I identify as a Jamaican with African heritage. I am proud of where my ancestors came from and what they did. I am sure that I am not 100% African but majority of my DNA is so that speaks for itself.
The slaves that were first taken to Jamaica were from Ghana. Therefore the similarities are there because they are the same culture. Jamaicans are descendants of Ghanaian people.
@ROLEX MAN lol not true, the first Jamaicans brought over were the Akan people. The Jamaican Maroons were also made up mostly of Akan people. In terms of culture it was mostly dominated by Akan
Jamaicans are descendants of many people, hence the motto Out of Many One People." Many Ibo, Congo, Yoruba and other people were brought to Jamaica as well as East Indians, Chinese and Europeans.
Marcus Garvey even influenced Ho Chi Minh who used to go to Harlem, when he lived in NY, to listen to Garvey speak. He took that idea of freedom to go back to Vietnam to free his people from the French.
Dokunu , 'dokun' is a fante maize meal from Cape Coast wrapped in plantain leaves , and garri is your equivalent of the biscuit make from cassava or yaka tubers
YES. Ghanians were the largest group of Africans in Ja. Nigerans second largest, Congolese 3d largest. There were also Africans from Angola, Gambia, Senegal, Sierra Leone. The Patwa word Cooyah is from Sierra Leone . Chacka-Chacka from Ghana. Unnu & Fi m, dey, weyi is Nigerian. Lol A lot of the Dances came from Congo. (Dunki Mini etc) I learned a poem in my 8th grade class it's called Mayombe. Recently, I learned that it came from Congo. That same poem was also taught in Cuba.
When Africans were taken captive to Jamaica we took a lot of things with us among which were our culture, including historical experiences, languages, etc. A lot of the fruits and vegetables were packed on the slave ships with us. That is why we both have Quao and Cudjoe and Cuffee etc. This is our tradition. Some retained more than others. Those who were more isolated unto themselves (away from white people) Such as maroons of Jamaica and Suriname and the Geechie of the South Carolina sea islannds
Jamaica is a very mixed country and the commenters are correct in questioning the accuracy of claiming Ghana as our original home. However, the fact that Jamaicans show an interest in Ghana or any other African country is wonderful. Long live Garvey.
You didn't have to tell me u went and lived in the white mans country i can tell by your ignorance and vulgar language u sound just like them and you lack common sense to do basic research and will remain in your ignorance. You're baseless claims of Jamaica being 75% African when a simple google search would have educated you. Also who do you think does those statistics in Jamaica for google to come up with that 92% African ratio, do u think its the white man that goes to Jamaica to do such research and not our own Jamaican government?? hahahahaha nonsense.
jamaicans will say Ananse and Ghanaian too say Ananse in all it means spider jamaicans says dukunu and Ghanaians too dukunu its a whitish maize food. de same meaning Jamaicans be like ( say fi ) and Ghanaians be like ( Ka fi ) english (dare) de same meaning So no difference from Ghanaian and Jamaicans
Im Ghanaian and me familyhouse is in cape coast 50 Meter away from the slave trade harbor that was built by the Portuguese Ghanaians never turned back home after walking through the door of no return and turned into Jamaicans We are one people and it’s important to know that 🇬🇭🇯🇲
I think the most African that their culture and language was soo damaged was in North America. Others like in Central and South America still have some similarities as their original countries.
Black Americans had Jim Crow, segregation, systemic racism. In America you were taught to hate you African heritage for generations. Now we are starting to embrace it.
@Mark E. Not racist its more like a right that is being restored to you, based on your ethnicity and situation, no different than a Ghanaian who does not need a visa to go home, seen?
But keep in mind that Ghana was also a hub for the slave trade. That means that many people were marched across land to reach Ghana from where they disembarked to Jamaica. So there is truth in all these statements.
TRUTHTEACHER2007 correct, they are trying to fool us all. But technology is increasing and we are going to know the truth. Sad to say we don’t look Ghanaians and attitudes are way different but they saying we are Ghanaians. Apart from the maroons who continue their tradition in a community in trelawny we are not all maroons.
@@876mostvaluabletreasure2 No one is saying all Jamaicans are Ghanaians neither is anyone forcing you to be Ghanaian. I have been to Jamaica and I can hardly see the difference between most Jamaicans and Ghananains (Africans) even most African Americans unless they speak I can't tell the difference. I don't blame you because you think Ghana has got nothing to offer Jamaicans... I doubt you will write that comment if it was America or Europe. *so you know before slavery started Ghana as a country did not exist*
@@TRUTHTEACHER2007 but the language of the slaves and customs have been recorded. the slaves that escaped and killed slave owners were Ashanti, the kormantee live in jamaica today and made the british crumble Akans were most inflentual perhaps but not the only tribe in jamaica indians were also in the bush at the time akan slaves jid in the jungle after escape so yes there was native american type indians
No I disagree black people like to get monolithic when it's a convenience despite the fact that you don't have any facts as far as data is concern Africa is a big place so we all did not come from the same place
I have a blood anomality and what I was told by a doctor is that it´s normally seen in people from west africa.....I already knew that anyway. I am asked all the time where in Africa i am from.people approach me speaking in their languages...I have to say I am Jamaican.
The dicotomy: The Queen from Ghana is dressed immaculately. The sister from Jamaica, with European western influence, is dressed less classy. The difference just pops off the screen
You are so stupid! It's a cultural difference, dummy! Many women in Ghana dress like BOTH women. Wht tf is your point? No body in Jamaica dresses like the Ghanaian lady.
When Mary escaped Herod...She took Jesus to Egypt😇.....Let's not 4get Hagar took Ishmael to Egypt where she came from...so the 2 Prophets from the 2 dominant religions grew up in Africa..A Footnote in The Good Book of Inconsistencies ..lol...time to write our own History. .indeed!!!
TheMuzikall, you're right. Some Africans think that Christianity is European religion.That's not true at all. When the Europeans went to Africa, there was already Christianity.People don't read the Scripture but if they do, they will know the truth about Christianity.All people have to do is to do some research.The Bible is its own dictionary.Who did Deacon Phillip witness to? Is it not the Ethiopian Eunuch who inturn took the witnessing of Christ and spread the message to the whole of West Africa? Acts 8:26-39.
I can't believe that in today's Jamaica, 'Egypt is Black' is still the code for 'CUT the show'...Guest: Egypt is black. Egypt is in Africa...Host: O..oh...we're out of time. Thanks for coming. Goodbye... Could have at least allow her to finish her train of thought.
I agree with you, how he cut her off that was very rude. She's a beautiful lady, hopefully she's the next President of Ghana. Africa should find a way of bringing back the people from the Caribbean, and South America back home.
I heard this woman, Kwame Nkrumas daughter, is married to a European of Italian heritage. Is that true? Has anyone seen her children? Do they look like Kwame? Wasn't Kwame a Pan-Africanist?
I can't stand the term United States of Africa even with this terminology it show we have learned nothing, we need our own names, our own model etc etc no other continent has this title except America we don't need a remake of a failing system
I'm 52+, single, female with some savings. I'm ready to walk away from racist white America and it's slavery corporate system but everyone keeps saying you cannot move to Africa unless you are starting a business. Am I then foolish to dream of relocating to Africa based on my age and the assumption you need to start a business. Am I then stuck in a land where I'm not wanted and is recognized and treated in a way less than human
There's a lot of Jamaican in Ghana, and to be honest with you we're all family. If that's what you desire take a trip and go and visit. I'm older than you and I am considering the same thing.
Garbage we came from all over Africa we were sold so every body got mix up some from Ghana 🇬🇭 nigeria 🇳🇬 Cameroon 🇨🇲 Senegal 🇸🇳 and others. Plus there were African that were fighting to go back to Africa
If we came from all over Africa and Ghana is always reaching out to us then keep quiet. Ghana has done more than all the countries in Africa in calling us back home! They just launched the year of return. They have granted full citizenship to many Blocks in the diaspora. What are other African countries doing?
I hear what she says but the idea that all Black people pack up and go back to Africa is to me more idealism but not reality. Africa without Black people from the diaspora is divided and tribal. Black people on a whole are very tribal even on a microcosmic level.
I totally agree with you, Mr Mcken. I'm an African, a Ghanaian for that matter and I can tell you that Blacks are more tribal than any other race. One tribe think it's better than the other. Literally they feel superior to other tribes. If we Africans want to unite with our brothers and sisters in the diaspora, then we should first and foremost sort out our differences and stop thinking that a particular tribe is more Ghanaian than another tribe.
The word JAMAICA is a sentence and a question put together from a dialect in Ghana, Twi. Jamaicans are Ghanaians. The word JAMAICA is GYAMA WO AKA In the Akan language in Ghana. GYAMA W'AKA literally mean MAYBE YOU'RE STUCK. This was when the people were put on that Island and made slaves (no one was born a slave). When they met each other, they asked themselves that question: "aren't you going back home to Africa? Are you stuck here." From that, the got Jamaica (GYAMA W'AKA).
I totally disagree with you. It could be true that SOME Jamaicans originate from Ghana but not all of them. The word "Jamaica" may sound like an Akan language (Twi) but it's not. What about the Voodoo culture being practiced in the West Indies. Do you know where that culture originate from? Certainly not Ghana but from the Yoruba land (Nigeria and Republic of Benin). Some languages in the West Indies contain Yoruba and even Arabic words. What do you have to say about that? So NOT all Jamaicans originate from Ghana.
DAUGHTER OF ZION HEBREW ISRA no your wrong, the Tainos were the one who named the island. Go do proper research. Not on the internet fine the Jamaican history book and read it.
JAMA YAKA = JAMA YACA =JAMAICA ,,, in AKAN or asante language means { it looks like we ARE stock here and may not be able to return back home to AFRICA..THE REAL MEANING OF JAMAICA}
Here we go again with that myth! Who started it? It seems very widespread among ignorant people. Please take the time to visit a Jamaican site to enlighten you on the history of Jamaica and stop repeating this stupid and ridiculous myth that seems to be trending amongst Ghanaians!
Hi, I am Vansworth McKenzie. Thank you for your video conversion on UA-cam I am presently watching. As you speakers of history to out people. I want to introduce you to my history book that is called the Untold Forgotten Great Civilization of the people of Ham that is called today as the African people, and the so-called Middle Eastern people. I also want to introduce you to my various videos showing on UA-cam, that is called the Untold Forgotten of Ham. Thank you.
Why are you feeling left out? ALL black people are Africans. There is no one who is more African than any other. There are many African cultural traits that remain among African Americans. Don't feel left out, you belong.
Bad info TVJ..... Most Jamaicans aren't of Ghanian descent, but instead of Nigerian Igbo aka Ebo.... The few Ghanaians slaves in Jamaica were forcibly removed from Jamaica after 1735 Maroon War. Fewer than 300 had remained in Jamaica. The largest slave group came to Jamaica from the Biafra regions of Nigeria. The presence of Akan Ghanaians left an indelible mark on our Jamaican culture, however Igbo left even more, because today Igbo people dominated the Western and Central parishes of Jamaica with around 1.2 million. The athletics prowess of Jamaica are indicative of the toughness and athleticism of Igbo people. Ghanaians are passive peaceful people. Jamaicans temperament and aggressiveness came directly from the Igbo people from the Biafra regions of Nigeria Fact..... This is where Jamaicans learn to "Kiss Dem Teeth" and "Cut Dem Eyes" when they are angry or disturbed, nown in Igbo as "ima osu" or "imu oso" and "cutting-eye" known in Igbo as "iro anya", and other non-verbal communications by eye movements. There are a few Igbo words in Jamaican Patois that resulted when slaves were restricted from speaking their own languages. These Igbo words still exist in Jamaican vernacular, including words such as "unu" meaning "you (plural)", "di" meaning "to be (in state of)", which became "de", and "Okwuru" "Okra" a vegetable. The Jonkuno, Obeah, Pocomania Revival are directly from the Biafra regions of Nigeria. So Jamaicans need to stop EMBELISHING the myth that most of Jamaican are of Ghanaians descent, when we are in every way Igbo in looks, shape, culture, mannerisms and temperament, a duplicate of Igbos.🤔
Soraya Martin ....precisely my point, Nigerians love their white masters go to London, Texas and everywhere they are just look their docile attitude towards whites
Jam Rock body I could see you don't know the history very well so I suggest you should learn more about the history and learn the Ghana history too you don't know what you are talking about.
Which similarities to Ghana?...... We don't even have no Ghanaian communities here and the original argument that was cited in the early 1900s that we descend from Ethiopia, so where is this coming from.... Where is there proof, then if that's case why not draw up the documents from the Ghanian vital statistics record saying we was misplaced from there and not focus on minor detail as such vernacular influences because to my knowledge they were colonised by The British too, matter a fact Ghana never exist 1400c. So what are they talking about?.... Yow if we going to go through with this make the Ghanaian government pull the document proving whoever it applies to, because obviously it does not apply to all if us! Because for a fact our dialect creole patwah is Indian, matter a fact patwah is the name of a Indian tribe, Jamaica is a modernization of Indian word Xaymaca, which mean "the land of wood and water" but Jamaica means "the lands of springs". This is what our ancestors renamed it, so why would a nation of Africans rename thus island in a Indian word that was foreign to them.....
Chad Murdock U are fool!! Total hogwash!! Ethiopia wasn’t colonialsed and besides Ghana was formally called the GOLD COAST and Gold Coast was the first point of contact by the colonizers!! Read on AKANS or Ashanti’s etc, they were part of the sudan, Ethiopia etc in the ancient kingdom and hence share the blood of the Nubians too
Chad Murdock we not even look like Ghanaians are act like them. We may have ancestors from there yes but not all. The government there want black people to go and build there country . Not all Jamaican stupid. We have ancestors from other West African countries too, sorry
@@876mostvaluabletreasure2 + proof it then! because i don't have any west african lineage, proof to me the population of jamaica is of west african heritage beyond white people "opinions", because the original inhabitants of Jamaica were dark brown people Arawak Indians, the spainards never brought africans over here then again why we have the accents and speak the languages of the people who live here and no form of african dialect is present in our creole, jamaica is a Indian word for "land of springs", we name the island, put 2 and 2 together, otherwise your saying your not Jamaican but rather an undocumented immigrant.... then you acting like a novice, because they only heard of heard of the patwah creole which again is Indian through white people, you know what they call us over there? Jamo! What about gypsy? and the other variation of dialects we speak here? you only here them talking about a percentage, because they a bunch of know nothing liar, matter a fact ghanian never existed in the 1800s much less the 1400s, this why they behind on account they are a new nation, jamaica is older than ghanian so how are we descendant of ghanian...... you see when you people talk rubbish? becah yuh yuselv knuh and stilla form fool...... "We don't look or act like them then how the hell we are going have ancestry from there", you know what them Africans practice? paganism with di witchcraftry and child sacrifice, all form sumn, suh yuh waan guh ovah deh n guh build up dem country, be my guess....... Mi dun talk, be wah eva unuh waan bi, cuz unuh smafrican wallabees ah di problem.... but unuh is not turning jamaica into no african nuttin or acreditting them for our ancestors achievement, they haven't freed themselves from the arabs much less, fi come talk bout jamaicans is fram dem? breadfruit caan fall fram ah june plum tre?
Chad Murdock my dear I have done my ancestry DNA test like most Jamaicans doing now and my bloodline says Nigeria, Benin, Cameroon small amount of Ghana and Senegal. So go check yours.
@@876mostvaluabletreasure2+ lol, ask them if that's them if that can grant you citizenship in any those countries... Yow y'all big people, unuh need to group man... Nobody came from Africa and that Dna ancestry result is fraud because from they not demonstrating a family tree with people you are biological related to, like your grandparents and your grandparents grandparents, then its fraudulent to say they can provide you with your genealogical background that only can be trace through paper trail otherwise know as legal documentation or records, these are basic things you big people don't understand, all that DNA test result foolish is a ruse to trade your genetical information they use for their biological warfare in exchange for you paying them to oppress you with it... Then they state that so you guys who fell for it thus not for y'all to get refunds that its 0.01% accurate and it only for entertainment purposes, you can't use it in court to attain any a grievances etc... Are you some mad sumaddy and you really believe it to, because can DNA tell you when, where, what and if your ancestors actually came of a boat? Yow you using that as rebuttal just makes you sound stupid and uniformed.. Kmt.. Yow mi tyiad a you big people now enuh, because unuh need to give it a break now y'all been trick by whites during the 21st century that your African and y'all won't stop because unuh not following traditions.... its taboo to give our genetic matter to strangers because they'll obeah you and it seems very much so... You very much upsetting the ancestors.... You is not even half African... Because where did the Africans settled here then... Stop make them Africans trick you, because by design they the original slave traders, is whites ran them up out of Europe so they holding dung now, on account majority of us forgot our genealogy.... All they want y'all do is go over there as tourist or economical emigrants and then become emigrant slaves indebt to there system, because you forfeited your nationality, inheritance to rebuild Africa... They not talking nothing sensible to you, there is no form of repatriation or nothing, not even grant of dual citizenship if that's the case... Y'all just been indoctrinated and people who care telling and you coming with all kinds of excuses.... Right now there are tones of Jamaica who know what I know and more and never tell y'all... So don't kill the messenger or the messenger shall kill you...
More respect to Samia Nkrumah for her descent dressing unlike the Jamaican lady presenter, showing all her assets,she thinks she is the only lady with beautiful legs, that's the difference between well brought up African and carribean though
Jamaican are not Ghanaian according to my research.I have been traveling in Africa since 1981.If you have only travel to ghana you don't have a clue.We have to at it that Slaves were taken from many countries in West Africa.In almost every country including Ghana and Nigeria,there are many Fulani people.Therefore our research as to take us in that direction.
I have been to Ghana and many other countries in African.I am an African historian that knows the oral,linguistic and literally history of Africa.The question is do you know West African history.
Jamaican say cum Nyam and Pulaar people say Ar Nyam meaning to come eat.Jamaican say ah him deh and pulaar say Ah Yie de meaning to see him .Pullar say Duppa and Jamaican say Duppy meaning spirit.This is just to name a few words from pulaar language.Give me evidents and stop the name calling cujo okeke you dont know me.Gu weh yu a Buttu in Pullar they aey an ko buttu.Etc.
AbdulAziim Shariif-Ba Jamaica is made up of 80% kromati or maroons (which are old tribes) modern day Akans and dagbons of Ghana .. Do your research well
stfu! speak for yourself and don't speak for me! sooner or later di whole a wi haffi guh back a Africa! like it or hate it a Africa wi come from n we all are one! we will never turn our backs on our brothers n sisters in Africa! united we stand n divided we fall!
Jamaicans are our African brothers and sisters. Long live the African diaspora!
Thank you. We are one
🇯🇲✊Thank you Ghana for stepping up. One love
@Ozzy Mandias I can so agree with that
@Ozzy Mandias Disagree I'm a British born Jamaican and i get on with all African brothers over here
I was born in the Caribbean, Trinidad and Tobago and raised in the U.S and I've always known that I am African.
Good to know that,, u are blessed.
@@st7tv582 so are you
That’s why I’m so proud to be ghanaian 🇬🇭😁and Nigerian 🇳🇬but mostly proud of my ghanaians🇬🇭🇬🇭 me fri ghana!
Stfu you to happy
@@olufemiyusuf3073 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
@J.J A eye oo. Na won so eh?
@Where's the Lamb SAUCE!! eye
so I think it is great for Ghana and Jamaica have a visa-free agreement now, because we are one people
We have my bro is visa to jm
Yes it would
Queen Nanny and Nana Yaa Asantewaa from the same root and they made the same history 🇬🇭🇯🇲
I identify as a Jamaican with African heritage. I am proud of where my ancestors came from and what they did. I am sure that I am not 100% African but majority of my DNA is so that speaks for itself.
The slaves that were first taken to Jamaica were from Ghana. Therefore the similarities are there because they are the same culture. Jamaicans are descendants of Ghanaian people.
It’s not that simple, what you say is part true.. but many tribe was brought into Jamaica
@ROLEX MAN Yes the two main groups, but a lot of reord speak of many other tribes
yeah check the Maroons in Jamaica for example
@ROLEX MAN lol not true, the first Jamaicans brought over were the Akan people. The Jamaican Maroons were also made up mostly of Akan people. In terms of culture it was mostly dominated by Akan
Jamaicans are descendants of many people, hence the motto Out of Many One People." Many Ibo, Congo, Yoruba and other people were brought to Jamaica as well as East Indians, Chinese and Europeans.
Love this Video!!!! From America, will be moving to Ghana this October
Yah bless all his children in all the four corners and the continent. I love when we can connect. Love from Nigeria
My forever love Ghanaian🇬🇭🇬🇭
This woman is a saint. Her words are so true, I almost wanted to cry and reach out to kiss her and say "Yes, the Ghanaians get it!"
This is beautiful to see miss Nhrumah, I hope she will visit more often. Know we are shore of our lienge
Welcome to Ghana brothers
Africans from 🇯🇲and 🇬🇭we are one family 💯
We are the same in poetry food and names too
Both 🇯🇲and 🇬🇭have the same as communities lands etc
Marcus Garvey even influenced Ho Chi Minh who used to go to Harlem, when he lived in NY, to listen to Garvey speak. He took that idea of freedom to go back to Vietnam to free his people from the French.
Dokunu , 'dokun' is a fante maize meal from Cape Coast wrapped in plantain leaves , and garri is your equivalent of the biscuit make from cassava or yaka tubers
I'm from Ghanaians i❤️Jamaicans. 🇬🇭 🇯🇲
I'm Jamaican my ex was Ghanian best guy I have ever been with sadly he had to move to the middle East.
Oh I'm that your guy. I would like to reunite with you so please come to Ghana 😎
Saani channel stop fooling hahaha
@@lockgorastalyfstyle3224 Lol 😂
Thank you Samia Nkrumah you are on point. Yes do not give up my dear.
Not just Ghana but the whole west coast of africa even central african countries like Congo...
YES. Ghanians were the largest group of Africans in Ja. Nigerans second largest, Congolese 3d largest. There were also Africans from Angola, Gambia, Senegal, Sierra Leone. The Patwa word Cooyah is from Sierra Leone . Chacka-Chacka from Ghana. Unnu & Fi m, dey, weyi is Nigerian. Lol A lot of the Dances came from Congo. (Dunki Mini etc) I learned a poem in my 8th grade class it's called Mayombe. Recently, I learned that it came from Congo. That same poem was also taught in Cuba.
Like father like son, but with this lady , it's like father like daughter
Ummu kulthum Rasheed It's funny! I have never liked to have a son. I have always liked to have a daughter. Strange but true!
The presenter is Neville Bell though He just named his son after the lady's father
Wow this warms my heart very much ❤️
According to DNA my w. African Roots are in Nigeria,Ghana and Benin/Togo. I'm of Jam. decent
P. Archer my dna is mainly Nigerian/Benin and I'm Trini. We are still Africans though.
Nigeria Benin Togo are the same people. Welcome to Africa
Ur name Archer is a Ghanaian name. I’m a Ghanaian thou
Yeah because they carve out those countries there were no borders and name names Ghana and Nigeria didn’t exist then just tribes
When Africans were taken captive to Jamaica we took a lot of things with us among which were our culture, including historical experiences, languages, etc. A lot of the fruits and vegetables were packed on the slave ships with us. That is why we both have Quao and Cudjoe and Cuffee etc. This is our tradition. Some retained more than others. Those who were more isolated unto themselves (away from white people) Such as maroons of Jamaica and Suriname and the Geechie of the South Carolina sea islannds
This is the d---est comment I've ever read😂
This video was too short! I want to hear more ))
The greatest weapons in the hands of our oppressors, is our minds. Religions. IAMME UHURU. 🇯🇲.
Truth. A return to the African spiritualist customs would free our minds. There's a reason why the colonizers built so many churches. Mental slavery.
Jamaica is a very mixed country and the commenters are correct in questioning the accuracy of claiming Ghana as our original home. However, the fact that Jamaicans show an interest in Ghana or any other African country is wonderful. Long live Garvey.
Kush I jamaica a very mixed country?? Not with an over 92% African ratio we are more African than u think.
Bro.I think is gambia
Jamaican money cartel. You are correct on this point.
Jordan Sharpe WRONG Jamaica is over 92% AFRICAN best u check the stats before u fall into ignorance.
You didn't have to tell me u went and lived in the white mans country i can tell by your ignorance and vulgar language u sound just like them and you lack common sense to do basic research and will remain in your ignorance. You're baseless claims of Jamaica being 75% African when a simple google search would have educated you. Also who do you think does those statistics in Jamaica for google to come up with that 92% African ratio, do u think its the white man that goes to Jamaica to do such research and not our own Jamaican government?? hahahahaha nonsense.
She looks like her father
Yep, Kwame Nkrumah's face lol
yes, and she also confirm the ancient Egyptians are black
jamaicans will say Ananse and Ghanaian too say Ananse
in all it means spider
jamaicans says dukunu and Ghanaians too dukunu
its a whitish maize food. de same meaning
Jamaicans be like ( say fi ) and Ghanaians be like ( Ka fi )
english (dare)
de same meaning
So no difference from Ghanaian and Jamaicans
Afrimaican Vibez surinamese also say Ananse we have a lot in common.
We in Belize City in the Caribbean also has Ananse as our folklore
All my Ghanaian people eh! lol
I would say yes because many Jamaicans were taken from Ghana.. the Maroons e. g they represent a certain tribe from Ghana I forgot its tribal word
Mickey nozewu Ashanti kromontee
The new Babylon is the United States the old Babylon is still the same we need to go to Mount Zion which is in Africa he
No its not, USA is part of it though
Most jamaican are Ghanaian descendants
Africa Totals
Windward Coast Gold Coast
Europe Spain 0.1% 0.1%
Portugal 0.0% 0.0%
Mainland North America Rhode Island 0.2% 0.2%
Massachusetts 0.0% 0.0%
New York 0.1% 0.1%
Pennsylvania 0.0% 0.0%
Maryland 0.2% 0.2%
Virginia 0.8% 0.8%
South Carolina 2.7% 2.7%
Georgia 0.3% 0.3%
Florida 0.0% 0.0%
Gulf coast 0.0% 0.0%
Other North America 0.0% 0.0%
Caribbean Hispaniola 0.1% 0.1%
Cuba 1.6% 1.6%
Other Spanish Caribbean 0.1% 0.1%
Dutch Caribbean 3.1% 3.1%
Dutch Guianas 100.0% 8.6% 8.6%
Tortola 0.3% 0.3%
Antigua 2.7% 2.7%
St. Kitts 1.6% 1.6%
Nevis 0.9% 0.9%
Montserrat 0.3% 0.3%
Dominica 0.5% 0.5%
St. Lucia 0.0% 0.0%
Barbados 9.8% 9.8%
St. Vincent 1.8% 1.8%
Grenada 3.3% 3.3%
Trinidad 0.3% 0.3%
Tobago 0.5% 0.5%
Jamaica 33.3% 33.3%
Bahamas 0.1% 0.1%
British Guiana 4.2% 4.2%
Other British Caribbean 0.6% 0.6%
Martinique 1.9% 1.9%
Guadaloupe 0.5% 0.5%
Saint-Domingue 4.6% 4.6%
Other French Caribbean 0.3% 0.3%
Danish West Indies 4.2% 4.2%
St. Barthélemy (Sweden) 0.0% 0.0%
Other Caribbean 0.3% 0.3%
Spanish Mainland Americas Spanish Circum-Caribbean 0.6% 0.6%
Rio de la Plata 0.4% 0.4%
Brazil Bahia 1.6% 1.6%
Pernambuco 4.4% 4.4%
Southeast Brazil 0.6% 0.6%
Africa Senegambia and offshore Atlantic 0.0% 0.0%
Sierra Leone 0.2% 0.2%
Gold Coast
Bight of Biafra and Gulf of Guinea islands 0.0% 0.0%
Southeast Africa and Indian Ocean islands 0.0% 0.0%
Other Americas 2.0% 2.0%
British Americas 0.0% 0.0%
Totals 100.0% 100.0% 100.0%
Download table data yep
Howard Spencer nope
As a Ghanaian we are so proud of you.
Marcus garvey is the greatest afrikan of the millenium
No doubt
I've been saying that for the last 20 plus yrs...I even name my last son after him.
I tell you Jamaica is an influential country. We just need funds.
Happey67 stop lying
Im Ghanaian and me familyhouse is in cape coast 50 Meter away from the slave trade harbor that was built by the Portuguese
Ghanaians never turned back home after walking through the door of no return and turned into Jamaicans
We are one people and it’s important to know that 🇬🇭🇯🇲
Proud Jamaican and Ghanian
Blessings 🇿🇼🇬🇭🇯🇲
Big up Zimbabwe ❤
Love this.
The Two sticks are becoming ONE YAH has SPOKEN Shalom YASHAYAL
God bless you my lady
Ghana mother land
I think the most African that their culture and language was soo damaged was in North America. Others like in Central and South America still have some similarities as their original countries.
Black Americans had Jim Crow, segregation, systemic racism. In America you were taught to hate you African heritage for generations. Now we are starting to embrace it.
@@Topg1this is so true.
Dr. Kwame Nkrumah is one of the best President ever!
If we (Jamaican) are from Ghana, then why we need a visa to go there? Just wondering.
ask the whiteman who split up Africa and created borders and passport and visa dont ask the ordinary African who did not create the borders in Africa.
@Mark E. Not racist its more like a right that is being restored to you, based on your ethnicity and situation, no different than a Ghanaian
who does not need a visa to go home, seen?
JAM TV GO my parents are born in Ghana im not I still needed a visa.
The fact that I investigated is that most jamaican slaves were transported from Ghana and Nigeria, Chad and Binin was not existing
But keep in mind that Ghana was also a hub for the slave trade. That means that many people were marched across land to reach Ghana from where they disembarked to Jamaica. So there is truth in all these statements.
No Chad please
TRUTHTEACHER2007 correct, they are trying to fool us all. But technology is increasing and we are going to know the truth. Sad to say we don’t look Ghanaians and attitudes are way different but they saying we are Ghanaians. Apart from the maroons who continue their tradition in a community in trelawny we are not all maroons.
@@876mostvaluabletreasure2 No one is saying all Jamaicans are Ghanaians neither is anyone forcing you to be Ghanaian. I have been to Jamaica and I can hardly see the difference between most Jamaicans and Ghananains (Africans) even most African Americans unless they speak I can't tell the difference. I don't blame you because you think Ghana has got nothing to offer Jamaicans... I doubt you will write that comment if it was America or Europe. *so you know before slavery started Ghana as a country did not exist*
@@TRUTHTEACHER2007 but the language of the slaves and customs have been recorded.
the slaves that escaped and killed slave owners were Ashanti, the kormantee live in jamaica today and made the british crumble
Akans were most inflentual perhaps but not the only tribe in jamaica
indians were also in the bush at the time akan slaves jid in the jungle after escape so yes there was native american type indians
Most of African Americans and Jamaicans are from ghana
lol not most, some. Most is a big word considering that ghana is not the only country involved neither is it the first country the europeans crossed.
@@jameswatson5807 senegal, cameroon,nigeria, togo, gambia where kunta kunte is from and so on.
No I disagree black people like to get monolithic when it's a convenience despite the fact that you don't have any facts as far as data is concern Africa is a big place so we all did not come from the same place
No most are Yoruba
I have a blood anomality and what I was told by a doctor is that it´s normally seen in people from west africa.....I already knew that anyway. I am asked all the time where in Africa i am from.people approach me speaking in their languages...I have to say I am Jamaican.
Jamaica is an artificial creation.
I’ve had similar experiences! Expect for blood abnormality.
We need to unite, then we will become one.
Why Jamaicans talk like Scottish Irish?is it colonization?
Those who were in charge of us on plantations..
You got it!They were enslaved, then colonized by british with irish, then enslaved by the irish.
Yeah most Jamaicans have Irish surnames
Stumble on this video..love from Ghana🇬🇭🇬🇭🇬🇭🇬🇭....Jamaica(jamaika)(jama-yaka..are we stuck here-akan language)
@Fati Osman wow n I'm ishaq osman lol
When we were captured there WASN’T a nation state called Ghana 🙄
correct but there was a kingdom called Ashanti
sealie15 thank yuh
Gold coat to Ghana......
U need to read more !
It was called gold coast
The dicotomy: The Queen from Ghana is dressed immaculately. The sister from Jamaica, with European western influence, is dressed less classy. The difference just pops off the screen
You are so stupid! It's a cultural difference, dummy! Many women in Ghana dress like BOTH women. Wht tf is your point? No body in Jamaica dresses like the Ghanaian lady.
Stop yu noise.
Big Up brethren, one love.
When Mary escaped Herod...She took Jesus to Egypt😇.....Let's not 4get Hagar took Ishmael to Egypt where she came from...so the 2 Prophets from the 2 dominant religions grew up in Africa..A Footnote in The Good Book of Inconsistencies ..lol...time to write our own History. .indeed!!!
TheMuzikall, you're right.
Some Africans think that Christianity is European religion.That's not true at all.
When the Europeans went to Africa, there was already Christianity.People don't read the Scripture but if they do, they will know the truth about Christianity.All people have to do is to do some research.The Bible is its own dictionary.Who did Deacon Phillip witness to? Is it not the Ethiopian Eunuch who inturn took the witnessing of Christ and spread the message to the whole of West Africa? Acts 8:26-39.
My brother name is kudjoe I thought it was his nickname
Then in Ghana it would have meant he was born Monday and it is a common name over here (Ghana)
Love u Samia
Jamaicans are descended from Ghana
@SoRaya ight, where else they descended from then?
Wanted to watch this to expand and stimulate my mind. Now she's stimulating me lol😍😍😍🤭🇯🇲
Jamaicans are from Ghana
@Houston's mccaine oh really??
Ghana wasn't even around even your ancestors sold us.
Hail Mama Rita Marley in 🇬🇭
The original inhabitants of Jamaica were the Arawak.
Yes they were also black people
@@mikelarry8183 lies. Lol
@@marginelouis6674 They were, people need to know the truth
That's what they taught us...don't believe it!
I can't believe that in today's Jamaica, 'Egypt is Black' is still the code for 'CUT the show'...Guest: Egypt is black. Egypt is in Africa...Host: O..oh...we're out of time. Thanks for coming. Goodbye... Could have at least allow her to finish her train of thought.
I agree with you, how he cut her off that was very rude. She's a beautiful lady, hopefully she's the next President of Ghana. Africa should find a way of bringing back the people from the Caribbean, and South America back home.
Too short
I heard this woman, Kwame Nkrumas daughter, is married to a European of Italian heritage. Is that true? Has anyone seen her children? Do they look like Kwame? Wasn't Kwame a Pan-Africanist?
I can't stand the term United States of Africa even with this terminology it show we have learned nothing, we need our own names, our own model etc etc no other continent has this title except America we don't need a remake of a failing system
I'm 52+, single, female with some savings. I'm ready to walk away from racist white America and it's slavery corporate system but everyone keeps saying you cannot move to Africa unless you are starting a business. Am I then foolish to dream of relocating to Africa based on my age and the assumption you need to start a business. Am I then stuck in a land where I'm not wanted and is recognized and treated in a way less than human
I’m think of relocating to Ghana
hello connect with Obadele Kambon he is African American who is now a Citizen of Ghana .
There's a lot of Jamaican in Ghana, and to be honest with you we're all family. If that's what you desire take a trip and go and visit. I'm older than you and I am considering the same thing.
Bisi is a Nigerian word father
I am Ghanaian by descent.
Baba Kwame Nkrumah was inspired by Baba Marcus Garvey
Garbage we came from all over Africa we were sold so every body got mix up some from Ghana 🇬🇭 nigeria 🇳🇬 Cameroon 🇨🇲 Senegal 🇸🇳 and others. Plus there were African that were fighting to go back to Africa
If we came from all over Africa and Ghana is always reaching out to us then keep quiet. Ghana has done more than all the countries in Africa in calling us back home! They just launched the year of return. They have granted full citizenship to many Blocks in the diaspora. What are other African countries doing?
Dave Love exactly!!
We are not only from Ghana
Stop call yourself garbage.
Imagine a Jamaican a black American a Nigerian and a Congolese stuck in a lift 😂
Small countries can easily be successful with out building an Empire
Mother Country
I hear what she says but the idea that all Black people pack up and go back to Africa is to me more idealism but not reality. Africa without Black people from the diaspora is divided and tribal. Black people on a whole are very tribal even on a microcosmic level.
I totally agree with you, Mr Mcken. I'm an African, a Ghanaian for that matter and I can tell you that Blacks are more tribal than any other race. One tribe think it's better than the other. Literally they feel superior to other tribes. If we Africans want to unite with our brothers and sisters in the diaspora, then we should first and foremost sort out our differences and stop thinking that a particular tribe is more Ghanaian than another tribe.
i think is not ghana visit .the gambia and see
i have been to the Gambia very nice country i was in Banjul and went to jufri Island and Kunte Kente Island also
And she is married to Italian
Samia’s mum is from Egypt
If you ever wondered what Tom hanks looks like as a black man...
Am 1/4 Ghanan
The word JAMAICA is a sentence and a question put together from a dialect in Ghana, Twi. Jamaicans are Ghanaians. The word JAMAICA is GYAMA WO AKA In the Akan language in Ghana. GYAMA W'AKA literally mean MAYBE YOU'RE STUCK. This was when the people were put on that Island and made slaves (no one was born a slave). When they met each other, they asked themselves that question: "aren't you going back home to Africa? Are you stuck here." From that, the got Jamaica (GYAMA W'AKA).
Jamaicans are Ghanaians
I totally disagree with you. It could be true that SOME Jamaicans originate from Ghana but not all of them. The word "Jamaica" may sound like an Akan language (Twi) but it's not. What about the Voodoo culture being practiced in the West Indies. Do you know where that culture originate from? Certainly not Ghana but from the Yoruba land (Nigeria and Republic of Benin). Some languages in the West Indies contain Yoruba and even Arabic words. What do you have to say about that? So NOT all Jamaicans originate from Ghana.
You right.
DAUGHTER OF ZION HEBREW ISRA no your wrong, the Tainos were the one who named the island. Go do proper research. Not on the internet fine the Jamaican history book and read it.
You people are full of lies lol.
JAMA YAKA = JAMA YACA =JAMAICA ,,, in AKAN or asante language means { it looks like we ARE stock here and may not be able to return back home to AFRICA..THE REAL MEANING OF JAMAICA}
Here we go again with that myth! Who started it? It seems very widespread among ignorant people. Please take the time to visit a Jamaican site to enlighten you on the history of Jamaica and stop repeating this stupid and ridiculous myth that seems to be trending amongst Ghanaians!
Mr. Why are you sitting on the roadside speaking? Strange occurrence, really!!!!!!
Not United States of Africa but United Countries of Africa
Negative only 27 percent of Jamaicans are descended from *Ghana* ..... 31 percent are from *Biafra Nigeria* ......Facts🤔
Only DNA today can tell where you came from
Hi, I am Vansworth McKenzie. Thank you for your video conversion on UA-cam I am presently watching. As you speakers of history to out people. I want to introduce you to my history book that is called the Untold Forgotten Great Civilization of the people of Ham that is called today as the African people, and the so-called Middle Eastern people. I also want to introduce you to my various videos showing on UA-cam, that is called the Untold Forgotten of Ham. Thank you.
Presidents daughter looks like Erykah Badu
I am jealous! Seriously, I am jealous. You see, I am American. Feeling left out. Not included in nothing Jamaican or African 😥😫😔
Why are you feeling left out? ALL black people are Africans. There is no one who is more African than any other. There are many African cultural traits that remain among African Americans. Don't feel left out, you belong.
Bad info TVJ..... Most Jamaicans aren't of Ghanian descent, but instead of Nigerian Igbo aka Ebo.... The few Ghanaians slaves in Jamaica were forcibly removed from Jamaica after 1735 Maroon War. Fewer than 300 had remained in Jamaica. The largest slave group came to Jamaica from the Biafra regions of Nigeria.
The presence of Akan Ghanaians left an indelible mark on our Jamaican culture, however Igbo left even more, because today Igbo people dominated the Western and Central parishes of Jamaica with around 1.2 million. The athletics prowess of Jamaica are indicative of the toughness and athleticism of Igbo people.
Ghanaians are passive peaceful people. Jamaicans temperament and aggressiveness came directly from the Igbo people from the Biafra regions of Nigeria Fact..... This is where Jamaicans learn to "Kiss Dem Teeth" and "Cut Dem Eyes" when they are angry or disturbed, nown in Igbo as "ima osu" or "imu oso" and "cutting-eye" known in Igbo as "iro anya", and other non-verbal communications by eye movements.
There are a few Igbo words in Jamaican Patois that resulted when slaves were restricted from speaking their own languages. These Igbo words still exist in Jamaican vernacular, including words such as "unu" meaning "you (plural)", "di" meaning "to be (in state of)", which became "de", and "Okwuru" "Okra" a vegetable.
The Jonkuno, Obeah, Pocomania Revival are directly from the Biafra regions of Nigeria.
So Jamaicans need to stop EMBELISHING the myth that most of Jamaican are of Ghanaians descent, when we are in every way Igbo in looks, shape, culture, mannerisms and temperament, a duplicate of Igbos.🤔
Jam Rock ....Jamaicans are not sell outs therefore they can never be Nigerians
Nana Kwasi Go do your research you imbecile....
Jam Rock ....I did buddy, and that was my conclusion
Soraya Martin ....precisely my point, Nigerians love their white masters go to London, Texas and everywhere they are just look their docile attitude towards whites
Jam Rock body I could see you don't know the history very well so I suggest you should learn more about the history and learn the Ghana history too you don't know what you are talking about.
Which similarities to Ghana?...... We don't even have no Ghanaian communities here and the original argument that was cited in the early 1900s that we descend from Ethiopia, so where is this coming from.... Where is there proof, then if that's case why not draw up the documents from the Ghanian vital statistics record saying we was misplaced from there and not focus on minor detail as such vernacular influences because to my knowledge they were colonised by The British too, matter a fact Ghana never exist 1400c. So what are they talking about?.... Yow if we going to go through with this make the Ghanaian government pull the document proving whoever it applies to, because obviously it does not apply to all if us! Because for a fact our dialect creole patwah is Indian, matter a fact patwah is the name of a Indian tribe, Jamaica is a modernization of Indian word Xaymaca, which mean "the land of wood and water" but Jamaica means "the lands of springs". This is what our ancestors renamed it, so why would a nation of Africans rename thus island in a Indian word that was foreign to them.....
Chad Murdock
U are fool!! Total hogwash!! Ethiopia wasn’t colonialsed and besides Ghana was formally called the GOLD COAST and Gold Coast was the first point of contact by the colonizers!!
Read on AKANS or Ashanti’s etc, they were part of the sudan, Ethiopia etc in the ancient kingdom and hence share the blood of the Nubians too
Chad Murdock we not even look like Ghanaians are act like them. We may have ancestors from there yes but not all. The government there want black people to go and build there country . Not all Jamaican stupid. We have ancestors from other West African countries too, sorry
@@876mostvaluabletreasure2 + proof it then! because i don't have any west african lineage, proof to me the population of jamaica is of west african heritage beyond white people "opinions", because the original inhabitants of Jamaica were dark brown people Arawak Indians, the spainards never brought africans over here then again why we have the accents and speak the languages of the people who live here and no form of african dialect is present in our creole, jamaica is a Indian word for "land of springs", we name the island, put 2 and 2 together, otherwise your saying your not Jamaican but rather an undocumented immigrant.... then you acting like a novice, because they only heard of heard of the patwah creole which again is Indian through white people, you know what they call us over there? Jamo! What about gypsy? and the other variation of dialects we speak here? you only here them talking about a percentage, because they a bunch of know nothing liar, matter a fact ghanian never existed in the 1800s much less the 1400s, this why they behind on account they are a new nation, jamaica is older than ghanian so how are we descendant of ghanian...... you see when you people talk rubbish? becah yuh yuselv knuh and stilla form fool...... "We don't look or act like them then how the hell we are going have ancestry from there", you know what them Africans practice? paganism with di witchcraftry and child sacrifice, all form sumn, suh yuh waan guh ovah deh n guh build up dem country, be my guess....... Mi dun talk, be wah eva unuh waan bi, cuz unuh smafrican wallabees ah di problem.... but unuh is not turning jamaica into no african nuttin or acreditting them for our ancestors achievement, they haven't freed themselves from the arabs much less, fi come talk bout jamaicans is fram dem? breadfruit caan fall fram ah june plum tre?
Chad Murdock my dear I have done my ancestry DNA test like most Jamaicans doing now and my bloodline says Nigeria, Benin, Cameroon small amount of Ghana and Senegal. So go check yours.
@@876mostvaluabletreasure2+ lol, ask them if that's them if that can grant you citizenship in any those countries... Yow y'all big people, unuh need to group man... Nobody came from Africa and that Dna ancestry result is fraud because from they not demonstrating a family tree with people you are biological related to, like your grandparents and your grandparents grandparents, then its fraudulent to say they can provide you with your genealogical background that only can be trace through paper trail otherwise know as legal documentation or records, these are basic things you big people don't understand, all that DNA test result foolish is a ruse to trade your genetical information they use for their biological warfare in exchange for you paying them to oppress you with it... Then they state that so you guys who fell for it thus not for y'all to get refunds that its 0.01% accurate and it only for entertainment purposes, you can't use it in court to attain any a grievances etc... Are you some mad sumaddy and you really believe it to, because can DNA tell you when, where, what and if your ancestors actually came of a boat? Yow you using that as rebuttal just makes you sound stupid and uniformed.. Kmt.. Yow mi tyiad a you big people now enuh, because unuh need to give it a break now y'all been trick by whites during the 21st century that your African and y'all won't stop because unuh not following traditions.... its taboo to give our genetic matter to strangers because they'll obeah you and it seems very much so... You very much upsetting the ancestors.... You is not even half African... Because where did the Africans settled here then... Stop make them Africans trick you, because by design they the original slave traders, is whites ran them up out of Europe so they holding dung now, on account majority of us forgot our genealogy.... All they want y'all do is go over there as tourist or economical emigrants and then become emigrant slaves indebt to there system, because you forfeited your nationality, inheritance to rebuild Africa... They not talking nothing sensible to you, there is no form of repatriation or nothing, not even grant of dual citizenship if that's the case... Y'all just been indoctrinated and people who care telling and you coming with all kinds of excuses.... Right now there are tones of Jamaica who know what I know and more and never tell y'all... So don't kill the messenger or the messenger shall kill you...
Africa can never de one
we have a new culture and identity and it seems as you guys are trying to throw it all away and ignore it.
or enhance it. culture is very fluid my guy and changes overtime
I agree! 😏
Exactly! I don't care about a place I've never been much less know🙄
I hate all these opinions not facts.I like the truth
More respect to Samia Nkrumah for her descent dressing unlike the Jamaican lady presenter, showing all her assets,she thinks she is the only lady with beautiful legs, that's the difference between well brought up African and carribean though
Shut up and stop your nonsense.
This woman not saying anything to me
Jamaican are not Ghanaian according to my research.I have been traveling in Africa since 1981.If you have only travel to ghana you don't have a clue.We have to at it that Slaves were taken from many countries in West Africa.In almost every country including Ghana and Nigeria,there are many Fulani people.Therefore our research as to take us in that direction.
AbdulAziim Shariif-Ba body it seems you don't know the history so I suggest you should learn it well okay and do know Ghana history too
I have been to Ghana and many other countries in African.I am an African historian that knows the oral,linguistic and literally history of Africa.The question is do you know West African history.
AbdulAziim Shariif-Ba u dont.know shit
Jamaican say cum Nyam and Pulaar people say Ar Nyam meaning to come eat.Jamaican say ah him deh and pulaar say Ah Yie de meaning to see him .Pullar say Duppa and Jamaican say Duppy meaning spirit.This is just to name a few words from pulaar language.Give me evidents and stop the name calling cujo okeke you dont know me.Gu weh yu a Buttu in Pullar they aey an ko buttu.Etc.
AbdulAziim Shariif-Ba Jamaica is made up of 80% kromati or maroons (which are old tribes) modern day Akans and dagbons of Ghana .. Do your research well
these comments killing mi 😂😂😂😂😂ghana pipo a beg reset not everyone from ghana 😂😂😂😂
jamaicans are not africans anymore we derived from them please learn to accept we are not the same.
If we are no longer African did we magically turn into European? Asians? or Arabs? nonsense u cannot change your DNA
Oh gosh brainwash
stfu! speak for yourself and don't speak for me! sooner or later di whole a wi haffi guh back a Africa! like it or hate it a Africa wi come from n we all are one! we will never turn our backs on our brothers n sisters in Africa! united we stand n divided we fall!
Think before you speak! Aren't you ashamed to utter such rubbish?
Jamaican are Ghanaian check with your History
Jamaicans are not from Africa they originally come from England.
😂🤣😂🤣,u crazy seriously
What a dumb thing to say!!😁
Try and history
So smart of you
Bull-crap... we're from everywhere