I’m so proud of you Sami,I love your voice,your dance, I love ❤️ everything about you!!! Please keep it up, we love you from Canada 🇨🇦 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼God bless you!!!
A very nice music and song my cousin. I love hearing it every time. You're unique because you have all the gifts an artist has: your appearance is amazing, you're a song writer, a vocalist/singer and an excellent dancer. All music lovers are proud of you. We're looking forward to seeing your next video. Keep up the good job.,
Sami hawey esaw ayney hasab lbka unqua semerelka am so glad to c this love ya bro izen ukubat collection gtmtatka awxayen dea ajoka bert ata wedi am waiting something else
Ur Awesome young and talented,I like ur confidence lil bro eritrean,You did it professionally de clip wz more confidence than our country favourite singers from 2000s.I wish yo full health n de good luck.
Nay bahaki des tebel derifi especially I like the clip and style and I want to say to Esaw just keeping it up and we are waiting more than this with different style you have so beautiful voice I wishes you all the best and successful in your work God bless you
Wooow DEEP ERTRAWYAN LOVE .One day everybody will understand the eritrean culture is based on caring for each Love in a way is noweyer is practised exept in our culture
እውይ በህወቴ እንደ ኤርትራ
የምወደዉ የለም አንዳንዴ እማ እኔ ራሴ የተወለድበት
እኔ ራሱ😍😍😍
ትክክለኛውን ኣገር ( ህዝብ) ነው የወደድሽው እህት ኣለም።
እኛም ለ ኢትዮ እንደዛ ነን
ፕሮፋይልካ ቀይርካ ምጻና ወድዛ ኣድጊ
ያ ኣነ ምጽጋብ ሲኢነያ እዛ ደርፊ ኬፍ ከማይ እንተ ኣለኩም ኣግርጭው እስኪ
በጃ ኣስመራ isu klatna mxgab senaya za derfey
አዞም dislike ትገብሩ ብዘይፍላጥ ኢልካ ምሕላፉ አዩ ዝሓይሽ:: ሳሚ ሓወይ ብጣዕሚ ጽቡቅ ስራሕ
ድምጺ- 100
ኣወጻጽኣ ቃላት - 100
ብዓቢኡ ከኣ ግጥምን ዜማን ባዕልካ ሙካኑ አዩ::
Filimon Ghirmay ende des zeybeltna tekewen neaka des eilatka ab nay seb reyto atika ezen kemten mebal gedefwo ba
እዋን ዘይፈሊ ፍቅሪ ብ ወልቂ ኣይጸዋአናን አኮ……ካላኣይ ንስካ ንክትጸልኣ መሰል ካብ ሃለወካ ኣነ ንምንታይ ትጸልአዋ ኢለ ክጽሕፍ ንምንታይ አዩ መሰል ዘይሃለወኒ
ትግራይ እዮም
warm salutions from Turkey :) i love your music, language and culture
I’m so proud of you Sami,I love your voice,your dance, I love ❤️ everything about you!!! Please keep it up, we love you from Canada 🇨🇦 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼God bless you!!!
Dhri interview zreaka like gber😁😀
ኩሉ ትንናኻ ፈቴካ ኣለኹ 100% ቀጽሎ
ደስ ዝብል ድምጺ
ደስ ዝብል ክሊፕ
ደስ ዝብል ሳዕስዒት
በቃ ዋው! ባዕልኻ ግጥምን ዜማን ድማ ብሉጽ ስራሕ የብሎ! ካብዚ ንላዕሊ ክንጽበ ኢና ኣጆኻ!
ናይ ባሓቂ ቡሉጽ ስራሕ ኩሉ ነገርካ ደስ ዝብል ብዓብዩ ባዕልካ ግጥምን ዜማን ናትካ ሙካኑ ናይ ባሓቂ ሕጉስ የ ሳሚ ሓወይ ኣጆካ ካባካ ቡዙሕ ኢና ንጽበ
ኣቱም ሰበይ ክሳብ ሎሚ ኣበይ ጸኒሐ ከይሰማዕክዋ ካብዚ ግዜ ልበይ ትመልእ ስራሕ ካብቲ ዝገርም ከኣ ኣብ መጀመርትኡ ግጥምን ዜማን ናቱ ምዃኑዩ በጃኹም ንዓይን ንዕዑን like ምቁራት የሕዋት
ብጥዕሚ ብኹልንትንአ ብልጽቲ ስራሕ :
ለበዋ ግን ስነ ጥበባውያና ከምዚ መጸ መጸ ምስተብሃልኩም አብ መስተን ካልእን ስለ ተላግሱ ተቐጺኹም ትተርፉ ፡
ከም ሞያ ተጠንቂቕካ ሐዞ እአምንየ ብሃገር ደረጃ ካብቶም አለዉ ዝብሃሉ ከም ትኽርውን፡፡
አምላኽ ይሐግዝካ ! ! !
? ça
Waw ናይ በሓቂ ብሉጽ ስራሕ ካብ ኩሉ ሳዕስዒትካ
niaka kea ymesl samey hahhh I miss you kea
Wawwwwwww kab nelebzeben ney fqrawi music fley dbelet koyna rekbeya wwwwwwwww😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍
kulu kem Thomas und
kemegle de de.bhale music ";!:!'
ዋውውው ዝወጻ ዘይብላ music ምስ ክሊፕ ፖው ክንደይ ቀብጠርጥ ኣቢሎም ክኽእልዎ ዮም ደስ ክብሉኻ !!!!!!
Wow I can’t stop listening this music, love it keep up much love 💕 ❤️❤️🇪🇷🇪🇷
G is a global warming in 4
Me too
ደጊመ ደጋጊመ ሰሚዐያ ምጽጋብ ስኢነያ ፍልይቲን ጽፍፍትን ደርፊ ካብ ድምጺ ሳዕስዒት ንባዕሉ ኢቲ ግጥሚ እንድዒ ከድንቀካ ክቢል ከየበላሽወልካ........ 💖💖
ብዘይቀላዓለም እዛ ደርፊ ሰሚዐ ምጽጋብ ሲኢነይ ኣብ ውሽጢ 40 ደቂቅ 3 ግዜ ሰሚዐያ። ላይክ ሃቡኒ ንፍቅረይ
ኣፍቃሪ ዘለዋ ኣፍቂረ ane wela
ኣፍቃሪ ዘለዋ ኣፍቂረ wala ane mara feteya
ኣፍቃሪ ዘለዋ ኣፍቂረ wwwwwww
kkkk neta derfi deykonka yhebikaya neta ---------?
Merhawi Tsegay ክክክክክክ ኣታ እንታይ ክትረክብ
ኣንታ እዚ ወዲ ከጸልለኒ ደልዩ በል ሳሚ ዕድመን ጥዕናን ይሃብካ ሩሑስ ሓዱሽ ዓመትን ልደትን ይግብረልካ ሓንቲ ግን ኣብ ሺንግርዋ ብኸመይ ከም ዝተረፈ ብፉጽም ክርድኣኒ ኣይክኣለን ብዝኾነ ናይ ብሃቂ ቡሉጽ ዝኾነ ድምጺ ኣለካ ኣጆኻ ቀጽሎ ኣይትሕመቅ
ብዘይ ቀልዓለም እዛ ደርፊ ሰሚዐ ምጽጋብ ሲነያ ዕድመ ይሃብካ ኣነ ካብቶም ድሕሪ
የማነ ባርያን ኣብርሃም ኣፍወርቂን ደርፊ የለን ካብ ዝቡሉ የ ኔረ ሕጂ ግን ሳሚ ምስዛ ዓመት ካብ ጌጋይ ከም ዝእረም ጌሩኒ ኣሎ ድምጺ ቡሉጽ ናይ ብሓቂ ኩለን ደርፍታቱ ደጊመ ሰሚዐየን የ ዝንኣድ ስራሕ
A very nice music and song my cousin. I love hearing it every time. You're unique because you have all the gifts an artist has: your appearance is amazing, you're a song writer, a vocalist/singer and an excellent dancer. All music lovers are proud of you. We're looking forward to seeing your next video. Keep up the good job.,
Tebatay ika entay kwexka hawey well done so amazing music
Such a handsome young boy with an amazing voice 👌🏼 Well done Samitey keep it up excellent job 🎶💯👌🏼
ደስ ዝብል ክሊብ ምስ ሙሉእ ትርጉም ሓዘል ግጥሚ። ንዝያዳ ዓወት ዝያዳ ጻዕሪ ።ዓወት ምሳካ።
Beautiful people and music. love from the UK!
We love u too
ከመይ ዘይሓለፍካ ሽንግርዋ ንነብሰይ ሓቲተያ መልሲ ኣይረኽብኩን ካናሪ ድምጺ ጀግና ጽቡቅ ደስ ዝብል ስራሕ
Wwwwwwwwwwww 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👍🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏❤❤❤❤❤🤩🤩🤩🤩gele anet derfi gn koka hsheni tbl zeleka meslni etay derfi ele shelel eleya nere degime msemakuwa gn gele anet gtmi ajoka kexlo nufa
ዋው ወደ ሹቀይ ይበል ድምጽን ክልፒን ማራ ሹኮር ቀጸለሉ ...
ኑርልኝ የኔ ኮካ ሕሽኒ ክክክክክክክ
ዓቅለይ ደረት ኣለዎ ናይ ብሓቂ ኣስትዊዒልካላ ኣነ ከሙኡ ክብል ቅኒየ ኣጋጣሚ ነዛንሃትካ ከም ናተይ ኣንቢበ
ኣመና ጥዕምቲ ደርፊ፡ጎበዝ ኣጆኻ በርትዕ
I like Deki Eti Shekor Lewahat fetret 🥰
ኣታ እዛ ቖልዓ ዕድመ ይሃባ ምበር ካልእ ከትስማዓና ያ።
ኣታ ናዓይ ዘዕብድስ ኣይሳኣንን Niccccc good job 1000%
እዋይ ፍቅሪ ብሩሕቅ ቀቲልካኒ well said
Wawwwwwwww ገለ ኣይነት ደርፊ ግጥሚ ኣይትበል ድምጺ ኣይትበል ክሊብ ኣይትበል ገለ ኣይነት መጸለል ላዕሊ ኩሉ ካ ሳዕሲዕትካ ማራ ኬፍ ሂብኒ ሳሚ ምቅሰን ኣጂካ ኣይትሕመቅ ከምቶም ብሉጻት ደረፍቲ ኮንካ ክሪአካ ካ ተስፋ ይገብርርርርርርርርርርር ።
Afqryey eba khgos like habni bejakom ahwat natey 💋🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷
Yorda Yosif kendey kehbeki metan xebuk geiru kehgoselki
Nay des zbleka abi mukur
Abiel Bereket wawww bedankt mijn bro
Ajoka qexlo tedfa Leka
ወሰደ ኣቢልካ ሳሙኤል ዘርአዝጊ ብሉጽ ስራሕ ናይዚ ዓመት ፈሊምካዬ ኣለካ ቀጽሎ ድማ ኣጆካ ኣብ ስራሕካ ዓውትን ኣሳልጦን አንዳ ተመነኩ የመስግነካ።
ሳሚ ወዲ ኣስማው መረዋሕ ድምጽካ ይግጥሞ ኔይረ ኢየ። እንካዕ ናብ ህዝቢ ተቀልቀልካ።ኣጆካ ኣይትሕመቅ። ግጥሚ 85፣ ዜማ 78፣ ድምጺ 90።
ዋው ግጥሚን ዜማን ባዕልኻ ንፍዕ ቐጽሎ good job Samuel 👍
Wow ! your style is distinct from the rest of musicians. Keep it up you have a beautiful voice.
ወዬ ማዓር ፍስስ ዝብል ደርፊ
ኣነስ ሰሚዐ ምጽጋብ ሲኢነያ እዛ ደርፊ ሳዕሳዕቲ ውን ፍሉይ ድምቀት ጌረናሉ
Shkorina.... keep it up. Let the haters be the , haters. It’s only jealousy👏🏽👏🏽❤️
let the haters be haters,after all it's just their jealousy we are proud of you Esawi Eritreawi wedi jeganu keep it up bro.We are wz U.
ሳሙኤል ሓወይ እንታይ ምበልኩ መሲልካ
ስራሕካ ብሉጽ ናይ ብሉጻት እዩ ሓንቲ ነገር ግን ክተስተብህልላ ዘለካ መክ-ኣብ እዩ ።
ንዓይ ንበይነይ ይርኣየኒ ከይህሉ ስክፍታ ኣለኒ እምበር ጾግሪ ዓይንኻ ሲ ኣሰኪፉኒ እምበር ስራሕ100%
ata eza wedi meksen ajoka nbelo kiabulna
ጽቡቕ ስራሕ!
ድምጽኻን ስራሓትካን just I liked it.
Merhaba wedi abeyti nice song btami des tebel beflay abzi gzye zelenayo fkri hadmu eiyu zelo ajka kexlo habibi
Waaaaw ziwexa zeybila filiytin adenaqitna zikonet bflay sasit meraa timti keepit up!!! 💖💖
I Love everything about him ❤️.
ያ ከመይ ያ ዛ ደርፊ ካብዚ ኹሉ ዝሸየፍክዎ መዋዳደሪ ስኢነላ ቤስት
Betami xebuq getmi zema beflay dema menkskasateka mara kife alewu habibi kexelu eka aytetfeana 👌👌👌👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻
sami wedi Teages yeake moksika koynu deyu dea wela Entay
sami wedi Teages ❤️💋
sami wedi Teages tffg
so nice bro keep it up touchable voice!!! and music story keep it up!!!
ትርግም ምንባረይ ረኪቡ ትርጉም ተባዕታይ ግጥሚ በቃ ብዘይ ጎዶሎ 100% ሰኒ ሰኒ ኢለካ ኣለኩ መቅሰነይ። Ich weiß nicht, was ich sagen soll. Sowieso wünsche ich dir viel Glück.
ህግደፍ በል ክትድረር hale frese ya hgdeg
Nay naybahaki adinikeya eza derfi bkulu negera full godelo yelen keep it up
I am ethiopian. I like ertra music ✌
Nan Lole 👌
This gay music
Wow what a really talented artist! Amazing! And you showed up on Shingrwa! Well done! I am so impressed. I am pretty sure seeing you on final.💓✌✌😁
Ewuuuuuy sami hawey kemey dika nska Yeheguskana samizmo.😃😃😃🤗🤗🤗🤗 samiex nay physics yeak. 😎😎😎😎 Day hji dew keytbl ariena habibi. Kab high school athizna texebinaka sami meqsen. Ajokum bhafesha nkulkum nezi srah ewut zgeberkum.🌍
Stif Dawit yeah shio athizu zxhfom znebere gtmi..nay behaqi talented eyu
hope for future btami ember hji ms mulue bqatu eyu mexiu zelo bmulue mdlawat.
Zebhera santa ana yahooooo.
santeana dye wediu hakey eti gexus wekah ybleka
merhawi tecle ewe haqka santana eyu wediu.
እዋይ እዛ ወዲ ኬፈ አለው ሓቢቢ we love you so much
Mexelel zikonet derfi, xfuf srah 🔥👌
ዋውውውው ብጣዕሚ ጽቡቅ ስራሕ ሳሚ ጅግና ኣጆካ ቀጽሎ ካሪና ዝኮነ ድምጺ እንታይ ክወጾ
Wow nice song my borther so I love it ❤
Great job. I am in love with song. I can not stop listening it. I love the song, video clips, dance. Beautiful! Keep up your great work.
ኣብዚ ኣለካ ደርፊ ምስ ክሊቡ ብጣዕሚ ሓሪፍ ሳሚ
Nay behaki kef Zelwa mejemeriya kemzom sakt kexmumuna zweelu zelewu mesiluni neru 💯💯💯
Wudue wedi entay kwexo samuel zerzghi
Enkea teweledka sebey
Bahaki xbuk srah. Zema ykun wala Dmxi. I love it. Bro kexlo. Degagime semi'eya aymenekuwan.
nay bhaqi xbqti derfi bflay sasietu,.qexilo tiray
Sami hawey esaw ayney hasab lbka unqua semerelka am so glad to c this love ya bro izen ukubat collection gtmtatka awxayen dea ajoka bert ata wedi am waiting something else
ውድእቲ ደርፊ ብኩሉ ሙላ
I like it sami shkor be strong...
Nay behaki znad srha. Zeman gtmn nay geza-rusu bravo keep going
ዋው ገለ ዓይነት ፡ ሳሚ 100% ፡ 101%
ምምናው እኮ ሲኢነያ። super work!
ich auch
ኤርትራዋች ስወዳችሁ ትርጉም0
ilove you Eritrea song ♥♥♥
ሀበሻነኝ ስደተኛነኝ too you
ሀበሻነኝ ስደተኛነኝ 👍👍👍👍💟💕💖💞💓💜💝💘💛💚💗
ethi opia egnam betam new yeinwedachu yene ehit
ኢትዮጵያውያን ፍቅር እንወዳቹሃለን
Wawwwww sami hawey xbqti derfi inaty kwexa so qexlo ajoka ❤️❤️❤️😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍
ዋው በጣም ሀሪ ነው ግን የትርጉሙ ነገር ተከድኖ ይብሰል ባይሆን ከስመራ ባል ፈልጉልኝ እና ያስተምረኛል በተረፈ ምችት ይበላችሁ እወዳችኋለሁ
Tsegenet Ayalew Yene marr egnam enwedishalen gn yehe ye Mekelle music aydelem Ye #Eritrea new demo Ye Asmara lij enfeliglishalen ehi konjo🇪🇷🇪🇷
Ninu Gual Senafe Eritreawit werkawit oh Okay ye Eritrea music Edehone Awukiyalehu Asemera neber yetefabgni Ahun Astekakyalehu beka Ahun felgulgni balen mare betam Amesegnalehu Empuaaaa
Tsegenet Ayalew Eshi yene konjo 😘 Enem Ameseginalew 😘
Ene lastemresh yene konjo Call me 248-481-5219
Abib Tesfamariam ok tadye Amesegnalehu mareye Edewulalehu
I am from Ethiopia l like this music wowwwwwee shikorina bro wowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww❤❤❤❤❤❤❤👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👌👌👌👌👌
I really love this song so amazing thanks esaw
Yes Yes Yes
Samiye shikor kanari zkone dmxi eu zeleka nifue👌👌👌🙏🙏😘😘😘😘😘😘
ኤሳው ተባዕታይ ወዲ ገለዓይነት ጥዕምቲ ደርፊ ቐጽሎ ኢኻ
ዋውውውው 100 ግዜ ሰሚዐያ ዘይትጽገብ
Kab zemaka gitmika, kab Melkieka Saesietka😍perfekt zikone Sirah🦋
neaka zekewin quanqua yelen nay behaki nice hanti kibleka zideli edmen tienan yihabika kabzi nelaieli ketiserhi eka
Sey dmxi wela gtmn zeman bsenki ezom nay lomi derefti derfi kab zeysemie newih gere nere tnx yene mar😘😘😘
2021 ንመጀመርታ ግዜ ዝሰማዕካያ like ግበር !
ናይ ዳይረክተር ጸገም ኣለዋ አዛ ደርፊ ብፍላይ ኣብ መጀመርታ ዘሎ ሳዕሲዒትካ ጸሊኤዮ ።
ካልአ ጽቡቅ ድምጺን ግጥምን ቀጽሎ ኣጆካ ።
I love it my men keep that why Beautiful song I can listen all day beautiful good job eritrean I proud my people
ህርመት 100 ትርጉም ደርፊ ኣየገድሰንን ስለ ዝኮነ
ወላ ንዓይ ሕቁፈኣ ይሕሰኒ ንዓይ ከኣ ሃኣ
Interview naykltiom rieye mexie 😉😄des kblunk mkurat 🥰💗💗
Anewin fetyeya kemey yemeselki nehadar entehatetkuwa tewatseani diya ?
Ajoka habibi ana
magnifique nay bhaki zwexa yebilan bzey hasot semun mulue bzey erefti semieya zeytmno bravo
Love this song ❤️
ሽንግርዋ ምስ ኣትረፉካኻ ከመይ ተሰሚዕኒ መክሰበይ ሓወይ
Nic song kexelo tesfa zealka manesay eika ajoka kepp it up
ቡኩሉ ሙሉኡ ዝወጻእ ዘየብላ ያ እዛ ደርፊ
ሳሚ ባርትዕ ኣጆኻ 100/100 ኢያ ይበል ድምጺ ካናሪ ካብ ኣፋ ሞት ዘተንስእ ኣለካ
ቡኹሉ ዋው ዋው ኢኻ ፋስቲ
ቡሉጽ ስራሕ ግጥምን ዜማን ብጣዕሚ’የ ተደኒቀ። ብሃንቀውታ እየ ክጽበየካ ብካልእ ስራሕት። 100/100
Wwwwwo nice Song samiy ajoka
Waww sami tsubuk sirah ketslo👍
ከጽሎ አዚ ዓርከይ ጽቡክ ስራሕ🇪🇷👏🏾
Well done 👏👏👏👏👌👌👌💕
Ur Awesome young and talented,I like ur confidence lil bro eritrean,You did it professionally de clip wz more confidence than our country favourite singers from 2000s.I wish yo full health n de good luck.
Anes adey maerey eziaom dislike zgebro sebat mera eyom zewedan yiblekum aleku senesrati tgebru ane ka like habeka aleku ajoka sami wedi❤️🇪🇷💪🏻
Gtmi wn Baelka eka getimkayo
Qexlo Qexaxlo Bravo 👄
Well done Sami!!!
Nay bahaki des tebel derifi especially I like the clip and style and I want to say to Esaw just keeping it up and we are waiting more than this with different style you have so beautiful voice I wishes you all the best and successful in your work God bless you
Waww des zebel wedi ERA
What an amazing voice, I love it. Keep it up !!!!!
eway uff kid bel dehan moya yelen entay ygeber koynu
LOVE .One day everybody will understand the eritrean culture is based on caring for each Love in a way is noweyer is practised exept in our culture