Once upon a time, the fighting method was such that a line of soldiers would stand in front of a line of enemy soldiers. The lines of soldiers were no more than 50-80 meters apart - and they would shoot at each other until the soldiers were gone. Such a fighting method required iron discipline in the soldier - because in fact the soldier was placed in front of a firing squad - literally! In order to instill discipline in the soldiers, they would train them in order drills - the purpose of this order drills is to instill the orders into the heads of the soldiers. The soldier would hear and carry out orders automatically even if it was harmful to him. Thus, contrary to human nature, soldiers could stand calmly in a row in front of the shooters who actually killed them from a relatively short range. Since 1914, this method of fighting has passed from the world, therefore drills in the army are only for show and have no military interest. The Israeli army, for example, does not conduct training exercises that are seen as a waste of energy and manpower without a significant contribution to the war effort.
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2017년진해군악의장페스티벌 해병대시가행진 아주 멋져요.......^^
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40바퀴 !!! ㆍㆍ 대단합니다. 인정!!!😁😁😁
m-1으로 40바퀴ㄷㄷㄷㄷㄷ....
아주멋짐니다 대한미국최고예요
역시 해병대!!
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이런말 괘안을란가 몰겠지만 간지는 해병의장이지ㅎㅏㅎㅏ
와 대박!
해병대가 다른 군 의장대에 비해 평균 신장이 더 큰가요?해병대 의장대가 유난히 모델처럼 길어보임
제복때문에 그런가
해병대 사령부의장대는 다른 의장대보다 긴 총을 사용하기 때문에 그에 맞춰서 평균적으로 신장이 더 큰 인원들을 선발합니다.
그리고 앞쪽이 더 큽니다...키 배열도 있어요
개 멋있네..ㅠ
요즘 군인들이 이런걸 봐야되는데...
이 영상에 해병대 의장대의 모든 동작이 들어있네
Once upon a time, the fighting method was such that a line of soldiers would stand in front of a line of enemy soldiers.
The lines of soldiers were no more than 50-80 meters apart - and they would shoot at each other until the soldiers were gone.
Such a fighting method required iron discipline in the soldier - because in fact the soldier was placed in front of a firing squad - literally!
In order to instill discipline in the soldiers, they would train them in order drills - the purpose of this order drills is to instill the orders into the heads of the soldiers. The soldier would hear and carry out orders automatically even if it was harmful to him.
Thus, contrary to human nature, soldiers could stand calmly in a row in front of the shooters who actually killed them from a relatively short range.
Since 1914, this method of fighting has passed from the world, therefore drills in the army are only for show and have no military interest.
The Israeli army, for example, does not conduct training exercises that are seen as a waste of energy and manpower without a significant contribution to the war effort.
의장대는 해병대가 최고죠
얼마나 뚜까쳐맞으며 배웠을까 불쌍하네
군필이면 이거지 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ다른군도 아니고 해병대면 황근출식 교육 받을듯
나도 해병대 갈껄
아이 C 8 아주메들아 좀 조용히 해줘영~
잔동작 취하는 해병이있어
ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 예리하네
멋지긴한데 코파고 병기오와열 안 맞고 의장대선임들이 보면 한숨 나오겠네.
역시 해병대 의장대가 짱인듯!