@saregamacarnatic have some common sesnse were to post which content, why you have posted badshah pani pani content in devotional song like baja govindam and please clarify how come badshah pani pani is carnatic which you have tagged after your name saregamacarnatic.
Bhajagovindam Bhajagovindam Govindam Bhaja Muudhamate . Sampraapte Sannihite Kaale Nahi Nahi Rakshati Dukrim Karane .. Bhajagovindam Bhajagovindam Govindam Bhaja Muudhamate (1) Worship Govinda, Worship Govinda, Worship Govinda. Oh Fool! Rules Of Grammar Will Not Save You At The Time Of Your Death. Mudha Jahiihi Dhanaagama Trishhnaam Kuru Sadbuddhim Manasi Vitrishhnaam. Yallabhase Nija Karmopaattam Vittam Tena Vinodaya Chittam Bhajagovindam Bhajagovindam Govindam Bhaja Muudhamate. .. (2) Oh Fool ! Give Up Your Thirst To Amass Wealth, Devote Your Mind To Thoughts To The Real. Be Content With What Comes Through Actions Already Performed In The Past Yaavad Vittopaarjana Shaktah Taavannija Parivaaro Raktaha . Pashchaajjiivati Jerjara Dehe Vaartaam Ko Pina Prichchhati Gehe .. Bhajagovindam Bhajagovindam Govindam Bhaja Muudhamate (3) So Long As A Man Is Fit And Able To Support His Family, See The Affection All Those Around Him Show. But No One At Home Cares To Even Have A Word With Him When His Body Totters Due To Old Age. Maa Kuru Dhana Jana Yauvvana Garvam Harati Nimeshhaat Kaalah Sarvam. . Maayaa Mayamidam Akhilam Hitvaa Brahmapadam Twam Pravisha Viditvaa Bhajagovindam Bhajagovindam Govindam Bhaja Muudhamate .. 4) Do Not Boast Of Wealth, Friends, And Youth. Each One Of These Are Destroyed Within A Minute. Free Yourself From The Illusion Of The World Of Maya And Attain The Timeless Truth. Sura Mandira Taru Muula Nivaasaaha Shayyaa Bhuutala Ajinam Vaasaha . Sarva Parigraha Bhoga Tyaagaha Kasya Sukham Na Karoti Viraagaha Bhajagovindam Bhajagovindam Govindam Bhaja Muudhamate .. (5) Take Your Residence In A Temple Or Below A Tree, Wear The Deerskin For The Dress, And Sleep With Mother Earth As Your Bed. Give Up All Attachments And Renounce All Comforts. Blessed With Such Vairagya, Could Any Fail To Be Content ? Stanza Attributed To Nityananda. Bhagavad Giitaa Kijnchida Dhiitaa Gangaa Jalalava Kanikaa Peetaa . Sakridapi Yena Muraari Samarchaa Kriyate Tasyaya Menana Charchaa Bhajagovindam Bhajagovindam Govindam Bhaja Muudhamate .. (6) Let A Man Read But A Little From Gitaa, Drink Just A Drop Of Water From The Ganges, Worship Murari (Govinda) Just Once. He Then Will Have No Altercation With Yama. Stanza Attributed To Dr^Idhabhakta. Punarapi Jananam Punarapi Maranam Punarapi Jananii Jathare Shayanam Iha Samsaare Bahudustaare Kripayaa Apaare Paahi Muraare Bhajagovindam Bhajagovindam Govindam Bhaja Muudhamate.. (7) Born Again, Death Again, Birth Again To Stay In The Mother’s Womb ! It Is Indeed Hard To Cross This Boundless Ocean Of Samsara. Oh Murari ! Redeem Me Through Thy Mercy. Stanza Attributed To Nityanatha. Geyam Giitaa Naama Sahasram Dhyeyam Shriipati Ruupamajasram Neyam Sajjana Sange Chittam Deyam Deena Janaayacha Vittam Bhajagovindam Bhajagovindam Govindam Bhaja Muudhamate (8) Regularly Recite From The Gita, Meditate On Vishnu [Thro' Vishnu Sahasranama] In Your Heart, And Chant His Thousand Glories. Take Delight To Be With The Noble And The Holy. Distribute Your Wealth In Charity To The Poor And The Needy. Stanza Attributed To Sumatira. Arthamanartham Bhaavaya Nityam Naastita Tah Sukhaleshah Satyam. Putraa Dapi Dhana Bhaajaam Bhiitihi Sarva Trai Shaa Vihitaa Riitihi Bhajagovindam Bhajagovindam Govindam Bhaja Muudhamate .. (9) Wealth Is Not Welfare, Truly There Is No Joy In It. Reflect Thus At All Times. A Rich Man Fears Even His Own Son. This Is The Way Of Wealth Everywhere. Guruchara Naambuja Nirbhara Bhakataha Samsaaraa Dachiraad Bhava Muktaha . Sendriya Maanasa Niya Maadevam Drakshasi Nija Hridayastham Devam Bhajagovindam Bhajagovindam Govindam Bhaja Muudhamate Bhajagovindam Bhajagovindam Govindam Bhaja Muudhamate. .. (10) Oh Devotee Of The Lotus Feet Of The Guru ! May Thou Be Soon Free From Samsara. Through Disciplined Senses And Controlled Mind, Thou Shalt Come To Experience The Indwelling Lord Of Your Heart !
भज गोविन्दं भज गोविन्दं, गोविन्दं भज मूढ़मते । संप्राप्ते सन्निहिते काले, न हि न हि रक्षति डुकृञ् करणे ॥1॥ हे मोह से ग्रसित बुद्धि वाले मित्र, गोविंद को भजो, गोविन्द का नाम लो, गोविन्द से प्रेम करो क्योंकि मृत्यु के समय व्याकरण के नियम याद रखने से आपकी रक्षा नहीं हो सकती है । (1) मूढ़ जहीहि धनागमतृष्णाम्, कुरु सद्बुद्धिमं मनसि वितृष्णाम् । यल्लभसे निजकर्मोपात्तम्, वित्तं तेन विनोदय चित्तं ॥2॥ हे मोहित बुद्धि ! धन एकत्र करने के लोभ को त्यागो । अपने मन से इन समस्त कामनाओं का त्याग करो । सत्यता के पथ का अनुसरण करो, अपने परिश्रम से जो धन प्राप्त हो उससे ही अपने मन को प्रसन्न रखो । (2) नारीस्तनभरनाभीदेशम्, दृष्ट्वा मागा मोहावेशम् । एतन्मान्सवसादिविकारम्, मनसि विचिन्तय वारं वारम् ॥3॥ स्त्री शरीर पर मोहित होकर आसक्त मत हो । अपने मन में निरंतर स्मरण करो कि ये मांस-वसा आदि के विकार के अतिरिक्त कुछ और नहीं है । (3) यावद्वित्तोपार्जनसक्त:, तावन्निजपरिवारो रक्तः। पश्चाज्जीवति जर्जरदेहे, वार्तां कोऽपि न पृच्छति गेहे ॥5॥ जब तक व्यक्ति धनोपार्जन में समर्थ है, तब तक परिवार में सभी उसके प्रति स्नेह प्रदर्शित करते हैं परन्तु अशक्त हो जाने पर उसे सामान्य बातचीत में भी नहीं पूछा जाता है । (5) बालस्तावत् क्रीडासक्तः, तरुणस्तावत् तरुणीसक्तः । वृद्धस्तावच्चिन्तासक्तः, परे ब्रह्मणि कोऽपि न सक्तः ॥7॥ बचपन में खेल में रूचि होती है , युवावस्था में युवा स्त्री के प्रति आकर्षण होता है, वृद्धावस्था में चिंताओं से घिरे रहते हैं पर प्रभु से कोई प्रेम नहीं करता है । (7) सत्संगत्वे निस्संगत्वं, निस्संगत्वे निर्मोहत्वं । निर्मोहत्वे निश्चलतत्त्वं निश्चलतत्त्वे जीवन्मुक्तिः ॥9॥ सत्संग से वैराग्य, वैराग्य से विवेक, विवेक से स्थिर तत्त्वज्ञान और तत्त्वज्ञान से मोक्ष की प्राप्ति होती है । (9) वयसि गते कः कामविकारः, शुष्के नीरे कः कासारः । क्षीणे वित्ते कः परिवारः, ज्ञाते तत्त्वे कः संसारः ॥10॥ आयु बीत जाने के बाद काम भाव नहीं रहता, पानी सूख जाने पर तालाब नहीं रहता, धन चले जाने पर परिवार नहीं रहता और तत्वज्ञान होने के बाद संसार नहीं रहता । (10) मा कुरु धनजनयौवनगर्वं, हरति निमेषात्कालः सर्वं ।मायामयमिदमखिलम् हित्वा ब्रह्मपदम् त्वं प्रविश विदित्वा ॥11॥ धन, शक्ति और यौवन पर गर्व मत करो, समय क्षण भर में इनको नष्ट कर देता है | इस विश्व को माया से घिरा हुआ जान कर तुम ब्रह्म पद में प्रवेश करो । (11) पुनरपि जननं पुनरपि मरणं, पुनरपि जननी जठरे शयनम् । इह संसारे बहुदुस्तारे, कृपयाऽपारे पाहि मुरारे ॥21॥ बार-बार जन्म, बार-बार मृत्यु, बार-बार माँ के गर्भ में शयन, इस संसार से पार जा पाना बहुत कठिन है, हे कृष्ण कृपा करके मेरी इससे रक्षा करें । (21) कस्त्वं कोऽहं कुत आयातः, का मे जननी को मे तातः । इति परिभावय सर्वमसारम्, विश्वं त्यक्त्वा स्वप्न विचारम् ॥23॥ तुम कौन हो, मैं कौन हूँ, कहाँ से आया हूँ, मेरी माँ कौन हैं, मेरा पिता कौन हैं ? सब प्रकार से इस विश्व को असार समझ कर इसको एक स्वप्न के समान त्याग दो । (23) शत्रौ मित्रे पुत्रे बन्धौ, मा कुरु यत्नं विग्रहसन्धौ । सर्वस्मिन्नपि पश्यात्मानं, सर्वत्रोत्सृज भेदाज्ञानम् ॥25॥ शत्रु, मित्र, पुत्र, बन्धु-बांधवों से प्रेम और द्वेष मत करो, सबमें अपने आप को ही देखो, इस प्रकार सर्वत्र ही भेद रूपी अज्ञान को त्याग दो । (25) सुखतः क्रियते रामाभोगः, पश्चाद्धन्त शरीरे रोगः । यद्यपि लोके मरणं शरणं, तदपि न मुञ्चति पापाचरणम् ॥28॥ सुख के लिए लोग आनंद-भोग करते हैं जिसके बाद इस शरीर में रोग हो जाते हैं । यद्यपि इस पृथ्वी पर सबका मरण सुनिश्चित है फिर भी लोग पापमय आचरण को नहीं छोड़ते हैं । (28) गुरुचरणाम्बुज निर्भर भक्तः, संसारादचिराद्भव मुक्तः । सेन्द्रियमानस नियमादेवं, द्रक्ष्यसि निज हृदयस्थं देवम् ॥31॥ गुरु के चरण कमलों का ही आश्रय मानने वाले भक्त बनकर सदैव के लिए इस संसार में आवागमन से मुक्त हो जाओ, इस प्रकार मन एवं इन्द्रियों का निग्रह कर अपने हृदय में विराजमान प्रभु के दर्शन करो । (31)
The fervor with which we contemplate our God(s) outmatches any other religion in the world. Many religious instutions have tried by force or missions to stamp out dharmic religions. Through bhakti alone we unite and sustain. Whether through ritual or meditation or however your preference. Bhakti holds us together. There is no greater duty. The last step is to do away with caste
@@ravirajan9901 dharma wins in the end...we may or maynot live till then or not.why worry about things not in our control...atleast we can live an useful life and redeem ourselves and neutralize with nature(moksha) 😉
@@ravirajan9901 people there are burying their own history to prove their foreign ancestory..deep inside everyone there know the truth..atleast for this generation people there..we evolve and upgrade with time..it may take a new form in future..who knows
15 अगस्त 1947 को भारत की आजादी के दिन इन्होंने "जन गण मन" और "सारे जहां से अच्छा हिंदोस्ता हमारा" गीत गाए थे। इसके साथ भारत की पहली महिला गायक है जिन्हे भारत रत्न से सम्मानित किया गया।
గానకోకొల సుబ్బ లక్ష్మమ్మ పాదపద్మములకు నా నమః సుమంజలి,,తల్లిభువిని విడిచి దివికేగినన నీ స్వరం మాత్రం ప్రతిరోజూ మా చెవుల్లో ప్రతి ద్వనిస్తునే వుంటుంది,,,మీ గాత్రం అమొఘం. మీ స్వరంఅజరామరం సాక్షాత్తు సరస్వతి అంశ మీది. దేవతా మూర్తి వలె ప్రతిబింబించే మీమోము సంగీత ప్రియులనుకట్టి పడేసే ఒక మంత్ర దండం,,,,స్వఛ్చమైన భావజాలం. అతి శ్వస్టమైన వుచ్చారణ తెలుగు తమిళ్ సంస్కృత హిందీ కన్నడ సింహళ బహు భాషా పదాలను అవలీలగా ఓలలాడించే మీ స్వరం సుమధుర గాన గంధర్వుల సైతం విస్మయానికి గురి చేసేలా వుంటుంది,,అలాంటి మీ గాత్రం వినే భాగ్యాన్ని కలిగించే ,,,నిన్ను కన్న మాతృమూర్తులకు శిరస్సు వంచి ప్రార్ధిస్తున్నాను,,,,డబ్బేలోకం. ధనమే ప్రధానం. ఐశ్వర్యం ప్రపంచం అన్నటువంటి ఈ కలికాలంలో,,సుకాలన్నింటిని వదలి,,,ఒక్క రూపాయికూడ పారితోషికాన్ని తీసుకోకుండా మీ జీవితాన్ని భగవంతునికి అంకితం చేస్తూ,,ఎన్నో స్టేజి ప్రోగ్రాలను దేశ విదేశాల్లో ప్రదర్శించి సనాతన ధర్మ మార్గాన్ని మరింత పదిలం చేసి,,అంతిమ కాలంలో లేమిని ఆనందంగా భరిస్తూ,,చివరి నిముషంలో కూడా చిరు నవ్వుతో నారాయణ రూపాన్ని చూస్తూ వైకుంఠ ప్రాప్తిని పొందారు,,,మీరు మమ్ములను విడచి వెళ్లిన మీస్మృతులు మామదిలో ఎల్లప్పుడూ మెదలుతూనే వుంటాయి,,,సూర్య చెంద్రులు ఉన్నంత వరకు మీపేరు మారు మ్రోగుతూనే వుంటుంది,,,,భారత రత్న ms సుబ్బలక్ష్మి అన్న వార్త యేదో ఒక చోట కనిపిస్తూనే ఉండాలని వైకుంఠవాసుని వేడుకుంటూ,,❤🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏 మీఆత్మ వైకుంట వాసుని సన్నిధికి చీరవాలని తచి,,,మీ పవిత్ర ఆత్మకు శాంతి చేకూరాలని కోరుకొంటూ మీ చిరు అభిమాని🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏❤
Remembers my childhood days, this song was played in Shri Venkateshwara Temple early in the morning along with Suprabhata with birds chirping, that greenery nature... wowo!!! what a beautiful memory it is taking to 😀 and relaxing too thanks a lot for this bhajane 🙏
Bhagwan Shri Adi Shankaracharya was truly Lord Shiva Himself who authored numerous chants dedicated to Shriman Narayana.. Rightly he is known as ParanmaVaishanva.🙏
Read from a book . This singing offer came to her when she was old from a big shot in order to support her family .. she didn’t know Sanskrit at that time. She took 1 year learnt Sanskrit and sang a set of songs . One of them is this. All the effort from the big shot was to provide her family with the money to support but she refused to get a single penny. And she has left us with a master piece 🙏🏽
ஆதிசங்கரர் அருளிய பாடல் இது. பொருளற்ற வாழ்க்கையில் லயித்து விடாமல் இறைவன் திருவடி பற்றுவது குறித்து நாம் சிந்திக்க வேண்டும் என்று சொல்லும் மிகவும் அர்த்தம் உள்ள பாடல் வரிகள் இவை. குறிப்பாக இந்தப் பாடலை எம் எஸ் அம்மா அவர்களின் தெய்வீகக் குரலில் கேட்பதே மனதுக்கு இதமாக இருக்கும். குடும்ப வாழ்க்கையில் சுகம் என்பது ஒரு குறிப்பிட்ட வயது வரை மட்டுமே என்பதை அழகாக சொல்லும் பாடல் இது. அதன் பின்னர் நம் மனம் தானாகவே இறைவனை / இறைவன் திருவடி பற்றுவது பற்றி நினைக்க ஆரம்பித்து விடும் என்பது யாரும் மறுக்க முடியாத உண்மை. பாடலை தினமும் காலையில் கேட்டு மகிழுங்கள்.
I request all bhaktjan that please if you are listening to this stotra daily or whenever, then please like this video too since it helps in spreading it all around people. NAMO NARAYAN
Everybody is talking about Adi Shankara, nobody is talking about all pervading Govinda. Bhaja Govindam recited by Amma, the literal incarnation of Mata Saraswati in Kaliyuga
Goddess Saraswati's .incarnation is M.S.....no one can match...her devotion...her class...her dedication...her spirituality.for years n years to come..
Pure goosebumps. Pranaam to Adi Shankaracharyaji who wrote this & this has been my go to version. Pranam to Saraswati’s child - M S Subbulakshmiji. Namo Narayan.🙏
Even at my 36 years, i get lump in my throat and tears streams down my eyes whenever i listen this magical rendition of subbhalakshmi ji. This divine hymn always illuminate my in-scape.
After running around in life for work, money and everything else there are no more songs to listen to but this one. Remembering the 90s when this was heard many times and how many of those people are merely a memory.
PART 1 LYRICS AND MEANING bhajagovindam bhajagovindam govindam bhajamuudhamate sampraapte sannihite kaale nahi nahi rakshati dukrijnkarane Praise Govinda! Praise Govinda ! Govinda be Praised, O You mindless fool ! This endless repeating of grammatical rules Will not protect thee from thy deathly coils mudha jahiihi dhanaagamatrishhnaam kuru sadbuddhim manasi vitrishhnaam yallabhase nijakarmopaattam vittam tena vinodaya chittam O Mindless fool, discard thy greed for amassing lucre And turn thy mind on the real, devoid of passion Accept thy past karmic actions, as thy anchor And satiate thy mind , accepting Reality , free of rancor naariistanabhara naabhiidesham drishhtvaa maagaamohaavesham etanmaamsaavasaadi vikaaram manasi vichintaya vaaram vaaram Delude not ,thyself, with lustful desires For the cut of the navel or the curve of the breast As all bodies are formed by fat and flesh, that expires Remind thyself over and over, this fact, to attest nnaliniidalagata jalamatitaralam tadvajjiivitamatishayachapalam viddhi vyaadhyabhimaanagrastam lokam shokahatam cha samastam Life is ever changing,transitory and uncertain As a dancing droplet on a lotus leaf Know, this world is prey to disease and conceit In constant sorrow and grief, so replete yaavadvittopaarjana saktah staavannija parivaaro raktah pashchaajjiivati jarjara dehe vaartaam koapi na prichchhati gehe While you earn and support your family's welfare You get their love and solicitous good wishes But when with old age and infirmity, your body withers your kin do not have for you, even a word to spare yaavatpavano nivasati dehe taavatprichchhati kushalam gehe gatavati vaayau dehaapaaye bhaaryaa bibhyati tasminkaaye While one lives, and contacts abound Solicitous kin, inquire to thy good health and well being But, when the soul departs, and death knells sound The sight of thy corpse, sees even your wife fleeing baalastaavatkriidaasaktah tarunastaavattaruniisaktah vriddhastaavachchintaasaktah pare brahmani koapi na saktah The child is lost in the playground of childhood Youth is lost in the attachment of woman The old are in their own pasts enmeshed Alas, there are none left to be one with the Brahman kaate kaantaa kaste putrah samsaaro.ayamatiiva vichitrah kasya tvam kah kuta aayaatah tattvam chintaya tadiha bhraatah The real mysteries of life, need answers Who is thy wife, thy son, from whence didst thou arrive ? Delve into these questions as your salvation's anchors Through these endless cycles of birth and death, to derive satsangatve nissngatvam nissangatve nirmohatvam nirmohatve nishchalatattvam nishcalatattve jiivanmuktih From the bonding( Sat Sangha) of good friends Does one achieve enlightened detachment From this detachment comes freedom from delusion From this freedom comes self settled peace From this peace comes Jivan Mukti, the release of the soul vayasigate kah kaamavikaarah shushhke niire kah kaasaarah kshiinevitte kah parivaarah gyaate tattve kah samsaarah when youth departs, what good is lust? What good is the lake, when water denudes ? Where are kin, when wealth disappears ? Where are Samsara's coils when the Truth appears ? maa kuru dhana jana yauvana garvam harati nimeshhaatkaalah sarvam maayaamayamidamakhilaM hitvaa brahmapadaM tvaM pravisha viditvaa Boast not of wealth, of youthful vigor or exalted friendship These could all come to nought, in an instant Cut the illusionary bonds, that you in Maya, enmesh And attain that timeless truth, which remains constant dinayaaminyau saayam praatah shishiravasantau punaraayaatah kaalah kriidati gachchhatyaayuh tadapi na mujncatyaashaavaayuh The time of day, darkness, into dawn, succeeds The change of seasons, winter into spring, proceeds They come and go, even as time and life, ebb away The welling of desire always holds sway, never leaves kaate kaantaa dhana gatachintaa vaatula kim tava naasti niyantaa trijagati sajjanasam gatiraikaa bhavati bhavaarnavatarane naukaa O ,Foolish one,why this constant grasping for wealth ? Is there none to guide thee and show the way ? In these three worlds, only one thing can save thee, from Samsara's greed Climb on to the boat of Satsangha(good company), with deliberate speed Jatilo mundii lujnchhitakeshah kaashhaayaambarabahukritaveshhah pashyannapi cana pashyati muudhah udaranimittam bahukritaveshhah False signs of piety, matted locks, shaven heads or plucked hairs Or ochre robes and others in variegated holy colors Are so affected, just to earn an earthly living And Fools so blinded, are oblivious of the truth revealing angam galitam palitam mundam dashanavihiinam jatam tundam vriddho yaati grihiitvaa dandam tadapi na mujncatyaashaapindam With age's onset, bald heads, toothless gums and crutches spawn Despite these wearing signs of time The old man's hopes , remain eternally strong Desperately clinging to a fruitless and ever hopeful dawn agre vahnih prishhthebhaanuh raatrau chubukasamarpitajaanuh karatalabhikshastarutalavaasah tadapi na mujncatyaashaapaashah Hark! there lies a man warmed by a fire in front and by the sun behind At night he curls up warmly to avoid the cold Eats his beggar's food from the his bowl of his hand And sleeps beneath the spreading tree Yet, he remains a wretched puppet of his consuming passions kurute gangaasaagaragamanam vrataparipaalanamathavaa daanam gyaanavihinah sarvamatena muktim na bhajati janmashatena One may cleanse one's sins immersing in Ganga's waters One can fast and donate riches to the needy But devoid of Gyana or knowledge of the truth None else can give the soul it's liberation Despite the repetition of a hundred births sura mandira taru muula nivaasah shayyaa bhuutala majinam vaasah sarva parigraha bhoga tyaagah kasya sukham na karoti viraagah Give up life of ease and reside in temples, or under trees Wear deerskin and bed down with mother earth, in peace Give up attachments, and with life's comforts, denied With this detachment(Vairagya), who would not be satisfied ? yogarato vaabhogaratovaa sangarato vaa sangaviihinah yasya brahmani ramate chittam nandati nandati nandatyeva One can delight in Yoga, the pacific union of body and mind Or,in Bhoga,in the search for hedonism, great pleasure find Or hanker after attachment or to detachment, surrender But, be aware, that eternal bliss, can only be realized In the joyous meditation, of the Brahman, devised bhagavad giitaa kijnchidadhiitaa gangaa jalalava kanikaapiitaa sakridapi yena muraari samarchaa kriyate tasya yamena na charchaa If one,reads but a little, from the sacred Gita Drinks but a drop from the holy Ganga Worships but once the Lord(Murari) he then Will need no confrontation, with deathly Yama punarapi jananaM punarapi maraNaM punarapi jananii jaThare shayanam.h iha saMsaare bahudustaare kR^ipayaa.apaare paahi muraare The repeated cries of birth and death again, and yet again And the constant vigils in the mother's womb Chart, the thorny voyages across Samsara's endless ocean O merciful Lord(Murari) save me, from this cycle of creation and doom rathyaa charpaTa virachita kanthaH puNyaapuNya vivarjita panthaH yogii yoganiyojita chitto ramate baalonmattavadev Rags are a'plenty for a monk on the roadside, to find To use as clothing, free from vice and virtue, that path he treads Surrounded by divine bliss, pure and unpolluted, in his mind As a child or one besotted, his simple happiness spreads
Extremely thankful to Ammaskrishna Garu you have added flavour and "Shorabham" and nectar to this beautiful and intoxicating (sorry for borrowing this word) rendition of M S Subbulaxmi Garu by providing lyrics and meaning in English letters. I bow to thee And prostrate before M S Subbulakshmi Garu for adding glory to kruthi of Adi Shankaracharya of Kaladi
Recently i visited tirupati balaji in early morning at 5 a.m i listen this masterpiece on speakers , the whole tirupati awaken with this masterpiece daily♥️
If Adishankara's love for divinity n humanity inspired him to create this masterpiece, Divinity inspired MSS to deliver us this master piece in the perfect emotion.
Many youngsters go abroad like moth to flame without realising the spiritual potential of this nation. So attracted to the western exoticness who thinks about great beings.?. They ponder over great souls like adi sankara only in their 40s after which they cannot return...
Since 30 years I regularly listens to it when ever I'm mentally free and have to be more fresh without any other interactions in my way of life.always it enhanced me in my field work filled with pousness.thank God I born in India.
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She is not only a great devotee but a renunciate and an enlighten being. Her husband too was great. Her atma guru kanchi mahaperiyava resides in her heart and therefore mother saraswathy dances on her tongue freely.
I grew up listening to the maestro now after 50 years, when I listen to her, wherever I am, I feel at home, calmed and sort of protected. I am blessed to have been brought up like this. 🙏🙏
Govindha (?) Two winners in every race What u receive (soul) What u left (body) The biggest service(ThanksGiving) to give ur motherland. ShudhaBrahma patarmara ram (Mahatma) VigrahavanDharmaha. Ram
I had been to a temple this evening in Bangalore and this was being played on the temple loud speaker, brought back my childhood memories of being played in Aakashwani early in the morning. Came back home and listened completely here.
I always get goose bumps whenever i hear the line 'punarapi jananam punarapi maranam' in kapi ragam No words to describe the singing of ms subba lakshmi
Adi Shankaracharya was a very precious gem of our country. He made our country to be unity in all situations. Bhaja govindam is a very beautiful song wrote by him . When I read this meaning of this song I cried . A very beautiful song and Raga . MS Subbulakshmi is a great Carnatic musician ever to be awarded with Bharat Ratna. 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
Adi Shankaracharya is a ardent devotee Lord Krishna (Govinda) as well as he also admired the brahm tatva , he accepted both sakaar and nirakar form of Paramatma(Govinda)
There is no substitute to Amman's voice for this song, nor will there ever be. Thank you lord Krishna for bestowing your grace from time to time on this land.
I am very very sorry very sorry again I have to say very very sorry maine aapka operation hua tha isliye maine dislike wala button daba Diya Tha Main To Khud Hi Unka Bhakt prashansak hun Jab Main Manipal Mein Padta tha Cops Mein college off Pharmaceutical Sciences sabse main is divine is beautiful voice ka prashansak raha hun
Every day in the morning it became a routine of mine To sing Aditya Hrudayam Stotram followed by Bhaja Govindam...this best routine I have ever followed...
A voice that can't be replaced. Even after 200 years I bet she will be remembered for her voice and maestro in classical music. She is a gem this world has received.
God gifted magical tune. I pray to govinda for her long life. Being a bengali i always like the karnatak sangit for attractive tune. Lord govinda always save us, save the world.
This song I am putting everyday at 6pm in my home brings tears to my eyes. What a great vibration. In this yuga we are lucky to have MSS singing such a lovely song.
Just worship Govinda. He will deliver you from all material reactions. He will do this because He is your dear friend. This is the perfection of Yoga. You have nothing to fear. < 3
@@rush-me Well, I'm just a servant of my Gurudev Srila Govinda Maharaj but from what I've heard real worship is only possible when soul is liberated from maya-- Sadhana Bhakti is like practical practice under the care of the Vaishnavas so in a practical sense, related to our current position-- We will practice worshipping under the care of Sri Guru and from that everything will develop. Isa-Jhana-- We must connect with the upmost guardian consciousness. Hare Krsna! Jaya Nitai!
Check out #Badshah & #JacquelineFernandez in #PaaniPaani.. Watch the full song on #SaregamaMusic
High regards to the great singer 👏👏👏👏
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@saregamacarnatic have some common sesnse were to post which content, why you have posted badshah pani pani content in devotional song like baja govindam and please clarify how come badshah pani pani is carnatic which you have tagged after your name saregamacarnatic.
@@devulapallyshiva8423 "7
ఆమెకుతెలుగురాదు. కానీఅంతస్పష్టంగా తెలుగు , సంస్కృత భజనపాటలుపాడతారు. రెమ్యూనరేషన్ తీసుకోరు. సినిమాపాటలుపాడరు. భక్తురాలుగా భక్తిపాటలుపాడుతూనే ఆమెజీవితాన్నిముగించితరించారు. చివరలో ఆర్ధికబాధలుపడ్డారు. టీటీడీవారుఆమెరికార్డులకు రాయల్టీ లక్షలుచెల్లిస్తామన్నా తిరస్కరించిన ఔదార్యశీలి. అందుకేఆమె భారతరత్న.సుబ్బులక్ష్మిగారు కేవలంతమిళనాడుకేగాదు,యావత్ప్రపంచ సంగీతసామ్రాజ్య మహారాణి. వారిపాదాలకు వందనాలు.
idi samskritam sir
mahaperiyava bhaktuuralu ah talli
Mesmerising, Devotional & Spiritual voice.
Bhajagovindam Bhajagovindam
Govindam Bhaja Muudhamate .
Sampraapte Sannihite Kaale
Nahi Nahi Rakshati Dukrim Karane ..
Bhajagovindam Bhajagovindam
Govindam Bhaja Muudhamate (1)
Worship Govinda, Worship Govinda, Worship Govinda. Oh Fool! Rules Of Grammar Will Not Save You At The Time Of Your Death.
Mudha Jahiihi Dhanaagama Trishhnaam
Kuru Sadbuddhim Manasi Vitrishhnaam.
Yallabhase Nija Karmopaattam
Vittam Tena Vinodaya Chittam
Bhajagovindam Bhajagovindam
Govindam Bhaja Muudhamate. .. (2)
Oh Fool ! Give Up Your Thirst To Amass Wealth, Devote Your Mind To Thoughts To The Real. Be Content With What Comes Through Actions Already Performed In The Past
Yaavad Vittopaarjana Shaktah
Taavannija Parivaaro Raktaha .
Pashchaajjiivati Jerjara Dehe
Vaartaam Ko Pina Prichchhati Gehe ..
Bhajagovindam Bhajagovindam
Govindam Bhaja Muudhamate (3)
So Long As A Man Is Fit And Able To Support His Family, See The Affection All Those Around Him Show. But No One At Home Cares To Even Have A Word With Him When His Body Totters Due To Old Age.
Maa Kuru Dhana Jana Yauvvana Garvam
Harati Nimeshhaat Kaalah Sarvam. .
Maayaa Mayamidam Akhilam Hitvaa
Brahmapadam Twam Pravisha Viditvaa
Bhajagovindam Bhajagovindam
Govindam Bhaja Muudhamate .. 4)
Do Not Boast Of Wealth, Friends, And Youth. Each One Of These Are Destroyed Within A Minute. Free Yourself From The Illusion Of The World Of Maya And Attain The Timeless Truth.
Sura Mandira Taru Muula Nivaasaaha
Shayyaa Bhuutala Ajinam Vaasaha .
Sarva Parigraha Bhoga Tyaagaha
Kasya Sukham Na Karoti Viraagaha
Bhajagovindam Bhajagovindam
Govindam Bhaja Muudhamate .. (5)
Take Your Residence In A Temple Or Below A Tree, Wear The Deerskin For The Dress, And Sleep With Mother Earth As Your Bed. Give Up All Attachments And Renounce All Comforts. Blessed With Such Vairagya, Could Any Fail To Be Content ? Stanza Attributed To Nityananda.
Bhagavad Giitaa Kijnchida Dhiitaa
Gangaa Jalalava Kanikaa Peetaa .
Sakridapi Yena Muraari Samarchaa
Kriyate Tasyaya Menana Charchaa
Bhajagovindam Bhajagovindam
Govindam Bhaja Muudhamate .. (6)
Let A Man Read But A Little From Gitaa, Drink Just A Drop Of Water From The Ganges, Worship Murari (Govinda) Just Once. He Then Will Have No Altercation With Yama. Stanza Attributed To Dr^Idhabhakta.
Punarapi Jananam Punarapi Maranam
Punarapi Jananii Jathare Shayanam
Iha Samsaare Bahudustaare
Kripayaa Apaare Paahi Muraare
Bhajagovindam Bhajagovindam
Govindam Bhaja Muudhamate.. (7)
Born Again, Death Again, Birth Again To Stay In The Mother’s Womb ! It Is Indeed Hard To Cross This Boundless Ocean Of Samsara. Oh Murari ! Redeem Me Through Thy Mercy. Stanza Attributed To Nityanatha.
Geyam Giitaa Naama Sahasram
Dhyeyam Shriipati Ruupamajasram
Neyam Sajjana Sange Chittam
Deyam Deena Janaayacha Vittam
Bhajagovindam Bhajagovindam
Govindam Bhaja Muudhamate (8)
Regularly Recite From The Gita, Meditate On Vishnu [Thro' Vishnu Sahasranama] In Your Heart, And Chant His Thousand Glories. Take Delight To Be With The Noble And The Holy. Distribute Your Wealth In Charity To The Poor And The Needy. Stanza Attributed To Sumatira.
Arthamanartham Bhaavaya Nityam
Naastita Tah Sukhaleshah Satyam.
Putraa Dapi Dhana Bhaajaam Bhiitihi
Sarva Trai Shaa Vihitaa Riitihi
Bhajagovindam Bhajagovindam
Govindam Bhaja Muudhamate .. (9)
Wealth Is Not Welfare, Truly There Is No Joy In It. Reflect Thus At All Times. A Rich Man Fears Even His Own Son. This Is The Way Of Wealth Everywhere.
Guruchara Naambuja Nirbhara Bhakataha
Samsaaraa Dachiraad Bhava Muktaha .
Sendriya Maanasa Niya Maadevam
Drakshasi Nija Hridayastham Devam
Bhajagovindam Bhajagovindam
Govindam Bhaja Muudhamate
Bhajagovindam Bhajagovindam
Govindam Bhaja Muudhamate. .. (10)
Oh Devotee Of The Lotus Feet Of The Guru ! May Thou Be Soon Free From Samsara. Through Disciplined Senses And Controlled Mind, Thou Shalt Come To Experience The Indwelling Lord Of Your Heart !
thanks for encoding it for the world
I don't know the meaning of the song till now..but I like it.
Thankyou for providing full meaning
Thank you for sharing the words.
Can I know the meaning pls
Wow how blessed we're to listen her ❤... Thank you amma miru ye lokam lo unna mi sangeetham valla uddharimpabadathaaru
I do not think for next 1000 years anyone can sing in such a great voice.We are lucky to have her in our country.
AGREED Brother !!!
More particularly when we have contemporarily lived with her
@@gangadharreddy9795 l1wyywhhuuyq Sir 2yu4u21111111
Balamurali krishna songs too
@@gangadharreddy9795 0
भज गोविन्दं भज गोविन्दं, गोविन्दं भज मूढ़मते ।
संप्राप्ते सन्निहिते काले, न हि न हि रक्षति डुकृञ् करणे ॥1॥
हे मोह से ग्रसित बुद्धि वाले मित्र, गोविंद को भजो, गोविन्द का नाम लो, गोविन्द से प्रेम करो क्योंकि मृत्यु के समय व्याकरण के नियम याद रखने से आपकी रक्षा नहीं हो सकती है । (1)
मूढ़ जहीहि धनागमतृष्णाम्, कुरु सद्बुद्धिमं मनसि वितृष्णाम् ।
यल्लभसे निजकर्मोपात्तम्, वित्तं तेन विनोदय चित्तं ॥2॥
हे मोहित बुद्धि ! धन एकत्र करने के लोभ को त्यागो । अपने मन से इन समस्त कामनाओं का त्याग करो । सत्यता के पथ का अनुसरण करो, अपने परिश्रम से जो धन प्राप्त हो उससे ही अपने मन को प्रसन्न रखो । (2)
नारीस्तनभरनाभीदेशम्, दृष्ट्वा मागा मोहावेशम् ।
एतन्मान्सवसादिविकारम्, मनसि विचिन्तय वारं वारम् ॥3॥
स्त्री शरीर पर मोहित होकर आसक्त मत हो । अपने मन में निरंतर स्मरण करो कि ये मांस-वसा आदि के विकार के अतिरिक्त कुछ और नहीं है । (3)
यावद्वित्तोपार्जनसक्त:, तावन्निजपरिवारो रक्तः।
पश्चाज्जीवति जर्जरदेहे, वार्तां कोऽपि न पृच्छति गेहे ॥5॥
जब तक व्यक्ति धनोपार्जन में समर्थ है, तब तक परिवार में सभी उसके प्रति स्नेह प्रदर्शित करते हैं परन्तु अशक्त हो जाने पर उसे सामान्य बातचीत में भी नहीं पूछा जाता है । (5)
बालस्तावत् क्रीडासक्तः, तरुणस्तावत् तरुणीसक्तः ।
वृद्धस्तावच्चिन्तासक्तः, परे ब्रह्मणि कोऽपि न सक्तः ॥7॥
बचपन में खेल में रूचि होती है , युवावस्था में युवा स्त्री के प्रति आकर्षण होता है, वृद्धावस्था में चिंताओं से घिरे रहते हैं पर प्रभु से कोई प्रेम नहीं करता है । (7)
सत्संगत्वे निस्संगत्वं, निस्संगत्वे निर्मोहत्वं ।
निर्मोहत्वे निश्चलतत्त्वं निश्चलतत्त्वे जीवन्मुक्तिः ॥9॥
सत्संग से वैराग्य, वैराग्य से विवेक, विवेक से स्थिर तत्त्वज्ञान और तत्त्वज्ञान से मोक्ष की प्राप्ति होती है । (9)
वयसि गते कः कामविकारः, शुष्के नीरे कः कासारः ।
क्षीणे वित्ते कः परिवारः, ज्ञाते तत्त्वे कः संसारः ॥10॥
आयु बीत जाने के बाद काम भाव नहीं रहता, पानी सूख जाने पर तालाब नहीं रहता, धन चले जाने पर परिवार नहीं रहता और तत्वज्ञान होने के बाद संसार नहीं रहता । (10)
मा कुरु धनजनयौवनगर्वं, हरति निमेषात्कालः सर्वं ।मायामयमिदमखिलम् हित्वा
ब्रह्मपदम् त्वं प्रविश विदित्वा ॥11॥
धन, शक्ति और यौवन पर गर्व मत करो, समय क्षण भर में इनको नष्ट कर देता है | इस विश्व को माया से घिरा हुआ जान कर तुम ब्रह्म पद में प्रवेश करो । (11)
पुनरपि जननं पुनरपि मरणं, पुनरपि जननी जठरे शयनम् ।
इह संसारे बहुदुस्तारे, कृपयाऽपारे पाहि मुरारे ॥21॥
बार-बार जन्म, बार-बार मृत्यु, बार-बार माँ के गर्भ में शयन, इस संसार से पार जा पाना बहुत कठिन है, हे कृष्ण कृपा करके मेरी इससे रक्षा करें । (21)
कस्त्वं कोऽहं कुत आयातः, का मे जननी को मे तातः ।
इति परिभावय सर्वमसारम्, विश्वं त्यक्त्वा स्वप्न विचारम् ॥23॥
तुम कौन हो, मैं कौन हूँ, कहाँ से आया हूँ, मेरी माँ कौन हैं, मेरा पिता कौन हैं ? सब प्रकार से इस विश्व को असार समझ कर इसको एक स्वप्न के समान त्याग दो । (23)
शत्रौ मित्रे पुत्रे बन्धौ, मा कुरु यत्नं विग्रहसन्धौ ।
सर्वस्मिन्नपि पश्यात्मानं, सर्वत्रोत्सृज भेदाज्ञानम् ॥25॥
शत्रु, मित्र, पुत्र, बन्धु-बांधवों से प्रेम और द्वेष मत करो, सबमें अपने आप को ही देखो, इस प्रकार सर्वत्र ही भेद रूपी अज्ञान को त्याग दो । (25)
सुखतः क्रियते रामाभोगः, पश्चाद्धन्त शरीरे रोगः ।
यद्यपि लोके मरणं शरणं, तदपि न मुञ्चति पापाचरणम् ॥28॥
सुख के लिए लोग आनंद-भोग करते हैं जिसके बाद इस शरीर में रोग हो जाते हैं । यद्यपि इस पृथ्वी पर सबका मरण सुनिश्चित है फिर भी लोग पापमय आचरण को नहीं छोड़ते हैं । (28)
गुरुचरणाम्बुज निर्भर भक्तः, संसारादचिराद्भव मुक्तः ।
सेन्द्रियमानस नियमादेवं, द्रक्ष्यसि निज हृदयस्थं देवम् ॥31॥
गुरु के चरण कमलों का ही आश्रय मानने वाले भक्त बनकर सदैव के लिए इस संसार में आवागमन से मुक्त हो जाओ, इस प्रकार मन एवं इन्द्रियों का निग्रह कर अपने हृदय में विराजमान प्रभु के दर्शन करो । (31)
Salute sir aapko jay hind jay Jagannath
भाई साहब 🙏बहुत अच्छे से स्पष्ट किया समान्य सुनने वालों को अर्थ समझा या आपको ह्रदय से आभार
Anyone listening this masterpiece in 2024
Om namah Sivaaya Sankaraaya Rudraaya Ramkrishnaaya!!!!
Till my ......
Adi sankaracharya said, nobody can end the Hindu religion. If anybody try, they will always Fail
The fervor with which we contemplate our God(s) outmatches any other religion in the world. Many religious instutions have tried by force or missions to stamp out dharmic religions. Through bhakti alone we unite and sustain. Whether through ritual or meditation or however your preference. Bhakti holds us together. There is no greater duty. The last step is to do away with caste
No one can end hindustan and Hindus. Hindustan for Hindus 🕉🕉🕉🕉🕉🕉🕉🕉🕉🕉🕉🕉
What about Kabul kandar Takshila Lahore Multan Rawalpindi Sindh they were all hindu city in past and also
@@ravirajan9901 dharma wins in the end...we may or maynot live till then or not.why worry about things not in our control...atleast we can live an useful life and redeem ourselves and neutralize with nature(moksha) 😉
@@ravirajan9901 people there are burying their own history to prove their foreign ancestory..deep inside everyone there know the truth..atleast for this generation people there..we evolve and upgrade with time..it may take a new form in future..who knows
Never heard such a voice. How can one possess a voice so sweet and flexible. The way she sings it is miraculous. A billion obeisances Mataji🙏🙏
Hello nishant bhai, Aap idhar bhi!
Hi sir
Aap bhi.
Jai Govinda
Pranam 🙏🏻 nishant bhaiya
Jai shree krishna
Mr.Jindal Btw you too have great taste😊🤝
🚩Jai Shree Ram
15 अगस्त 1947 को भारत की आजादी के दिन इन्होंने "जन गण मन" और "सारे जहां से अच्छा हिंदोस्ता हमारा" गीत गाए थे। इसके साथ भारत की पहली महिला गायक है जिन्हे भारत रत्न से सम्मानित किया गया।
సాక్షాత్తు శంకరుల విరచితమైన భజగోవిందం.. సరస్వతి మాత ఆలపిస్తున్నట్లు ఉంది.. జై సనాతన ధర్మం..జై భారత్🇮🇳🇮🇳🕉️🚩🚩🇮🇳
Har har Shankar ❤
Evadra nuv
Very true.🙏
Ads must be avoided when such a masterpiece is sung that too by the greatest maestro of our times.
గానకోకొల సుబ్బ లక్ష్మమ్మ పాదపద్మములకు నా నమః సుమంజలి,,తల్లిభువిని విడిచి దివికేగినన నీ స్వరం మాత్రం ప్రతిరోజూ మా చెవుల్లో ప్రతి ద్వనిస్తునే వుంటుంది,,,మీ గాత్రం అమొఘం. మీ స్వరంఅజరామరం సాక్షాత్తు సరస్వతి అంశ మీది. దేవతా మూర్తి వలె ప్రతిబింబించే మీమోము సంగీత ప్రియులనుకట్టి పడేసే ఒక మంత్ర దండం,,,,స్వఛ్చమైన భావజాలం. అతి శ్వస్టమైన వుచ్చారణ తెలుగు తమిళ్ సంస్కృత హిందీ కన్నడ సింహళ బహు భాషా పదాలను అవలీలగా ఓలలాడించే మీ స్వరం సుమధుర గాన గంధర్వుల సైతం విస్మయానికి గురి చేసేలా వుంటుంది,,అలాంటి మీ గాత్రం వినే భాగ్యాన్ని కలిగించే ,,,నిన్ను కన్న మాతృమూర్తులకు శిరస్సు వంచి ప్రార్ధిస్తున్నాను,,,,డబ్బేలోకం. ధనమే ప్రధానం. ఐశ్వర్యం ప్రపంచం అన్నటువంటి ఈ కలికాలంలో,,సుకాలన్నింటిని వదలి,,,ఒక్క రూపాయికూడ పారితోషికాన్ని తీసుకోకుండా మీ జీవితాన్ని భగవంతునికి అంకితం చేస్తూ,,ఎన్నో స్టేజి ప్రోగ్రాలను దేశ విదేశాల్లో ప్రదర్శించి సనాతన ధర్మ మార్గాన్ని మరింత పదిలం చేసి,,అంతిమ కాలంలో లేమిని ఆనందంగా భరిస్తూ,,చివరి నిముషంలో కూడా చిరు నవ్వుతో నారాయణ రూపాన్ని చూస్తూ వైకుంఠ ప్రాప్తిని పొందారు,,,మీరు మమ్ములను విడచి వెళ్లిన మీస్మృతులు మామదిలో ఎల్లప్పుడూ మెదలుతూనే వుంటాయి,,,సూర్య చెంద్రులు ఉన్నంత వరకు మీపేరు మారు మ్రోగుతూనే వుంటుంది,,,,భారత రత్న ms సుబ్బలక్ష్మి అన్న వార్త యేదో ఒక చోట కనిపిస్తూనే ఉండాలని వైకుంఠవాసుని వేడుకుంటూ,,❤🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏 మీఆత్మ వైకుంట వాసుని సన్నిధికి చీరవాలని తచి,,,మీ పవిత్ర ఆత్మకు శాంతి చేకూరాలని కోరుకొంటూ మీ చిరు అభిమాని🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏❤
భజ గోవిందం భజ గోవిందం
గోవిందం భజ మూఢమతే |
సంప్రాప్తే సన్నిహితే కాలే
నహి నహి రక్షతి డుక్రింకరణే ‖ 1 ‖
మూఢ జహీహి ధనాగమతృష్ణాం
కురు సద్బుద్ధిమ్ మనసి వితృష్ణామ్ |
యల్లభసే నిజ కర్మోపాత్తం
విత్తం తేన వినోదయ చిత్తమ్ ‖ 2 ‖
యావద్-విత్తోపార్జన సక్తః
తావన్-నిజపరివారో రక్తః |
పశ్చాజ్జీవతి జర్జర దేహే
వార్తాం కోఽపి న పృచ్ఛతి గేహే ‖ 3 ‖
మా కురు ధనజన యౌవన గర్వం
హరతి నిమేషాత్-కాలః సర్వమ్ |
మాయామయమిదమ్-అఖిలం హిత్వా
బ్రహ్మపదం త్వం ప్రవిశ విదిత్వా ‖ 4 ‖
సురమందిర తరు మూల నివాసః
శయ్యా భూతలమ్-అజినం వాసః |
సర్వ పరిగ్రహ భోగత్యాగః
కస్య సుఖం న కరోతి విరాగః ‖ 5 ‖
భగవద్గీతా కించిదధీతా
గంగా జలలవ కణికా పీతా |
సకృదపి యేన మురారీ సమర్చా
క్రియతే తస్య యమేన న చర్చా ‖ 6 ‖
పునరపి జననం పునరపి మరణం
పునరపి జననీ జఠరే శయనమ్ |
ఇహ సంసారే బహు దుస్తారే
కృపయాఽపారే పాహి మురారే ‖ 7 ‖
గేయం గీతా నామ సహస్రం
ధ్యేయం శ్రీపతి రూపమ్-అజస్రమ్ |
నేయం సజ్జన సంగే చిత్తం
దేయం దీనజనాయ చ విత్తమ్ ‖ 8 ‖
అర్థమనర్థం భావయ నిత్యం
నాస్తి తతః సుఖ లేశః సత్యమ్ |
పుత్రాదపి ధనభాజాం భీతిః
సర్వత్రైషా విహితా రీతిః ‖ 9 ‖
గురు చరణాంభుజ నిర్భరభక్తః
సంసారాద్-అచిరాద్-భవ ముక్తః |
సేందియ మానస నియమాదేవం
ద్రక్ష్యసి నిజ హృదయస్థం దేవమ్ ‖ 10 ‖
🤝🤝🤝అండీ నేర్చుకోడాని కి ఈజీగా తెలుగు లిరిక్స్ పెట్టారు పాట వింటూ నేరుకోవచ్చు
Chala danyavadamulu swamy meeku satha koti vandanamulu🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
గోవింద!గోవింద! ! గోవింద! ! !గోపీజనవల్లభాయ!!!!ఓం నమో భగవతే వాసుదేవాయ నమః !🙏🙏🙏
|| कृष्णं वन्दे जगद्गुरुं ||
सनातनी होना ही एक परम सौभाग्य है।
🙏🙏जय श्री कृष्ण राधे राधे🙏🙏
Remembers my childhood days, this song was played in Shri Venkateshwara Temple early in the morning along with Suprabhata with birds chirping, that greenery nature... wowo!!! what a beautiful memory it is taking to 😀 and relaxing too thanks a lot for this bhajane 🙏
Same feeling and experience for me also.
Along with this Rangapura vihara.
Even me too remember my childhood days.my father play this song early morning.
Bhagwan Shri Adi Shankaracharya was truly Lord Shiva Himself who authored numerous chants dedicated to Shriman Narayana.. Rightly he is known as ParanmaVaishanva.🙏
आदि शंकराचार्य जी सच में शिव जी के अवतार ही थे ।
I wish there was a new "like" button for me to press every time I hear her sing this
😀 Nice Comment 👍
I wish too.
Divine stotram sung in divine voice. MS amma great soul indeed.
You may press the like button again and it will get unliked, and then you press like again. It will be a new like. Hope this helps
Whenever I feel unhappy I will listen amma song🙏🙏
Read from a book . This singing offer came to her when she was old from a big shot in order to support her family .. she didn’t know Sanskrit at that time. She took 1 year learnt Sanskrit and sang a set of songs . One of them is this. All the effort from the big shot was to provide her family with the money to support but she refused to get a single penny. And she has left us with a master piece 🙏🏽
Ye angel lo manameedha prematho ee bhoomi meedhaku vachi thana ganaamrutham tho enno tharalani vari manasulni ranjimpa chesthunnattu undhi.....❤❤
ஆதிசங்கரர் அருளிய பாடல் இது. பொருளற்ற வாழ்க்கையில் லயித்து விடாமல் இறைவன் திருவடி பற்றுவது குறித்து நாம் சிந்திக்க வேண்டும் என்று சொல்லும் மிகவும் அர்த்தம் உள்ள பாடல் வரிகள் இவை. குறிப்பாக இந்தப் பாடலை எம் எஸ் அம்மா அவர்களின் தெய்வீகக் குரலில் கேட்பதே மனதுக்கு இதமாக இருக்கும். குடும்ப வாழ்க்கையில் சுகம் என்பது ஒரு குறிப்பிட்ட வயது வரை மட்டுமே என்பதை அழகாக சொல்லும் பாடல் இது. அதன் பின்னர் நம் மனம் தானாகவே இறைவனை / இறைவன் திருவடி பற்றுவது பற்றி நினைக்க ஆரம்பித்து விடும் என்பது யாரும் மறுக்க முடியாத உண்மை. பாடலை தினமும் காலையில் கேட்டு மகிழுங்கள்.
విష్ణు సహస్ర నామం వింటూ ఉంటే
మనసుకు ప్రశాంతంగా ఉంటుంది.✍🏻💅🏿
మం యస్ సుబ్బలక్ష్మి గారు మథురంగా పాడారు.✍🏻💅🏿🙏🏿
మహనీయురాలు శ్రీమతి యం.ఎస్ సుబ్బలక్ష్మి గారికి నా మనఃపూర్వక నివాళి
श्रीकृष्णः शरणं मम ।तस्मै श्रीगुरवे नमःજય હાટકેશજય દ્વારિકાધીશજય સોમનાથ મહાદેવकृष्णं वन्दे जगद्गुरुम्ૐ નમઃ શિવાય
I request all bhaktjan that please if you are listening to this stotra daily or whenever, then please like this video too since it helps in spreading it all around people. NAMO NARAYAN
भज गोविन्दम स्तोत्र
भज गोविन्दं भज गोविन्दं,
गोविन्दं भज मूढ़मते।
संप्राप्ते सन्निहिते काले,
न हि न हि रक्षति डुकृञ् करणे॥1॥
मूढ़ जहीहि धनागमतृष्णाम्,
कुरु सद्बुद्धिमं मनसि वितृष्णाम्।
यल्लभसे निजकर्मोपात्तम्,
वित्तं तेन विनोदय चित्तं॥2॥
दृष्ट्वा मागा मोहावेशम्।
मनसि विचिन्तय वारं वारम्॥3॥
विद्धि व्याध्यभिमानग्रस्तं,
लोक शोकहतं च समस्तम्॥4॥
तावन्निजपरिवारो रक्तः।
पश्चाज्जीवति जर्जरदेहे,
वार्तां कोऽपि न पृच्छति गेहे॥5॥
यावत्पवनो निवसति देहे,
तावत् पृच्छति कुशलं गेहे।
गतवति वायौ देहापाये,
भार्या बिभ्यति तस्मिन्काये॥6॥
बालस्तावत् क्रीडासक्तः,
तरुणस्तावत् तरुणीसक्तः।
परे ब्रह्मणि कोऽपि न सक्तः॥7॥
का ते कांता कस्ते पुत्रः,
संसारोऽयमतीव विचित्रः।
कस्य त्वं वा कुत अयातः,
तत्त्वं चिन्तय तदिह भ्रातः॥8॥
सत्संगत्वे निस्संगत्वं,
निस्संगत्वे निर्मोहत्वं।
निर्मोहत्वे निश्चलतत्त्वं
निश्चलतत्त्वे जीवन्मुक्तिः॥9॥
वयसि गते कः कामविकारः,
शुष्के नीरे कः कासारः।
क्षीणे वित्ते कः परिवारः,
ज्ञाते तत्त्वे कः संसारः॥10॥
मा कुरु धनजनयौवनगर्वं,
हरति निमेषात्कालः सर्वं।
मायामयमिदमखिलम् हित्वा,
ब्रह्मपदम् त्वं प्रविश विदित्वा॥11॥
दिनयामिन्यौ सायं प्रातः,
शिशिरवसन्तौ पुनरायातः।
कालः क्रीडति गच्छत्यायुस्तदपि
न मुन्च्त्याशावायुः॥12॥
कथितो वैयाकरणस्यैषः।
काते कान्ता धन गतचिन्ता,
वातुल किं तव नास्ति नियन्ता।
त्रिजगति सज्जनसं गतिरैका,
भवति भवार्णवतरणे नौका॥13॥
जटिलो मुण्डी लुञ्छितकेशः,
पश्यन्नपि च न पश्यति मूढः,
उदरनिमित्तं बहुकृतवेषः॥14॥
अङ्गं गलितं पलितं मुण्डं,
दशनविहीनं जतं तुण्डम्।
वृद्धो याति गृहीत्वा दण्डं,
तदपि न मुञ्चत्याशापिण्डम्॥15॥
अग्रे वह्निः पृष्ठेभानुः,
रात्रौ चुबुकसमर्पितजानुः।
तदपि न मुञ्चत्याशापाशः॥16॥
कुरुते गङ्गासागरगमनं,
व्रतपरिपालनमथवा दानम्।
ज्ञानविहिनः सर्वमतेन,
मुक्तिं न भजति जन्मशतेन॥17॥
सुर मंदिर तरु मूल निवासः,
शय्या भूतल मजिनं वासः।
सर्व परिग्रह भोग त्यागः,
कस्य सुखं न करोति विरागः॥18॥
योगरतो वाभोगरतोवा,
सङ्गरतो वा सङ्गवीहिनः।
यस्य ब्रह्मणि रमते चित्तं,
नन्दति नन्दति नन्दत्येव॥19॥
भगवद् गीता किञ्चिदधीता,
गङ्गा जललव कणिकापीता।
सकृदपि येन मुरारि समर्चा,
क्रियते तस्य यमेन न चर्चा॥20॥
पुनरपि जननं पुनरपि मरणं,
पुनरपि जननी जठरे शयनम्।
इह संसारे बहुदुस्तारे,
कृपयाऽपारे पाहि मुरारे॥21॥
रथ्या चर्पट विरचित कन्थः,
पुण्यापुण्य विवर्जित पन्थः।
योगी योगनियोजित चित्तो,
रमते बालोन्मत्तवदेव॥22॥
कस्त्वं कोऽहं कुत आयातः,
का मे जननी को मे तातः।
इति परिभावय सर्वमसारम्,
विश्वं त्यक्त्वा स्वप्न विचारम्॥23॥
त्वयि मयि चान्यत्रैको विष्णुः,
व्यर्थं कुप्यसि मय्यसहिष्णुः।
भव समचित्तः सर्वत्र त्वं,
वाञ्छस्यचिराद्यदि विष्णुत्वम्॥24॥
शत्रौ मित्रे पुत्रे बन्धौ,
मा कुरु यत्नं विग्रहसन्धौ।
सर्वस्मिन्नपि पश्यात्मानं,
सर्वत्रोत्सृज भेदाज्ञानम्॥25॥
कामं क्रोधं लोभं मोहं,
त्यक्त्वाऽत्मानं भावय कोऽहम्।
आत्मज्ञान विहीना मूढाः,
ते पच्यन्ते नरकनिगूढाः॥26॥
गेयं गीता नाम सहस्रं,
ध्येयं श्रीपति रूपमजस्रम्।
नेयं सज्जन सङ्गे चित्तं,
देयं दीनजनाय च वित्तम्॥27॥
सुखतः क्रियते रामाभोगः,
पश्चाद्धन्त शरीरे रोगः।
यद्यपि लोके मरणं शरणं,
तदपि न मुञ्चति पापाचरणम्॥28॥
अर्थंमनर्थम् भावय नित्यं,
नास्ति ततः सुखलेशः सत्यम्।
पुत्रादपि धनभजाम् भीतिः,
सर्वत्रैषा विहिता रीतिः॥29॥
प्राणायामं प्रत्याहारं,
नित्यानित्य विवेकविचारम्।
जाप्यसमेत समाधिविधानं,
कुर्ववधानं महदवधानम्॥30॥
गुरुचरणाम्बुज निर्भर भक्तः,
संसारादचिराद्भव मुक्तः।
सेन्द्रियमानस नियमादेवं,
द्रक्ष्यसि निज हृदयस्थं देवम्॥31॥
मूढः कश्चन वैयाकरणो,
डुकृञ्करणाध्ययन धुरिणः।
श्रीमच्छम्कर भगवच्छिष्यै,
बोधित आसिच्छोधितकरणः॥32॥
भजगोविन्दं भजगोविन्दं,
गोविन्दं भजमूढमते।
नहि पश्यामो भवतरणे॥33
Everybody is talking about Adi Shankara, nobody is talking about all pervading Govinda. Bhaja Govindam recited by Amma, the literal incarnation of Mata Saraswati in Kaliyuga
Goddess Saraswati's .incarnation is M.S.....no one can match...her devotion...her class...her dedication...her spirituality.for years n years to come..
v.Ramsni iyer
ml vasanthakumari
God gifted sweet voice ..devotional songs are excellent
Exactly the true fact.....
परमश्रेष्ठी के श्रीचरणों में कोटि कोटि नमन। परमात्मा अपने दूसरे रुप में आप में विराजमान रहे हैं।
দিন যদি এমন সুন্দর প্রার্থনা দিয়ে শুরু হয় তবে সারাদিন টাই সুন্দর যায়
Pure goosebumps. Pranaam to Adi Shankaracharyaji who wrote this & this has been my go to version. Pranam to Saraswati’s child - M S Subbulakshmiji. Namo Narayan.🙏
లీనమై పోతాము, అమ్మ స్వరంతో, కళ్ళ ముందే ఉంటాడు ఆ వెంకన్న 🙏
First hymn on lord Ramakrishna paramhansa written by swami vivekananda ❤❤❤
अनन्त कोटि नमस्कारं माताजी को। तस्याः स्वरः मंत्रमुग्धं करोति। = Endless millions Namaskarams to Mayank. Her voice is mesmerising!!
Absolutely Divine!!!! She is truly the pride of India.
Her attire, her melodious voice....totally divine....Nobody can match her.
Bhakthi Yoga is the sure way to 'Moksha'.So Baje Govindam.👍👍👍👍👍
Even at my 36 years, i get lump in my throat and tears streams down my eyes whenever i listen this magical rendition of subbhalakshmi ji. This divine hymn always illuminate my in-scape.
After running around in life for work, money and everything else there are no more songs to listen to but this one. Remembering the 90s when this was heard many times and how many of those people are merely a memory.
ఈపాట ఇంటే మనసు ప్రశాంతంగా
ఓం నమో నారాయణాయ
First hymn was on lord Ramakrishna paramhansadev .....guru of swami vivekananda ... ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤..
Yes it starts with lord Ramakrishna
பஜ கோவிந்தம் பஜ கோவிந்தம்
கோவிந்தம் பஜ மூடமதே
பஜ கோவிந்தம் பஜ கோவிந்தம்
கோவிந்தம் பஜ மூடமதே
ஸம்ப்ராப்தே ஸன்னிஹிதே காலே
ஸம்ப்ராப்தே ஸன்னிஹிதே காலே
நஹி நஹி ரக்ஷதி டுக்ருங்கரணே
நஹி நஹி ரக்ஷதி டுக்ருங்கரணே
பஜ கோவிந்தம் பஜ கோவிந்தம்
கோவிந்தம் பஜ மூடமதே
மூட ஜஹீஹி தன ஆகம த்ருஷ்ணாம்
மூட ஜஹீஹி தன ஆகம த்ருஷ்ணாம்
குரு ஸத்புத்திம் மனஸி வித்ருஷ்ணாம்
குரு ஸத்புத்திம் மனஸி வித்ருஷ்ணாம்
யல்லபஸே நிஜ கர்மோபாத்தம்
யல்லபஸே நிஜ கர்மோபாத்தம்
வித்தம் தேன வினோதய சித்தம்
பஜ கோவிந்தம் பஜ கோவிந்தம்
கோவிந்தம் பஜ மூடமதே
யாவத் வித்தோபார்ஜன ஸக்த:
தாவன்னிஜ பரிவாரோ ரக்த:
யாவத் வித்தோபார்ஜன ஸக்த:
தாவன்னிஜ பரிவாரோ ரக்த:
பச்சாத் ஜீவதி ஜர்ஜர தேஹே
பச்சாத் ஜீவதி ஜர்ஜர தேஹே
வார்த்தாம் கோபின ப்ருச்சதி கேஹே
வார்த்தாம் கோபின ப்ருச்சதி கேஹே
பஜ கோவிந்தம் பஜ கோவிந்தம்
கோவிந்தம் பஜ மூடமதே
மாகுருதன ஜன யௌவ்வன கர்வம்
ஹரதி நிமேஷாத் கால:ஸ்ர்வம்
மாகுருதன ஜன யௌவ்வன கர்வம்
ஹரதி நிமேஷாத் கால:ஸ்ர்வம்
மாயாமயம் இதம் அகிலம் ஹித்வா
மாயாமயம் இதம் அகிலம் ஹித்வா
ப்ரஹ்ம பதம் த்வம் ப்ரவிச விதித்வா
ப்ரஹ்ம பதம் த்வம் ப்ரவிச விதித்வா
பஜ கோவிந்தம் பஜ கோவிந்தம்
கோவிந்தம் பஜ மூடமதே
ஸுரமந்திர தருமூல நிவாஸ:
சய்யா பூதலம் அசினம் வாஸ:
ஸுரமந்திர தருமூல நிவாஸ:
சய்யா பூதலம் அசினம் வாஸ:
ஸர்வ பரிக்ரஹ போகத்யாக:
ஸர்வ பரிக்ரஹ போகத்யாக:
கஸ்ய ஸுகம் நகரோதி விராக:
கஸ்ய ஸுகம் நகரோதி விராக:
பஜ கோவிந்தம் பஜ கோவிந்தம்
கோவிந்தம் பஜ மூடமதே
பகவத் கீதா கிஞ்சிததீதா
பகவத் கீதா கிஞ்சிததீதா
கங்காஜல லவ கணிகா பீதா
பகவத் கீதா கிஞ்சிததீதா
கங்காஜல லவ கணிகா பீதா
ஸக்ருதபியேன முராரி
ஸக்ருதபியேன முராரி ஸமர்ச்சா
ஸக்ருதபியேன முராரி ஸமர்ச்சா
க்ரியதே தஸ்ய யமேன நசர்ச்சா
க்ரியதே தஸ்ய யமேன நசர்ச்சா
பஜ கோவிந்தம் பஜ கோவிந்தம்
பஜ கோவிந்தம் பஜ கோவிந்தம்
பஜ கோவிந்தம் பஜ கோவிந்தம்
கோவிந்தம் பஜ மூடமதே
புனரபி ஜனனம் புனரபி மரணம்
புனரபி ஜனனம் புனரபி மரணம்
புனரபி ஜனனீ ஜடரே சயனம்
புனரபி ஜனனீ ஜடரே சயனம்
இஹ ஸம்ஸாரே பஹு துஸ்தாரே
இஹ ஸம்ஸாரே பஹு துஸ்தாரே
க்ருபயா பாரே பாஹி முராரே
க்ருபயா பாரே பாஹி முராரே
பஜ கோவிந்தம் பஜ கோவிந்தம்
கோவிந்தம் பஜ மூடமதே
கேயம் கீதா நாம ஸஹஸ்ரம்
த்யேயம் ஸ்ரீபதி ரூபமஜஸ்ரம்
கேயம் கீதா நாம ஸஹஸ்ரம்
த்யேயம் ஸ்ரீபதி ரூபமஜஸ்ரம்
நேயம் ஸஜ்ஜன ஸங்கே சித்தம்
நேயம் ஸஜ்ஜன ஸங்கே சித்தம்
தேயம் தீனஜனாய ச வித்தம்
தேயம் தீனஜனாய ச வித்தம்
பஜ கோவிந்தம் பஜ கோவிந்தம்
கோவிந்தம் பஜ மூடமதே
அர்த்தம் அனர்த்தம் பாவய நித்யம்
நாஸ்தி தத: ஸுகலேச: ஸத்யம்
அர்த்தம் அனர்த்தம் பாவய நித்யம்
நாஸ்தி தத: ஸுகலேச: ஸத்யம்
புத்ராதபி தனபாஜாம் பீதி:
புத்ராதபி தனபாஜாம் பீதி:
ஸர்வத்ரைஷா விஹிதா ரீதி:
ஸர்வத்ரைஷா விஹிதா ரீதி:
பஜ கோவிந்தம் பஜ கோவிந்தம்
கோவிந்தம் பஜ மூடமதே
குரு சரணாம்புஜ நிர்பர பக்த:
ஸம்ஸாராத சிராத்பவ முக்த:
குரு சரணாம்புஜ நிர்பர பக்த:
ஸம்ஸாராத சிராத்பவ முக்த:
ஸேந்த்ரியமானஸ நியமாதேவம்
ஸேந்த்ரியமானஸ நியமாதேவம்
த்ருக்ஷ்யஸி நிஜ ஹ்ருதயஸ்தம் தேவம்
த்ருக்ஷ்யஸி நிஜ ஹ்ருதயஸ்தம் தேவம்
பஜ கோவிந்தம் பஜ கோவிந்தம்
கோவிந்தம் பஜ மூடமதே
பஜ கோவிந்தம் பஜ கோவிந்தம்
கோவிந்தம் பஜ மூடமதே
Her voice is gift of God to devotees
bhajagovindam bhajagovindam
govindam bhajamuudhamate
sampraapte sannihite kaale
nahi nahi rakshati dukrijnkarane
Praise Govinda! Praise Govinda ! Govinda be Praised, O You mindless fool !
This endless repeating of grammatical rules
Will not protect thee from thy deathly coils
mudha jahiihi dhanaagamatrishhnaam
kuru sadbuddhim manasi vitrishhnaam
yallabhase nijakarmopaattam
vittam tena vinodaya chittam
O Mindless fool, discard thy greed for amassing lucre
And turn thy mind on the real, devoid of passion
Accept thy past karmic actions, as thy anchor
And satiate thy mind , accepting Reality , free of rancor
naariistanabhara naabhiidesham
drishhtvaa maagaamohaavesham
etanmaamsaavasaadi vikaaram
manasi vichintaya vaaram vaaram
Delude not ,thyself, with lustful desires
For the cut of the navel or the curve of the breast
As all bodies are formed by fat and flesh, that expires
Remind thyself over and over, this fact, to attest
nnaliniidalagata jalamatitaralam
viddhi vyaadhyabhimaanagrastam
lokam shokahatam cha samastam
Life is ever changing,transitory and uncertain
As a dancing droplet on a lotus leaf
Know, this world is prey to disease and conceit
In constant sorrow and grief, so replete
yaavadvittopaarjana saktah
staavannija parivaaro raktah
pashchaajjiivati jarjara dehe
vaartaam koapi na prichchhati gehe
While you earn and support your family's welfare
You get their love and solicitous good wishes
But when with old age and infirmity, your body withers
your kin do not have for you, even a word to spare
yaavatpavano nivasati dehe
taavatprichchhati kushalam gehe
gatavati vaayau dehaapaaye
bhaaryaa bibhyati tasminkaaye
While one lives, and contacts abound
Solicitous kin, inquire to thy good health and well being
But, when the soul departs, and death knells sound
The sight of thy corpse, sees even your wife fleeing
pare brahmani koapi na saktah
The child is lost in the playground of childhood
Youth is lost in the attachment of woman
The old are in their own pasts enmeshed
Alas, there are none left to be one with the Brahman
kaate kaantaa kaste putrah
samsaaro.ayamatiiva vichitrah
kasya tvam kah kuta aayaatah
tattvam chintaya tadiha bhraatah
The real mysteries of life, need answers
Who is thy wife, thy son, from whence didst thou arrive ?
Delve into these questions as your salvation's anchors
Through these endless cycles of birth and death, to derive
satsangatve nissngatvam
nissangatve nirmohatvam
nirmohatve nishchalatattvam
nishcalatattve jiivanmuktih
From the bonding( Sat Sangha) of good friends
Does one achieve enlightened detachment
From this detachment comes freedom from delusion
From this freedom comes self settled peace
From this peace comes Jivan Mukti, the release of the soul
vayasigate kah kaamavikaarah
shushhke niire kah kaasaarah
kshiinevitte kah parivaarah
gyaate tattve kah samsaarah
when youth departs, what good is lust?
What good is the lake, when water denudes ?
Where are kin, when wealth disappears ?
Where are Samsara's coils when the Truth appears ?
maa kuru dhana jana yauvana garvam
harati nimeshhaatkaalah sarvam
maayaamayamidamakhilaM hitvaa
brahmapadaM tvaM pravisha viditvaa
Boast not of wealth, of youthful vigor or exalted friendship
These could all come to nought, in an instant
Cut the illusionary bonds, that you in Maya, enmesh
And attain that timeless truth, which remains constant
dinayaaminyau saayam praatah
shishiravasantau punaraayaatah
kaalah kriidati gachchhatyaayuh
tadapi na mujncatyaashaavaayuh
The time of day, darkness, into dawn, succeeds
The change of seasons, winter into spring, proceeds
They come and go, even as time and life, ebb away
The welling of desire always holds sway, never leaves
kaate kaantaa dhana gatachintaa
vaatula kim tava naasti niyantaa
trijagati sajjanasam gatiraikaa
bhavati bhavaarnavatarane naukaa
O ,Foolish one,why this constant grasping for wealth ?
Is there none to guide thee and show the way ?
In these three worlds, only one thing can save thee, from Samsara's greed
Climb on to the boat of Satsangha(good company), with deliberate speed
Jatilo mundii lujnchhitakeshah
pashyannapi cana pashyati muudhah
udaranimittam bahukritaveshhah
False signs of piety, matted locks, shaven heads or plucked hairs
Or ochre robes and others in variegated holy colors
Are so affected, just to earn an earthly living
And Fools so blinded, are oblivious of the truth revealing
angam galitam palitam mundam
dashanavihiinam jatam tundam
vriddho yaati grihiitvaa dandam
tadapi na mujncatyaashaapindam
With age's onset, bald heads, toothless gums and crutches spawn
Despite these wearing signs of time
The old man's hopes , remain eternally strong
Desperately clinging to a fruitless and ever hopeful dawn
agre vahnih prishhthebhaanuh
raatrau chubukasamarpitajaanuh
tadapi na mujncatyaashaapaashah
Hark! there lies a man warmed by a fire in front and by the sun behind
At night he curls up warmly to avoid the cold
Eats his beggar's food from the his bowl of his hand
And sleeps beneath the spreading tree
Yet, he remains a wretched puppet of his consuming passions
kurute gangaasaagaragamanam
vrataparipaalanamathavaa daanam
gyaanavihinah sarvamatena
muktim na bhajati janmashatena
One may cleanse one's sins immersing in Ganga's waters
One can fast and donate riches to the needy
But devoid of Gyana or knowledge of the truth
None else can give the soul it's liberation
Despite the repetition of a hundred births
sura mandira taru muula nivaasah
shayyaa bhuutala majinam vaasah
sarva parigraha bhoga tyaagah
kasya sukham na karoti viraagah
Give up life of ease and reside in temples, or under trees
Wear deerskin and bed down with mother earth, in peace
Give up attachments, and with life's comforts, denied
With this detachment(Vairagya), who would not be satisfied ?
yogarato vaabhogaratovaa
sangarato vaa sangaviihinah
yasya brahmani ramate chittam
nandati nandati nandatyeva
One can delight in Yoga, the pacific union of body and mind
Or,in Bhoga,in the search for hedonism, great pleasure find
Or hanker after attachment or to detachment, surrender
But, be aware, that eternal bliss, can only be realized
In the joyous meditation, of the Brahman, devised
bhagavad giitaa kijnchidadhiitaa
gangaa jalalava kanikaapiitaa
sakridapi yena muraari samarchaa
kriyate tasya yamena na charchaa
If one,reads but a little, from the sacred Gita
Drinks but a drop from the holy Ganga
Worships but once the Lord(Murari) he then
Will need no confrontation, with deathly Yama
punarapi jananaM punarapi maraNaM
punarapi jananii jaThare shayanam.h
iha saMsaare bahudustaare
kR^ipayaa.apaare paahi muraare
The repeated cries of birth and death again, and yet again
And the constant vigils in the mother's womb
Chart, the thorny voyages across Samsara's endless ocean
O merciful Lord(Murari) save me, from this cycle of creation and doom
rathyaa charpaTa virachita kanthaH
puNyaapuNya vivarjita panthaH
yogii yoganiyojita chitto
ramate baalonmattavadev
Rags are a'plenty for a monk on the roadside, to find
To use as clothing, free from vice and virtue, that path he treads
Surrounded by divine bliss, pure and unpolluted, in his mind
As a child or one besotted, his simple happiness spreads
Wow..thank u soo much for writing this..the vocabulary is on another level which is not easy(Shakespeare eng)..Hats off!!!
Extremely thankful to Ammaskrishna Garu you have added flavour and "Shorabham" and nectar
to this beautiful and intoxicating (sorry for borrowing this word) rendition of M S Subbulaxmi Garu by providing lyrics and meaning in English letters. I bow to thee And prostrate before M S Subbulakshmi Garu for adding glory to kruthi of Adi Shankaracharya of Kaladi
Great divine voice given by lord SRIMAN NARAYANA PRABHU
Recently i visited tirupati balaji in early morning at 5 a.m i listen this masterpiece on speakers , the whole tirupati awaken with this masterpiece daily♥️
God has sent her to sing all Bhakti songs. What a divine voice 🙏🙏🙏
Ms సుబ్బా లక్ష్మి గారు...పాడిన పాటలు...చాలా చాలా వినసొంపు గా ఉంటుంది... మనసుకి చాలా చాలా హాయ్ గా ఉంటుం ది...గ్రేట్ సింగర్ సింగర్....
ఆ గోవిందుని పాదాల చెంత ఉన్నట్టు గా ఉందమ్మా🙏
If you love this song..Don't forget to watch out it's meaning..Oh So powerful I bow to Adhishankara and MS Subbulakhsmi's divine voice
भोर बेला में इसको और सुप्रभातम को सुनने पर बहुत सुन्दर वातावरण बन जाता है घर का।
🙏thank you
1 yamuna Kalyani
2 brundavana saranga
3 panthu varaali
4 bhagyasri
5 bhehag
6 naada naama kriya
7 kapi
8 mohana
9 senjuritti
10 sindu bhiravi
Blessed to listen this song !! Childhood memories 🥰
If Adishankara's love for divinity n humanity inspired him to create this masterpiece, Divinity inspired MSS to deliver us this master piece in the perfect emotion.
Sreekanth Thatikonda She is legend beyond doubt
Kartenila varrumkeetam
பகவானை பாட அனைவருக்கும் பாடவழிவகுக்க பெருமாள்,தாயார் இருவராலும் அனுப்ப பட்டவர் தாயார் சுப்புலக்ஷி அம்மாள்!!தேவ சம்பானுபூத்தர்கள்!!
Love you MS Subbulakshmi love you south India Tamil nadu (Tamil) ❤️🇮🇳❤️🇹🇭❤️
This is Sanskrit not bloody Tamil
@@kartikshetty5420 Of course sanskrit but MS belongs to Tamil nadu. (Madurai city)
@@kartikshetty5420this is telugu not shit Sanskrit
Adi Shankara is the gift to this nation which is unable to use efficiently.
Many youngsters go abroad like moth to flame without realising the spiritual potential of this nation. So attracted to the western exoticness who thinks about great beings.?. They ponder over great souls like adi sankara only in their 40s after which they cannot return...
@@udhayak9638 I’m also in canada.. but I will be going back to india in July. This country is all about money.
@@hirennyx not the whole country is abt money brother
All known scriptures of Hinduism is revived by Acharya swamikal himself
We are not ready ....yet
Sema song... MS Amma adichi navuthitanga.... Innum ethana varusham aanalum ithula 1% kooda yaralum paada mudiyadhu. Sema pronunciation... sema voice....
Since 30 years I regularly listens to it when ever I'm mentally free and have to be more fresh without any other interactions in my way of life.always it enhanced me in my field work filled with pousness.thank God I born in India.
@@kesavakarthik3867 what on gods name do you mean by this?
Thank god I was born in Malaysia. I still have exposure to divine music without experiencing the shit that happens to women in India. 🙃
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She is not only a great devotee but a renunciate and an enlighten being. Her husband too was great. Her atma guru kanchi mahaperiyava resides in her heart and therefore mother saraswathy dances on her tongue freely.
I grew up listening to the maestro now after 50 years, when I listen to her, wherever I am, I feel at home, calmed and sort of protected. I am blessed to have been brought up like this. 🙏🙏
A true statement...this song recalls my childhood
Same with me
It changes us from within
Heaven on earth
Nothing calms me instantly like this .... amazing voice ..
Yes 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
మాటల్లో చెప్పలేని మార్పు కలుగుతుంది. కృతజ్ఞతలు అమ్మా..
ಅಮ್ಮಾ ತಾಯೀ ನಿಮ್ಮ ಪಾದಗಳಿಗೆ ಅನಂತಕೋಟಿ ನಮನಗಳು.
My childhood memories becomes fresh. Everyday morning, I used to wake up listening to this song.
Divine voice. Brings peace of mind when ever I hear this 💕 song. Thank you
@@lalithapkvs7464 o0p👍l
@@narayanarao7446 ppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppm
Ya.. me too
I Love ❤ baja govindam
She was born to sing glory of God! A Divine Singer par excellence 🙏
bhajagovindaM bhajagovindaM
govindaM bhajamuuDhamate .
saMpraapte sannihite kaale
nahi nahi rakshati DukRiJNkaraNe .. (1)
mUDha jahiihi dhanaagamatRishhNaaM
kuru sadbuddhiM manasi vitRishhNaam.
yallabhase nijakarmopaattaM
vittaM tena vinodaya chittam. .. (2)
yaavadvittopaarjana saktaH
staavannija parivaaro raktaH .
pashchaajjiivati jarjara dehe
vaartaaM ko.api na pRichchhati gehe .. (3)
maa kuru dhana jana yauvana garvaM
harati nimeshhaatkaalaH sarvam.h .
maayaamayamidamakhilaM hitvaa
brahmapadaM tvaM pravisha viditvaa .. (4)
sura ma.ndira taru muula nivaasaH
shayyaa bhuutala majinaM vaasaH .
sarva parigraha bhoga tyaagaH
kasya sukhaM na karoti viraagaH .. (5)
bhagavad.h giitaa kiJNchidadhiitaa
gaNgaa jalalava kaNikaapiitaa .
sakRidapi yena muraari samarchaa
kriyate tasya yamena na charchaa .. (6)
punarapi jananaM punarapi maraNaM
punarapi jananii jaThare shayanam.h .
iha saMsaare bahudustaare
kRipayaa.apaare paahi muraare .. (7)
geyaM giitaa naama sahasraM
dhyeyaM shriipati ruupamajasram .
neyaM sajjana saNge chittaM
deyaM diinajanaaya cha vittam. .. (8)
arthamanarthaM bhaavaya nityaM
naastitataH sukhaleshaH satyam.
putraadapi dhana bhaajaaM bhiitiH
sarvatraishhaa vihiaa riitiH .. (9)
gurucharaNaambuja nirbhara bhakataH
saMsaaraadachiraadbhava muktaH .
sendriyamaanasa niyamaadevaM
drakshyasi nija hR^idayasthaM devam. .. (10)
I am Marathi what a voice she had....... incredible ❤
Namaste 🙏 namaste 🙏 ♥️ Madam you are an iconic divine singer .. I grew up listening to Vishnu Sahasrana sung by you.
Govindha (?)
Two winners in every race
What u receive (soul)
What u left (body)
The biggest service(ThanksGiving) to give ur motherland.
ShudhaBrahma patarmara ram (Mahatma)
VigrahavanDharmaha. Ram
Mera bhartha💪👍🙏 mahan im proud of my all culture sanskaar and sanskriti and all great singing like this amazing voice and bhakti and sangit❤❤❤
Absolutely divine voice. Many thanks. Sastanga pranaam🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏. Swami Vedantananda Puri
Kurai indrum Illai is also one her most iconic bhajans i love to listen 😊
🚩🙏🌺🌹కృష్ణం వందే జెగత్ గురుమ్ 🌹🌺🙏🚩
Ma Saraswati. As a Punjabi from Delhi I wake up to her divinity 🙏🙏
Born to sing the most divine songs and keerthanams. Angel descended to earth to sing devine songs.🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹
There are so many talented and expert musicians , but MS Subbu Laxmi is the only musician who sings with devotion and meditating upon the divine .
అమ్మ అమూల్య గారు అమూల్యమైన పదాలు పాట పెట్టారు నాకు కావలసింది ఇవే చాలా ధన్యవాదములు
Truly a Bharat Ratna!
She was awarded in 1988!
She was awarded in 1998. Leading news paper wrote this this is MS award for Bharat Ratna
I too accept your words I think GOD is in her VOICE❤
I had been to a temple this evening in Bangalore and this was being played on the temple loud speaker, brought back my childhood memories of being played in Aakashwani early in the morning. Came back home and listened completely here.
நூறு முறை கேட்டாலும் தீராத திகட்டாத பஜன். வாழ்க இசைப்பிரியர்.
I always get goose bumps whenever i hear the line 'punarapi jananam punarapi maranam' in kapi ragam
No words to describe the singing of ms subba lakshmi
This is crazy to have an ad popping in between such a divine music, pls get the ad removed
I feel the exact same at those lines
ஹரி ஓம். சொல்ல வார்த்தைகள் இல்லை. நான் என்னை மறந்து இந்த இனிய பஜ கோவிந்த பாடலை கேட்டுக் கொண்டு உள்ளேன். 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉
Adi Shankaracharya was a very precious gem of our country. He made our country to be unity in all situations. Bhaja govindam is a very beautiful song wrote by him . When I read this meaning of this song I cried . A very beautiful song and Raga . MS Subbulakshmi is a great Carnatic musician ever to be awarded with Bharat Ratna. 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
Narayana Narayana Narayana Narayana Narayana Narayana Narayana Narayana Narayana Narayana Narayana Narayana Narayana Narayana Narayana Narayana Narayana Narayana Narayana Narayana Narayana Narayana Narayana Narayana Narayana Narayana Narayana Narayana Narayana Narayana Narayana Narayana Narayana Narayana Narayana Narayana Narayana Narayana Narayana Narayana Narayana Narayana Narayana Narayana Narayana Narayana Narayana Narayana Narayana Narayana Narayana Narayana Narayana Narayana Narayana Narayana Narayana Narayana Narayana Narayana Narayana Narayana
Can you believe an Advaita preacher saying only Govinda will save you at the end of your life??? Adi Shankara, a man of surprises!! 😁👍👍
Amma meru karana janumlu
Adi Shankaracharya is a ardent devotee Lord Krishna (Govinda) as well as he also admired the brahm tatva , he accepted both sakaar and nirakar form of Paramatma(Govinda)
How beautiful Sanskrit... How beautiful song... How beautiful voice... 2024
There is no substitute to Amman's voice for this song, nor will there ever be. Thank you lord Krishna for bestowing your grace from time to time on this land.
Great. My Blood pressure came down to normal after listening this song in very quiet environment. Amazing 🙏🏽
I am very very sorry very sorry again I have to say very very sorry maine aapka operation hua tha isliye maine dislike wala button daba Diya Tha Main To Khud Hi Unka Bhakt prashansak hun Jab Main Manipal Mein Padta tha Cops Mein college off Pharmaceutical Sciences sabse main is divine is beautiful voice ka prashansak raha hun
Wow.. wonderful
M.S . Angel of India. No one can replace this voice.
Every day in the morning it became a routine of mine
To sing Aditya Hrudayam Stotram
followed by Bhaja Govindam...this best routine I have ever followed...
Hare Krishna!! Om Namah Shivay!! Jai Ho Maa!!🙏🏻❤️👍
No one can beat this voice at present and future 🙏🙏🙏
A voice that can't be replaced. Even after 200 years I bet she will be remembered for her voice and maestro in classical music. She is a gem this world has received.
Absolutely very mythical nd melodies spiritual growth warship voice
As time passes,,, evryone will forget everything slowly!!!!
God gifted magical tune. I pray to govinda for her long life. Being a bengali i always like the karnatak sangit for attractive tune. Lord govinda always save us, save the world.
Sonu nigam is greatest
An immortal songster smt Subbu Laxmi. Jewel of Carnatic Music world.
This song I am putting everyday at 6pm in my home brings tears to my eyes. What a great vibration. In this yuga we are lucky to have MSS singing such a lovely song.
KOTI KOTI PRANAM TO THE M S Subbulakshmiji for her beautiful voice.
Just worship Govinda. He will deliver you from all material reactions. He will do this because He is your dear friend. This is the perfection of Yoga. You have nothing to fear. < 3
सर्वधर्मान्परित्यज्य मामेकं शरणं व्रज |
अहं त्वां सर्वपापेभ्यो मोक्षयिष्यामि मा शुच: || 66||
Is worship same as sadhana?
Is Bhakti enough especially in the absence of swadharma (like the way it is these days).
@@rush-me Well, I'm just a servant of my Gurudev Srila Govinda Maharaj but from what I've heard real worship is only possible when soul is liberated from maya-- Sadhana Bhakti is like practical practice under the care of the Vaishnavas so in a practical sense, related to our current position-- We will practice worshipping under the care of Sri Guru and from that everything will develop. Isa-Jhana-- We must connect with the upmost guardian consciousness. Hare Krsna! Jaya Nitai!
OM Sri mathraya namaha hara hara mahadeva sambo Kasi Vishwanath gange Om Sri Surya Adityaya namashivaya 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏 thankyou so much madam thanks 👍👍👍👍👍
ఎంత బాగా పాడావమ్మా...సరి లేరు నీకెవ్వరు...👍👌