UPDATE: At about the 32 minute mark, I show how to miter a railing. If you want the miter to include a weld, use RAILING JOINT HANDRAIL from the Connection Vault.
Thanks for sharing the video. At the 51 min mark, AS created the part drawing of the clip angle. Where is the callout for the hole size in the angle? Is that something you have to add with an annotation? Thanks again.
It may not have been configured in the out of box drawing style at the time. You can do it manually from the Labels & Dimensions tab but it's better to add it to the drawing style so it will be automatic. Hope this helps.
Hello, Great video is has been really useful! However I am really stuck now. When I get to trying to generate drawings, I follow your instructions completely but my documents manager is not showing up as having any drawings in it whatsoever. No errors are coming up but they just are not being created. Under details tab its just says empty. I cannot find the drawings either on my computer under the details folder within the job. The only drawing that shows up is a template with a logo and the name of the job. Any ideas? Many thanks, Callum
Thanks for the message. I would need to see your project, but to do that you would need to utilize our support service. I can put in contact with our service team if you like. Regards
How can I set a layer in the advance steel dwg template that when the GA or assembly drawing dwg is created this same layer can be set turned off or frozen and not printed in the GA and Assembly dwg? It is that some times I need to use helping beams and those should not be in the drawing and I want to set them on a layer in the model dwg that when they are being turned in to the GA or assembly dwg they do not show up there as they would be on the layer that is set frozen and not printed. An other example is with guard rail posts on corners where two guardrails meet and one post needs to be set on this layer and of course un check everything in the behavior tab.
Thanks for the question. If all you want to do is set a layer to no-plot, that is done in the Layer Properties Manager. That's a core AutoCAD feature. However, in Advance Steel, if you have some beams that need to plot and others that don't, be careful. You really don't want to have multiple layers for your beams. Advance Steel manages its layers and it's best to leave them alone. To include certain beams in a GA drawing, that would be handled when you run the desired Drawing Style or Process. Depending on the one you're using, only select the beams to be included in that particular drawing when running the Drawing Style/Process. For further assistance, please contact us at service@hagerman.com or call 800-422-0313.
Hi, thank you for your videos, they're interesting. You have a quite large model here. I am having lagging issues with my pc hardware configuration. Specialy when crating/modifying pickets in stair railing or even worse when generating or updating the drawings from the cameras or the sections in the drawings. What can I do to minimize the time it takes to do this processes? What hardware are you using on yor pc for Advance Steel (Not the minimum requirements)? - Mainboard? - CPU exact model? - memory Ram count with mhz, ecc? - Grafics card model? - storage SSD/HDD, read/write speed?
My workstation is the Dell Precision 7710, 32GB RAM, Intel Xeon 2176M CPU @ 2.70 GHz, 64-Bit, Windows 10, 1TB Hard Drive Solid State. Without knowing your specific hardware and model size & complexity, it's not possible to really resolve your issue. You'll want to compare your hardware to the Autodesk System Requirements for Advance Steel. You might need to look for the Recommended requirements versus the minimum. Other than that, I would suggest that you contact Hagerman & Co. to learn about our customer support services. Hope this helps.
Hello guys, does anyone know how to setup advance steel so it puts created drawings(say GA, camera drawings, parts and assembly drawings) into the model space and not in pare/layout?
Thanks for the question. That is not possible in Advance Steel. The views that are created are a special kind of viewport that is different from the out-of-box viewports in regular AutoCAD.
I have a condition where the web is trimmed out near the top flange of a W10x68 and the top flange is bent and welded to the web to make it tapered. Will Advance Steel do this?
0:00 - Intro to Advance Steel
2:30 - Tool pallete overview
4:08 - Connection vault overview
4:45 - Project explorer overview
6:09 - Attaching objects to levels
9:57 - Creating columns,footings,beams on level
17:57 - Adding connections
21:00 - Advance copy command
23:52 - Propagate joint
26:14 - Creating stairs
34:09 - Adding grating/moving object levels
36:38 - Creating ladders/ move UCS
40:08 - Advance move/properties of an object
42:40 - Weld features
43:55 - Plate/grating contour/ Switch panel
48:23 - Selected single part detail
50:50 - Annotating drawings overview
51:26 - Assembly Drawing
52:59 - Plan view
55:23 - Revisions to drawings from model
59:40 - Importing smlx files
1:04:02 - Exporting to Revit
Nice video, keep sharing
The best tutorial online
Keep on sharing, thanks for this one.
At about the 32 minute mark, I show how to miter a railing. If you want the miter to include a weld, use RAILING JOINT HANDRAIL from the Connection Vault.
Also, the miter command includes a weld property. Once the Miter dialog appears, go to the Cut tab to see the weld settings.
Thanks for sharing the video. At the 51 min mark, AS created the part drawing of the clip angle. Where is the callout for the hole size in the angle? Is that something you have to add with an annotation? Thanks again.
It may not have been configured in the out of box drawing style at the time. You can do it manually from the Labels & Dimensions tab but it's better to add it to the drawing style so it will be automatic. Hope this helps.
that was AWESOME. Thanks!!!
Great video - thanks very much!
Do you guys have any classes that can go into more detail that people can attend or watch?
Yes we do. Our list of training classes can be found at www.hagerman.com/training . Future free events can be found at www.hagerman.com/events
Great video is has been really useful! However I am really stuck now.
When I get to trying to generate drawings, I follow your instructions completely but my documents manager is not showing up as having any drawings in it whatsoever. No errors are coming up but they just are not being created. Under details tab its just says empty.
I cannot find the drawings either on my computer under the details folder within the job. The only drawing that shows up is a template with a logo and the name of the job.
Any ideas?
Many thanks,
Thanks for the message. I would need to see your project, but to do that you would need to utilize our support service. I can put in contact with our service team if you like. Regards
@@Hagerman_brettbarkman Yes please Brett. This is killing me. Thanks
How can I set a layer in the advance steel dwg template that when the GA or assembly drawing dwg is created this same layer can be set turned off or frozen and not printed in the GA and Assembly dwg?
It is that some times I need to use helping beams and those should not be in the drawing and I want to set them on a layer in the model dwg that when they are being turned in to the GA or assembly dwg they do not show up there as they would be on the layer that is set frozen and not printed. An other example is with guard rail posts on corners where two guardrails meet and one post needs to be set on this layer and of course un check everything in the behavior tab.
Thanks for the question. If all you want to do is set a layer to no-plot, that is done in the Layer Properties Manager. That's a core AutoCAD feature. However, in Advance Steel, if you have some beams that need to plot and others that don't, be careful. You really don't want to have multiple layers for your beams. Advance Steel manages its layers and it's best to leave them alone. To include certain beams in a GA drawing, that would be handled when you run the desired Drawing Style or Process. Depending on the one you're using, only select the beams to be included in that particular drawing when running the Drawing Style/Process. For further assistance, please contact us at service@hagerman.com or call 800-422-0313.
does advance steel breaks part file from model ?
If by break parts from the model you mean create single part drawings, then yes.
Hi, thank you for your videos, they're interesting.
You have a quite large model here.
I am having lagging issues with my pc hardware configuration.
Specialy when crating/modifying pickets in stair railing or even worse when generating or updating the drawings from the cameras or the sections in the drawings.
What can I do to minimize the time it takes to do this processes?
What hardware are you using on yor pc for Advance Steel
(Not the minimum requirements)?
- Mainboard?
- CPU exact model?
- memory Ram count with mhz, ecc?
- Grafics card model?
- storage SSD/HDD, read/write speed?
My workstation is the Dell Precision 7710, 32GB RAM, Intel Xeon 2176M CPU @ 2.70 GHz, 64-Bit, Windows 10, 1TB Hard Drive Solid State. Without knowing your specific hardware and model size & complexity, it's not possible to really resolve your issue. You'll want to compare your hardware to the Autodesk System Requirements for Advance Steel. You might need to look for the Recommended requirements versus the minimum. Other than that, I would suggest that you contact Hagerman & Co. to learn about our customer support services. Hope this helps.
@@bjbarkman Thank you.
Hello guys, does anyone know how to setup advance steel so it puts created drawings(say GA, camera drawings, parts and assembly drawings) into the model space and not in pare/layout?
Thanks for the question. That is not possible in Advance Steel. The views that are created are a special kind of viewport that is different from the out-of-box viewports in regular AutoCAD.
I have a condition where the web is trimmed out near the top flange of a W10x68 and the top flange is bent and welded to the web to make it tapered. Will Advance Steel do this?