Sale the dang product to the public. Making people pay an additional $2000 for little Johnny at the pool store to spray it on instead of letting the public do it is why no one still yet knows about this product. Just make it so you’re not liable. Like any other product out there. If people choose not to prep correctly then it’s on them. Don’t make it unavailable to all of us because of that. I have to use an inferior product on my pool now because you won’t sale it to me. Plus I can’t even find any pool companies that carry it if I did want them to do it. You’re losing out on this distribution avenue you chose. There’s a lot of DIY’s that know what they’re doing and who can follow directions.
Sale the dang product to the public. Making people pay an additional $2000 for little Johnny at the pool store to spray it on instead of letting the public do it is why no one still yet knows about this product. Just make it so you’re not liable. Like any other product out there. If people choose not to prep correctly then it’s on them. Don’t make it unavailable to all of us because of that. I have to use an inferior product on my pool now because you won’t sale it to me. Plus I can’t even find any pool companies that carry it if I did want them to do it. You’re losing out on this distribution avenue you chose. There’s a lot of DIY’s that know what they’re doing and who can follow directions.