  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024



    all the comments about my nails. some days are just messy, this was after a few hours of cleaning underseal off a car and before that digging a hole for a french drain. no end of cleaning was getting the mess off (i washed em quite a lot you know lol). how do these people keep their nails constantly clean? unless they are pen pushers i guess?
    check dalibor's videos on the youtube channel !
    i built this in a few hours without really thinking about it and in hindsight i should have skipped 6 and 7, ill be doing that. ill just put those on other numbers.
    btw that vibration is way less pronounced it must be the shutter speed. it looks very minimal to the eye. time will tell hey! consider it a stress test ha.

    • @nathantron
      @nathantron Місяць тому +4

      I recognized that tube anywhere!!!! Love their work.

    • @richfiles
      @richfiles Місяць тому +1

      What about using ALL the switch positions and having the numbers be "pseudo-random". It would better hide the lack of 6 and 7, and possibly reduce the big vibration at the end, if you can just keep cycling through (depending on the natural operation of that switch).

      @LOOKMUMNOCOMPUTER Місяць тому +2

      @@richfilesthe auto home bit is the best! But yeah I'm sorting those 2 digits. The auto home is staying though haha

    • @BobofWOGGLE
      @BobofWOGGLE Місяць тому

      old miner's trick: clean stubborn gunk with hazardous chemical solvent

    • @CoyTheobalt
      @CoyTheobalt Місяць тому

      How have you reached this age without learning how to properly wash your nails.

  • @mikeselectricstuff
    @mikeselectricstuff Місяць тому +281

    I have something for you to add to the display display - very unusual unit from an old venner frequency counter from the late 60's/early 70s - each digit has a moving-coil meter movement, turning a transparency film disc with the numbers on, and these are projected onto the front screen. The counter had a hundred or so germanium transistors.


      hey mike! ooh that sounds delightfully bonkers!

    • @mikeselectricstuff
      @mikeselectricstuff Місяць тому +82

      @@THISMUSEUMISNOTOBSOLETE When I get a chance I'll hook it up to something to make it work & get it to you.

    • @hignaki
      @hignaki Місяць тому +10

      The coolest offer, that rules man

    • @peterfarmer1592
      @peterfarmer1592 Місяць тому +1

      I had one of those. Still got some of this transistors and the 100 Kcs xtal.

    • @peskyparttimers8239
      @peskyparttimers8239 Місяць тому

      I had one of those displays, never seen another one anywhere since. BNIB ex MoD.

  • @kay486
    @kay486 Місяць тому +93

    Great to see that you finally managed to get your hands on some of these! I am the guy who designed the font for the H Tube (We briefly met at your Prague gig earlier this year where I brought the Soemtron calculator to have it autograph :D ).
    Design the font was quite a fun challenge, with the brief being to have a font that looks and feels vintage, kinda like on an old typewrite. This eventually resulted in the inclusion in serifs (pretty sure this is the only nixie tube that ever had them). Having the numerals be just a simple line would have been too thin at this scale so I ended up treating it as an outline instead but that required having to do some bridging tricks for stability. You can see how all the curved lines tend to come together and touch at some point half way into the curve or how the bottom half on the number 3 continues and essentially cuts across the outlined shape just so you have an extra intersection. I am still bit annoyed that the number 2 needed the extra bridge in the middle, it was just too flimsy without it and I couldnt figure out any more elegant way of doing it.
    Oh and here is a fun fact: even the old 50mm big Z568M used essentially the outline for the number 1, but the two vertical lines are so close together it glows as a single line - this was done to get the apparent brightness closer to the other digits as well as reducing the variance in the current across digits!
    Another odd thing about that tube is that it has an extra 8 in the middle of the digit stack, Im not sure if I remember this correctly but think it might be shorted to the anode grid to help things glow better? (it is put in upside down relative to the other digits to minimize overlap with the digits beneath as to maximize visibility)

    • @VAXHeadroom
      @VAXHeadroom Місяць тому +4

      The outline design of the numerals is really great!

    • @tomthepom98
      @tomthepom98 Місяць тому +1

      Fantastic work; thanks for the info!

    • @daliborfarny
      @daliborfarny Місяць тому +2

      Thank you again for creating the digits! 🙏🙏

    • @extended_e
      @extended_e Місяць тому

      It looks really pretty and uniform, so your design works well.

  • @IvanStepaniuk
    @IvanStepaniuk Місяць тому +77

    DaliborFarny has a UA-cam channel with AMAZING content and insights into what it takes to create something like this in this day an age.


      definitely is! we are very grateful for these b stocks :D

    • @graealex
      @graealex Місяць тому +6

      Yes, highly recommended to watch his videos

    • @andrewmackie5110
      @andrewmackie5110 Місяць тому +2

      I suspected this was Dalibor's nixie when I clicked this vid! I love a good YT collab.

  • @AaronBockelie
    @AaronBockelie Місяць тому +54

    A display display for displays that display, on display!

      @TRIPPLEJAY00 Місяць тому +3

      Which is next to another display, displaying other displays whilst the display case made for displays, to be displayed to the public.

    • @AaronBockelie
      @AaronBockelie Місяць тому +1

      @@TRIPPLEJAY00 while I am displaying on my display. Golly the English language is amusing sometimes.

    • @artoodiitoo
      @artoodiitoo Місяць тому


  • @grabasandwich
    @grabasandwich Місяць тому +13

    I found Dalibor's channel early on. What he accomplished is incredible, and I hope he's had great success re-creating these amazing devices from scratch!

  • @WOFFY-qc9te
    @WOFFY-qc9te Місяць тому +9

    Great display never seen one that large, one thing if you check the video at 06:42 you will see the vibration from the uniselector is moving the cathode wires. This may cause shorts or damage after while. Maybe prudent to isolate the display on some soft foam bushes..
    Great demo thanks Sam.

  • @singflower
    @singflower Місяць тому +10

    Wow. I've been watching Dalibor's channel for years but I never had a feeling for how massive these tubes really are until you held it right in front of you face

  • @tHaH4x0r
    @tHaH4x0r Місяць тому +3

    Magnificent. 6:58 Love how you can see that the glow is actually behind the wires, and not coming from the wires themselves.
    That vibration was very unsettling! Lets hope it doesnt slowly kill the tube...

  • @ricknelson947
    @ricknelson947 Місяць тому +2

    Dalibor is an amazing problem solver. Watching him through the development of this display to production was a treat and I never had a doubt that he would be successful. His work does deserve to be preserved in a museum.

  • @CalculatorObsessed
    @CalculatorObsessed Місяць тому +5

    Literally brilliant display. Have enjoyed watching the Dalibor Farný videos on making this display, well worth a watch.
    Excellent news that there is another place to see one of his H Nixie tubes, even if they are not fully functional b grade ones.
    Keep up the good work; museum is amazing.

  • @ajplays-gamesandmusic4568
    @ajplays-gamesandmusic4568 Місяць тому +32

    My friend Dave has Nixie tubes that are larger than that. They came from the NY Times Square Ball Drop countdown display (several generations old version of the countdown clock).

    • @olsmokey
      @olsmokey Місяць тому +17

      Pictures please.

    • @xsc1000
      @xsc1000 Місяць тому +2

      Is it really a nixie tube or is it neon?

    • @volvo09
      @volvo09 Місяць тому +3

      ​@@xsc1000 yeah neon sounds more plausible.
      Nixies aren't all that bright, neon would be more fitting for times square countdown clocks.

    • @railgap
      @railgap Місяць тому +1


    • @ajplays-gamesandmusic4568
      @ajplays-gamesandmusic4568 Місяць тому

      @@railgap I'll get some pics the next time I visit him in Tucson.

  • @leiraernandes
    @leiraernandes Місяць тому

    Fascinating !!!!!!!!
    I remember when I was in high school (in the 80s) in a laboratory I could see a timer that had nixie tubes for indication and I was fascinated with how it worked but after that I could never see anything like it until a few years ago when I found them again on the internet.
    My mother always said that everything comes back.
    Today I see that there are people with great knowledge and skill resurrecting these technologies that dazzle all the adults and children who have at least some concern about technical issues and their application.
    Great work !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • @glasslinger
    @glasslinger Місяць тому +16

    Wonderful museum! Keep on with it!

    • @icarus901
      @icarus901 Місяць тому +1

      glad to see you here. I thought of your channel while watching this!

    • @daliborfarny
      @daliborfarny Місяць тому +2

      @glasslinger this nixie would never existed without you ;-)

  • @Xlr8ive
    @Xlr8ive Місяць тому +2

    Such an attractive way of displaying information, love the typography and camera presence, thanks again Sam

  • @agentoranj5858
    @agentoranj5858 Місяць тому +6

    Knew it, Dalibor's nixie tubes are pieces of art.

  • @Magic_Toaster
    @Magic_Toaster Місяць тому +1

    Thank you for displaying the display of displays

  • @kementh
    @kementh Місяць тому +5

    Always great to see these new manufacture Nixie tubes out and about :D One thing that did occur to me is for display purposes it might be a good idea to skip the filaments that aren't working? it's always possible some previous patron might leave it set just before the 'bad' digits, and the next viewer to come along might think it's not working when they hit the button and nothing lights up.

  • @ZaphodHarkonnen
    @ZaphodHarkonnen Місяць тому +4

    Absolutely gorgeous and I want one.
    Only suggestion I'd make is putting the uniselector onto a vibration reduction mounting of some sort. Even just mounting the 3D printed base on some springs.

  • @flowmastak1
    @flowmastak1 Місяць тому +5

    I love that the cathodes are almost like calligraphy

  • @aristotles-lantern
    @aristotles-lantern Місяць тому +5

    I do worry about the longevity of that with vibration from the uniselector..!
    what a beautiful display.

  • @flamshiz
    @flamshiz Місяць тому +1

    I really like the outline look of the digit filaments

  • @NuffMan_
    @NuffMan_ Місяць тому +1

    Wonder if same trick works on those as with incandescent light bulbs.. as in when the wire breaks, if you manage to turn and wiggle the bulb so that the broken wire makes contact, it welds itself together and works again.

    • @stevebabiak6997
      @stevebabiak6997 Місяць тому

      I suggested possibly a laser to weld, but that’s the idea.

  • @clauscombat418
    @clauscombat418 Місяць тому +5

    The ambient sounds remind me of Doc Brown's clock experiments from Back to the future :)

  • @lachlanlau
    @lachlanlau Місяць тому +4

    Was about to say it could only be Dalibor’s work. Been watching his channel since his first clock..

  • @computersales
    @computersales Місяць тому +3

    Daliborfarny is legendary with their ability to reinvent nixie tubes. Plus their test wall for nixie tubes is also amazing. 🤤

  • @Exciting__Electronics
    @Exciting__Electronics Місяць тому +69

    That vibration is definitely gonna kill that tube dude.


      time will tell. watch this space

    • @sonixthatsme
      @sonixthatsme Місяць тому +13

      Maybe add some anti vibration rubbers underneath the counter ?

    • @carmichaelmoritz8662
      @carmichaelmoritz8662 Місяць тому +2

      He most likely doesn't care about it.

    • @railgap
      @railgap Місяць тому

      I've seen nixies in high vibration environments (old process control equipment) where the shaking was so bad the numerals were blurred.
      So I think you're mistaken, or you only have experience with very cheap tubes.

    • @Exciting__Electronics
      @Exciting__Electronics Місяць тому

      @@railgap The tubes already broken and has lose parts.

  • @BronzeAgePuritan
    @BronzeAgePuritan Місяць тому +6

    Get yourself a mercury arc rectifier!

  • @PatrickHogenboom
    @PatrickHogenboom Місяць тому

    That's an absolutely marvellous piece of engineering and perseverance. Soooo cool that they sent you those B-stock tubes
    Falling down a nixie rabbit hole myself these days
    Yet another reason to make the trip across the pond to visit your wonderful museum
    I felt that vibration in my bones 😬

  • @colinstu
    @colinstu Місяць тому

    Awesome one/some of his tubes have made it your way! I remember running across his first vids when he was working on his first Nixie tube production. Having to figure out everything from scratch again bc it was basically a lost art / process. So many copycats have sprung up since, he's the OG! Proud/happy owner of ZEN clock #69 (nice). Love that he sent you some of his H-tubes, that was a few year process for an art installation in Japan.

  • @ChrisSmout
    @ChrisSmout Місяць тому

    Dropping a like and comment on behalf of my dad who as a nixie tube lover would have been all over this video. RIP John. I also have a large Dalibor Farney nixie clock and they are gorgeous.

  • @arjovenzia
    @arjovenzia Місяць тому

    dalibor farny has some amazing videos. never thought glassblowing would be so mesmerising. led me down a whole rabbit hole.

  • @SenkJu
    @SenkJu Місяць тому

    5:30 Are you sure 130-140 V is enough for reliable ignition? That sounds like where I would expect the maintaining voltage to be. I would usually go a bit higher with a properly sized resistor (170V, maybe).

      @LOOKMUMNOCOMPUTER Місяць тому

      as you can see, it is more than enough, lights every time

  • @U014B
    @U014B Місяць тому +2

    I can't help but wonder what the use case was for this. At what point do you need something that big without justifying going up to higher voltages?

  • @KeritechElectronics
    @KeritechElectronics Місяць тому

    Ah, Dalibor's loveliness, even with 6 and 7 missing! Thing of beauty, joy for ever. If I recall correctly, Dalibor had indeed some problems in developing these tubes, and it's no wonder - the larger it gets, the harder it is. That'd be THE biggest real deal Nixie tube in the world - I wouldn't count Glasslinger's neon tube digits under a glass cover as a proper Nixie tube.
    Makes me want to visit you... with Fran!

  • @supercompooper
    @supercompooper Місяць тому

    I love all of Dalibor's works. own most. Definitely will pick up a bunch of these!

  • @anracc5302
    @anracc5302 Місяць тому

    amazing place you have there, and so close to home! definitely need to visit some time

  • @karlramberg
    @karlramberg Місяць тому

    Awesome. Hope the vibration from the uniselector dosnt kill it

  • @rewIndustry
    @rewIndustry Місяць тому +1

    at 8:00 - could the thing you're holding be some kind of dot matrix display?

  • @almightyEsquilax
    @almightyEsquilax Місяць тому +6

    Did you see that ludicrous display display last night?

  • @roctobot
    @roctobot Місяць тому

    never thought i'd see a nixie tube like that! the design and glow of the numbers are so nice

  • @TiBiAstro
    @TiBiAstro Місяць тому

    I love when my fave UA-camrs get together ❤

  • @solarbirdyz
    @solarbirdyz Місяць тому +1

    Doubled lines! I adore it! Best nixie.

  • @dfgaJK
    @dfgaJK Місяць тому +2

    Aren't the mechanical selector and relay a bad idea in terms of vibrations?

  • @radarmusen
    @radarmusen Місяць тому

    It really professional handcrafted things dalibor are doing.

  • @dedicatedspuddler7641
    @dedicatedspuddler7641 Місяць тому +1

    Very cool! Nixie tubes are awesome!

  • @dcallan812
    @dcallan812 Місяць тому

    The video showing the bulbs production is really interesting. But yes very nice tube.
    Love the chunky sound of the relay and the numbers are 😘👌

  • @RWBHere
    @RWBHere Місяць тому

    That thing is Ooje! Never knew that they were made in that size - and bigger. Thanks for the video.

  • @Elder-Sage
    @Elder-Sage Місяць тому +1

    Giving a mad scientist known defective equipment. What could go wrong?

  • @imajeenyus42
    @imajeenyus42 Місяць тому

    That’s a thing of beauty! Now wire it up to a telephone rotary dial as well 😊😊

  • @JacGoudsmit
    @JacGoudsmit Місяць тому +1

    That display would work fine as a ten-second or ten-minute display since it would never need to display 6 or 7 anyway.

  • @MVVblog
    @MVVblog Місяць тому

    Fran Lab paradise!

  • @Brian-L
    @Brian-L Місяць тому +1

    I’m really jealous Sam. I’d love to get my hands on one of Dalibor’s B stocks for giggles.

  • @SeraphimCherubim
    @SeraphimCherubim Місяць тому +1

    I think you need a mercury rectifier in your display display.

  • @bigchubb5268
    @bigchubb5268 Місяць тому

    Tube displays are awesome

  • @mezu-e
    @mezu-e Місяць тому +1

    6:29 display on

  • @Pillowcase
    @Pillowcase Місяць тому

    I really enjoyed your display of the display of a display for your display display.

  • @FennecTECH
    @FennecTECH Місяць тому

    Let’s get this guy 4 of these and demand he make the largest nixie clock in the world

  • @stevenmayhew3944
    @stevenmayhew3944 Місяць тому

    I saw Dalibor Farny's videos about how he made these nixie tubes and the display which he made for the Japanese museum where seven show up words in Japanese.

  • @electronash
    @electronash Місяць тому

    Aside from the 12V reg being a chonker, I don't see a problem with how you built this.
    I mean, it's not like you're super limited on space on that board. :P
    I love that Nixie tube. Never seen one quite like it.

  • @CollectiveSoftware
    @CollectiveSoftware Місяць тому +1

    The Nixie Tube of Sauron

  • @TimmyJoe633
    @TimmyJoe633 Місяць тому

    Love that 😊 Does 6 and 7 work in the other display? Could always have a set up where it jumps to the other display for the digits that don't work on that one?

  • @nnov_tech_chan7891
    @nnov_tech_chan7891 Місяць тому

    The biggest nixie tubes can be seen in computer game Portal 2. There were a giant hatch controlled by two buttons separated by big distance, and large displays so operators can signal each other to press the buttons in the same time.

  • @lupo8282
    @lupo8282 Місяць тому

    Since the numbers 1 - 4 are working, this could be nicely used as a bpm sync display for a clock.

  • @mdouglaswray
    @mdouglaswray Місяць тому

    #Daliborfarny has done amazing work developing the H tube!! I WANT ONE!

  • @MB-st7be
    @MB-st7be Місяць тому

    Have you ever come across a shift register tube? (A dekatron with storage) My grandfather designed it for Ericsson but it never made it to market. I do wonder if any of the prototypes survived.

  • @rickoneill4343
    @rickoneill4343 Місяць тому +1


  • @DesertNinjaX
    @DesertNinjaX Місяць тому

    I've never wanted a display display more in my life 🖤

  • @wdwadindwatri
    @wdwadindwatri Місяць тому

    says it"s very fragile - CONTINUES TO SHAKE VIGOROUSLY

    @DISCOTECHS Місяць тому

    I spy a Coutant Variable Power Supply.. We used these at training college during my apprenticeship in 1973.. Very good PSU

  • @edgeeffect
    @edgeeffect Місяць тому

    Wow! Having been watching him make them on UA-cam... that's quite a score.

  • @hardrivethrutown
    @hardrivethrutown Місяць тому

    almost CRT sized, I love it

  • @JaysElectronicTinkerShack
    @JaysElectronicTinkerShack Місяць тому

    awesome i would love a clock made with these i saw the art exibit with these mental hes a true artist

    @DISCOTECHS Місяць тому

    Can you drive this from the same TTL Chips that are used for the small ones ?

  • @bakin2137
    @bakin2137 Місяць тому

    whats the best typa light for low electricity

  • @weapea
    @weapea Місяць тому

    Put some vibration preventer under the multiwireselector, ntubes digits could fell off soon from that vibration after zero

  • @nutzeeer
    @nutzeeer Місяць тому

    someone needs to make a large wall clock of these

  • @CashMattock
    @CashMattock Місяць тому

    Rochester NY???? 0:14

  • @Phantomthecat
    @Phantomthecat Місяць тому

    A thing of beauty is a joy forever. 👍

  • @tfrowlett8752
    @tfrowlett8752 Місяць тому

    I have a small Nixie tube clock that also shows the date. I still need to design a cabinet or case to put it in

  • @Timsturbs
    @Timsturbs 7 днів тому

    why connect 6 7 if they dont work
    otherwise a beautiful thing
    cant help but wonder if its possible to fix it

  • @bastiat691
    @bastiat691 10 днів тому

    Lots of displays on display in the display display!

  • @ibanezleftyclub
    @ibanezleftyclub Місяць тому

    If you took a shot each time Sam said “Display” in this video……you would be dead lol

  • @em3460
    @em3460 Місяць тому

    That would look sick in like a rat rod build as a headlight.

  • @bank8489
    @bank8489 Місяць тому

    wow. that is an absolutely stunning piece. imagine the alarm clock you could make with those 😭

  • @ddummer
    @ddummer Місяць тому +2

    Put the guy from Technology Connections infront of that display and he would talk nonstop for 24 hours... :)

    • @ElukeNL
      @ElukeNL Місяць тому +2

      And I would probably watch that

  • @SK0T_N0TH1NG
    @SK0T_N0TH1NG Місяць тому

    Are you going to setup a bypass on 6 & 7 for longevity? 😮 Amazing 🤯😵

  • @fox.9879
    @fox.9879 15 днів тому

    try and find a mechanical TV. i thing that would be a cool addition to the display display

  • @noggin73
    @noggin73 Місяць тому

    That is extremely cool

  • @zebo-the-fat
    @zebo-the-fat Місяць тому

    More nice than a a nice nice thing!

  • @ReinhardSchuster
    @ReinhardSchuster Місяць тому

    Nixie tubes are so damn beautiful

  • @asn413
    @asn413 Місяць тому

    id be interested to see how numerical displays on game shows back in the 60s and 70s were made and ran without solid state systems.

  • @stevebabiak6997
    @stevebabiak6997 Місяць тому

    For the broken wires in the “B stock” Nixie tubes, have they ever tried using a laser to try to weld the breakage after the device has been tested? Curious because I think that might be a possible way to fix them.

      @LOOKMUMNOCOMPUTER Місяць тому

      i think because its not relianrt on heat but a cold cathode. i dont think its possible

    • @stevebabiak6997
      @stevebabiak6997 Місяць тому

      @@LOOKMUMNOCOMPUTER - I am only speculating about what I think could be a possibility. It was mentioned that a wire had broken, if the broken ends can be brought close to each other with some wiggling of the tube, then a laser could be directed at the area of the breakage to fuse the wire. Speculation, but I think it’s an idea worth trying.

  • @bielanski2493
    @bielanski2493 Місяць тому

    this object meets me in a dark alley at the corner of Megalophobia and Fragile

  • @ryan0io
    @ryan0io Місяць тому

    Gheezus. And I thought my IN-18 tubes were big. Can't imagine what 6 of those big suckers would cost for a 6 digit clock.

  • @mpstrgc112
    @mpstrgc112 Місяць тому

    What are these used for?

  • @graemedavidson499
    @graemedavidson499 Місяць тому

    A rectangular one with a single custom made house name cathode would be quite attractive, akin to a neon tube sign! It would be very expensive I imagine…

  • @lavenderfox2430
    @lavenderfox2430 Місяць тому

    I'd be worried the current going through those filaments and thermally shocking them they'd break if you press the button too rapidly.

  • @sqwook
    @sqwook Місяць тому

    Love that buzz! Can you turn that into an instrument?

      @LOOKMUMNOCOMPUTER Місяць тому +1

      I did search up uniselector guitar

    • @sqwook
      @sqwook Місяць тому

      @@LOOKMUMNOCOMPUTER I thought maybe using the buzz as an instrumental element and using the nixies running countdowns to different musical changes, if the buzz comes at the end of the lights sequence , will it buzz after a 3, 2, 1 and maybe be reset for the next countdown, WAIT do different nixie sizes have different buzz tones???

      @LOOKMUMNOCOMPUTER Місяць тому

      @@sqwook The buzz is from the uniselector

    • @sqwook
      @sqwook Місяць тому

      @@LOOKMUMNOCOMPUTER ah my midnight brain seems to not compute, ill look again tomorrow

    • @sqwook
      @sqwook Місяць тому

      @@LOOKMUMNOCOMPUTER ok I watched back a telephone Tuesdays vid about the uniselector. so do different sized selectors buzz at different pitches, maybe my idea is shit now hahaha

  • @spykillergames8402
    @spykillergames8402 Місяць тому

    The biggest question is who needs a nixie display that BIG