Woman: You must be over 6ft, must earn well and then i'll think about you Man: You must be good looking Women: This is abuse, the court case is tomorrow.
*Now, Feminism itself is Nonsense* *Feminism can never be about Equality & EGALITARIANISM.* *The word Feminism comes from term "FEMININE". There's MASCULISM for Men's Rights.* *Their Concept of EQUITY is Nonsense as Equality of Opportunities is Attainable Not Equality of Outcome.* *Now, Feminists Just Claim themselves "Equality to all" is Media's products/ advertisement to gain Publicity.* *Masculism also by definition is elimination in sexism & equalizing their rights with women & others LGBTQ community.* Feminism never includes "Masculism/Masculinism". *They Both are defined by Feminist's & Masculinist's view/definition of movement respectively.* *Google headquarter's stated, changed multiple times & mentioned the definition of Feminism is "defined by Feminist's definition of Feminism.* *Modern day Feminism is Media's advertisement & products to gain publicity & "sometimes" a tool to spread "False claims of unequal pay, work rights & false discrimination in many ways" to divide the society.* *👉Egalitarianism, Equal rights, Human Rights & spreading Love can change the world👈* *There is Egalitarianism, Equal Rights & Human Rights for Equality of Opportunities & Rights for all from Women's Rights, Men's Rights, Child's Right to all Rights for the surroundings*
@@arkjustdoit890 yes very generalizing... One emancipationgroup cant tackle all equality problems, every group has its demographic. Feminists fight for woman, men's rights figt for men, BLM fights for colored people, etc.
@High Films I see women disrespecting men a lot more then men disrespecting women.Women nowadays have absolutely no respect for men and they want to be put above men.There are so many double standards against men it's bullshit.
@High Films haha A woman talking about Vanity... Your being pushed out be caused all women do is whine and cry... Oh boohoo Men wont hire you They wont ask you out Hell they wont even get in an elevator with freaks now. Why because all you do is cry I dont want u in my home or in my life, I dont even bother talking to women at all... to much of a liability www.bnnbloomberg.ca/a-wall-street-rule-for-the-metoo-era-avoid-women-at-all-cost-1.1177100
Hey Chang he said "NOT" disabled the CBC only allows comments when it suits them, the CBC is just as corrupt and biased as CNN pushing their left wing agenda.
I like how supriya, as a women, gets away with explaining how millennial men respond to feminism. While Jonathan prefaces everything he says with "in my limited view" or something. That itself is evidence enough on the question at hand. And no, Supriya, millennial men ARE confused and fed up with the double standards of modern feminism. They just won't mention it to women like you who will shun them and label them as sexists.
I, as a woman, am fed up with the double standards of modern feminism!!! The feminist movement is a politicized mental illness, which brings vote tot he liberals and the democrats! Or at least here in Canada that is the only way these 2 parties able to collect vote or even grab power. They have no message, they have nothing to offer to the people. So, what to do to get the votes? alingne with feminists, visible "minorities", with groups of "sexual-diversity", and any other misfits whom the "victim-hood" narrative can be sold, then offer legalized marijuana, legalize bestiality (already is!), maybe next year legalize pedophilia and prostitution, and voila! they got their votes.
@@sydsyd09 And I think it was a bitter comment from a frustrated woman. All we can agree on is that it was sexist, we can't know her intent with that sexist statement
Just first day of the period would be great... With PCOS (polycystic ovary syndrome) first day is extremely painful and women can't plan to get period on weekends
There's a hypocrisy built into feminism. Women are equal or better than men, therefore they need and deserve the special treatment or even dishonest tactics to achieve their aims.
No he didnt get interrupted the most, you are dramatizing to show the man as a victim. the presenter was interrupting everyone. You realize you are behaving like the small minority of feminists who hates men ?
Some productive yes, only incels are like “all Wahmen are thots!”. To be honest I do not see the difference between feminists and incels. They are literally the same thing.
OK, I stopped watching at 2:13. Three women and one man, means this will be a white wash of feminist crap and the guy will end up apologizing for being a man....
He basically just agreed with everything they said and claimed that men are ignorant of feminism and should be brought to heel. Not a very productive conversation.
Actually no. 9:10 He did (very gently as he should (let’s give the the swimmer a chance, he was alone in a sea of piranhas (and I suspect he was hoping to get out of the studio alive))) mention the paradox for which men cannot talk about the subject without being accused of all manly names
I stopped watching this video after 22 seconds. Once they played the Wonder Woman movie, a fiction using CGI, that told me how not serious this video was going to be.
No, I'm 5 minutes in and they've established that it's not out of caring for women but advertising dollars, as well as the so called feminist sections are tailored to bimbos.
Notice the sexist, stereotypical, generalisation about men when they get sick and how they can't deal with it. That makes me sick. Guess I'd better take the week off.
She is right... Women could eventually have that period off because of the pre menstrual issue. If men would have the same issue , companies would shut off. If men stop working everything is fcked. She said it. And i have live through that situation in work several times.
@@hollowlord8548 revenge will not grant you joy, it merely gives you a moment of satisfaction, “He who fights with monsters should look to it that he himself does not become a monster . . . when you gaze long into the abyss the abyss also gazes into you”
no uterus, no opinion. LMFAAOO im joking but you don't know the pain some woman can experience during their periods. it can be intolerable. I know people who get sick and throw up every month because of their period.
The women in the black is a man hating feminist....hilarious that she thinks that men are reading "Jezabel." Let me guess, her sources as a journalist consist of "Buzzfeed", "The Huffington Post", and "The Guardian." Talk about a lack of perspective. The majority of Journalism is terrible, an extremely biased profession. Many journalists come across these days as fans cheering for their team, who seek to spin things based on their politics rather than find objective truth.
he been saying what we all been thinking and it all makes perfect sense it's kinda nice to watch a guy on UA-cam that can make some damn good arguments on almost any subject we need more like him
Are such an ignorant that don't know when u report an illness u get free days while being paid (at least on several western countries), except when we get our periods which get us fired
My nephew graduated high school last year and I was able to watch the graduation online. The speaker caught me attention. She spoke well of girls not letting anyone stand in your way, or letting anyone say you cannot do what you wish. Yet didn't mention once for boys and men to do the same. I even relistened to it a couple of times to see if I missed it later on. The only time she mentioned men was in context of not letting men get in a woman's way to succeed. A couple of months later I was talking to my sister about it and mentioned it. She, and many other parents also noticed it and thought it wasn't appropriate for the school considering the population of the school is some 70% guys. We've reached a point in society where its assumed boys and men are being told they can succeed when reality is, few if any are telling them that.
Oh, please. You only think about feminism as what the libleft say it is: ''Empowerment for women'', but the empowerment the liblefts want for these women is for them to be exploited and oversexualized. The actual definition of feminism is equality for all genders, firstly helping out women due to the randomly high rates of abuse, cough cough, Hollywood, cough cough, big corp, cough cough, child models, cough cough. Maybe read books about it from non-liberal feminists or non-libleft feminists and then you will actually see the truth. Or just random feminist extremists.
Yes, that's interesting, isn't it? I mean Trudeau believes in "equality" so much...he kicked a couple of his own male MPs out of the Liberal party over ALLEGATIONS that were never even formalized, much less proven, made by two female NDP MPs. And feminists will shut down claims that feminism has become a female supremacy movement by reciting the dictionary definition of feminism...but while they do that, they also preside over a foreign aid budget where 95% of it according to the intro in this video...goes to benefit and women and girls. So when did equality mean 95% for the females and 5% for the males??? I thought that equality would mean something like a 50/50 split...but then again, at least it isn't 99.9% for women the way it is in domestic violence shelter spaces in Canada.
8:25 complains about females being interrupted while making a statement. 8:52 interrupts a woman who is making a statement... does it again at 9:57. Talk about hypocritical.
@@Ranboso I hate that saying I get angry just thinking about it how Society has brainwashed me to say a man can't cry man can't talk about feelings man can't be sensitive well to be honest I don't think a woman should be so sensitive either that can be pretty annoying man must work out have big muscles must be in good shape woman can just do their thing when a woman wants a guy that's in shape that's perfect in her eyes whatever everybody's fine with that but then when the man said you need to lose some weight you need to get in shape in order for me to hang out with you that girl said you are so judgemental you should love me for the way I am you're a jerk!😭😭😭
As a feminist, I think these examples are setting us back. Why on earth would we need to have women's news? If we want to be treated equally, then we need to stop trying to cater to women only. For the love of god, we're all human. That's what we need to cater to. It's okay to cater to a certain genre, like having a fashion magazine, or those teen magazines that are mostly catering to girls. But, not when it comes to the news!
Liz Kelly As anti feminist I agree with that, Modern Feminist say there for equality but want special treatment on certain things. If you want to be treated equally you have to give your special treatment.
sorry that I believe in equality for all? LOL! You didn't even bother explaining what you think its a lie. Please, enlighten me on how equality for all is so bad!
As an anti-feminist it has been obvious to me for a couple of years now that "feminism" is increasingly being used to sell stuff (comic book movies, websites, luxury cars etc...) Kudos to any feminist who notices this and opposes their ideology being turned into a corporate shill. However, it might be too late.
Despite the dictionary definition, feminism stopped being about equality a while ago. Sorry Liz. Side note - funny how the definition of "sexism" has to be redefined so that men can't experience it, and the dictionary definition is apparently woefully inadequate and outdated, but when it comes to claiming that feminism is still relevant, the dictionary definition of "all about equality" is perfectly acceptable.
@@CoronaVirus-vm5lw Sexist how? He literally didn't say anything that is judging, or even close to discriminating against woman. All he did was answer the question, which is true.
Every panelist on this segment has publicly identified themselves as a feminist in the past. CBC is letting down this nation every day. If they want somebody who will have a real debate on this, and not "tread lightly" as Mr Kay puts it himself, they could find those people. instead, they water the whole thing down. I could do a better job of making challenging points, and I'm a nobody with no broadcasting experience. It's pathetic.
The writing is on the wall when renowned feminists like Camille Pagilia rant against modern feminism. Yes, it has gone too far, and is still going. I want to point out how it is accepted for Prudiya to make the blatantly sexist joke about men (as if they have no pain tolerance, and would push for having the whole week off if they had periods), and no one blinks. As for the solitary male there, I can tell why they had to put another woman on the same side of the table as him, he would not have been able to speak up against Prudiya's arrogance without being accused of Misogyny. Some of us non-millennial's have no problem talking about the biological differences between men and women, without implying some form of insult. We are all human in the end.
"Is the feminism movement going too far?" Short answer: Yes. Long answer: Yes, because feminism back then fought for rights for women, but now since it has no purpose today it is out of control.
It still fights for women For example, in Yemen a women needs permission from a man to leave her house. That obviously doesnt sound fair Try to win the argument I dare you 😌
Currently, feminism today is caring about how to stop violence towards women yet the liblefts that try to encourage feminism only ruin the ideology more.
tootallification whole hardedly agree. Everyone is thrown into these groups. I don't care what sexual preference you like or what color you are, we are all people on this earth who want to live there lives. Stop with all the groupings of people
5:38 Men under masculinity are revolted by the idea of admitting they have pain, they don't even like the idea of going to a doctor to check for potentially serious things. Let alone stop working because of pain. It's not socially accepted, "real men don't have pain". She is ignorant...
I love how common workplace hardships for men are completely ignored in this debate. They couldn’t even think of one and there are several. That last 2 minutes is the real question. And was given a half assed answer. This whole video was a list of excuses to not properly educate ourselves about the reality of hardships each gender has to face and the history of where they come from.
"Sorry boss I have to take the day off, I had a date last night and now I got a "feminism induced headache". It's a real condition so just put 8 hours for today ok bye."
I LOVE feminism! I don't have to care about women's feelings, listen to their boring stories, laugh at their jokes, open the door, pay for the date, pull out the chair, lend them my coat when they are cold, comfort them when they are sad, help them move the sofa, fix their flat tires, repaint the house, or help them out in ANY way. I can behave and treat them EXACTLY the way I would treat a male construction worker. And if the women don't like it, I don't have to care at all! It is GREAT! :) Modern feminism has made my life SOOO much better. :)
HaHa 😂 That why I love feminism. mgtow is good life. fellas wake up feminism free us. you look western women today they are like a hoes. get passport bro to get a wife from oversea.
"If men had their periods....." Yea. I'd like to see women work all the insanely dangerous and hard jobs men have for hundreds of years. Women think their period makes the, Warriors.
I don't think there is anything wrong with women being able to take off from work 1 week every month, but please remember; if you work only 3 weeks out of every 4, then you will be getting paid for only 3 weeks out of every 4. Your pay will be reduced to 75% of a person who is working FULL TIME.
Wow only 5 years or so too late for this conversation to significantly effect public opinion. Good job CBC being half a decade or so behind on the conversation.
1:00 wait- so if women want to be equal to men...why should they be getting special treatment for their periods? Can't they function just as well as men can without days off? Isn't that what the whole movement is about? 5:04 --> If women want to be equal to men...why should periods matter? (and I'm not talking about basic human rights)
I'll help you understand my best mate, feminists use to want equality to men and that's a good thing, what isn't is the fact that now they want to be superior and get special priveliges us dudes don't get.
Followed by the Islamic vs. (everybody else) divide. It's almost as if there was a plan to destroy western civilization through the divide and conquer principle.
It's kinda annoying that when they refer to feminism they are actually about western feminism. There are a lot of countries where feminism is very essential yet people are afraid to identify as feminists beacause of the whole anti feminist views.
Western countries women should be the last to complain about life, they are privileged and entitled. Be a modest, respectful and caring and you will be blessed.
Publicly complaining OPENLY here is MORE powerful than to some ombudsman. The Ombudsman, if he/she is doing their job, should be interested in actually investing to read how the public responds in open forums. But when our system with CBC is now MORE censored, this clear fact being overlooked by such overseers of government misbehavior suggests that even the utility of complaining in secret to the very government officials against their own power is mute. We need to witness CBC on all issues to be open to forum discussions such as this. This is NOT the case as most stories LOCK OUT commenting AND, I've noticed, edit OUT comments that are either unwelcomed OR used to purposely caricature the extremes however trivial they actually represent.
Cool. I'm hoping that this is only a period of confusion upon the relatively fast changes in technology today. But at present, there is a strong trend to censor for the sake of 'snowflake' sensitivities. It is an era where people are being targeted as worthy of being ignored strategically when this act itself is more aggressive than a literal punch in the face. Then and only then do those who feel backstabbed begin to step up and explode. We need to allow people to express freely and count on others to compete with reasoning to alleviate each others concerns. I get the apparent 'anger' seeping through by many 'feminists' for this VERY reason. But it can't be done by simultaneously silencing the opposition. This is just making it seem that to BEAT the problem, many are opting not to deal with the problem directly but to learn HOW to BEAT back. It only escalates the issues and creates more dangers when a NEW class of people just become the next victims. Men today are being treated as complicit to past 'Patriarchic' behaviors against women when the reality is that 'Matriarchal' factors are equally the contributing problem. The men OR women particularly penalized by certain actions are often not ORIGINALLY abusers themselves. But we are creating them when laws are enforced to isolate or distinguish men from women as universals when they aren't. The actual 'winners' tend to still BE the actual men or women who enhance social stereotypes that cause the abuses but SACRIFICE all others who don't comply with the segregations being imposed by them. This makes the 'victims' become the next generation of overthetop abusers as they BLOW up and simply confirm that such abuses ARE those victims and not the real hidden perpetrators.
Yes, it has, we live in a country where you get a desirable position based on your gender not on who is best suited for the position. Since Trudeau wants equality of outcome so much, why aren't women being drafted into our military, or being put in jobs in the waste management field? Why are the people that deal with the septic tanks of my family members that have them almost always a man? I sincerely wish people would stop fighting for equality of outcome and start accepting equality of opportunity. If a woman wants to work in my field (Instrumentation) they are more than welcome to, but they have to get the education to do so, and in the classes I took at the trade school I attended, there were 3 women in the two classes of 30+ students. As for the concern of some women having it worse than others every month, I see it as a medical issue. Many people run into various medical issues in their lives, and you deal with them. I don't see why this particular issue should be treated any differently than any other medical issue? You don't see many people working on an offshore oil rig if they are confined to a wheelchair, why? Because the company realizes they would be unable or at least inefficient at the task and thus hire someone more appropriate for the position. How does this relate to additional days off? Well, the employer will see that worker #1 has to take more days off than worker #2, so I'll hire the second worker. This point also makes the "gender wage gap" look kinda funny. If an employer could really pay a woman $0.77 for every $1 they pay a man, nobody would hire men unless there was a performance reason to do so. So is the pay gap a myth or do men just work that much harder than women that companies decide to hire men too?
Yes... Wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy too far
You can be a potential father with a good background and heart but you will lose the battle for custody almost every time, no matter how terrible a persob your baby's mother may actually be
oh yeah, by the way, I'm a millennial man 18+ who has heard so many terrible stories from friends that he has not asked out a woman because jesus christ, it's not worth possibly destroying my life by no choice of my own
I agree. Being an educated person in my view requires character: You need courage to admit when you are wrong or to assert ideas that are not politically correct, You need honesty to discover these errors, You need tenacity and perseverance to conduct the types of research necessary to accumulating genuine knowledge, You need open-mindedness to overcome your biases, You need humility to recognise that you're not infallible and that your understanding can always be improved. I have seen none of these virtues in the thinking of most modern feminists.
thats like saying, "women arent interested in school. They're tiny little brains cant handle it cos how theyre hysterical". Certain places should be gender neutral- LIKE THE NEWS!
Yeah they would have people ignoring them, telling them to man up, saying that people are so much better than them and that the man they saw on tv was able to hold it together so they should wait no those are my shoes can I have them back
Baseshocks I love that section. Keeps things relevant and interesting, I’m interested in candy the waitress that is trying to get her undergrad in nuclear engineering
the ONE big issue they brought up in this chat, the wonderful younger lady didn't even acknowledge as an issue!! yes, millenial men ARE confused about the balance between sameness/equality and biological differences. VERY confused. we're the generation that is beginning to understand the balance, but we are no where near a point where we can actually say, "I think men my age are NOT confused about this." No. We getting to the point where most men CARE and understanding generally comes AFTER that.
Brandon Stolz many people in younger generations than millennials are confused like myself, I completely I agree with the statement the woman said about how it's all like a paradox, they want to be equal and not at the same time also due to the fact that this third wave feminism seems a little extra to myself and many people I know
Bothers; to free yo selves from evil wrenches, make weekly appointments to ~20year old Sexual providers🤗 For $220~$240hr a week you too can be free from having your heart destroyed, your soul shredded, your finances depleted or worse in debt, your friends ostracized, your life in shambles, life going nowhere you want to be. You too can be free to take care of all aspects of life & rebuild. Rebuild brothers
If you have equal rights Don't discriminate against men because of the "wage gap" that is purely statistical as men ON AVERAGE work harder and ON AVERAGE ask for more wages and ON AVERAGE take less days off Research first Forget it to make men lose rights second
Complains about a woman being interrupted, proceeds to interrupt everyone especially the man.
Flair of feminismn
I was gonna say that about her interrupting but I scrolled down sure someone else already must have.
Haha like right away too
Me give turkey noodle🤗
Also, why is Suprya allowed to be sexist on this panel? Enough with the casual man hating.
Greg Squires ...and ageist.
She does come off very condescending.
Greg Squires Indian women are all riding the feminist train
@@gabbar51ngh agree same here in India
Wait! 8:56 did she just interrupt that other lady right after complaining about women getting interrupted...oh the irony
also 5:33
@Maxsteel 42 all feminist are hypocrites
Carine S agreed
@@debangopollution385 not all women.
Woman: You must be over 6ft, must earn well and then i'll think about you
Man: You must be good looking
Women: This is abuse, the court case is tomorrow.
You forget even no they no evidence you lose
*Now, Feminism itself is Nonsense*
*Feminism can never be about Equality & EGALITARIANISM.*
*The word Feminism comes from term "FEMININE". There's MASCULISM for Men's Rights.*
*Their Concept of EQUITY is Nonsense as Equality of Opportunities is Attainable Not Equality of Outcome.*
*Now, Feminists Just Claim themselves "Equality to all" is Media's products/ advertisement to gain Publicity.*
*Masculism also by definition is elimination in sexism & equalizing their rights with women & others LGBTQ community.* Feminism never includes "Masculism/Masculinism".
*They Both are defined by Feminist's & Masculinist's view/definition of movement respectively.*
*Google headquarter's stated, changed multiple times & mentioned the definition of Feminism is "defined by Feminist's definition of Feminism.*
*Modern day Feminism is Media's advertisement & products to gain publicity & "sometimes" a tool to spread "False claims of unequal pay, work rights & false discrimination in many ways" to divide the society.*
*👉Egalitarianism, Equal rights, Human Rights & spreading Love can change the world👈*
*There is Egalitarianism, Equal Rights & Human Rights for Equality of Opportunities & Rights for all from Women's Rights, Men's Rights, Child's Right to all Rights for the surroundings*
@@arkjustdoit890 yes very generalizing... One emancipationgroup cant tackle all equality problems, every group has its demographic. Feminists fight for woman, men's rights figt for men, BLM fights for colored people, etc.
@Dan chem you guys really don’t get it eh?
@Gi So uhg, You know what I meant.
Has feminism gone too far? Let's ask 3 feminists! Please! What a waste of time!
That's the Liberal CBC for you Liberal views all the time
@Angry Hothead why would you want to he shirtless on public though?
Angry Hothead You do realize that Women and Men have different anatomies?
@Angry Hothead Sorry but you're a beta not really a man.
@Angry Hothead you think you're a man. You're not a man. At all
Yes... way too far.
wcresponder agreed
Exactly what I was going to say
@High Films I see women disrespecting men a lot more then men disrespecting women.Women nowadays have absolutely no respect for men and they want to be put above men.There are so many double standards against men it's bullshit.
@High Films haha
A woman talking about Vanity...
Your being pushed out be caused all women do is whine and cry...
Oh boohoo
Men wont hire you
They wont ask you out
Hell they wont even get in an elevator with freaks now.
Why because all you do is cry
I dont want u in my home or in my life, I dont even bother talking to women at all... to much of a liability
Wow, comments not disabled. How refreshing CBC.
Hey Chang he said "NOT" disabled the CBC only allows comments when it suits them, the CBC is just as corrupt and biased as CNN pushing their left wing agenda.
I know this is a late response, but awesome profile picture.
Robert Derusha: perhaps because they forgot to disable it! LOL
Yeah I say that too
I feel like this is a social experiment
I like how supriya, as a women, gets away with explaining how millennial men respond to feminism. While Jonathan prefaces everything he says with "in my limited view" or something. That itself is evidence enough on the question at hand. And no, Supriya, millennial men ARE confused and fed up with the double standards of modern feminism. They just won't mention it to women like you who will shun them and label them as sexists.
I like how she complains about women being interrupted and then interrupts the non-feminist woman on the panel. Twice.
she thinks pay gape exist and also thinks that women in india are oppressed. She is as deluded as they make'em.
Her sense of superiority was shining through... Poor guy, he looked so scared. It is time for men to speak up and loudly about those double standards.
I, as a woman, am fed up with the double standards of modern feminism!!!
The feminist movement is a politicized mental illness, which brings vote tot he liberals and the democrats! Or at least here in Canada that is the only way these 2 parties able to collect vote or even grab power. They have no message, they have nothing to offer to the people. So, what to do to get the votes? alingne with feminists, visible "minorities", with groups of "sexual-diversity", and any other misfits whom the "victim-hood" narrative can be sold, then offer legalized marijuana, legalize bestiality (already is!), maybe next year legalize pedophilia and prostitution, and voila! they got their votes.
Anything that caters to men = "problematic". Anything that doesn't cater to women = "problematic".
A war begins.
Feminist: I' ma head back to the kitchen.
Why doesn’t this have more likes? This is extremely accurate.
Women fight in wars all the time you uneducated prick
I'm Groot why are u quoting people
@@CoronaVirus-vm5lw man women are liability in wars gtfo
@@CoronaVirus-vm5lw Yea shure and you learned about WW1 from BF1
"If men did get their periods then the whole week would be off and everything would shut down."
Is she serious?
I think she just said that to say that periods suck and it's hard to get thru everyday life for some vs others but it was sexist tho
She is right. We men keep society running. That is why we dont menstruate.
@@sydsyd09 And I think it was a bitter comment from a frustrated woman. All we can agree on is that it was sexist, we can't know her intent with that sexist statement
@@eriktiedgen9442 please don't compare those creatures to all women because not all women are like that .
Just first day of the period would be great... With PCOS (polycystic ovary syndrome) first day is extremely painful and women can't plan to get period on weekends
feminism is just sickening.
Feminists love equality. Only when it suits them. They should have full equality. Even if full equality isn't always convenient for them.
Except in 1890s to 1960s
Its gone to farrrrrrrr. :")
summer20105707 I can tell YOU that any feminist would HATE a man!We are judged on how we spread our legs,shave,walk, and talk
Spice wait are you a feminist?
Why is it an issue when men cut off or speak over a women, but when a man or a woman cuts off or speaks over a man it's a non-issue?
There's a hypocrisy built into feminism. Women are equal or better than men, therefore they need and deserve the special treatment or even dishonest tactics to achieve their aims.
conradblackii if ur a feminist then why did u say that women are better
@@masnwrdl0511 he was explaining what the feminist logic is.
Because they are professional victims.
The man talked the least, got interrupted the most and made sense the most
Excelent comment
No he didnt get interrupted the most, you are dramatizing to show the man as a victim. the presenter was interrupting everyone. You realize you are behaving like the small minority of feminists who hates men ?
@@Takiki He clearly did
@@Takiki shouldn't you be cooking?
@@Takiki Ok but where's my sandwich?
(not woman in general)
should know their place in this world...
And that place is a mental institute
@@sunnynxtes meh ... not all are bad i know some pretty nice gals
@Some productive true ^^
Some productive yes, only incels are like “all Wahmen are thots!”. To be honest I do not see the difference between feminists and incels. They are literally the same thing.
OK, I stopped watching at 2:13. Three women and one man, means this will be a white wash of feminist crap and the guy will end up apologizing for being a man....
Castle Bravo yep
Exactly what happened... more than once.
jamgrub yeah the man wins easy
He basically just agreed with everything they said and claimed that men are ignorant of feminism and should be brought to heel. Not a very productive conversation.
Actually no. 9:10 He did (very gently as he should (let’s give the the swimmer a chance, he was alone in a sea of piranhas (and I suspect he was hoping to get out of the studio alive))) mention the paradox for which men cannot talk about the subject without being accused of all manly names
Funny how they remark that a female politician was interrupted many times by men, yet the three women here keep interrupting each other. Hypocrisy?
Is it my imagination or was this 12:10 seconds of nothing actually being said or accomplished?
That's the magic of television :D
I stopped watching this video after 22 seconds. Once they played the Wonder Woman movie, a fiction using CGI, that told me how not serious this video was going to be.
No, I'm 5 minutes in and they've established that it's not out of caring for women but advertising dollars, as well as the so called feminist sections are tailored to bimbos.
i think the only interesting thing is the title xD
PhunkBustA - The most interesting thing to me was the gingery blond woman.
Notice the sexist, stereotypical, generalisation about men when they get sick and how they can't deal with it. That makes me sick. Guess I'd better take the week off.
@Ban Me Nots, I Want You To Remember ah yes, the implementation of cancel culture against anyone with a differing opinion. How very tolerant.
@Ban Me Nots, I Want You To Remember you didn't say Simon says.
@Ban Me Nots, I Want You To Remember lol. That's a good one. Can I borrow it?
She is right... Women could eventually have that period off because of the pre menstrual issue. If men would have the same issue , companies would shut off. If men stop working everything is fcked. She said it. And i have live through that situation in work several times.
Special days off just for wemen, does not seem like equallity to me.
Feminsts-we were oppressed 300 lives ago now it's time for you someone you slaved in another life to pay (over exaggerating)
@@hollowlord8548 revenge will not grant you joy, it merely gives you a moment of satisfaction,
“He who fights with monsters should look to it that he himself does not become a monster . . . when you gaze long into the abyss the abyss also gazes into you”
Special days off just for we men.😂
@@CC-sv9fs exactly
no uterus, no opinion. LMFAAOO im joking but you don't know the pain some woman can experience during their periods. it can be intolerable. I know people who get sick and throw up every month because of their period.
The women in the black is a man hating feminist....hilarious that she thinks that men are reading "Jezabel." Let me guess, her sources as a journalist consist of "Buzzfeed", "The Huffington Post", and "The Guardian." Talk about a lack of perspective. The majority of Journalism is terrible, an extremely biased profession. Many journalists come across these days as fans cheering for their team, who seek to spin things based on their politics rather than find objective truth.
Yeah, hearing Jezebel get cited on The National was 57 kilotonnes of horseshit.
How many times did that big mouthed harpie interrupt with her cuntsplaining.
Her sources must be the Onion.
As Jordan Peterson would rightly say ....yes , yes it has
he's making 50k a month on patreon for his opportunism. www.patreon.com/jordanbpeterson
Looks like David Tripp is a triggered SJW. Bitter much, cupcake?
he been saying what we all been thinking and it all makes perfect sense it's kinda nice to watch a guy on UA-cam that can make some damn good arguments on almost any subject we need more like him
Those femenists need to clean their room.
Jordan Peterson is a crazy lobster-loving maniac. He better take his meds.
Feminists : we want free days off for our menstruations
Also feminists: why do we get paid less? That’s unfair
@The Gloved Rando exactly thank you
Are such an ignorant that don't know when u report an illness u get free days while being paid (at least on several western countries), except when we get our periods which get us fired
My nephew graduated high school last year and I was able to watch the graduation online. The speaker caught me attention. She spoke well of girls not letting anyone stand in your way, or letting anyone say you cannot do what you wish. Yet didn't mention once for boys and men to do the same. I even relistened to it a couple of times to see if I missed it later on. The only time she mentioned men was in context of not letting men get in a woman's way to succeed.
A couple of months later I was talking to my sister about it and mentioned it. She, and many other parents also noticed it and thought it wasn't appropriate for the school considering the population of the school is some 70% guys.
We've reached a point in society where its assumed boys and men are being told they can succeed when reality is, few if any are telling them that.
The movement comes across not as a movement for fairness and equality, but a movement of hatred and revenge.
Not all the time
The feminist movement has acived a lot but none of it woud ever have happend if that one driver didnt take a wrong turn on a nice day in sarajevo
Oh, please. You only think about feminism as what the libleft say it is: ''Empowerment for women'', but the empowerment the liblefts want for these women is for them to be exploited and oversexualized. The actual definition of feminism is equality for all genders, firstly helping out women due to the randomly high rates of abuse, cough cough, Hollywood, cough cough, big corp, cough cough, child models, cough cough. Maybe read books about it from non-liberal feminists or non-libleft feminists and then you will actually see the truth. Or just random feminist extremists.
Weak debate, but its a start.
The answer is yes for essentially none of the reasons brought up.
yes, yes it has, Trudeau is the perfect example.
Trevor R.N. Turdeau💩
Yes, that's interesting, isn't it? I mean Trudeau believes in "equality" so much...he kicked a couple of his own male MPs out of the Liberal party over ALLEGATIONS that were never even formalized, much less proven, made by two female NDP MPs.
And feminists will shut down claims that feminism has become a female supremacy movement by reciting the dictionary definition of feminism...but while they do that, they also preside over a foreign aid budget where 95% of it according to the intro in this video...goes to benefit and women and girls. So when did equality mean 95% for the females and 5% for the males???
I thought that equality would mean something like a 50/50 split...but then again, at least it isn't 99.9% for women the way it is in domestic violence shelter spaces in Canada.
Sweden has an all feminist government I think Sweden is number one in feminism gone too far. Canada is definitely second though.
Right, im now ashamed to be Canadian because of him
Feminist: We want equal rights! WE WANT EQUAL RIGHTS!
Jacobus Kurnia Kaalapaking A.K.A Lord Promodus daz reference?
@@Monarch_Prime feminists
@@hollowlord8548 we do not generalize a movement my friends
@I'm Groot there is a difference. Not that i like them, but i know there is a difference.
feminism is ruining every movie/ tv show I would normally like. Hope something changes soon
Theres always that one special snowflake that the main character for some reason beleives
@@SmokeyTheBear125 You're right. But there's a certain itch only pure entertainment can scratch.
Why are you so angry at women being in TV? What do women do to you that makes you this angry at women being in movies and television?
Her saying ”if men had periods the whole week would be off”. She should be careful because she's firing from the hip and hitting nothing.
8:25 complains about females being interrupted while making a statement. 8:52 interrupts a woman who is making a statement... does it again at 9:57. Talk about hypocritical.
I'm mostly impressed that they haven't locked the comment section and hid the like/dislike bar as the CBC likes to do with most of these videos.
I guess it's ok for the brown girl to interrupt other women. Cause after all she's not a man.
Sometimes I sleep on my nuts wrong and they hurt all day when I wake up... do I get the same leave as menstral leave?
"no because you're a man"
Wear a scrotal sling
@@Ranboso I hate that saying I get angry just thinking about it how Society has brainwashed me to say a man can't cry man can't talk about feelings man can't be sensitive well to be honest I don't think a woman should be so sensitive either that can be pretty annoying man must work out have big muscles must be in good shape woman can just do their thing when a woman wants a guy that's in shape that's perfect in her eyes whatever everybody's fine with that but then when the man said you need to lose some weight you need to get in shape in order for me to hang out with you that girl said you are so judgemental you should love me for the way I am you're a jerk!😭😭😭
This video resembles exactly how women usually talk: 12 minutes of saying absolutely nothing.
12 minutes of bulshit talking
It’s better than these comments
Yes it has.
Long ago...which is why they´re into islam so much. They subconsciously know they have to be stopped.
Marc Tradler This is one of those comments I wish I had thought of. Clever.
Well thanks but i "borrowed" it from Black Pigeon Speaks. He has this great video...why women destroy civilizations...highly recommended.
And I highly recommend Shaun and Jen's response video to that Black Pigeon Speaks video. To be clear, this is a recommendation from an anti-feminist.
that is an amazing video. saw it a few months back.
As a feminist, I think these examples are setting us back. Why on earth would we need to have women's news? If we want to be treated equally, then we need to stop trying to cater to women only. For the love of god, we're all human. That's what we need to cater to. It's okay to cater to a certain genre, like having a fashion magazine, or those teen magazines that are mostly catering to girls. But, not when it comes to the news!
Liz Kelly As anti feminist I agree with that, Modern Feminist say there for equality but want special treatment on certain things. If you want to be treated equally you have to give your special treatment.
Liz Kelly you are confusing third wave feminism and 2nd wave feminism. 2nd wave feminism rebranded as eqalitarianism in the 90s
sorry that I believe in equality for all? LOL!
You didn't even bother explaining what you think its a lie. Please, enlighten me on how equality for all is so bad!
As an anti-feminist it has been obvious to me for a couple of years now that "feminism" is increasingly being used to sell stuff (comic book movies, websites, luxury cars etc...) Kudos to any feminist who notices this and opposes their ideology being turned into a corporate shill. However, it might be too late.
Despite the dictionary definition, feminism stopped being about equality a while ago. Sorry Liz.
Side note - funny how the definition of "sexism" has to be redefined so that men can't experience it, and the dictionary definition is apparently woefully inadequate and outdated, but when it comes to claiming that feminism is still relevant, the dictionary definition of "all about equality" is perfectly acceptable.
Wow CBC? Actually having a real debate? Good job
They should have Karen straughan up their!
TheVinc123 there's no debate, it's a joke. the title of the video wasn't even answered. Il answer as everyone else has, YES IT HAS!
Not a real debate when you ask feminists if feminism has gone too far. I think thats called a gong show.
3 neolib media hacks = "real debate"
I wouldn't exactly call this a real debate where two panellist are given large uncritical reign to dominate the debate.
"Masculine republics give way to feminine democracies and feminine democracies give way to tyranny."
Title: is feminism going to far?
Me: Y E S
This comment: being a bit sexist
Me: here we go again
@@CoronaVirus-vm5lw Sexist how? He literally didn't say anything that is judging, or even close to discriminating against woman. All he did was answer the question, which is true.
Every panelist on this segment has publicly identified themselves as a feminist in the past. CBC is letting down this nation every day. If they want somebody who will have a real debate on this, and not "tread lightly" as Mr Kay puts it himself, they could find those people. instead, they water the whole thing down. I could do a better job of making challenging points, and I'm a nobody with no broadcasting experience. It's pathetic.
What a joke. you didn't even discuss the question.
The writing is on the wall when renowned feminists like Camille Pagilia rant against modern feminism. Yes, it has gone too far, and is still going. I want to point out how it is accepted for Prudiya to make the blatantly sexist joke about men (as if they have no pain tolerance, and would push for having the whole week off if they had periods), and no one blinks. As for the solitary male there, I can tell why they had to put another woman on the same side of the table as him, he would not have been able to speak up against Prudiya's arrogance without being accused of Misogyny.
Some of us non-millennial's have no problem talking about the biological differences between men and women, without implying some form of insult. We are all human in the end.
"Is the feminism movement going too far?"
Short answer: Yes.
Long answer: Yes, because feminism back then fought for rights for women, but now since it has no purpose today it is out of control.
It still fights for women
For example, in Yemen a women needs permission from a man to leave her house. That obviously doesnt sound fair
Try to win the argument
I dare you 😌
@@ratroach6128 I had no intention of making an argument. I'll look into this "permission to step outside" thing, though.
Since I'm, well...y'know living in the USA and all and underage I can't really help with this issue.
@@ratroach6128 That's what they should be doing but they don't, they would rather create false problems to complain about
Currently, feminism today is caring about how to stop violence towards women yet the liblefts that try to encourage feminism only ruin the ideology more.
Quick answer:
*Y e s*
If everyone is equal why do genders, sexual orientations or different races want special treatment.
tootallification whole hardedly agree. Everyone is thrown into these groups. I don't care what sexual preference you like or what color you are, we are all people on this earth who want to live there lives. Stop with all the groupings of people
Because liberals are weak, spoiled, entitled, and wanting instant gratification. Collectivism is the heart of all identity politics.
5:37 "If men did get their periods the whole week would be off and everything would be shut down"
...yes, feminism has gone too far.
also this male pundit is so apologetic it's pathetic.
5:38 Men under masculinity are revolted by the idea of admitting they have pain, they don't even like the idea of going to a doctor to check for potentially serious things. Let alone stop working because of pain. It's not socially accepted, "real men don't have pain". She is ignorant...
Guys, imma have to agree with the boomers
I am sick of hearing about women and feminism.
I love how common workplace hardships for men are completely ignored in this debate. They couldn’t even think of one and there are several.
That last 2 minutes is the real question. And was given a half assed answer. This whole video was a list of excuses to not properly educate ourselves about the reality of hardships each gender has to face and the history of where they come from.
As a woman, I can say it absolutely has gone too far and is headed towards cult status.
This is the real excellent reason why so many of us men are still single today because of this.
"Sorry boss I have to take the day off, I had a date last night and now I got a "feminism induced headache". It's a real condition so just put 8 hours for today ok bye."
In a 12 minute discussion the man talked for about a minute. He wanted to talk for longer. The title of this, "Is the feminist movement going to far".
Q: Where are the men's newspapers?
A: Immediate dismissal.
I LOVE feminism!
I don't have to care about women's feelings, listen to their boring stories, laugh at their jokes, open the door, pay for the date, pull out the chair, lend them my coat when they are cold, comfort them when they are sad, help them move the sofa, fix their flat tires, repaint the house, or help them out in ANY way.
I can behave and treat them EXACTLY the way I would treat a male construction worker.
And if the women don't like it, I don't have to care at all! It is GREAT! :)
Modern feminism has made my life SOOO much better. :)
HaHa 😂 That why I love feminism. mgtow is good life. fellas wake up feminism free us. you look western women today they are like a hoes. get passport bro to get a wife from oversea.
All you have to do is look at our PM to know things have gone completely out of control.
"If men had their periods....."
Yea. I'd like to see women work all the insanely dangerous and hard jobs men have for hundreds of years. Women think their period makes the, Warriors.
We need meninism
Some productive nah I’m just come out with new words as it’s sounds more funnier 😂
Men don’t need women. Women need men
2/3s of the panel made sense. Refreshingly surprising.
Benjamin Waters welcome to Canada
I don't think there is anything wrong with women being able to take off from work 1 week every month, but please remember; if you work only 3 weeks out of every 4, then you will be getting paid for only 3 weeks out of every 4. Your pay will be reduced to 75% of a person who is working FULL TIME.
Men and women interrupt me (a man) sometimes during my tutorials at my university and I'm not complaining
That's because you font have a victim complex😁
The ONE man: “I’ll tread carefully”...so really the entire panel hold the one ideology then? Great, a real open discussion for sure
In my experience it's women who are always going to the doctors
Wow only 5 years or so too late for this conversation to significantly effect public opinion. Good job CBC being half a decade or so behind on the conversation.
Yes. Well actually, it's already gone too far.
not sure why the panel was unequal or why the moderator allowed the gang up. Lipservice to balance in discourse is just that.
1:00 wait- so if women want to be equal to men...why should they be getting special treatment for their periods? Can't they function just as well as men can without days off? Isn't that what the whole movement is about? 5:04 --> If women want to be equal to men...why should periods matter? (and I'm not talking about basic human rights)
The same old debate just goes in circles. Women want more money and power and priveledges. We get it.
I’m 25 and I’m very confused.
I'll help you understand my best mate, feminists use to want equality to men and that's a good thing, what isn't is the fact that now they want to be superior and get special priveliges us dudes don't get.
we are becoming more polarized. We have the political left vs right polarization, and now female vs male polarization.
Followed by the Islamic vs. (everybody else) divide. It's almost as if there was a plan to destroy western civilization through the divide and conquer principle.
oh no, I'm definitely not confused. I am concerned and afraid for my life as a high school male.
It's kinda annoying that when they refer to feminism they are actually about western feminism. There are a lot of countries where feminism is very essential yet people are afraid to identify as feminists beacause of the whole anti feminist views.
Western countries women should be the last to complain about life, they are privileged and entitled. Be a modest, respectful and caring and you will be blessed.
Is the CBC and National catching on?... I highly doubt it but I just want to hold out for them.
Publicly complaining OPENLY here is MORE powerful than to some ombudsman. The Ombudsman, if he/she is doing their job, should be interested in actually investing to read how the public responds in open forums. But when our system with CBC is now MORE censored, this clear fact being overlooked by such overseers of government misbehavior suggests that even the utility of complaining in secret to the very government officials against their own power is mute. We need to witness CBC on all issues to be open to forum discussions such as this. This is NOT the case as most stories LOCK OUT commenting AND, I've noticed, edit OUT comments that are either unwelcomed OR used to purposely caricature the extremes however trivial they actually represent.
Scott Mayers I encourage both.
Cool. I'm hoping that this is only a period of confusion upon the relatively fast changes in technology today. But at present, there is a strong trend to censor for the sake of 'snowflake' sensitivities. It is an era where people are being targeted as worthy of being ignored strategically when this act itself is more aggressive than a literal punch in the face. Then and only then do those who feel backstabbed begin to step up and explode. We need to allow people to express freely and count on others to compete with reasoning to alleviate each others concerns.
I get the apparent 'anger' seeping through by many 'feminists' for this VERY reason. But it can't be done by simultaneously silencing the opposition. This is just making it seem that to BEAT the problem, many are opting not to deal with the problem directly but to learn HOW to BEAT back. It only escalates the issues and creates more dangers when a NEW class of people just become the next victims. Men today are being treated as complicit to past 'Patriarchic' behaviors against women when the reality is that 'Matriarchal' factors are equally the contributing problem. The men OR women particularly penalized by certain actions are often not ORIGINALLY abusers themselves. But we are creating them when laws are enforced to isolate or distinguish men from women as universals when they aren't. The actual 'winners' tend to still BE the actual men or women who enhance social stereotypes that cause the abuses but SACRIFICE all others who don't comply with the segregations being imposed by them. This makes the 'victims' become the next generation of overthetop abusers as they BLOW up and simply confirm that such abuses ARE those victims and not the real hidden perpetrators.
Scott Mayers Yes I very much agree. The pendulum will swing back eventually.
We are funding them with our tax dollars to censor us.
Yes, it has, we live in a country where you get a desirable position based on your gender not on who is best suited for the position. Since Trudeau wants equality of outcome so much, why aren't women being drafted into our military, or being put in jobs in the waste management field? Why are the people that deal with the septic tanks of my family members that have them almost always a man?
I sincerely wish people would stop fighting for equality of outcome and start accepting equality of opportunity. If a woman wants to work in my field (Instrumentation) they are more than welcome to, but they have to get the education to do so, and in the classes I took at the trade school I attended, there were 3 women in the two classes of 30+ students.
As for the concern of some women having it worse than others every month, I see it as a medical issue. Many people run into various medical issues in their lives, and you deal with them. I don't see why this particular issue should be treated any differently than any other medical issue? You don't see many people working on an offshore oil rig if they are confined to a wheelchair, why? Because the company realizes they would be unable or at least inefficient at the task and thus hire someone more appropriate for the position. How does this relate to additional days off? Well, the employer will see that worker #1 has to take more days off than worker #2, so I'll hire the second worker.
This point also makes the "gender wage gap" look kinda funny. If an employer could really pay a woman $0.77 for every $1 they pay a man, nobody would hire men unless there was a performance reason to do so. So is the pay gap a myth or do men just work that much harder than women that companies decide to hire men too?
Yes... Wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy too far
You can be a potential father with a good background and heart but you will lose the battle for custody almost every time, no matter how terrible a persob your baby's mother may actually be
yes this has gone too far. they definitely are trying to put men down.
thanks for all the comments i’m using some in my essay 👽👾🌞
i wanna know more about it, seems great, i'm copy pasting them for a fb group lol xD
Damn, The National questioning Feminism, better start calling themselves The Rational
oh yeah, by the way, I'm a millennial man 18+ who has heard so many terrible stories from friends that he has not asked out a woman because jesus christ, it's not worth possibly destroying my life by no choice of my own
The men's newspapers aren't the newspapers, the newspapers aren't gender specific
If women were given days off they should be paid less.
Most of this is trivial, so who cares? However, spending 95% on women abroad is disgusting.
I agree. Being an educated person in my view requires character:
You need courage to admit when you are wrong or to assert ideas that are not politically correct,
You need honesty to discover these errors,
You need tenacity and perseverance to conduct the types of research necessary to accumulating genuine knowledge,
You need open-mindedness to overcome your biases,
You need humility to recognise that you're not infallible and that your understanding can always be improved.
I have seen none of these virtues in the thinking of most modern feminists.
I have felt the ghettoization myself on the internet.
I see more places for women and more places for men, but few places for both
What's wrong with that? Men and women have different interests and will congregate together around those interests.
thats like saying, "women arent interested in school. They're tiny little brains cant handle it cos how theyre hysterical". Certain places should be gender neutral- LIKE THE NEWS!
It's actually not like saying that at all. Nice straw man.
Sorry: straw person.
please explain it to me then.
Asks 3 feminists if feminism has gone too far🤧🤦♂️
Feminism has gone way too far !
Well now it is a problem in 2019 I think at the time of this show episode it was pretty alright.
How about they become a guy for years and see how it is
Yeah they would have people ignoring them, telling them to man up, saying that people are so much better than them and that the man they saw on tv was able to hold it together so they should wait no those are my shoes can I have them back
The Toronto Sun has always had the women's section, its call "sunshine girl".
Baseshocks I love that section. Keeps things relevant and interesting, I’m interested in candy the waitress that is trying to get her undergrad in nuclear engineering
Man slaps woman: it's his fault
Woman slaps man: it's his fault
Short answer: yes
the ONE big issue they brought up in this chat, the wonderful younger lady didn't even acknowledge as an issue!! yes, millenial men ARE confused about the balance between sameness/equality and biological differences. VERY confused. we're the generation that is beginning to understand the balance, but we are no where near a point where we can actually say, "I think men my age are NOT confused about this." No. We getting to the point where most men CARE and understanding generally comes AFTER that.
I'm so confused about it I confuse them with my confusion. Men don't have time to care there is work to do.
Brandon Stolz many people in younger generations than millennials are confused like myself, I completely I agree with the statement the woman said about how it's all like a paradox, they want to be equal and not at the same time also due to the fact that this third wave feminism seems a little extra to myself and many people I know
You can have privilege or equality, but you can't have both. A reality that feminist can't handle.
Bothers; to free yo selves from evil wrenches, make weekly appointments to ~20year old Sexual providers🤗
For $220~$240hr a week you too can be free from having your heart destroyed, your soul shredded, your finances depleted or worse in debt, your friends ostracized, your life in shambles, life going nowhere you want to be.
You too can be free to take care of all aspects of life & rebuild.
Rebuild brothers
Feminism: EQUALITY
Global Warming: *Im about to end this Mans whole career*
If you have equal rights
Don't discriminate against men because of the "wage gap" that is purely statistical as men ON AVERAGE work harder and ON AVERAGE ask for more wages and ON AVERAGE take less days off
Research first
Forget it to make men lose rights second