HI RUSSO! You make such great videos, I remember watching you around a year ago when I was going through a hard time, your videos helped me feel happy.
russo if you jump into the poison in the jungle obby and for some reason it takes you to the stairs to heaven if it dosent work its problibly falling to the void
Heyyy does anyone know how to turn off the vibrations in pet sim 99? Cause i tried all the settings from my phone from roblox from ps99 and i cant find any settings to turn them off. My phone vibrates each time I open an egg and it is annoying
If he has almost 3 million subscribers I feel like he needs to hit more like goals like 30 thousand at this point so us as viewers need to step up our game and like his vids more
By the way the person who took your code was actually my friendreverseblock817 I'm not lying he got it because he was one of the first people to play it but the rewards are not good
@GavinBarch-xz5sc do u have some typa disability? where tf do u see a swear word and if ur refering to lmao then ur just some waste of matter that cries over things like this
hey did you know there's a set of stairs in this game it's for a achievement called failing up I got the achievement and also went up the stairs for 30+ minutes
Hey Russo! Pet Simulator 99 is awesome. I’m on my way to get my second rebirth. Really keeps that Pet Simulator X Concept but also adds new things! That’s always great. Also, you need to rebirth once (I’m pretty sure) to unlock the teleporter. You do not need to pay gems or anything to unlock them. What’s y’all’s opinions on Pet Simulator 99?
hey Russo I really need someone's help here I've tried to get my old account back my friend took the account and its been a year or 2 sense it got taken and I really miss the account and ik you can help bc your with Roblox I've had the account sense 2017 or 2018 and I really want help I'm sorry but I'm gonna spam in your comments please for everyone whos sees these try and make them the most liked comment I really want that account please help me RUSSSOOOOOOO
Just wanted to say Russo, you can teleport you just need to rebirth.
Russo has finally returned! Hope you had a good thanksgiving!
you unlock teleporting when you rebirth
Make more clicker sim vids u missin tons of updates
Russo when you rebirth at area 25 you can teleport plus rewards
Guys at area 35 safari if u go into the mini cave u see secret preston shop but u need a code
“There’s GYATTTT to be a relic here”
I haven't whatch all of the vid but if you rebirth you get the Teleport thing
Russo did you know there are doing weekly updates starting from next week this was also worth the wait
HI RUSSO! You make such great videos, I remember watching you around a year ago when I was going through a hard time, your videos helped me feel happy.
A bot stole your comment
A bot stole you’re comment
Go/jo pfp
@@chadsimon7221nope it’s just jo
@@DragonPro-tc4hq Just found it too. What a shame that people make bots for these kinds of things. :\
What happened to his old voice
Play sword fighting simulator and reach top 100
aint no way russo said gyatt 8:13
the second before i even got on the game i bought the +15 pets equipped gamepass
Yo Russo, you can teleport you just need to rebirth
You unlock the full teleport button at 1 rebirth
Hello, plus this game is so fun. The quest idea is so good.
The best youtuber playing an amazing game let's goo! :DD
I haven’t watched Russo for months, but I had no idea pet simulator was still making new games. This is ridiculous lol
your comment got stolen by a bot 😢
yh its the same stupid identical game as the old pet simulator games
If you press F on keyboard you open the inventory
Russo you probably won't see this but while you're sick you sound like sonic lol
I miss the old intros
finally a f2p game and you are instantly gonna be p2w
The monkey looks so cute
I stayed up all night i got 1 hour of sleep btw its like 3:30 am for me
The game is literally just a QoL update of the old one but made as a separate game.
I bought already transferred Huges how do I get them in the pet sim 99
You can’t
The person that already transferred it gets it
8:13 Russo “there’s Gyat to be a relic”
is the lucky block enchantment good
russo if you jump into the poison in the jungle obby and for some reason it takes you to the stairs to heaven if it dosent work its problibly falling to the void
Russo has finally returned! Hope you had a good thanksgiving!
EXTRA: He Sounds Like GIGA CHAD🍷🗿
bro this new pet simulator game is so fun im having sm fun playing it with a friend and its just a really good game
A great chaos
pet sim 99 is less pay 2 win then pet sim x and I love the hoverboard re vamp its actually like a hoverboard than a car that glides
Had to watch as soon he posted this fire UA-cam video
The game is pretty good but I do miss pet sim x
the jungle obby reminds me of the temple in mad city lol
Heyyy does anyone know how to turn off the vibrations in pet sim 99? Cause i tried all the settings from my phone from roblox from ps99 and i cant find any settings to turn them off. My phone vibrates each time I open an egg and it is annoying
If he has almost 3 million subscribers I feel like he needs to hit more like goals like 30 thousand at this point so us as viewers need to step up our game and like his vids more
By the way the person who took your code was actually my friendreverseblock817 I'm not lying he got it because he was one of the first people to play it but the rewards are not good
When you get an name tag it says to not name a pet joe
Edit:i named my pet joe and it says "joe_mama"😂
I like your voice ❤️
I havent qatch u in like a year cause i couldnt keep up with pet sim BUT IM BACK BABYYY and ur voice is crazy dif
pet sim 99 has a tp when u rebirth once
Russo is always the goat
00:00 simulator 99 no pets at all
Every time I watch Russo he’s sick lmao
@GavinBarch-xz5sc do u have some typa disability? where tf do u see a swear word and if ur refering to lmao then ur just some waste of matter that cries over things like this
Hey Russo bc you don’t player Sim x anymore can you help people out
It’s a hot dlc Ngl but still fun till you finish it
if you can use a hover board under water doesnt thatb make it a surf board 🤔
Imagine not rebirthing 3 times already
Where do u get rebirth 2 at
Bro I haven’t even rebirths once
you can only rebirth twice lol😊
Hey Russo! Once you rebirth you get the teleport thingy and you can teleport anywhere.
*You have me inspired to start making vids.* Much love and major props to you Russso ❤
Was waiting for dis
Hi Russo u unlock teleports when u rebirth 1x
hey did you know there's a set of stairs in this game it's for a achievement called failing up I got the achievement and also went up the stairs for 30+ minutes
What area?
After you rebirth once you get teleport
You can teleport once you rebirth
How did you convert pets from pet sim x? I checked the mail box and none of my huges were there
I loved the vid just wish you didn't start on live stream
Hey Russo I have a really powerful pet 700k and I have 50 of them I want you to trade for them
I couldn’t transfer my pets so I’m starting from scratch
tbh if ur to op it’s not funny bc u get through so quick
The only mid thing is the transfer pets from pet simulator X it's so dumb that u can transfer pets from it
There was a house when you find shine rralic
Hey Russo i have an exotic enchantment book you want it
imagine playing psx after ps99 comes out 💀💀💀💀💀💀
imagine playing any of them
Why don’t they just add all this in PSX like make it a new world bruh
The fact i put my name on the verify sign it didn't work. But the second time i did it. It WORKED
From the dragon egg i got a hugs in my 3 rd egg
Russo I have a pet the does 50k if you want it
I was in the stream, i kept saying hi but you didn't notice me 😢
I’ve spent an uncanny amount of hours on this game…….
Russo you gotta rebirth to teleport
why did the developer make a new game
Great game/stream
theres GYATTT to be one 😭
Why can't we reuse the codes we used in pet simx
My 2 huge pony can't transfer that verry sad for me
i just gave in a random name i ju8st created in my head and it succsessed at verify hehehhehe
I have played pet sim 99 as well
Nice vid russo🎉❤
Hey Russo!
Pet Simulator 99 is awesome. I’m on my way to get my second rebirth. Really keeps that Pet Simulator X Concept but also adds new things! That’s always great.
Also, you need to rebirth once (I’m pretty sure) to unlock the teleporter. You do not need to pay gems or anything to unlock them.
What’s y’all’s opinions on Pet Simulator 99?
hmm u gotto do the last rebirth to be able to hatch huges cmon russo dont be a noob preston is not impress
Yo I’m in the vid I’m the monkey guy
Russo you were in my game lol
Here at 1 min🎉
PLS play the house td!!!
Who really that thought he was gonna go to prison? The legal system is so corrupt.
Can you explain to me what happened to him and how he was going to prison like im genuinely missing out on everything
hey Russo I really need someone's help here I've tried to get my old account back my friend took the account and its been a year or 2 sense it got taken and I really miss the account and ik you can help bc your with Roblox I've had the account sense 2017 or 2018 and I really want help I'm sorry but I'm gonna spam in your comments please for everyone whos sees these try and make them the most liked comment I really want that account please help me RUSSSOOOOOOO
Does anyone know why my merch codes aren’t working from pet sim x
I love ur vids
Hi duuude i love your content frr, could you sign my huge cupid corgi shiny, there are only 161 in the new game
I seen you were on today
use F to open ur inventory
Pollandball joined you
W russo❤
bro got his 5th pubity
you must've got some scripted in bad luck or smth i got a huge in like 10 eggs