Lord have mercy on Minnesota and her faithful. Guide and protect them from the wickedness of evil forces in society. Thank you for Bishop Barron and give him grace and strength in this fight for truth and freedom. Amen
In 2020, Bishop Barron went out of his way to advise Catholics that they good vote for Joe Biden because both of the main candidates were flawed, and despite Biden's open record on abortion and homosexual "marriage" in direct opposition to Church teaching. Very "courageous leadership" indeed......NOT.
In 2020, Bishop Barron went out of his way to advise Catholics that they good vote for Joe Biden because both of the main candidates were flawed, and despite Biden's open record on abortion and homosexual "marriage" in direct opposition to Church teaching. Very "courageous leadership" indeed......NOT.
In 2020, Bishop Barron went out of his way to advise Catholics that they good vote for Joe Biden because both of the main candidates were flawed, and despite Biden's open record on abortion and homosexual "marriage" in direct opposition to Church teaching. Very "courageous leadership" indeed......NOT.
In 2020, Bishop Barron went out of his way to advise Catholics that they good vote for Joe Biden because both of the main candidates were flawed, and despite Biden's open record on abortion and homosexual "marriage" in direct opposition to Church teaching. Very "courageous leadership" indeed......NOT.
In 2020, Bishop Barron went out of his way to advise Catholics that they good vote for Joe Biden because both of the main candidates were flawed, and despite Biden's open record on abortion and homosexual "marriage" in direct opposition to Church teaching. Very "courageous leadership" indeed......NOT.
another point pf view If you are wondering about the question of whether your sexuality is a sin or not, I welcome you to consider the following thoughts for clarification. Let’s look at some basic fundamental facts based on extensive research & ongoing R&D. During fetal development a verity of biochemical agents are introduced which determine the development of the fetus. Major agents such as testosterone & estrogen & a host of others agents determine size, weight, hair color, eye color & sexuality along with a host of other traits. Variations in the amount & timing of the introduction of these agents have a major effect in our development. The fetus is a passive participant & has no influence in these matters. Sexuality, for example, & all other secondary traits are thus given to us. Well, this begs the question, is homosexuality a sin. If your religion or belief system states that it is, then there can be no argument. These are the rules based on this system’s dogma. If you accept this system, you must accept the rules. This is your only choice which is condemnation. If, however, you are in a belief system based on logic, reason, observation & common sense, & no reliance on spirituality the conclusion is totally different. Replacing ancient religion & mythology with reason leads to another conclusion. Leaving religions that use condemnation & ridicule for control, can be the first step in becoming a true human being minus any imposed or fabricated guilt. There exist many variations of human sexual expression. When you leave various ancient religious beliefs behind & chose knowledge based in research, you can see & understand the true nature of humanity. You leave ignorance, hatred, & prejudice behind. In the book Gay Straight & the Reason Why by Simon Levay PhD, explanations regarding this aspect of humanity are clearly explained & is based on research. While I am not gay, I highly recommend this book. Being gay is no more of a sin than having red hair. They are both based on genetics & clearly not a sin. There is nothing wrong with you. This is the true choice. Peace
In 2020, Bishop Barron went out of his way to advise Catholics that they good vote for Joe Biden because both of the main candidates were flawed, and despite Biden's open record on abortion and homosexual "marriage" in direct opposition to Church teaching. Very "courageous leadership" indeed......NOT.
You comment denies the existence of free will. The overwhelming majority of atheists do not believe we have any free will as they claim we are all a function of dna / cells / biology. I don’t believe that. I believe you sir are far far more than that. Hence, just because you have an inclination towards something, doesn’t mean you don’t have the free will to oppose it.
Thank you Bishop Barron. I plan on being there. The more these behaviors try to become normal (our state constitution for example) the more the normal to hate those who are Catholic.
In 2020, Bishop Barron went out of his way to advise Catholics that they good vote for Joe Biden because both of the main candidates were flawed, and despite Biden's open record on abortion and homosexual "marriage" in direct opposition to Church teaching. Very "courageous leadership" indeed......NOT.
In 2020, Bishop Barron went out of his way to advise Catholics that they good vote for Joe Biden because both of the main candidates were flawed, and despite Biden's open record on abortion and homosexual "marriage" in direct opposition to Church teaching. Very "courageous leadership" indeed......NOT.
Thank you Bishop Barron for having courage and also love for your fellow Man and Women to stand up and speak the truth. These are dark times but the darkest hour is always before the dawn. Truth, justice and Love shall prevail. God bless
God bless you Bishop! Please pray for all teachers in public schools. I am one of them and I need your prayers, please, thank you all! I am in the middle of defending the church's teachings and I always loving my students above all. Thank you!!
Come Holy Spirit, please deafen the evil whispers by satan & the demons that want to drag us into their darkness. Please shine for us to see the Hand of Jesus reaching for us to follow Him. In the name of the Father, the Son, & the Holy Spirit. Amen *Bishop, thank you for your posts & your service to our Father in heaven.
Amen, Bishop Baron, thank you for speaking up for our true faith and belief. You are a good leader. May God Bless you, give you great health, and keep you to lead us to Heaven.
I’m praying here in CA. I miss having the Good Bishop here but am glad for Minnesota. If Minnesotans want to see how these communist policies are playing out they have only to see what they’ve done to our beautiful state of CA. I praying for the restoration of human dignity and the protection of religious freedom which is what America is founded on in the first place. Pax et bonum!
Thank you for finally standing up for truth. I pray you find the strength to speak out in the heresy being committed within the Vatican. You are an intelligent man and we the flock and Jesus, need you to guide us in truth. Thank God for the bishops and priests who have and are. God will take care of you
As I don't live in Minnesota, I cannot do much to help you, Excellency. However, I will pray that this bill will be defeated in your legislature. God bless, you, Bishop Barron!
Finally, he is speaking out clearly and boldly (the way he wouldn't when all the statues were toppled), even using the term "fight". Well done, brave bishop!
Wow thank you for being the firm voice of gospel truths and for objective truth so in jeopardy in our society. If the church cannot stand up now, we will become so weak we will be irrelevant to these essential social/human issues of truth and life. God shine a light.
In 2020, Bishop Barron went out of his way to advise Catholics that they good vote for Joe Biden because both of the main candidates were flawed, and despite Biden's open record on abortion and homosexual "marriage" in direct opposition to Church teaching. Very "courageous leadership" indeed......NOT.
In 2020, Bishop Barron went out of his way to advise Catholics that they good vote for Joe Biden because both of the main candidates were flawed, and despite Biden's open record on abortion and homosexual "marriage" in direct opposition to Church teaching. Very "courageous leadership" indeed......NOT.
@@michaelthronewell this is about the children...Not Bishop Barron, and at least he seems to care enough raise an alarm for them, and furthermore children's rights have never even yet been been put into law, even.
The unarticulated right behind this is “the right to happiness” - “If I’m not happy with my identity, then I should have the right to change it”. The so-called “right to happiness” is not the same, of course, as the right to pursue happiness.
Thank you Bishop. I believe we should pray and also vote. Vote this perversion and insanity out of our political system at every opportunity. Jesus hear us..Jesus save us!
So then, read the masterpiece novel "Where Do We Go Now, LORD? - Burke." This page-turner features a wonderful Catholic Priest, in one chapter. Explains much. Very much. Enjoy!
Fast and pray against this most destructive amendment that may be enshrined in the Minnesota constitution. Pray for the protection and rights of religious people. Get involved and educated.
Another point pf view If you are wondering about the question of whether your sexuality is a sin or not, I welcome you to consider the following thoughts for clarification. Let’s look at some basic fundamental facts based on extensive research & ongoing R&D. During fetal development a verity of biochemical agents are introduced which determine the development of the fetus. Major agents such as testosterone & estrogen & a host of others agents determine size, weight, hair color, eye color & sexuality along with a host of other traits. Variations in the amount & timing of the introduction of these agents have a major effect in our development. The fetus is a passive participant & has no influence in these matters. Sexuality, for example, & all other secondary traits are thus given to us. Well, this begs the question, is homosexuality a sin. If your religion or belief system states that it is, then there can be no argument. These are the rules based on this system’s dogma. If you accept this system, you must accept the rules. This is your only choice which is condemnation. If, however, you are in a belief system based on logic, reason, observation & common sense, & no reliance on spirituality the conclusion is totally different. Replacing ancient religion & mythology with reason leads to another conclusion. Leaving religions that use condemnation & ridicule for control, can be the first step in becoming a true human being minus any imposed or fabricated guilt. There exist many variations of human sexual expression. When you leave various ancient religious beliefs behind & chose knowledge based in research, you can see & understand the true nature of humanity. You leave ignorance, hatred, & prejudice behind. In the book Gay Straight & the Reason Why by Simon Levay PhD, explanations regarding this aspect of humanity are clearly explained & is based on research. While I am not gay, I highly recommend this book. Being gay is no more of a sin than having red hair. They are both based on genetics & clearly not a sin. There is nothing wrong with you. This is the true choice. Peace
@@dan69052Christians don’t believe that being g’ay is a sin; choosing to act on those desires is what is sinful. Your argument from genetics could be used to justify other predispositions: such as r’ape, serial mur’der, child moles’tation, adultery, etc. I as a man have a natural desire to sleep with women other than my wife. Does that mean it’s right for me to do so? Regardless of our genetic predispositions, we are responsible for our choices.
@@dan69052 Totally false. Try checking better research by Dr. Neil D. Whitehead in "My Genes Made Me Do It" that totally obliterates any and all claims by the likes of Levay and others who ignore uncomfortable facts to make claims not supported by complete and objective science. Next, try getting over your own bigotry and false narratives regarding religions and what you ignorantly portray as doing what they do for control, etc. This smacks of Marxism and similar ideologies who use such propaganda to try to undermine the Catholic Church and other denominations that promote objective morality.
In 2020, Bishop Barron went out of his way to advise Catholics that they good vote for Joe Biden because both of the main candidates were flawed, and despite Biden's open record on abortion and homosexual "marriage" in direct opposition to Church teaching. Very "courageous leadership" indeed......NOT.
@@dan69052 I agree. I’m straight and I do not recall making that choice. I know that I had no day/choice in my gender, sexuality, my physical characteristics, my parents, my place/time/country/year of birth&death. The God whom I worship is Omniscient, Omnipresent , and Omnipotent. HE was/is in total control of all things past, present, and future. HE made me according to HIS will and continuously puts me in circumstances to elicit from me responses that fulfill HIS destiny for me. HIS yoke is light-I am at peace with HIS mercy. I do not believe in a hell of fire and brimstone. I do believe that if HE chooses that I not live, HIS will is for me to perish. Perish is the word.
In 2020, Bishop Barron went out of his way to advise Catholics that they good vote for Joe Biden because both of the main candidates were flawed, and despite Biden's open record on abortion and homosexual "marriage" in direct opposition to Church teaching. Very "courageous leadership" indeed......NOT.
This happened to us in Ohio. A state that used to be one of high values. Unlimited abortion and no parental notification for these or gender issues. Parents left out of the loop regarding their own children.
It’s nice to see you stand up for truth! Thank you. Maybe this is God’s way of getting you to stand for truth and I pray your spirit gets stronger in this area. You could be such a powerful voice of truth. Repent and pay penance like Mary said.
Here is the courage to offer another point of view If you are wondering about the question of whether your sexuality is a sin or not, I welcome you to consider the following thoughts for clarification. Let’s look at some basic fundamental facts based on extensive research & ongoing R&D. During fetal development a verity of biochemical agents are introduced which determine the development of the fetus. Major agents such as testosterone & estrogen & a host of others agents determine size, weight, hair color, eye color & sexuality along with a host of other traits. Variations in the amount & timing of the introduction of these agents have a major effect in our development. The fetus is a passive participant & has no influence in these matters. Sexuality, for example, & all other secondary traits are thus given to us. Well, this begs the question, is homosexuality a sin. If your religion or belief system states that it is, then there can be no argument. These are the rules based on this system’s dogma. If you accept this system, you must accept the rules. This is your only choice which is condemnation. If, however, you are in a belief system based on logic, reason, observation & common sense, & no reliance on spirituality the conclusion is totally different. Replacing ancient religion & mythology with reason leads to another conclusion. Leaving religions that use condemnation & ridicule for control, can be the first step in becoming a true human being minus any imposed or fabricated guilt. There exist many variations of human sexual expression. When you leave various ancient religious beliefs behind & chose knowledge based in research, you can see & understand the true nature of humanity. You leave ignorance, hatred, & prejudice behind. In the book Gay Straight & the Reason Why by Simon Levay PhD, explanations regarding this aspect of humanity are clearly explained & is based on research. While I am not gay, I highly recommend this book. Being gay is no more of a sin than having red hair. They are both based on genetics & clearly not a sin. There is nothing wrong with you. This is the true choice. Peace
Christians don’t believe that being gay is a sin; choosing to act on homosexual desires is what is sinful. Your argument from genetics could be used to justify other predispositions: such as rap’e, serial murder, child moles’tation, adultery, etc. Regardless of our genetic predispositions, we are responsible for our choices.
@@dan69052Christians don’t believe that being g’ay is a sin; choosing to act on those desires is what is sinful. Your argument from genetics could be used to justify other predispositions: such as r’ape, serial mur’der, child moles’tation, adultery, etc. I as a man have a natural desire to sleep with women other than my wife. Does that mean it’s right for me to do so? Regardless of our genetic predispositions, we are responsible for our choices.
@@dan69052Christians don’t believe that being g.a.y is a sin; choosing to act on those desires is what is sinful. Your argument from genetics could be used to justify other predispositions: such as r.a.p.e, serial m.u.r.d.e.r, child secks abuse, adultery, etc. I as a man have a natural desire to sleep with women other than my wife. Does that mean it’s right for me to do so? Regardless of our genetic predispositions, we are responsible for our choices.
In 2020, Bishop Barron went out of his way to advise Catholics that they good vote for Joe Biden because both of the main candidates were flawed, and despite Biden's open record on abortion and homosexual "marriage" in direct opposition to Church teaching. Very "courageous leadership" indeed......NOT.
"Freedom of religion" is an error of Vatican II, introduced by an American Jesuit. The traditional teaching of the Church is religious tolerance as opposed to religious libertinism, which places the Truth and the lie on equal footing. It is typical of revolutionary ideology, which is obsessed with and determined to bring about absolute equality of all people, things and even ideas. A uptopian nightmare. The only religion that deserves total freedom to fulfill its divince mission is the one estalished by God Himself. This is why there are so many problems in today's self-imploding society. "Religious freedom" is what has brought us to this sad, relativistic point, specifically in this case, with full-term abortion and genderism.
I guess internet messages are OK, especially for normal circumstances. When we are in crisis you’d think the Bishop’s, (and I’m not picking on Bishop Barron, but all the Bishop’s) would be appearing in person at these public forums and wielding the authority of their office to make a difference. Church history has demonstrated that there is nothing more influential than that going all the way back to St. Athanasius. The faithful would support them in droves, but they just don’t or won’t do it. It’s time to stop hiding behind videos, tweets and perfectly nicely worded letters and start acting like the Shepherds of the flock. Leave your finely furnished offices and take to the streets!
In 2020, Bishop Barron went out of his way to advise Catholics that they good vote for Joe Biden because both of the main candidates were flawed, and despite Biden's open record on abortion and homosexual "marriage" in direct opposition to Church teaching. Very "courageous leadership" indeed......NOT.
religious discrimination has been illegal since the mid 1960's. If the Church opposes abortion, it can preach same to all who will listen. But to object to the ERA as a constitutional amendment because it restricts future legislation is convoluted. The ERA IS legislation. And those that believe that reproductive rights is a choice best left to women, their families and their medical providers should not be barred from that by the Church's application of its principles to non-Catholics.
As much as I struggle, I find nothing to like about Minnesota and find so little in common with most of the people. I'm as irritated by them as they are with me. I love the heat and humidity of both Florida and Texas and tend to think like and share similar values to people in those states. I don't want hate a state and it people unjustly, but I just don't get them and they don't get me.
Bishop, there are good secular reasons to be against all these things as well, and speaking to those might make your appeal reach a broader audience as I know many non-catholics listen to you as well.
"Women have control over their bodies." Well, yes. There are tragic cases of force or deception, but generally control is exercised when they take their pants off. After that the doer is responsible for the natural results as with any other voluntary act. And if abstinence is too hard, there are contraceptives. It's probably not a fit subject for public laws, though, because cases can differ so much.
Satan's challenges must be met head-on and fought against, even if the devil uses wayward humans as his pawns to change laws to suit the ungodly goals of Satan, whose disciples on earth are hard at work to achieve his agenda and bring it to fruition. But it is evil fruit.
Victimized by the "so called" Equal Rights Amendment? I found your video to be misleading. Everyone should read the proposal. As amended, HF173/SF37* would ask voters at the 2026 general election if the state constitution should be amended to codify the right to equality. The ballot question would be: "Shall the Minnesota Constitution be amended to say that all persons shall be guaranteed equal rights under the laws of this state, and shall not be discriminated against on account of race, color, national origin, ancestry, disability, or sex, including pregnancy, gender, and sexual orientation?” Isn't it time we all had equal rights under the law?
Another point of view If you are wondering about the question of whether your sexuality is a sin or not, I welcome you to consider the following thoughts for clarification. Let’s look at some basic fundamental facts based on extensive research & ongoing R&D. During fetal development a verity of biochemical agents are introduced which determine the development of the fetus. Major agents such as testosterone & estrogen & a host of others agents determine size, weight, hair color, eye color & sexuality along with a host of other traits. Variations in the amount & timing of the introduction of these agents have a major effect in our development. The fetus is a passive participant & has no influence in these matters. Sexuality, for example, & all other secondary traits are thus given to us. Well, this begs the question, is homosexuality a sin. If your religion or belief system states that it is, then there can be no argument. These are the rules based on this system’s dogma. If you accept this system, you must accept the rules. This is your only choice which is condemnation. If, however, you are in a belief system based on logic, reason, observation & common sense, & no reliance on spirituality the conclusion is totally different. Replacing ancient religion & mythology with reason leads to another conclusion. Leaving religions that use condemnation & ridicule for control, can be the first step in becoming a true human being minus any imposed or fabricated guilt. There exist many variations of human sexual expression. When you leave various ancient religious beliefs behind & chose knowledge based in research, you can see & understand the true nature of humanity. You leave ignorance, hatred, & prejudice behind. In the book Gay Straight & the Reason Why by Simon Levay PhD, explanations regarding this aspect of humanity are clearly explained & is based on research. While I am not gay, I highly recommend this book. Being gay is no more of a sin than having red hair. They are both based on genetics & clearly not a sin. There is nothing wrong with you. This is the true choice. Peace
Religious people are not required to have abortions. They are not required to alter their beliefs about gender. I am so sorry that my support of equal rights-- even though i am fine with my gender and will not be seeking abortions-- separates me from the Catholic church.
So sorry! I am reminded of the 1960s, when the same folks were fighting desegregation! “The more things change, the more they stay the same!” Bishop, neither theologians nor politicians are competent to make rules or laws about human reproduction and human sexuality! You should be mature enough to understand that abortion is not a black and white issue! As to differences regarding one’s gender, do your research! And that goes not just for Bishop Barron, but for everyone who reads my words! Refusing to do so is both spiritually and intellectually LAZY! Speaking of the Faith, start with the Two Great Commandments and the Story of the Good Samaritan! Why did Jesus Christ choose to name the person who came to the aid of the robbery victim a Samaritan?
@@michaelthrone Well! However, they still are NOT demonstrating competency! All too often, it’s a matter of power! And on the secular front, it’s both power and money! Your views, and those of the “conservatives,” suffer from “tunnel vision,” rather than trying to “walk a mile in the other person’s shoes!” Remember, too, that the folks in the temple who demanded the crucifixion of Jesus were the comfortable, complacent conservatives! And now too many of the church hierarchy have been behaving in the same way! I pray that Pope Francis prevails in his vision for the church, but he has a long road ahead and so little time left!
@@michaelthrone I suggest that you look into the mirror! Or, better yet, try actually paying attention to my words! Just trying “tit for tat” does not show competence nor understanding on your part!
Another point of view If you are wondering about the question of whether your sexuality is a sin or not, I welcome you to consider the following thoughts for clarification. Let’s look at some basic fundamental facts based on extensive research & ongoing R&D. During fetal development a verity of biochemical agents are introduced which determine the development of the fetus. Major agents such as testosterone & estrogen & a host of others agents determine size, weight, hair color, eye color & sexuality along with a host of other traits. Variations in the amount & timing of the introduction of these agents have a major effect in our development. The fetus is a passive participant & has no influence in these matters. Sexuality, for example, & all other secondary traits are thus given to us. Well, this begs the question, is homosexuality a sin. If your religion or belief system states that it is, then there can be no argument. These are the rules based on this system’s dogma. If you accept this system, you must accept the rules. This is your only choice which is condemnation. If, however, you are in a belief system based on logic, reason, observation & common sense, & no reliance on spirituality the conclusion is totally different. Replacing ancient religion & mythology with reason leads to another conclusion. Leaving religions that use condemnation & ridicule for control, can be the first step in becoming a true human being minus any imposed or fabricated guilt. There exist many variations of human sexual expression. When you leave various ancient religious beliefs behind & chose knowledge based in research, you can see & understand the true nature of humanity. You leave ignorance, hatred, & prejudice behind. In the book Gay Straight & the Reason Why by Simon Levay PhD, explanations regarding this aspect of humanity are clearly explained & is based on research. While I am not gay, I highly recommend this book. Being gay is no more of a sin than having red hair. They are both based on genetics & clearly not a sin. There is nothing wrong with you. This is the true choice. Peace
Being gay isn’t the sin, it’s the actions that are the sin! No different than people addiction to porn or sex, acting in it is the sin. Having red hair is Not a sin , it’s what God created you as. Male shall,not lay with male as he does woman. The family is built upon 1 man and 1 woman that is the only way to bring life into the world.
Christians don’t believe that being g.a.y is a sin; choosing to act on those desires is what is sinful. Your argument from genetics could be used to justify other predispositions: such as r.a.p.e, serial m.u.r.d.e.r, child secks abuse, adultery, etc. I as a man have a natural desire to sleep with women other than my wife. Does that mean it’s right for me to do so? Regardless of our genetic predispositions, we are responsible for our choices.
Christians don’t believe that being g.a.y is a sin; choosing to act on those desires is what is sinful. Your argument from genetics could be used to justify other predispositions: such as r.a.p.e, serial m.u.r.d.e.r, child secks abuse, adultery, etc. I as a man have a natural desire to sleep with women other than my wife. Does that mean it’s right for me to do so? Regardless of our genetic predispositions, we are responsible for our choices.
Totally false. Try checking better research by Dr. Neil D. Whitehead in "My Genes Made Me Do It" that totally obliterates any and all claims by the likes of Levay and others who ignore uncomfortable facts to make claims not supported by complete and objective science. Next, try getting over your own bigotry and false narratives regarding religions and what you ignorantly portray as doing what they do for control, etc. This smacks of Marxism and similar ideologies who use such propaganda to try to undermine the Catholic Church and other denominations that promote objective morality.
Curious why you posted this multiple times. I didn’t hear him talking about that in this video… he was talking about codifying gender and abortion into law. This is the Church’s position on these topics, and as you’ve had plenty of Catholic teaching (per your comment above), you know that. You have to understand that, generally, priests and bishops have no desire to insert themselves into heated political discussions, but feel it is their duty to teach why the church takes this position, or why it finds propositions that will take away its own rights problematic.
Sister garrick new ways ministry quote.i believe the people who use the term gender ideaology have most likely never accompanied a transgender person end quote. The bish quotes genesis and takes it literally so I suppose he believes world created in 7 days.
Lord have mercy on Minnesota and her faithful. Guide and protect them from the wickedness of evil forces in society. Thank you for Bishop Barron and give him grace and strength in this fight for truth and freedom. Amen
Thank you Bishop Barron for your courageous leadership.
In 2020, Bishop Barron went out of his way to advise Catholics that they good vote for Joe Biden because both of the main candidates were flawed, and despite Biden's open record on abortion and homosexual "marriage" in direct opposition to Church teaching. Very "courageous leadership" indeed......NOT.
In 2020, Bishop Barron went out of his way to advise Catholics that they good vote for Joe Biden because both of the main candidates were flawed, and despite Biden's open record on abortion and homosexual "marriage" in direct opposition to Church teaching. Very "courageous leadership" indeed......NOT.
Thank you, Bishop, for keeping the message clear!
Please intervene Lord🙏 Thankyou for speaking out Bishop Barron!!
Praying for you Bishop Barron, thank you for your brave message.
In 2020, Bishop Barron went out of his way to advise Catholics that they good vote for Joe Biden because both of the main candidates were flawed, and despite Biden's open record on abortion and homosexual "marriage" in direct opposition to Church teaching. Very "courageous leadership" indeed......NOT.
This is amazing
Thank you so much for doing this Bishop Barron. I hope this courage and wisdom will spread through the church leadership.
In 2020, Bishop Barron went out of his way to advise Catholics that they good vote for Joe Biden because both of the main candidates were flawed, and despite Biden's open record on abortion and homosexual "marriage" in direct opposition to Church teaching. Very "courageous leadership" indeed......NOT.
In 2020, Bishop Barron went out of his way to advise Catholics that they good vote for Joe Biden because both of the main candidates were flawed, and despite Biden's open record on abortion and homosexual "marriage" in direct opposition to Church teaching. Very "courageous leadership" indeed......NOT.
Awesome message Bishop Barron. Welcome to Minnesota and thank you for your leadership.
another point pf view If you are wondering about the question of whether your sexuality is a sin or not, I welcome you to consider the following thoughts for clarification. Let’s look at some basic fundamental facts based on extensive research & ongoing R&D. During fetal development a verity of biochemical agents are introduced which determine the development of the fetus. Major agents such as testosterone & estrogen & a host of others agents determine size, weight, hair color, eye color & sexuality along with a host of other traits. Variations in the amount & timing of the introduction of these agents have a major effect in our development. The fetus is a passive participant & has no influence in these matters. Sexuality, for example, & all other secondary traits are thus given to us. Well, this begs the question, is homosexuality a sin. If your religion or belief system states that it is, then there can be no argument. These are the rules based on this system’s dogma. If you accept this system, you must accept the rules. This is your only choice which is condemnation.
If, however, you are in a belief system based on logic, reason, observation & common sense, & no reliance on spirituality the conclusion is totally different. Replacing ancient religion & mythology with reason leads to another conclusion. Leaving religions that use condemnation & ridicule for control, can be the first step in becoming a true human being minus any imposed or fabricated guilt. There exist many variations of human sexual expression. When you leave various ancient religious beliefs behind & chose knowledge based in research, you can see & understand the true nature of humanity. You leave ignorance, hatred, & prejudice behind. In the book Gay Straight & the Reason Why by Simon Levay PhD, explanations regarding this aspect of humanity are clearly explained & is based on research. While I am not gay, I highly recommend this book. Being gay is no more of a sin than having red hair. They are both based on genetics & clearly not a sin. There is nothing wrong with you. This is the true choice. Peace
In 2020, Bishop Barron went out of his way to advise Catholics that they good vote for Joe Biden because both of the main candidates were flawed, and despite Biden's open record on abortion and homosexual "marriage" in direct opposition to Church teaching. Very "courageous leadership" indeed......NOT.
You comment denies the existence of free will. The overwhelming majority of atheists do not believe we have any free will as they claim we are all a function of dna / cells / biology.
I don’t believe that. I believe you sir are far far more than that. Hence, just because you have an inclination towards something, doesn’t mean you don’t have the free will to oppose it.
@@dan69052 No. The Church keeps its teaching.
Keep speaking out, Bishop Barron!!
You cannot change evil to good by legalizing evil. America could use hundreds of millions of people with wisdom like this man's.
Thank you Bishop Baron, will and am praying!
Lord have mercy on us. We pray this does not go through.
Thank you Bishop Barron. I plan on being there. The more these behaviors try to become normal (our state constitution for example) the more the normal to hate those who are Catholic.
Thank you Bishop Barron for moral clarity. Please keep speaking out. I will pray for the state of Minnesota.
God bless you for your courageous leadership. May The LORD send you help from the sanctuary (Psalm 20).
In 2020, Bishop Barron went out of his way to advise Catholics that they good vote for Joe Biden because both of the main candidates were flawed, and despite Biden's open record on abortion and homosexual "marriage" in direct opposition to Church teaching. Very "courageous leadership" indeed......NOT.
In 2020, Bishop Barron went out of his way to advise Catholics that they good vote for Joe Biden because both of the main candidates were flawed, and despite Biden's open record on abortion and homosexual "marriage" in direct opposition to Church teaching. Very "courageous leadership" indeed......NOT.
Thank you Bishop Barron for having courage and also love for your fellow Man and Women to stand up and speak the truth. These are dark times but the darkest hour is always before the dawn. Truth, justice and Love shall prevail. God bless
God bless you Bishop! Please pray for all teachers in public schools. I am one of them and I need your prayers, please, thank you all! I am in the middle of defending the church's teachings and I always loving my students above all. Thank you!!
I am from Brazil, love Bishop Baron's work. I'll be praying for you, this is so evil 😢
Thank you for this video Bishop Barron
Thank you Bishop Barron, for speaking up!
SSPXer here .Thanks Your Exellency for your courage .
Come Holy Spirit, please deafen the evil whispers by satan & the demons that want to drag us into their darkness. Please shine for us to see the Hand of Jesus reaching for us to follow Him. In the name of the Father, the Son, & the Holy Spirit. Amen
*Bishop, thank you for your posts & your service to our Father in heaven.
Amen, Bishop Baron, thank you for speaking up for our true faith and belief. You are a good leader. May God Bless you, give you great health, and keep you to lead us to Heaven.
Bishop Barron I stand in support of you 100 percent
Congress shall make no law with respect to establishment of a Religion. Or the free practice therefor. Is already enshrined in 1st Admendment.
@@marianlucas2947 Catholics vote according to Catholicism.
Thank you Bishop. Our Lord deployed you to Minnesota to fight this battle.
Gracias Padre Barron por ser nuestro guía espiritual. Usted enséñenos el camino y nosotros lo seguimos.
Thank you, your Excellency
I am totally shocked, he put this out. I am pleasantly surprised he published this. Please keep it us and hopefully other bishops will do so also.
Thank you,Bishop Barron.
I’m praying here in CA. I miss having the Good Bishop here but am glad for Minnesota. If Minnesotans want to see how these communist policies are playing out they have only to see what they’ve done to our beautiful state of CA. I praying for the restoration of human dignity and the protection of religious freedom which is what America is founded on in the first place. Pax et bonum!
in order to have freedom of religion, you need freedom from religion. you are free to practice your faith. you are not free to impose it on others.
@@martinkatz3334 Yes in that no one has a right to impose their beliefs on our speech.
Thanks bishop Barron for your service!
Thank you for finally standing up for truth. I pray you find the strength to speak out in the heresy being committed within the Vatican. You are an intelligent man and we the flock and Jesus, need you to guide us in truth. Thank God for the bishops and priests who have and are. God will take care of you
As I don't live in Minnesota, I cannot do much to help you, Excellency. However, I will pray that this bill will be defeated in your legislature. God bless, you, Bishop Barron!
Thank you, Bishop!
Finally, he is speaking out clearly and boldly (the way he wouldn't when all the statues were toppled), even using the term "fight". Well done, brave bishop!
I live in western Canada in the province of Alberta. I am praying for all of you in Minnesota. Thank you Bishop Barron for speaking up🙏🏼✝️♥️
Wow thank you for being the firm voice of gospel truths and for objective truth so in jeopardy in our society. If the church cannot stand up now, we will become so weak we will be irrelevant to these essential social/human issues of truth and life. God shine a light.
Thank you!
I will pray for the state of Minnesota
Great to hear a Bishop being Bishoply.
In 2020, Bishop Barron went out of his way to advise Catholics that they good vote for Joe Biden because both of the main candidates were flawed, and despite Biden's open record on abortion and homosexual "marriage" in direct opposition to Church teaching. Very "courageous leadership" indeed......NOT.
Keep fighting Bishop Barron! God bless you.
In 2020, Bishop Barron went out of his way to advise Catholics that they good vote for Joe Biden because both of the main candidates were flawed, and despite Biden's open record on abortion and homosexual "marriage" in direct opposition to Church teaching. Very "courageous leadership" indeed......NOT.
@@michaelthronewell this is about the children...Not Bishop Barron, and at least he seems to care enough raise an alarm for them, and furthermore children's rights have never even yet been been put into law, even.
Thank God for bishops who shepherd the flock that God entrusted to their care.
Thank you bishop Barron to finally say and share the truth humbly and respectfully
We mustn't follow laws that are unjust. Let's hope everyone is brave enough.
The unarticulated right behind this is “the right to happiness” - “If I’m not happy with my identity, then I should have the right to change it”. The so-called “right to happiness” is not the same, of course, as the right to pursue happiness.
I shall pray for Minnisota.
God bless you
Agree! 🙏🙏🙏
Great topics and explanation Sir 👍🕊️
Well said you.👍🙏🇦🇺
Amen Bishop Barron
Amen Bishop Barron!!❤
Thank you Bishop. I believe we should pray and also vote. Vote this perversion and insanity out of our political system at every opportunity. Jesus hear us..Jesus save us!
HOLY MAN OF GOD! God bless you.
The bishop still has a head on his shoulders.
So then, read the masterpiece novel "Where Do We Go Now, LORD? - Burke." This page-turner features a wonderful Catholic Priest, in one chapter. Explains much. Very much. Enjoy!
Fast and pray against this most destructive amendment that may be enshrined in the Minnesota constitution. Pray for the protection and rights of religious people. Get involved and educated.
The Diocese of Winona-Rochester is lucky to have Bishop Barron. Unforturnately, he doesn't wear a red hat but he a good leader!
Another point pf view If you are wondering about the question of whether your sexuality is a sin or not, I welcome you to consider the following thoughts for clarification. Let’s look at some basic fundamental facts based on extensive research & ongoing R&D. During fetal development a verity of biochemical agents are introduced which determine the development of the fetus. Major agents such as testosterone & estrogen & a host of others agents determine size, weight, hair color, eye color & sexuality along with a host of other traits. Variations in the amount & timing of the introduction of these agents have a major effect in our development. The fetus is a passive participant & has no influence in these matters. Sexuality, for example, & all other secondary traits are thus given to us. Well, this begs the question, is homosexuality a sin. If your religion or belief system states that it is, then there can be no argument. These are the rules based on this system’s dogma. If you accept this system, you must accept the rules. This is your only choice which is condemnation.
If, however, you are in a belief system based on logic, reason, observation & common sense, & no reliance on spirituality the conclusion is totally different. Replacing ancient religion & mythology with reason leads to another conclusion. Leaving religions that use condemnation & ridicule for control, can be the first step in becoming a true human being minus any imposed or fabricated guilt. There exist many variations of human sexual expression. When you leave various ancient religious beliefs behind & chose knowledge based in research, you can see & understand the true nature of humanity. You leave ignorance, hatred, & prejudice behind. In the book Gay Straight & the Reason Why by Simon Levay PhD, explanations regarding this aspect of humanity are clearly explained & is based on research. While I am not gay, I highly recommend this book. Being gay is no more of a sin than having red hair. They are both based on genetics & clearly not a sin. There is nothing wrong with you. This is the true choice. Peace
@@dan69052Christians don’t believe that being g’ay is a sin; choosing to act on those desires is what is sinful. Your argument from genetics could be used to justify other predispositions: such as r’ape, serial mur’der, child moles’tation, adultery, etc. I as a man have a natural desire to sleep with women other than my wife. Does that mean it’s right for me to do so? Regardless of our genetic predispositions, we are responsible for our choices.
@@dan69052 Totally false. Try checking better research by Dr. Neil D. Whitehead in "My Genes Made Me Do It" that totally obliterates any and all claims by the likes of Levay and others who ignore uncomfortable facts to make claims not supported by complete and objective science.
Next, try getting over your own bigotry and false narratives regarding religions and what you ignorantly portray as doing what they do for control, etc. This smacks of Marxism and similar ideologies who use such propaganda to try to undermine the Catholic Church and other denominations that promote objective morality.
In 2020, Bishop Barron went out of his way to advise Catholics that they good vote for Joe Biden because both of the main candidates were flawed, and despite Biden's open record on abortion and homosexual "marriage" in direct opposition to Church teaching. Very "courageous leadership" indeed......NOT.
@@dan69052 I agree. I’m straight and I do not recall making that choice. I know that I had no day/choice in my gender, sexuality, my physical characteristics, my parents, my place/time/country/year of birth&death. The God whom I worship is Omniscient, Omnipresent , and Omnipotent. HE was/is in total control of all things past, present, and future. HE made me according to HIS will and continuously puts me in circumstances to elicit from me responses that fulfill HIS destiny for me. HIS yoke is light-I am at peace with HIS mercy. I do not believe in a hell of fire and brimstone. I do believe that if HE chooses that I not live, HIS will is for me to perish. Perish is the word.
Amen. May common sense be recognized...
Discrimination against Christians and anyone who accepts biological facts.
Bishop, the USCCB should have been fighting this years ago. It didn’t just start. The disease is in Catholic schools as well as public.
The Vatican 2 loves this stuff as they are all modernists
In 2020, Bishop Barron went out of his way to advise Catholics that they good vote for Joe Biden because both of the main candidates were flawed, and despite Biden's open record on abortion and homosexual "marriage" in direct opposition to Church teaching. Very "courageous leadership" indeed......NOT.
The sole dissenting vote in Buck v. Bell (state sterilization of unfit people) was the Catholic jurist. Protestant ministers went along with Eugenics.
This happened to us in Ohio. A state that used to be one of high values. Unlimited abortion and no parental notification for these or gender issues. Parents left out of the loop regarding their own children.
It’s nice to see you stand up for truth! Thank you. Maybe this is God’s way of getting you to stand for truth and I pray your spirit gets stronger in this area. You could be such a powerful voice of truth. Repent and pay penance like Mary said.
The same thing is happening in Florida. 😢
Hatred is not of God. Hatred is from the evil one. Lord, forgive those hypocrites of hatred.
Secure the election process. Write letters to your representatives
Thank you! It takes strength of faith and courage to speak for God in our politically correct world...
Here is the courage to offer another point of view If you are wondering about the question of whether your sexuality is a sin or not, I welcome you to consider the following thoughts for clarification. Let’s look at some basic fundamental facts based on extensive research & ongoing R&D. During fetal development a verity of biochemical agents are introduced which determine the development of the fetus. Major agents such as testosterone & estrogen & a host of others agents determine size, weight, hair color, eye color & sexuality along with a host of other traits. Variations in the amount & timing of the introduction of these agents have a major effect in our development. The fetus is a passive participant & has no influence in these matters. Sexuality, for example, & all other secondary traits are thus given to us. Well, this begs the question, is homosexuality a sin. If your religion or belief system states that it is, then there can be no argument. These are the rules based on this system’s dogma. If you accept this system, you must accept the rules. This is your only choice which is condemnation.
If, however, you are in a belief system based on logic, reason, observation & common sense, & no reliance on spirituality the conclusion is totally different. Replacing ancient religion & mythology with reason leads to another conclusion. Leaving religions that use condemnation & ridicule for control, can be the first step in becoming a true human being minus any imposed or fabricated guilt. There exist many variations of human sexual expression. When you leave various ancient religious beliefs behind & chose knowledge based in research, you can see & understand the true nature of humanity. You leave ignorance, hatred, & prejudice behind. In the book Gay Straight & the Reason Why by Simon Levay PhD, explanations regarding this aspect of humanity are clearly explained & is based on research. While I am not gay, I highly recommend this book. Being gay is no more of a sin than having red hair. They are both based on genetics & clearly not a sin. There is nothing wrong with you. This is the true choice. Peace
Christians don’t believe that being gay is a sin; choosing to act on homosexual desires is what is sinful. Your argument from genetics could be used to justify other predispositions: such as rap’e, serial murder, child moles’tation, adultery, etc. Regardless of our genetic predispositions, we are responsible for our choices.
@@dan69052Christians don’t believe that being g’ay is a sin; choosing to act on those desires is what is sinful. Your argument from genetics could be used to justify other predispositions: such as r’ape, serial mur’der, child moles’tation, adultery, etc. I as a man have a natural desire to sleep with women other than my wife. Does that mean it’s right for me to do so? Regardless of our genetic predispositions, we are responsible for our choices.
@@dan69052Christians don’t believe that being g.a.y is a sin; choosing to act on those desires is what is sinful. Your argument from genetics could be used to justify other predispositions: such as r.a.p.e, serial m.u.r.d.e.r, child secks abuse, adultery, etc. I as a man have a natural desire to sleep with women other than my wife. Does that mean it’s right for me to do so? Regardless of our genetic predispositions, we are responsible for our choices.
In 2020, Bishop Barron went out of his way to advise Catholics that they good vote for Joe Biden because both of the main candidates were flawed, and despite Biden's open record on abortion and homosexual "marriage" in direct opposition to Church teaching. Very "courageous leadership" indeed......NOT.
"Freedom of religion" is an error of Vatican II, introduced by an American Jesuit. The traditional teaching of the Church is religious tolerance as opposed to religious libertinism, which places the Truth and the lie on equal footing. It is typical of revolutionary ideology, which is obsessed with and determined to bring about absolute equality of all people, things and even ideas. A uptopian nightmare. The only religion that deserves total freedom to fulfill its divince mission is the one estalished by God Himself. This is why there are so many problems in today's self-imploding society. "Religious freedom" is what has brought us to this sad, relativistic point, specifically in this case, with full-term abortion and genderism.
Minnesota is sounding more and more like Canada. Isn't it on the border? Why not give it to Canada?
I guess internet messages are OK, especially for normal circumstances. When we are in crisis you’d think the Bishop’s, (and I’m not picking on Bishop Barron, but all the Bishop’s) would be appearing in person at these public forums and wielding the authority of their office to make a difference. Church history has demonstrated that there is nothing more influential than that going all the way back to St. Athanasius. The faithful would support them in droves, but they just don’t or won’t do it. It’s time to stop hiding behind videos, tweets and perfectly nicely worded letters and start acting like the Shepherds of the flock. Leave your finely furnished offices and take to the streets!
In 2020, Bishop Barron went out of his way to advise Catholics that they good vote for Joe Biden because both of the main candidates were flawed, and despite Biden's open record on abortion and homosexual "marriage" in direct opposition to Church teaching. Very "courageous leadership" indeed......NOT.
Why are you not going on WCCO, KSTP or other news channels to declare your opposition? Keeping a low profile?
I doubt WCCO would have them on
religious discrimination has been illegal since the mid 1960's. If the Church opposes abortion, it can preach same to all who will listen. But to object to the ERA as a constitutional amendment because it restricts future legislation is convoluted. The ERA IS legislation. And those that believe that reproductive rights is a choice best left to women, their families and their medical providers should not be barred from that by the Church's application of its principles to non-Catholics.
Thank you Bishop Barron
This woke garbage has got to be tossed into the dust bin of history
It's not quite Francis like, and i like it, but most of all: this is the way to go!
As much as I struggle, I find nothing to like about Minnesota and find so little in common with most of the people. I'm as irritated by them as they are with me. I love the heat and humidity of both Florida and Texas and tend to think like and share similar values to people in those states. I don't want hate a state and it people unjustly, but I just don't get them and they don't get me.
Bishop, there are good secular reasons to be against all these things as well, and speaking to those might make your appeal reach a broader audience as I know many non-catholics listen to you as well.
the 11th hour. !!
I never before realized how similar two phrases appear; “equal” rights and “evil” rights b
canada is already in the grips of this dysfunction and dissociation..
"Women have control over their bodies." Well, yes. There are tragic cases of force or deception, but generally control is exercised when they take their pants off. After that the doer is responsible for the natural results as with any other voluntary act. And if abstinence is too hard, there are contraceptives. It's probably not a fit subject for public laws, though, because cases can differ so much.
Hello Bishop! How do I make it to heaven?
Satan's challenges must be met head-on and fought against, even if the devil uses wayward humans as his pawns to change laws to suit the ungodly goals of Satan, whose disciples on earth are hard at work to achieve his agenda and bring it to fruition. But it is evil fruit.
How many Catholics voted for this current government? I bet a lot.
Fire truck
Ironically, I think Biden is Catholic (sorry if I am wrong).
Perhaps Biden is closer to current Pope than to former Pope's views?
Victimized by the "so called" Equal Rights Amendment? I found your video to be misleading. Everyone should read the proposal. As amended, HF173/SF37* would ask voters at the 2026 general election if the state constitution should be amended to codify the right to equality. The ballot question would be: "Shall the Minnesota Constitution be amended to say that all persons shall be guaranteed equal rights under the laws of this state, and shall not be discriminated against on account of race, color, national origin, ancestry, disability, or sex, including pregnancy, gender, and sexual orientation?” Isn't it time we all had equal rights under the law?
Another point of view If you are wondering about the question of whether your sexuality is a sin or not, I welcome you to consider the following thoughts for clarification. Let’s look at some basic fundamental facts based on extensive research & ongoing R&D. During fetal development a verity of biochemical agents are introduced which determine the development of the fetus. Major agents such as testosterone & estrogen & a host of others agents determine size, weight, hair color, eye color & sexuality along with a host of other traits. Variations in the amount & timing of the introduction of these agents have a major effect in our development. The fetus is a passive participant & has no influence in these matters. Sexuality, for example, & all other secondary traits are thus given to us. Well, this begs the question, is homosexuality a sin. If your religion or belief system states that it is, then there can be no argument. These are the rules based on this system’s dogma. If you accept this system, you must accept the rules. This is your only choice which is condemnation.
If, however, you are in a belief system based on logic, reason, observation & common sense, & no reliance on spirituality the conclusion is totally different. Replacing ancient religion & mythology with reason leads to another conclusion. Leaving religions that use condemnation & ridicule for control, can be the first step in becoming a true human being minus any imposed or fabricated guilt. There exist many variations of human sexual expression. When you leave various ancient religious beliefs behind & chose knowledge based in research, you can see & understand the true nature of humanity. You leave ignorance, hatred, & prejudice behind. In the book Gay Straight & the Reason Why by Simon Levay PhD, explanations regarding this aspect of humanity are clearly explained & is based on research. While I am not gay, I highly recommend this book. Being gay is no more of a sin than having red hair. They are both based on genetics & clearly not a sin. There is nothing wrong with you. This is the true choice. Peace
Is freedom of speech only for people who agree with your point of view?
Stop à l'homophobie et à la ttansphobie dans l'église c'est un péché devant Dieu..
@@diamondlou1 ça ne devrait pas vous faire rire... surtout si on se dit
These are phobias. These are rational necessary positions perfectly aligned with the Catholic Church.
@@VideaVice25ce n'est pas mon point de vue l'église doit prêcher la fraternité et ne pas juger sans cesse
@@Cjc-05 I'm laughing because what you said is ridiculous.
Father's abuse child has match Fite truck take child
Religious people are not required to have abortions. They are not required to alter their beliefs about gender. I am so sorry that my support of equal rights-- even though i am fine with my gender and will not be seeking abortions-- separates me from the Catholic church.
So sorry! I am reminded of the 1960s, when the same folks were fighting desegregation! “The more things change, the more they stay the same!”
Bishop, neither theologians nor politicians are competent to make rules or laws about human reproduction and human sexuality! You should be mature enough to understand that abortion is not a black and white issue! As to differences regarding one’s gender, do your research! And that goes not just for Bishop Barron, but for everyone who reads my words! Refusing to do so is both spiritually and intellectually LAZY!
Speaking of the Faith, start with the Two Great Commandments and the Story of the Good Samaritan! Why did Jesus Christ choose to name the person who came to the aid of the robbery victim a Samaritan?
Rubbish. The competence involves morality, and so they can indeed comment on what you simply do not like.
Well! However, they still are NOT demonstrating competency! All too often, it’s a matter of power! And on the secular front, it’s both power and money! Your views, and those of the “conservatives,” suffer from “tunnel vision,” rather than trying to “walk a mile in the other person’s shoes!” Remember, too, that the folks in the temple who demanded the crucifixion of Jesus were the comfortable, complacent conservatives! And now too many of the church hierarchy have been behaving in the same way! I pray that Pope Francis prevails in his vision for the church, but he has a long road ahead and so little time left!
@@valeriebreathet741 You are clueless, speaking of a lack of competency. Good luck.
I suggest that you look into the mirror! Or, better yet, try actually paying attention to my words! Just trying “tit for tat” does not show competence nor understanding on your part!
@@valeriebreathet741 You are still clueless, punctuated by nonsense claims. Good luck as you finish up your time in junior high.
The church is rapidly becoming irrelevant. Empty pews speak to people voting with their feet. We need freedom FROM religion.
Another point of view If you are wondering about the question of whether your sexuality is a sin or not, I welcome you to consider the following thoughts for clarification. Let’s look at some basic fundamental facts based on extensive research & ongoing R&D. During fetal development a verity of biochemical agents are introduced which determine the development of the fetus. Major agents such as testosterone & estrogen & a host of others agents determine size, weight, hair color, eye color & sexuality along with a host of other traits. Variations in the amount & timing of the introduction of these agents have a major effect in our development. The fetus is a passive participant & has no influence in these matters. Sexuality, for example, & all other secondary traits are thus given to us. Well, this begs the question, is homosexuality a sin. If your religion or belief system states that it is, then there can be no argument. These are the rules based on this system’s dogma. If you accept this system, you must accept the rules. This is your only choice which is condemnation.
If, however, you are in a belief system based on logic, reason, observation & common sense, & no reliance on spirituality the conclusion is totally different. Replacing ancient religion & mythology with reason leads to another conclusion. Leaving religions that use condemnation & ridicule for control, can be the first step in becoming a true human being minus any imposed or fabricated guilt. There exist many variations of human sexual expression. When you leave various ancient religious beliefs behind & chose knowledge based in research, you can see & understand the true nature of humanity. You leave ignorance, hatred, & prejudice behind. In the book Gay Straight & the Reason Why by Simon Levay PhD, explanations regarding this aspect of humanity are clearly explained & is based on research. While I am not gay, I highly recommend this book. Being gay is no more of a sin than having red hair. They are both based on genetics & clearly not a sin. There is nothing wrong with you. This is the true choice. Peace
Being gay isn’t the sin, it’s the actions that are the sin! No different than people addiction to porn or sex, acting in it is the sin. Having red hair is Not a sin , it’s what God created you as. Male shall,not lay with male as he does woman. The family is built upon 1 man and 1 woman that is the only way to bring life into the world.
Christians don’t believe that being g.a.y is a sin; choosing to act on those desires is what is sinful. Your argument from genetics could be used to justify other predispositions: such as r.a.p.e, serial m.u.r.d.e.r, child secks abuse, adultery, etc. I as a man have a natural desire to sleep with women other than my wife. Does that mean it’s right for me to do so? Regardless of our genetic predispositions, we are responsible for our choices.
Christians don’t believe that being g.a.y is a sin; choosing to act on those desires is what is sinful. Your argument from genetics could be used to justify other predispositions: such as r.a.p.e, serial m.u.r.d.e.r, child secks abuse, adultery, etc. I as a man have a natural desire to sleep with women other than my wife. Does that mean it’s right for me to do so? Regardless of our genetic predispositions, we are responsible for our choices.
Totally false. Try checking better research by Dr. Neil D. Whitehead in "My Genes Made Me Do It" that totally obliterates any and all claims by the likes of Levay and others who ignore uncomfortable facts to make claims not supported by complete and objective science.
Next, try getting over your own bigotry and false narratives regarding religions and what you ignorantly portray as doing what they do for control, etc. This smacks of Marxism and similar ideologies who use such propaganda to try to undermine the Catholic Church and other denominations that promote objective morality.
Curious why you posted this multiple times. I didn’t hear him talking about that in this video… he was talking about codifying gender and abortion into law. This is the Church’s position on these topics, and as you’ve had plenty of Catholic teaching (per your comment above), you know that. You have to understand that, generally, priests and bishops have no desire to insert themselves into heated political discussions, but feel it is their duty to teach why the church takes this position, or why it finds propositions that will take away its own rights problematic.
Sister garrick new ways ministry quote.i believe the people who use the term gender ideaology have most likely never accompanied a transgender person end quote. The bish quotes genesis and takes it literally so I suppose he believes world created in 7 days.