▶'PLAY!' 무료 다시 보기 👉 navernow.onelink.me/o5cK/play 매주 월요일 밤 8시! 몬스타엑스 기현의 'PLAY!'🎤 ✅‘PLAY!’ 최신 회차는 네이버 NOW. 앱에서 무료로 다시 볼 수 있어요❤ ✅NOW. 앱 다운로드 👉 navernow.onelink.me/o5cK/pxfmz3he
I still can't believe he covered this song lol and he nailed it, this low-key rock version slaps so hard! I hope he releases a official cover on the MX channel
This is totally not a song I expected to see Kihyun sing but I'm not mad about it. I think this was the only way someone could get me to enjoy the song - bravo Kihyun.
His voice is so angelic and eargasm. No matter how many voices I listen I still find myself stuck to his voice .He sounds so pure. Love you alot Kihyun ❤️❤️❤️❤️.Keep singing such melodies.
▶'PLAY!' 무료 다시 보기 👉 navernow.onelink.me/o5cK/play
매주 월요일 밤 8시! 몬스타엑스 기현의 'PLAY!'🎤
✅‘PLAY!’ 최신 회차는 네이버 NOW. 앱에서 무료로 다시 볼 수 있어요❤
✅NOW. 앱 다운로드 👉 navernow.onelink.me/o5cK/pxfmz3he
개인적으로 기현이가 혜야나 wrecking ball 같은 호소력 짙은 곡 부를 때 너무 좋음.. 목소리가 너무 찰떡임 ㅜㅜ 그리고 독기 가득한 밴드곡도...
I still can't believe he covered this song lol and he nailed it, this low-key rock version slaps so hard! I hope he releases a official cover on the MX channel
KIHYUN's voice is very powerful 🎵
기현이 목소리랑 잘 맞는 노래 선곡하면 항상 레전드를 찍는데, 노래에 맞춰 목소리 톤을 조절하는 유기현은 매순간 레전드다.
Kihyun is incomparable!!!
Kihyun voice is the best
And the pronunciation is on point tho
기현이 wrecking ball 진짜 언제 들어도 짱임…몬베베 어깨 천장 뚫었어…♥️
미쳤어 요새 불러준거 중에 젤 좋아ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ
kihyun's voice is truly perfect
que temon y que vocalista!!! te extraño kihyun...
This is totally not a song I expected to see Kihyun sing but I'm not mad about it. I think this was the only way someone could get me to enjoy the song - bravo Kihyun.
와 진짜 기현이는 못 하는 곡이 없어서 내가 다 자랑스러워 죽겠어 ⋌˫랑해̆̈ 기현아
Amazing Kihyun🥰
His voice is so angelic and eargasm. No matter how many voices I listen I still find myself stuck to his voice .He sounds so pure. Love you alot Kihyun ❤️❤️❤️❤️.Keep singing such melodies.
Amazing cover! The incredibly powerful and extremely attractive…Yoo Kihyun! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻💕 The band was awesome too!
ㄹㅈㄷ기현이음색이랑 찰떡임,,
Kihyun is the best singer ❤ and those musicians rock 🤘🏽
Suena increíble mente perfecto, totalmente irreal le amo mucho.
Team MWN
Okey I need to Kihyun signing Left I the rain by Loving Caliber and Only One by Alex Band, Your vocals is so delicious Ki🤎🐻
OMG Kihyun amo su voz
도입부 귀 녹아
기현오빠가 부르는 레킹볼...귀하다
He has such a beautiful and strong voice 💘🤍 i'm so in love
Woooow Kihyunaaaaaa💘💘💘 I love love this
Que voz tan hermosa la de Kihyun
오랜만에 들으러 왔어 기현아❤
Absolutely amazing, he's the most talented person in the entire world
te amo Rey, eres la voz de la industria, mereces más
All my life I will say that he has a beautiful voice!
The only thing that I can say is 'WOW' 🩷🫠🩷❤️🔥😨❤️🔥
Beutiful versión Kiki thanks ❤❤
Kihyun le da todo el sentimiento TTTTTTTTTTTTT
Go kihyun.. your voice is so soothing.
이 노래 너무 잘 어울려.. 호소력 있는 톤이라 찰떡같아ㅠㅠ
Nunca creí necesitar a kihyun cantando wrecking ball hasta que lo escuche ❤
Kiki 😅😟😢😭😭❤️🤟🏻
Como se extrañan los lunes con mi REY VOCAL YOO KIHYUN❤🛐🛐🛐🛐
Needing the collab
Es que los covers de Kihyun siempre serán increíbles! Sin duda alguna tiene una voz maravillosa
Kiki always good, no doubt
피크페갓다가 보러옴 ㅠ 너무조아❤
Omg kihyun
Amo, por aquí nuevamente, extrañando a Kihyun, y disfrutando este cover precioso.
It sounds really good its crazy
Amo la voz de Kihyun
Guau bella voz Kiki amore l🫶♥️🫶♥️🙌
최고,,,, 유기현 최고,,,
My boy!!!!
Ame este tema por Kihyun!
Perfect cover
I see why he's called the vocal God of kpop✨
아 너무 좋다
wow, Kiki, king of not only kpop :) 👏👏👏
Su voz es espectacular.
아아아앙 호스트 계속 해줘 너 커버곡 계속 듣고시퍼ㅠㅠ
I'm living for this cover!! Woow kihyun!! Woow! Love it
Wow I really appreciate meeting you ❤
This is so good
Wow seriously perfect cover 👌
I needed this cover to finally like the song. ✨
Voz que encanta linda G B do Brasil
El mejor
Kihyun tu voz es espectacular, deleite a los oídos
Increible voz!! Kihyun Pop
3:10 dude look so hype :v
el talento de nuestro rey vocal y el de los chicos tocando cada instrumento, es MARAVILLOSO
아니 뭔 이 노래를 일케 다리꼬고 앉아서도 이렇게나 잘 부를 일이야? 🫠
I really like this song and now much more with your beautiful voice. Greetings from Mexico 🥰
Kihyun y su encantadora voz, me quedo con este cover, la versión original es hermosa, pero en este chico es increíble.
Piel de pollo dirían en mi país. Eso es lo que me generas, mi rey!!! KI-POP🤟🏻❤️🔥🤟🏻❤️🔥🤟🏻
Мои уши расцвели, готова бесконечно слушать 💔
내 전남친이 부른고 다닌거라 들으면 맨날 그새끼 생각하는데 이제 기현이만 생각날듯ㅋㅋㅋ