Brian Carn "Excerpt from Message on Sin" about Bishop Eddie Long - April 2010

  • Опубліковано 25 жов 2024


  • @Major2219
    @Major2219 14 років тому +13

    Yeah Brian Carn be seeing stuff!! I chat with him every time he comes to St.Louis! He sees stuff in people that is true!!!

  • @geraldreed6179
    @geraldreed6179 4 роки тому +5

    He preaching hard! I’ll say amen to this preaching

  • @Marsena
    @Marsena 14 років тому +4

    Thank God for preachers who will not sugarcoat the truth! We need more preaching like this. How are people supposed to know right from wrong if the pastor is handling sin with kid gloves? Preach on Prophet Carn so sinners can get saved!

  • @jackiehill239
    @jackiehill239 8 років тому +18

    He isn't the only one ! Many shall be uncovered. .

  • @loviewilliams243
    @loviewilliams243 4 роки тому +5

    You better tell Prophet !! I love it keep it 100 Hallelujah - Hallelujah!!!

    • @kimhogan2266
      @kimhogan2266 2 роки тому

      We Need The Truth Thank you God.

    • @kimhogan2266
      @kimhogan2266 2 роки тому


  • @hevynlove
    @hevynlove 10 років тому +5


  • @MrTootall83
    @MrTootall83 4 роки тому +3

    Many preachers dont speak on certain things, but if God called you to preach His Word they are not suppose to hold back. Many will not touch certain subjects cause if they did guess what that money will leave them. Sin is sin and lots of preachers speak on the blessing plans instead of coming out of our sins. If we obey His word will be blessed.

  • @teresablake2184
    @teresablake2184 3 роки тому +2

    Preach it Brain Carn you tell the truth in Jesus name

  • @darknluv
    @darknluv 12 років тому +8


  • @chandraatkins2919
    @chandraatkins2919 3 роки тому +2

    Prophet Carn you you you you better preach !!!!! Man of god preach holiness!!!!!

  • @Marsena
    @Marsena 14 років тому +5

    WOW! What a sad, confused mess! Thank God for the truth of His Word. Preach, young man of God!!!

  • @cenethiacollins
    @cenethiacollins 9 років тому +17

    Uncover the sin prophet... Be God's mouth piece don't let ppl stop u from being real. That's what's wrong today. The mighty dollar, but when a real man stands up against wrong ppl CNT handle the truth....don't continue to lie to your congregation in secret god will expose u in public.. Keep preaching prophet carn...

    • @markcollins8971
      @markcollins8971 4 роки тому

      From one Collins to another Collins AMEN sis the truth will set you free I agree with everything you said..... Amen Amen Amen

  • @TrueProphetic
    @TrueProphetic  14 років тому +2

    @0520demi1979 I'm not carn, but here the vision spoken on Jan 2010 is in the description box.
    Also, this audio is from Det,MI April 2010.
    Eph 5:11
    "And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them."

  • @sherryamanfor6726
    @sherryamanfor6726 9 років тому +6

    Amen Prophet

    @1KINGTALK 14 років тому

    How does this edify the Body of Christ? Lord have mercy on us....

  • @NurseTaunya
    @NurseTaunya 14 років тому +1

    I am speechless. This speech speaks of the ignorance in the church. What really takes it to the next level for me is the fact that people actually follow this pastor. OMG

  • @CharacterCorner
    @CharacterCorner 14 років тому +1

    Wow. God is exposing the hearts of all that say they are his.

  • @carolynjohnson7206
    @carolynjohnson7206 6 років тому +1

    I need prayer for a home to move out.God can deal with my ex-husband.divorced after 25 years.His time is up,God can make him pay up.Its been so hard for 12 years.

  • @HighHeelsAndPonytails
    @HighHeelsAndPonytails 4 роки тому +2

    I was at this service!

    • @vikkicarr3255
      @vikkicarr3255 3 роки тому

      Now Carn is in a mess! I know he’s anointed but 2021 was his own exposure! God not playing with anyone. Holiness is still right💯

  • @cameelsmith1335
    @cameelsmith1335 10 років тому +11

    Prophet I could help you preach this one.....Oh Lord.....I bless the Lord for you brother.....

  • @kimberlysangster1439
    @kimberlysangster1439 4 роки тому +1

    Preach man you telling the truth

  • @teresablake1118
    @teresablake1118 Рік тому

    Preach it prophet Brain Carn you tell the truth ❤

  • @andreabanks7701
    @andreabanks7701 Рік тому

    Got to speak truth thank you Jesus Amen now preach

  • @hersheyslim
    @hersheyslim 14 років тому +1

    @Kmcmill8 TRUE INDEED, but always keep this passage with you. Luke 14:11 "For all who exalt themselves will be humbled, and those who humble themselves will be exalted." What's wrong is wrong! Eddie Long, Brian Carn, you and ME! All of us have a looooooooong way to go and still won't be worthy of his grace. So the next time you send that prayer up, don't say "LORD I MAY BE A LOT OF THINGS, BUT I'M NOTHING LIKE....." This is why most people choose not to believe in GOD....Too Many Rules!!!

  • @malakacogdell4708
    @malakacogdell4708 8 років тому +5

    Lord Jesus!

  • @TheGodinme88
    @TheGodinme88 12 років тому +4

    I agree!!!

  • @Neshanell
    @Neshanell 13 років тому

    @107dragonfly thank you finally someone commenting with sense what's done in the dark comes to light...the doors is opened and things do get exposed my Lord and God will not be mocked he chesites those that he loves and those that are his kids if he didn't he wouldn't be a just God and those who know him really know him know that, that is a BIG lie God doesn't lie...

  • @whitfieldmusic1
    @whitfieldmusic1 13 років тому

    @TheAVoice yes we are in need of a great awakening! Like you said people think they can live any kind of way Monday-Saturday and then come to church on Sunday and they're okay. And they're comparing themselves to other people in the church instead of comparing themselves to Christ who is the only standard we should be looking @. People are not living holy or set apart from the world and that is why Christianity in America is so diluted because no one sees a difference from us and the world!

  • @roslynwilliams4917
    @roslynwilliams4917 9 років тому +2


  • @22marland
    @22marland 13 років тому +1

    Funny thing is, that conversation probably did happen word for word between him and the Atlanta preacher. He just didn't tell his congregation that he and the other preacher were flirting with each other! [Atlanta Preacher...."Bishop, I'm gonna invite you to come. I'm gonna bless you real good! You can preach, but don't bother my sissies."] [Eddie Long..."Oh you don't want me to come preach at your church, because the first one I'm gonna hit is you!"]

  • @chandraatkins2919
    @chandraatkins2919 3 роки тому

    God chose you !!!!!!

  • @ablessing1967
    @ablessing1967 13 років тому +1

    Have I become your enemy becuz I tell you the truth! Woe if I preach not the gospel. It is better to warn the people to "Come out" of their sin than it is to let them be comfortable in it. Why is hatred of sin criticized? The Lord says 2 hate sin! He doesn't come off angry with the person, he's indignant that the person was overtaken & in a position to lead many others down a path of destruction yet he would not take heed to REPENT! THE FEAR OF GOD MUST RETURN. Can't judge! PRAY! That is LOVE!

  • @charity205
    @charity205 13 років тому

    @ Novjah I am sorry if i offended anyone! I repent i should have kept my comments to myself an just continue to pray for us as a body. God bless you!

  • @TrueProphetic
    @TrueProphetic  14 років тому

    @SLAPSTIXMIX I'm not gay and You are referring to the wrong person. I'm actually in agreement with you. :)

  • @shieldsff
    @shieldsff 13 років тому

    @FitnessMinded - yes, it was a Supernaturally, incomprehensible LOVING God who over & over & over & over for years and decades warned the people and their leaders to repent and GIVE UP THEIR SELF-DESTRUCTIVE BEHAVIORS before it was too late... God was given unmistakable warnings that their actions would result in destruction and ruin. That's great LOVE to do so.

  • @TrollingFoLikes
    @TrollingFoLikes 14 років тому

    @SLAPSTIXMIX leave sin. And I stand by my previous. WE as church folks are always the 1st to hail the exposure and public humiliation of another. But let the tables turn and that light get turned on us. We're ready to leave the church and curse the preacher. Like I said. Before you find pleasure in someone else's humiliation make sure your own isn't next. Where I come from we're taught to reverence exposure of sin in others when it does occur and rather than celebrate someone else's open shame..

  • @TrueProphetic
    @TrueProphetic  14 років тому +1

    @Kmcmill8 Jesus: "O generation of vipers"
    "Ye serpents, ye generation of vipers"
    "Ye fools and blind"
    "Go and tell that fox"
    "for ye are like unto whited sepulchres, which indeed appear beautiful outward, but are within full of dead men's bones."

  • @beautyjbfnc
    @beautyjbfnc 14 років тому +2

    @nogerdsurg AMEN X10 ... DELIVERANCE IS AVAILABLE TO ALL!!!!!!!

  • @shawae3
    @shawae3 14 років тому

    This was made before the allegations I was there personally as well as other members of my family. I am not saying this either because I am being paid for it or taking sides, truth is the truth.

  • @jetaime1982
    @jetaime1982 14 років тому

    @krissynatural I totally agree with you. If I didn't know who the Lord was and had to depend on people to show me Him, this would turn me completely off from Him. Hate whether in speech or in deed has never caused a person to come to a place of repentence and this is why the church is in the state it's in today -- wounded and exposed.

  • @prettyboyj011
    @prettyboyj011 14 років тому +1

    We should not judge him but rather read Galation 6:1, and pray that God restore him. Not defending his sin. this can happen to anyone who not spiritual or prayed up. thats the scripture!!!!

  • @TrollingFoLikes
    @TrollingFoLikes 14 років тому

    @SLAPSTIXMIX man has done. i sit under one of the old school brimstone and fire pastors. He takes no tea for the fever and he pulls no stops. He got a prophetic gift and spirit of discernment like none i've ever seen. But the Lord has also given him class, finesse and the abilty to decipher when and who to come at and how. Sometimes it takes a hard hand yes. But there's a difference between that and this self-serving public spectacle. if this man were interested in redemption he'd have delivered

  • @ByrdBonneBouche
    @ByrdBonneBouche 14 років тому

    These are MEN not GOD's. They are imperfect as we all are. If we worried more about what we see in the mirror, than what we see on our televisions, internet, etc... This world would be a better place.

  • @EventsExtraordinair1
    @EventsExtraordinair1 14 років тому

    This was preached at our church in Detroit April 2010 for our womens conference. However we can't say it was Bishop Long becasue he never said a name we can always make an assumption but remember it could be wrong.

  • @TheGodinme88
    @TheGodinme88 12 років тому +1

    I believe God in this man's life!

  • @ablessing1967
    @ablessing1967 13 років тому

    For the record, I don't know whether what is alleged about Bishop Long to be truth or a lie. Only God knows and Bishop Long. But the message still has relevancy in dealing with SIN in the church.

  • @TrueProphetic
    @TrueProphetic  14 років тому

    Just because you are gay doesn't make others gay.
    Here is what the bible says about being gay:
    "And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet.
    "Who knowing the judgment of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them."
    (Romans 1)

  • @nataliebuys4881
    @nataliebuys4881 5 років тому


  • @shieldsff
    @shieldsff 13 років тому

    Actually,it's not that you "lose salvation" (If we are born again, confess our sins and seek the Kingdom of God we are in the hands of the Father and no one can snatch us out). Rather, if we have a life-style of willfulness, rebellion and hatred of righteousness, it's maybe that we do not really know Jesus or have serious flaws in our foundational knowledge about the deliverance the atonement & resurrection of Jesus has done for us in THIS life. Jesus will separate the wheat & tares

  • @ToKnnowHim333
    @ToKnnowHim333 14 років тому

    Wonder if he can be used as a witness...but seriously If he knew about this, then a whole lot of other people knew, which is sick. I believe a lot of people in leadership are going to be held accountable for this and all the other hidden mess in the pulpit. May God have mercy on the their souls.

  • @HeKnowsMyWay
    @HeKnowsMyWay 14 років тому

    Even Satan and his dark angels know...THE WORD! So, it goes without saying that a human 'performer' could as well. This seems so salacious! The WORD of GOD says if a brother is caught in a trespass.... well, read it for your selves. This came across as exposure and not for the 'restoring' of a Brother.

  • @TrollingFoLikes
    @TrollingFoLikes 14 років тому +3

    He seems suspect himself to me. He has no room to out another. He seems like he's in the sameboat and working hard to hide it. People need to remember when you point the finger there are 3 pointing back

  • @HeKnowsMyWay
    @HeKnowsMyWay 14 років тому

    And I can tell you that so many men who are so verbally aggressive with name calling are those who are battling a lot of issues of their own. There IS NO WAY you are going to win a soul FOR CHRIST by bashing and ridiculing them. They get that from the world

  • @TrollingFoLikes
    @TrollingFoLikes 14 років тому

    @sg960 And you're right! And just cosigned my point. John pointed out to Herod his sin! Not the whole world. Additionally, John was not showing signs of being in the same sin he was pointing out in another. Homosexual "sin" is something that shows itself in the way the person walks and talks. And this man who calls himself a prophet is dripping with signs on the same thing he's trying to call out in another.

  • @mrwhatever213
    @mrwhatever213 13 років тому

    @eyezwideopen1 you speak the truth. God is not a hippie.

  • @tutennis2002
    @tutennis2002 14 років тому

    "Judge not, that you be not judged. 2For with the judgment you pronounce you will be judged, and with the measure you use it will be measured to you. 3Why do you see the speck that is in your brother’s eye, butdo not notice the log that is in your own eye?

  • @shawade1
    @shawade1 14 років тому

    Like father, like son. The saying goes "Children are a product of their environment", so what's that's saying about the parents. HUMMMMMMMMM! GOD's cleaning house, WATCH OUT! He's bringing down these wicked, unrighteous houses that these false teachers, preacher, prophets has set up. GOD's getting ready to shut them down! AMEN. That's a word. Church do you have an ear to hear what the spirit of the LORD is saying??????

  • @newlife05
    @newlife05 14 років тому

    He has a gift, those are given with no prerequisites. He needs wisdom, needs to learn love and probably be introduced to Christ and his message. He is a loose cannon and needs to be careful. When you blast and go uncovering for the sake of christ, just wait your turn. Its gonna be a performance. CHRISTIAN CANNIBALISM

  • @Fly444
    @Fly444 13 років тому

    @TheAVoice You also made a good point, but don't beat on em!

  • @hersheyslim
    @hersheyslim 14 років тому

    @0520demi1979 Great question!!! But check out "Brian Carn - "Spirit of Perversion and Deception In the Church" video. It was said to be added to you tube in February but people didn't want to believe it was true. It even shows responses to the video 7 months ago. We know E. Long isn't perfect, and we are all born sinners but we all have to face judgement too!

  • @cutiepie103
    @cutiepie103 14 років тому

    wow...if this is true minister carn...idk what to do but pray and ask god to get me and my discernment right.

  • @StayFitForLife77
    @StayFitForLife77 13 років тому

    @a1vocalcoachdotcom Preach on brother. I'm so sick and tired of preachers acting like they are holier than every one else.We are no one to judge.being a homosexual is a sin,but being a liar,a cheater and judging is also a sin also.I want homosexuals,liars,thieves,adulterers to all come to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ.I wonder what weaknesses does this man have that no one knows about??

  • @TrueProphetic
    @TrueProphetic  14 років тому +1

    @krissynatural Those are slangs for lesbians and homosexuals.

  • @sreneewise
    @sreneewise 14 років тому

    @cpdaedge I have a question to ask if you don't mind. Now I'm not being judgemental or anything like that, I promise you. But you've stated that you are gay, a preacher, and that you love the lord. I respect that you love him because I love him too. My question is this, what do you preach regarding homosexuality, or do you preach on it at all. What do you teach on how Our Lord and savior, that we both agree that we love, feels about homosexuality? I'm just curious, not passing judgment.

  • @cutiepie103
    @cutiepie103 14 років тому


  • @pinkhousemob
    @pinkhousemob 14 років тому +1

    @funkydyva What are you talking about? He never said anyones name

  • @springtyme77
    @springtyme77 14 років тому

    @TrueProphetic We also have 1Corinthians 6:9,10- Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived : neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind, Nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God.
    How is it possible to disregard the truth of the word that convicts our personal short comings and regard the word that convicts other's sins?

  • @HebrewJerusalemPrince777
    @HebrewJerusalemPrince777 10 місяців тому

    Lol that Whoaaaaaa!!! 😂😂😂 Our people messy

  • @riawlriawlriawl
    @riawlriawlriawl 13 років тому +1

    how do you people get Eddie Long from this. It could be anyone, Give me a break

  • @bryands86
    @bryands86 14 років тому

    Yall pray for this preacher. Recognize that Bishop Long was doing the same thing & now what are the accusations against Bishop Long? I pray for Carns.

  • @TrollingFoLikes
    @TrollingFoLikes 14 років тому

    @SLAPSTIXMIX we're taught to take an introspective look. To glory in the fact that he didn't execute judgment on us, yet and take it as a warning for our own lives. Nothing in the bible sanctions the type of approach this man used. No matter how many "personal" thoughts and justifications you come up with. How are you a follower of a deity but then say I don't believe he intended us to be just like him. I think he did that's why its the meek and not the loud mouth, arrogant and self righteous...

  • @charity205
    @charity205 13 років тому

    THis man is truly annointed but the love walk is not perfected.... Has the gifts definetley but is still a novice in the character of the fruit of the Spirit.... May he grow in his love and and may he grow in character. I pray that the form be broken off of this man of God and that he comes into the fullness of What YHWH has created him to be.

  • @mustangmy
    @mustangmy 13 років тому +2

    @VeryFunnyLady Jesus hated sin, if you knew the word !

  • @pinkhousemob
    @pinkhousemob 14 років тому +1

    @nogerdsurg AGREED!

  • @Jtompkins4
    @Jtompkins4 14 років тому +1

    Bishop Long would of NEVER ask u to Preach At New Birth...I dont even think ur SAVED!

  • @BogusJesus
    @BogusJesus 14 років тому

    @Restoration2006, How is your definition of God the right one? The last time I check Mithra, Zeus, Thor, Jupiter, Amen Ra, Jehovah, were all Gods. Which one is the right one? By the way, what travels at 186,000 miles per hour?

    • @justinjenkins6881
      @justinjenkins6881 3 роки тому

      Jehovah is the right god. Those other ones you mentioned are false gods. Jehovah is the true and only god.

  • @MrBigkel15
    @MrBigkel15 12 років тому +1

    @muhbiznaz25 I respectfully disagree wit you. Prophets also rebuked. Just like King David was rebuked by the prophet, Carn is also rebuking. Now he didn't call any names although he biblically had the right to.the prohet toldDavid that it was him(David) who he was speaking about. Also u mention doing it in private. If the sin was done in front of the public, then the rebuke can be done publicly.

  • @whitfieldmusic1
    @whitfieldmusic1 13 років тому +1

    @a1vocalcoachdotcom i think the thing was people are starting to accept homosexuality as it not being sin. And what he's trying to say that it is so don't let it creep into the church and reign freely. Most who are saved know that lying and stealing is a sin. But I see what you're saying when he called people pokemons and bulldaggers. But people get comfortable and start thinking things are ok and then they live and die in that sin.

  • @TrollingFoLikes
    @TrollingFoLikes 14 років тому

    I must agree with commentators who view this approach as abusing the prophetic gift. This is black "crabs in a barrellism" at its best. I have not read on one prophet of old in the scripture who openly outted the failures of kings, priests and leaders to Israel. Much of what was revealed to them was for them to pray, or to carry a message to the person God was frowning on and let them know they were in error and judgment was coming.
    Furthermore this was not prophetic, it was common sense...

  • @GozFavrd
    @GozFavrd 13 років тому

    I understand that what may have been done was wrong, but say things in love and be careful touching God's anointed. In addition, when exposing someone else make sure you examine yourself b/c when exposes someone else, it's usually b/c one may be dealing with the same thing, but versus having the light on them, they expose others. Help us Lord to deal with ourselves.

  • @enayb
    @enayb 14 років тому

    WOW !!! But how do we know for sure he was talking about Eddie Long?
    He never called his name. There are a lot of preachers in Atlanta who I can
    think of along with Eddie. who are questionable?????

  • @TrollingFoLikes
    @TrollingFoLikes 14 років тому

    He states he spoke to this man and he told him not to bother his "gay" members. That is not prophetic. That's putting 2 and 2 together. Duh.
    And regardless of what Eddie Long's sin is, and I unfortunately do believe the side of the victims here, its not to boast of beat this man down. He needs to be delivered. And that won't come by glorying in his exposure. He needs the prayers...and the victimized young men need prayers. We are so quick to rejoice in another's failures. Pray people! Pray!

  • @BogusJesus
    @BogusJesus 14 років тому

    @Restoration2006, since you are on here given the answers, tell me this; why did god create the devil? did god create something evil?

  • @TrollingFoLikes
    @TrollingFoLikes 14 років тому

    @SLAPSTIXMIX uuummmm... key word! the prophet WENT to David. He didn't have the harbringers publish it on his behalf. the goal was for the message to be glorified. Not the messenger. I don't care when the message was "given" to him. His claim that its prophetic is inauthentic in that he did not recieve divine revealation. He had a conversation where "a mysterious leader" told him not to bother his sissies. That's called reason and deduction. Dreams given to pharoah that served a purpose...

  • @mantawaz
    @mantawaz 12 років тому +1

    I dont know this brother...infact I jes bumped into this.However, even tho there are patterns and principles of GOD with the prophetic...all prophets will be different in their ministry....te question we ask is ...What is this guy's fruit...thats wat the LORD said we check ...the fruit of their loves. Because if u check him based on ur understanding of a prophet u can go wrong becoz u dont know all things and ur analysis might be wrong!

  • @cassidine612
    @cassidine612 14 років тому

    And now look at what's in the careful what you are sowing here. Don't throw no stones and rocks land harder to do more damage. And you do have a shadow, too! And one more least God gave you discernment to leave Eddie Long Alone...but your circle of "Godly Folks" knew and been knowing FOR LONGTIME, the Bishop was special. Ya'll just was quiet about it...And God knows your name too. Sit Down!

  • @springtyme77
    @springtyme77 14 років тому

    @nogerdsurg AMEN

  • @TrollingFoLikes
    @TrollingFoLikes 14 років тому

    @SLAPSTIXMIX Ummm. Personaly philosophies are the reason Jesus was ticked with the money changers. And yeah, he turned the table over in that instance. They were doing something highly disrespectful to God in a public manner. this man's sins were private and should have been addressed as such until the time he decided to rebel further against God. Its God's job to expose and judge. Its ours to hear his voice, spread his word, and as needed, state what his coming actions will be if people don't

  • @carolharmon3564
    @carolharmon3564 4 роки тому

    Hey my Babies.

  • @Mirre002
    @Mirre002 14 років тому

    @a1vocalcoachdotcom Brother, you are wrong and is not biblical when you say 'All sin is equal and the blood can cover all'. Mark 3:28 says that Blasphemy against the Holy Ghost is Unforgivable. Therefore, It's also a sin that can never be washed by the blood. I can provide you some other examples if you want but I believe this is sufficient to prove that all sin is not equal. Thx

  • @BogusJesus
    @BogusJesus 14 років тому

    @Restoration2006, Who wrote the bible? Was it not a bunch of Jewish lawyers?

  • @itsYourChance
    @itsYourChance 14 років тому

    @krissynatural Brians not speaking out of a Criticle Spirit. Jesus did call people "vipers" & "white washed tombs full of Dead mans Bones". Jesus was meek, which is to be under the Father/not living according to flesh reasoning & agendas of self or another man- so he was meek- but, he came to bring a sword & divide, expose thru judgement time,it starts @ the house of God. Its the Day. its time, examine your heart, as we all must. blessings, only as you follow the Spirit of GOD.

  • @love4christx77
    @love4christx77 14 років тому

    @SLAPSTIXMIX True it all flows in with the spirit of Jezebel.What Jezebel dose is takes the sin of the head and floods the body with that same sin.

  • @meshaluv09
    @meshaluv09 14 років тому +1

    @JMTGeorge I know that is rite u better say it!!!

  • @pinkhousemob
    @pinkhousemob 14 років тому

    @Kmcmill8 What are you taling about?

  • @TrollingFoLikes
    @TrollingFoLikes 14 років тому +1

    @sg960 Whoever looks at this man and cannot see he's obviously in the same boat as the person he's outting. Who cannot listen to his lisp and effiminate presentation and see that he's just as same sex oriented as the one he bashes is either a blind follower or someone whose exactly like him...hmmm...
    Furthermore. I'm a female...unfortunately female homosexuality is celebrated in this country. Unlike male homosexuality. So no need to hide in a closet. But FYI love. I'm very hetero! Thanks!

  • @cartern2207
    @cartern2207 14 років тому

    @Kmcmill8 Hardly seems "childish" if he says it in January or April, and then it comes true in September.

  • @TWhite1974
    @TWhite1974 14 років тому

    Krissynatural..........He called them Vipers!
    Matthew 23:32-34 (King James Version)
    32Fill ye up then the measure of your fathers.
    33Ye serpents, ye generation of vipers, how can ye escape the damnation of hell?
    34Wherefore, behold, I send unto you prophets, and wise men, and scribes: and some of them ye shall kill and crucify; and some of them shall ye scourge in your synagogues, and persecute them from city to city:

  • @TrollingFoLikes
    @TrollingFoLikes 14 років тому

    @SLAPSTIXMIX No it is ungodly. Nowhere in the bible is this type of delivery justified. When the Jesus dealt with the sinning population he confronted them in a personal environment and then offered them deliverance. He did not turn to his crowd of followers and say look at that harlot, look at that homosexual person over there. He certainly did not use the terms this man did. there is a fine line btwn taking a hardline approach and preaching old school redemption and repentance and what this..

  • @m.l.r9139
    @m.l.r9139 9 місяців тому

    When are you going to tell yourself? What does this have to do with saving souls…. Smh