It would be nice to see an updated version of this soon with 10bit scope and faster measure recording interval for process data, it's decent for most jobs not for fiddly sensor stuff. Kind of annoying having to use a separate data recorder for that and losing all the ruggedness and ease of use these things have.
This is a 40 MHz hand held time domain instrument with many important measurement features such as harmonics characterization and power measurements and we're talking about temperature measurements.
Hello there, I have bough new 124B and dropped the memory saving period to 1 min for test. It supposed to save 1 minutes data (Volt channel A) but it does not show any saved file? (btw, probe A was not connected with any source.
Hi there - We're sorry to hear you are experiencing this issue and would like to help. Please contact our Technical Support Team at 1-800-443-5853 or Thank you!
Those suspenders she's wearing are awesome.
It would be nice to see an updated version of this soon with 10bit scope and faster measure recording interval for process data, it's decent for most jobs not for fiddly sensor stuff. Kind of annoying having to use a separate data recorder for that and losing all the ruggedness and ease of use these things have.
This is a 40 MHz hand held time domain instrument with many important measurement features such as harmonics characterization and power measurements and we're talking about temperature measurements.
I need more explanation on bus health measurement
Hello there, I have bough new 124B and dropped the memory saving period to 1 min for test. It supposed to save 1 minutes data (Volt channel A) but it does not show any saved file? (btw, probe A was not connected with any source.
In manuals and this video only mention INTERVAL 0.5s canthis device change to 0.1s for example?
125B product included the Calibration Certification from Fluke Manufacturer like Fluke 985 right?
Hi there - Did you purchase your Fluke 125B from a Fluke Authorized Distributor?
I need to figure out how to use this feature.
Hi there - We're sorry to hear you are experiencing this issue and would like to help. Please contact our Technical Support Team at 1-800-443-5853 or Thank you!
@@fluke ok I will fix...
Cool. 👍👍👍👍Price in Brazil? 🕵🕵🕵🕵
Find your most convenient distributor here for pricing info:
7:35🤣 like the rest of the world.