The is to many people were arrested some got fingerprints already is not only the two some lose life legs family but yet we still talking about two because they were rich or what then is better for the poor to stay at home or remain poor cause you also talking at your onw benefit 🇸🇿🇸🇿🇸🇿
Cece i love your attitude and spirit my sister Ur my hero ❤
True Cece
Powerful cc Cece ❤
Kadze yabekwa i judgement day yabo bacede & dube abakayibeki emvekwa ngcengengcenge. Sewushelo kutsi emaswati a libele kangako kutsi ungawayenga kala nga!
Wayaphi wena yini wena loyentako. Njengawe wadla imali yaShabalala. Njengawe ngoba wena wahamba wayotigwadlela.
Nawe wase wabuya nje bakfaka le gatrong, kyaphela ngawe akdlalwa ke laa! Kwasho ingoma yebantfu yatsi baleka ngenyawo zombili😂😂
Amandla cecelicious
Suka cece wenja
phambili ngenkhululeko
The is to many people were arrested some got fingerprints already is not only the two some lose life legs family but yet we still talking about two because they were rich or what then is better for the poor to stay at home or remain poor cause you also talking at your onw benefit 🇸🇿🇸🇿🇸🇿
Amahla awentu pasingabancidezeli ahlomeihlasele emadolopeni
Fuseki ngwadla, zekisa lapho usicolele
Ingwadla ngunyoko
Ashunce intuntu akushiswekoke monejasi bulala eswazini kuyambenda
Balwa timphi tabo ngaletimali temaswati
Secamgwaco kadze sasangana
Latembekhona acalweemafemini kushiswekhona nomayini ohlangananayo