UKRAINE PEACE CONFERENCE: Signs of Compromise? Ex-General Hopes for New Phase of Diplomacy

  • Опубліковано 12 чер 2024
  • UKRAINE PEACE CONFERENCE: Signs of Compromise? Ex-General Hopes for New Phase of Diplomacy
    A peace conference on Ukraine was held over the weekend, garnering significant attention. Russia and China did not participate, which influenced the discussions. A central point of the conference was the rhetorical support and financial aid for Ukraine. An additional 50 billion euros were pledged to help consolidate the budget and meet urgent needs. This financial support will certainly be welcomed by Ukraine.
    However, it also became clear that there is a lack of rapid and sustainable support with weapons. Western states are reaching the limits of their capabilities, and the industry cannot produce the required weapons at the necessary pace. Therefore, the importance of this peace conference in Zurich is emphasized, as it promotes dialogue and represents the first step towards diplomatic solutions.
    It is regrettable that Russia and China did not attend the conference. Equally disappointing is the absence of Brazil, South Africa, and India. Nevertheless, it is expected that these countries will play a role in the background or at future conferences. The first step has been taken, and there are signs of possible compromises in the background. Both warring parties are currently making maximum demands, but there is hope for a rapprochement.
    A second conference is expected to take place in the near future, with Russia and China also participating. This conference could mark the beginning of a new phase of diplomatic efforts, which are urgently needed to end the conflict in Ukraine.