After calling her parents. Peach showed up at my doorstep telling me to send a letter to her parents to come back and take care of her grandpa who is getting sicker. She also tells me I shouldn't tell him about it..however it doesn't show up as a quest, it's just lost somewhere and I can't do anything about it. Anyone faced this?
Hey I Hanna help I don’t know in who level u have to clear the garbage can you say for us pls? I just have the mission for the drift bottle not for the clear garbage ;-
Have you already completed the quest before? I also have the bottle because I already completed the quest before that. I found another bottle after I completed the quest
Kak ak udh selesai sm quest drifting bottlenya. Udah sampe dpt bottle cap yg d tuker hadiah k andy reed. Tp drifting bottle nya masih ada. Dicoba ngasihin k peach, justin sm fay malah gak ada dialognha. Itu kenapa ya?
Kak gua setelah gift pesan ke Lee kok ga dikasih lagi ya ?? Sama drifting bottle ku masih ada gabisa dikasih ke siapapun udh gua coba .?? Bles kak thanks
Botol melayang ituh walaupun misi selesai tapi masih ada botolnya saya kasih peach di tolak dan seluruh warga di kota ituh pun di kasih botol tetap di tolak bahkan saya kasih mermed.golem dan manusia kura-kura.sama elo tetap di tolak tinggal 1 orang lagi yang belum saya kasih yaituh same tikus gua cuman sangat sulit di temukan dia suka nongolnya musim salju
After calling her parents. Peach showed up at my doorstep telling me to send a letter to her parents to come back and take care of her grandpa who is getting sicker. She also tells me I shouldn't tell him about it..however it doesn't show up as a quest, it's just lost somewhere and I can't do anything about it. Anyone faced this?
I did. It just a merely request, no require to finish it because no item need to be sent
Me ;-;
Can abandoned quests be retrieved
I cancelled the quest since its full and dont know what to do
How do i meet peach to drift the bottle?
Btw i love your videos✨
Hey I Hanna help I don’t know in who level u have to clear the garbage can you say for us pls? I just have the mission for the drift bottle not for the clear garbage ;-
What do I do in the drifting bottle I can't give it to peach or anyone
Have you already completed the quest before? I also have the bottle because I already completed the quest before that. I found another bottle after I completed the quest
@@terabina7973 Yes. I did completed the request.
@@nanachu6354 Then just save it in your chest. No need to worry about 😁
@@terabina7973 ohh okay. Thank youu
Howd you get the letter there at the beach what did you do to cross the ocean
Kak ak udh selesai sm quest drifting bottlenya. Udah sampe dpt bottle cap yg d tuker hadiah k andy reed. Tp drifting bottle nya masih ada. Dicoba ngasihin k peach, justin sm fay malah gak ada dialognha. Itu kenapa ya?
Samaaa banget
Trus skrg ada tulisan gini d quest nya "more stories will come in the next version, explore the town to find more jidden storied"
Kak gua setelah gift pesan ke Lee kok ga dikasih lagi ya ?? Sama drifting bottle ku masih ada gabisa dikasih ke siapapun udh gua coba .?? Bles kak thanks
Itu botol ga bisa dikasih ke siapa pun biarpun questnya dah selesai. Gw jg msh ad otu botol di peti
aku juga gitu . tapi aku ga ketemu sama mermaidnya juga kak
@@anissaqyu3998 Mermaid ny biasa ny pindah2 lokasi ny. Paling sering ketemu di beach yang bagian ujung sama mount yg bagian air terjun
kak, mau tanya, scale yg ke 3 itu depan occult cave ya? punyaku yg ke 3 ga ketemu...
Kalo aku yg dpn occult cave itu pas pertama kali ktmu scale. Kdg2 ktmu scale dkt air terjun di sebelah kanan temple.
@@terabina7973 ia aku ketemu scale k 3 di sana kak, makasih infonya :D
How get this quest?
Botol melayang ituh walaupun misi selesai tapi masih ada botolnya saya kasih peach di tolak dan seluruh warga di kota ituh pun di kasih botol tetap di tolak bahkan saya kasih mermed.golem dan manusia kura-kura.sama elo tetap di tolak tinggal 1 orang lagi yang belum saya kasih yaituh same tikus gua cuman sangat sulit di temukan dia suka nongolnya musim salju