You are, of course, correct in your observations. We went, however, to get historical information about the truth of the Word. The Patriarch was indeed, a great source of knowledge, as well as being very gracious.
Speechless Yes the one and only orthodox no slavery or colonization by the name of religion like protestants pure orthodox here in Africa people are converting to orthodox thank God!
He answered succinctly, "The Logos is God". It is a grammatical impossibility to insert a definite article in front of "God was the Word" or the Word was God in the English sentence. The conjunction "and" connects God from verse one with God in verse two, thereby eliminating the introduction of a new "god" or demigod.
Please: all JWs, please do not try to justify your false belief. Only you believe the way you do. Its like the old Norwegian proverb of the mother looking at her son in the parade and states, "Look, only my son is marching in-step...everyone is is out of step."
Greg Gulbrandsen its a mystery - over philosophizing a divine fact with our unworthy human minds takes away from the mystery - that’s like trying to explain why the sun is yellow- no, the sun is yellow. You see it as so. End point.
Thought, which is word which is logos created both God and the universe at the same time. God created himself (in this finite and material world at least) as well as the universe at the same time. So therefore, in the beginning was the word and the word was with God and the word was God.
We might paraphrase your own question by putting it this way: Why is this "king" or "clan leader" (Patriarch) waiting on these guests? A monk brings a tray of drinks, from which Theophilus takes two glasses. The first glass that Theophilus removes from the tray, he hands to Mike Caba, who is one of his guests in the entourage. But to answer your question more directly, I would identify the trappings and property as indicative of two functions that the Patriarch performs:1.spiritual, 2. temporal.
When Jesus has spoken: "I and my Father are one." Being found in fashion as a man, he humbled himself, and became obedient unto death, even the death of the cross! He could not reveal his true form "God Divine." That is why He said: "And now, O Father, glorify thou me with thine own self with thee before the world was."(Saint John 17:5) This was in the beginning time before He and his Father created the heaven and earth and all things within this vast Universe!
Yes, this video is correct. If you read scripture and in it's context. The word (Logos) is God and the word became the flesh (Jesus Christ) and we have seen him. The book of hebrew rebukes of Jesus Christ being an Angel, so he is not an Angel. God says in the old testament he will not give or share his glory to anyone else. So Jesus Christ is God. Isaiah 9:6 even backs up that Jesus Christ is God and this is what it says. Isaiah 9:6 "Unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given. The government will be on shouler and he will be called, wonderful, counselor, everlasting father, mighty God, prince of peace." Then you got a bunch of verses in scripture claims to be from heaven. " I am from heaven, you are of the earth" " I am the bread from heaven" Then you got all the "I Am's" Jesus claims. "Before Abraham I am" "I am the way the truth and the life" "I am the shepherd " "I am the light" There are probably more but, these are enough. To deny Jesus Christ divinity and as YHVH in the flesh, it is to deny God. For my Muslim friends, look up what the Quran says about Jesus Christ. Quran says Jesus Christ is the word, the word is creator. Quran says Jesus Christ ressurected the dead. Quran says that Jesus Christ made a clay bird come to live. In comparison to Mohammad, Quran says Mohammad was just a warning man. Now I am not trying to attack Islam, I just want my muslim friends to study and think on this for a moment. Why is Jesus Christ more powerful then the most revered prophet of Islam? Why is Jesus Christ coming back and not Mohammad the most revered name in Islam. I mean, we are not even allowed to draw or say anything bad about Mohammad, yet he is not coming, he died and was only a warning man. But Jesus Christ who claims to be God in his Gospels is coming back, is alive and will return. All Muslims should be Christians, because Jesus Christ loves you all and being called Christian, means followers of Jesus Christ and it has nothing to do with the west. Jesus Christ is of Jews first and of all people who love God. Jesus Christ bares the name of the One true God in his name. YHVH. God Bless!
The Quran says Jesus is a prophet. He is called word of God because he was made by God speaking. He is compared to Adam in the Quran because just like Adam, Jesus was created without a father and in a more personal manner. Maybe what you said is the theology of the writer of the Gospel according to John (whoever he is) and maybe of Paul, but this is not the theology of the Quran that constantly rebukes the trinity and the divinity of Jesus.
@Cascade47 are there any more videos with questions like this? that you may have gotten him to answer, or maybe just the whole interview? would love to see it thanks
Actually, the divine Triune nature of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit was understood very early after the Resurrection of Christ. In circa 175AD, Athenagoras wrote: Who then, would not be astonished to hear men called atheists who speak of God the Father, and of God the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, and who declare both their power in union and their distinction in order?
@Grayhatt I don't understand your first post at all. Secondly, we shot over an hour worth of video with many questions...but this is the one question and answer that we wanted to share. Please don't make sarcastic comments when you know not of what you speak.
I am not Greek Orthodox, but I figured that the Patriarch of one of the oldest continuing churches, he might have some better insight as to the meaning of 1:1, as he is also fluent in Ancient Greek, Aramaic, Arabic, and Biblical Greek (just to name a few). If, as you state, that it means "devine," then you and I agree, since the meaning of devine is "Having the nature of or being a deity." You did not say "devine-like" so I'm taking you at your word. Thanks for the input...have a Blessed Day!
My Christian fathers,mothers,brothers,sisters and children, read the Book of Jude in The Holy Bible and beware of all deceivers and wolves in sheep's clothing, this last book before the Revelation tells you all a Christian needs to know about the times we live in today. May God Bless You All.
@nojoso As I mentioned, believe what you wish, I am not seeking to change your mind at all, but to defend simply that what Christ taught was always simple to understand about his Father, not mysterious as many have often described this teaching.
Whizzy, please respect the veracity and honor of this site. Cultists are just regurgitating specious opinions for the sake of argumentnot for the sake of debate. I created this video to get the information on this subject from the closest modern source. You cant argue with the factsJesus is part of the Triune identity of our God. I close with Baruch HaShem Adonai!
@Cascade47 I know you shot more video than what was on here, I'm not dense, the editing is obvious. You however clearly introduced the video with an entirely different motive than what you told him. And who speaks like this: "you know not of what you speak"?
I’m sorry is this a real question? You seem to not know that pagans have many gods and in our bible only the True God is with capitals - no one else is worthy of being singularly distinguished
Two entirely different translations of the Holy Bible with the exact same interpretation: Christ who is God over all! The Father and his Son are ONE! (Saint John 10:30). It is written, "My Father, which gave them me, is greater than all; and no man is able to pluck them out of my Father's hand." ( Saint John 10:29) Yet, immediately after this scripture Jesus said, "I and my Father are one."(Saint John 10:30) revealing the full context of this statement, that the Father and his Son are truly ONE!
@MrOnamision1 Your assertion is false. Christ is worshiped, this bishop is not. Respect is given to this bishop because he is a leader, a teacher, a theologian, an elder. He is NOT however treated as a king. Your reference to priests and the like living like royalty is not true in the Orthodox Christian Church. Perhaps in the medieval Roman Catholic Church, yes. Please research this further. May God Bless you and send down His Holy Spirit upon you! In Greek: "kai Theos en ho Logos" translated to English "and God was the Word" "God was the Word" or "the Word was God" either way the result is the same. The Word is not a separate god from God.
The Esene communities even understand that logos is Jesus and is deity as man. Coeternal but as followers of John would state monarchial trinitarian. The son is in subject to the father and spirit in subject to both just as a wife to her husband. This is out of love and devotion though not some force. The son is part of the God head yet still in subjection to the father yielding himself a servant teaching us how we should Serve the father through himself.
Let's see what the Holy Bible has to say about this matter? It is written, "And the Fathers, from among whom Christ appeared in the flesh, who is God over all, to whom are due praises and thanksgiving, for ever and ever. Amen."(Romans 9:5 From Ancient Eastern Manuscripts by George M Lamsa) and it is written again "Theirs are the patriarchs, and from them is traced the human ancestry of Christ, who is God over all, forever praised!"(Romans 9:5 NIV) Jesus Christ is the true God!
I believe, confess and worship the Holy Trinity. I worship the One, Holy, Indivisible, Consubstantial, Life-Creating and Most Holy Trinity. In the Trinity I worship three persons - three hypostases - that of the Father, that of the Son and that of the Holy Spirit. I do not confuse the persons of the Most Holy Trinity. I do not believe that the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit are, as it were, three masks of a single person. None of the persons is alienated from the others, but each has the fulness of the Three together.
@nojoso One what? If you read the entire chapter you would understand he says the same about his disciples. Are we to believe they are included in that "One God" too? 'being one' is used in the Scriptures extensively, and none of the other examples mean what you are trying to make it mean in that text. Again none of that has shown that Christ taught us he was a 3 in 1 God. If anything he taught us that he too was a worshiper of God, his Father.
@Lad24LFC, and I have had many many Greeks, scholars as well as regular folks, tell me that the way it is in the KJB, is the correct translation...that it is the way the original apostles thought and believed. I've read the NWT, and it is false. Yes, JWs suffered persecution at the hands of the nazi pigs...and so did Jews, gypsies, and the mentally difficient...what's your point? The vast majority of scholarship is that the correct and only translation is not "a god." Thought, that is yours.
And why did you go with the pretext of 'knowing more about his church and get to know him' when clearly you went to only ask one question--as you stated at the very beginning. Ugh.
The name of Jesus in greek sounds like ee-ee-s-oo-s and NOT like ee-eh-z-oo-s In Joshua 1:10 in the greek Septuagint and from the paleohebrew scriptures, even the IOYDAIOI(called jews today in english) knew VERY WELL what "ΙΗΣΟΥΣ"(IESOUS is in LATIN, NOT in GREEK) means, because almost all the Jews of that era(Christ's first presence), knew, like many know english today, the greek language and the greek Septuagint and there were and they who knew paleohebrew to justify them and from their side
That's because Jesus is the king, regardless of his form. Christ came as a lamb, but will return as a lion. The churches are both a religious and secular institution, and as a secular institution it must embody symbolism. Symbols depict glory, prestige, history, tradition and hierarchy. The Churches do not fool us into thinking we are all equal in worldly life, like Deists and Protestants do.
That is according to Apostle John in his statement in John 1:1 that in the beginning, was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. The Bible says that Jesus, the Word, is the begotten Son of God; and also in John 3:16 it says that Jesus is the begotten Son of God. Arius, a presbyter of Alexandria said , in contradiction of the Trinity Doctrine of Athanasius, bishop of Alexandria, that since the Word was begotten then he has a beginning. this means that while God and the Word was with each other, it is God only who has no beginning while the Word has a beginning. Only Father God is timeless. If the word was begotten as he was in the bosom of the Father then the Word(Jesus) could have the divinity of His Father God. God and the Word also are not Co-equal. Jesus said My Father is greater than I, and that only the one who sent Him(Jesus or the Word) is the only Good; and also Jesus said that his words and deed are not his but of the one who sent him. This shows that Jesus and his Father are one, as they are in agreement, or one in purpose. Jesus also shows that he is the messenger of his Father who sent him to this world as father God's Messiah or saviour for the sinners.
Sorry. You are incorrect. The early church understood the idea of "begotten" as an eternal, timeless generation of the Son by the Father. That is why the the creed says "very God of very God, begotten, not made, being of one substance with the Father." Incidentally, Arius himself signed this creed. Further, in this video Theophilos, who is the head of a church in Jerusalem itself which has an "unbreakable" linkage to the apostles, supports the traditional Trinitarian understanding of the Greek Orthodox Church. Accordingly, it is extremely important that he is not an Arian, a heresy which was rejected in the early church and which is still rejected by Christians today.
@nojoso Believe what you want. To us there is only "ONE GOD, the Father." Because there has always only been 1 person, or LORD considered GOD. De. 6:4 We have never been taught by Christ that the God he worshiped consisted of 3 persons. Ga. 3:20.
{... καὶ-AND Θεὸς-GOD ἦν-WAS ὁ-THE Λόγος-LOGOS}. the part of John 1:1 Logos comes in the flesh. He is known in english, as Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ is the ONLY begotten, non-created, non-made, begotten Son of God, very God of very God, in the flesh.
@nojoso Jesus is divine because he came from God. In fact the angels can be considered divine as well. Divine doesn't = GOD. Divine means from God, of God, godlike, godly, etc.
Huh??? ... Sounds like what the Patriarch is saying is that the "Word" or Christ is Father, Son, and Holy Spirit altogether combined with his flesh in the Hypostatic union. Or that Jesus is the entire Trinity in addition to his fleshly nature. So IOW, in John 1:1 clause c should be understood as "the Word was the whole Trinity in the God-Man Christ?"
+Greg Gulbrandsen Thanks .... But that wasn't what I meant .. My question was is his description of the Trinity the official Eastern orthodox one or something? Though not one myself, I've known and debated with many Trinitarians of predominately western Christendom over many years, and have never heard any of them put the Trinity that way and would no doubt call his position heretical. That is, that the Son is the entire Trinity cloaked in the flesh???
+Hollis T. But then again, though most western Trinitarians may consider the Patriarch's view here heretical, I'll give him this. At least he's consistent and doesn't equivocate on the meaning of "God" as do most Trinitarians. For instance, if there is one God as they all will assuredly maintain. And this one God is allegedly the Trinity. Then without qualification simply claim that Jesus is God. Then that should mean Christ is the Trinity as the Patriarch says. Now most other Trinitarians will be quick to deny this of course, which is where their equivocation on the term "God" becomes manifest. But the Patriarch's statement is actually the only conclusion you can draw. The entire Trinity of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit must be bound with Jesus' flesh in the Hypostatic union if he is God.
@Cascade47 I am so glad you deleted my reasonable explanation of John 1:1. I am a Greek person and understand Greek fully and you have denied people from making their own minds up. This is victory to me.
Vhlizzy - Your fundamental assumption, as I read you postings, is that the Coptics, being an ancient group, must have had more insight into John 1:1 than we do today, and thus we should listen to them. Although this is a bad argument, I will follow your train of thought and ask you if you believe, as the Coptics do, in the Trinity? You cant have it both ways my friend, rejecting and accepting just as it pleases you.
Quote from a Coptic Website: The Coptic Orthodox Church believes that the Holy Trinity: God The Father, God The Son, and God The Holy Spirit, are equal to each other in one unity; and that the Lord Jesus Christ is the only Savior of the world. Less changes have taken place in the Coptic Church than in any other church whether in the ritual or doctrine aspects and that the succession of the Coptic Patriarchs, Bishops, priests and Deacons has been continuous.
Filipe. The Coptic does not say "a God". Note that the words "a God" are English not Coptic. The question becomes one of translation, and there is no need to jerry-rig a three step process from Greek then to Coptic then to (supposedly) English when we can go straight from Greek to English as the Patriarch does, specifically, the "Logos is God." Of course, much more could be said, but suffice it to say that the old Coptic gambit you are playing is nothing more than a sleigh of hand diversion. Further, the Coptic Church is Trinitarian to the core tracing its roots to none other than Athanasius himself, the great champion of the Trinity during the Arian heresy in the 4th century. Clearly, if the old Coptic switcheroo that has you wrapped around the axel was true the Coptics would be Arians instead of Trinitarian champions.
Filipe are you sure? do your research. The article doesn't give it away. Tge greek uses both cases to refer to God the Father. It's the context in greek that makes it clear that the correct understanding is "The Word was God".
Given the trinity exists, if Jesus is god, which of the four gods we are talking about? The father, the son, the spirit or the trinity itself. Make a note that any of the four gods you choose will deny the other three.
The Sahidic Coptic translation actually uses "a God" instead of God. And the context of John 1:1 actually says that the "Word was WITH God", not God himself. Yes, the Word was "a god", divine", or "of divine nature", not God himself!
As stated before, one translation does not a gospel make...over 101 translations, from many different original sources, do not use the indefinate article. Matter of fact, an indefinate article, in this context, is grammatically incorrect.
+Greg Gulbrandsen - The Sahidic Coptic translation or 101 translations dont make a gospel,but in this case the Sahidic Coptic translation only tell us how the translators understood John 1:1. It seems that for them is was pretty clear the position and distinction that Jesus had, in comparison with the Father.
+Livewire Clearly you know nothing. You just like to judge People. Patriarch Theophilos is one of most modest Patriarchs in the Orthodox Church. There are 9 of them. Even though Patriarch Theophilos is direct 141st successor of Apostle Jacob, the brother of Jesus. And even though he receives the Holy Flame directly from God at every Easter, he is not arrogant. And you cannot lecture him on the Bible, he is also Greek, and the New Testament was written in Greek, and all other early translations were in Greek.
Orthodox Church I agree with you - I am from Jordan and he is my patriarch - I’ve been to Jerusalem and seen the flame - it only responds to him and no one else- or the Greek Orthodox Patriarch in general - but he has also gained some controversy lately for selling church land to the Israeli government which made a lot of his people whom are mostly Arab/Palestinian angry :/
Michael Samawi they need to get over it. The church needs the finances with establishing churches in other places. We are adding 2 new Churches every day. Rejoice brothers.
@@orthodoxchurch7466 Where in the Bible (Biblia) is written of successors? About the Holy 🔥 like you said where is in the New testament? And another question is there Icons? and if yes does this doesn't contradict the Bible ore the word of God? God bless you!
@The Tik Peace be unto you! Jesus said this is the cup of the new covenant! And after that the apostles trying to fulfill the place of the 12 apostles, but this wasn't the God's choice.You know that who take that place isn't it? God bless you my brother!
Another confused Trinitarian that doesn't know his own Trinity. He said The son and Holy spirit became flesh. So what scripture says the person of the son and the holy spirit died ? Either he was the son as the Trinity teaches, or he was the son the father and the holy spirit which would make him fully God. Or he was the Son. Many Trinitarians point to where Jesus says if you have seen me you have seen the father as proof of the Trinity. Yet the trinity explicitly teaches the Father is not the son. It has to do with Jesus attributes and the way he acted and taught and showed love. Why? because he spent so much time with his father, he acted and displayed the same attributes as his father. Even today we may say to a boy, wow, you are just like your father in looks and mannerisms. The Trinity confuses everything about Jesus and hides the true Father and the true son and deny's the great sacrifice the father gave. How sad.
Jehovah's Witnesses suffered much persecution and torture in the Nazi concentration camps and endured many trials with the possibility of death every single day, they had the easy option of release by denying their faith but chose to remain faithful to Jehovah. Even having there own colour of identity, a purple triangle. Meanwhile your religious leaders were blessing the warring troops on both sides. We beat our swords into plowshares and showed faith under extreme test. Would you do the same?
Ya well so did homosexuals and political dissidents and pretty much anyone who was not a Nazi - what’s your point ? Does that justify the heresy of JW - absolutely not - does that make modern Judaism a valid religion of Yahweh - absolutely not also. Orthodox Christians are slaughtered everyday for sake of their faith - just look at Syria Iraq Egypt Eritrea Sudan .. etc .. as a matter of fact they are descendants of the first martyrs who also gave up their life to build the first church - which is orthodoxy today which boldly confessed the fact - Jesus is God - king above all and creator of all. Just like the Bible says without twisting and turning philosophy - it was heretical ideas like JW in the shape of Gnosticism that gave rise to other horrid beliefs and practices such as the plague of the earth Islam - so what’s your point exactly ?? Just because you are dying for a faith does not make it the true faith - repent and receive the Holy Spirit that dwells not where there is false teaching
Actually, the divine Triune nature of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit was understood very early after the Resurrection of Christ. In circa 175 AD, Athenagoras wrote: Who then, would not be astonished to hear men called atheists who speak of God the Father, and of God the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, and who declare both their power in union and their distinction in order?
You are, of course, correct in your observations. We went, however, to get historical information about the truth of the Word. The Patriarch was indeed, a great source of knowledge, as well as being very gracious.
Speechless Yes the one and only orthodox no slavery or colonization by the name of religion like protestants pure orthodox here in Africa people are converting to orthodox thank God!
He answered succinctly, "The Logos is God". It is a grammatical impossibility to insert a definite article in front of "God was the Word" or the Word was God in the English sentence. The conjunction "and" connects God from verse one with God in verse two, thereby eliminating the introduction of a new "god" or demigod.
His holiness Patriarch of Jerusalem and all Palestine Theofil III is 141st successor of Christ's Apostle Jacob.
True, and because of this he is an authority on the matter.
Please: all JWs, please do not try to justify your false belief. Only you believe the way you do. Its like the old Norwegian proverb of the mother looking at her son in the parade and states, "Look, only my son is marching in-step...everyone is is out of step."
The Question, "The true meaning of John 1:1." His answer, "Logos is God."
Greg Gulbrandsen its a mystery - over philosophizing a divine fact with our unworthy human minds takes away from the mystery - that’s like trying to explain why the sun is yellow- no, the sun is yellow. You see it as so. End point.
Thought, which is word which is logos created both God and the universe at the same time. God created himself (in this finite and material world at least) as well as the universe at the same time. So therefore, in the beginning was the word and the word was with God and the word was God.
Syaloom Aleikhem Beshem Yehoshua Hamasiakh Good morning from Indonesia
@jwm2806 What do you mean...he is Greek and the head of the Greek Church in Jerusalem?
We might paraphrase your own question by putting it this way: Why is this "king" or "clan leader" (Patriarch) waiting on these guests? A monk brings a tray of drinks, from which Theophilus takes two glasses. The first glass that Theophilus removes from the tray, he hands to Mike Caba, who is one of his guests in the entourage. But to answer your question more directly, I would identify the trappings and property as indicative of two functions that the Patriarch performs:1.spiritual, 2. temporal.
CR...He did translate it. He said, "Saint John is very clear...Logos is God!"
When Jesus has spoken: "I and my Father are one." Being found in fashion as a man, he humbled himself, and became obedient unto death, even the death of the cross! He could not reveal his true form "God Divine." That is why He said: "And now, O Father, glorify thou me with thine own self with thee before the world was."(Saint John 17:5) This was in the beginning time before He and his Father created the heaven and earth and all things within this vast Universe!
Brothers and sisters, don't confuse yourself into the hand of sin, Pray for unity. The mysteries are with you. God bless+
Yes, this video is correct. If you read scripture and in it's context. The word (Logos) is God and the word became the flesh (Jesus Christ) and we have seen him.
The book of hebrew rebukes of Jesus Christ being an Angel, so he is not an Angel.
God says in the old testament he will not give or share his glory to anyone else. So Jesus Christ is God.
Isaiah 9:6 even backs up that Jesus Christ is God and this is what it says.
Isaiah 9:6 "Unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given. The government will be on shouler and he will be called, wonderful, counselor, everlasting father, mighty God, prince of peace."
Then you got a bunch of verses in scripture claims to be from heaven. " I am from heaven, you are of the earth" " I am the bread from heaven"
Then you got all the "I Am's" Jesus claims.
"Before Abraham I am"
"I am the way the truth and the life"
"I am the shepherd "
"I am the light"
There are probably more but, these are enough. To deny Jesus Christ divinity and as YHVH in the flesh, it is to deny God.
For my Muslim friends, look up what the Quran says about Jesus Christ.
Quran says Jesus Christ is the word, the word is creator.
Quran says Jesus Christ ressurected the dead.
Quran says that Jesus Christ made a clay bird come to live.
In comparison to Mohammad, Quran says Mohammad was just a warning man.
Now I am not trying to attack Islam, I just want my muslim friends to study and think on this for a moment.
Why is Jesus Christ more powerful then the most revered prophet of Islam?
Why is Jesus Christ coming back and not Mohammad the most revered name in Islam.
I mean, we are not even allowed to draw or say anything bad about Mohammad, yet he is not coming, he died and was only a warning man.
But Jesus Christ who claims to be God in his Gospels is coming back, is alive and will return.
All Muslims should be Christians, because Jesus Christ loves you all and being called Christian, means followers of Jesus Christ and it has nothing to do with the west. Jesus Christ is of Jews first and of all people who love God.
Jesus Christ bares the name of the One true God in his name. YHVH. God Bless!
The Quran says Jesus is a prophet. He is called word of God because he was made by God speaking. He is compared to Adam in the Quran because just like Adam, Jesus was created without a father and in a more personal manner.
Maybe what you said is the theology of the writer of the Gospel according to John (whoever he is) and maybe of Paul, but this is not the theology of the Quran that constantly rebukes the trinity and the divinity of Jesus.
@Cascade47 are there any more videos with questions like this? that you may have gotten him to answer, or maybe just the whole interview? would love to see it thanks
Actually, the divine Triune nature of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit was understood very early after the Resurrection of Christ. In circa 175AD, Athenagoras wrote: Who then, would not be astonished to hear men called atheists who speak of God the Father, and of God the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, and who declare both their power in union and their distinction in order?
That is an AMAZING beard.
The patriarchs were the early Jewish fathers of the nation of Israel.
Of course, the original patriarchs...
@Grayhatt I don't understand your first post at all. Secondly, we shot over an hour worth of video with many questions...but this is the one question and answer that we wanted to share. Please don't make sarcastic comments when you know not of what you speak.
I am not Greek Orthodox, but I figured that the Patriarch of one of the oldest continuing churches, he might have some better insight as to the meaning of 1:1, as he is also fluent in Ancient Greek, Aramaic, Arabic, and Biblical Greek (just to name a few). If, as you state, that it means "devine," then you and I agree, since the meaning of devine is "Having the nature of or being a deity." You did not say "devine-like" so I'm taking you at your word. Thanks for the input...have a Blessed Day!
what's the name of the background music
+sankalp patil Its a Greek Chant...don't know the name of it...
Eastern Orthodox Church
ps:John's chapter 1, is not only the first verse...
My Christian fathers,mothers,brothers,sisters and children, read the Book of Jude in The Holy Bible and beware of all deceivers and wolves in sheep's clothing, this last book before the Revelation tells you all a Christian needs to know about the times we live in today. May God Bless You All.
I find it funny how you act in front of this man, and how you act with others, such as online, even here. It is very revealing indeed.
@nojoso As I mentioned, believe what you wish, I am not seeking to change your mind at all, but to defend simply that what Christ taught was always simple to understand about his Father, not mysterious as many have often described this teaching.
Whizzy, please respect the veracity and honor of this site. Cultists are just regurgitating specious opinions for the sake of argumentnot for the sake of debate. I created this video to get the information on this subject from the closest modern source. You cant argue with the factsJesus is part of the Triune identity of our God. I close with Baruch HaShem Adonai!
Syalloom Aleikhem Patriarch Theofilos Gbu From Orthodox Indonesia
@Cascade47 I know you shot more video than what was on here, I'm not dense, the editing is obvious. You however clearly introduced the video with an entirely different motive than what you told him. And who speaks like this: "you know not of what you speak"?
@Cascade47 Ok. Then answer for me just one question. Why, in YOUR bible was an "a" inserted in Acts 28:6 in relation to Paul . I welcome your answer?
I’m sorry is this a real question? You seem to not know that pagans have many gods and in our bible only the True God is with capitals - no one else is worthy of being singularly distinguished
Two entirely different translations of the Holy Bible with the exact same interpretation: Christ who is God over all! The Father and his Son are ONE! (Saint John 10:30). It is written, "My Father, which gave them me, is greater than all; and no man is able to pluck them out of my Father's hand." ( Saint John 10:29) Yet, immediately after this scripture Jesus said, "I and my Father are one."(Saint John 10:30) revealing the full context of this statement, that the Father and his Son are truly ONE!
@MrOnamision1 Your assertion is false. Christ is worshiped, this bishop is not. Respect is given to this bishop because he is a leader, a teacher, a theologian, an elder. He is NOT however treated as a king.
Your reference to priests and the like living like royalty is not true in the Orthodox Christian Church. Perhaps in the medieval Roman Catholic Church, yes.
Please research this further.
May God Bless you and send down His Holy Spirit upon you!
Where's the theology?
Where Does It Say In Words Logos Is God??
In Greek: "kai Theos en ho Logos" translated to English "and God was the Word"
"God was the Word" or "the Word was God" either way the result is the same. The Word is not a separate god from God.
Wasn't With God,God Is God,God Is One
The Esene communities even understand that logos is Jesus and is deity as man. Coeternal but as followers of John would state monarchial trinitarian. The son is in subject to the father and spirit in subject to both just as a wife to her husband. This is out of love and devotion though not some force. The son is part of the God head yet still in subjection to the father yielding himself a servant teaching us how we should Serve the father through himself.
@raitasorin Maybe you are mixing up with Pharisees???
Let's see what the Holy Bible has to say about this matter? It is written, "And the Fathers, from among whom Christ appeared in the flesh, who is God over all, to whom are due praises and thanksgiving, for ever and ever. Amen."(Romans 9:5 From Ancient Eastern Manuscripts by George M Lamsa) and it is written again "Theirs are the patriarchs, and from them is traced the human ancestry of Christ, who is God over all, forever praised!"(Romans 9:5 NIV) Jesus Christ is the true God!
I believe, confess and worship the Holy Trinity. I worship the One, Holy, Indivisible, Consubstantial, Life-Creating and Most Holy Trinity. In the Trinity I worship three persons - three hypostases - that of the Father, that of the Son and that of the Holy Spirit. I do not confuse the persons of the Most Holy Trinity. I do not believe that the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit are, as it were, three masks of a single person. None of the persons is alienated from the others, but each has the fulness of the Three together.
But what about Luke 1:3, most excellent Theophilos? 😉
Very astute!
Greg and I made this video together, and I really like your comment!
كيف ربما ؟ اعطيني دليلا
@nojoso One what? If you read the entire chapter you would understand he says the same about his disciples. Are we to believe they are included in that "One God" too? 'being one' is used in the Scriptures extensively, and none of the other examples mean what you are trying to make it mean in that text. Again none of that has shown that Christ taught us he was a 3 in 1 God. If anything he taught us that he too was a worshiper of God, his Father.
@Lad24LFC, and I have had many many Greeks, scholars as well as regular folks, tell me that the way it is in the KJB, is the correct translation...that it is the way the original apostles thought and believed. I've read the NWT, and it is false. Yes, JWs suffered persecution at the hands of the nazi pigs...and so did Jews, gypsies, and the mentally difficient...what's your point? The vast majority of scholarship is that the correct and only translation is not "a god." Thought, that is yours.
Totally owned!!!! Ah ha ha ha ha ha !!! Of course anyone that can read Greek knows it means " kai theos en ho logos" GOD was the WORD!
And why did you go with the pretext of 'knowing more about his church and get to know him' when clearly you went to only ask one question--as you stated at the very beginning. Ugh.
Give him a break. If I met the Patriarch, I would be fumbling too.
The name of Jesus in greek sounds like ee-ee-s-oo-s and NOT like ee-eh-z-oo-s
In Joshua 1:10 in the greek Septuagint and from the paleohebrew scriptures, even the IOYDAIOI(called jews today in english) knew VERY WELL what "ΙΗΣΟΥΣ"(IESOUS is in LATIN, NOT in GREEK) means, because almost all the Jews of that era(Christ's first presence), knew, like many know english today, the greek language and the greek Septuagint and there were and they who knew paleohebrew to justify them and from their side
That's because Jesus is the king, regardless of his form. Christ came as a lamb, but will return as a lion. The churches are both a religious and secular institution, and as a secular institution it must embody symbolism. Symbols depict glory, prestige, history, tradition and hierarchy. The Churches do not fool us into thinking we are all equal in worldly life, like Deists and Protestants do.
That is according to Apostle John in his statement in John 1:1 that in the beginning, was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. The Bible says that Jesus, the Word, is the begotten Son of God; and also in John 3:16 it says that Jesus is the begotten Son of God. Arius, a presbyter of Alexandria said , in contradiction of the Trinity Doctrine of Athanasius, bishop of Alexandria, that since the Word was begotten then he has a beginning. this means that while God and the Word was with each other, it is God only who has no beginning while the Word has a beginning. Only Father God is timeless. If the word was begotten as he was in the bosom of the Father then the Word(Jesus) could have the divinity of His Father God. God and the Word also are not Co-equal. Jesus said My Father is greater than I, and that only the one who sent Him(Jesus or the Word) is the only Good; and also Jesus said that his words and deed are not his but of the one who sent him. This shows that Jesus and his Father are one, as they are in agreement, or one in purpose. Jesus also shows that he is the messenger of his Father who sent him to this world as father God's Messiah or saviour for the sinners.
Sorry. You are incorrect. The early church understood the idea of "begotten" as an eternal, timeless generation of the Son by the Father. That is why the the creed says "very God of very God, begotten, not made, being of one substance with the Father." Incidentally, Arius himself signed this creed. Further, in this video Theophilos, who is the head of a church in Jerusalem itself which has an "unbreakable" linkage to the apostles, supports the traditional Trinitarian understanding of the Greek Orthodox Church. Accordingly, it is extremely important that he is not an Arian, a heresy which was rejected in the early church and which is still rejected by Christians today.
@nojoso Believe what you want. To us there is only "ONE GOD, the Father." Because there has always only been 1 person, or LORD considered GOD. De. 6:4 We have never been taught by Christ that the God he worshiped consisted of 3 persons. Ga. 3:20.
{... καὶ-AND Θεὸς-GOD ἦν-WAS ὁ-THE Λόγος-LOGOS}. the part of John 1:1
Logos comes in the flesh.
He is known in english, as Jesus Christ.
Jesus Christ is the ONLY begotten, non-created, non-made, begotten Son of God, very God of very God, in the flesh.
@zakariaaadriaklim ربما... ربما لا!
@nojoso Jesus is divine because he came from God. In fact the angels can be considered divine as well. Divine doesn't = GOD. Divine means from God, of God, godlike, godly, etc.
You went to the dictionary for this, right?
Huh??? ...
Sounds like what the Patriarch is saying is that the "Word" or Christ is Father, Son, and Holy Spirit altogether combined with his flesh in the Hypostatic union. Or that Jesus is the entire Trinity in addition to his fleshly nature.
So IOW, in John 1:1 clause c should be understood as "the Word was the whole Trinity in the God-Man Christ?"
The above is orthodoxy?
+Hollis T. Yes...Greek Orthodoxy...and the Church in Jerusalem traces its roots back to the beginning...
+Greg Gulbrandsen
Thanks ....
But that wasn't what I meant ..
My question was is his description of the Trinity the official Eastern orthodox one or something? Though not one myself, I've known and debated with many Trinitarians of predominately western Christendom over many years, and have never heard any of them put the Trinity that way and would no doubt call his position heretical.
That is, that the Son is the entire Trinity cloaked in the flesh???
+Hollis T.
But then again, though most western Trinitarians may consider the Patriarch's view here heretical, I'll give him this. At least he's consistent and doesn't equivocate on the meaning of "God" as do most Trinitarians.
For instance, if there is one God as they all will assuredly maintain. And this one God is allegedly the Trinity. Then without qualification simply claim that Jesus is God. Then that should mean Christ is the Trinity as the Patriarch says.
Now most other Trinitarians will be quick to deny this of course, which is where their equivocation on the term "God" becomes manifest. But the Patriarch's statement is actually the only conclusion you can draw.
The entire Trinity of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit must be bound with Jesus' flesh in the Hypostatic union if he is God.
Yeaa Babie xD
@zakariaaadriaklim لا كافر ولكن المؤمن في إله واحد صحيح
Yeaa xD
The Patriarch is closed!!!
Naa No Never
@Cascade47 I am so glad you deleted my reasonable explanation of John 1:1. I am a Greek person and understand Greek fully and you have denied people from making their own minds up. This is victory to me.
Always There,Heaven On Earth Earth In/On Heaven
Vhlizzy - Your fundamental assumption, as I read you postings, is that the Coptics, being an ancient group, must have had more insight into John 1:1 than we do today, and thus we should listen to them. Although this is a bad argument, I will follow your train of thought and ask you if you believe, as the Coptics do, in the Trinity? You cant have it both ways my friend, rejecting and accepting just as it pleases you.
Quote from a Coptic Website: The Coptic Orthodox Church believes that the Holy Trinity: God The Father, God The Son, and God The Holy Spirit, are equal to each other in one unity; and that the Lord Jesus Christ is the only Savior of the world. Less changes have taken place in the Coptic Church than in any other church whether in the ritual or doctrine aspects and that the succession of the Coptic Patriarchs, Bishops, priests and Deacons has been continuous.
Doesn't Read That Way In Genesis,Read Genesis,Not Anything About No Word,It Is A Bad Bad Lie
Torah is the Word...the Word is Our Father...and the Father and Jesus are One...
Naa No
Filipe. The Coptic does not say "a God". Note that the words "a God" are English not Coptic. The question becomes one of translation, and there is no need to jerry-rig a three step process from Greek then to Coptic then to (supposedly) English when we can go straight from Greek to English as the Patriarch does, specifically, the "Logos is God." Of course, much more could be said, but suffice it to say that the old Coptic gambit you are playing is nothing more than a sleigh of hand diversion. Further, the Coptic Church is Trinitarian to the core tracing its roots to none other than Athanasius himself, the great champion of the Trinity during the Arian heresy in the 4th century. Clearly, if the old Coptic switcheroo that has you wrapped around the axel was true the Coptics would be Arians instead of Trinitarian champions.
Please JW's...go spill your idiocy somewhere else...rather than polemics, use thoughtful debate. Y'shua Messiach Adonai HaOlam!
In John 1:1,"Ton Theon", is not the same as "Theos". "Ton Theon" is the Almighty God, "Theos" is just "divine" or "a god"
Filipe are you sure? do your research. The article doesn't give it away. Tge greek uses both cases to refer to God the Father. It's the context in greek that makes it clear that the correct understanding is "The Word was God".
The word endings in the Greek indicate sentence function. Theodore is subject firm Theon is sentence object firm.
Given the trinity exists, if Jesus is god, which of the four gods we are talking about? The father, the son, the spirit or the trinity itself.
Make a note that any of the four gods you choose will deny the other three.
The Sahidic Coptic translation actually uses "a God" instead of God. And the context of John 1:1 actually says that the "Word was WITH God", not God himself. Yes, the Word was "a god", divine", or "of divine nature", not God himself!
As stated before, one translation does not a gospel make...over 101 translations, from many different original sources, do not use the indefinate article. Matter of fact, an indefinate article, in this context, is grammatically incorrect.
+Greg Gulbrandsen - The Sahidic Coptic translation or 101 translations dont make a gospel,but in this case the Sahidic Coptic translation only tell us how the translators understood John 1:1. It seems that for them is was pretty clear the position and distinction that Jesus had, in comparison with the Father.
Still living in darkness
Yeaa x3 xD
Ok, that wasn't very helpfull.
انت تعبدون من دون الله
اوا تقولون على الله ما لا تعقلون
Dm Pranks 1 فِي الْبَدْءِ كَانَ الْكَلِمَةُ، وَالْكَلِمَةُ كَانَ عِنْدَ اللهِ، وَكَانَ الْكَلِمَةُ اللهَ.
2 هذَا كَانَ فِي الْبَدْءِ عِنْدَ اللهِ.
3 كُلُّ شَيْءٍ بِهِ كَانَ، وَبِغَيْرِهِ لَمْ يَكُنْ شَيْءٌ مِمَّا كَانَ.
4 فِيهِ كَانَتِ الْحَيَاةُ، وَالْحَيَاةُ كَانَتْ نُورَ النَّاسِ،
5 وَالنُّورُ يُضِيءُ فِي الظُّلْمَةِ، وَالظُّلْمَةُ لَمْ تُدْرِكْهُ.
مش احنا الي بنقول - الله الي قالنا
يسوع =كلمة الله المتجسدة لفداء البشرية
This man is a pharisee. Just because he is full of self importance doesn't mean he knows more. In fact, he is wrong!!
+Livewire Clearly you know nothing. You just like to judge People. Patriarch Theophilos is one of most modest Patriarchs in the Orthodox Church. There are 9 of them. Even though Patriarch Theophilos is direct 141st successor of Apostle Jacob, the brother of Jesus. And even though he receives the Holy Flame directly from God at every Easter, he is not arrogant. And you cannot lecture him on the Bible, he is also Greek, and the New Testament was written in Greek, and all other early translations were in Greek.
Orthodox Church I agree with you - I am from Jordan and he is my patriarch - I’ve been to Jerusalem and seen the flame - it only responds to him and no one else- or the Greek Orthodox Patriarch in general - but he has also gained some controversy lately for selling church land to the Israeli government which made a lot of his people whom are mostly Arab/Palestinian angry :/
Michael Samawi they need to get over it. The church needs the finances with establishing churches in other places. We are adding 2 new Churches every day. Rejoice brothers.
@@orthodoxchurch7466 Where in the Bible (Biblia) is written of successors?
About the Holy 🔥 like you said where is in the New testament?
And another question is there Icons? and if yes does this doesn't contradict the Bible ore the word of God?
God bless you!
@The Tik
Peace be unto you!
Jesus said this is the cup of the new covenant!
And after that the apostles trying to fulfill the place of the 12 apostles, but this wasn't the God's choice.You know that who take that place isn't it?
God bless you my brother!
Yeaa,Na No Never
Another confused Trinitarian that doesn't know his own Trinity. He said The son and Holy spirit became flesh. So what scripture says the person of the son and the holy spirit died ? Either he was the son as the Trinity teaches, or he was the son the father and the holy spirit which would make him fully God. Or he was the Son. Many Trinitarians point to where Jesus says if you have seen me you have seen the father as proof of the Trinity. Yet the trinity explicitly teaches the Father is not the son. It has to do with Jesus attributes and the way he acted and taught and showed love. Why? because he spent so much time with his father, he acted and displayed the same attributes as his father. Even today we may say to a boy, wow, you are just like your father in looks and mannerisms. The Trinity confuses everything about Jesus and hides the true Father and the true son and deny's the great sacrifice the father gave. How sad.
Interesting...but the point of the interview and the video is to show the fallacy of "a god" vs. the true meaning. But thanks.
Greg Gulbrandsen well it was poor job. Didn’t prove anything. Please answer the questions posed if you can
Jehovah's Witnesses suffered much persecution and torture in the Nazi concentration camps and endured many trials with the possibility of death every single day, they had the easy option of release by denying their faith but chose to remain faithful to Jehovah. Even having there own colour of identity, a purple triangle. Meanwhile your religious leaders were blessing the warring troops on both sides. We beat our swords into plowshares and showed faith under extreme test. Would you do the same?
Ya well so did homosexuals and political dissidents and pretty much anyone who was not a Nazi - what’s your point ? Does that justify the heresy of JW - absolutely not - does that make modern Judaism a valid religion of Yahweh - absolutely not also. Orthodox Christians are slaughtered everyday for sake of their faith - just look at Syria Iraq Egypt Eritrea Sudan .. etc .. as a matter of fact they are descendants of the first martyrs who also gave up their life to build the first church - which is orthodoxy today which boldly confessed the fact - Jesus is God - king above all and creator of all. Just like the Bible says without twisting and turning philosophy - it was heretical ideas like JW in the shape of Gnosticism that gave rise to other horrid beliefs and practices such as the plague of the earth Islam - so what’s your point exactly ?? Just because you are dying for a faith does not make it the true faith - repent and receive the Holy Spirit that dwells not where there is false teaching
Actually, the divine Triune nature of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit was understood very early after the Resurrection of Christ. In circa 175 AD, Athenagoras wrote: Who then, would not be astonished to hear men called atheists who speak of God the Father, and of God the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, and who declare both their power in union and their distinction in order?
No. The heresies that arose were addressed for 800 years, culminating in iconoclasm. Study the Ecumenical Councils.
Yeaa xD
Naa No
Yeaa,Na No Never
Yeaa xD