Back when I played it, my favorite character to play was my Illusion/Kinetic Controller. I could solo when I had too, and could contribute to any team. I also picked Super Jump as my primary travel power.
Long time lurker of your channel, so heya. I'm no expert, this is just my years of osmosis and knowledge of the game back when I played it heavily. Mind Control's experience problem was addressed late in CoH's life, you still lose a bit of experience but nowhere near as much now, so I wouldn't worry about it, you only need to make sure you tag the enemies with an attack to get bulk credit, a single tap will do. Because of this, I'd recommend using it on a Dominator for 3 reasons: Easy to tag for credit real quick, the more direct DPS of Dom's secondaries make up for the lack of MC's damage output and lack of pets, and finally Domination gives you a more reliable way of locking down tough bosses since it boosts the power of your holds. Dunno which assault secondary is good with mind, Psionic is a little underwhelming in damage numbers but pairs well for theme, I think you'd be happy if you picked it either way if you did pick it. Radiation is always an amazing secondary no matter the context of your primary for Controller, you weaken foes' resistances to damage, lower their defense to be easier to hit, and has nice personal buffs. Kinetics is the same, always good no matter. Pets will always be better for solo and gain a lot more from Radiation and Kinetics, but both are solid on their own. Lots of people like Grav/Kin for controller cuz it shares similar visuals. Illusion is extremely powerful and one of the higher DPS controller primaries and one of the reasons why you can't pick it on Dominator. I can't say anything on Time, I hear it's good, but that's all I've seen. Lastly I wanna give a few general words on Dominator vs Controller: I would say that for solo, Dominator will be smoother due to Domination giving you that reliable locking down capability. The best Controller is going to outshine the best Dominator in most cases, solo or team, but this is in the context of picking the most powerful combos like Fire/Kin and Fire/Rad, Illusion/Rad. Any assault secondary for Dominator will work fine. The best secondaries for Controller are Kinetics for self buffs, Radiation, and Dark for lowering enemy accuracy and getting a decent pet that can give occasional heals. Also keep in mind that you can do themes outside of the designated naming, like making Dark yellow and brown for a sand theme, Earth has an option to look like lava or crystalline. Hopefully this wasn't too much information, but I thought a broad overview of things might help in understanding the what and why's.
I played CoH at release, with a Controller. Reached max level on that, and played several other classes. For the Controller I solo'd and supported parties until I gained my pets. Then I became the party. I'd invite people just to show off how fast they could kill. Later on I partied with a full group of Controllers. We had some of everything, and it was a blast to sit back and watch the light show. Because of my stacked buffs and debuffs, I was able to solo kill anything that my pets could hit. I believe that was purple targets, up to +5 levels. As a group, we could kill everything except bosses. Bosses had some CC immunity, and enough damage to AoE the pets in a single hit. I played Fire and Kinetics. Its very strong, and very fun. Bonfire will knock back anything, so you can ping-pong a target between two bonfires, or trap them in a corner. This is how I killed the Purple +5 targets. If you don't want Fire, I recommend Illusion. You'll get to try out the domination pet early, and then gain invincible illusions, and finally your big pet. That gives you more interesting play style before the final pets. Because controllers are a slog before you get your pet. After that they take off. I recommend taking the Leadership and Speed power pools. Leadership will give you AoE toggle buffs, that will let your pets hit harder. And speed gives Hasten which reduces power cooldown times. In order to run all that, you'll need a way to get Endurance back, so watch for bonus End in the secondary powers. Also, if you do choose Illusion, know that the Phantom Army is invincible, and cannot be buffed. So skip leadership, and look for secondary powers that debuff damage resistance. I would avoid Gravity, unless you have a party. The pet is mostly crowd control. Also I recommend against Mind. You'll be working much harder, and gaining less exp, unless you have party support. IMO if you want Time powers, play Defender. If you want mind powers, play Blaster. But if you want to solo and have fun at the early levels, play Scrapper. Because all Controllers will be super slow before pets, and Scrappers can solo everything :)
Controllers fill a nice niche of both crowd control and force multiplier. Fire/Kin is a regular favorite, though I never played it because I could never think of a theme for it. During the game's initial life, I was able to get a Mind/Sonic Controller to 50, those sets merge rather well. I also had to incorporate some other powers into the Mind/Sonic, as I was going for a particular theme (a psychic who still liked to get her hands dirty in a fight), so I mixed in Fighting Pool powers (Boxing, Tough and Weave), Air Superiority and I can't remember which Ancillary powers I selected... But the more damaging attacks you can incorporate into the set, the better, because while Mind Control is hard-hitting, it doesn't have many powers that actually do damage. Another controller I got to 50 was a Gravity/Kin. Kinetics just speaks for itself. Gravity was slow-going at first, but it started kicking a lot more butt as I gained levels. Then there was the Illusion/Ice Controller, an odd synergy, but they worked quite nicely together. The final Controller I got to 50 was a Plant/Plants Controller. That was just playing on easy mode, especially when you get the Flytrap summon. As for Dominators, I lack experience with them. The only one I got to 50 was probably the absolute WORST to get to 50, a Mind/Psi Dom. This combination is the absolute WORST in terms of raw damage output, which also results in it being a huge Endurance hog. I had a little bit of a better experience with a Gravity/Energy Dominator, but couldn't get the character to 50 before the initial game's end.
I'm not a controller expert but I played a gravity/radiation emission controller as my main up to about level 45ish and loved her. Soloing was a cinch, if a bit slow at times (especially against those crystalline enemies, I forgot what they are called). Singularities were awesome. Propel was a fun looking power (especially when it summoned a forklift to throw) but I remember dropping it during a respec because it was just such a slow power. I quit around issue 10 so maybe they made changes to it after that, but just something to consider if you go with gravity.
I rebuilt my grav/rad controller on Everlasting the other night but have not had time to play her much. I did notice in another of Bob's videos that propel looked like it fired much quicker, so I am glad to hear that it was apparently tweaked for the better. I looked up the 'crystalline enemies', they were the Devouring Earth. Those things took forever to kill with grav powers!
@@SuperBitsandBob I've been the same to be honest. I couldn't find a controller I wanted to follow through on until I tried Fire/Rad and got a good theme going. I've been doing sewer runs left and right to level characters haha
@@SuperBitsandBob yeah they are. They take maybe 40 minutes to get you to level 10 or so, from there you can seek out AE groups to grind if you want to speed level while we have double xp or you can do contacts missions and do it properly.
Mind works better on dominators, they are also the only class that can go psi/psi/psi with epic pools. Dominators have weaker pets, mind has no downside there. Illusion and gravity are sick on controllers. Controller gravity> dominator gravity. Plant and Dark work great on both classes.
Mind/Time: Great sets, Time will feel very Controller-like all on its own (Dark or Trick Arrow secondaries are similar to this); personally, I paired it with Grav and there was a TON of synergy there (lots of holds AND -recharge/speed). Very clean sets and Time has nice buffs/debuffs. Try a Grav/Dark sometime. Damage can be meh, but is VERY clean look, and two powers do really decent damage (Lift(?) and Propel), plus the pet (Singularity) does decent CC abilities of its own and is pretty beefy. The Dark secondary has a pet of its own which can add to your CC capabilities, a self heal, debuffs and buffs galore. Illusion/Dark or ILL/Rad are MONSTER killers once you get high enough. Can't go wrong with Rad as the secondary. Problem with ILLUSION is it is slow going early on, especially if you solo. Teams will love you for the Secondary instead of the Primary. Never tried Plant but I did toy around with the Dark primary and it is AMAZING. Very cool and weird which makes it fun for me. Good synergy with Time again (and, of course Dar/Dark for thematic reasons). Odd Man Out (ELEC Control): This one works well. It CAN be a sapper (drains the enemies' endurance to almost zero). Takes awhile to do, but on a team, they will thank you for draining some of the harder to kill targets. Thematically, I'd pair with Storm Summoning for obvious reasons. AND, Elec gets TWO pets on its summon, not one. Secondary choices to also check out include: Cold Domination or Storm Summoning. Both great and weird all at the same time. Short Version: Theme matters. Because, if you don't like the theme, you are less invested in the toon. So don't discount finding that theme you want. Pets add to your damage out, soloing ability, and some even can cast control effects of their own. Side Note: If you SOLO, make sure to pack lots of "break frees" as most or all of the above secondary sets do nothing to prevent you from being MEZZED yourself. Nothing worse than trying to solo and face planting over and over again because you are slept and shortly after your pet(s) die, you die. Also,, on secondary sets with debuff toggles (like Darkest Night in the Dark Affinity set or any of the debuff toggles from Rad or Storm), know that ONCE you slap that on a target solo, everything near it will immediately turn to face you and attack. You MAY not survive the "Alpha" strike from that. Suggest, once you have a pet or two, to let the pet take some aggro (Get Recall Ally teleportation power so you can 'Port your lil pet to the OPPOSITE side of a spawn. Natural tendancy for pets are to join you at your side so he/she/it will wander back to you and drag the bad guys with him/her/it and will most likely start attacking the mob for you. THEN, while they are distracted with your pet, slap that debuffing toggle on them. Works great if you practice soloing quite a bit.
Played a level 50 Illusion/Radiation controller back in the day. There are several things that aren't clear with these sets that you cant really get until you play the class. Like your mention of the flytrap, it does move around with you, the singularity casts its own set of CCs and can fling enemies its a great set for control. phantom army deals crazy damage half of it gets healed back if the enemy does not die within a certain time, but what isn'tt clear is that they are completely immune to damage. So tossing them in the middle of a group to soak the alpha damage is a great idea. I have played pretty much all of the controller primaries. So if you have any questions please feel free to ask
@ScepticalCynic Hmm well that is a great combo for grouping, you can lock everything down for days and with the debuffs/team buffs you will do nicely. Just be careful tossing enemies too far your melee will be annoyed with you if you do it too much. Other than that though soloing will be slow for you because singularity does do a ton of damage but it is really nice CCs.
@ScepticalCynic Yes, single target immobilizes arent that great. Simply because if there is something that you want to single out you would just use your hold on it and since your holds cooldown isnt crazy long in the first place it almost isnt worth grabbing
I've never played this game before, so right now I'm an alt-a-holic. Playing around to see what I mainly want to play. Right now I'm playing with a Dominator with Mind Control/Psionic Assault for it's base powers. So far it's been really fun. Any tips on it would be appreciated.
Find MIDS hero planner online and replan out your build to see what works. Just know that Mids is working on OLD data from years ago, so grain of salt with dmg numbers.
Also illusion radiation is amazing great CC even 2 AOE holds allow you to even cc groups of bosses. Plus another cc aoe toggle. and a 30% recharge redux from accelerate metabolism that allows you to keep the spell up 100% of the time when slotted correctly
T.A. always seems to be over looked as a secondary. I understand draw-time can be a negative, but if you optimize it well, it works great with the right set. I used to run max mob farms solo with my Fire / T.A. back in the day. He was literally the most OP character I've ever played.
The fly trap from plants can run around. As far as mind, since controllers do bonus damage to any controlled enemies, and becouse it has both a single target and aoe version of eac of it's controlls you can slap both on a hard target and most likly get the effect off. With that said your 3 best sets in my opinion for solo damage are fire, illusion, and gravity, not in any particular order.
I agree on all the above except Grav. Unless there were SIGNIFICANT changes to Grav powers, their damage was always meh to me. Don't get me wrong...Grav/FF was my FIRST 50 and I love the set. But dmg was iffy late game.
All Controllers solo well - Earth can be a bit slow. Mind does good damage - you get a percentage of the XP from Confuse provided you do some damage to the mobs. Plant and Fire do a lot of damage. Plant has 'seeds of confusion' that confuses (comes up a lot too so got complaints from Mind controllers back then) and plant has a lot of AoE damage to make the most of this and get the XP. Illusion is good for soloing AVs. If you want to sole AV's you need a heavy debuff secondary, such as RAD. Kinetics has the biggest self/team buff in the game - last power pick. Gravity is fun but has a lot of knock back which can annoy people. Played all the primary's and most of the secondary's Another thing to look at is Dark Miasma Defender/Corruptor as this too has a pet and good control/heals/debuffs. Feel free to PM me or I can respond in here for all to see,
Playing earth/storm and I'd say it does not solo well at all unless you really build to solo and even then it'd need some levels to get your pet and lightning storm. Note, I didn't make this guy to solo and only play him in group content so its still really fun.
@@bhot9293 Try reducing the mission level to -1 or -2 and up the team size to +3 or more. Using the AoE immob with containment you'll tear through the mobs quite quickly.Use single target hold and immob on the Lts and bosses.
I would think you could make a decent controller/scrapper with mind/time by picking attack powers from power pools. Air Superiority is a nice single target that knocks down, you already have the sorcery blast, then there's the fighting pool.
Ah, making characters is the best, COH is all about alts. There's no real endgame, so alts is where its at. It is very slow to solo a controller until mid levels when you have enough lock downs and damage, though very safe to solo. However, controllers are amazing on groups. Lockdown groups, secondary support. My favorite back in the day (my 3rd character made in 2004) was Fire/Rad controller
Fire/Rads was my preferred troller build back in the day, I know I messed around with a lot of them and also liked my Ice/Emp and Gravity/Shields characters. Far from a pro at them though I tend to favor brutes, scrappers and MMs.
Illusion / Radiation Controller is a good combination. It gives you psychic damage with a debuff. :-)
illusion radiation was one of the best synergies in the game, as well as fire kin.
My gravity/dark troller is a beast. The 2 pets do holds so you are the best at hold stacking
Back when I played it, my favorite character to play was my Illusion/Kinetic Controller. I could solo when I had too, and could contribute to any team. I also picked Super Jump as my primary travel power.
Long time lurker of your channel, so heya. I'm no expert, this is just my years of osmosis and knowledge of the game back when I played it heavily. Mind Control's experience problem was addressed late in CoH's life, you still lose a bit of experience but nowhere near as much now, so I wouldn't worry about it, you only need to make sure you tag the enemies with an attack to get bulk credit, a single tap will do. Because of this, I'd recommend using it on a Dominator for 3 reasons: Easy to tag for credit real quick, the more direct DPS of Dom's secondaries make up for the lack of MC's damage output and lack of pets, and finally Domination gives you a more reliable way of locking down tough bosses since it boosts the power of your holds. Dunno which assault secondary is good with mind, Psionic is a little underwhelming in damage numbers but pairs well for theme, I think you'd be happy if you picked it either way if you did pick it.
Radiation is always an amazing secondary no matter the context of your primary for Controller, you weaken foes' resistances to damage, lower their defense to be easier to hit, and has nice personal buffs. Kinetics is the same, always good no matter. Pets will always be better for solo and gain a lot more from Radiation and Kinetics, but both are solid on their own. Lots of people like Grav/Kin for controller cuz it shares similar visuals. Illusion is extremely powerful and one of the higher DPS controller primaries and one of the reasons why you can't pick it on Dominator.
I can't say anything on Time, I hear it's good, but that's all I've seen.
Lastly I wanna give a few general words on Dominator vs Controller: I would say that for solo, Dominator will be smoother due to Domination giving you that reliable locking down capability. The best Controller is going to outshine the best Dominator in most cases, solo or team, but this is in the context of picking the most powerful combos like Fire/Kin and Fire/Rad, Illusion/Rad. Any assault secondary for Dominator will work fine. The best secondaries for Controller are Kinetics for self buffs, Radiation, and Dark for lowering enemy accuracy and getting a decent pet that can give occasional heals. Also keep in mind that you can do themes outside of the designated naming, like making Dark yellow and brown for a sand theme, Earth has an option to look like lava or crystalline.
Hopefully this wasn't too much information, but I thought a broad overview of things might help in understanding the what and why's.
Thanks for the the extensive reply friend, good read.
I played CoH at release, with a Controller. Reached max level on that, and played several other classes. For the Controller I solo'd and supported parties until I gained my pets. Then I became the party. I'd invite people just to show off how fast they could kill. Later on I partied with a full group of Controllers. We had some of everything, and it was a blast to sit back and watch the light show. Because of my stacked buffs and debuffs, I was able to solo kill anything that my pets could hit. I believe that was purple targets, up to +5 levels. As a group, we could kill everything except bosses. Bosses had some CC immunity, and enough damage to AoE the pets in a single hit.
I played Fire and Kinetics. Its very strong, and very fun. Bonfire will knock back anything, so you can ping-pong a target between two bonfires, or trap them in a corner. This is how I killed the Purple +5 targets. If you don't want Fire, I recommend Illusion. You'll get to try out the domination pet early, and then gain invincible illusions, and finally your big pet. That gives you more interesting play style before the final pets. Because controllers are a slog before you get your pet. After that they take off.
I recommend taking the Leadership and Speed power pools. Leadership will give you AoE toggle buffs, that will let your pets hit harder. And speed gives Hasten which reduces power cooldown times. In order to run all that, you'll need a way to get Endurance back, so watch for bonus End in the secondary powers. Also, if you do choose Illusion, know that the Phantom Army is invincible, and cannot be buffed. So skip leadership, and look for secondary powers that debuff damage resistance.
I would avoid Gravity, unless you have a party. The pet is mostly crowd control. Also I recommend against Mind. You'll be working much harder, and gaining less exp, unless you have party support. IMO if you want Time powers, play Defender. If you want mind powers, play Blaster. But if you want to solo and have fun at the early levels, play Scrapper. Because all Controllers will be super slow before pets, and Scrappers can solo everything :)
Controllers fill a nice niche of both crowd control and force multiplier. Fire/Kin is a regular favorite, though I never played it because I could never think of a theme for it. During the game's initial life, I was able to get a Mind/Sonic Controller to 50, those sets merge rather well. I also had to incorporate some other powers into the Mind/Sonic, as I was going for a particular theme (a psychic who still liked to get her hands dirty in a fight), so I mixed in Fighting Pool powers (Boxing, Tough and Weave), Air Superiority and I can't remember which Ancillary powers I selected... But the more damaging attacks you can incorporate into the set, the better, because while Mind Control is hard-hitting, it doesn't have many powers that actually do damage.
Another controller I got to 50 was a Gravity/Kin. Kinetics just speaks for itself. Gravity was slow-going at first, but it started kicking a lot more butt as I gained levels.
Then there was the Illusion/Ice Controller, an odd synergy, but they worked quite nicely together.
The final Controller I got to 50 was a Plant/Plants Controller. That was just playing on easy mode, especially when you get the Flytrap summon.
As for Dominators, I lack experience with them. The only one I got to 50 was probably the absolute WORST to get to 50, a Mind/Psi Dom. This combination is the absolute WORST in terms of raw damage output, which also results in it being a huge Endurance hog. I had a little bit of a better experience with a Gravity/Energy Dominator, but couldn't get the character to 50 before the initial game's end.
I'm not a controller expert but I played a gravity/radiation emission controller as my main up to about level 45ish and loved her. Soloing was a cinch, if a bit slow at times (especially against those crystalline enemies, I forgot what they are called). Singularities were awesome. Propel was a fun looking power (especially when it summoned a forklift to throw) but I remember dropping it during a respec because it was just such a slow power. I quit around issue 10 so maybe they made changes to it after that, but just something to consider if you go with gravity.
If you play these days, take a look at how they changed grav powers. I know propel got an upgrade.
I rebuilt my grav/rad controller on Everlasting the other night but have not had time to play her much. I did notice in another of Bob's videos that propel looked like it fired much quicker, so I am glad to hear that it was apparently tweaked for the better. I looked up the 'crystalline enemies', they were the Devouring Earth. Those things took forever to kill with grav powers!
Also on Everlasting! I'll keep an eye out for you Bob.
Sure thing mate. I was in alt hell last couple of days but settled on something now I think.
@@SuperBitsandBob I've been the same to be honest. I couldn't find a controller I wanted to follow through on until I tried Fire/Rad and got a good theme going. I've been doing sewer runs left and right to level characters haha
@@heyflight Are sewer runs just for levelling quickly? See a lot of chat about them in er, chat. :)
@@SuperBitsandBob yeah they are. They take maybe 40 minutes to get you to level 10 or so, from there you can seek out AE groups to grind if you want to speed level while we have double xp or you can do contacts missions and do it properly.
Mind works better on dominators, they are also the only class that can go psi/psi/psi with epic pools. Dominators have weaker pets, mind has no downside there.
Illusion and gravity are sick on controllers. Controller gravity> dominator gravity. Plant and Dark work great on both classes.
Mind/Time: Great sets, Time will feel very Controller-like all on its own (Dark or Trick Arrow secondaries are similar to this); personally, I paired it with Grav and there was a TON of synergy there (lots of holds AND -recharge/speed). Very clean sets and Time has nice buffs/debuffs.
Try a Grav/Dark sometime. Damage can be meh, but is VERY clean look, and two powers do really decent damage (Lift(?) and Propel), plus the pet (Singularity) does decent CC abilities of its own and is pretty beefy. The Dark secondary has a pet of its own which can add to your CC capabilities, a self heal, debuffs and buffs galore.
Illusion/Dark or ILL/Rad are MONSTER killers once you get high enough. Can't go wrong with Rad as the secondary. Problem with ILLUSION is it is slow going early on, especially if you solo. Teams will love you for the Secondary instead of the Primary.
Never tried Plant but I did toy around with the Dark primary and it is AMAZING. Very cool and weird which makes it fun for me. Good synergy with Time again (and, of course Dar/Dark for thematic reasons).
Odd Man Out (ELEC Control): This one works well. It CAN be a sapper (drains the enemies' endurance to almost zero). Takes awhile to do, but on a team, they will thank you for draining some of the harder to kill targets. Thematically, I'd pair with Storm Summoning for obvious reasons. AND, Elec gets TWO pets on its summon, not one.
Secondary choices to also check out include: Cold Domination or Storm Summoning. Both great and weird all at the same time.
Short Version: Theme matters. Because, if you don't like the theme, you are less invested in the toon. So don't discount finding that theme you want. Pets add to your damage out, soloing ability, and some even can cast control effects of their own.
Side Note: If you SOLO, make sure to pack lots of "break frees" as most or all of the above secondary sets do nothing to prevent you from being MEZZED yourself. Nothing worse than trying to solo and face planting over and over again because you are slept and shortly after your pet(s) die, you die. Also,, on secondary sets with debuff toggles (like Darkest Night in the Dark Affinity set or any of the debuff toggles from Rad or Storm), know that ONCE you slap that on a target solo, everything near it will immediately turn to face you and attack. You MAY not survive the "Alpha" strike from that. Suggest, once you have a pet or two, to let the pet take some aggro (Get Recall Ally teleportation power so you can 'Port your lil pet to the OPPOSITE side of a spawn. Natural tendancy for pets are to join you at your side so he/she/it will wander back to you and drag the bad guys with him/her/it and will most likely start attacking the mob for you. THEN, while they are distracted with your pet, slap that debuffing toggle on them. Works great if you practice soloing quite a bit.
Thanks for the comprehensive reply friend!
Played a level 50 Illusion/Radiation controller back in the day. There are several things that aren't clear with these sets that you cant really get until you play the class. Like your mention of the flytrap, it does move around with you, the singularity casts its own set of CCs and can fling enemies its a great set for control. phantom army deals crazy damage half of it gets healed back if the enemy does not die within a certain time, but what isn'tt clear is that they are completely immune to damage. So tossing them in the middle of a group to soak the alpha damage is a great idea. I have played pretty much all of the controller primaries. So if you have any questions please feel free to ask
@ScepticalCynic Hmm well that is a great combo for grouping, you can lock everything down for days and with the debuffs/team buffs you will do nicely. Just be careful tossing enemies too far your melee will be annoyed with you if you do it too much. Other than that though soloing will be slow for you because singularity does do a ton of damage but it is really nice CCs.
@ScepticalCynicwas supposed to say "singularity doesn't do a ton of dmg"
@ScepticalCynic Yes, single target immobilizes arent that great. Simply because if there is something that you want to single out you would just use your hold on it and since your holds cooldown isnt crazy long in the first place it almost isnt worth grabbing
I've never played this game before, so right now I'm an alt-a-holic. Playing around to see what I mainly want to play. Right now I'm playing with a Dominator with Mind Control/Psionic Assault for it's base powers. So far it's been really fun. Any tips on it would be appreciated.
Find MIDS hero planner online and replan out your build to see what works. Just know that Mids is working on OLD data from years ago, so grain of salt with dmg numbers.
Also illusion radiation is amazing great CC even 2 AOE holds allow you to even cc groups of bosses. Plus another cc aoe toggle. and a 30% recharge redux from accelerate metabolism that allows you to keep the spell up 100% of the time when slotted correctly
T.A. always seems to be over looked as a secondary. I understand draw-time can be a negative, but if you optimize it well, it works great with the right set.
I used to run max mob farms solo with my Fire / T.A. back in the day. He was literally the most OP character I've ever played.
Illusion/Time is pretty great
Fairly new to rolling Illusion/Time. Was hoping to use Sorcery as a power pool. Having a hard time finding a good build though. Any advice?
The fly trap from plants can run around. As far as mind, since controllers do bonus damage to any controlled enemies, and becouse it has both a single target and aoe version of eac of it's controlls you can slap both on a hard target and most likly get the effect off.
With that said your 3 best sets in my opinion for solo damage are fire, illusion, and gravity, not in any particular order.
I agree on all the above except Grav. Unless there were SIGNIFICANT changes to Grav powers, their damage was always meh to me. Don't get me wrong...Grav/FF was my FIRST 50 and I love the set. But dmg was iffy late game.
Plant/Nature affinity is amazing on teams
All Controllers solo well - Earth can be a bit slow.
Mind does good damage - you get a percentage of the XP from Confuse provided you do some damage to the mobs.
Plant and Fire do a lot of damage. Plant has 'seeds of confusion' that confuses (comes up a lot too so got complaints from Mind controllers back then) and plant has a lot of AoE damage to make the most of this and get the XP.
Illusion is good for soloing AVs. If you want to sole AV's you need a heavy debuff secondary, such as RAD. Kinetics has the biggest self/team buff in the game - last power pick.
Gravity is fun but has a lot of knock back which can annoy people.
Played all the primary's and most of the secondary's
Another thing to look at is Dark Miasma Defender/Corruptor as this too has a pet and good control/heals/debuffs.
Feel free to PM me or I can respond in here for all to see,
Which dominator or controller can i do for high dmg? I want to hit hard
Playing earth/storm and I'd say it does not solo well at all unless you really build to solo and even then it'd need some levels to get your pet and lightning storm.
Note, I didn't make this guy to solo and only play him in group content so its still really fun.
@@bhot9293 Try reducing the mission level to -1 or -2 and up the team size to +3 or more. Using the AoE immob with containment you'll tear through the mobs quite quickly.Use single target hold and immob on the Lts and bosses.
I would think you could make a decent controller/scrapper with mind/time by picking attack powers from power pools. Air Superiority is a nice single target that knocks down, you already have the sorcery blast, then there's the fighting pool.
Rewatching some of your videos Ive come up with a concept for the build I described here. Might try it.
iLL/rad is an amazing combo. Kinetics only lacks a revive but is amazing buff and debuff. Dark control is amazing. Try those
I'm new to the game and such.
I'd like to know any good high-damage Solo Build!
Thanks! Nice vid btw!
Ah, making characters is the best, COH is all about alts. There's no real endgame, so alts is where its at.
It is very slow to solo a controller until mid levels when you have enough lock downs and damage, though very safe to solo. However, controllers are amazing on groups. Lockdown groups, secondary support.
My favorite back in the day (my 3rd character made in 2004) was Fire/Rad controller
Fire/Rads was my preferred troller build back in the day, I know I messed around with a lot of them and also liked my Ice/Emp and Gravity/Shields characters. Far from a pro at them though I tend to favor brutes, scrappers and MMs.
Please help me to get my city of heroes work.
I believe the server now has a download and install so should be much easier? Jus search for Homecoming servers.
I'm an Alt-aholic too ! :)