FIONA APPLE Shadowboxer REACTION - She totally nailed this!

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @FierceMaggie
    @FierceMaggie 2 місяці тому +2

    She wrote this whole first album before she was 18 years old. UNBELIEVABLE. She’s also playing the incredible piano and her voice is gorgeous smoked honey.

  • @davis267
    @davis267 Рік тому +26

    a stunning artist; her sophomore album "When the Pawn..." is a relatively overlooked masterpiece from front to back 💯

    • @davis267
      @davis267 Рік тому +2

      also highly recommending her Beatles cover "Across the Universe", audacious to tackle them but she nails it and the video is must see

    • @sumo-ninja
      @sumo-ninja 4 місяці тому

      On the bound is incredible

  • @Prone2Thrill
    @Prone2Thrill Рік тому +17

    Finally a reaction on this great singer and songwriter. Plenty of reactions to Alanis Morrissette and Sheryl Crow and Gem but why are people ignoring Fiona when she absolutely slays songs? More Fiona Apple por favor, Fast as you can is so damn good - mahalo

    • @michaelasay8587
      @michaelasay8587 Рік тому

      Prone ..yea but what happened to her? She didn't have that many popular songs....

  • @westtxmutt
    @westtxmutt Рік тому +4

    Tidal and When the Pawn. Oh memories 🥰

  • @junietunes2148
    @junietunes2148 Рік тому +4

    OMG you're reacting to Fiona Apple!!!! 🍎 She is a goddess and literally has no bad songs. Respected by the cream of the crop of the music world.

  • @littlejimmy7402
    @littlejimmy7402 Рік тому +14

    Fiona wrote "Never is a Promise" while in High School. It was on the demo she submitted, it appears on her first album. The demo version made the cut. It's one of the most beautiful and sad songs ever.

  • @MySnottyattaC
    @MySnottyattaC Рік тому +6

    Aww...Fiona Apple! She's just amazing. Extremely talented and a great piano player. She was classical trained as a child. I hope you can listen to "Criminal" & a beautiful cover of Beatles "Across the universe". But there's a lot of songs to pick from!
    ¡Saludos de Valencia!

  • @victorbortolussi2964
    @victorbortolussi2964 Рік тому +5

    Her last album 2020's " Fetch The Bolt Cutters: was excellent!
    Check out " Under The Table "!

  • @Roof_Pizza
    @Roof_Pizza Рік тому +4

    She's heavy on my current rotation.

  • @gergsar
    @gergsar Рік тому +1

    she is an excellent piano player, too!

  • @rvs_musher6868
    @rvs_musher6868 7 місяців тому +2

    I know that this is an old reaction, but I’m catching up on Fiona Apple, one of my favorite artists from the 90s. And I just have to say that of all the reactors I listen to you are one of the most insightful. You’re intelligent breakdown of songs is unparalleled.thank you so much.

  • @sugarcloud47
    @sugarcloud47 Рік тому +3

    For as talented of a musician/singer she is, I feel she’s even more so a poet. Every time I listen to her words they affect me just as deeply as the first time. For some reason my brain makes a Jim Morrison connection, just genius musical poetry on another level, and coincidentally both have sultry voices. :) Great reaction! I hope you’ve had a chance to listen to more of her work outside the channel.

  • @ConstantGardener-q9q
    @ConstantGardener-q9q Рік тому +4

    So great to see you turned on to Fiona Apple. I love every song on that first album. Can’t wait for you to discover more for the first time :). Thanks again

  • @JessBecause77
    @JessBecause77 Рік тому +11

    Her song Every Single Night is probably my favorite of hers. For me it describes the feeling of insomnia perfectly.

  • @ewetoobblowzdogg8410
    @ewetoobblowzdogg8410 Рік тому +7

    Our son took music lessons from a member of Fiona's band. He only had kind words for her

  • @charlesbarton3032
    @charlesbarton3032 Рік тому +6

    You have to see the official video watching her play the piano and singing is amazingyou wouldn't believe that soulful voice coming from such a petite white girl you might also want to listen to her song criminal

  • @trevormaclellan7887
    @trevormaclellan7887 Рік тому +8

    Fiona Apple is incredible, and this is from when she was like 18-20.
    Would highly recommend checking out Fast as You Can, Paper Bag, Extraordinary Machine, Tymphs, Not About Love, Daredevil, Werewolf, Cosmonauts, etc.
    If I could only pick one, I would love to hear your thoughts on Left Alone.

  • @stephenulmer3781
    @stephenulmer3781 Рік тому +6

    I remember way back in 1996 i was in Hot Topic at the mall and this song was playing loudly in the store. I had never heard it or of Fiona Apple. Everyone in the store was singing along ☺

    • @dorian822
      @dorian822 Рік тому

      At hot topics?! So weird and cool

    • @gemgirl2000
      @gemgirl2000 Рік тому

      I would’ve love to been there at THAT moment. I wore Tidal out.

  • @carolinadesouza
    @carolinadesouza Рік тому

    She's the best ❤ love her so much

  • @ewetoobblowzdogg8410
    @ewetoobblowzdogg8410 Рік тому +6

    Fiona does a pretty good cover of "Don't try to change me now" although I'm partial to the Nancy Wilson version. Great song if you've never heard it

    • @kayleeR19
      @kayleeR19 Рік тому +1

      It’s called “Why try to change me now”! :)

  • @wayneclendenen2036
    @wayneclendenen2036 Рік тому +3

    I haven't heard this song before...Just shows no matter how old you get there is still great music to hear!!! Great reaction...Thanks

  • @davidmaholchic6146
    @davidmaholchic6146 Рік тому +2

    My absolute favorite song by her you will love it love you

  • @jswhosoever4533
    @jswhosoever4533 9 місяців тому

    One of my favorites from her! I also really like "walk a little faster" and "not about love"

  • @snapdragon8888
    @snapdragon8888 Рік тому +2

    Great reaction. Love this song and also love "Criminal".

  • @dishields7808
    @dishields7808 Рік тому +1

    You can hear her music on many MTV reality shows. She is one of the most unique voices in her genre. Like most artist, my favorites from her are the "B" sides, which I will be requesting if they have 200k views.
    Like Elliott, she also has a song written as a waltz. One of my favs

  • @mikepiccione886
    @mikepiccione886 Рік тому +3

    Check out her song I know live next please

  • @JaneTheSeekerTarot
    @JaneTheSeekerTarot 4 місяці тому

    It’s her shadow side that she is boxing.

  • @rickriekert866
    @rickriekert866 Рік тому +2

    Check out her sister, Maude Maggart, a terrific singer of a different stripe.

  • @Bekka_Noyb
    @Bekka_Noyb Рік тому +2

  • @jamesnorthup7717
    @jamesnorthup7717 Рік тому +2

    If you want to hear her do the other side of the coin her song criminal is about how she's cheating on a good man

  • @the-traveling-lens
    @the-traveling-lens Рік тому

    Can you please react to "Across The Universe" which is the cover the Fiona did for the Beatles song. One of the few Beatles covers that I feel can really stand alongside the orginal.

  • @davecisneros5285
    @davecisneros5285 Рік тому

    I believe she was discovered by giving a tape to her friend who was the babysitter for a record producer. One tape was all it took.

  • @Lulabee2024
    @Lulabee2024 Рік тому

    I can "hear" Courtney Hadwin singing this 😎

  • @mcasualjacques
    @mcasualjacques Рік тому

    one of my favs is this one in part for the dance-music video

  • @edb6690
    @edb6690 Рік тому

    One of the most amazing songs! The Call - Let The Day Begin,

  • @khoohockleong7585
    @khoohockleong7585 Рік тому

    Ave Maria by Engelbert Humperdinck