Oh this was such a great sermon by a true legendary man, Dr Chuck Swindoll! God has used him mightily throughout all these many years. Thank you so much for sharing this beautiful sermon with us!!! God Bless!
I love my brother in Christ , Chuck from a new baby in the Lord to a growing believer. His ministry, teachings have always been a encouragement and a correction from time to time . Chuck to me isn’t a apologist per say , but his style of down to earth approach is different from so many. I know some who don’t appreciate his approach to the scriptures but it is his calling. It is different from most but we are all members of the body of Christ and all the members are not the same ( fingers are not toes - hands are not knees ETC… I’ve read a few of his books and really enjoyed and appreciate his style of teaching. Just a opinion from a B.I.C.
I love to read the quotes from Chuck Swindol, Chuck Smith , A.W.Tozer, C.H.Spurgeon ,M. Luther , J. Mc Arthur- faithful servants and teachers of GOD. Men who have been lead by the Holy Spirit , not perfect but in love with their Savior. It is one of my favorite sermons by Chuck , I am not a pastor but I have met many who were boars in God’s vineyard. My favorite one is being asked to intervene between a drunk , scorned, armed husband and the pastor who was having a affair with his wife. I wish that I could say it was a lone incident but it isn’t. I accidentally overheard 2 pastors at a church BBQ discussing some of their women in the church. It is the same conversation that you would hear at most bars . If you notice I left out all the sordid details and the denominations , no need to pump up someone’s flesh.
God has only saved, helped, shielded, enabled and protected me. It's all about choice and spending time with Him. If we don't call out to Him for help, He can't help us.
God has blessed him , his teachings are so down to earth ,so easily to understand . I lovingly call him a church father in the line of Tozer, Spurgeon, Graham, Ravi, Smith, Luther not perfect no one is, but a faithful servant of GOD
Titus 3:10-11 ...After several warnings - enough is enough. (He has no interest in solving the REAL issue. He continues in the same fleshly sin. He knows it). Good girl, you stepped up to the plate, confronting his twisted thinking, hoping for restoration.
Chuck, this is not about me but did you take a look at Hebrews 11:39-40...its about "us" WE ALL GET TO DO THIS IF WE WILL...Watchman on the Wall, here...Blessings!
Greg, you look just like Fred Mertz. You should write your next useless book on the I Love Lucy Show. You could play Fred and save some money, which, for you is all you care about.
How could you dislike a true servant of GOD, he is of course is not perfect .But to say he doesn’t teach the truth is a huge exaggeration. His ministry has blessed thousands possibly millions over the years, what has your ministry accomplished ?. Not meant a critique, but hopefully a wake up call, humility, grace, love , encouragement are any of your comments in this vein ?.Hopefully you have grown since this comment, I have worked with many bitter people over the years, time doesn’t heal all wounds, bitterness grows.
A man who speaks well (seems to be intelligent) but is deathly ill... Do not tolerate him. Confront and deal with his deeds of the flesh. He pretended to serve Christ.
Appreciate wisdom: God is still, God and I am not. " I pray for Pastor Swindol, today as thanks to father God for his servant
Oh this was such a great sermon by a true legendary man, Dr Chuck Swindoll! God has used him mightily throughout all these many years. Thank you so much for sharing this beautiful sermon with us!!! God Bless!
Godly Brother,Passonite Pastor, Grateful for Ministry.
Mastered in the educational school of sorrows & strife. PHD in Life.
I love my brother in Christ , Chuck from a new baby in the Lord to a growing believer. His ministry, teachings have always been a encouragement and a correction from time to time . Chuck to me isn’t a apologist per say , but his style of down to earth approach is different from so many. I know some who don’t appreciate his approach to the scriptures but it is his calling. It is different from most but we are all members of the body of Christ and all the members are not the same ( fingers are not toes - hands are not knees ETC… I’ve read a few of his books and really enjoyed and appreciate his style of teaching. Just a opinion from a B.I.C.
God is still God, and I'm still not." -Michael W. Smith
"It is doubtful that God can use anyone, until He has hurt him DEEPLY!" A.W. Tozer
I love to read the quotes from Chuck Swindol, Chuck Smith , A.W.Tozer, C.H.Spurgeon ,M. Luther , J. Mc Arthur- faithful servants and teachers of GOD. Men who have been lead by the Holy Spirit , not perfect but in love with their Savior. It is one of my favorite sermons by Chuck , I am not a pastor but I have met many who were boars in God’s vineyard. My favorite one is being asked to intervene between a drunk , scorned, armed husband and the pastor who was having a affair with his wife. I wish that I could say it was a lone incident but it isn’t. I accidentally overheard 2 pastors at a church BBQ discussing some of their women in the church. It is the same conversation that you would hear at most bars . If you notice I left out all the sordid details and the denominations , no need to pump up someone’s flesh.
God has only saved, helped, shielded, enabled and protected me. It's all about choice and spending time with Him. If we don't call out to Him for help, He can't help us.
The more effective the leadership, the higher the price... Father, I have been a fool.
A prince of preachers...
Great sermon. Everyone needs to hear this...every Christian and every leaders in the church.
God has blessed him , his teachings are so down to earth ,so easily to understand . I lovingly call him a church father in the line of Tozer, Spurgeon, Graham, Ravi, Smith, Luther not perfect no one is, but a faithful servant of GOD
Most excellent message!
Good message! Very true. Someone needed to preach it.
Psalm 119:71 "It was good for me to be afflicted, so I might learn your decrees!"
Yes...but that is not license to bring affliction on others.
Beware of the wolves... Stand firm! Be stern! .... NEVER EVER let the betrayer define you, EVER!
Titus 3:10-11 ...After several warnings - enough is enough. (He has no interest in solving the REAL issue. He continues in the same fleshly sin. He knows it).
Good girl, you stepped up to the plate, confronting his twisted thinking, hoping for restoration.
Chuck, this is not about me but did you take a look at Hebrews 11:39-40...its about "us" WE ALL GET TO DO THIS IF WE WILL...Watchman on the Wall, here...Blessings!
Amen Please listen Proverbs 3:3-6
Psalm 115:3. Someday, I wanna ask God, "Why didn't You stop these "boars" that were bent on trampling the vineyard.
I cannot trust ANY man that has not known pain DEEPLY.
Do not be deceived by their flattery.
Never let a dragon try and convince you that you're a failure - EVER!
Joel Olstien
Volume too low
I have actually seen this happen twice.
"Never get in a spittin match with a skunk. Even if you win, you come out smell in' bad!" -Country Farmer
From the book, "Well intentioned Dragons". ...beware of the charming dragons, who undermine and vandalize relationships.
Love Gary Larson! ....Bummer of a birthmark Angie - don't be a target for Wolves....
Beware! There will always be deceives with duplicitous actions...
Greg, you look just like Fred Mertz. You should write your next useless book on the I Love Lucy Show. You could play Fred and save some money, which, for you is all you care about.
You wouldn't know the truth if it bit you Swindoll!!!
How could you dislike a true servant of GOD, he is of course is not perfect .But to say he doesn’t teach the truth is a huge exaggeration. His ministry has blessed thousands possibly millions over the years, what has your ministry accomplished ?. Not meant a critique, but hopefully a wake up call, humility, grace, love , encouragement are any of your comments in this vein ?.Hopefully you have grown since this comment, I have worked with many bitter people over the years, time doesn’t heal all wounds, bitterness grows.
A man who speaks well (seems to be intelligent) but is deathly ill... Do not tolerate him. Confront and deal with his deeds of the flesh. He pretended to serve Christ.