HMV record player modified India

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @vishwaspatil846
    @vishwaspatil846 5 років тому +14

    Nice modification ,I have different types of gramophones in my collection .(HMV, Murphy,Sony Kenwood, Technica , Vintage hand key gramophones etc

    • @francoarulsamy8259
      @francoarulsamy8259 2 роки тому +2

      l want to purchase new DVD player with blue tooth facility and dvd recording.Where is available?

    • @MangoCitizen
      @MangoCitizen 7 місяців тому

      Ek mujhe de do bhai 🙂🙂

    • @HarbhajanSingh-x6z
      @HarbhajanSingh-x6z 4 місяці тому


  • @GVashisht
    @GVashisht 3 роки тому +3

    Nicely modified HMV Fiesta model. 👍

  • @bylagu
    @bylagu 4 роки тому +1

    Good morning. I have this same model working perfectly.

  • @johnyjose6473
    @johnyjose6473 3 роки тому +1

    Fantastic 👍👍👍

  • @cyberswarup
    @cyberswarup 5 років тому +1

    I also have this record player (from my father), but I don't play this way. I have the whole suitcase like box, and have connected to my sony music system for better amplification. But there is a constant humming sound of the rotating disk supporting the vinyl record.

    • @debarghyaroy9948
      @debarghyaroy9948 5 років тому

      Becoz its a shitty player. That's all.

    • @sunilrajjc
      @sunilrajjc  5 років тому

      Actually these type old players are not very suitable for new music systems.....old players has its own beauty in style and sound...I enjoy that much of tone....But hum can suppress by little modifications in impedance matching and earthing.

    • @debarghyaroy9948
      @debarghyaroy9948 5 років тому +2

      The rumble originates from the wobbly pulley that struggles and wobbles to turn the platter. Even if your earthing is done properly, you can NEVER get a rumble/hum free sound from an Indian HMV player. Besides the ceramic cartridge that weighs like a menhir will go on grounding your records to fine powder and skip badly whenever there is a thumpy beat on your records so rest assured that after a couple of plays your records will be permanently damaged. That is the pristine joy of owning an HMV.

    • @sunilrajjc
      @sunilrajjc  5 років тому

      @@debarghyaroy9948 yes... correct

  • @helenpoornima5126
    @helenpoornima5126 2 роки тому +1


  • @MangoCitizen
    @MangoCitizen 7 місяців тому


  • @d.s.shankar6970
    @d.s.shankar6970 2 роки тому +1

    Old is gold this type of system

  • @yovanjohn5572
    @yovanjohn5572 4 роки тому +1

    Super work

  • @sonavincent6435
    @sonavincent6435 2 роки тому

    Great idea 👍

  • @krishnendubanerjee2
    @krishnendubanerjee2 Рік тому

    Nice music

  • @Narayan_1996
    @Narayan_1996 4 роки тому +3

    Song name? Can you directly capture the audio and post it here?

  • @abdulkhalaquepervez
    @abdulkhalaquepervez 21 день тому

    WOW 😲

  • @salimchishti3991
    @salimchishti3991 4 роки тому

    Wah superb

  • @pnjha3711
    @pnjha3711 4 роки тому +1

    dear sir, I have same record player but unable to find needle and pulley. can you please suggest where should I get them ?

    • @sunilrajjc
      @sunilrajjc  4 роки тому +1 it will be available accordingly

    • @sunilrajjc
      @sunilrajjc  4 роки тому

    • @MrBharatmundhe
      @MrBharatmundhe 2 роки тому


    • @rajendrana8989
      @rajendrana8989 2 роки тому

      HMV பிளேயர் நீடில்
      உங்களிடம் இருக்கா.?
      என்ன விலை

  • @nababshab2849
    @nababshab2849 Рік тому

    Price Kiya hai

  • @karanjadhav
    @karanjadhav 4 роки тому

    Nice sir 👍 👍

  • @IjazYasinIjazjani
    @IjazYasinIjazjani 5 місяців тому


  • @monajitsasmal7906
    @monajitsasmal7906 8 місяців тому

    er pin ta paoua jabe ki vabe jogajog korbo

  • @78urt
    @78urt 2 роки тому

    pretty good

  • @atulbhise8455
    @atulbhise8455 4 роки тому

    No.1 modification, congratulations !.l liked this very much. I want to buy this modified record player. Please tell me price.

  • @arupdutta2202
    @arupdutta2202 4 роки тому +8

    Sound quality seems to be too good for a record player like this.

  • @rajeevphilip
    @rajeevphilip 3 роки тому


  • @ajaymehta3299
    @ajaymehta3299 2 роки тому

    Sir iska picup kaha milega plzz bataye

  • @pvm4829
    @pvm4829 11 місяців тому


  • @rathnavathipoorvi4883
    @rathnavathipoorvi4883 2 роки тому

    Sunil TVM Sir, we have lot of different types of HMV record players plates in our house. But box was spoiled 😶. Please give the address, where can we get this HMV box 🥰🙏.

  • @chuckdieselkicksdisks2380
    @chuckdieselkicksdisks2380 4 роки тому


  • @mohammadjawed377
    @mohammadjawed377 2 роки тому +1

    Kya wo yug hoga kifaity purana record ka daur kitna mazboot golden yug tha. Ab manhga kazor samay aagaya hai kisi ka velu nahi hai.

  • @saurabhghosh398
    @saurabhghosh398 3 роки тому +1

    Is it HMV Playboy?

  • @6735l8
    @6735l8 3 роки тому

    Halo can one do make from home a player, so please give tips thanks

  • @anitasen8337
    @anitasen8337 2 роки тому

    Amar kothae.pabo

  • @amitsharma-dc8xb
    @amitsharma-dc8xb 6 років тому

    Very nice

  • @ramendrasainik6198
    @ramendrasainik6198 3 роки тому

    Mere pass hmv 1515 hai kahin nahi ban raha hai logo ne banane ki bajaye aur bigad diya hai kaise banega bataiye

  • @sivnathsaini7566
    @sivnathsaini7566 2 роки тому

    राजसथानी गित का रीकोड पेस करो ❤️

  • @navneetthakral5527
    @navneetthakral5527 2 роки тому

    Ye h m v ka record peleeyer nahi hai

  • @drpcsarkar1545
    @drpcsarkar1545 6 років тому +1

    Parts cannibalised from old HMV Fiesta?

  • @boymj
    @boymj 2 роки тому


  • @लंकाधीशरावण


  • @dipakkhandale7814
    @dipakkhandale7814 4 роки тому

    मला मिळेल का असं तयार करून

  • @nidish.vnidhish5690
    @nidish.vnidhish5690 3 роки тому


  • @karakkadaumanojhanmanojhan610
    @karakkadaumanojhanmanojhan610 2 роки тому


  • @constancefernandes3638
    @constancefernandes3638 2 роки тому

    Yeh. Alag. Tarah. Ka. Gramophone. Hai

  • @manutrivedi1891
    @manutrivedi1891 4 роки тому

    What's the point?

  • @rajavenkatesh7069
    @rajavenkatesh7069 4 роки тому

    At Many places, many stanzas are missing. This is nothing but an insult to Ramayan, MS Rama Rao and all the hindus. At least make corrections in the digital versions where it is heard most

  • @ramendrasainik6198
    @ramendrasainik6198 3 роки тому

    Pichhale 15 salo se banane ki koshish kr raha hoon

  • @superwiktor1960
    @superwiktor1960 5 років тому

    Охуительно !!!