The Harvests - Barley & Wheat

  • Опубліковано 12 вер 2024
  • There are different harvests, and different crops that will be growing in the last days. Christ calls us to examine what is growing in our life, and how we are preparing our heart and life for our Redeemer and Lord.
    The Jewish Wedding Pattern / Redemption / Feasts chart graphic and explanation.
    The Appointed Patterns - Part II - The Harvests
    • The Appointed Patterns... - Original video
    Printable resources from: www.informedchr...
    The Appointed Patterns - Part I - The Feasts
    • The Appointed Patterns...
    Spiritual New Year - Exodus 12:2; 13:4
    On an agricultural level, Passover represents spring, the season of the firstfruit …
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    Redeemed Possession - Salvation - Sealed in Christ
    • Redeemed Possession - ...
    “...behold, the Lion of the tribe of Juda, the Root of David ...and in the midst of the elders, stood a Lamb as it had been slain ...they sung a new song, saying, ...thou wast slain, and hast redeemed us to God by thy blood out of every kindred, and tongue, and people, and nation...” - Revelation 5:5-9
    Information concerning the prophetic time to be watching, Christ's instructions to His servants, the timing of His comings, and the Old Testament prophecies that pointed to this time.
    Firstfruits of Harvest
    Because Christ became the Firstfruits, we will also follow in like manner, at His coming. We have been instructed to look for Him the second time - understanding what happened the first time. And the more that we dig deeper into the pictures used during this 40-some days of Christ's first time, we get a better idea of the importance of this spring harvest time of the year. We are looking for our Redeemer - the Lamb of God - to pick up His firstfruits!
    • Firstfruits of Harvest - Original video: Published on Jan 29, 2016
    Let us look up!


  • @DEVOTED2YaHUaH144k
    @DEVOTED2YaHUaH144k 2 роки тому +4

    This is true the most high revealed it to me, please make sure you qualify yourself as barley. Shalom.

  • @ladyd212011
    @ladyd212011 Рік тому +1

    ❣️🔥🕊️🥰 Beloved i just want to thank you for uploading this video and sharing the knowledge and information that our ABBA wants for us to learn and comprehend. I love you in The love of Christ Jesus Kingdom Family. Stay blessed🥰🕊️🔥❣️

  • @alive-awake
    @alive-awake 2 роки тому +5

    This was very insightful!

    • @tammyw9231
      @tammyw9231  2 роки тому +2

      Blessings at this special season of remembrance of all that God has done for us! MARANATHA!!

    • @scarletdill887
      @scarletdill887 Рік тому +2

      What a great teaching for the Feast of First Fruits!

  • @charlottekaay
    @charlottekaay Рік тому +1

    Very informative and interesting. NOW I finally understand a little clearer about Revelations. Thank you so much! 🙏👏

  • @Hammangene
    @Hammangene Рік тому +10

    Jesus explains the wheat differently. If you continue reading in Matt 13, He gives the interpretation and He calls the wheat, the sons of The Kingdom. Also, Peter was sifted like wheat, a man who strengthened many in Jesus and who is a great example of being led by the Holy Spirit. Peter did go through tribulation (famine, fierce persecution, prisons, false accusations etc..) and as Jesus said, we will all have tribulation in this world. I fully agree though that as a type we should all strive diligently to be as sensitive to God's leading as when the wind simply separates the chaff from the barley, however all of us can and will testify to God's discipline in certain areas of our walk. I think it may be hard to find an example of a man or woman of God who did not get sifted in some way or another. May God help us to continue to grow and become as sensitive as Barley, but in humility we all have to confess we are in many ways like wheat, in need of chastisement as legitimate children (sons and daughters of The Kingdom).

    • @tammyw9231
      @tammyw9231  Рік тому +1

      I appreciate your insight. Thanks for sharing. God bless you!

    • @teresawalker2976
      @teresawalker2976 Рік тому +2

      I understand what you are saying. I cannot agree with all they are saying. It totally ignores the power of His blood to cover ALL our sins. And does not take into account what we are birthed into in this earth nor to whom, nor to where, which we did not choose nor have any control over. When Jesus asked Peter..Who do you say I am? Peter answered..Thou art the Christ the Son of the Living God, Jesus said, flesh and blood has not shown this to you Peter but My Father in heaven and upon this rock I will build My church and the gates of Hell shall not prevail against it. The book of Revelation-even says..”and they overcame by the word of their testimony (who do you say He is???), the Blood of the Lamb, and they love not their lives on this earth. Jesus is the Passover Lamb. Just like in Egypt…ALL who made it thru and was inside under that Blood…the death angel passed over. ALL of them!! No matter WHAT THEIR SINs WERE. There is POWER in HIS BLOOD!!! The enemies HATE that!! They will twist scripture and put pure FEAR in His sheep!!! JESUS HELP US to hang onto our faith in YOUR BLOOD!!!!

    • @trulyso734
      @trulyso734 9 місяців тому

      @@teresawalker2976 shalom rest/peace to you. Be still and keep listening to the still small voice of the Lord whose redeeming blood has covered you and me.
      I have found one good reminder solid reminder contained in this teaching and not a false/deceptive one because it is Biblical (which is our 1 trustworthy ground).
      Those in Christ have His perfect love intact within. And this perfect Love of God casts out all fear.

    • @trulyso734
      @trulyso734 9 місяців тому

      @@tammyw9231 Thanks for uploading your insights.
      I was wondering about God's Kingdom harvests.
      Had a spiritual experience where I was shown these harvest field manoeuvres in prayer some years ago for God's Kingdom working field, and then separately I saw a line of trees with focus on its fruiting.
      Anyway 1Cor 15 does explain how you and I still form part of Christ's firstfruits today, thanks for that reminder I needed.
      The only view I don't support is the suggestion that the 'falling away' is the blessed hope rapture for the firstfruit believers. It is a falling away departure from the faith so that's not a good thing but forewarning from doing that (in 2 Thess 2) in this season.
      Also, the harvest actions from the Lord may be experienced in either order individually speaking I think. As I saw many being test sifted and/then toss winnowed around the same time if Im not mistaken, chaff blown away, and the remaining wheat gathered into the threshing floors (which I only recently realized is what I saw during that prayer time for the church body. Do intercede for His body as this is where most of the true harvest workers have been I believe, suffering in the process). The wheat harvest of Revelation makes sense in light of all this.
      And after that I also saw / felt impression of a crushing and treading of feet upon grapes -that great endtime judgement of God's winepress followed by the turning up of heat like as in the burning of a barn for bad batches not actually serving God but a different master they are chained to.

  • @markita.hardenhome
    @markita.hardenhome 2 роки тому +2

    GREAT job brother!

    • @tammyw9231
      @tammyw9231  2 роки тому

      Amen - Maranatha! Printable resources from:
      The Appointed Patterns - Part II - The Harvests
      Original video - -
      The Appointed Patterns - Part I - The Feasts

  • @JesusistheOnlyWay222
    @JesusistheOnlyWay222 4 роки тому +1

    This was excellent thank you sister. I'll listen to this channel's other messages. I'll also mirror on my channel son recd a barley, wheat and chaff dream in May. Blessings 🧡🙌

    • @tammyw9231
      @tammyw9231  4 роки тому +2

      Glad you found it edifying and can share. Yes, watch Part I ;-) Our God has an amazing plan set forth! Be blessed. Maranatha!

  • @Excalibur2112
    @Excalibur2112 Рік тому +4

    Ruth 1:22, Ruth 2:17, Ruth 2:23, Ruth 3:2, Ruth 3:15-17 KJV Barley!!!

  • @tammyw9231
    @tammyw9231  2 роки тому +1

    Jesus, the Grain of Wheat: Bible Metaphors -
    Absolutely beautiful in word and image! We truly are awaiting the harvest! Maranantha!!!

  • @matthewstott1661
    @matthewstott1661 Рік тому

    Many good thoughts here. However the Pauline rapture in Thessalonians is AT THE RESURRECTION, which resurrection involves all the saints who died in Christ from the foundation of the world. The pretribulation rapture is NOT at the resurrection for it is a rapture upon eagles wings unto the MOUNTAINS and HIGH MOUNTAINS OF ISRAEL as foretold in Ezekiel 34"11-16, Ezekiel 20:33-40, Luke 17: 29-32, Matthew 24:15-21, and REVELATION CHAPTER TWELVE as revealed unto the beloved disciple John.
    James 1:1 AND MANY OTHER SCRIPTURES demonstrate that it is we who believe who are the TWELVE TRIBES SCATTERED ABROAD.
    Did you know that Mount Sion IS MOUNT HERMON (Deuteronomy 4:48)
    Mount Hermon is at the northernmost extremity of Israel: IS MOUNT ZION ON THE SIDES OF THE NORTH THE CITY OF THE GREAT KING..
    You see God is intent upon creating an earthly parallel of the spiritual reality spoken of in Hebrews "but ye are come unto MOUNT SION " in the Greek language there is no letter Z, and so in the Old Testament we read of Zion, but in the New we read Sion. Except for that one occasion in Deuteronomy 4:48.....for it is looking forward to an altogether New Testament event. You see Jesus was transfigured upon Mount Hermon and was spoken of therefore as the Holy Mount. It is there that the elect of God shall rejoice and sing a New Song in Revelation 14 (the defiling women of wickedness referred to in Zechariah 5:7-11 have not defiled the Virgin daughter of Zion (for marriage is honourable in all and the marriage bed UNDEFILED).
    The kings of the earth shal be gathered andl pass by near Mount Hermon. They shall MARVEL and hasten away Fear shall take hold upon them there and pain as of a woman in travail. For they shall behold the elect of God in a veritable GARDEN OF EDEN amidst the Great Tribulation; themselves left in a dry land, a wilderness and a desert by the First Trumpet Judgment as prophecied by Jeremiah in chapters 50 and 51.
    Now read Psalm 48 with your new understanding of where Mount Siion is.
    The elect of God shall be untouchable: "For I saith the LORD shall be a wall of fire round about, and will be the glory in the midst of her ".
    So you see in Ezekiel 38, Gog and Magog come upon the MOUNTAINS of Israel where the party is! Since they are a famished multitude at the end of the tribulation they think to chance their luck against the UNWALLED VILLAGES!!!. Except the Creator has a surprise for them lined up: the RESURRECTION whereupon ALL HIS SAINTS arrive from the four corners of the earth on horses and chariots of fire:
    Isaiah 5:26 And he will lift up an ensign to the nations from far, and will whistle unto them from the end of the earth: and, behold, they shall come with speed swiftly: 27 None shall be weary nor stumble among them; none shall slumber nor sleep; neither shall the girdle of their loins be loosed, nor the latchet of their shoes be broken: 28 Whose arrows are sharp, and all their bows bent, their horses' hoofs shall be counted like flint, and their wheels like a whirlwind: 29 Their roaring shall be like a lion, they shall roar like young lions: yea, they shall roar, and lay hold of the prey, and shall carry it away safe, and none shall deliver it. 30 And in that day they shall roar against them like the roaring of the sea: and if one look unto the land, behold darkness and sorrow, and the light is darkened in the heavens thereof.

  • @Excalibur2112
    @Excalibur2112 Рік тому

    Micah 7:1 about Grapes.

    • @Excalibur2112
      @Excalibur2112 5 місяців тому

      Our souls desire the first ripe fruit = Jesus… We desire the Holy Son, not to be a cluster of 🍇 grapes, which get crushed in the winepress of the wrath of Almighty God.