Thank you for watching! My waking up story is available to all channel Members 👀 catch it here:
Like what Tide the floor, the tables, dishwashing, if you have pets, taking care of them Cleaning. Their poo, feeding them. Cleaning your room, (out nowhere you have like 400 items) 😳😳🙄 and the closet door doesn't close.
Like how I saw some people on twitter making art of the future of Horrid Henry leaving his parents as an adult. Maybe there should be one of those of these kids leaving the JW religion. Maybe following actual Christianity and becoming good, functioning, living and loving *people*
I mean it is but that's what this cult does; it disguises the progenda as lessons valuable for their kids and that it teaches them important life lessons.
And with a little love and attention to the kid, it will raise a higher chance for the child to enjoy some time without the iPad. (This is said from someone who doesn’t plan to have a child.)
What do JWs have against ballet ? I had an odd experience with them a few years ago. I used to do a short ballet warmup while waiting for the bus . And the local JWs stopped talking to me after I told them how old I was . I’m pushing 70 , apparently they thought it was demonic that I could do that at my age 😂
@@dancingnatureeven if things like drugs aren't allowed drugs and things like that most jw's have very unhealthy lifestyles , they often eat a ton of junkfood and don't workout or exercise even worst for older generations wich would explain why they are surprised that an elderly woman is able to do an exercise as intense as ballet, etc . on the other side in the jehova's witness and most other religion women are second class citizens that are expected to be quiet and stay on the sidelines and ballet is a type of dance where women and they're movements are at the center of, wich often makes them mad
Wife was so selfish and not sacrifice herself being a hypocrite. She didn't give up her front seat for the brother's comfort instead if sitting with her children in the backseat.
The father was the selfish one, he didn’t ask them if they had other plans. He just imposed on them. Mom should have asked the dad to drop them off at the park while the father went to help the neighbor since he volunteered himself. And they could have planned to for the whole family to help out the next day or next week when they were free.
@@dancingnature yeah, but we all know how that would have went, a bunch of glares and guilt trips. Not to mention a lot of punishments if the kids argued. "Honor your parents", the fifth commandment.
I was at a park recently, and saw some JW's irl😭😭😭😭 they standing like NPCs, next to a shelf with literature cards, and not a single soul walked towards them😭😭😭😭😭😭🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
I’m someone who dresses pretty eccentric, and passes some JWs one day. They were handing out pamphlets to everyone who passed. When I passed them, they just looked the other way lol
They usually stand next to a park or near university I attend to. Once some guy took a crayon and written "Heresy" word next to the spot near an university
Writing this from Montpellier,France. I also saw them today literally for the first time right after i discovered this channel. They were all alone waiting someone to come up to them
It's very telling about a religion when their head of said religion is called "the watchtower" it doesn't sound like they have your best interests in mind, it sounds like someone glaring down from their tower watching your every move, like some Lord of the rings style crap
8:41 My favourite Bible verse is the one talking about how you should always respect those older than you, even if they play an incredibly loud, reverbed fart sound effect while sitting down in your car despite you never meeting them
any exjw's ever make the mistake to accidently wearing a black suit on a hot summer day and then having to go out in service? imagine hell and then multiply it by 3
No but that sounds awful- In my case the closest thing I can say I experienced to that was having to walk to the convention in a long sleeved dress in 102 degree weather.
Dolphin facts: Bottlenose dolphins sleep with one half of their brain at a time and keep one eye open. It's believed they do this to keep an eye out for their group, to make sure they stick together, and to look out for predators like sharks. Bottlenose dolphins have a double slit pupil allowing for similar visual acuity in air and water. Their eyes are adapted to mitigate varying light intensities. Studies show that the visual acuity of dolphins is similar or below the range of many terrestrial animals. In air, certain features of the lens and cornea correct for the refraction of light caused by the transition from aquatic to aerial vision. Without this adaptation, a dolphin would be nearsighted in air. A dolphin's retinas contain both rod cells and cone cells, indicating that they may have the ability to see in both dim and bright light. In dolphins, ears aren't attached to the skull. Ligaments hold each ear in a foam-filled cavity outside the skull. This separation of the ears allows a dolphin to localize sound, which is important for echolocation. When hunting, dolphins produce bubbles to herd their prey to the surface. They sometimes also use a hunting technique called 'fish-whacking', where they use their tail to hit fish and so stun them, making them easier to catch. They can stay up for about 15 days without losing their mental acuity. They can do this because their brain is formed of two halves, and they can have one-half asleep while the other is awake! Bottlenose dolphins also hide a sinister secret. They form a gang of 5, trapping a female companion in a watery prison. For several weeks, she is their toy and they forcefully mate with her. They also make terrifying noises and use their tails to smack her
Yeah, thanks! Dolphins are so cute when you’re in elementary school. And then you find out they’re the sex offenders of the sea, and that Flipper the Dolphin was not a good friend for children.
“Some people could have become incredible __________ (fill in the blank) if they hadn’t sacrificed everything for Jehovah” (= Watchtower). Think: athlete, engineer, scientist, mathematician, physicist, chemist, geologist, lawyer, nurse, doctor, accountant, software developer, pilot, astronaut, inventor, financial advisor, biologist, archaeologist, historian, artist, musician. Any religion that tells you to NOT develop your mind or body, is a high control group and is diabolical, by design. God commands us to use our intellect to help ourselves, our family, and humanity.
I lose the “you cringe you lose” challenge every single time when Caleb’s dad comes out with that Dracula sounding voice. “Ve are going to go to ze church ah ah ah!”
I’m wondering when exactly, Caleb & Sophia have time to be children. Daft, silly, playful kids. Making mud pies, eating worms, exploring their surroundings..having fun, getting a sun tan from being out on their bikes all day. When do they get to do that? Watchtower stole it, and their parents gave their lives to men.
Yeah they're trying to undo all the hard work this channel is trying to do Panda is not saying don't be religious or spiritual saying don't waste your time doing all this crap that they want you to do While your life goes on around you Person and use Use your time why is Use your time And you can have religion or spirituality Just don't join a cult
Headcanon that Caleb and Sophia grow up and leave the faith. They are also very close in adulthood. Caleb loves visiting Sophia and her wife, and brings their kids cook switch games for them to play together. Also, Sophia gets a full education and becomes a successful doctor
I always feel bad for Sophia. She seems severely neglected and also mildly autistic most of the time. Caleb repeatedly talks over her and is regularly in the focus of most videos. When mom talked about the sacrifice of Jesus in the car, Sophia wasn't even there anymore
hey guys and girls! welcome back to my new vlog " true paradise " where after leaving the jw's i finally have time to go on a vacation! ikr first were gona go to everyones paradise...Hawaii. hell yeah!
I'm sorry that happened to you. When I saw the parents taking away Caleb and Sophia's chances to have some real play time for themselves, my first thought was, "so the kids have to help clean the congregation pdos' apartment instead of being free? That's CRUEL!"
Hi! I’m hungarian. Budapest, to be specific. Just came back from the theatre. On the way, i drove past a kingdom hall. It looks like even hungarians don’t realise that they’re being coerced into a doomsday cult, and that made me sad.
For being Hungarian, that's some really great English. I know my language is very hard to learn, and you have great grammar, and are spelling words (EX: coerced) that even some native speakers have trouble with. When did you start learning? It must have taken a lot of work and a lot of time!
Szerencsés vagy, hogy csak ennyit láttál belőlük :D amikor a nyolcban laktam, a Népszínház utcában rendszeresen járőröztek inkognitóban, és azzal szórakoztak, hogy leszólítottak normálisnak tűnő embereket. Engem is rendszeresen megtaláltak, volt egy öregasszony, aki egy idő után már kifejezetten rám utazott, mert egyszer vallástöri óra után leálltam vele brahiból beszélgetni, hátha ki tudom téríteni (sajnos nem tudtam. Amikor elmondtam neki, hogy Isten neve nem Jehova, lezuhant nála a redőny, és onnantól kezdve nem lehetett vele beszélni, mert mindig ugyanazt a három mondatot kezdte hajtogatni, hogy dehogyisnem... kicsit bizarr volt.) Ahol most lakom, ott is rendszeresen látom őket az egyik téren álldogálni. Kifejezetten vicces néha, ahogy ott állnak a kiborított kuka meg az eldobált szemét mellett, figyelik a szembe padon csövező cigányokat, és várják, hogy valakit megtéríthessenek...
Mostanában nagyon sokan vannak Szél Kálmán körül... Egyszer barátaimmal voltam és ránk ragadtak és kérdezték hogy miben hiszünk és tudjuk e hogy mind meg fogunk halni Armageddon ba hogy ha nem fogunk konvertálni... Smh
I was born and raised as a JW. That was before 1990. I wasted my entire childhood life. It took me 12 years to get my life straight after leaving this cult. In my 20's, I did everything that Jehovah would look down on; many women, smoked weed, joined a marching band in college, and were just out there. After also trying out the Nation of Islam, Church of Christ, and a few non-denominational churches, I became an atheist. It was after that, I woke up and had happiness I never had before. A few months later, when I turned 29, I found another atheist who I fell in love with. That was 2001. Now in 2025, still with the same woman and still atheist. I can never be in any religion especially any cults ever again. I love science. My grandmother died five years ago. The last time I talked to her was in 1990, only because I left her cult. Even though I missed my grandmother and missed the closeness that I had with my mother, I am not sorry I left JW. I still talk to mom, but it is maybe three times a year. Mom would be in trouble if the JWs found out about her talking to me still once in a blue moon. Still, glad to be free of that mess.
When I had to go out I was actually super happy when I got to stay in the car instead of stand there listening to the BS, even when it was hot or cold. It felt like an awesome break lol
It's true about dolphins! They torture their food before eating it! They do it to prey on rather harder to attack creatures like octopuses who have deadly tentacles around for defense. Dolphins maul and beat them up to break them into smaller pieces before eating them. In another context, sometimes dolphins murder other aquatic creatures such as porpoises and fellow mammals without the urge to eat them, as in they kill for fun! They even harm fellow dolphins' calves, or THEIR OWN to get their females to mate with them again. Dolphin teeth are designed to attack and ravenously kill their prey. Apart from being sharp, dolphins have many teeth in their set to make their attacks impactful. For instance, the bottlenose dolphins can have between eighty to a hundred teeth in their mouth for a firm grip and ultimately secure their prey for consumption. Additionally, at times these mammals might attack an animal (including humans) without any intention of preying on them via a strong blow with their snouts. And they are constantly evolving their methods of hunting. Dolphins are of course intelligent creatures. When they are ready to prey, dolphins turn into quite calculative and scheming hunters. Some of them might use their tails to swirl mud in the water and trap a fish inside. A Smithsonian article revealed that these creatures even teach their newly adopted hunting skills through cultural transmission. Few other mammals are as skilled and creative when it comes to finding food. They hunt in groups and can sometimes even make their way onto land to reach their next meal. This, along with an incredible appetite for meat - an adult dolphin must eat 12-15 kilograms a day, makes the shark seem relatively peaceful and friendly by comparison! It's also worth mentioning they aren't smiling. Their toothy grin is an anatomical anomaly. Their facial muscles can't move and switch as humans can. They will "smile" even when they are injured, in pain, or near their death!
Most "rainy day" episodes of kids' shows: "it's raining? that won't stop us from having fun!! :D" This show: "it's raining? work." (and yeah, i know he played in the end, but actively discouraging making chores more fun? c'mon.)
Catholic here. We had a lot of extracurriculars growing up. Girl scouts, tennis, choir, CYO basketball, I did piano while my sister did dance lessons. Its very interesting hearing about your childhood because my church wasn't really interested what i did in my off time from mass or CCD. Its also really wild to hear of some demoniations taking attendance.
Tower Propaganda expects you to like the Ganda, but they forget that you hate the propa. I know its only 30 likes but wow, this is much more than my usual comments. Grace of the Panda ig?
Too much of a good thing can become thing is a true and wise statement from the Dad. And so is the idea of not constantly being on an iPad. And then he ruined it with the creepy surveillance thing.
I friend of mines younger sister and her husband joined this vile cult when their two sons were 9 & 11. I can’t even imagine how horrible it was for those boys. I’ve often wondered what became of them
9:24 Sacrifice?Isn’t the amount of sacrifices a Jehovah Witness has to make enough to satisfy the elders,I mean,Jehovah?They already sacrifice the basic rights to fun,friends and freedom trying to fit into a cult with God’s name slapped onto it,for goodness sake!
I certainly don't miss that life either. Been 22 years. I have finally spent as many years out as in it. Still, my entire childhood was wasted and it makes me so sad. I would never do that to my children
I didn't leave until I was 35. I'll be old AF when I've been out as long as I was in. I never did it to my children...but others did and I lost them both. Just can't win.
I remember that one time when JWs woke me up by knocking on the door at like 6AM... Me: Who are you and what do you want?? Them: W-we brought an important message... Me: Put your message in the message box and fuck off! How dare you waking up normal people with this bullshit? Get a life! Them: Sorry Sorry but it's a message from Jesus, it's really important... Me: I told you, put it in the box ang gtfo!! He waited 2000 years, he can wait some more until I get coffee at least!
8:26 Sophia looks submissive when mom says that they have to wait for their father They don’t have any respect for women and girls do they ? Caleb still looks a little excited but she looks like she’s cringing a little.
Challenge lost as soon as theme scripture was read and video began Truly feel sorry for the kids who voice them. Hope one day they escape and have a chance to share their tale of they choose
Panda, I’m so sorry you couldn’t take part in extracurriculars during your childhood. My sisters and I could-both in school and out. I have no children, but I couldn’t imagine raising them in that cult! I even told that to the last JWs who came to my door!
I remember when i became a jehova's witness for a few months with my parent.. minus the knocking on doors part, and then, we went to one club meeting, and never returned.
Thank you for the great vid as always. I’m wondering if you ever had to go help clean a congregation member’s house as a kid. We had a lady who was a hoarder and would get evicted or threatened a lot. We would spend full weekends cleaning her house. It was a bit like a barn raising. The youth group would get auctioned off every year for money for us to go on mission trips. Half the time they would just have us come bake cookies or have us come clean the church. Especially the girls. I know Caleb is little, but getting out of the bubble of his house probably was good for him and a fun experience if it was anything like mine. Just some food for thought from a different perspective (ex Pentecostal then Mennonite, now atheist. I’ve had a weird life).
We were allowed to do some extracurricular activities. Band, chorus, we also started a Renaissance faire club at our school. Sports weren't allowed, but i didn't mind because I wasn't athletic at all!
my moms a jw and she allowed me to be in art club,,, but thats probably because there wasn’t anything important and jw related on the days that club was on
The first message is SUPER ironic now since they won’t initiate conversation anymore, they just stand next to a cart all day and wait ALL. DAY. Since when was that a good use of time?
As a NORMAL Baptist Christian myself, I feel really bad for jw kids. As a missionary kid too, my parents never were that strict with me, I never understood that… I also love how Jesus looks like a preacher boy
It starts with a reference to "Don't hug me I'm scared" and I already love this video XD Where I lost the cringe challenge? I think it's the part with Caleb's rapid aging process at around 3:10 . I just felt that if I watched this as a child, it would scare me! What did Sophia watch on her tablet at the beach? Maybe Watchtower content for kids because this family hardly can use their spare time to consume other media than Watchtower media🙄 Caleb: "It sucks that it's raining!" Mom: "Let me tell you about JEHOVAH!..."
13:24 I lost the cringe challenge here because this is what broke the camel's back. Blud gave up his potential career and success is life to glaze over a theoretical omniscient and omnipotent god who does not even give two shits about him. This is just more sad than cringe. Also, a JW always referencing quotes to back up their bullshit makes me start hating the bible more than it should.
0:31 I already lost lol. But it’s awful they don’t let kids be kids I think it’s fine to be religious as a Christian my self but this is to far you still gotta live a life I’m sorry for all my Jw kids out there
Thank you for watching! My waking up story is available to all channel
Members 👀 catch it here:
Thanks Panda!
Also I just got an add for a bible app as I typed that last comment…
i cringe wen calleb turn old
Sophia is watching Panda Tower behind her parents back
Incidentally this is what Sophia watching
This episode.
You also play sacred stones?
@@yellowtheangrybird9021 Ever since I was a small child
And secretly shows it to Caleb.
I learned at a super young age to never EVER tell my parents I was bored. There were always chores to be done...
Like what
Tide the floor, the tables, dishwashing, if you have pets, taking care of them
Cleaning. Their poo, feeding them.
Cleaning your room,
(out nowhere you have like 400 items) 😳😳🙄 and the closet door doesn't close.
@@AgnesBooth-zu7tw mmmmHHHMMMM!!!
same i do that
@@AgnesBooth-zu7tw taking care of pets isn't that bad.
Sophia is watching, "how to sneak out and lose contact from your uber religious family."
Like how I saw some people on twitter making art of the future of Horrid Henry leaving his parents as an adult.
Maybe there should be one of those of these kids leaving the JW religion. Maybe following actual Christianity and becoming good, functioning, living and loving *people*
@@indy_the_awesome4615Maybe Henry and Sophia can attend group therapy together and be friends.
Telling kids to not be iPad babies is unironically good advice though
Agreed, same with moderation in sports to balance other aspects of life.
I think the baby got thrown out with the bathwater on this one
It's ironic considering that the religion has basically gone full digital.
@@primitive.notions4789You can find the baby in a lot of other places though
I mean it is but that's what this cult does; it disguises the progenda as lessons valuable for their kids and that it teaches them important life lessons.
And with a little love and attention to the kid, it will raise a higher chance for the child to enjoy some time without the iPad. (This is said from someone who doesn’t plan to have a child.)
I have a friend who is an exjw and she said that the reason she quit being a jw is because she loved ballet and both of her best friends wern't jw's
What do JWs have against ballet ? I had an odd experience with them a few years ago. I used to do a short ballet warmup while waiting for the bus . And the local JWs stopped talking to me after I told them how old I was . I’m pushing 70 , apparently they thought it was demonic that I could do that at my age 😂
@@dancingnatureeven if things like drugs aren't allowed drugs and things like that most jw's have very unhealthy lifestyles , they often eat a ton of junkfood and don't workout or exercise even worst for older generations wich would explain why they are surprised that an elderly woman is able to do an exercise as intense as ballet, etc . on the other side in the jehova's witness and most other religion women are second class citizens that are expected to be quiet and stay on the sidelines and ballet is a type of dance where women and they're movements are at the center of, wich often makes them mad
@@dancingnature well, screw those ageist pricks!
Everything is worldly and demonic to them. Gladly, I've never come across one even though we have some of them in my country.
Wife was so selfish and not sacrifice herself being a hypocrite. She didn't give up her front seat for the brother's comfort instead if sitting with her children in the backseat.
Yeah fr..... like why are you letting a crusty old man sit in the back of the car with your little children
And why didn't they trade places in my family we always have the old ppl sit in the. Front and the younger ppl in the back....
The father was the selfish one, he didn’t ask them if they had other plans. He just imposed on them. Mom should have asked the dad to drop them off at the park while the father went to help the neighbor since he volunteered himself. And they could have planned to for the whole family to help out the next day or next week when they were free.
@@dancingnature yeah, but we all know how that would have went, a bunch of glares and guilt trips. Not to mention a lot of punishments if the kids argued.
"Honor your parents", the fifth commandment.
I was at a park recently, and saw some JW's irl😭😭😭😭 they standing like NPCs, next to a shelf with literature cards, and not a single soul walked towards them😭😭😭😭😭😭🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
I saw a Kingdom Hall when I was driving to Dairy Queen yesterday
I’m someone who dresses pretty eccentric, and passes some JWs one day. They were handing out pamphlets to everyone who passed. When I passed them, they just looked the other way lol
@@itsgoogoober good >:)
They usually stand next to a park or near university I attend to. Once some guy took a crayon and written "Heresy" word next to the spot near an university
Writing this from Montpellier,France. I also saw them today literally for the first time right after i discovered this channel. They were all alone waiting someone to come up to them
3:04 I cringe and roll my eyes every time the parents spout some scripture. No one talks like that!
Not unless you're a brainwashed fundie.
JWs do expecting everyone to know what scripture you’re talking about
The dad clearly used to be Professor Oak before being converted to Jehovah.
My mum did
Beast from xmen would ngl
Is it just me or Caleb and Sophia parents change ethnicities in every episode? 😅
the mini cartoon they were white 😂. more recent they seem Hispanic.
I've noticed it too and it's confusing me , like what race are they???😅
They pulled a michael jackson
@@user-wi9hv2pb2q probably just them changing the artstyle and models for the characters
It's very telling about a religion when their head of said religion is called "the watchtower" it doesn't sound like they have your best interests in mind, it sounds like someone glaring down from their tower watching your every move, like some Lord of the rings style crap
Yeah the tower of Orthanc, with all the orcs!
Awesome observation!
“We must build an army for the great eye”
It reminds me of a panopticon: a guard tower in the middle of a circular prison, where every cell can be watched at all times.
"Big Brother is Watching You" is what came to mind. Don't know what that says about this situation.
8:41 My favourite Bible verse is the one talking about how you should always respect those older than you, even if they play an incredibly loud, reverbed fart sound effect while sitting down in your car despite you never meeting them
Its not in the bible, but i was orthodox jew in a chasidic community (cult) and in our rulebook it says something like that literally XD
Other cultures too old age meant wisdom.
@@AgnesBooth-zu7tw but a lot of times, old people tend to be as dumb as younger people.
@@AgnesBooth-zu7twI think those cultures forgot a little something called dementia.
any exjw's ever make the mistake to accidently wearing a black suit on a hot summer day and then having to go out in service? imagine hell and then multiply it by 3
yep, but id rather wear it for a whole week then to spend a little time in hell
Not a former JW but I did it, also didn't listen to the météo and wore à black suit with a black tie on a hot summer day, outside...
No but that sounds awful- In my case the closest thing I can say I experienced to that was having to walk to the convention in a long sleeved dress in 102 degree weather.
I’m not a JW nor exJW, but I know what it feels like to wear such things in Texas during summer, which is basically hell.
@@juliablue9796 why did you have to wear a long sleeved dress?
Dolphin facts: Bottlenose dolphins sleep with one half of their brain at a time and keep one eye open. It's believed they do this to keep an eye out for their group, to make sure they stick together, and to look out for predators like sharks. Bottlenose dolphins have a double slit pupil allowing for similar visual acuity in air and water. Their eyes are adapted to mitigate varying light intensities. Studies show that the visual acuity of dolphins is similar or below the range of many terrestrial animals. In air, certain features of the lens and cornea correct for the refraction of light caused by the transition from aquatic to aerial vision. Without this adaptation, a dolphin would be nearsighted in air. A dolphin's retinas contain both rod cells and cone cells, indicating that they may have the ability to see in both dim and bright light.
In dolphins, ears aren't attached to the skull. Ligaments hold each ear in a foam-filled cavity outside the skull. This separation of the ears allows a dolphin to localize sound, which is important for echolocation. When hunting, dolphins produce bubbles to herd their prey to the surface. They sometimes also use a hunting technique called 'fish-whacking', where they use their tail to hit fish and so stun them, making them easier to catch. They can stay up for about 15 days without losing their mental acuity. They can do this because their brain is formed of two halves, and they can have one-half asleep while the other is awake! Bottlenose dolphins also hide a sinister secret. They form a gang of 5, trapping a female companion in a watery prison. For several weeks, she is their toy and they forcefully mate with her. They also make terrifying noises and use their tails to smack her
I didn’t know dolphins gang rape 😭| every day I learn some new horrible fact about dolphins lmao
Yeah, thanks! Dolphins are so cute when you’re in elementary school. And then you find out they’re the sex offenders of the sea, and that Flipper the Dolphin was not a good friend for children.
@@CplAnguadaEarth lmao-
Unrelated, but cool i guess.
“Some people could have become incredible __________ (fill in the blank) if they hadn’t sacrificed everything for Jehovah” (= Watchtower).
Think: athlete, engineer, scientist, mathematician, physicist, chemist, geologist, lawyer, nurse, doctor, accountant, software developer, pilot, astronaut, inventor, financial advisor, biologist, archaeologist, historian, artist, musician.
Any religion that tells you to NOT develop your mind or body, is a high control group and is diabolical, by design. God commands us to use our intellect to help ourselves, our family, and humanity.
I'm so confused though. How do JWs make money? (I was never part)
@@anonanon5927 i think it's via donations and whatnot
@@anonanon5927tithes and offerings and donations
@@anonanon5927selling Kingdom Halls made with free labor of serving JW’s. And by ""fundraising"" for JW’s, and ONLY JW’s, pocketing most of the money.
@@anonanon5927they get money by donations from the people who go to meetings but the people who donate do it out of free will
I lose the “you cringe you lose” challenge every single time when Caleb’s dad comes out with that Dracula sounding voice. “Ve are going to go to ze church ah ah ah!”
One scripture eh eh eh!!
Bleh bleh bleh 🧛🏾♂️
he is Brazilian 😭
She’s trying to clear “girls kissing” from her search history 💔💔
I’m wondering when exactly, Caleb & Sophia have time to be children. Daft, silly, playful kids. Making mud pies, eating worms, exploring their surroundings..having fun, getting a sun tan from being out on their bikes all day. When do they get to do that?
Watchtower stole it, and their parents gave their lives to men.
you had me at " eating worms " where do i sign up?
In earlier episodes Sophia was more tan actually. They've been inside so damn much they're getting the Dracula complexion
The fact I got a praying app ad for this-
I absolutely hate those stupid ads!!!
Same I got some christian ad
I get ads like that from this channel a lot, too
Yeah they're trying to undo all the hard work this channel is trying to do Panda is not saying don't be religious or spiritual saying don't waste your time doing all this crap that they want you to do While your life goes on around you Person and use Use your time why is Use your time And you can have religion or spirituality Just don't join a cult
if you're on browser or android you should just block ads safsafdsafdsfd
Headcanon that Caleb and Sophia grow up and leave the faith. They are also very close in adulthood. Caleb loves visiting Sophia and her wife, and brings their kids cook switch games for them to play together. Also, Sophia gets a full education and becomes a successful doctor
Pls tell me her wife is Zoe and she also escaped 🙏
I always feel bad for Sophia. She seems severely neglected and also mildly autistic most of the time. Caleb repeatedly talks over her and is regularly in the focus of most videos. When mom talked about the sacrifice of Jesus in the car, Sophia wasn't even there anymore
8:50 Bruh Caleb got so mad he popped the ball with his bare hands, I’m scared of him now.
Remember, Caleb has direct communication with the spirt relm
3d Caleb watching a 2d Caleb implies that 2d Caleb is watching a more mysterious, and much more twisted, 1d Caleb.
Does this implies there is a 4d Caleb, that 3d Caleb will meet him but no one will believe him?
Does Caleb live in Flatlandia?
5d caleb watching 4d caleb watching 3d caleb watching 2d caleb watching 1d caleb 😼
And that 1d Caleb is watching 0d Caleb
3:01 Why did I imagine the wise man was Prof. Oak telling me not to ride my bike indoors? 💀
Sophia was watching two boys and their friends on summer vacation having a better life than she is
hey guys and girls! welcome back to my new vlog " true paradise " where after leaving the jw's i finally have time to go on a vacation! ikr first were gona go to everyones paradise...Hawaii. hell yeah!
59.6K lovers of freedom, you’ll be at 100K in no time. Congratulations on the rapid growth, Red Panda!!
He interviewing other believers, does help his channel to growth, because it offer another point of view.
The making sacrifices one is triggering for me because I had a traumatic experience with an elderly man.
Imaging is a dog instead.
I'm sorry that happened to you. When I saw the parents taking away Caleb and Sophia's chances to have some real play time for themselves, my first thought was, "so the kids have to help clean the congregation pdos' apartment instead of being free? That's CRUEL!"
Sophia was watching Exjw panda tower
As she should
Nah she better be watching me hit some crazy brawlhalla clips
Bruh you’re so self centered
@@ASOYE3852 what
Hi! I’m hungarian. Budapest, to be specific. Just came back from the theatre. On the way, i drove past a kingdom hall. It looks like even hungarians don’t realise that they’re being coerced into a doomsday cult, and that made me sad.
For being Hungarian, that's some really great English. I know my language is very hard to learn, and you have great grammar, and are spelling words (EX: coerced) that even some native speakers have trouble with. When did you start learning? It must have taken a lot of work and a lot of time!
God why are they everywhere? 😭
Same here on Mexico
The people don't even know their government boddy.
Szerencsés vagy, hogy csak ennyit láttál belőlük :D amikor a nyolcban laktam, a Népszínház utcában rendszeresen járőröztek inkognitóban, és azzal szórakoztak, hogy leszólítottak normálisnak tűnő embereket. Engem is rendszeresen megtaláltak, volt egy öregasszony, aki egy idő után már kifejezetten rám utazott, mert egyszer vallástöri óra után leálltam vele brahiból beszélgetni, hátha ki tudom téríteni (sajnos nem tudtam. Amikor elmondtam neki, hogy Isten neve nem Jehova, lezuhant nála a redőny, és onnantól kezdve nem lehetett vele beszélni, mert mindig ugyanazt a három mondatot kezdte hajtogatni, hogy dehogyisnem... kicsit bizarr volt.) Ahol most lakom, ott is rendszeresen látom őket az egyik téren álldogálni. Kifejezetten vicces néha, ahogy ott állnak a kiborított kuka meg az eldobált szemét mellett, figyelik a szembe padon csövező cigányokat, és várják, hogy valakit megtéríthessenek...
Mostanában nagyon sokan vannak Szél Kálmán körül... Egyszer barátaimmal voltam és ránk ragadtak és kérdezték hogy miben hiszünk és tudjuk e hogy mind meg fogunk halni Armageddon ba hogy ha nem fogunk konvertálni... Smh
Poor Caleb and Sofia. All they wanted to do was watch their new IPad 😭
You think they’d get an iPad?! That’s an Amazon Fire thingy!
"Must be the work of SATAN"@@KahlessTheUnforgettable
A simple tablet should work
The hashtag 😂😂
I was born and raised as a JW. That was before 1990. I wasted my entire childhood life. It took me 12 years to get my life straight after leaving this cult. In my 20's, I did everything that Jehovah would look down on; many women, smoked weed, joined a marching band in college, and were just out there. After also trying out the Nation of Islam, Church of Christ, and a few non-denominational churches, I became an atheist. It was after that, I woke up and had happiness I never had before. A few months later, when I turned 29, I found another atheist who I fell in love with. That was 2001. Now in 2025, still with the same woman and still atheist. I can never be in any religion especially any cults ever again. I love science. My grandmother died five years ago. The last time I talked to her was in 1990, only because I left her cult. Even though I missed my grandmother and missed the closeness that I had with my mother, I am not sorry I left JW. I still talk to mom, but it is maybe three times a year. Mom would be in trouble if the JWs found out about her talking to me still once in a blue moon. Still, glad to be free of that mess.
When they come to knock, I always feel sorry for the ones who stay in the car in the summer 😢
I feel sorry for them in general
Last winter i saw older sjw fella flip on sidewalk. I'd laugh if he was younger, because of slapstick way he did it. But he landed real hard.😢
Fr. It's just sad to see people brainwashed and then try to lead others the same path they barely know themselves..
When I had to go out I was actually super happy when I got to stay in the car instead of stand there listening to the BS, even when it was hot or cold. It felt like an awesome break lol
15:00 when Calebs mom was still mexican and not whitewashed. RIP
My headcanon is that they're covertly trying to pick up disillusioned Mormons.
Mexican and white are not mutually exclusive terms.
Sophia is watching Happy Tree Friends. Her parents are too dumb to realize whats happening.
aww sh*t, he vacuumed up the meth stash!
It's true about dolphins! They torture their food before eating it! They do it to prey on rather harder to attack creatures like octopuses who have deadly tentacles around for defense. Dolphins maul and beat them up to break them into smaller pieces before eating them. In another context, sometimes dolphins murder other aquatic creatures such as porpoises and fellow mammals without the urge to eat them, as in they kill for fun! They even harm fellow dolphins' calves, or THEIR OWN to get their females to mate with them again. Dolphin teeth are designed to attack and ravenously kill their prey. Apart from being sharp, dolphins have many teeth in their set to make their attacks impactful. For instance, the bottlenose dolphins can have between eighty to a hundred teeth in their mouth for a firm grip and ultimately secure their prey for consumption. Additionally, at times these mammals might attack an animal (including humans) without any intention of preying on them via a strong blow with their snouts.
And they are constantly evolving their methods of hunting. Dolphins are of course intelligent creatures. When they are ready to prey, dolphins turn into quite calculative and scheming hunters. Some of them might use their tails to swirl mud in the water and trap a fish inside. A Smithsonian article revealed that these creatures even teach their newly adopted hunting skills through cultural transmission. Few other mammals are as skilled and creative when it comes to finding food. They hunt in groups and can sometimes even make their way onto land to reach their next meal. This, along with an incredible appetite for meat - an adult dolphin must eat 12-15 kilograms a day, makes the shark seem relatively peaceful and friendly by comparison! It's also worth mentioning they aren't smiling. Their toothy grin is an anatomical anomaly. Their facial muscles can't move and switch as humans can. They will "smile" even when they are injured, in pain, or near their death!
Like a love song on the radiooo~
Most "rainy day" episodes of kids' shows: "it's raining? that won't stop us from having fun!! :D"
This show: "it's raining? work."
(and yeah, i know he played in the end, but actively discouraging making chores more fun? c'mon.)
I feel sorry for the children now living in the cult. Um, I'm so glad this stuff didn't come out when i was growing up.
I'm mixed... All we had was the bible book of horror stories. A couple light hearted cartoons would be nice.
Catholic here. We had a lot of extracurriculars growing up. Girl scouts, tennis, choir, CYO basketball, I did piano while my sister did dance lessons. Its very interesting hearing about your childhood because my church wasn't really interested what i did in my off time from mass or CCD. Its also really wild to hear of some demoniations taking attendance.
Imagine someone makes a analog horror on the JW cartoons i would watch it
you should do it !!! that sounds interesting !!!
Well this cult has lots of dark parts,so the analog horror would fit perfectly
I like the idea, man.
Someone needs to get on that.
OMG, your ending was perfect!!! I nearly spit out my coffee hearing the "baaaaaaa" in the box!!!🤣🤣🤣
9:55 so the half Portuguese family can have tan skin but the dude BORN IN THE MIDDLE EAST 2000yrs ago has to be a white guy??
And speaking of how time is spent, this particular video is time WELL SPENT!! I LOVE IT!! Thanks lots for producing, narrating and posting!!
This boutta drop on my birthday. 🎉
Happy birthday!
happy birthday 🎉🎉
Happy birthday
Congrats bro! Wishing you many more!
Happy Brithday! Enjoy your weekly dose of Saturday cartoons!
Tower Propaganda expects you to like the Ganda, but they forget that you hate the propa.
I know its only 30 likes but wow, this is much more than my usual comments. Grace of the Panda ig?
I’m begging you to upload the “Baaa” and “Goodnight Little Sheep” as their own videos, I need those soundbites lmao
3:52 i just wanna be part of your symphonyyyyyyyyy (i’m sorry i had to)
I just wanna be part of your symphonyyyyyyyyeah
3D Caleb watches 2D Caleb, 2D Caleb watches 1D Caleb
And 4D caleb watches 3D Caleb.
@@TheCaregiverSITMOB 5D Caleb watches 4D Caleb (that sounds so wrong)
@@Buscit_gacha ND Caleb watches (N-1)D Caleb
Bro what is up with Caleb’s smile it’s making me uneasy 😂 8:15
It’s the Jack Nicholson Joker 😂
You know now the dads smile looks weird too he looks like his mouth is slit open or something
"We need the rain, so plants can grow and we all have clean water, it's a good thing"
Oh, that wasn't so b-
So true so true poor caleb 😢 😢
Too much of a good thing can become thing is a true and wise statement from the Dad. And so is the idea of not constantly being on an iPad. And then he ruined it with the creepy surveillance thing.
Is it really wisdom if you're just quoting a line you heard somewhere else?
@@Eric_01 i mean yeah technically
I friend of mines younger sister and her husband joined this vile cult when their two sons were 9 & 11. I can’t even imagine how horrible it was for those boys. I’ve often wondered what became of them
3:07 “Oh my god we just saw the principal’s bra! We’ve entered…. Puberty.” Ah transition
just as long as you don't look at her face while hitting that grind your good
9:24 Sacrifice?Isn’t the amount of sacrifices a Jehovah Witness has to make enough to satisfy the elders,I mean,Jehovah?They already sacrifice the basic rights to fun,friends and freedom trying to fit into a cult with God’s name slapped onto it,for goodness sake!
I certainly don't miss that life either. Been 22 years. I have finally spent as many years out as in it. Still, my entire childhood was wasted and it makes me so sad. I would never do that to my children
I didn't leave until I was 35. I'll be old AF when I've been out as long as I was in. I never did it to my children...but others did and I lost them both. Just can't win.
Im sorry that hap to you in the first place
To me it's crazy these kids can't just walk to the park...
4:32 they'll be watching some goofy rainbow shark finger family video with hulk twerking in the background 😂😂
I like how the wife can't even just tell her kids that they can go to the park. She has to wait for the final decision from her husband.
JW knocked on my house's door this morning 😅 this video comes at the right time..
I remember that one time when JWs woke me up by knocking on the door at like 6AM...
Me: Who are you and what do you want??
Them: W-we brought an important message...
Me: Put your message in the message box and fuck off! How dare you waking up normal people with this bullshit? Get a life!
Them: Sorry Sorry but it's a message from Jesus, it's really important...
Me: I told you, put it in the box ang gtfo!! He waited 2000 years, he can wait some more until I get coffee at least!
8:26 Sophia looks submissive when mom says that they have to wait for their father They don’t have any respect for women and girls do they ? Caleb still looks a little excited but she looks like she’s cringing a little.
Challenge lost as soon as theme scripture was read and video began
Truly feel sorry for the kids who voice them. Hope one day they escape and have a chance to share their tale of they choose
The kids might be voiced by adults after all lots of young boy characters are voiced by older women
@@PokemonRules333 I hope so, hope they still wake up at some point somehow
@@sarcasm6669 i agree i hope the organization gets disbanded and the gb gets arrested and put in jail
Do yall remember veggitales? Christian show that was actually fire af. What is this dogshit.
The thumbnail is so hilarious. I've been waiting for this!
That's my childhood classic, omg Calleb got robbed
Demonizing rest and play for children? Then they grow up to be mindless functional frozen robot obedient adults. Uncool.
Keep making more bro these are gold 😂🙌🏾 I had no idea the world of JWs is so fucking bizarre yet fascinating
Panda, I’m so sorry you couldn’t take part in extracurriculars during your childhood. My sisters and I could-both in school and out. I have no children, but I couldn’t imagine raising them in that cult! I even told that to the last JWs who came to my door!
Ur blowing up dude. Great job. I see 60,000 subscribers... That's insane from 2 days
Calen turning into president of turkey
Forget the enclosure, where's the UV-B lamp!? That tortoise is gonna die!! 🐢🥺
"Time, Dr. Freeman. Is it really that time again?"
Im a Muslim who never knew much about JW, until Panda Tower, and how much of a cult it is. Also 16:06 FR bro!
2:45 bro why do they never have their lights on in their house??
I remember when i became a jehova's witness for a few months with my parent.. minus the knocking on doors part, and then, we went to one club meeting, and never returned.
"hey watch tower, real parents? DONT talk like this"
*me looking at the door of my father's room*
Thank you for the great vid as always. I’m wondering if you ever had to go help clean a congregation member’s house as a kid. We had a lady who was a hoarder and would get evicted or threatened a lot. We would spend full weekends cleaning her house. It was a bit like a barn raising. The youth group would get auctioned off every year for money for us to go on mission trips. Half the time they would just have us come bake cookies or have us come clean the church. Especially the girls. I know Caleb is little, but getting out of the bubble of his house probably was good for him and a fun experience if it was anything like mine. Just some food for thought from a different perspective (ex Pentecostal then Mennonite, now atheist. I’ve had a weird life).
We were allowed to do some extracurricular activities. Band, chorus, we also started a Renaissance faire club at our school. Sports weren't allowed, but i didn't mind because I wasn't athletic at all!
my moms a jw and she allowed me to be in art club,,, but thats probably because there wasn’t anything important and jw related on the days that club was on
@@kathybrem880 I didn't think it was sad...we got to do pretty much all of the things that we wanted to do
@@sarareimold3151 yeah but its sad for the athletic kids that cant develop their skills
Yeah too many rules with these JWs
The first message is SUPER ironic now since they won’t initiate conversation anymore, they just stand next to a cart all day and wait ALL. DAY. Since when was that a good use of time?
As a NORMAL Baptist Christian myself, I feel really bad for jw kids. As a missionary kid too, my parents never were that strict with me, I never understood that…
I also love how Jesus looks like a preacher boy
It starts with a reference to "Don't hug me I'm scared" and I already love this video XD
Where I lost the cringe challenge? I think it's the part with Caleb's rapid aging process at around 3:10 . I just felt that if I watched this as a child, it would scare me!
What did Sophia watch on her tablet at the beach? Maybe Watchtower content for kids because this family hardly can use their spare time to consume other media than Watchtower media🙄
Caleb: "It sucks that it's raining!"
Mom: "Let me tell you about JEHOVAH!..."
bro its still 46 hours left until its starting
@@arena2menace I understand your frustration.
Surprised they even go to the 🏖️ beach.
I have a jw friend and when lockdown started in 2020, his school had to step in and give them an iPad because his family didn’t even have a tv 😭
1:40 you can't tell me they weren't trying to rip off the Mario theme without being sued. The intro I felt Mario yahoo'ing in my bones.
3:11 Bro looks like boss from smiling friends
I lost it at "Aww, I wish you could go outside too."
at 9:13 idk why but i was expecting carpentry like a table or something
12:26 dude extracurricular activities literally help you get better grades 💀
13:24 I lost the cringe challenge here because this is what broke the camel's back. Blud gave up his potential career and success is life to glaze over a theoretical omniscient and omnipotent god who does not even give two shits about him. This is just more sad than cringe. Also, a JW always referencing quotes to back up their bullshit makes me start hating the bible more than it should.
My mom and uncle were allowed to take classical music classes but it wasn't connected to their school
2 dimensional Caleb watching a 1 dimentional Caleb for entertainment.
11:36 im genuinely jealous because we don't exactly have clubs here where i live,kind of wish i did
0:31 I already lost lol. But it’s awful they don’t let kids be kids I think it’s fine to be religious as a Christian my self but this is to far you still gotta live a life I’m sorry for all my Jw kids out there
Don't worry man I lost their too
I guess it was the mention of cringing and a dog filter that got me
I LOVE these vids! thanks man!
No one gonna talk about Panda redrawing his OC to fit the white board marker style?
3:03 "there's a time and place for everything! But not now..." type ahh dialogue 🙏😭
Imagine Caleb and Sophia’s parents wondering why they never visit them in the nursing home 😭