素晴らしいlesson channelだと思います。Spanish とEnglish translation それにゆっくりと話してもらえるので、すごくわかりやすいですね。Me gusta mucho este programa de fácil aprendizaje de español. Maravilloso y gracias.
I can speak Burmese, Bangali Hindi and Indonesia 🇮🇩, fluently I’m learning 800 Spanish words right now It’s a beautiful language I’m so excited to learn Spanish language Many people ask me in America 🇺🇸 everyday. Are you Spanish?
it's "los" here's an example sentence: mi hermano cree que el pueda dar la los porque es un puto woke my brother believes that he can give the light because he's a fucking woke
34:38 ho la ti a e res un crack. The car is peach colour is incorrect sentence structure. Honestly, I'm not sure if anybody would phrase it like that, but you'd get your point across. You need a preposition before the noun. The colour of the car is that of a peach or The car is of peach colour.
Hmm. I'd probably say "The car is peach colored". We were shopping for a car once and found one that was a sort of sea green, a little grayish. "It's dolphin colored!" we said. "...That of a peach" sounds grammatically correct but pretty academic; I could see using the construction in some circumstances. But this video is about Spanish!
The translation in the video is correct. "Of" is generally not used with color descriptions in English. "It's the red car" for example. "Or the grass is green." (I speak American English)
bit.ly/3HWqmvT Click here and get the best resources online to master Spanish grammar and improve your vocabulary with tons of content for FREE!
A highly informative bilingual class in Espanol, specially for all beginners who speak English and love to learn clearly. Thank you very much, Rosa !
1:14 = 20
optimista = hopeful
profundo = deep
poco profundo = shallow
rico = rich
pobre = poor
pantalla = monitor
teclado = keyboard
auriculares = headphones
tener hipo = hiccup
arándano = blueberry
ciruela pasa = prune
mango = mango
limón = lemon
nalgas = buttocks
hombro = shoulder
músculo = muscle
hueso = bone
barba = beard
boniato = sweet potato
champiñón = mushroom
12:40 = 40
mochila = backpack
mina = pencil lead
pegamento = glue
calculadora = calculator
sacapuntas = pencil sharpener
ancho = wide
estrecho = narrow
duro = hard
suave = soft
albaricoque = apricot
piña = pineapple
melón = melon
higo = fig
ciruela = plum
coliflor = cauliflower
col = cabbage
apio = celery
berenjena = eggplant
brote de judía = bean sprout
accidente = accident
24:29 = 60
cama individual = single bed
cama doble = double bed
hotel = hotel
recepción = front desk
Océano Pacífico = Pacific Ocean
Océano Atlántico = Atlantic Ocean
Océano Índico = Indian Ocean
Australia = Australia
Antártida = Antarctica
Asia = Asia
África = Africa
Europa = Europe
América del Norte = North America
América del Sur = South America
índigo = indigo
melocotón = peach
oscuro = dark
molesto = annoying
torso = torso
pecho = breast
38:15 = 80
bigote = mustache
lavadora = washing machine
reproductor de DVD = DVD player
ventilador = fan
aire acondicionado = air conditioner
fogón = stove
primaria = elementary school
secundaria = middle school
instituto = high school
universidad = university
director = principal
brillante = bright
ordenador portátil = laptop computer
ratón = mouse
altavoz = speaker
cámara web = webcam
micrófono = microphone
ordenador de sobremesa = desktop computer
chile = chili pepper
maíz = corn
49:58 = 100
romper = break
corte = cut
torcerse = sprain
microondas = microwave open
frigorífico = refrigerator
aspiradora = vacuum cleaner
sudar = sweat
facturación = check-in
número de habitación = room number
llave de la habitación = room key
llamada despertador = wake-up call
salida = check-out
claro = light
dorado = gold
rosa = pink
plateado = silver
beis = beige
frambuesa = raspberry
tos = cough
ajo = garlic
1:03:13 = 120
inundación = flood
tifón = typhoon
huracán = hurricane
tornado = tornado
sequía = drought
islam = Islam
protestantismo = Protestantism
catolicismo = Catholicism
hinduismo = Hinduism
budismo = Buddhism
tobillo = ankle
codo = elbow
muñeca = wrist
rodilla = knee
piel = skin
afeitarse = shave
chef = chef
no fumador = non-smoking
fumar = smoking
sangre = blood
1:14:45 = 140
rosa = rose
flor = flower
lirio = lily
girasol = sunflower
diente de león = dandelion
viajar = traveling
hacer ejercicio = exercising
entrenamiento = workout
leyendo = reading
juego de cartas = playing cards
pendiente = earring
collar = necklace
anillo = ring
bóxer = boxer shorts
falda = skirt
hamburguesa = hamburger
hamburguesa con queso = cheeseburger
pizza = pizza
perrito caliente = hot dog
propina = tip
1:26:25 = 160
país = country
aldea = village
pueblo = town
suburbio = suburb
habitación = room
quemadura = burn
ajedrez = chess
idioma = language
secarse el pelo = blow-dry
artes marciales = martial arts
satisfecho = satisfied
calmado = calm
peine = comb
hacer gárgaras = gargle
insatisfecho = dissatisfied
cinco mil = five thousand
tres mil = three thousand
seis mil = six thousand
siete mil = seven thousand
nueve mil = nine thousand
1:37:01 = 180
casero = landlord
dormitorio = dormitory
bloque de pisos = apartment building
ciudad = city
granja = farm
tsunami = tsunami
avalancha = avalanche
fuego = fire
terremoto = earthquake
tormenta de arena = sandstorm
guante = glove
paraguas = umbrella
sombrero = hat
de manga larga = long-sleeved
manga corta = short-sleeved
doloroso = painful
tímido = shy
nervioso = nervous
entusiasmado = excited
avergonzado = embarrassed
1:47:56 = 200
restaurante = restaurant
cafetería = café
tetería = tea shop
bar = bar
mueble = furniture
hierba = grass
tierra = soil
barro = mud
roca = rock
árbol = tree
taoísmo = Taoism
biblia = Bible
Corán = Quran
sacerdote = priest
judaísmo = Judaism
mil = one thousand
dos mil = two thousand
ocho mil = eight thousand
diez mil = ten thousand
cuatro mil = four thousand
1:59:14 = 220
sacar = take out
camarero = waiter
informe del tiempo = weather report
centígrado = Celsius
programa de televisión = TV show
footing = jogging
comida rápida = fast food
parque = park
semáforo = traffic light
señal = sign
metro = subway
estación de tren = train station
quinientos = five hundred
novecientos noventa y nueve = nine hundred ninety-nine
ciento uno = one hundred and one
cuatrocientos = four hundred
novecientos = nine hundred
pulgada = inch
kilo = kilogram
centímetro = centimeter
2:11:19 = 240
dolor de cabeza = headache
diarrea = diarrhea
síntoma = symptom
dolor de estómago = stomachache
limpiar = clean
secar = dry
polvo = dust
pasar la aspiradora = vacuum
cruce = intersection
autopista = highway
carretera = road
calle = street
interesante = interesting
malo = mean
aburrido = bored
setecientos = seven hundred
ochocientos = eight hundred
doscientos = two hundred
trescientos = three hundred
seiscientos = six hundred
2:25:00 = 260
enfermedad = illness
resfriado = cold
lesión = injury
medicamento = medicine
dolor = pain
fiebre = fever
ventana = window
alcohol = alcohol
comida = meal
niebla = fog
granizo = hail
tormenta eléctrica = thunderstorm
acuario = aquarium
fútbol = soccer
zoológico = zoo
tarifa = fare
parada de autobús = bus stop
gramo = gram
metro = meter
kilómetro = kilometer
2:37:33 = 280
arroz = rice
bread = pan
huevo = egg
fideo = noodle
despertador = alarm clock
puerta = door
remote control = mando a distancia
pasar un trapo = wipe
menú = menu
revista = magazine
audiolibro = audiobook
videojuego = video game
barato = cheap
caro = expensive
amable = kind
de miedo = scary
relajante = relaxing
libra = pound
milla = mile
pie = foot
2:51:01 = 300
cacao = cocoa
refresco = soft drink
zumo = juice
estantería = bookshelf
cama = bed
espejo = mirror
tocador = dresser
barrer = sweep
poner en su sitio = put away
fregar = mop
camarera = waitress
Fahrenheit = Fahrenheit
temperatura = temperature
húmedo = humid
ventoso = windy
parque infantil = playground
piscina = pool
tenis = tennis
baloncesto = basketball
litro = liter
3:04:14 = 320
sartén = frying pan
tabla de cortar = cutting board
fregadero = sink
tazón = bowl
salida = exit
mapa = map
maleta = suitcase
turista = tourist
política = politics
biología = biology
química = chemistry
física = physics
economía = economics
poner = put
recordar = remember
sujetar = hold
carro de la compra = shopping cart
bolsa de plástico = plastic bag
comedia = comedy
novela = novel
3:18:16 = 340
noveno = ninth
décimo = tenth
octavo = eighth
cuchilla de afeitar = shaving razor
toallita = washcloth
toalla = towel
cuchara = spoon
tenedor = fork
cuchillo = knife
plato = plate
abeja = bee
hormiga = ant
serpiente = snake
leche = milk
diseñador = designer
artista = artist
soldado = soldier
empresario = entrepreneur
cuento = short story
carpeta = folder
3:32:36 = 360
acondicionador = conditioner
desodorante = deodorant
jabón líquido = liquid soap
pato = duck
cuervo = crow
cucaracha = cockroach
mosquito = mosquito
obrero = construction worker
ama de casa = homemaker
hielo = ice
historia = history
geografía = geography
tienda = store
mercado = market
precio = price
cupón = coupon
pasillo = aisle
bolsa = bag
fotografía = photograph
refresco = soda
3:46:37 = 380
3:46:37 = 380
tetera = kettle
olla = pot
rana = frog
paloma = pigeon
guía = guidebook
entrada = entrance
guía turístico = tour guide
reserva = reservation
pasaporte = passport
informática = computer science
matemáticas = math
sentir = feel
dibujar = draw
planificar = plan
venta = sale
compras = shopping
cuarto = fourth
quinto = fifth
sexto = sixth
séptimo = seventh
3:59:41 = 400
afuera = outside
dentro = inside
izquierda = left
derecha = right
primer = first
segundo = second
tercero = third
jabón = soap
cepillo de dientes = toothbrush
pasta de dientes = toothpaste
champú = shampoo
información = information
granjero = farmer
secretaria = secretary
banquero = banker
escritor = writer
intentar = try
medir = measure
guardar = keep
esperar = wait
4:12:47 = 420
cepillar = brush
ducha = shower
lavar = wash
dejar = leave
cheque = check
sesenta y seis = sixty-six
setenta y siete = seventy-seven
ochenta y ocho = eighty-eight
noventa y nueve = ninety-nine
cien = one hundred
sala de estar = living room
comedor = dining room
pasillo = hallway
piso = apartment
casa = house
ejercicio = exercise
abierto = open
escuchar = listen
cumpleaños = birthday
jubilarse = to retire
4:24:51 = 440
pijama = pajamas
sujetador = brassiere
despertar = wake up
ir al trabajo = commute
comer = eat
arte = art
literatura = literature
película = movie
música = music
contestar = answer
enseñar = teach
preguntar = ask
cerrar = close
nacimiento = birth
trabajar = work
encender = turn on
apagar = turn off
comer fuera = eat out
asistir = attend
oeste = west
4:35:47 = 460
corbata = necktie
traje = suit
zapatilla (de deporte) = sneaker
veintiuno = twenty-one
veintidós = twenty-two
treinta y tres = thirty-tree
cuarenta y cuatro = forty-four
cincuenta y cinco = fifty-five
estudiante = student
ver = watch
aula = classroom
escuela = school
silla = chair
escritorio = desk
navegar por internet = surf the Internet
norte = north
devolver = return
bañar = bathe
dormir = sleep
sur = south
4:47:47 = 480
presidente = president
empresa = industry
cinturón = belt
moneda = coin
dinero = money
tarjeta de débito = debit card
billete = bill
fotografía = photography
despegar = take off
dormitorio = bedroom
cocina = kitchen
baño = bathroom
graduación = graduation
ascenso = promotion
aniversario = anniversary
funeral = funeral
boda = wedding
explicar = explain
detrás = at the back
este = east
4:59:38 = 500
superior = superior
compañía = company
salario = salary
radio = radio
tele = television
internet = internet
periódico = newspaper
canal de noticias = news channel
instrumento musical = musical instrument
pintura = painting
teatro = theater
musical = musical
ópera = opera
relajarse = relax
pizarra blanca = whiteboard
pizarra = blackboard
examen = test
libro de texto = textbook
delante = front
empleo = job
5:12:00 = 520
cartera = wallet
bolso = purse
pedido = order
campo = field
desierto = desert
jefe = boss
oficina = office
compañero de trabajo = co-worker
reunión = meeting
comisaría = police station
farmacia = pharmacy
panadería = bakery
cine = movie theater
negociación = negotiation
contrato = contract
negocio = business
acuerdo = deal
ocupado = busy
grave = serious
cansado = tired
5:26:44 = 540
aburrido = boring
emocionante = exciting
importante = important
tarjeta de crédito = credit card
llave = key
carné de conducir = driver's license
bosque = forest
río = river
océano = ocean
lago = lake
documento = document
ordenador = computer
máquina de fax = fax machine
impresora = printer
portaminas = mechanical pencil
regla = ruler
marcador = marker
banco = bank
colmado = convenience store
hospital = hospital
5:40:25 = 560
ayudar = help
aprender = learn
mover = move
diecisiete = seventeen
dieciocho = eighteen
diecinueve = nineteen
veinte = twenty
cuello = neck
cara = face
oreja = ear
cabello = hair
montaña = mountain
playa = beach
selva = rainforest
isla = island
diccionario = dictionary
azul = blue
amarillo = yellow
naranja = orange
color = color
5:53:42 = 580
blanco = white
roja = red
verde = green
terminar = finish
empezar = start
convertirse = become
catorce = fourteeen
quince = fifteen
dieciséis = sixteen
teléfono = telephone
ojo = eye
dientes = teeth
labio = lip
fotocopiadora = copy machine
escritorio = desk
libro = book
bolígrafo = pen
oficina de correos = post office
biblioteca = library
supermercado = supermarket
6:07:47 = 600
helicóptero = helicopter
negro = black
marrón = brown
gris = gray
descansar = rest
escuchar = hear
querer = want
asqueroso = disgusting
once = eleven
doce = twelve
trece = thirteen
correo electrónico = e-mail
teléfono móvil = cellular phone
mensaje de texto = text message
boca = mouth
mejilla = cheek
nariz = nose
cuaderno = notebook
lápiz = pencil
goma de borrar = eraser
6:23:37 = 620
perro = dog
gato = cat
hámster = hamster
cálido = warm
lluvia = rain
tomate = tomato
fresa = strawberry
cereza = cherry
niño = child
amigo = friend
adulto = adult
bicicleta = bicycle
coche = car
motocicleta = motorcycle
escúter = scooter
barco = boat
medusa = jellyfish
langosta = lobster
cangrejo = crab
tortuga = turtle
6:36:01 = 640
plátano = banana
manzana = apple
uva = grape
sandía = watermelon
pájaro = bird
ratón = mouse
sol = sun
clima = weather
grado = degree
mujer = woman
hombre = man
novia = girlfriend
novio = boyfriend
tren = train
avión = airplane
autobús = bus
taxi = taxi
espinaca = spinach
delfín = dolphin
calamar = squid
6:47:42 = 660
contento = happy
triste = sad
enfadado = angry
ropa = clothing
zapato = shoe
calcetín = sock
ropa interior = underwear
hablar = talk
dar = give
bajo = low
alto = high
fruta = fruit
pulpo = octopus
tiburón = shark
ballena = whale
nublado = cloudy
fresco = cool
pepino = cucumber
pimiento = bell pepper
brócoli = broccoli
7:00:25 = 680
camisa = shirt
pantalones = pants
vestido = dress
decir = say
llamar = call
encontrar = find
limpio = clean
sucio = dirty
zanahoria = carrot
cebolla = onion
lechuga = lettuce
oveja = sheep
conejo = rabbit
foca = seal
nube = cloud
soleado = sunny
lluvioso = rainy
bebé = baby
chica = girl
chico = boy
7:12:50 = 700
reloj = watch
gafas = glasses
chaqueta = jacket
recibir = receive
buscar = search
tomar = take
débil = weak
fuerte = strong
frío = cold
caliente = hot
divertido = funny
melocotón = peach
naranja = orange
patata = potato
soja = soybean
verdura = vegetable
vaca = cow
cerdo = pig
caballo = horse
nieve = snow
7:25:07 = 720
mano = hand
brazo = arm
pie = foot
pierna = leg
dedo = finger
espalda = back
estómago = stomach
pecho = chest
enero = January
febrero = February
marzo = March
abril = April
mayo = May
junio = June
julio = July
agosto = August
septiembre = September
octubre = October
noviembre = November
diciembre = December
7:34:27= 740
poder = can
cero = zero
uno = one
dos = two
tres = three
cuatro = four
cinco = five
seis = six
siete = seven
ocho = eight
nueve = nine
diez = ten
vendedor = salesman
encargado = manager
cocinero = cook
ingeniero = engineer
programador = programmer
enfermero = nurse
cuerpo = body
cabeza = head
7:43:31 = 760
reír = laugh
delicioso = delicious
agua = water
té = tea
café = coffee
cerveza = beer
vino = wine
ternera = beef
pollo = chicken
carne de cerdo = pork
pescado = fish
cordero = lamb
médico = doctor
oficial de policía = police officer
profesor = teacher
empleado = employee
venir = come
ver = see
hacer = make
usar = use
7:52:23 = 780
hoy = today
ayer = yesterday
mañana = tomorrow
semana = week
año = year
segundo = second
minuto = minute
hora = hour
reloj = clock
en punto = o'clock
calendario = calendar
lunes = Monday
martes = Tuesday
miércoles = Wednesday
jueves = Thursday
viernes = Friday
sábado = Saturday
domingo = Sunday
hacer = do
ir = go
8:01:18 = 800
Hola = Hello
Disculpe = Excuse me
Lo siento = I'm sorry
Buenas noches = Good night
Encantado de conocerte = Nice to meet you
¿Cómo estás? = How are you?
Sí = Yes
No = No
Gracias = Thank you
Me llamo... = I'm
Adiós = Goodbye
malo = bad
bueno = good
guapa = pretty
feo = ugly
fácil = easy
difícil = difficult
cerca = near
lejos = far
pequeño = small
I've come to realize that I need to take vocabulary notes.😊
1:31:07 The charisma of this girl makes me smile more often. 😅❤😊 (How cute is that)
Para quem fala Português 🇧🇷:
1 - 1:14 - Optimista - Otimista
2 - 1:41 - Profundo - Profundo
3 - 2:11 - Poco profundo - Raso
4 - 2:45 - Rico - Rico
5 - 3:06 - Pobre - Pobre
6 - 3:29 - Pantalla - Tela, monitor
7 - 3:58 - Teclado - Teclado
8 - 4:21 - Auriculares - Auriculares, Fontes de ouvido
9 - 4:50 - Tener hipo - Soluçar
10 - 5:20 - Arándano - Mirtilo
11 - 5:58 - Ciruela pasa - Ameixa seca
12 - 6:29 - Mango - Manga
13 - 7:04 - Limón - Limão
14 - 7:48 - Nalgas - Nádegas
15 - 8:21 - Hombro - Ombro
16 - 8:52 - Músculo - Músculo
17 - 9:23 - Hueso - Osso
18 - 9:48 - Barba - Barba
19 - 10:19 - Boniato - Batata doce
20 - 10:53 - Champiñón - Cogumelo
SpanishPod is the best but ROSA IS THE BEST TEACHER! Keep making awesome videos
Superb video!
A very helpful and great Video❤❤
素晴らしいlesson channelだと思います。Spanish とEnglish translation それにゆっくりと話してもらえるので、すごくわかりやすいですね。Me gusta mucho este programa de fácil aprendizaje de español. Maravilloso y gracias.
Muchas gracias Rosa
This video is soo underrated
Can you please do 800 words which are not cognates?
do you have this video on rumble?
Hola rosa 🥰☺️
Thank you for this video. 💕 Very helpful and informative, great lesson ♥️
12:05 review time
This is true bcuz when I’ve got “the hiccups” it’s definitely difficult to talk
El agua Poco profunda or Poco profundo ?
I can speak Burmese, Bangali Hindi and Indonesia 🇮🇩, fluently
I’m learning 800 Spanish words right now
It’s a beautiful language
I’m so excited to learn Spanish language
Many people ask me in America 🇺🇸 everyday. Are you Spanish?
Finish writing all the words and sentences in the note book. 🎉🎉
Does this video include all these 800 core Spanish words?
kkkk eu assisto as aulas de espanhol pra aprender inglês xD
Hi. Let's speak Español together ❤
Google: Pantalla- screen
Spanish pod: Pantalla-Monitor
Then who is correct???
obviamente Rosa es correcto
@@NoxiousLynx ummm bien, gracias 😊
They are often interchangeable. We usually are referring to the screen when we say monitor in English. This apparently is true in Spanish.
What is light in Spanish
it's "los"
here's an example sentence:
mi hermano cree que el pueda dar la los porque es un puto woke
my brother believes that he can give the light because he's a fucking woke
Yo si enseño
Aprendan : mi nombre es miranda y soy panameña
Hello everyone, just a friendly reminder that Jesus loves you and died for you. JESUS is coming soon.Bai
Jesus is just a prophet of god he not the god
Why did he have to die?
34:38 ho la ti a e res un crack. The car is peach colour is incorrect sentence structure. Honestly, I'm not sure if anybody would phrase it like that, but you'd get your point across. You need a preposition before the noun. The colour of the car is that of a peach or The car is of peach colour.
Hmm. I'd probably say "The car is peach colored". We were shopping for a car once and found one that was a sort of sea green, a little grayish. "It's dolphin colored!" we said. "...That of a peach" sounds grammatically correct but pretty academic; I could see using the construction in some circumstances. But this video is about Spanish!
The translation in the video is correct. "Of" is generally not used with color descriptions in English. "It's the red car" for example. "Or the grass is green." (I speak American English)
@@rlarrye "It's the peach car" is correct sentence, "The car is peach color" is not correct.
The translation in the video is incorrect
this slow speach sounds very un naturally....
gracias, pero no me gusta su voz...