ISUSOVO TIJELO! Jedini lijek protiv propasti i smrti!

  • Опубліковано 30 вер 2024
  • (TIJELOVO A - 2017)
    ISUSOVO TIJELO! Jedini lijek protiv propasti i smrti!
    Don Josip Radić, mr. sc. (Kupres, r. 2. IV. 1965.), negdašnji savjetnik u Hrvatskom ministarstvu prometa i veza, znanstvenik ekonomist (usput rečeno, završio je tri fakulteta a da nikada u životu ispita nije pao). Nakon sto je doživio jasan Božji poziv u svome srcu, ostavlja obećavajuću i blistavu karijeru te već zgotovljene planove o osnivanju vlastite obitelji, samo zato da se posve posveti spasonosnoj i nenadmašivoj Kristovoj Raspetoj i Uskrsloj Ljubavi i velikoj obitelji Njegove Crkve, tj. posvećenju svih duša ('u ministarstvu prometa i veza' s Gospodinom).
    Znajući da je, po riječima sv. Ivan Pavao II., SVETOST - PASTORALNA HITNOST i da PLODNOST SVAKOG PASTORALACA NE OVISI O METODAMA NEGO O SJEDINJENOSTI SA DUHOM SVETIM, nastoji živjeti na intezivan način duhovni život kroz poniznu molitvu i pokoru te djela milosrđa zajedno sa Euharistijskom zajednicom Srca Isusova i Marijina, koju je providonosno nadahnut pokrenuo da okuplja braću i sestre različitih duhovnih staleža sa nakanom i smjernicama da si budu podrška na putu rasta u pravovjernosti i predanosti Gospodinu, tj. u svetosti; Trojedinom Bogu na slavu i na službu Crkvi, koja kao Majka svih nas osposobljava i šalje svoju djecu da i u ovo naše vrijeme živo promiču Radosnu Vijest spasenja - da Ljubav bude što više ljubljena!
    Već neko vrijeme, svake posljednje nedjelje u mjesecu održava izuzetno kvalitetne i posjećene duhovne obnove u povjerenoj mu župi u Polači (pored Benkovca) s početkom u 16h. Kontakt: 023 662 268. Tko bi želio prisustvovati tom zaista milosnom događaju, bolje da dođe ranije, poradi pronalaska slobodnih mjesta.
    Ovdje Vam predstavljamo bogati mozaik njegovih, iako ne sustavno složenih, ali da nadahnutih nagovora (svojevrsnih duhovnih vitamina), koji predstavljaju audio školu svetosti u kojoj je prava tajna istinskog smisla i sreće života! Stoga, pažljivo poslušajmo SVAKI TJEDAN - NAGOVOR JEDAN, te Vam od srca preporučamo da ga proslijedite i bližnjima kao jedno jednostavno, a toliko poticajno, sredstvo nove evangelizacije; šireći sljedeći link 'Popisa za reprodukciju' koji se svaki tjedan novim nagovorom nadopunjava:
    Ili jednostavno na youtube utipkate: DON JOSIP RADIĆ - NAGOVORI ovog zbilja vrlog i vrlo traženog duhovnika.
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  • @katababic7586
    @katababic7586 4 роки тому +2

    Vjerujem u mog isusa krista on mi snagu daje i zdravlje i to vjerujem u njega i on je jedini sudac

  • @dragatomic5030
    @dragatomic5030 3 роки тому +1

    Tjelo i krv ISUSOVO spasi nas i privedi kraljevstvu nebeskom🙏🙏🙏💞💕💕

  • @nd3682
    @nd3682 5 років тому +2

    Slava Bogu na visini a na zemlji mir ljudima dobre volj. Hvala ti Bože.

  • @RR-tz4gz
    @RR-tz4gz 4 роки тому +1


  • @leodogan2471
    @leodogan2471 7 років тому +1

    Slava jedinom GOSPODINU (KRISTU) !

  • @elsabel2034
    @elsabel2034 7 років тому +2


  • @suzanasaloma7356
    @suzanasaloma7356 5 років тому +2

    I trust O Heavenly Father, and offer thee the United Hearts of Jesus and Mary; the Triumphant Bleeding Wounds of Jesus and the Tears of Our Loving Heavenly Mother. Lord, thy Will be done. Amen.
    Heavenly Father, I trust, I offer thee the United Heart of Jesus and Mary; the Triumphant Wounds of Jesus and the Tears of Our Loving Heavenly Mother Mary.
    I give thee my thoughts, words, deeds, actions, my cells, tissues, blood vessels, nerves, glands, bones and organs, with the United Hearts of Jesus and Mary. Lord, thy Will be done. Amen.
    Jesus, Mary, I love thee, save souls.
    (With Ecclesiastical approval)
    N.B. Say a number of times a day for healing.
    Our Lord said the following:
    Up until now no more powerful prayer has spread across the earth - inform the world of this prayer. It shall renew the face of the earth and become world known. It is like a revolution in the Holy Spirit. You should entwine this prayer with your life.
    BLESSED ONE - God will give great graces for body and soul, pray over all people this prayer. When you do this often, people will gradually stop sinning and live according to the Will of God. Also sickness must succumb to this prayer.
    BLESSED ONE - God wants to give us still greater graces, if we consecrate ourselves to the United Hearts of Jesus and Mary.
    The Lord said:
    At the turn of the century Pope Leo XIII consecrated the world to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. In 1942 Pope Pius XII consecrated the world to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Now I request the honouring of the United Hearts of Jesus and Mary and no longer the divided hearts. The Pope shall undertake this request. In these United Hearts you will find the greatest power.
    BLESSED ONE - The meaning of United Hearts, Jesus of the Cross and His Mother helping Him to redeem the world; both hearts are honoured as one heart.
    BLESSED ONE - Today God does not only require His people to be in a state of grace.
    The Lord said, when His people return the greatest gift God has given to them, “Free will”, freely back to God, He will make saints of His people.
    GOD’S PROMISE - Trust this prayer and God’s Holy Will and we have the power to throw the prince of this world out of us and all others in our time. Through this prayer Satan’s power will be reduced in this world, and one shepherd and one flock will prevail.
    THE LORD SAID - This message shall go right round the world. It will change the face of this earth and now go and spread my word about the United Hearts.
    Sinners will be converted. The sick will be healed. Through this prayer cancer will also be healed. This prayer is so great, once you have started saying it, do not cease… you should pray devotedly and steadfastly. The Lord has also given us another prayer, full of graces, which we should say at least once a day. It is from Him given to us for our wellbeing. We should give Him everything even in the smallest cell because cancer can be found anywhere in the body, even in the smallest of cells.
    However, beautiful promises were also given for our personal salvation. The blessed soul, Our Lord’s Instrument, saw the United Hearts as a KINGDOM OF GRACE, OF SALVATION AND LIGHT WHICH THE EVIL ONE IS UNABLE TO PENETRATE. Here rest the powers of salvation where there is no room for anything poisonous, anything stained by sin. It is the atmosphere like that of Paradise where everything is healthy. We are, therefore, to give ourselves and our intentions to this place of salvation through our prayers of trust. “The love of God has come into this world even more enormously with this message. The grace of veneration of the United Hearts of Jesus and Mary breaks through the laws of nature and hereditary factors”.
    The Holy Scriptures confirm that the curse as a result of the sins of parents extends to the third and fourth generation; the blessing, however, will stretch to the thousandth generation. Yet even the evil of a curse can find salvation through the graces of the United Hearts of Jesus and Mary. How often do children suffer from inexplicable disturbances, mental and nightly fits, fits injurious to health? How seldom does anyone suspect the connection with sin - consequences of earlier offences which affect descendants? The soul of expiation experienced the prayer of devotion as a means of salvation from such hereditary evil among her own relatives.
    “People should love their fellow-men and also accept such love because God can do much good then. I recognised that if the most depraved person in our eyes does us a good turn, even a very minor one, and if we then pray for him the devotion, he will be saved through it. One should, therefore, encourage such people to do small acts of love so that the grace of prayer can work in them. For all those whom we meet during the course of the day, we are to offer this devotion to God even if we come across those people a hundred times; they are the in need of it either because God wants to make greater Saints of them or because they are still in deep sin.”
    The soul of expiation was also allowed to learn how effective this prayer is, how it gradually aroused hardened hearts when she continually included the other workers and staff colleagues in the force field of the United Hearts.
    The power of blessing of this prayer also spreads over nature. For example, it brings to bear the healing power of God’s blessing also on subterranean water cross-sections.
    The soul was taught to lift also her own body into this force field of the United Hearts as if into a place of salvation of Heaven. “Mankind does not fear God and sin any longer but cancer, yes, it is afraid of it - but this is my scourge”, said the Lord to His Instrument. “Mankind cannot research a cure because it does not live in My Will. I would not conceal My secrets from them, but instead the people, in their pride, listen to the spirit of evil, for this secret begins already with the smallest imperfection not to live in the Will of God but to enforce one’s own pride and wilfulness”.
    Like cancer which begins and grows at the smallest cell in the body, it is the same with sin. The scourge of cancer would be solved if we destroyed sin at its smallest root. “Yet in spite of it, God in His love for us and because of our SUFFERING OF ATONEMENT, wants to help mankind.
    Through this devotion to the United Hearts, God has given us the opportunity to be delivered from the evil of cancer in body and soul in the same way as one is able to save the greatest sinner through persevering prayer of their devotion”.
    We can drive out the satanic evil from our life through our daily prayer of devotion; we can collect God’s blessing and emanate it onto body and soul and into time and space.