As a parent of one who plays Minecraft, and seeing the parents in these interviews literally saying they use it as a babysitter or that they should be paying attention but their not just makes me want to die inside. They'd rather go through the hoops of getting on TV and all this publicity instead of just being like "hey, whatcha doin? Minecraft oh ok. Cool, don't talk to people online you don't know".
Plus i have yet to see ONE of them that i believe actually tried playing the game with their kid....if i had kids id set up a server for just my family and play minecraft with my kids all the time
@@SilverDusk1 gaming disorder is real, im not saying GAME BAD but gaming disorder is when you play games so much that you don't get a job and such so it is a problem, however gaming disorder ist just like 5 hours a day, ITS THE WHOLE DAY despite what parents think
i still remember hearing a kid jumped off a building thinking he was a pidgey. also how is pokemon bad. makes kids and adults go out more and socialize. im 31 and we had a group of 80 players in my city. we all knew eachother and we where respected and respected others. hell we even managed to once find a lost dog. and returned it the same day. we often have whatsapp messages like : dog lost this and that please help out near this area.
@@miciso666 True I had this friend who's mom never really approved of pokemon due to her thinking enabling pokemon is something akin to enabling the devil or something like that... He was able to play the game but not watch the anime... Pokémon's concept is Bug Catching which Satoshi the creater once did as a kids... Most Pokemon designs are based on many factors... Mythological Animals, Myths, Real Animals, and a variety of themes of almost anything in existance... Charizard looks like one would think of a stereotypical dragon... Blastoise is a giant tortoise with Water cannons on it's back... Venusaur is basically a Frog with a Palm tree on it's back... Exeggutor is based on Coconut Trees with it's face being the Coconuts... Muk is basically Toxic Sludge with a Face... Ditto is just blob like Slime... Lapras, Loch Ness... Eevee, Evolution... Mewtwo, Genetic Modification... Not necessarily their themes but concepts the allude to based on their design and fictional history... Even the newer Pokemon have the same level of design given deep meaning by what they were inspired by... Basculegion and Gyarados are based on carp jumping upstream over a water fall... Basculegion story focuses on the carps that don't make it... Gyarados story focuses on it being the carp that manages to make it up the falls... People who don't like anyone questioning their worldview has reach an unspeakable amount that we are no overrun by them... I kinda thought those types of people were the overly fanatical religious ones... But I stand corrected any can have this fanatical belief over something and will literally try to ruin lives just to get their way...
I like the hypocritical concerns: "This game is good for my child because he's being creative and focusing on the details. It's like playing with blocks, but he's making entire worlds. But he's also playing it too much, so I'm concerned." But great advice on making your own account and playing with your kids to understand it better.
Like I work in an office setting where my coworkers have kids that are the target audience for games like Minecraft and Roblox and Fortnite, and they express their worries over like harmful language being said because you could connect with ANYONE. And from a generational standpoint, it's fear of the unknown for parents to see children no longer be outside all day and instead be inside looking at a screen. The ACTUAL advice is really good, because it turns the worry from the parents into actual bonding time, and learning not just what their child is interested in but also how dangerous it ACTUALLY is (plus, then they'll have more drive to actually turn on parental controls lmao)
I remember extra credits saying once that even if you don’t want to play, sitting with them and researching stuff for them in the game is a valuable way for you to learn about the game and teach your kid the values of learning and gathering info. But when it comes to spending too much time on it yeah that’s hard especially if your always working. Your best bet would be to teach your kid time management skills at an early age, it will help them immensely later through life
im an uncle for 2 kids. and they love to play with me on my own realms server hosted by another familly. we have tons of fun. and the 2 uncles mostly just moderate and pay attention how much they play and what theyre doing. minecraft really is just playing with legos. without the downside of it being costly. and laying everywhere. plus they can keep the worlds as long as they want. but im sure once they grow up they will get bored of it. and yes we can even ''ban'' them for a few hours when they have to stop. but they ussually respect the play time.
you make a good point about how kids will find anything more fun than School and parents will flip their lids about it like "WHAT?! my child is more excited about a game than working hard??? that's just not sane!". i was a child who would get super distracted by all sorts of things and games was one of them but not the main issue. Hell! i brought toys and books i liked to school and that got me in more trouble than it was worth. Video Games are not the problem. the problem is that there isn't any one issue. Kids just don't like to be forced to learn. Kids hate school. that's not a fact: that's just nature. Hell, I'm getting into my early adult years and i hate the thought of going back to school.
I feel like if that's the case we really need to think about changing how the education system works if it's so boring children would rather do literally anything else
@@fugyfruit Giving public education more than the pathetic paper thin funding they get now would be the only reasonable start. The system has stagnated for decades and that's the problem.
7:58 That's actually solid advice for a parent worried about the game. Not only will you end up learning more about the game, it's much easier to convice your kids to do things related to their interests if they think you care about said interests. Heck, you might even find a new family bonding activity
Kids want to talk about their interests! So if you engage with your kid on their interests instead of shutting them down or calling them stupid/harmful/etc; surprise! Your kid might enjoy spending time with you more! And be more open to communicate with you! Who'd have thought???
My parents and other family members play Pokémon GO. It wasn’t out of a safety concern because I was 16 when the game came out, but they wanted to give it a try and ended up enjoying it way more than they expected.
@@MoeSzyslak20 Agreed. Fun and enjoyable? Yes. Actually teach you any applicable skills to a job? No. You will always have to get things done that you don't feel like doing, but theirs always time for some games and fun at the end of it.
me at 31... i kinda wanna play that. no joke :) my favourite mods are the technic based ones. alchemy and what not. and in servers im always that one dude that spends hours on these mods.
"Your child could stop wanting to go to school." Yeah that thing that's generally incredibly boring and sometimes a bad experience for children? Who would have thunk it?
its like being forced to do something for 12+ years straight wont make them burned out on it and hate it or something. but clearly its da crafting of mines causing problems
@【Blankitty】 there are alot of conference based DND games. My first one was roll20 which is pretty good and can be loads of fun when you find the right group. It's not the same as irl but it can sooth that DND itch. You might even stumble on a few people in your area that want to hide their "nerdy" hobby.
My mother hated games in the same way(including thinking pokemon was demonic) and wouldn't even allow me to have them. Her overbearing stance actually caused me to develop irresponsible gaming habits as a teenager, because I was passionate about them and essentially became conditioned to play them as much as possible whenever given the chance, never learning to moderate, and I was becoming too old for her to stop me from owning them. Point is, if it was that easy to restrict entirely, these lazy parents sure as hell can keep timmy's playtime at a reasonable level. Also don't suppress your kid's passion, it only gives them trust issues and makes them hate you later.
Speaking of your mom, the same parents confusing Pokémon of being "demonic" are thinking of Shin Megami Tensei. Except, that franchise is geared towards adults than small children. Otherwise bad parenting and Bible-Thumping can turn your kid into the real life Carrie White after aging to an adult with no common sense at all.
@@GothicSnowLeopardthis I completely completely agree. I grew up in that kind of parenting with my mom. The more you tell a kid don’t do something the more you push them into doing it. This is what parents mostly fail at.
I myself believe that the education system is just……too far behind in terms of keeping children interested in learning. It's been the exact same thing for me every single year with a laptop being thrown into the mix when I entered High School. Just learning through unnecessarily long notes and crap. Children (me included) play videogames because it's fun, it has a sense of creativity, and it gives you a sense of accomplishment (even if it's only for a little while). If you want children to be interested in education, make it in a way that the students will enjoy it as much as they enjoy videogames.
True, but the school systems are now killing creativity, making children's gifts, talents, dreams, and goals to be thrown on a trash. That's why I have a high Hatred on schools (except to any schools that have creativity and increasing student's potential and making them using their talents, gifts, dreams, and goals wisely.)
as someone currently reading this comment in class, can agree! It's hard to focus on constant rambling and speeches, really the only engagment students get given islike 1 project a year, I personally feel like there needs to be some more engagment factor, otherwise its just a pain to sit through
I'm so glad I never had parents who felt the need like to be on a news report like these and instead of embarrassing themselves they would actually know and even try the stuff I was playing.
"I have to tell him 10 times." Because you don't give him warning and he is in the middle of something. Imagine you as an adult had no clocks or sense of time and were told to stop reading that book in the climax. You'd read more. A simple but unfortunately common mistake.
This is why parents need to actually discipline their children when they don’t behave. If you just tell them to do something or make empty threats that you aren’t willing to follow through on, they’ll end up calling your bluff and stop listening to you.
"Imagine you as an adult had no clocks or sense of time..." I don't have to imagine for the "sense of time" part. It's an aggravating deficiency when you're in college. Also, I can completely confirm that you'd just keep doing whatever it is that you were doing to begin with.
I’ve had a “gaming disorder” since 1976. All my children were raised with at least one PC in the home ready for gaming and a minimum of at least two game consoles. They were introduced to arcade games and pinball. My grandchildren enjoy gaming. Teach these things in a positive light and teach them the negative things that can be involved in online gaming and they can handle themselves just fine.
I'm in your same boat Pump, I'm an OG gamer and have kids and grandkids who game, but it was my sons and grandson who introduced me to MC, been playing for about 3 years now and still love it and see no issues with the interaction and creativity of the game.
This is basically the same "conversation" about every popular video game that ever existed. I mean even before online gaming was a thing. Always the non-gaming parents who only know computers through work that hear of one story about a kid getting abducted via chat phishing/social engineering and get bent out of shape. If you care, learn the tech and ask your kid questions of a sort they engage and want to share. Don't insult the game's graphics or what you perceive as odd playing mechanics. Also learn what other apps are being used. Sadly part of most conversations - even today, which makes me rage a bit - are parents/people who can't even figure out how to turn on devices let alone run the game itself.
I think the main problem is how parents don't supervise their child when they play video games/go on the Internet. Remember, this is your child. It's your job to take care of him, not the Internet.
Minecraft doesn't actively encourage kids not to go to school. In fact, there is literally a splash text that can pop up that says "Stay In School!" but ignorant parents wouldn't know that because you have to watch the splash text frequently to see that pop up.
parents be like "son could you please do something" Oh no he did not do the thing despite me using language that implies he can choose not to, must be video games fault
I started playing fortnite with my nephews. I oddly get cursed out by kids more then my adult online games. Edit: not that I wouldn'tet them play it ive played far worse. Ppl r ppl just tell ur kids not to give creepy ppl there personal info.
Man, these new stories just remind me of how lucky I was to have parents that actually understood the stresses of school and needing ways of getting away from it, as long as I got my homework done I could play games for hours and hours
“I have to admit I do use it as a babysitter when I’m getting a job done myself” that’s a big red flag for parenting of letting anything else besides the PARENT raise their child that’s the biggest problem with parents of our current generation and once they blame the game for getting their child to not listen to them is just the proving point that they failed to raise their kids
Hehe, sadly my mom had bought me a tablet back in elementary school around 5th grade. I had grown up with the internet without my mom being around much or paying attention to me. I didn't have a good childhood and at that time, it wasn't very pleasant. Now I'm emotionally unstable. Growing up with the internet can affect you a lot at a young age. It's not fun
And parents also need respect to be earned by the child for them to be a good child. These parents always just expect respect for doing the absolute bare minimum. They do the bare bones job of getting food on the table and a roof over their head and don't care about all the other little nuances of being a parent.
Get your own account, play with them, and let them teach you! Probably the best advice I've ever heard from a gaming news report. Especially as a student teacher
It's so funny to me how instead of trying to merge learning with video games to keep kids more engaged in school, parents and news programs just call video games evil time wasters that should be limited at all costs. Of course, kids should watch *plenty* of TV, though, so said news programs can keep making money!
My favorite part is the parents claiming the kids aren't listening to them and blaming it on the game. No, they are kids. Kids doing anything will not want to stop. It's a universal fact. Also, that lady was such a weak parent. I ask him to stop 10 times. Why are you asking 10 times? I'd give a 10 and 5 minute warning, then just shut it off no matter where they are in the game. They quickly learn to use the time warnings to get to a save point and shut down. Nothing will get a kid to shut down faster than losing their save. Also, the biggest piece of advice I heard in that whole thing is parents need to spend more time with their kids. That's the real crux behind these things. Those parents aren't banning their kids because the game is bad, but because they don't want to have to take time out of their lives to spend with their kids.
This. 1000% this. I got MC for my kid and now I actually play it more than he does simply because I took interest in his interests. We also play together and I never have to fight with him about when to get off the game because *MY* xbox (not his) has parental control for passwords (so he has to ask first) and time limits. Xbox shows him the warnings and he saves. No problem. The biggest problem I actually have with MC is that every time we play survival together, he wants me to procure all the good stuff for him right after spawn rather than work to get it himself. Like, dude, no diamonds, punch a tree. 😂 that's actually a him problem though.
Christ’s sake... 2 different parents in this report just straight up say “this concerns me as a parent, but I’m consciously not doing anything about it because I’m lazy” I cannot roll my eyes hard enough at that...
@@AtlasBlizzard For the record, I don't think you understand what that was about. It was not an issue of parents not controlling what kids watch, it was an issue of children's private browsing data being collected by UA-cam in order to show targeted advertising. Children are literally incapable of understanding what advertising is (you can google it, kids under a certain age lack an understanding of what ads are and why they exist) and it is illegal to collect the personal information of children, so the US government stepped in to tell youtube to stop doing that. Whether you liked the ultimate fix or not, it was a perfectly valid reason.
@@jasper3706 Yeah, I didn’t really get ads when I was a kid either. I thought they were simply there just to say, “Hi… we exist, I guess.” I remember being confused why there wasn’t an ad on the TV for my house.
@@ARCtheCartoonMaster Really? I guess I was the weird kid because always understood that ads were always trying to sell you something, essentially. It actually baffles me that a lot of children apparently don't get that? Maybe it was just because I was poor and overly aware of things costing money or something?
"Make your own account and play with your kids, let them teach you about it!" I would have never believed that I would live to see the day where one of these stupid news reports gives ACTUALLY VERY GOOD ADVICE (obviously besides using parental controls, although that's so bare minimum it makes me think parents who don't even consider it are complete morons.)
If I was a parent, I would rather have my hypothetical kids play minecraft all day than watch UA-cam all day like I do, I use minecraft as a way to get more active and have fun, and be creative, it's not staring at a screen, it's creating your very own universe that you access from anywhere you have your device so you can escape from the real world
I despise these stupid Parents. They need to understand that they really should stop blaming Games as most of them just let their Kids play the Games cause they don't want to be Parents most of the time. It really isn't that hard to simply not have Kids if you don't want to be Parents.
The reason news companies try to make video games seem bad is because they usually also own movie studios and when video games are taking away their profit they want people to stop playing video games
billy play with your legos. 1 minute later OMG BILLY CLEAN THE LEGOS UP ALREADY! fucking kids these days.... yeah no you'r a bad babysitter then. im an uncle and i babysit by letting my sis's kids play minecraft on our realms. and when i say kiddos its time to log off and eat dinner they will. and then after we watch a bit of tv and keep playing together. im amazed how cool the stuff they make. as time progressed from simple dirt huts. to entire citties. and we delete nothing.
WHAT!?! My Child Is Addicted To Minecraft So Much Because I Did Nothing About It And Didnt Put Any Restrictions To The Game And I Let My Child Not Go To School Just Because Of His Addiction Witch Will Cause His Addiction To Grow Even More And I Do Not Try To Find Help For Him, AnD I DiD nOtHiNg WrOnG aBout IT, WHY HE HAS AN ADDICTION!?!, It Must Be The Game Fault!
Fill in the blank, Minecraft, GTA, Leage Of Legends, RDR2, ROBLOX....they take any videogame and they shove it down our throats in the form of a negative news report
I like how the news reporter basically said hey everyone buy the game when she said join your kids in the game lol. I feel like this report just ended up making minecrafff more popular
Timmy's mother: he watched this UA-camr called Chad's electronics and he talked about a game called Raid he told me to buy it I took all his electronics and grounded him for a month for asking to buy a game I don't now about Pendergast's mother: same he said the same but he watched a UA-camr named M and Jay's TV If something similar doesn't happen I don't know what does
7:34 - 7:58 TRUTH! Parents and even the world cancel art out of fear that it's making people act/live certain ways. That's not the case; criminals often have a background of abuse, broken homes, ect. It's not a matter of them owning violent video games or that the groomer owns a collection of "off-brand". All of this confusion and misinformation is what's driving the world insane. Let artists do what they love for a living! Let gamers be free to be gamers!
I just remembered the new in Argentina about the attack to a mosque that was streamed to facebook and the person who made it said in an interview some videogames teached him about things, and said no at the end of that statement to indicate it was a joke. And this newsletter literally ignored it, then, they just did the ridiculous, you should search for this new its really funny how dumb these stupids act
@@fallwoodcentral7991 You bet I remember! I also remember the Harry Potter craze and my parents didn't want me to read or watch it. To any fellow Christian who may be reading this; as long as you're of age to play a teen or mature game, watch an R rated film or what have you, don't deem it as demonic or harmful. Same goes for woke culture; don't cancel what an artist has been working on for years. That's their livelihood! Their income! Who wants to flip burgers at McDonald's? No one!
People say bad parenting should be a crime, but it's a curtain hiding the true child abuse that is happening. How dare they letting their kid play at 10fps? 5:19
I will give credit for the one news report about trying to show interest in your kids hobbies and see where they’re coming from. If your kids are fine with it it’s a good opportunity to connect over a hobby of theirs and understand why they love the game to begin with. (It’s certainly better than just doing nothing other than complain about it.)
Parents: tHiS gAmE iS bAd FoR mY kId The game: character turns a red tint when hurt The game: pixelated swords are the prominent weapon The game: has been helping schools get kids to learn the material.
As a parent myself it's astonishing how others parents just don't want to parent their kids but then complain about what their kids do. Concerns your kid is watching a TV show that may be a bad influence? Sit down with them, watch the TV show with them, ask about the plot. Concerned your kid's friends are a bad influence? Ask them to tell you stores about their friends. Concerned a video game is a bad influence? Ask them to teach you how to play it. Shockingly, this will involve you actually having to *parent* your kid
@@dumbumbumbum8649 I didn’t mind them at first but they just took over his channel. There not bad just a bit repetitive. I would rather it be like his other series where if it does well he continues them. Like Deep Into UA-cam and stuff like that. Just hope he stays away from the cursed commercials for awhile.
I'm a parent and I have no idea how other parents let their kids get screen addicted or don't monitor what they play. It's easy to create lockout timers, web filters, etc
I think parents should stop freaking out about "online predators on the internet!". As long as your kids know not to share personal information and that not everything online is true, they should be fine. And stop with the "only play with people you really know" BS. 1, it's not always easy to find someone at school or whatever to game with, and 2, every multiplayer game there is has you playing with random people. Again, as long as they know not to share personal information, how to avoid scams, and not everything online is true, there's no problem with them joining a Minecraft server or whatever.
Kids don't wanna go to school Logical reasons: maybe the kids being bullied, or a teacher is picking on him, maybe he is ill or depressed. The parents in this video: must be the GAME!
This reminds me of this one Minecraft skit video I saw where the narrator said something like, "Minecraft is a completely child friendly game. Right, Jimmy? What wholesome thing are you doing?" And Jimmy was killing villagers in a gas chamber, burying the ashes of his victims, drowning mobs in a tank, stuff like that. The narrator's reaction was priceless.
All of these parents are hypocrites; it's their literal *job* to put their foot down and have boundaries for their children to follow. Who cares if they cry and scream, giving it just makes it so much worse in the long run. My brother and I couldn't even so much as look at our console on a school night and it certainly didn't scar us for life.
Exactly!! So tired of this trend of parents using screens as "babysitters" instead of actually parenting, especially when they then turn around and are like "why kid addicted to game now?? :(" like this!
Kids: [Enjoying a game that hones fine motor skills, timing, and encourages creativity, exploration, and general play] Parents: I can't control my child even though I'm the parent and readily admit the game's a babysitter! I've made no efforts to understand and therefore I am terrified and blameless! What about child grooming?! Never mind normal responsibility of teaching them about safety and letting them understand I will help and protect them if they come to me about something serious as I can't be assed to even learn about a simple game! [Then proceeds to post pictures of their kids and their locations at all times on social media without second thought or privacy settings]
As a parent with two young children I look forward to the days of actually being able to talk about these sorts of things with them. I've been playing online games for 15 years and I can honestly say there won't be any fear factor in the talk just honesty. As long as the kids don't feel the need to hide what they do online I won't be concerned, not to say they don't deserve some privacy.
For all worried. This is the first dimension and the cursed commercials universe is the second universe. Chad is also able too see universe 2 from universe 1 his camera is multi dimensional. Also there is a multi dimensional phone. They are essentially the same except in dimension 1 Chad never casted the "good luck" spell welcome to the chadiverse
11:01 Absolutely Relatable to every child in the world , Parents be like : My son shared a picture of a white square and this stranger online who is probably thousands of miles away from me is gonna rob me from all my possessions. Like chill for once!
As a parent of one who plays Minecraft, and seeing the parents in these interviews literally saying they use it as a babysitter or that they should be paying attention but their not just makes me want to die inside. They'd rather go through the hoops of getting on TV and all this publicity instead of just being like "hey, whatcha doin? Minecraft oh ok. Cool, don't talk to people online you don't know".
Plus i have yet to see ONE of them that i believe actually tried playing the game with their kid....if i had kids id set up a server for just my family and play minecraft with my kids all the time
They use it as an excuse for their ineptness as a parent.
@@SilverDusk1 gaming disorder is real, im not saying GAME BAD but gaming disorder is when you play games so much that you don't get a job and such so it is a problem, however gaming disorder ist just like 5 hours a day, ITS THE WHOLE DAY despite what parents think
@@LioPrime thats a parent problem not nobody else's problem
Doesn't surprise me. Have you heard of Moxie? It's pretty much a babysitter for the kids to keep them entertained so the kids won't bother the adults.
Parents upset with Minecraft but not upset enough to actually be a parent.
All of this
exactly, if they need to get off a game tell them to get off the game if not turn it off 😑
I’m Legitimately Surprised That Parents Have Never Overreacted Over The Sims
Oh my god your right
@@z3v.. Thank You
Don’t give them any ideas
They did. They thought there was nudity behind the pixels in the game, when they actually look like Barbie dolls without any genitals.
@@prevossedukes woohooooooo
"Is pokemon demonic?"
"Yes, they are all oriented demons"
Ah yes, the small electric mouse is a demon
that means I'm a demon... that doesn't make sense
I mean some Pokemon are base in demon like creatures
i still remember hearing a kid jumped off a building thinking he was a pidgey.
also how is pokemon bad. makes kids and adults go out more and socialize. im 31 and we had a group of 80 players in my city.
we all knew eachother and we where respected and respected others. hell we even managed to once find a lost dog. and returned it the same day.
we often have whatsapp messages like : dog lost this and that please help out near this area.
@@miciso666 True I had this friend who's mom never really approved of pokemon due to her thinking enabling pokemon is something akin to enabling the devil or something like that...
He was able to play the game but not watch the anime...
Pokémon's concept is Bug Catching which Satoshi the creater once did as a kids...
Most Pokemon designs are based on many factors...
Mythological Animals, Myths, Real Animals, and a variety of themes of almost anything in existance...
Charizard looks like one would think of a stereotypical dragon...
Blastoise is a giant tortoise with Water cannons on it's back...
Venusaur is basically a Frog with a Palm tree on it's back...
Exeggutor is based on Coconut Trees with it's face being the Coconuts...
Muk is basically Toxic Sludge with a Face...
Ditto is just blob like Slime...
Lapras, Loch Ness...
Eevee, Evolution...
Mewtwo, Genetic Modification...
Not necessarily their themes but concepts the allude to based on their design and fictional history...
Even the newer Pokemon have the same level of design given deep meaning by what they were inspired by...
Basculegion and Gyarados are based on carp jumping upstream over a water fall...
Basculegion story focuses on the carps that don't make it...
Gyarados story focuses on it being the carp that manages to make it up the falls...
People who don't like anyone questioning their worldview has reach an unspeakable amount that we are no overrun by them...
I kinda thought those types of people were the overly fanatical religious ones...
But I stand corrected any can have this fanatical belief over something and will literally try to ruin lives just to get their way...
@@miciso666 I mean if a kid jumps off a roof thinking hes a pidgey that just meant that he'll grow into a furry so it was just natural selection
i mean they are capable on school too?
Well said, Hank.
I like the hypocritical concerns:
"This game is good for my child because he's being creative and focusing on the details. It's like playing with blocks, but he's making entire worlds. But he's also playing it too much, so I'm concerned."
But great advice on making your own account and playing with your kids to understand it better.
Like I work in an office setting where my coworkers have kids that are the target audience for games like Minecraft and Roblox and Fortnite, and they express their worries over like harmful language being said because you could connect with ANYONE. And from a generational standpoint, it's fear of the unknown for parents to see children no longer be outside all day and instead be inside looking at a screen.
The ACTUAL advice is really good, because it turns the worry from the parents into actual bonding time, and learning not just what their child is interested in but also how dangerous it ACTUALLY is (plus, then they'll have more drive to actually turn on parental controls lmao)
I remember extra credits saying once that even if you don’t want to play, sitting with them and researching stuff for them in the game is a valuable way for you to learn about the game and teach your kid the values of learning and gathering info.
But when it comes to spending too much time on it yeah that’s hard especially if your always working. Your best bet would be to teach your kid time management skills at an early age, it will help them immensely later through life
im an uncle for 2 kids. and they love to play with me on my own realms server hosted by another familly.
we have tons of fun. and the 2 uncles mostly just moderate and pay attention how much they play and what theyre doing.
minecraft really is just playing with legos. without the downside of it being costly. and laying everywhere. plus they can keep the worlds as long as they want.
but im sure once they grow up they will get bored of it. and yes we can even ''ban'' them for a few hours when they have to stop. but they ussually respect the play time.
you make a good point about how kids will find anything more fun than School and parents will flip their lids about it like "WHAT?! my child is more excited about a game than working hard??? that's just not sane!". i was a child who would get super distracted by all sorts of things and games was one of them but not the main issue. Hell! i brought toys and books i liked to school and that got me in more trouble than it was worth.
Video Games are not the problem. the problem is that there isn't any one issue. Kids just don't like to be forced to learn. Kids hate school. that's not a fact: that's just nature. Hell, I'm getting into my early adult years and i hate the thought of going back to school.
I feel like if that's the case we really need to think about changing how the education system works if it's so boring children would rather do literally anything else
@@fugyfruit Giving public education more than the pathetic paper thin funding they get now would be the only reasonable start. The system has stagnated for decades and that's the problem.
@@RobotMasterSplash well that's never going to happen with America's hatred of Socialism but you can always dream I guess
@@fugyfruit It’s time to start the revolution, we shall seize the means of production!
7:58 That's actually solid advice for a parent worried about the game. Not only will you end up learning more about the game, it's much easier to convice your kids to do things related to their interests if they think you care about said interests. Heck, you might even find a new family bonding activity
I can just imagine my family playing Minecraft together
Kids want to talk about their interests! So if you engage with your kid on their interests instead of shutting them down or calling them stupid/harmful/etc; surprise! Your kid might enjoy spending time with you more! And be more open to communicate with you! Who'd have thought???
My parents and other family members play Pokémon GO. It wasn’t out of a safety concern because I was 16 when the game came out, but they wanted to give it a try and ended up enjoying it way more than they expected.
I remember the time where I helped my dad build a set, it was similar to this.
yea.. my parents Never Want to play with me.
LOL, they did Ninja dirty with that thumbnail.
That’s literally what I said lmao!
Lmg PeanutButterGamer
Love your content to death!
minecraft has taught me more in the last 4 years than school has in the last 10 years
Me too. Even more than schools
Yes, one bee is not so bad, but you better run when a whole beehive of them is chasing your back
Even though I hate school and love minecraft, you're 100% wrong here
@@MoeSzyslak20 Agreed.
Fun and enjoyable? Yes.
Actually teach you any applicable skills to a job? No.
You will always have to get things done that you don't feel like doing, but theirs always time for some games and fun at the end of it.
"Minecraft makes kids not want to go to school"
Minecraft Education Edition: Am I a joke to you?
Living make adults not want to go to work.
me at 31...
i kinda wanna play that. no joke :)
my favourite mods are the technic based ones. alchemy and what not.
and in servers im always that one dude that spends hours on these mods.
Isn't there a school that literally has Minecraft as a subject?
"Your child could stop wanting to go to school." Yeah that thing that's generally incredibly boring and sometimes a bad experience for children? Who would have thunk it?
I kinda liked my hs growing up. Same with Elementary but not middle school. The drama was everywhere.
@@roxassora2706 I feel you. I absolutely hated middle school, and high school was a much better experience.
@@deadlikedisco4726 Yeah.
@@roxassora2706 Yes I hated middle school, but loved high school and elementry
its like being forced to do something for 12+ years straight wont make them burned out on it and hate it or something. but clearly its da crafting of mines causing problems
When the world needed him most, he returned.....Chapstick heard our call.
it me
@@chadtronic it you
@@chadtronic it him
@@chadtronic hecc yeah
Remember when people claimed that playing Dungeons and Dragons would lead our youth into participating in Satanic rituals?
Good times!
And how gta will make kids steal cars
@【Blankitty】 there are alot of conference based DND games. My first one was roll20 which is pretty good and can be loads of fun when you find the right group. It's not the same as irl but it can sooth that DND itch.
You might even stumble on a few people in your area that want to hide their "nerdy" hobby.
Parents: stop playing minecraft
kid: ok
2 months later
Also Parents: why is my kid failing in art and creativity?
Kid: names a villager "Dr Trayaurus"
I think it's clear who this kid is a fan of
I loved SkyDoesMinecraft
@@sketchbookonline2040 -._-.
@epicgamer23it's obviously a stampy reference
@epicgamer23 Nope. StacyPlays reference!
@epicgamer23 Nope! DanTDM reference!
My mother hated games in the same way(including thinking pokemon was demonic) and wouldn't even allow me to have them. Her overbearing stance actually caused me to develop irresponsible gaming habits as a teenager, because I was passionate about them and essentially became conditioned to play them as much as possible whenever given the chance, never learning to moderate, and I was becoming too old for her to stop me from owning them.
Point is, if it was that easy to restrict entirely, these lazy parents sure as hell can keep timmy's playtime at a reasonable level. Also don't suppress your kid's passion, it only gives them trust issues and makes them hate you later.
Speaking of your mom, the same parents confusing Pokémon of being "demonic" are thinking of Shin Megami Tensei. Except, that franchise is geared towards adults than small children. Otherwise bad parenting and Bible-Thumping can turn your kid into the real life Carrie White after aging to an adult with no common sense at all.
Ironically telling your children to not do something, they'll more than likely just keep doing it anyway
@@GothicSnowLeopardthis I completely completely agree. I grew up in that kind of parenting with my mom. The more you tell a kid don’t do something the more you push them into doing it. This is what parents mostly fail at.
After so many years.
Parents are upset again.
they rembered how to be upset
Achivement unlocked: get hearted By chadtronic
And when they’re upset, we become upset!
About time.
Parents upset over fnaf would be scary
I myself believe that the education system is just……too far behind in terms of keeping children interested in learning. It's been the exact same thing for me every single year with a laptop being thrown into the mix when I entered High School. Just learning through unnecessarily long notes and crap.
Children (me included) play videogames because it's fun, it has a sense of creativity, and it gives you a sense of accomplishment (even if it's only for a little while). If you want children to be interested in education, make it in a way that the students will enjoy it as much as they enjoy videogames.
True, but the school systems are now killing creativity, making children's gifts, talents, dreams, and goals to be thrown on a trash. That's why I have a high Hatred on schools (except to any schools that have creativity and increasing student's potential and making them using their talents, gifts, dreams, and goals wisely.)
as someone currently reading this comment in class, can agree! It's hard to focus on constant rambling and speeches, really the only engagment students get given islike 1 project a year, I personally feel like there needs to be some more engagment factor, otherwise its just a pain to sit through
I'm so glad I never had parents who felt the need like to be on a news report like these and instead of embarrassing themselves they would actually know and even try the stuff I was playing.
"I have to tell him 10 times."
Because you don't give him warning and he is in the middle of something. Imagine you as an adult had no clocks or sense of time and were told to stop reading that book in the climax. You'd read more. A simple but unfortunately common mistake.
Totally. Plus, speaking from experience, if he has ADHD, he may have not even heard her. (Hyperfocus is real, y'all.)
@@patrickramseyart as a person with adhd i can confirm with absolute honesty this is true
This is why parents need to actually discipline their children when they don’t behave. If you just tell them to do something or make empty threats that you aren’t willing to follow through on, they’ll end up calling your bluff and stop listening to you.
"Imagine you as an adult had no clocks or sense of time..."
I don't have to imagine for the "sense of time" part. It's an aggravating deficiency when you're in college. Also, I can completely confirm that you'd just keep doing whatever it is that you were doing to begin with.
I mean, also it's staged for the cameras. She doesn't actually need him to do anything and he knows it.
I’ve had a “gaming disorder” since 1976. All my children were raised with at least one PC in the home ready for gaming and a minimum of at least two game consoles. They were introduced to arcade games and pinball. My grandchildren enjoy gaming. Teach these things in a positive light and teach them the negative things that can be involved in online gaming and they can handle themselves just fine.
I'm in your same boat Pump, I'm an OG gamer and have kids and grandkids who game, but it was my sons and grandson who introduced me to MC, been playing for about 3 years now and still love it and see no issues with the interaction and creativity of the game.
All you gotta do is be a parent honestly
This is basically the same "conversation" about every popular video game that ever existed. I mean even before online gaming was a thing. Always the non-gaming parents who only know computers through work that hear of one story about a kid getting abducted via chat phishing/social engineering and get bent out of shape. If you care, learn the tech and ask your kid questions of a sort they engage and want to share. Don't insult the game's graphics or what you perceive as odd playing mechanics. Also learn what other apps are being used.
Sadly part of most conversations - even today, which makes me rage a bit - are parents/people who can't even figure out how to turn on devices let alone run the game itself.
BOOOOOOM! Well said . Damn Good Game.
My grandpa got carpal tunnel from Atari Pac-Man. A true gamer.
I think the main problem is how parents don't supervise their child when they play video games/go on the Internet.
Remember, this is your child. It's your job to take care of him, not the Internet.
Minecraft doesn't actively encourage kids not to go to school. In fact, there is literally a splash text that can pop up that says "Stay In School!" but ignorant parents wouldn't know that because you have to watch the splash text frequently to see that pop up.
parents be like "son could you please do something" Oh no he did not do the thing despite me using language that implies he can choose not to, must be video games fault
Parents need to learn to take some responsibility
I started playing fortnite with my nephews. I oddly get cursed out by kids more then my adult online games. Edit: not that I wouldn'tet them play it ive played far worse. Ppl r ppl just tell ur kids not to give creepy ppl there personal info.
@@angelofchaos8233 Fortnite is a very weird place
@@justanerdyhobbitgirl hell yeah
Whoa it's you
Child: mines a dirt block in Minecraft
Parents: *High pitched demonic screaming*
Man, these new stories just remind me of how lucky I was to have parents that actually understood the stresses of school and needing ways of getting away from it, as long as I got my homework done I could play games for hours and hours
lucky you 🙁
Same for me
Lmao Chad "go fly somewhere else, the sky is huge!" 😂
“I have to admit I do use it as a babysitter when I’m getting a job done myself” that’s a big red flag for parenting of letting anything else besides the PARENT raise their child that’s the biggest problem with parents of our current generation and once they blame the game for getting their child to not listen to them is just the proving point that they failed to raise their kids
Exactly why are parents not being parents now like wtf do your job
Hehe, sadly my mom had bought me a tablet back in elementary school around 5th grade. I had grown up with the internet without my mom being around much or paying attention to me. I didn't have a good childhood and at that time, it wasn't very pleasant. Now I'm emotionally unstable. Growing up with the internet can affect you a lot at a young age. It's not fun
PixelaGames2000 kids: exists
Karents(parents): why does video games do this
And parents also need respect to be earned by the child for them to be a good child. These parents always just expect respect for doing the absolute bare minimum. They do the bare bones job of getting food on the table and a roof over their head and don't care about all the other little nuances of being a parent.
DragonGirlGamer 13 kids: exists
Kid a few years later: depression
Karents: v i d e o g a m e s
Get your own account, play with them, and let them teach you!
Probably the best advice I've ever heard from a gaming news report. Especially as a student teacher
The concept of showing interest in your child's hobbies seems to fly completelt over most parents heads
It's so funny to me how instead of trying to merge learning with video games to keep kids more engaged in school, parents and news programs just call video games evil time wasters that should be limited at all costs. Of course, kids should watch *plenty* of TV, though, so said news programs can keep making money!
nononono they shouldnt watch anything on tv it has to be soccer or a 90s play with budget that cant afford 5 water bottles
@@frokydafroakie wrong! Kids should not watch TV at all and should count 200 gallons of sand. That sounds more fun than the evil video games!
>>>Raid Shadow Legends.
My favorite part is the parents claiming the kids aren't listening to them and blaming it on the game. No, they are kids. Kids doing anything will not want to stop. It's a universal fact. Also, that lady was such a weak parent. I ask him to stop 10 times. Why are you asking 10 times? I'd give a 10 and 5 minute warning, then just shut it off no matter where they are in the game. They quickly learn to use the time warnings to get to a save point and shut down. Nothing will get a kid to shut down faster than losing their save.
Also, the biggest piece of advice I heard in that whole thing is parents need to spend more time with their kids. That's the real crux behind these things. Those parents aren't banning their kids because the game is bad, but because they don't want to have to take time out of their lives to spend with their kids.
This. 1000% this.
I got MC for my kid and now I actually play it more than he does simply because I took interest in his interests. We also play together and I never have to fight with him about when to get off the game because *MY* xbox (not his) has parental control for passwords (so he has to ask first) and time limits. Xbox shows him the warnings and he saves. No problem.
The biggest problem I actually have with MC is that every time we play survival together, he wants me to procure all the good stuff for him right after spawn rather than work to get it himself. Like, dude, no diamonds, punch a tree. 😂 that's actually a him problem though.
@@squaresoralfetish that's awesomely funny
Christ’s sake... 2 different parents in this report just straight up say “this concerns me as a parent, but I’m consciously not doing anything about it because I’m lazy”
I cannot roll my eyes hard enough at that...
These are exactly the sort of parents that made COPPA happen.
@@AtlasBlizzard For the record, I don't think you understand what that was about. It was not an issue of parents not controlling what kids watch, it was an issue of children's private browsing data being collected by UA-cam in order to show targeted advertising. Children are literally incapable of understanding what advertising is (you can google it, kids under a certain age lack an understanding of what ads are and why they exist) and it is illegal to collect the personal information of children, so the US government stepped in to tell youtube to stop doing that. Whether you liked the ultimate fix or not, it was a perfectly valid reason.
@@jasper3706 Yeah, I didn’t really get ads when I was a kid either. I thought they were simply there just to say, “Hi… we exist, I guess.” I remember being confused why there wasn’t an ad on the TV for my house.
Really? I guess I was the weird kid because always understood that ads were always trying to sell you something, essentially. It actually baffles me that a lot of children apparently don't get that? Maybe it was just because I was poor and overly aware of things costing money or something?
@@spets234 alot of animated adult videos was marked for kids cause why not
Seeing Chad break a possibly very expensive chair is a sight for SORE SOULS
"Make your own account and play with your kids, let them teach you about it!"
I would have never believed that I would live to see the day where one of these stupid news reports gives ACTUALLY VERY GOOD ADVICE (obviously besides using parental controls, although that's so bare minimum it makes me think parents who don't even consider it are complete morons.)
I love how parents complain about their kid’s screen time when they themselves constantly watch TV.
If I was a parent, I would rather have my hypothetical kids play minecraft all day than watch UA-cam all day like I do,
I use minecraft as a way to get more active and have fun, and be creative, it's not staring at a screen, it's creating your very own universe that you access from anywhere you have your device so you can escape from the real world
I'm so tired of these parents that don't take any steps to understand the things their kids enjoy and judge them on a base level.
I despise these stupid Parents. They need to understand that they really should stop blaming Games as most of them just let their Kids play the Games cause they don't want to be Parents most of the time. It really isn't that hard to simply not have Kids if you don't want to be Parents.
wHaTs ThIs CrApPy GaMe WiTh ThE cRaPpY gRaPhIcS
I like how Chad refers to Ninja as 'Tyler'.
I feel like they're friends, which likely isn't true. But it is quite adorable.
if not friends. kinda collagues?
because both are content creators.
The reason news companies try to make video games seem bad is because they usually also own movie studios and when video games are taking away their profit they want people to stop playing video games
*Breaks Chair*
"It's times like this we need to protect the things that we chair-ish the most."
"I admit I use it as a babysitter"
"I have to tell him 10 times to get off, and confiscate it"
*Oh no how could this POSSIBLY be?!*
People make me mad
billy play with your legos.
fucking kids these days....
yeah no you'r a bad babysitter then. im an uncle and i babysit by letting my sis's kids play minecraft on our realms.
and when i say kiddos its time to log off and eat dinner they will. and then after we watch a bit of tv and keep playing together.
im amazed how cool the stuff they make. as time progressed from simple dirt huts. to entire citties. and we delete nothing.
Children using their free time how they please? THIS CANNOT STAND
“Minecraft is the most peaceful game put there”
Parents: *no*
"Online is a deadly virus"
@@SkiesOfHorizon it's not a virus
what about gen z parents aka 20-40 year old parents
@@SkiesOfHorizon" not anymore there's a vpn"
If your child chooses to play Minecraft over school, either don’t let him play it, or just force him to go to school. It’s not the games fault.
Both of those options are gonna make them hate you dude lmao.
WHAT!?! My Child Is Addicted To Minecraft So Much Because I Did Nothing About It And Didnt Put Any Restrictions To The Game And I Let My Child Not Go To School Just
Because Of His Addiction Witch Will Cause His Addiction To Grow Even More And I Do Not Try To Find Help For Him, AnD I DiD nOtHiNg WrOnG aBout IT, WHY HE HAS AN ADDICTION!?!, It Must Be The Game Fault!
@barr4ckObama240 The Kid Named Finger
About that pfp...
i am a mondo g
Fill in the blank, Minecraft, GTA, Leage Of Legends, RDR2, ROBLOX....they take any videogame and they shove it down our throats in the form of a negative news report
I’d actually like to see one on Red Dead
@@Avovon LOL its too realistic and beautiful to be attacked
Nice to see him getting a bit of time outside the castle
ill probably have that intro on loop during spooptober
I like how the news reporter basically said hey everyone buy the game when she said join your kids in the game lol. I feel like this report just ended up making minecrafff more popular
Soon “Raid Shadow Legends” is gonna be a “Parents Upset Episode”
Timmy's mother: he watched this UA-camr called Chad's electronics and he talked about a game called Raid he told me to buy it I took all his electronics and grounded him for a month for asking to buy a game I don't now about
Pendergast's mother: same he said the same but he watched a UA-camr named M and Jay's TV
If something similar doesn't happen I don't know what does
"Minecraft is a crappy game with crappy graphics"
*And I took that personally*
"Crappy game with crappy graphics"
Me: "How dare you!!"
6:21 Wooow, who would’ve known that a PARENT would have to deal with that.
7:34 - 7:58 TRUTH! Parents and even the world cancel art out of fear that it's making people act/live certain ways. That's not the case; criminals often have a background of abuse, broken homes, ect. It's not a matter of them owning violent video games or that the groomer owns a collection of "off-brand". All of this confusion and misinformation is what's driving the world insane. Let artists do what they love for a living! Let gamers be free to be gamers!
Yes preach it
I just remembered the new in Argentina about the attack to a mosque that was streamed to facebook and the person who made it said in an interview some videogames teached him about things, and said no at the end of that statement to indicate it was a joke. And this newsletter literally ignored it, then, they just did the ridiculous, you should search for this new its really funny how dumb these stupids act
Remember when it was D&D that parents were afraid of? Before that, it was rock music! You’re right, and this crap never ends!
@@fallwoodcentral7991 You bet I remember! I also remember the Harry Potter craze and my parents didn't want me to read or watch it. To any fellow Christian who may be reading this; as long as you're of age to play a teen or mature game, watch an R rated film or what have you, don't deem it as demonic or harmful. Same goes for woke culture; don't cancel what an artist has been working on for years. That's their livelihood! Their income! Who wants to flip burgers at McDonald's? No one!
People say bad parenting should be a crime, but it's a curtain hiding the true child abuse that is happening. How dare they letting their kid play at 10fps? 5:19
Alright gen z kid.
@@cooldude3118 have you heard of a joke
@@cheburgena6021 yeah yeah jokes.
@@cooldude3118 Alright cool dad
@@Eliwood407 cool dad?
"Isn't there a guitar [game] that's called 'Something Hero'"
... You know what, that checks out
Big respect for the kid who named his villager Dr. Trayaurus
How are they comparing Minecraft to Grand Theft Auto? Those to game series are NOTHING alike at all. Also it’s the parents responsibility.
I'm 31, and I even I think this is such a boomer report.
This is like a gen A report
I don't think toddlers are these dumb
@@MilkIsTheOne I’m talking about some people from like 100 years ago made this report
Gen Alpha?
@@MilkIsTheOne just search boomers
Respect for him breaking his chair in the intro.
RIP chair
Chad: talks about the video.
Also chad: anyway there’s a plane outside.
"Is pokemon demonic?"
Me casually petting groudon: 💀
Now, we need "Parents upset over Raid: Shadow Legends"
I will give credit for the one news report about trying to show interest in your kids hobbies and see where they’re coming from. If your kids are fine with it it’s a good opportunity to connect over a hobby of theirs and understand why they love the game to begin with.
(It’s certainly better than just doing nothing other than complain about it.)
There’s a deep irony in letting Raid: Shadow Legends be the sponsor of a video critiquing people concerned about game addiction
Parents upset over minecraft? What's next, Parents Upset over Raid Shadow Legends or somethin?
i wouldn't be suprised
It’s owned by a gambling company so I guess it’s good
Nah, I wouldn't just be parents, it'd be fucking everybody
Theres parents upset over portal
I mean, I'm already pretty upset over it so why not parents?
Parents: tHiS gAmE iS bAd FoR mY kId
The game: character turns a red tint when hurt
The game: pixelated swords are the prominent weapon
The game: has been helping schools get kids to learn the material.
8:30 Ray tracing and fancy bubbles, beautiful skies, smooth lighting, and 4k, 2020 Smart tvs, etcetera: "Am I joke to you?"
It’s honestly hilarious that kids now in days are becoming much smarter with technology than these “cyber experts”
Hey man, the homeless people could have ate that chair!
Next: Parents upset over RAID Shadow Legends
Finally, parents and UA-camrs have something to unite against.
I’m upset over raid shadow legends.
Yes I hate raid it’s so stupid
To be fair, I’d be upset about it too
0:21 We already started this video and Chad just threw his chair
As a parent myself it's astonishing how others parents just don't want to parent their kids but then complain about what their kids do.
Concerns your kid is watching a TV show that may be a bad influence? Sit down with them, watch the TV show with them, ask about the plot. Concerned your kid's friends are a bad influence? Ask them to tell you stores about their friends. Concerned a video game is a bad influence? Ask them to teach you how to play it.
Shockingly, this will involve you actually having to *parent* your kid
hearing older people complain about things they literally don't bother to try and understand is so draining
Finally something other than cursed commercials. Glad to see ur back Chad.
At this point, anoying commercials.
And not funny for a long time.
(For me)
I’d rather have another commercial episode
Same. They feel very repetitive and predictable.
@@dumbumbumbum8649 I didn’t mind them at first but they just took over his channel. There not bad just a bit repetitive. I would rather it be like his other series where if it does well he continues them. Like Deep Into UA-cam and stuff like that. Just hope he stays away from the cursed commercials for awhile.
Woah! Parents ubset about things? This is a real blast from the past!
5:01 I am fucking overjoyed to see that name
I'm a parent and I have no idea how other parents let their kids get screen addicted or don't monitor what they play. It's easy to create lockout timers, web filters, etc
How dare they play a game where you can build almost anything you want
Finally, the long awaited return of the “parents upset” videos
“Is Pokémon demonic?” “Well. The answer to that is yes. Me: “NO? tHE ANSWER TO THAT IS No
Dusknoir, drifloon and hypno beg to differ lol
@@thend4427 Drifloon and Dusknoir, mabe. Hypno and Drowsy are just pokemon that need to be put on a certain list.
@@coolguy5133 lol
I think parents should stop freaking out about "online predators on the internet!". As long as your kids know not to share personal information and that not everything online is true, they should be fine.
And stop with the "only play with people you really know" BS. 1, it's not always easy to find someone at school or whatever to game with, and 2, every multiplayer game there is has you playing with random people. Again, as long as they know not to share personal information, how to avoid scams, and not everything online is true, there's no problem with them joining a Minecraft server or whatever.
4:05 yes they just compared Minecraft to GTA. Australian news media do that all the time to basically an game that becomes popular
While I love Cursed Commercials, I'm so glad this series has made a comeback. And I hope more episodes come out on a more frequent basis.
When Chad said, "Can you fly somewhere else?The sky huge man." I lost it
Kids don't wanna go to school
Logical reasons: maybe the kids being bullied, or a teacher is picking on him, maybe he is ill or depressed.
The parents in this video:
must be the GAME!
It doesn't even have to be any trauma causing a kid to not want to go to school, it's just more fun to stay home.
This reminds me of this one Minecraft skit video I saw where the narrator said something like, "Minecraft is a completely child friendly game. Right, Jimmy? What wholesome thing are you doing?" And Jimmy was killing villagers in a gas chamber, burying the ashes of his victims, drowning mobs in a tank, stuff like that. The narrator's reaction was priceless.
I find it funny how parients thank video games are couse violence bit in reality they don't
Are we not gonna talk about the parent that said she uses minecraft as a babysitter where's the "parents upset over parents not parenting"
All of these parents are hypocrites; it's their literal *job* to put their foot down and have boundaries for their children to follow. Who cares if they cry and scream, giving it just makes it so much worse in the long run. My brother and I couldn't even so much as look at our console on a school night and it certainly didn't scar us for life.
Exactly!! So tired of this trend of parents using screens as "babysitters" instead of actually parenting, especially when they then turn around and are like "why kid addicted to game now?? :(" like this!
It’s been so long. I’m so glad to see this series return.
As much as we love cursed commercials that much we love our good o'l original Chadtronic
Kids: [Enjoying a game that hones fine motor skills, timing, and encourages creativity, exploration, and general play]
Parents: I can't control my child even though I'm the parent and readily admit the game's a babysitter! I've made no efforts to understand and therefore I am terrified and blameless! What about child grooming?! Never mind normal responsibility of teaching them about safety and letting them understand I will help and protect them if they come to me about something serious as I can't be assed to even learn about a simple game! [Then proceeds to post pictures of their kids and their locations at all times on social media without second thought or privacy settings]
As a parent with two young children I look forward to the days of actually being able to talk about these sorts of things with them. I've been playing online games for 15 years and I can honestly say there won't be any fear factor in the talk just honesty. As long as the kids don't feel the need to hide what they do online I won't be concerned, not to say they don't deserve some privacy.
8:04 this bit ain't that bad of a suggestion honestly, one time my friend's dad started a server for us and a couple of other buddies to play on.
5:01 is probably the best part. The kid isn't even playing the game. That's the Western mod from DANTDM.
When the world needed him most, he returned.
For all worried. This is the first dimension and the cursed commercials universe is the second universe. Chad is also able too see universe 2 from universe 1 his camera is multi dimensional. Also there is a multi dimensional phone. They are essentially the same except in dimension 1 Chad never casted the "good luck" spell
welcome to the chadiverse
11:01 Absolutely Relatable to every child in the world , Parents be like : My son shared a picture of a white square and this stranger online who is probably thousands of miles away from me is gonna rob me from all my possessions. Like chill for once!