him. Electro was always good even before No Way Home. There is no difference between The Amazing Spider-Man 2 and Spider-Man No Way Home's portrayal of Jamie Foxx. It's the same portrayal but the design had just changed

    • @CarbonScoring
      @CarbonScoring  2 роки тому

      Thanks for taking the time for constructive feedback - I really appreciate it!

  • @edviza1935
    @edviza1935 2 роки тому +5

    I actually think The Amazing Spider-Man 2 is my favorite live action spidey movie. I’ll admit it’s a mess in the story department, but isn’t that what peter parker’s life is? And To me It’s got the most Spider-Man vibe of any spidey film, it’s got great visuals and action, and I love Jamie Foxx and Dane Dehaan as the villains. It just feels like a spider-man comic leaped off the pages and turned into a movie. I love it. Also the music was great.

    • @CarbonScoring
      @CarbonScoring  2 роки тому +3

      That is awesome! I'm glad the movie connected with you in such a way! Don't be afraid to like what you like and, while it is vital to listen to other people's opinions, don't be afraid to stand up for what you believe in!

  • @ivanraphaelarosa2369
    @ivanraphaelarosa2369 2 роки тому +2

    In TASM 2, there was a deleted scene where after Gwen died, Peter screams in sadness and tries to brutally kill Gobby. Andrew really showed his acting talents in this deleted scene. I wished they didn’t delete this scene.
    Here’s the deleted scene:

    • @CarbonScoring
      @CarbonScoring  2 роки тому

      Thanks for the link - that is intense!

  • @bestgifttanada9139
    @bestgifttanada9139 2 роки тому +8

    I watched Andrew Garfield's first spiderman movie when I was 3 and I kinda like it

  • @skillz9154
    @skillz9154 2 роки тому +1

    Where do you get your mystery boxes? Or are they just boxes filled with certain figures?

    • @CarbonScoring
      @CarbonScoring  2 роки тому

      They are boxes if figures I have collected over the decades. Some are boxes that have been in storage as I don't have enough room to display everything, others I throw together so I can make a video about a specific topic and share my knowledge about comics and figures

  • @22logtujuh
    @22logtujuh 2 роки тому

    How do i get That big spider man the one That has no face

  • @sid6076
    @sid6076 9 днів тому

    14:53 can’t wait to get the ct toys one soon this video is the vid that opened my eyes to Mafex

  • @Me_man22
    @Me_man22 2 роки тому +1

    I just got the nwh Spider-Man Walmart exclusive and I can’t stop having fun do you have it? And if so do you like it?

    • @CarbonScoring
      @CarbonScoring  2 роки тому +1

      I think it is my favorite figure from NWH thus far!

  • @mr.cosmicstudios4512
    @mr.cosmicstudios4512 2 роки тому +2

    the marvel select look funky

    • @CarbonScoring
      @CarbonScoring  2 роки тому +1

      Meh, I think it looks pretty good

    • @mr.cosmicstudios4512
      @mr.cosmicstudios4512 2 роки тому +1

      thank for replying no one really does that

    • @mr.cosmicstudios4512
      @mr.cosmicstudios4512 2 роки тому +1

      maybe your right yah you are right it look weird but it seems like a good figure.

  • @harryjohnakadudeman9106
    @harryjohnakadudeman9106 2 роки тому +3

    Can’t wait for it

  • @nintomdo9977
    @nintomdo9977 2 роки тому +3

    I love Garfields spider!

  • @DangerousMoonwalkerOfficial
    @DangerousMoonwalkerOfficial 3 місяці тому

    11:30 he also played god rest his soul President John F. Kennedy in 1983 also another fun fact is Cliff Robinson the previous uncle Ben played JFK 4 months before he was assassinated in a movie called PT-109 in 1963 I think marvel either was just hiring them by coincidence or doing research with them and hiring people who worked with presidents either way I’m hoping we get another actor who worked on a jfk movie soon

  • @H-G-S15
    @H-G-S15 2 роки тому +1

    The reason because he had a new suit is cause in one of the comics his suit got destroyed and Gwen helped him make a new one

  • @fluffy6161
    @fluffy6161 2 роки тому

    18:53 it's captain america winter soldier not captain america civil war

  • @mrdontknowhatguy3607
    @mrdontknowhatguy3607 2 роки тому +1

    I like to think uncle Ben from tasm served in Vietnam because Martin sheen was in apocalypse now

  • @haynasstudio1973
    @haynasstudio1973 2 роки тому +1

    does anyone else become sad when they want action figures, but even cheap ones are like 20 dollars and you can't afford it? That might just be me, but I was searching on eBay for TASM figures, and the Diamond select that has the exposed hands is 115, the Lizard is like 60, Electro is 35, and TASM 2 Spiderman is 40. So expensive, but ill probably splurge anyway.

    • @CarbonScoring
      @CarbonScoring  2 роки тому

      Figures have become more and more expensive as they move away from being geared towards kids to adult collectors. As I say over and over, it is not about the amount of figures you have, it is about loving the ones you do!

  • @commanderrex8780
    @commanderrex8780 2 роки тому +1

    Why are none of the action figure lenses for tasm2 accurate to the movies?

  • @stopmotioner8826
    @stopmotioner8826 2 роки тому +1

    I love Andrew Garfield as spiderman and I don't think he's bad. This guy was part of my childhood and I loved him very much. He's a great actor but doesn't have a good script for his film. I was happy to see Andrew as spiderman again one last time and I think he deserves a 3rd film for his performance in nwh.

    • @CarbonScoring
      @CarbonScoring  2 роки тому +1

      I was so happy for him and the roar in the theatre when he appeared! He clearly loves being Spider-Man and if TASM 3 happens, I would be overjoyed!

  • @jsteelav8r
    @jsteelav8r 2 роки тому +4

    Tasm 2s plot did indeed suck but I can't help but enjoy it mostly to Andrew Garfields spidey.

    • @CarbonScoring
      @CarbonScoring  2 роки тому +3

      Yes, and that was why I tried to make the point in the video that you can love Andrew Garfiled and at the same time admit that TASM was a mess. Both can exist simultaneously

    • @jsteelav8r
      @jsteelav8r 2 роки тому +1

      @@CarbonScoring totally agree although I really do like the first tasm it may be my favorite spiderman origin movie

  • @skruuber
    @skruuber 2 роки тому +1

    18:54 I think u meant captain america and the winter soldier lol

    • @CarbonScoring
      @CarbonScoring  2 роки тому

      Probably - I mix my words up all the time!

  • @Jerry-gy2my
    @Jerry-gy2my 2 роки тому +1

    I actually have the Mafex amazing Spider-Man figure

  • @ThaLouDawg
    @ThaLouDawg 9 місяців тому +1

    I could never get past the jaundice Spidey look.

  • @mzov_1724
    @mzov_1724 2 роки тому

    There's a comic in between tasm1 and 2 about peter destroying his costume in a fight

  • @steverogers3251
    @steverogers3251 2 роки тому +1

    Andrew is my favorite spiderman and tasm is my favorite spidey movie and suit

  • @Ryan-fl7tc
    @Ryan-fl7tc 2 роки тому +1

    What about the diamond select lizard?

    • @CarbonScoring
      @CarbonScoring  2 роки тому

      I don’t have that one - long story…

  • @spider-manunknown9193
    @spider-manunknown9193 10 місяців тому

    I’m surprised you didn’t have the TASM 2 Mafex.

  • @kevingallagher188
    @kevingallagher188 7 місяців тому +1

    He actually is the fourth person to play spider Man and the third to play Live action Peter Parker.

  • @eliscorner54
    @eliscorner54 2 роки тому +1

    I like Dane DeHaan's Green Goblin honestly

  • @sammyscollectabletoyshall1626
    @sammyscollectabletoyshall1626 2 роки тому +1

    Solid looking spidey

  • @thejekerboy1197
    @thejekerboy1197 2 роки тому +1

    The only reason that I don't like the 2ed movie is that they made the acting sucked hery is so sasy if they took there time it will be the best spiderman

  • @Robloxnoob12
    @Robloxnoob12 2 роки тому +1

    I watch the amazing Spider-Man 2 last year 2014

  • @TTG-37
    @TTG-37 2 роки тому +1

    Tom and Tobey fought aliens while Andrew didn't just to add to the beggining of Amdrew's short end of the stick

    • @CarbonScoring
      @CarbonScoring  2 роки тому

      Andrew had the worst villains - a point made clear in No Way Home to very humorous effect!

    • @arinhossain2100
      @arinhossain2100 2 роки тому

      @@CarbonScoring His villains weren't bad. For villains, only electro and lizard were good but green goblin was decent and rhino was bad. Studio intereference about rhino. That's why they brought back Electro and Lizard.

  • @AussieDragoon
    @AussieDragoon Рік тому

    Honestly the reason that they made such little product for Amazing Spider-Man 2 is because it came out during the period where Marvel was at its pettiest in terms of their film rights (roughly 2013-2019). The didn't want to promote any Marvel films that wasn't produced by Marvel Studios, with the likely hope that the films would fail and their rival studios would let the Spider-Man, X-Men, and F4 licenses lapse so they could get the rights back. Even the previous non-MS Marvel film, The Wolverine, barely had a toy line, with only 4 figures (Logan, Silver Samurai, a Random Ninja, and 90s Blue and Yellow Wolverine) so likely the only reason it or ASM 2 even had figures at all was likely due to A) Some kind of contractual obligation to produce them & B) Spider-Man is Marvel's top selling brand by far. Because after ASM 2, Marvel didn't produce any toys for Any of the X-Men films or Fant4stic (they also didn't for First Class previously from what I can tell), they removed references to X-Men or Fantastic 4 characters in their animated shows, even if they had shown up previously (and this happened in the middle of Ultimate Spider-Man's second season, so after a whole arc with Ka-Zar joining the supporting cast, he just vanishes and no one ever mentions him again), they wouldn't let any of those characters appear in their video games (most infamously Marvel vs Capcom: Infinite, but the Marvel Heroes MMO also patched out the Fantastic 4 and Doom), and even in the comics they tried to replace mutants with the Inhumans which was reflected in shows like Agents of Shield and they only stopped because it failed spectacularly except one exception and because Disney bought Fox so it eliminated the issue. That one success, hilariously, was the Kamala Khan version of Ms. Marvel, who the MCU would turn into a mutant, and the comics would retcon into being one, so Marvel really doesn't want you to remember the 5 years they tried to push the Inhumans.

  • @fernandodelgado4329
    @fernandodelgado4329 2 роки тому +1

    I know there are some gripes and issues with Andrew Garfield's Spiderman movies because I got Toby Maguires Spiderman movies and watched them on DvD because I was born after the first two Sam Raimi Spiderman movies from 2002 to 2004 and and then Andrew Garfield version of Spiderman that I saw in theaters when I was 8 years old in 2012, Carbon Scoring keep making me, a 17 year old boy happy.

    • @CarbonScoring
      @CarbonScoring  2 роки тому

      Well. We will see if you are still happy with me after you watch this one...

  • @ivanraphaelarosa2369
    @ivanraphaelarosa2369 2 роки тому +1

    They should’ve made TASM 2 even darker than the first one.

    • @CarbonScoring
      @CarbonScoring  2 роки тому

      meh. I don't really like my Spidey dark

  • @SpiderFansArt2006
    @SpiderFansArt2006 2 роки тому +1

    I got the scatter spider man in 2012 and I still have it😊🕸️edit the figure Im talking about is the standard one with a backpack and a skateboard

  • @rebeccahill6911
    @rebeccahill6911 2 роки тому +3

    I love his vids ❤️

  • @spicygames4370
    @spicygames4370 2 роки тому

    10:30 "Andrew Garfield *HEAD* sculpt"
    keyword: *HEAD*
    10:37 " The Andrew Garfield *PETER PARKER* "
    keyword *PETER PARKER*

  • @IthinkimSpider-man
    @IthinkimSpider-man Рік тому +1

    Without Dane Dehan my name would be pretty bad

  • @shaunross3631
    @shaunross3631 Рік тому

    In tasm 2 it explains that gwen helped him make a new suit because his old one was destroyed by the lizard

  • @dio6846
    @dio6846 2 роки тому

    I had like a 3 or 4 inch amazing Spider-Man 2 fig when I was like 6 I would not stop playing with it I swear

  • @yourfatboy5359
    @yourfatboy5359 2 роки тому +3

    17:25 to be fair a lot of doctor connors/lizard character development was cut out from the movie (over 30 minutes to be exact) because of sony executives, originally the whole "turning everyone into a lizard" was explored in such a great way. Basically for short, he was depressed before the mutation and after he injected himself with the lizard formula he went insane and had a savior complex like motivation throughout the film and thought turning everyone into a lizard would cure them and make them better just like what the lizard formula did to him
    That's where my negative reception of tasm comes from. over 50 minutes were cut from the film. and so many alternative scenes that were much better than what we got didn't make it into the final film (uncle ben's death for example)
    Tasm 1 & 2 were garbage thanks to sony and avi arad. Poor andrew and marc webb

    • @CarbonScoring
      @CarbonScoring  2 роки тому +1

      Yep. It takes so many people to make a movie, but these editorial choices can kill one fast

    • @byron1321
      @byron1321 Рік тому

      Sorry when I said that two months ago

  • @Legoguy-u1g
    @Legoguy-u1g 2 місяці тому +1

    In my opinion Peter 1 is Tobey Peter 2 is Andrew and Peter 3 is Tom

  • @darthkarnage7538
    @darthkarnage7538 7 місяців тому

    I really hope Hasbro does an updated TASM1 Spiderman figure and the black suit Spider-man from Spider-man 3

  • @skersein
    @skersein Рік тому +1

    18:53 Winter Soldier *

    @PUNKEYE1 2 роки тому +1

    Unpopular opinion here, I liked amazing Spider-Man 2. I liked the connections between Peter, Gwen, mae, Harry. I think it should have been less villains in the movie. I liked Harry being emo and trying to be funny. Cut the parents storyline out and it's a lot better. I love all the Spiderman movies tho and personally Andrew is my favorite.

    • @CarbonScoring
      @CarbonScoring  Рік тому

      Stick to your guns! Don't let anybody (including me) tell you what to like or not like!

  • @Freedmeep
    @Freedmeep 2 роки тому

    Actually, you would have to have read the TASM movie comic. Peter's TASM 1 suit was destroyed and Gwen insisted on helping him make a new suit. The TASM2 suit was born.

    • @CarbonScoring
      @CarbonScoring  2 роки тому

      Yeah - several people have been kind enough to give me this information. I have that comic and I still don’t think this is the best way to tell a story to the larger market

  • @78xgamingninja57
    @78xgamingninja57 2 роки тому +1

    Cool video!

  • @Javier-ou4rf
    @Javier-ou4rf Рік тому

    I remember when I have younger I use to love Andrew Garfield but now ehhhh idk I still love his movies but Tom is number one for me

  • @bullymaguire6168
    @bullymaguire6168 2 роки тому +1

    That mafex the amazing Spiderman 2 is so good man, i wish i Could have it but these days it costs 400-300 dollars

    • @CarbonScoring
      @CarbonScoring  2 роки тому

      Yeah, it is just stupid expensive

    • @bullymaguire6168
      @bullymaguire6168 2 роки тому

      @@CarbonScoring honestly, i might as well work for the 400 dollars to buy it. the marvel legends is ok but its missing a lot of stuff. like the texture on the marvel legends is barely visible while on the mafex it has a metallic red.

  • @jillklumb8435
    @jillklumb8435 2 роки тому +1

    You are my favorite channel for action figures

  • @FredFuchs570
    @FredFuchs570 Рік тому

    Still surprised we never got a figure or TASM2 Rhino
    There have been several Lizards, Electros, even a few Green Goblins, but no Rhino, I'm guessing it's because his design is too complicated
    There was going to be a Hot Toys TASM2 Rhino, but it was sadly cancelled