More than 5 celebrities wanted to date Sunmi? [Happy Together / 2017.09.07]
- Опубліковано 7 лют 2025
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when lizzy said "go give the necklace to your mom" i love the female idols reactions, so cute and supportive like yes girl, especially sunmi haha
jigglypuff ikr
@@nikomangtrisnadewi8121 5:07
They should've asked how many people the celebrities in the studio hit on hahaha
Whitefall who is the girl at 0:09 ?
Altandush Hoffmann mina from gudugan
Whitefall i
I bet there's a lot of celebrities that wanna date Sunmi. She's gorgeous and one of the nicest idols. Both IU and her are legendary for their kindness and generosity.
Lot of female idols get tons of requests I bet. Must be wild xP
Elijah so beautiful and i can feel elegant woman in her
love nayeon She's so classy! Even doe I don't know her, I already like her 😍
i really love her smile~
Who is she???
Ikr just wow
I really i want her to become popular..😘
Yes, Lizzy and Sunmi are extremely popular, especially Lizzy was really at her peak popularity years ago, during Orange Caramel.
Elijah is really beautiful! l quite like her since l saw her on drama Jang Geum Bok Has Returned (or something), l hate the female lead, but really fell in love with Elijah. LOL
fujima4kenji what drama was Elijah on?
Last Empress
Miss Hammurabi
Fight for my way
So great to see Lizzy again! Especially when After School has been on hiatus for +5 years 😭💔
Cutiebitch wow has it really been that long 😞
Cutiebitch I know 😭😭😭
It is nice to see her working! I hope her health is better (it's never been announced just that she has looked very sick and thin for a few years)
Hedwig It was never announced because Pledis hid it from everyone. Lizzy went through anorexia, when After School went on a hiatus, that's when depression hit lizzy. I know this for a fact because Lizzy and Nana were the ones wanting to comeback but CEO Pledis never let them go back on stage again.
are they ever coming back ? i miss after school
taemin is an anime fan haha.. he said yassop! from one piece lol..
yes, Yasopp is Usopp's father, and they said it's wrong. LOL
ikr!! 😂😂
Chanyeol has op flag in his studio and owns many action fig related to op...
ohhh i just realised as a one piece fan it makes me so happyyyy
Korean celebrity actually loves watching anime. Dragonball, One Piece, HxH and AoT.
It just saddens me that the male idols can't even be honest in an anonymous manner. I know for a damn fact that celebrities like Kai and Taemin must get asked out all the time.
their faces said it all lol
they are idols, not simply solo or actors/actress. they cant say things out that easy
@@muhammadfathudzikriaulia8260 what is the difference lol
@@emilyshen9512 fans, obviously
@@emilyshen9512 Idol fans are alot more "brutal" when it comes to dating related issues. Actors gets away with it but not idols.
TAEMIN IS LYING. KAI IS LYING. i understand samuel since hes still young.
Coconut head kook I can they not get hit by a celebrity?? 😂😂Samuel I doubt, since he is very young...but I'm sure once he turns 20, he will also fall into that category
Maybe the girl idols don’t hit on guys as they expect from them a move first
*Korean girls aren't creeps.* They might have been hit on by other dudes, though.
@@vaffangool9196 lol c'mon. just look at exo Chen.
sunmi, talenred, confident, nice and beautiful, basically she's women goals
This is exactly why idols should be allowed to date publicly, there are so many juicy stories and we're missing out just because of those stupid dating bands
Lizzy the real MVP lol
Samuel was like "omg that word really does exist?😂
7:16 the way kai and samuel scared lol
Hylan Eric lmao
And Taemin😂
Kai looks tough but nooo
and then the two lady got scared by them🤣🤣🤣
if "Star Golden Bell" show concept can get back to tv station, then i hope they also bring back "Invincible Youth" as well... we get so many new female idols who's pretty funny this days too
Tashya Ranadipura I agree. I want to see the original G7 have a reunion also. hehe.
I wouldnt mind seeing Hyuna PD make a comeback lol...God she was so funny/whiny back then
But it would be only G6 for their reunion if ever
I can see this girl 0:42 girl version of sungyeol from infinite. Her lips are like a heart.
MikanxNatsumeLove Her name is Yerin, her group is called GFRIEND
nice. her name is so beautiful just like her face..
NU'EST B.I.G FTISLAND inspires me movi
Love her😂
I think it's cos he's usually shy, so he's just in his own world lol
He was just tryna fix his trousers but i mean maybe he was
Lizzy!!! It's been so long 😭 I still remember her from Running Man days :)
died when taemin mentioned yasopp from one piece
Confirmed Taemin is One Piece lover
Seonmi is just so gorgeous! I can't stop looking at her, she's always been pretty but for this era they really did her eye makeup perfectly to accent her eye shape!
Divo Galindra which one?
nicole auguste wtf . No, she does not look healthy at all . She is freaking skinny asf now . Her leg are so skinnnyyyy .
Divo Galindra Yeah she's gotten plastic surgery
Yeng Lee She was always skinny in after caramel, she DOES look healthy. People don't have to be chubby to be healthy, she's at a perfect size. It's her face that looks different, from plastic surgery
Yo Indian k-pop fan too!
i mean just look at sunmi, shes beautiful, sweet and talented
Elijah looks exactly like Alice Dixson (Filipino-American actress in the Philippines)
senti gurlify true and also i see a little bit of charie pineda.. charie pineda is well known as the wife of angelito, an abs cbn afternoon drama before.. just my opinion
Parang kahawig nya din Sue Ramirez
Dami dreamcatcher
yeah...and i was trying to recall who she did look's actually alice!
from sunmi's ideal type, there's only one person who came to my mind. *_hYuNsEUNG._*
Elijah is very pretty :o ❤️
Pentagon Kino who is She? Seriously she Verry elegant i Verry interested. Sorry for bad English
Trash Bangtan actually I also dont know who she is 😂 I just discovered her here today and she captures my attention . But from what they say i think she is an actress 👍
Trash Bangtan I don't know much about her either, but she was in the drama Fight My Way starring Park Seojun and Kim Jiwon. It's was a good drama, although her character wasn't the most likeable haha
I rly like girl like Elijah . Her personality and attitude👍. She give off a sweet aura as well . If im a man , ill go for her 😂
Cassielf ikonic but i hope that one of guy who approach her is not park seo joon... Thinking that she was sitting next to him on their meet up after midnight runners premiere makes me jealous!! I will not jealous if it's kim ji won...
Oh my god. How i miss this shows so much. I still remember the time ss501 coming here and all. Shoutout to the ppl who make eng sub in 2009
Elijah's hairstyle is my weakness😭
Faiz Hasni She is recently popular by playing antagonist on Fight for my way alongside Park seojoon and Kim Jiwon..
Let's be honest, who wouldn't want to date her?
Alex Exactly
I have a woman crush on Elijah, even in the drama, tho she played the bad guy. ♥️
Bahahaha, Taemin's face at 1:16 says , 'I am DEFINITELY lying'. 🤥 🤣
7:16-7:18 Samuel looks so cuteeee 😍😍
Anggun Ningtyas ikr 🤤
He looks like one of those people that's getting ready to spit curse words cause they were frightened 😂😂
Anggun Ningtyas his nose tho😂
he seems like he's about to swear
Kai acting like he hasn’t been hit on by more than 5............................. SURE JAN
"When aproaching a guy yourself, have you ever been rejected?" Sunmi:"Never" ....... Duh
She's so beautiful!!! I'm in love woth her hair and lips
I love how Samuel just made up a word and it worked out 😂😂
Listening to this while drawing feels nice. It sounds like a lot of people around me but I'm actually at home. 😄
When kai said ilsan at 6:39 , i just thought of kyungsoo bc thats where he grew up in. My kaisoo heart❤😂
Yixing Aiyowei
I thought of RM 😂😂
@@heehee8301 me too
I am here for my daily dose of Kai's handsomeness. How can he be that handsome and hot? I've been watching this episode for years now. Dang, Kim Jongin, what did you do to me?
Sunmi 😍😍😍
We all want to date Sunmi
Elijah is so ridiculously pretty oh my lord
7:39 lol taemin 😂😂😂
A great thumbnail. 6:46. I keep clicking whenever I see it. Sunmi is the best and most beautiful.
l died when Taemin mentioned Yassop.
Indeed,he is a fan of one piece.
Same,me too.
Sunmi is so awesome.
Lizzy is not normal 😂😂
Boobee Boobee She is extra-ordinary cute.😂
Getbetter :WokeUp mmmmkmkmmmmkkmmmmmnmmnmnnmnnkkkmmkmooooomkokkkmkkkkkkkmmķokmmokmmkokmmomķmkkkmmmmkmkokmmnmmmmmmnnmmmmnmnmmnnnmnmnnnnnmkmmnmmmnnmnnmmnmnnnmnmmmmmmmnmnnmñnnmmmmnmmmmmmnmmommmkmmnmmmnmmmmmmmnmkmkkkkmkķkmmmmmķokommkoookkkkmoomkkomkkkkokkoookkmokkkkķkkkmkkkkķmkkkkķķkkokkkmmkkkokkķoķķkmkkkmkkmkkmooķokmmmkkokkkmķkmmmkkmkokokokokommkkkķomoķkkkokomkkmkmmkmmokkkmmmkmkommķķkkmmķokkķķkkmmnmmmmmmmnmnnmmmkmkmmkmmmmmmmmnmnmmmmmmmmnnnnnmmmommmnkmmmmmmnnmnnnnnnmnmnmnnnnmmmnmmmmmnmmnmmmmmnmmmmmmmnnmnmnnmnnnmmnmmnmmnmnmmmmnmnnmmmnnmmnmmmmmmmmmnmnmmnmmnmmmnmmnmmmnmmnnnnnmmmmmmmnnmmmmnnnmnmnmnmnnnmnnmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmnnmnnmmmmmmnmnnmnmmmmnmmmnmmmmmmmmmmmmmkkmmnmnmnnmmmmknmnmnmmnmokmmomkmmmmkkkmmmmmmnmmmnmmmnmmmmnmnnmmnmnmñmnmnnmnmmnnmmmmñnmnnmmnkmmmmmmmmnnnnmmñmnnmmkķkkmkkkmokkmmkkmmmmkmķmķmnnnmmmnmmmmmmnmnmmmmnnnnnmmkmmkmkmmmmmmmmķmkmkmmkokkmkommkkmmķmkmmkkmkkkkķmkkķmkkkmmkmmmkkkkķķķķmmmmķkmkmmmooķoommkmkommķķķmķkookkkkmķmķomkkmķkmnmnnmnmmmmmommmmmmmmmmmnmkmmmmmmmnnmmmmmmmmmnmmmmmmnmmmmmmmmmmmmmmnmmmmmmnnnnmmmmnnmommmkmnnmmnnnnmknnnmmnnmmmmmmmmmmnmmmnnnnnmnnmnmmmnmmnmmmmkmokmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmnnmmmkmmkķķkkkmmkkomkookmkmommkmkmkkomomķkkkkkkkkkkmoookkkmmmmķkmķmmmomkkmkķmmmmkmkokokķmkmkmmmmoomkkķkoomķkoķkkokkķķkomkmokkkkkokmķmmmkmmmķommkkmkkķoķkķokmkmķomkmmmnmmmmmkñmmmmmmmmmnnmmnnnmmmnnmmnnmmnnmmnnmnmmmnmnmnnmkmmmnnnmnmmmmnmnmmmmnmmmmnmmnmmmnnmkķokkkmķmkķķkkoookkkmkkokooommķkķķmmomommķkmkmķkķmmkmmmmkkokkkokmķmkmmmķķmmmkmokkoķoķkmmmkokkkkmmkkkmkkmmmkkķmķkkķmmkkmmkmookmmmmkommnñmmnnmmnnnkmmmkkmmmkmmkmķķķķķķkķkķķķķķķķķķķoķķķoķķķokkkkkkookomokk
Boobee Boobee lmao
Kai just said 1 word that literally just a place but look so cool and hot and handsome at the same time
Who wouldn't wanna date Sunmi
Ugh.. taemin and kai together in one place.... too much hotness
Their dance battle against each other
LOLL taemin's answer and samuels answer were so cute 😂. Lizzy and Sunmi are beautiful and adorable as they always are 💕
I really enjoyed everyone who was in this episode because they were all so lovely and talented , I wish to see them all together again xd
she's sooooo beautiful !! everytime i see her i say MASHALLAH 😍😍❤❤❤❤❤
Elijah's got this class and elegance about her. Sunmi's girl crush personality like Hani
7:36 taemin so cute ♡
Awww sunmi look so cute with uniform
Samuel bricking himself when those cannons go off is the funniest thing 😂
I would want to date Sunmi too I mean just look at her personality
Taemin looks great!!!!
Samuel is sitting at the back as a good guy
He is looking sweet
Came for Sunmi stay for Elijah. I think i'm in love
they sure made the title catchy, good job KBS.
Kang Mina, holy crap. 😍 Seems like she lost a lot of weight since PD101.
cosmictwice costwice I KNOW , at first i couldn't recognize her... :c
I must say Mina looks so innocent and beautiful
I thought she likes taeyeon?
채널두두루 who
do_nut sunmi
do_nut Sunmi is a big fan of Taeyeon
Billi Jinnie and she have crush for her
채널두두루 maybe not anymore, esp when she's become this pretty and popular, the admiration may no longer last.
The tumbnail is so cute!
when kai told taemin to have said usopp! we all love a man who reads one piece
7:15 LMAO KAI 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
It's so good to see Lizzy, last time I saw her was from Running man when she got invited again.
Awww that Elijah woman is sooooo adorable 🥺💜
I feel like Kai pressed the button on 3:10 for who got hit on more than 5 times. He seemed so nervous and I think Lizzy kindly covered for him and said that it was her.
sunmi looks so cute in the thumbnail
Sunmi is my favourite ❤️😍
Elijah looks so angelic, she is a beauty!!
i really like the new format of the show:x hope it’s going to higher in rating again
OOOOMAIGAD The nostalgia from watching the original star golden bell. And ji suk jin is there too!
I still can't help not to feel sorry for lizzy... I rarely see her make an appearance these days.
I want to date Sunmi too. I'm not a celebrity, but for the shake of completeness...
I search for clips of Sunmi and am instead reminded of how much I love Lizzy and how angry I am at how the industry treated her! She's such a personality but her label completely mismanaged her group!
Samuel is so cute when he got shocked
Elijah is so elegant and beautiful! She looks absolutely ethereal! She's gorgeous!!
Am I the only one that ships Elijah and Sunmi together?😍😂
sunmi is the prettiest seriously.. not goddess visual but seriously charming.
well i'm not celebrities but hell YEAH i want to date her
I mean, who wouldn't wanna date her? she's a goddess
I want to date sunmi
"5 or less celebrities wanted to date Sunmi"
Male idols in the set: *sweats nervously*
Samuel looks so sweet ! 💜 0:07
When he said yasopp at 7:47 i knew it was the character name from "two piece" 😎😂😂😂😂😂
I spent the video adoring samuel's cuteness...god hes so precious. I love him. 💖💛💪
I cant tell how pretty Elijah is. ....
This looks so fun, just a bunch of famous people in a room😂
Seulgi has joined the group
haha I love Samuel being surprised because his made-up word worked XD
too bad sunmi's heart belongs to seulgi
and... Taeyeon can't forget about Sunmi's girl crush
Sunseul sisters😍😍
Samuel at 8:05 .. YapSap.. As we Chinese wanna pronounce it as LAPSAP 😂😂😂
Sunmi and Lizzy sitting next to each other 😍
Taemin in beginning face is like: Ha bitch you thought
I miss Star Golden Bell soooo much ! Loved the show