How to Eat Cheaply

  • Опубліковано 8 вер 2024
  • Watch more How to Manage Your Money videos:
    They don't call them salad days for nothing; you probably can't afford to eat anything else. But there are ways to trim your food budget-and they're even good for you.
    Step 1: Switch to tap water
    Get over the craze and switch back to tap water. It almost always tastes the same as bottled water, and your savings will add up quickly.
    Keep tap water in the fridge; it tastes better cold.
    Step 2: Buy frozen vegetables
    Buy frozen vegetables in bulk. They're just as nutritious as fresh one, sometimes even more so because they are flash frozen while fresh and not picked unripe for a cross-country trip.
    Cabbage is one of the healthiest vegetables, can be delicious made into slaw or kimchi, and-unlike many veggies-it is reasonably priced year-round.
    Step 3: Use coupons
    Use coupons. It may make you feel like someone's grandma, but it'll save you money. Maximize your savings by printing online coupons and finding stores that will double coupons.
    Step 4: Go generic
    Go generic. In most cases, you're not paying for better quality-you're paying for the expensive advertising campaigns that promote brand names.
    Step 5: Eat more eggs
    Eat more eggs. They're cheap, packed with protein, and-contrary to popular belief-they don't raise bad cholesterol.
    Step 6: Switch to plain yogurt
    If you eat yogurt, switch to plain. It's cheaper, healthier, and can be made sweeter and more nutritious by adding a little fresh fruit or a bit of honey.
    Buy bruised and overripe fruit and vegetables at a reduced price at produce markets. Use them in smoothies and soups.
    Step 7: Control portions
    Don't eat directly from containers. Not only is it mildly depressing, but portion control prevents overeating and makes your food last longer.
    Step 8: Air pop popcorn
    Invest in a hot air popcorn popper. High in fiber and low in calories and fat, popcorn is a cheap, healthy snack-so long as you air pop it and don't drown it in melted butter.
    Step 9: Splurge on early bird special
    When you can't eat at home for another meal, splurge-on an early bird special. Sure, you might be surrounded by octogenarians scrabbling over the cheap tapioca pudding, but you'll get your fill on the cheap.
    Did You Know?
    In May 2007, several politicians attempted to eat for a week on a $28 food allowance, the average amount provided to welfare recipients.


  • @ohevshalomel
    @ohevshalomel 10 років тому +13

    If you keep tap water (or any liquid) in the fridge, make sure to keep it in a closed container. It will save electricity by not making the refrigerator work as hard to keep the evaporated moisture out of the fridge compartment.

  • @davidchoimusic
    @davidchoimusic 15 років тому +7

    sorry, but the tap water in california tastes like crap :)

  • @stylesurfers
    @stylesurfers 13 років тому +2

    in certain countries yes.
    Depends on how they treat tap water in your area

  • @LexiBandGeek
    @LexiBandGeek 13 років тому +1

    @NemesisKult Okay... I'm just saying that if you're ever in a position where you need to eat as cheaply as possible you might not be able to eat healthy food. plus Ramen and Hot Pockets are also just mainly for convience instead of nutrition.

  • @h3rshel
    @h3rshel 15 років тому +2

    haha, i love his expression at 1:56

  • @genuinetobias
    @genuinetobias 12 років тому +1

    28$ food allowance per week would be luxury for me :D

  • @trublgrl
    @trublgrl 15 років тому

    My mom beat the water industry by a mile. Take your biggest saucepan and fill it with water, and just BOIL IT! It does cost money in gas or electricity to boil, but it's much cheaper than bottled water, and water boiled for just 10 minutes tastes cleaner and better than ANY bottled brand. Also it's germ-free and hasn't been sitting on a shelf for X amount of days or weeks. Also, keeping your fridge very cold makes your water tastier and keeps your food longer!

  • @DarianCohen
    @DarianCohen 15 років тому

    Things with plenty of carbohydrates like the noodles in pasta/spaghetti give you energy and keep you full for a while, plus its pretty cheap just get the noodles, tomato pasta, whatever else and something to make the meatballs.

  • @Extradition606
    @Extradition606 15 років тому

    I agree it does matter where you live but 84% of American tap water systems have sodium fluoride added in the treatment process. I would recommend an atmospheric water filter that takes moisture from the air & creates pure water to drink.

  • @2Cute2Cool
    @2Cute2Cool 9 років тому +15

    Just clicked on the video and I saw a man eating out of a trash can. That's GREAT advice :/

  • @kaylanguyen8665
    @kaylanguyen8665 9 років тому

    Hi Reatz,
    Yolks have a lot of B vitamins. It is a waste to throw out the yellow yolks. :)

  • @10Dante4
    @10Dante4 15 років тому

    dont eat from the container and his face afterwards made laugh hard xD

  • @mayoje74
    @mayoje74 14 років тому

    I get the big Walmart container of "quick oats" for about $2.30 and eat it every morning. It stays with me longer than regular cereal and lasts for weeks!

  • @TonicEnergy
    @TonicEnergy 15 років тому +1

    Thanks! I'll start budgeting with oatmeal and see how i feel, (poor college kid) hehe ;D

  • @pksmb1120
    @pksmb1120 15 років тому

    I agree with pretty much everything except the tap water thing. Our tap water tastes like crap. If you buy one of those water filters you connect to the sink you'll still save money in the long run. :)
    For the yogurt, what's really good about the plain stuff is if you have that real vanilla from Mexico, just add a small teaspoon and then add some stevia or xylitol to it and you won't get the sugar rush! Tastes just as good as the flavored yogurt, plus it's WAY healthier for you.

  • @greenorange75
    @greenorange75 14 років тому +1

    @xXKawaiiBabyXx That's what she said.

  • @TheMailman88
    @TheMailman88 15 років тому

    Oatmeal is a fantastic food choice. Protein, whole grain, and very cheap. A $3 can of oatmeal lasts me about 2 weeks. And that's if I eat it for breakfast everyday

  • @TaniDraws
    @TaniDraws 15 років тому

    I wasn't talking about your weight, but about the money 'saved' when using a meat-including diet.
    Yes, I'm a vegetarian, have been so for 2 and a half years. And oh I know what I'm talking about. I come from a mostly vegetarian family, so I know what it's like. And not all replacements for meat, fish and poultry are expensive, you know. There are enough vegetarian products around here that are delicious, nutritionous but unexpensive, but perhaps it depends on where you live (I'm Dutch)

  • @TonicEnergy
    @TonicEnergy 15 років тому

    I totally know how u feel man! I'm in college, and no money. i spend only 15-20 a week on food, a lot of ramen, rice, eggs, bread that's about it, im getting skinnier by the day, 155lbs, 5'11 ;(

  • @rebelrecluse2704
    @rebelrecluse2704 11 років тому

    The Hot air popcorn is true. Jiffy Pop (Yellow Corn is the best) better than Orville. 17 cups will run you around 300 calories (Huge bucket) and 2 teaspoons of low fat margarine add another 70 calories (no biggie). Cheap and will fill you up whether on a budget or trying to lose weight.

  • @AznM4fia
    @AznM4fia 15 років тому

    I live in new york seriously tap water is really weird here on thanksgiving a few days ago the water from the tap was like littlelishred so be careful what u drink.

  • @greenorange75
    @greenorange75 14 років тому +2

    @xXKawaiiBabyXx Srry. I couldn't help it.

  • @7hippo7
    @7hippo7 15 років тому

    This made me chuckle.

  • @DrakePlatinum
    @DrakePlatinum 13 років тому

    @HardCoreStrategy well i dont drink that i drink water that comes a filter that comes from a sink

  • @EastmanEditing
    @EastmanEditing 15 років тому

    Except that it doesn't taste like the freezer when it melts in your drink! And the cubes don't stick together. Ice is only 99 cents so it's not a bad investment. I always buy bagged ice, though not bottled water.

  • @HoshiHikari
    @HoshiHikari 15 років тому

    Ha! I KNEW I wasn't crazy to think tap water is always better cold!!!

  • @Andrew_P86
    @Andrew_P86 14 років тому

    Good info.
    I love eggs, and I eat them every day. I can't believe people think they raise bad cholesterol

  • @SuperCaNtStAnDiT
    @SuperCaNtStAnDiT 14 років тому

    1:08...ITS LYK THAT BOX OF "FROOTY O's" i saw at dollar general!

  • @gomi-san
    @gomi-san 13 років тому

    I watch these videos not for the how to, but for the humor.

  • @megajames3000
    @megajames3000 15 років тому

    buy a water pitcher that filters tap or get a refridgerator with the water filter

  • @Ladylyla
    @Ladylyla 13 років тому

    You can get stuff in mcdonalds for 1 dollar in USA? I live in europe, and here the cheapest thing in mcdonalds costs 1 euro(1.4 usd) and its the very smallest hamburger, you would need like atlest 5 to feel like you've eate anything. If you want to really full you have to spend atleast 10 dollars. It's cheper to in in real restourants here.

  • @Paperdoll666
    @Paperdoll666 15 років тому +1

    and it doubles in size!!! :D

  • @Idellle
    @Idellle 9 років тому +8

    I steal apples from trees

  • @UnbornAddiction
    @UnbornAddiction 15 років тому

    You can always boil the water to purify it.

  • @oldbag699
    @oldbag699 15 років тому

    most generic products are good
    u dont need a popcorn maker - if u cant afford to eat u cant afford a pocorn maker
    anyone can eat cheaply try lentils cheap and they can be put in most things except icecream to bulk it upp and they are healthy

  • @Arc_Viper
    @Arc_Viper 15 років тому

    actually the pool of liquid is caused by the cream seperating from the water as all mixtures do eventually. Trust me, I dont eat sour cream out of the container, and it happens to me all the time.

  • @TheJoJo104
    @TheJoJo104 13 років тому +1

    @ellenino sometimes i do..y

  • @silverponylover999
    @silverponylover999 15 років тому +1

    kewl we have the same air popper XD

  • @NaTaS-
    @NaTaS- 15 років тому

    Except for the flouride in the water... if we can find a cheap way to filter that crap out we'll be good. I've been getting my water from a friends well for awile.
    and you would think a dollar store or 99 cent store would be cheap but their canned goods are usualy 30 cents more than they would be at the supermarket.
    just don't buy name brand and try to buy foods in bulk and you should be okay

  • @MeesNukk
    @MeesNukk 15 років тому

    I used to live on 5 quid a week last autumn...

  • @gamebozco
    @gamebozco 15 років тому

    it work out great, for a week in 2007 somewhere in USA.
    o yea, politicians eating cheap is worthy of pointing out.

  • @ComedyLoverGirl
    @ComedyLoverGirl 11 років тому +1

    Step 1: NEVER EVER eat out. EVER. Eat the same stuff everyday. Never buy anything unless it is reduced to the clearance center. Never buy fast food. Don't buy pre-cooked food. Do not bake a single cake, or use the oven for anything. Buy every box of bruised old fruit you can find. Buy the bones that the butcher doesn't want anymore that are usually donated to the dog pound. Pack your lunch yourself. Eat every piece of leftovers, no crumbs allowed.
    Scource: First hand experience from my mother.

  • @HKichen
    @HKichen 15 років тому

    U know, calling people idiot doesn't make u a smartass.
    And since boiling is soooo redundant, why do we have kettles? Or would u be so kind as to state ur source to prove ur point. And just so u know, i am only 13.
    (hey man, i am always learning and i am happy that u tell me new info, thanks! :)
    Sorry if i have offended ya, not intended. Thanks again. :D

  • @vanddelor
    @vanddelor 15 років тому


  • @MegaAwesomeMe1
    @MegaAwesomeMe1 13 років тому

    LOL he got his eggs in a bowl and put a toy chicken with it lol

  • @BrunoThePup93
    @BrunoThePup93 13 років тому

    ok, the tap water thing... If u live next to a flowing river, tap is ok. but where i am, there are too many chemicals and crap in the water. and the brita filters dont do shit to make the water better.

  • @NekoSamaIru
    @NekoSamaIru 11 років тому

    Might come in handy when I go to USA! Lol! Hope not!!

  • @epicpup
    @epicpup 13 років тому

    @sophiatoontown ya, i know that but why??

  • @Buckland951
    @Buckland951 13 років тому

    You will need: An extremely low budget
    Step one: Go to college
    Step two: Get used to ramen, that's all you'll be eating for a while

  • @MegaAwesomeMe1
    @MegaAwesomeMe1 13 років тому

    @mrgdog400 what if you want to live a healthy life style?

  • @rain13bow
    @rain13bow 15 років тому

    lol at the egg part he put a little chicken toy in there o_O

  • @jean6826
    @jean6826 14 років тому

    What was that red thing he put inside the bowl with eggs?

  • @wordreet
    @wordreet 15 років тому

    Water is good.
    But it has probably been added to most of your cheap pre packaged meat products. So buy a smaller piece of organic meat for the same price, and inject your own tap water.
    Add around 20/30% water to fruit juice.
    Use Fairtrade tea bags more than once by putting them in a small airtight container in between times.
    Drink weaker coffee, then your Fairtrade or organic product will last longer, and only cost the same as a cheaper brand.
    What else? Fast food always overpriced.

  • @severusllama9466
    @severusllama9466 12 років тому

    1:24 chicken lol :D

  • @ellenino
    @ellenino 13 років тому +1

    @mrgdog400 :( In Australia we have a $2 menu... and its crap haha

  • @sly1cool54
    @sly1cool54 15 років тому

    ikr cuz when i try 2 get a couple peices its like all frozen 2 one peice

  • @bridawsel
    @bridawsel 14 років тому +1

    @Sammykm1234 I noticed that too. xD
    I love Chowder. x3

  • @HeartaQ
    @HeartaQ 15 років тому

    But it takes electricity to boil it. So you would have to pay for it too.

  • @BrunoThePup93
    @BrunoThePup93 13 років тому +1

    @ryuwar6 im scared to find out...

  • @codypg
    @codypg 15 років тому

    the chicken in the bowl wtf lol

  • @myusernamesisawesome
    @myusernamesisawesome 10 років тому

    actually tap water isn't the same, considering where I live they use chlorine to clean it

    • @xxALEXIZBEASTxx
      @xxALEXIZBEASTxx 10 років тому +1

      where i live if u want tap water you gotta drill your own well lol

  • @bobhale4095
    @bobhale4095 12 років тому +1

    1:24 - 1:32 superlol

  • @cycla
    @cycla 15 років тому

    did the 28 bucks plan work out for them?

  • @_donalt
    @_donalt 15 років тому

    Oh yeah? In Sweden everyone drinks tap water. I never seen water in a bottle. But we maybe have better water..

  • @zankar
    @zankar 13 років тому

    Eggs. Cheap and packed with protein.
    - Bear Grylls -

  • @Miikaika25
    @Miikaika25 13 років тому

    I currently spend like 100 a month on groceries, I'm trying to cut that down, I eat only health and all natural foods.

  • @smellybottom2733
    @smellybottom2733 8 років тому +1

    That bowl of eggs contains 4x more cholesterol than you should eat in a day.

  • @alleyhanai
    @alleyhanai 15 років тому

    What about boiled water/?

  • @Arc_Viper
    @Arc_Viper 15 років тому

    I guess leaving traces of salava on dairy products would act as a catylist to the breakdown process.

  • @keritako
    @keritako 15 років тому

    If you're scared of drinking TAP water, buy a filter. (like Brita filters) FILTERED water tastes better.

  • @bahiyyah19
    @bahiyyah19 15 років тому

    It does have fluoride in the tap water and its also whats making kids sick

  • @DrakePlatinum
    @DrakePlatinum 13 років тому

    What's tap water

  • @bahiyyah19
    @bahiyyah19 15 років тому

    Actually contrary to popular belief if you do the proper research you will find that fluoride is the cause of tooth decay

  • @IcyShock123
    @IcyShock123 15 років тому

    *drops the fruit lol

  • @Deadkyd
    @Deadkyd 13 років тому

    Step one dont eat at all, done, wait SEND IN THE MOTHERFUCKING CLOWNS

  • @jaminiduck
    @jaminiduck 13 років тому

    @iBePandaBear ys i know miracle whip rocks

  • @some5672
    @some5672 15 років тому

    spot on ;D

  • @fruit202
    @fruit202 15 років тому

    public libraries have free comp use.

  • @brandyearthitisourhome1761
    @brandyearthitisourhome1761 5 років тому

    Moo paste is glue for cows

  • @Electricspaceodyssey
    @Electricspaceodyssey 15 років тому

    "It's ironic how they would make an "eat cheaply" video for people who CANNOT afford food. HOWEVER, the only way they would view this video is by a computer. Here's a better idea for people out there looking for food but can't afford any, sell your computer. "
    my computer allows me to find jobs, talk to friends who moved to other countrys without paying a huge phone bill, study, play, listen/create music, imo a computer CAN be in some cases more important/usefull than a car.

  • @lunanoble7815
    @lunanoble7815 12 років тому +1

    moo paste? EEEEW!

  • @mistaben2k
    @mistaben2k 15 років тому

    Buy seeds and grow vegetables,it's cheap and tastes better.

  • @nickelboy2
    @nickelboy2 14 років тому

    step 1 go to the homeless line hahahahahha

  • @idkname657
    @idkname657 13 років тому

    @mrgdog400 you need a $1.10 for something on the dollar menu

  • @Allinmyworld
    @Allinmyworld 15 років тому

    yeah newspaper is cheaper for coupons

  • @HKichen
    @HKichen 15 років тому

    When the vid said "get over the craze", it did not mean that it wouldn't cost u ur health. It's better to be safe than sorry.
    HAHAHAHHAHA! Man, have u been to india? I can bet u 100 bucks that if u drink their water (unless u live there :p) that u will have a stomach upset. Everyone i know says so. I can from Singapore in case u were wondering. The water here is clean but it's better to be safe than sorry. Because going to the docs is going to cost me alot more that drinking 100% clean water.

  • @SeanCopyright
    @SeanCopyright 13 років тому +1

    hahaha xD =P Lmao

  • @Tailix
    @Tailix 15 років тому

    Good Point. But ive been drinking it all my life and I haven't exactly turn into a zombie (Yet).

  • @ICzar13
    @ICzar13 15 років тому

    Ha HA my mom makes us do this every day!
    so far i don't mind

  • @rainbowkitten8990
    @rainbowkitten8990 3 роки тому

    Are we the only people who always drink tap water? We pop ours in the fridge.

  • @johnied8509
    @johnied8509 15 років тому

    I have to disagree with some parts of the video 1.TAP water taste nasty.2.eggs does raise high cholestorol.

  • @Poefred
    @Poefred 13 років тому

    i HATE bottled water. I would drink it if i had to but bottled water just tastes gross to me =P

  • @heartdyedpurple
    @heartdyedpurple 13 років тому

    @reanimat0r21 Well I hope you got a perfect diet then. Otherwise flouride is the least of your troubles.

  • @justinfrost
    @justinfrost 15 років тому

    oats 'n' water, what more do you need?

  • @epicpup
    @epicpup 13 років тому

    wtf did he put the chicken in the bowl at 1:24???

  • @wordreet
    @wordreet 15 років тому

    My cats wash them selves. No need for any ultimatewertman here then.

  • @Sammykm1234
    @Sammykm1234 14 років тому

    Kimchee!! =D!!!

  • @Aubsies
    @Aubsies 15 років тому

    I drink tap water all the time and I'm neither poisoned nor a zombie. It really depends on where you live, but in the end, bottled water is the dumbest thing anyone can buy. If you're worried about the quality of your tap water, get a brita filter and a reusable bottle. Better for you, the environment and your wallet. Win-win-win.

  • @Corvo131
    @Corvo131 13 років тому

    is that TED MOSBY ? xD

  • @lyndonrules
    @lyndonrules 13 років тому

    a delicious mixture of poof and nuts