Are we losing the meaning of veganism?

  • Опубліковано 28 вер 2024

КОМЕНТАРІ • 1,4 тис.

  • @ed.winters
    @ed.winters  3 роки тому +154

    📚 Pre-order limited signed copies of my debut book 'This is Vegan Propaganda (And Other Lies the Meat Industry Tells You) here:
    Make my work possible by becoming a supporter of my activism here (thank you!):
Make the switch to vegan & get all of the support you need:
    FREE 122 page e-book:

    • @VeganV5912
      @VeganV5912 3 роки тому +2

      .. 👅💩🦠🍖🔴.. 92% faces if you eat chicken. . Scientific fact !!! Actual pictures 🤮 !!!!
      .. Sushi faeces 🤮 . . 🤮 !!! Scientific fact 🧬. 🤮.
      .. 90% poop . Actual pictures !!!!. 🤮
      Tapeworm in his brain eating pigs 🍖🤪🧠🐛🐷, lots of film 🤢🤮!!!!!
      Over a frigging 5 minute hamburger et cetera !!! You can have vegan hamburgers and vegan chicken and vegan pizza and vegan curry and vegan burritos et cetera without tapeworms !!!!
      Which is the hypocrite ??

    • @v.a.n.e.
      @v.a.n.e. 3 роки тому +2

      a fascinating question arises: how did you learn about that restaurant?

    • @VeganV5912
      @VeganV5912 3 роки тому +4

      @@v.a.n.e. Never eat animals. And they’re huge !! 99% the same as us. But we eat meat, et cetera, and have plaque and tooth decay 🧟‍♂️🦠🍖🍳.... go to the dentist twice a year !!! No fibre if you eat animals and their secretions. We’ve got flat teeth. Little flat teeth. Moving left and right -_ 😬. We are herbivores. We choose to be meat eaters, and get cancer and heart attack and high blood pressure and diabetes... 51% death rate if you eat animals and their secretions !!! Scientific fact.
      PH is different. I don’t stink anymore because I’m plant based. Don’t need to go to the dentist because I haven’t got plaque. 6 years vegan, smooth arteries and my shoes and socks and armpits are absolutely clean and fresh. Fibre is plants and fruit and nuts and berries and tubers. Try it for a month you’ll see. And I’ve gotten bigger and stronger and fitter on a plant based diet. Scientific fact...

    • @v.a.n.e.
      @v.a.n.e. 3 роки тому

      serious question, Ed, are you a Watson Vegan or a Cross Vegan?

    • @d.rabbitwhite
      @d.rabbitwhite 3 роки тому

      ED- How does one order your book from north america BUT NOT use amazon? I do not use amazon.

  • @FranciscoAlvarezTV
    @FranciscoAlvarezTV 3 роки тому +750

    People still confuse plant-based with veganism not differentiating that one is a diet whereas the other a lifestyle, a state-of-mind.

    • @Incredible43
      @Incredible43 3 роки тому +29

      Exactly its annoying

    • @raytry69
      @raytry69 3 роки тому

    • @TheSapphireLeo
      @TheSapphireLeo 3 роки тому

      @Han Boetes I wouldn't even call it "logical", it's inversion, leading to a "d*ad end", because it lacks intuition of the prefrontal cortext, as the lead? Trauma and/or by shame is the cause of this.

    • @NellebellovesYAH
      @NellebellovesYAH 3 роки тому +1

      ALL CHILDREN and some CHRISTIANS are about to DISAPPEAR!!
      The Rapture will likely be disguised as an ALIEN INVASION. DON'T BE DECEIVED!
      JESUS revealed that he will RAPTURE / take the children and faithful believers to safety in heaven. Jesus promised he will keep His faithful people from the Hour of Testing / Tribulation because they have kept His Commands (Rev. 3:10). Christians who are truly His will be caught up to meet Him in the air before God sends judgement on this Christ-rejecting world.
      “For the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel and with the TRUMPET of God, and the dead in Christ will rise first. Then we who are alive, who remain, will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air, and so we will always be with the Lord” (1 Thess. 4:16).
      Jesus said the Greatest Commandment is this: “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind” (Matt. 22:37).
      God is Holy and Just, so he has to send judgments and take “vengeance on those who do not know God and on those who do not OBEY the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ” (2 Thess. 2:8).
      Accept Jesus as your Savior NOW and REPENT for your sins!!
      We have been living in what the Bible calls ‘The Last Days’
      -- “In the last days difficult times will come. For people will be lovers of self, lovers of money, boastful, arrogant, slanderers, disobedient to parents, ungrateful, unholy, unloving, irreconcilable, malicious gossips, without self-control, brutal, haters of good, treacherous, reckless, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, holding to a form of godliness although they have denied its power” (2 Timothy 3:1-5).
      -- In Matt. 24 and Luke 21 it says there will be earthquakes & famines in various places. There will be plagues (covid 19), wars, rumors of wars, an increase in lawlessness because the love of many has grown cold.
      --“See that no one leads you astray. For many will come in my name, saying, ‘I am the Christ,’ and they will lead many astray” (Matt. 24:4-5).
      --“There will be signs in the sun and moon and stars, and on the earth distress among nations, in perplexity at the roaring of the sea and the waves, people fainting from fear and the expectation of the things that are coming upon the world; for the powers of the heavens will be shaken” (Luke 21:25-26).
      Psalm 90:10 says a generation is 70 to 80 years. Israel became a nation again in 1948 so it is 73 years old. Jesus gave us the Fig Tree Generation Parable prophesying that the generation that witnesses Israel's rebirth is the generation that will not pass away till the events prophesied in Matthew 24, Mark 13 and Luke 21 are fulfilled (This includes the RAPTURE).
      Just a Few of the Many Events that will happen in the Last Days:
      --Jeremiah 51:42 says that Babylon, which is the USA, will be covered with “tumultuous waves”. The USA will be hit by TSUNAMIS!
      --Jeremiah 50:3 says that a nation north of Babylon, the USA, will make the USA desolate.
      --There will be meteors that hit earth (Rev. 8:7-11, Matt. 24:29).
      --Some Christians have had dreams and visions about the rapture happening when a meteor is about to hit earth. Here’s a compilation video of peoples dreams & visions of this:
      --The Antichrist comes into power who will get a fatal head wound but then be healed. He will force everyone to take the Mark of the Beast (Rev. 14). God warns us to not take the Mark or worship this man. If you refuse the Mark, you will be beheaded (Rev. 20:4).
      --For 5 months, locusts will sting those who rejected Jesus (Rev. 9).
      SALVATION IS THROUGH JESUS ONLY (Acts 4:12). We are all sinners in need of a Savior. “All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God” (Rom. 3:23). “The wages of sin is death/ Hell, but the gracious gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord” (Rom. 6:23). Jesus provided the way for us to be freed from the penalty of sin.
      Jesus is God: “He is the image of the invisible God” (Col. 1:15). “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God” (John 1:1). “And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us” (John 1:14). God came into the flesh as Jesus, lived a sinless life, was crucified on the cross and resurrected 3 days later. Jesus/God had to become a human being in order to redeem human beings. He was tempted in many ways like us but never once sinned. He suffered and died for your sins. It’s the greatest love story of all time. Jesus was the only acceptable sacrifice to appease the wrath of God against sin; he imputed his righteousness to us, so that we can be accepted by God (2 Cor. 5:21).
      “For it is by grace you have been saved through faith- and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God- not by works, so that no one can boast” (Ephesians 2:8).
      We are not saved by doing works but by accepting the free gift of salvation through the finished work of Jesus on the cross. When we have his Holy Spirit inside of us, He will produce good works through us to do his Will. “For we are His workmanship created in Christ Jesus for good works which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them” (Ephesians 2:10). “For it is God who works in you to will and to act in order to fulfill his good purpose/fruit” (Philippians 2:13).
      God is at work in the life of a true born again Christian and we have a responsibility to abide/stay/continue in Christ or wander away and go back to the works of darkness or the lusts of the flesh which will lead to the broad gate - which leads to hell/lake of fire.
      “Walk in the Spirit, and you shall not fulfill the lust of the flesh” (Galatians 5:16).
      “The works of the flesh are evident, which are: adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lewdness, idolatry, sorcery, hatred, contentions, jealousies, outbursts of wrath, selfish ambitions, dissensions, heresies, envy, murders, drunkenness, revelries, and the like; of which I tell you beforehand, just as I also told you in time past, that those who practice such things will not inherit the kingdom of God” (Galatians 5:19-21). “But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control. Against such there is no law. And those who are Christ’s have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires. If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit” (Galatians 5:22-25).
      Repentance Leads To Salvation according to 2 Corinthians 7:10, “For Godly Sorrow produces repentance leading to Salvation” Repentance is a change of mind, which leads to a change of heart, then a change of will, ultimately resulting in a change of lifestyle! Many have said the “sinner's prayer” with their mouths, which is not biblical, but their mind, hearts and wills have never been changed. Repentance is a daily act of turning from the world to God until we leave this earth, not a one time prayer. Jesus said to come as you are but he did not say to remain as you are. He died for us to be cleansed of our sins, not for us to keep living in our sins.
      The Lord REQUIRES OBEDIENCE, otherwise we will not receive his Holy Spirit (Acts 5:32). We NEED to turn away from our sins because the Holy Spirit does not and will not dwell in a sin filled, unrepentant person. All those who are saved and have the Holy Spirit, walk in DAILY repentance, in relationship with the Lord, the Holy Spirit convicts of sin and corrects. If anyone can continue in willful sin after receiving Christ and not be grieved and convicted over it, either they never had his Spirit or his Spirit left them. “If we deliberately keep on sinning after we have received the knowledge of truth, no sacrifice for sins is left, but only a fearful expectation of judgement and of raging fire that will consume the enemies of God” (Heb. 10:26-31).
      Jesus said that not all who say to him “Lord, Lord will enter the kingdom of heaven. Only those who DO the Will of the father” MANY will say to him on that day “Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in Your name, and in Your name cast out demons and in Your name perform many miracles?” And he will say to them “I never knew you, LEAVE ME, you who practice lawlessness” (Matt. 7:21-23). God said “Sin is lawlessness” (1 John 3:4).
      Jesus said “If you love me, keep my commandments” (John 14:15).
      We are resurrected unto newness of life in Christ, not perfection. Sanctification is the process by which God's Spirit changes the heart, mind and soul of a person to do His will in joyful obedience. We undergo the process of sanctification until the day our bodies are glorified at which point we will never sin again. While still in our fleshly bodies, we will stumble and fall on this journey but we need to keep getting up and running to Jesus, praying for deliverance! It’s only by the power of his Holy Spirit that we could EVER overcome and deny sin!
      “For the grace of God that brings salvation has appeared to all men, teaching us that, denying ungodliness and worldly lusts, we should live soberly, righteously, and godly in the present age” (Titus 2:11-12)
      “If we confess our sins, He is faithful and righteous, so that He will forgive us our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness. If we say we have not sinned, we make Him a liar and His Word is not in us” (1 John 1:9-10).
      “The one who keeps His commandments remains in Him, and He in him” (1 John 3:24). “Those whom I love, I rebuke and discipline; therefore be zealous and repent” (Rev. 3:19).

    • @fayem4091
      @fayem4091 3 роки тому +4

      I live in Greece and i got these five answers in this year alone(obviously i am translating from greek to English)
      - oh no that's not vegan it has gluten in it.
      -oh pour thing! You should buy the lactose free product (while i bought a plant milk)
      -omg you don't believe in Christianity ?? (Yes for real, because i should do abstention for my soul and Jesus ate fish and so we should)
      - you should the vaccine it's good for you! Think of you parents!!
      And you think confusing veganism with plant based is bad???
      Sorry i just wanted to blow some steam. Its truly an issue with this restaurant...

  • @veganfortheanimals6994
    @veganfortheanimals6994 3 роки тому +171

    Good to call out that nonsense. They're just trying to cash in on the term. If I walked into that place and saw the menu, I would walk right out.

    • @introprospector
      @introprospector 3 роки тому

      So you don't buy Just Egg or Impossible burgers, right?

  • @beckyferguson284
    @beckyferguson284 3 роки тому +102

    It might be one meal being a "bad vegan" but thats one animals entire existence on their plates.

    • @themirrorofthetruth2055
      @themirrorofthetruth2055 3 роки тому +7

      Screw does flexitarian‘s. Trying to steal veganism, why can’t they’re not just call them self what they are

    • @kshitij862
      @kshitij862 3 роки тому

      @@themirrorofthetruth2055 bro do you know Hindi is influenced by Sanskrit

  • @fishfeelpain7764
    @fishfeelpain7764 3 роки тому +675

    I have a business idea. Let's open an environmentally friendly restaurant, where customers are offered plastic straws, plastic bags, meat, dairy and fiji water in case they feel the need to be a bad bad environmentalist.

    • @Arthur-eg7uy
      @Arthur-eg7uy 3 роки тому +11


    • @fromeveryting29
      @fromeveryting29 3 роки тому +12

      You said it :(

    • @Sudusukkuladi
      @Sudusukkuladi 3 роки тому +8

      hahahaha truth!

    • @punker4Real
      @punker4Real 3 роки тому +5

      i'm going to open a vegan restaurant and scam customers by charging them 70$ for a pre packaged salad and with the profits i make i'll buy meat for my self

    • @itsgabriel2169
      @itsgabriel2169 3 роки тому +2

      @@punker4Real yo amazing 🤩 glad im not vegan CAUSE WE HUMANS ARE OMNIVORE AND MEANT TO EAT BOTH

  • @Flobb1t
    @Flobb1t 3 роки тому +98

    When you can't beat the message, confuse it.

    • @veganrican606
      @veganrican606 3 роки тому +6

      I like this way of wording it, it's happening everywhere.

    • @d6wave
      @d6wave 3 роки тому +3

      exactly !! that is a confirmation in itself that shows or says a lot about corruptions of necrophagy.

    • @keylanoslokj1806
      @keylanoslokj1806 3 роки тому

      Not killing CUTE animals like cows and bunnies. But the trillions of insects, rodents and pests you giga-genocide every year with conventional agriculture are not a problem. Cause they are ugly af. Also lets not mention the environmental disaster of transporting produce thousands of miles away with ships that leak their pretty oil in the oceans and trucks who fill the sky with their fumes. Now thats enlightment. Also if you have a car, a laptop, a smartphone, clothes made by chinese kids in an inhuman factory, brand shoes, vacations, and don't eat roots you weed out yourself from your backyard, stop calling yourself an environmentalist please.

    • @230pd
      @230pd 2 роки тому

      @@keylanoslokj1806 You're already on the right channel. Ed addresses every single one of your points in a couple of his videos. ;)

    • @kingexplosionmurderfuckoff9376
      @kingexplosionmurderfuckoff9376 2 роки тому

      @@keylanoslokj1806 It's almost like those same creatures are killed to feed farm animals

  • @MarkDurbin
    @MarkDurbin 3 роки тому +64

    I would have been seriously annoyed if I gone to that restaurant, I would have expected vegan junk food as you suggested. :(

    • @VeganSanatani
      @VeganSanatani 3 роки тому

      Yea..I was expecting it to be a strip club or something.

  • @FreakHarryPotter
    @FreakHarryPotter 3 роки тому +41

    I'm going to open up a no bread restaurant and put bread options on the no-bread menu in order to get people to reduce their intake of bread.
    Bad Vegan's animal options make about as much sense as that.

    • @EternalJourneys
      @EternalJourneys 3 роки тому +4

      Love that. Gluten free bakery with gluten options.

    • @d6wave
      @d6wave 3 роки тому +2

      anti-abuse or no blood diamonds jewelry with blood diamonds options !?

    • @greensorrel6860
      @greensorrel6860 2 роки тому

      Yes bad gluten free

  • @jeremyallen5056
    @jeremyallen5056 3 роки тому +48

    I’m regularly told “I’m vegan 2 or 3 days a week now”.. really you are only a murderer half the week??? This restaurant is simply trying to cash in and nothing more

    • @d.rabbitwhite
      @d.rabbitwhite 3 роки тому +4

      I knew someone like this. And one time in a public place they said it, going on about how fantastic they feel and I couldn't stand it any more, and just sort of yelled out "You're fn not a vegan! Vegan is not a fn diet ffn sakes! The whole area went awkwardly quiet for a second, and I just said "well, it isn't. It is about ending nonhuman animal exploitation." (although I have since expanded that to ending all animal human, and non human, exploitation) I just finished my coffee. I wasn't embarrassed but felt awkward because it felt like they thought I should feel embarrassed.

    • @Lammy2023
      @Lammy2023 3 роки тому +1

      They are only a slaughterer half the week?

    • @Eeyono
      @Eeyono 3 роки тому +6

      I worked with someone like this who told me they were vegan while we were at lunch together and then proceeded to order a veggie burger with eggs and cheese. When I asked her about it, she said she just started so she's not strict about it... um what?

    • @georgewashingtom6516
      @georgewashingtom6516 3 роки тому +2

      @@Bowcaster67 Becoming vegan for the environment is a reasonable position. Becoming vegan for the animals is religion. That's the part where vegans lose me.

    • @karenishness1
      @karenishness1 3 роки тому +3

      And I say, tell that to the animals that must die for you- not me.

  • @FurryTailor
    @FurryTailor 3 роки тому +31

    I find it really difficult to be perfectly assertive yet not aggressive. I tend to be way too passive with my family and friends and way too aggressive online. Really hoping as time goes by I find the golden spot between these two in all my communications about veganism. I have noticed the world wants me to speak as though it's a diet and not bring up the animal's perspective at all, but doing that feels like silencing the true point of veganism.

    • @Sovvyy
      @Sovvyy 3 роки тому +5

      IMO being relatable is really important and helps reduce dissonance and lower the nirvana standards that come with questioning the status-quo. You will always run into people who argue in bad faith for petty gratification online however, but I think non-vegans and vegans alike pick up on it. Diet and environment is defiently less personal and misinformation promotes little personal sacrifice narratives, but animal ethics questions personal consitency and demands more. Family is tough though, as vegans we seem to be infantalised a lot so it's also worth reading up on how to combat it. tldr I agree.

    • @MeganOlivier
      @MeganOlivier 3 роки тому +2

      Have you read ‘How to Create A Vegan World’ by Tobias Leenaert? It’s incredible!

    • @queenkurumi8504
      @queenkurumi8504 3 роки тому

      @@MeganOlivier Vegan World sucks no thanks 😎

  • @HeteroflexibleMerus
    @HeteroflexibleMerus 3 роки тому +131

    Veganism is about animals, period. Nothing else. Use plantbased for your diet dammit.

    • @v.a.n.e.
      @v.a.n.e. 3 роки тому +4

      animals and period?! eww...

    • @m0nke13
      @m0nke13 3 роки тому +1

      @@v.a.n.e. not that period

    • @frizzelfrazzel99
      @frizzelfrazzel99 3 роки тому +1


    • @frizzelfrazzel99
      @frizzelfrazzel99 3 роки тому +12

      @@v.a.n.e. do you consume eggs? If so your consuming someone else period! Also comes out of an assvigina!

    • @v.a.n.e.
      @v.a.n.e. 3 роки тому +1

      oh, you mean ... well, that's gross. @@m0nke13

  • @Pjvenom1985
    @Pjvenom1985 3 роки тому +77

    As if there wasn't enough muddying of the water in terms of the Vegan philosophy and animal rights out there in the mainstream media/general public already. Great video Ed, fair play.🌱🧠💚🌎

    • @karenishness1
      @karenishness1 3 роки тому

      @Han Boetes It's even worse than what you are describing, dude. Senomyx puts aborted human fetusses in thousands of foods, soft drinks, and candies. And even impossible burger factory is across the road from an abortion clinic due to a video I saw. Furthermore McD's is said to have 10% human flesh in their pork products. The hand above the governments is simply not human and wants us to disobey Genesis 1:29 so they can divide and rule.

    • @Creditofcat
      @Creditofcat 3 роки тому

    • @RobertMcD
      @RobertMcD 3 роки тому +1

      I would speak words of agreement but Ed has already provided those words over years of his content and people should sift through his videos to gain them ❤️

  • @aloissalt4989
    @aloissalt4989 3 роки тому +38

    Seems to me like more underhanded carnist tactics.

    • @v.a.n.e.
      @v.a.n.e. 3 роки тому

      c'mon, you may have even laughed at first.

    • @somerandomknucklesinatank1491
      @somerandomknucklesinatank1491 3 роки тому +3

      As a carnist, i can confirm that we are infiltrating the vegan "community". Expect at least 2 "vegan" UA-camrs to quit veganism. It's a demoralization tactic.

    • @jonjonwp
      @jonjonwp 3 роки тому +1


    • @v.a.n.e.
      @v.a.n.e. 3 роки тому

      hey Jon WePus. I know, I know... I'm mispronouncing it, but you're the next in alphabetical order. your vegan "journey" has ended. give up.

    • @aloissalt4989
      @aloissalt4989 3 роки тому +5

      @@somerandomknucklesinatank1491 Its more about twisting the word and creating ignorance.
      Carnist indoctrination is so bad you even mutter the word "Vegan" they all turn into 'lions' and have an aneurysm.

  • @Kaeshana
    @Kaeshana 3 роки тому +10

    They've got low star ratings on Google because people take issue with their misleading name. Their responses to those comments are often along the lines of "your review has nothing to do with the food". What they don't understand is that their restaurant name also has nothing to do with ethical veganism (which is really the only kind of vegan). If only they would apply their own standards to themselves. They have no business calling themselves vegan.

    • @pathofthetrickster
      @pathofthetrickster 3 роки тому

      Lmao I just looked the restaurant up and it has a 1.5 star reviews. 😝

  • @Sudusukkuladi
    @Sudusukkuladi 3 роки тому +13

    You are the reason I became vegan, Ed. Thank you.

  • @juve0nile
    @juve0nile 3 роки тому +10

    Spot on, Ed. I do hope they get the message 🌱💚🌱

  • @NeneChan203
    @NeneChan203 3 роки тому +11

    Thank you for everything you do Ed, you're such an incredible source of inspiration and information, you inspire so many people everyday. Your work is incredible. You make this world a better place.

  • @jasonito23
    @jasonito23 3 роки тому +5

    I had a co-worker who said that she was a Vegan except for baked desserts. I told her, "Then you're vegetarian. She didn't want to accept that and kept saying she was a Vegan.

    • @saxenart
      @saxenart 3 роки тому +2

      I had a classmate who said that she was vegan but still ate organic eggs and wears animal skin….

    • @karenishness1
      @karenishness1 3 роки тому

      @@saxenart It is especially helpful when I tell them I don't eat murdered or enslaved animal products.

    • @feelingoffbalance
      @feelingoffbalance 3 роки тому

      I think imperfect vegan is still a better term to describe her. It's not like she is buying cartons of eggs, cheese, yoghurt etc.
      I think insisting on 100% of moral purity is a bit harsh. She is still doing amazing in terms of limiting her animal food consumption.

    • @jasonito23
      @jasonito23 3 роки тому +1

      @@feelingoffbalance - She liked to bake the goods herself, so she was buying eggs and milk etc. to bake cakes and cupcakes. It's a vegetarian. The definition for vegan is clear and simple.

  • @jivanadrenth1626
    @jivanadrenth1626 3 роки тому +6

    I totally agree with you, Ed. Thank you for the brilliant video.
    I also feel that because the name of the restaurant is misleading, vegan and non-vegan customers may perhaps think that all the options are vegan and then order by mistake a non-vegan option (this is if the options aren't well described/signalized).

  • @alisiademi
    @alisiademi 3 роки тому +23

    I'd honestly do a disruption of this place and go on a speech of what vegan really means and why are they selling tortured dead bodies

    • @EternalJourneys
      @EternalJourneys 3 роки тому +5

      Thats not gonna look good from a public perspective. I can see the headline. "Extreme Vegans protest against vegan restaurant"

    • @queenkurumi8504
      @queenkurumi8504 3 роки тому

      And they not even care XD 😆

  • @samuelmolinari
    @samuelmolinari 3 роки тому +7

    Veganism is far too often linked with diet, and is the reason why there are so many so called "ex-vegans". People go plant-based and think that makes them vegans but unfortunately this isn't the case. Then when the diet fails or isn't executed properly, they easily give up and blames it on veganism. "Bad Vegan" is likely owned by entrepreneurs who don't care so much about animal rights, but see veganism as a trend. They likely understand the fact that many people like the ideas behind veganism, but aren't willing to compromise on their habits. Now these people can go to this place, feel good about themselves without having to change.
    This trend of plant-based mixed with meat is only another "RSPCA approved" or "Red Tractor" labels. They don't exist for the animals. They exist to appease people's conscience so they can continue eating the flesh of innocent beings without having to feel guilty about it.

    • @melamsisse2426
      @melamsisse2426 3 роки тому +2

      Because people want to enjoy the moral high ground Veganism confers while not doing their homework, that is, to be truly vegan. The human ego will latch on just about anything as a parasite to remain alive. What "Bad Vegan" is doing; is pandering to people's insecure egos.
      That being said, I think the term "Vegan", despite being well-established and convenient, just invites such "hijacking". So much so that the term "Vegan" barely means anything nowadays since so many people appropriate it and distort it at will. It is absolutely necessary to shift the spotlight onto the perpetrators of the injustice and stop brandishing the Vegan label. To that end, vegan activists should make a concerted effort to stop using the term "Vegan" and use a more explicit terminology such as "anti-carnist" or "anti specesist" instead. It seems to me such an approach would be more foolproof.

    • @karenishness1
      @karenishness1 3 роки тому +2

      @@melamsisse2426 Awesome idea.

  • @DavidBee
    @DavidBee 3 роки тому +9

    A more accurate name for this restaurant would be "Not Vegan". Let's get real here, calling a restaurant Bad Vegan is akin to somebody saying they are almost pregnant. You either are or you aren't.
    (On a side note, this whole weird concept might have originated from an interview with Pamela Anderson where she described herself as a "bad vegan", ie she slips up once in awhile.)

  • @Eeyono
    @Eeyono 3 роки тому +7

    One of the big reasons my partner became vegan was because I exposed him to delicious vegan food. He went from not thinking a meal was even a meal without meat to us sharing a fully vegan kitchen. Bad Vegan is doing a disservice to the community and to any non-vegans who come to their restaurant to experience delicious vegan food.

    • @Prithvikalra660
      @Prithvikalra660 3 роки тому

      Could you suggest those vegan food to me also plus

    • @Eeyono
      @Eeyono 2 роки тому +1

      @@Prithvikalra660 Avant-garde Vegan has a lot of killer recipes for cooking at home and Más Vegan has great recipes for mexican food (this was very important for him). We are very lucky to live in a city with many vegan/vegan friendly restaurants as well. Our favorite go to food would have to curry, its savory and spicey in a way that just hits right and is pretty easy to find vegan. If you have any friend/family with allergies they can probably tell you which restaurants are willing to accommodate as well.

    • @Prithvikalra660
      @Prithvikalra660 2 роки тому

      @@Eeyono Thank you so much! Since I became vegan I was missing tasty foods. I will definitely try these. Thanks again :)

  • @phuck8627
    @phuck8627 3 роки тому +191

    I think we should just start replacing "vegan" with "not killing animals"

    • @v.a.n.e.
      @v.a.n.e. 3 роки тому +5

      are you a not killing animals? no not killing animals I know would agree with you.

    • @phuck8627
      @phuck8627 3 роки тому +28

      @@v.a.n.e. shut up

    • @imola24
      @imola24 3 роки тому +21

      If people ask i just say my food is grown not born and that I'm in touch with my ethics 😂

    • @chipandchap100
      @chipandchap100 3 роки тому +5

      theres no way to kill no animals, theres no way to save mice or earthworms when working on a field with heavy tractors etc.

    • @frizzelfrazzel99
      @frizzelfrazzel99 3 роки тому +22

      @@chipandchap100 most vegans know about crop deaths but it isn't as many as people claim it is!
      But also we aren't intentionally killing animals! We can't control how they farm our plants when they farm animals intentionally for the soul purpose to give them a predetermined execution date! There is veganized farming!

  • @elisenieuwe4649
    @elisenieuwe4649 3 роки тому +5

    Many people think veganism as a diet because of all the social media vegens constantly talking and making statements about health instead of animals. If you constantly see people on youtube, instagram etc. making the argument that veganism is the best because it's healthy and talking about research that shows how healthy it is, than that's how you are going to perceive veganism. As a healthy diet style.

  • @BrokenEyedVegan
    @BrokenEyedVegan 3 роки тому +25

    You can’t call yourself vegan and eat animal products. It couldn’t be simpler than that, I don’t understand how some people get confused by different lifestyles and/or diets… Like these people who call themselves vegan but own a leather bag for example 🤦‍♂️ You’re not vegan you’re just on a plant based diet so stop attempting to be virtuous when you’re just on a diet

    • @Incredible43
      @Incredible43 3 роки тому +2

      It's gross, they treat Veganism like they would Weight Watchers or some other diet where you can have a cheat day 😡
      Vegan's eat a plant based diet and yes we have cheat days only its with plant based treats #CrueltyFree

    • @BrokenEyedVegan
      @BrokenEyedVegan 3 роки тому +2

      @@melo-cotton7096 I don’t judge people who have leather / animal products before they went vegan… It’s down to how you feel, if you want to use it until it’s worn out then bin it… Give it to somebody you know or selling it, though I see where you’re coming from feeling like it’s promoting the industry - even though it’s second hand… In all honesty it’s your call and you do what you feel is right 😊

    • @BrokenEyedVegan
      @BrokenEyedVegan 3 роки тому +1

      @@Incredible43 exactly… I hate the fact that this restaurant have the cheek to claim that basically it’s not to discriminate non vegans… Huh the amount of shops, pubs and restaurants that don’t serve vegan alternatives is staggering… Thankfully things are getting better and better each year for plant based alternatives

    • @BrokenEyedVegan
      @BrokenEyedVegan 3 роки тому +1

      @@melo-cotton7096 no worries 😆

    • @Incredible43
      @Incredible43 3 роки тому +1

      @@BrokenEyedVegan Agree, there are so many places that aren't Vegan/Plant Based there isn't a reason for Bad Vegan it's heartless greed 😡

  • @neiljowen
    @neiljowen 3 роки тому

    Signed book ordered!!! Can't wait to read it man!

  • @Sodylin
    @Sodylin 3 роки тому +4

    They want the trendiness of veganism but they don't actually know how to cook.

  • @JeremyTheApe
    @JeremyTheApe 2 роки тому +2

    If we can't get the meaning of veganism straight within the animal's movement, how are we to expect speciesists to understand it? 🤔
    (Friendly reminders: veganism is not a diet, veganism is about ending use not improving treatment, and no... animal 'testing' is not vegan)

  • @bartharris
    @bartharris 2 роки тому +1

    I just went to Bad Vegan on Trip Advisor for some bad review porn. ‘Permanently closed’ it says! Good.
    Great video as ever, Ed 🙏🏼

  • @broonage
    @broonage 3 роки тому +9

    It can be tough switching over to a 'vegan' diet.... But this is just daft. You're either vegan or you're not. I love seeing a vegan option in restaurants (as in we're not a vegan establishment but hey we have something for you) but this is playing the cake. Obviously run by non vegans. I had a similar situation where a 'vegan' burger joint had 95 percent vegan options and a...... Chicken burger.... Ummmmm yeah! I hope they remove the meat, play it off and say their 'bad vegan' name is more unhealthy junk food than actually offering meat. Seems so obvious to me! As I said in the past you're the terminator Ed!

  • @RK-nq3fj
    @RK-nq3fj 3 роки тому +4

    I'm a bit torn on whether veganism should be a black and white thing or if it is more practical to simply cut meat gradually. I'm a vegan myself, but I suspect we have created a division in the society where people are either vegans (or their close relatives like vegeterians/mostly-vegeterians), or the other group of people that don't care about what is happening in the meat industry. This would be analogous to having environmental-friendly people that completely abstain from plastic or coal energy and rest of the people don't think about environment at all because the bar is so high.

    • @debcress6718
      @debcress6718 3 роки тому +1

      they could be vegans-in-transition? or 95% plantbased?

    • @RK-nq3fj
      @RK-nq3fj 3 роки тому

      @@debcress6718 That's still too high of a bar that puts off people I think. I'd love to see a world where majority of the people are at least bought into the concept of reducing animal suffering. And they move at their own pace towards the ideal.

  • @ValadoraLuma
    @ValadoraLuma 3 роки тому +2

    I love the way you approach things. Love the channel.

  • @GeoffreyMays
    @GeoffreyMays 3 роки тому +1

    We’ll done Ed! As always, logically sound, compassionate yet uncompromising. You Rock!

  • @tanyalalonde733
    @tanyalalonde733 2 роки тому +1

    I have noticed this over the years... people will say they are "vegan" but eat fish occasionally, or buy/wear leather. This is a plant based diet not vegan!!!

  • @Mag_1418
    @Mag_1418 3 роки тому

    Such an important thing to point out! Well said!

  • @witriole_22
    @witriole_22 2 роки тому

    I'm nearly a decade deep in this vegan life and going deeper. and the choice feels better every day-- good, and so true. Thank you, Ed, for intelligently challenging, humoring, and humanizing-- in all the right places. I think I'll purchase your book, now.

  • @WobblyGroulx
    @WobblyGroulx 3 роки тому +1

    You’re doing great work, Ed. Wish I was more like you.

  • @VeganPixieWarrior
    @VeganPixieWarrior 3 роки тому +1

    Yes Ed, there was a meme a posted on a FB page saying "I'm mostly Vegan" with the reply on the meme "The F&@k You are".
    There were so many vegans on there supporting mostly vegan🤦‍♀️, so I shared your video on their, hopefully it will wake them up.
    Thank you for this Video 💚✌️

  • @Pennylhkf
    @Pennylhkf 3 роки тому +2

    I live in Australia and am wondering how I purchase your book Earthling Ed?

    • @d.rabbitwhite
      @d.rabbitwhite 3 роки тому +2

      I am wondering the same from north america with out having to utilize amazon because I hate them. I am going to see if any of my local book sellers can preorder it for me. That has worked in the past with a cook book I ordered from the happy pear brothers.

    • @melaniehall279
      @melaniehall279 3 роки тому +1

      I live in Australia and pre-ordered my copy from the Book Depository. Free shipping 😃

  • @waralako3180
    @waralako3180 3 роки тому

    I can't express how I love your logic. The way you can dismantle corrupt thinking. I'm so gonna buy your book btw (I rarely read) and I will let my date read it too (I went vegan for her and she loves books). Also I had no idea that you co-own a restaurant. Unity diner. If I ever go to London I will give it a visit and support it. It inspires me to change the traditional korean bbq restaurant my dad has.

  • @wolfhugs2221
    @wolfhugs2221 3 роки тому +1

    I'm so glad you've covered this. At the Vegan Camp Out this year, Chris Packham used his speech to promote cheaper chicken in supermarkets and wearing leather. The crowd cheered. We walked out, appalled that he calls himself vegan whilst holding opposing views and also that he was given time to do this at a supposedly vegan event.

  • @pathofthetrickster
    @pathofthetrickster 3 роки тому +1

    Me and my mom always jokingly say we should open a vegan restaurant, but put one shitty, boring option for the meat eaters - so they learn how frustrating it is in most restaurants when you ask for a vegan option. But yeah, Bad Vegan went one step further and are actually doing it as a marketing idea. Meat on any menu sucks.

  • @PBMarl
    @PBMarl 3 роки тому +3

    I will never understand, why people who aren't vegan, want to identify as vegan. Like, if it's just a diet and not a ethical stance for you, why do you need to label yourself?🤦🏽‍♀️ It's probably for their ego.

    • @theresehudgins5482
      @theresehudgins5482 3 роки тому

      Someone would claim the vegan label even if they don't identify with it ethically so they won't be served animal products because they don't eat it. It's as simple as that. If you go by plant based there's a chance you could be served dairy.

  • @Kiyarose3999
    @Kiyarose3999 3 роки тому +1

    I don’t think ‘’Bad Vegan repressent’’ a wider problem of ‘Vegans’ using animals as food, what I do think is a problem is the use of ‘Plant Based Diet’ to mean a Vegan diet. Because ‘’Based’’ is open to interpretation, a Meat based diet is accepted to mean plant foods as well. I’ve never liked this social media created Plant Based bs!

  • @chitx4391
    @chitx4391 3 роки тому +2

    Thanks for this Ed!

  • @nettyflores7364
    @nettyflores7364 3 роки тому +1

    Yes! My brother comes at me saying being vegetarian is for the animals and being vegan is for health🤦🏻‍♀️ like no. Even I’m wrong when I say veganism is the act of not eating or consuming any animal products. And vegetarian is just not eating meat. I’m not wrong but not entirely right according to this video 🤍😅

  • @kracken6218
    @kracken6218 3 роки тому +1

    This is FINALLY getting a deep dive. Veganism has specific def'n and often gets molded and conflated to mean different things

  • @RogerYates
    @RogerYates 3 роки тому +2

    If I may - a couple of points. I'm glad that you are vegan "for the animals" - all vegans are, but you come pretty close to the suggestion that veganism is an animals-only philosophy, which would itself be a dilution of veganism. Secondly, you suggest that other animals "deserve" fundamental rights! No, according to the case for animal rights, they *have* fundamental (moral) rights: what they deserve is for their rights to be respected by humans.

    • @karenishness1
      @karenishness1 3 роки тому

      I went vegan for my health not the animals although I was already in the humane society. I learned compassion by defending my health. @Roger Yates.

    • @RogerYates
      @RogerYates 3 роки тому

      @@karenishness1 Hi. The general response to that, Karen, would be that you probably went plant-based for your health and the humane society sounds like animal welfare rather than animal rights/liberation (the latter being the basis of veganism). However, as you show, many people begin their journey to/towards vegan philosophy for a variety of reasons. The research evidence suggests that it is the "ethical vegans" (controversial term I know) who are the ones who stay vegan. Animal rights philosopher Tom Regan was worried about the "revolving door" in the movement - many people leave it. However, those who embrace the philosophy of vegan animal rights - and understand its full justice-for-all scope - tend not to.

  • @lanecrit
    @lanecrit 3 роки тому

    This is a great and an important video. Thank you for bringing up this issue which I feel deeply concerned as there are more and more misrepresentations about veganism in the mainstream media.

  • @Chukojc94
    @Chukojc94 3 роки тому +2

    If someone wants animal products there's literally 17,900~ establishments in London that do them... Why if someone wanted animal flesh are they going to somewhere with the word vegan in it. You can't legally label products vegan if they're not, it should be the same with establishments, with exception to 'vegan options' perhaps.

  • @catherinemeyer9604
    @catherinemeyer9604 2 роки тому +1

    Thank you for this making a video on an emerging issue within the animal rights movement. I have unfortunately become sceptical about using the term 'veganism' in conversations with those unaware of the topic, because of how this word is being dragged through the mud, and used in completely the wrong contexts. e.g. "Veganism cured my menstrual cramps" or "I'm vegan to reduce my environmental impact". No.
    Veganism = Against animal abuse / Animal rights advocacy. Understand it, and be aware of how you use the term veganism please, so we can ensure it remains an immaculate message for the victims, who deserve the full attention!

    • @V.CatCroissant
      @V.CatCroissant 2 роки тому

      I don't mind that too much if the people who are using the word "veganism" as "vegan/plant based diet" are at least actually committed to being vegan/are at least partially motivated by ethical concerns.

  • @josephr9551
    @josephr9551 3 роки тому

    Thank you Ed for your integrity!

  • @donnaadkins2429
    @donnaadkins2429 3 роки тому +1

    Why do they not advertise as flexitarian? It seems more appropriate and less confusing. I'm all for more vegan restaurants and more restaurants with decent vegan options. In an ideal world we would all be plant based or vegan but we all realise that's a way off yet.

  • @KanashiAtisuto
    @KanashiAtisuto 3 роки тому

    Thank you for your work 🔥💕

  • @d.rabbitwhite
    @d.rabbitwhite 3 роки тому

    Book depsitory was founded by a former amazon employee but then acquired by amazon; for those whom deem that important to know, like me. Other book/reading, associated businesses that they own also: Abe books, Audible, Comixology, goodreads.
    It is often possible to have a local bookseller preorder these books. Good if one likes to patronize local book sellers and/or hates bezo's justice ethic.

  • @monkeyatemysock
    @monkeyatemysock 3 роки тому +3

    Could we talk about the vegan community being super anti-vax though?

    • @jonjonwp
      @jonjonwp 3 роки тому

      Proof? I have never met one.

    • @monkeyatemysock
      @monkeyatemysock 3 роки тому

      There’s a ton of other examples but there’s no denying the vegan community has its flaws. I’m vegan and I’m embarrased by everyone. I’d rather dis-associate with vegans sometimes

    • @d.rabbitwhite
      @d.rabbitwhite 3 роки тому

      The animal experimentation and possible ingredients thing. Yes.
      Well, I get it yet I wonder how many of them use safety gear. because perhaps they should never use helmets because the way they were/are? developed is absolutely heinous. Also never drive or ride a bus as there are animal's products in many parts that one would never think, like tires, and never watch movies made before the digital age because film has animal's body parts like gelatin, and never ever use an aspirin even, or use non coin monies. The fact is that we need to end the exploitation and until we do we all will have some infraction we engage in, willing or not.

    • @monkeyatemysock
      @monkeyatemysock 3 роки тому

      Yes exactly. Some people refuse to get vaccinated because it’s exploiting animals in some fashion. We all are doing bad things for animals in the planet just living. That doesn’t mean we kill ourselves haha. Yeah I was just pointing out the fact that the vegan community can be a little ‘much’ sometimes

  • @ellanoelno
    @ellanoelno 3 роки тому

    Some days ago I went to a cafe that is advertised as “plant-based” but most of the food they offer is not. I almost buy a cheesecake thinking it was vegetable cheesecake… So the same problem is happening with that term. My boyfriend just asked to be sure it was a fully vegetarian place, and it wasn’t… The place is in Valencia, Spain, and it’s called “V2walk”, just so you know.

  • @basbleupeaunoire
    @basbleupeaunoire 3 роки тому +1

    This doesn't apply to Bad Vegan, but people in general. A lot of it is just naivete. They hear people, including vegans, saying "vegan food," "vegan restaurant," and so on, and they don't know it has a specific meaning or that there's wording that is more accurate. Correct them: "Oh, you mean you eat a plant-based diet three days a week?" Of course, some people use "plant-based" to mean "predominantly plants," but that's not as much of a political issue as the definition of "vegan."

  • @blackcatcaptions3076
    @blackcatcaptions3076 3 роки тому +1

    Bad vegan thought they had a lot of people leaving comments before this video...

  • @carolinezonis9789
    @carolinezonis9789 3 роки тому

    Amazing video 🌱

  • @tillyash7603
    @tillyash7603 3 роки тому

    Thank you for all that you do admire you so much x

  • @lorezyra
    @lorezyra 3 роки тому +1

    Marketing a restaurant as "Bad Vegan" is like a christian church calling itself "Satan's Friend..."

  • @deepakhiranandani6488
    @deepakhiranandani6488 3 роки тому

    Amazing concept. Absurd too: those menu items aren't 'not so vegan', rather they should be listed as 'not at all vegan' or 'non vegan' or 'not vegan'. And the restaurant perhaps 'Vegan and non vegan options'.

  • @braveintofuture
    @braveintofuture 3 роки тому

    I respect restaurants which don‘t label themselves as vegan but offer „classical“ dishes but veganized. A lot of the guests don‘t even realize this

  • @krishnaveganathar
    @krishnaveganathar 3 роки тому

    Ethics is about judging tho. I’m grateful for your yoga of action/karma yoga/selfless service.

  • @tasialast5624
    @tasialast5624 3 роки тому

    There is a “vegan” restaurant in Pittsburgh. The place is called Vegan Burger Island. Ordered a burger and a milkshake from them a few days ago. My psoriasis is completely flared up which indicates I’ve had dairy and my burger had real bacon and a sunny side egg on it. Restaurants claiming to be vegan but aren’t pisses me off.
    IF 👏🏾YOU 👏🏾HAVE 👏🏾VEGAN 👏🏾IN 👏🏾YOUR 👏🏾TITLE 👏🏾YOU 👏🏾SHOULD 👏🏾BE 👏🏾100% 👏🏾VEGAN!!!

  • @Blaqk_8298
    @Blaqk_8298 3 роки тому +1

    To me thats why they call it BAD VEGAN!!!

  • @Ajamila1acbsp
    @Ajamila1acbsp 3 роки тому +1

    Veganism is all about not eating any meat produced from a murdered animal.... Keep up the great work Ed.

  • @deceptiontoday1871
    @deceptiontoday1871 3 роки тому

    Only thing i can imagine is if you’re kinda young and want to go out have some dinner with your non supportive, non vegan family. They might allow going to such a restaurant but not a fully vegan one. But by being there and getting in touch with vegan options, they could start to become less against it and even might consider trying it themself. Don’t know if there ever happens to be such a situation, but it could be. Definitely not a „reason“ to create such a business. But we all agree that so said „normal restaurants“ should add more vegan options, even so many that you could say that they offer non vegan options to the actual normal vegan dish and slowly let those non vegan options fade to nothing. Hope that made any sense to ya 😅 Big 💚 to all you vegan fellas 🌱

  • @JerryTappan
    @JerryTappan 3 роки тому

    Thanks Ed. You are a legend!

  • @thebowandbullet
    @thebowandbullet 3 роки тому +2

    "Bad Vegan" sounds like a regular omni restaurant. They really have no idea what veganism is about.

    • @karenishness1
      @karenishness1 3 роки тому

      I suspect they are sponsored by seriously demented carnivores. Like reptilians.

    • @thebowandbullet
      @thebowandbullet 3 роки тому

      @@karenishness1 😂

  • @veganvvarrior
    @veganvvarrior 3 роки тому

    When I was younger the discussion was “are you vegan if you eat honey” or even “can you still use your old leather shoes and say you are vegan”. For the reason that the term veganism shouldn’t be diluted.
    But I guess veganism nowadays is so widespread and normalized that people gladly use it as marketing.
    Maybe time for some milk trucks to burn again?

  • @alexhazydreams
    @alexhazydreams 3 роки тому

    I actually have several friends calling themselves "vegan" or "vegetarian" while eating animal flesh. I've been a vegan for eight years and it seems very strange to me. I once had one of them trying to explain to me that he had been a vegetarian for seven years while eating deli meat and country style paté. When I asked him about it he pretended that he made an exception when he was travelling (he was living in France but came from Switzerland) so he could taste the local specialities. I know for a fact that he had been travelling for years at this point and i definitively saw him eating stuff at his house that had nothing to do with French cuisine (like nems stuffed with pork)... He pretends to be "vegetarian" for health though so it's not the weirdest case in a way. I have a friend who is a vegan activist, making music with a vegan message and such, who still eats cheese because it's "too tasty to stop".

  • @lorraineeady8089
    @lorraineeady8089 3 роки тому

    Spot on Ed! 👏👏👏
    When I first heard about Bad vegan I was really annoyed and shared it on my social media with a poll attached to see what others thought of this.
    So glad you've done a video about this ridiculous restaurant.
    Just out of interest, did anyone ever see the chef Angela Hartnett on This Morning talking about being a seagan? A person who eats sustainably caught fish 🙄
    Again another chef who hasn't got a clue about what veganism actually is and making money off the word. Unbelievable!

  • @boyled100
    @boyled100 3 роки тому

    Absolutely crushing the restaurant business competition

  • @wobblybobengland
    @wobblybobengland 3 роки тому

    I think you guys in London should stage a sit in

  • @voiceforanimals8457
    @voiceforanimals8457 Рік тому

    One of my classmates asked me what do you mean by vegan. I could have easily told him that I do not consume animals and such. But I told him veganism is a belief where we try to reduce if not eliminate suffering and give more value to a sentient life than a meal, a jacket or a perfume.

  • @MrNick3742
    @MrNick3742 3 роки тому +1

    Dear Ed, I am a huge fan of your work and a regular contributor, but this is the first video I've ever had to politely disagree with. While I fully agree that we, as committed vegans, do not want to "dilute" the meaning of veganism, the world is not currently anywhere close to being even partly vegetarian, never mind vegan. If people need to be "bad vegans" in order to help their transition towards "actual veganism" then so be it. We will not get there overnight, and being aloof and particular about letting people brand themselves as vegan will not help. Right now, if every non-vegan were to eat 1/2 as many animal-based meals as "bad vegans" it would save far more lives than we "good vegans" do every day. Instead of a philosophy where we strive for ideals, maybe we embrace the "trendiness." Grow the tent, let everyone who wants to identify with instead of mock veganism, then start to educate them about how to be "better vegans" as they start to discover how delicious and satisfying their plant-based meals can be. The ethical rational will follow, but even if they don't less animals will be killed. If you haven't already, please read "How to Create a Vegan World" by Tobias Leenaert. There is no such thing as a perfect vegan and it is a truly monumental task to even try, so instead of a philosophy held by 3% of the world, why not make it a diet trend embraced by 50%? There is always room for improvement, but the last thing the animals need is for people to be excluded from their movement and alienated from the overall cause.

  • @rorybessell8280
    @rorybessell8280 3 роки тому

    I think the idea is okay if it wasn't for the marketing. If it was just a regular food joint that didn't market itself as vegan I would love the fact that vegan is the standard and you have to be special to get the meat alternatives as that flips the idea on who the people with the specialist diet is. However, because of marketing it does leave a sour taste and is a blatant misuse of the term

  • @zerofann
    @zerofann 2 роки тому +1

    maybe this restaurant is cooking vegan food but because non vegan ppl maybe wanna eat w their vegan friends, they can go to this place as well just like any other non vegan place offering 1 or two plant based alternative. its just the percentage of vegan and non vegan there is reversed.

    • @V.CatCroissant
      @V.CatCroissant 2 роки тому

      Would it kill people to join their friend/family member for a vegan meal for once..? It is not like they are obligate carnivores... I personally can do without "friends" who value their [apparently daily?] meat consumption over making me happy by having a vegan meal with me one in a while.

  • @fractor
    @fractor 3 роки тому +1

    If you eat meat, you’re not a bad vegan, you’re just not a vegan

  • @virginiascott6895
    @virginiascott6895 3 роки тому +1

    The cycle that this perpetuates further misguides people that may be on the fence about veganism, it further adds to the all the confusion and misinformation that predominates modernity. The concept behind "Bad Vegan" is very troubling, it undermines the philosophy behind veganism and the fight against animal agriculture as a maladaptive, unsustainable industry. This is a very interesting case study in that they are manipulating new and trendy cultural norms around plant based eating to appeal to a targeted demographic. However, hypocritically offer meat to appease meat eaters and promote a "non-judgmental" atmosphere. I think one of the core philosophical principles behind veganism is social equity for humans and non-humans alike. However, within the vegan community there are certain vegans that can be very judgmental with an almost hierarchy mentality (the "gate keepers"), this is a regressive mindset that dissociates the overall goal of veganism and is a major criticism within the community.

  • @chiaram.4375
    @chiaram.4375 3 роки тому

    that's why I don't go to that restaurant. it's like they're trying to fool you

  • @abanillasurfer
    @abanillasurfer 3 роки тому

    Time for a T-shirt explaining the difference? I'd wear it.

  • @metalcorpseman5433
    @metalcorpseman5433 3 роки тому +1

    Would it be better to express the name of the restaurant as a percentage based on the number of menu items? Such as: "80% Vegan," if 8/10 menu items are vegan.

    • @samanthabrunt4162
      @samanthabrunt4162 3 роки тому +2

      No, because you can't be 80% vegan.
      80% plant based, maybe. Veganism is an ethical stance, you're either in or out.

    • @metalcorpseman5433
      @metalcorpseman5433 3 роки тому +1

      @@samanthabrunt4162 Aye, 80% plant-based might be better.

  • @BeatDropperPS3
    @BeatDropperPS3 3 роки тому

    Vegan Tik Tok has been upsetting me lately. All they promote is vegan food and alternatives, I understand that it’s a huge part of making the change to going vegan but the animals are the priority. Thank you for this vid I’m glad I’m not just reading too much into it.

  • @darrenj1986
    @darrenj1986 3 роки тому

    I agree with the don't use vegan in your name, but I do agree with the whole vegan restaurant offering a meat alternative meal. I'm not a vegan and I used to think that all vegan food was salads and plants. I used to think if I saw a vegan restaurant I would sit down to a plate of grass. I stayed at a vegan hostel in Cornwall because it was the last place that had room, and had some of the best meals I have ever had, since then I have been eating vegan meals on a regular basis. I think if a meat eater sees a vegan restaurant they will walk past it and miss out on some of the amazing meals you can have. Now I know I am still a meat eater, but the experience of going to the vegan hostel showed me what there is to offer on a vegan menu and I think people who eat meat will just pass these places by normally. Like you said there will be people who go in trying to be supportive and they might think thank god I can order meat but I think a lot of people as well will go in expecting to add meat to there meal and find out that they don't need to. I went just for somewhere to stay and ended up eating every meal there and when I was on my day out I bought a lunch box and asked them to put a meal in there for me so I could take it with me. But even with all my thoughts maybe they should market it as a vegan restaurant with some meat dishes. Not you can add meat to any of the meals because that is just asking people to add meat to the meal.

  • @Telenova.
    @Telenova. 3 роки тому

    Super sneaky. It's kinda similar to the labeling debacle with faux Dairy and Meats, baseline appropriation, yet most vegans relish the insinuation in alternatives. What would your take be on a product line or restaurant called "Bad Carnivore" or "Abysmal Omnivore" that served vegan fare? Green light, right?
    I do think it's a bizarre miss tho, tbh. It's like they have Beef with Dairy, but not with Meat, or do they serve dairy too? It would actually make more sense if they were a Vegetarian restaurant called 'Bad Vegan' and offered like a cheese board or something, but made all the entrees Vegan. Actually I can't see why they're tagging vegan at all.
    I do think a good concept for restaurants or festive foods (at home/holidays) is to be "Otherwise Vegan" meaning that any meats or dairy options available come ala cart, instead of being incorporated into every single bite. That way ppl start to shift their palate, and to curb their use of animal products. This is not only inviting to vegans, but also a great way to encourage reduction and motivate the know how familiarity of veganizing common dishes.

  • @valenciacuttriss4259
    @valenciacuttriss4259 3 роки тому

    I suppose they might think that Vegans uses the words chicken or beef next to their product so they can use Bad Vegan as their right to advertise too. Pity they don’t realise that animals have souls too and we should be taking care and respecting animals as our equals.

  • @Proto-Martyr
    @Proto-Martyr 3 роки тому

    I've always thought that the one thing we should gatekeep is veganism. Allowing people to do things like these just to be "non-judmental" and open-minded results in the watering down of very important, very serious ethical beliefs.

    • @melamsisse2426
      @melamsisse2426 3 роки тому

      I feel you. Though at the same time I don't think there is any way we could quite prevent such hijacking from happening. This video really got me thinking, why don't we simply drop the term "Vegan" and use a more explicit terminology such as anti-carnist or anti-specesist. This idea is not as outlandish as it may seem, is it?

  • @Bianca888olivas
    @Bianca888olivas 3 роки тому

    Most people don’t even know the definition of vegan and they assume it’s just plain fruits and vegetables. Society is so brain washed they don’t even know where their food comes from. And the people who know about the animal abuse don’t care about it and still laugh at vegans. Throughout my vegan journey I’ve had people either mock me laugh at me be jealous of me or have absolutely no idea what veganism is. It’s really crazy honestly. Not even teachers or doctors are educated on where their food comes from or what veganism is. People seriously think we need animals to live. It’s all programming. And society is highly programmed to eat animals. While there is a lot more awareness than before I still don’t feel like enough people know or care. Hopefully one day we will reach a point where veganism isn’t ostracized by society.

  • @d.rabbitwhite
    @d.rabbitwhite 3 роки тому

    You know sometimes being judgemental is good. When I see someone treating their dog harmfully, I use my judgement and interfere. When I saw my child being manipulated by another family member (who thought it was normal parenting type behaviour), I used my judgemental attitude about child's rights advocacy, and stepped in and told off the other adult and told them why I made that judgement. Being judgemental is not a bad thing. Being an asshat is. People confuse the two.

  • @jasonbabychirakadavil5634
    @jasonbabychirakadavil5634 2 роки тому

    While completely agreeing that in an ideal world that veganism should be a moral stance. I don't understand the contempt for people eating less meat it because it's trendy or "healthy". Regardless of why they do it, even temporarly moving to a "vegan diet" reduces animal suffering. Quoting Paul Shapiro from an interview. "If americans were to just take meat off their meal for one day out of the week, that would save a billion animals each year from slaughter.. for me being a vegan is an aspirational statement, aspiring to try to reduce cruelity, it doesn't mean a puritanical orthodoxy" isn't that worth fighting for? when did veganism become part of moral elitism?
    Trying to convince people to have a consistant morality is a noble goal, but it's part of a much bigger "human" problem. Most of us, just do not have a consistant belief system. However, regardless of people's moral stance, shouldn't we accept that reducing suffering by reducing consmption in itself does a lot of good for animals, regardless if if it makes them s a "better" human or not.

  • @boopmybutthole3616
    @boopmybutthole3616 3 роки тому +10

    I'm just going to say..."Yes!".....BEFORE I watch the video..

    • @lolly5453
      @lolly5453 3 роки тому

      Great decision. You were correct ✅

  • @aldente9310
    @aldente9310 3 роки тому

    He views them as competition

  • @novaboon2866
    @novaboon2866 2 роки тому

    Nature does not care whether its animal, plant, or fungal meat.
    Food is food.
    (btw yeah i do count plant and fungus flesh as meat.)
    (seems pretty close to speciesism to assume plants and fungi cant feel pain nor have any consciousness)

  • @katewest3289
    @katewest3289 3 роки тому +1

    The terms plant-based and vegan have become interchangeable which is frustrating. Plant-based is a diet, veganism is a philosophy 💚🌱

  • @leephillips1972
    @leephillips1972 3 роки тому

    I don't understand what i heard, I went back and tried to listen again and again. What you said about your restaurant and what you serve. Did you say that you serve meat? To not be judgmental?

  • @spiritakarabbit369
    @spiritakarabbit369 3 роки тому

    For the commenters below I would advise to not claim that all people who say they are plant-based or herbivorous are not embracing the state of mind of veganism because then you are unconsciously saying that what makes veganism Stand Out is its State of Mind as if noone else believes that and that becomes a selling point for many things and it makes veganism look cynical, whereas in the beginning the word veganism didn't even exist, and people still were herbivorous did not eat animals believed in the freedom of all life and especially did not do this spay and neuter crap to their animal companions...dont create a division by playing word games.