Do you mean part-time jobs? If so, yes I am, but I’m thinking of searching for “remote” part-time jobs based in Japan! :) If you mean 就活, then no, I’m not planning on staying in Germany after graduation.
Thank you. I mean Jobs after graduation. Do you think it is realistic for Japanese students with a Master's degree in Germany to find full-time jobs there?
being grateful about sunny weather in Germany is so relatable
It’s the little things in life lmao
Im confused why is this channel underrated like she is the it girl i really enjoy her meal preps and vlogs😭
why is this soo underrated this deservers millions
Haha thanks
I agree
Good to see you back ❤
I loooove your vlogs
You are very consistent.... And trust me you'll see exponential growth after few months ❤❤... Best of luck
Thank you 😇 It means a lot!
Can I ask if you are currently looking for jobs in Germany too?
Do you mean part-time jobs? If so, yes I am, but I’m thinking of searching for “remote” part-time jobs based in Japan! :) If you mean 就活, then no, I’m not planning on staying in Germany after graduation.
Thank you.
I mean Jobs after graduation.
Do you think it is realistic for Japanese students with a Master's degree in Germany to find full-time jobs there?
@@humblt1835 I think so! If you have good German knowledge.
Thank you.
I study very hard English and Deutsche!!
@@humblt1835 good luck!! ❤