I understand when you have a parameter that has two subscripts, but... how do you organize your data file when a parameter has three or more subscripts?
Hi Dr. Katie, I have a query, if in the mentioned probelm, supply is dependent on the qty from plants, can it be solved using Pyomo? To me it seems, the problem will become non linear... and i'm still figuring out how to do it?
I understand when you have a parameter that has two subscripts, but... how do you organize your data file when a parameter has three or more subscripts?
Hi Dr. Katie,
I have a query, if in the mentioned probelm, supply is dependent on the qty from plants, can it be solved using Pyomo? To me it seems, the problem will become non linear... and i'm still figuring out how to do it?
Is the supply known or the qty from the plants known?