I love your saying “delusional security”. I’ve left many jobs where I didn’t feel at peace. I just cannot sell my soul for money. The universe has rewarded my decisions each time with something better. Dare to seek peace and you will find it!
I face an unbearable situation. I begin thinking ‘It won't work anyway.’ ‘They will all hate me.’ ‘I will only be humiliated.’ Then I think about the situations I have been avoiding. Meeting with people that make me feel uncomfortable. Work that stresses me out. Things I have been procrastinating for a while. .... Now I can deal with it!!! search youtube "paradox of I can do it"
"if you react you are being drawn into unconsciousness" soooo true. Eckhart Tolle changed my life for the better..I am so grateful I met you on my path 🙏🏻
Does that apply to every kind of problem as well? I mean like social anxiety or u know... I feel like with the idea of that ad coming to some consciousness I can be able to replace it with what I would want. Am I on the right path?
@@hamedsiadati6042 yes. Listen to the video, he answers your question. It's only a problem by perception of your mind. Presence helps you make a choice on what to do in that moment. Bring presence into the anxiety, the anxiety doesnt go away straight away but keep doing it and over time the anxiety stops. I found my anxiety helped me come to peace faster. Sometimes the anxiety came with no thought, it was just there. But same thing, bring presence in. The way I see it, it is a pattern, a thought pattern created the same feeling over n over so it was just producing a new pattern, a new pattern of watching the thought n feeling into your body. Then over time, situations that would usually cause anxiety, didnt. Or if it did, the feeling didnt stay as long as it used to.
This is my favorite Ekhart Tolle video I am a nurse and I watch it before every staff and nurses meeting I have to attend!!! His humor along with his wisdom is a great help!!
I really needed this today after my neighbours verbally attacked me. I was left with the old painbody feeling 'it must be me who is wrong, and I am misunderstood'. I see their unconsciousness, their lack of consideration for us, their neighbours. I am trying to keep Presence through this latest life lesson with Grace. Thank you, Eckhart. If the 'Deeper I' can wrap itself around this latest pain and dissolve it then gratitude and respect for the process. Deep breath.
This guy is like the world's greatest grandpa. Quiet, thoughtful, funny, sage. It's impossible for me to get upset while listening to him or disagree with anything he says. He's just too nice! I've read The Power of Now and am in the middle of A New Earth but figured I'd check out his UA-cam Channel. So glad I did. A real gem.
As Albert Einstein said 'You cannot solve a problem from the same level of consciousness that created the problem in the first place'. In other words, we cannot "deal with" or "handle" unconscious interactions if we are inhabiting the same level of unconsciousness, because that would make us ourselves unconscious and not present (living in a conceptual world, un-embodied world, a world of time as past and future, of labels and ideas). And by the way, even to set oneself up as better (more spiritual, more evolved) than the unconscious behaviour exhibited by others is a subtle form of unconsciousness, a subtle form of erecting a protection mechanism for my sense of self importance.
Daniel G. People on varying levels of consciousness is a fact. And learning to respond to someone with a lower level of consciousness is highly necessary while living with and around people especially those with strong collective egoic identifications. Eckhart's suggestion has been of help to me in this regard without necessarily creating a 'holier than thou' attitude. It has only helped me to connect with their unconditioned realm and feel the sense of oneness that lies underneath the temporary identifications of every individual.
@M H Advice? As far as I can tell and as far as my intention went that was an observation, not an advice. Perhaps more beneficial would be to observe the source of that resentment/pain (behind resentment there is always pain, ultimately) that leads one to reply with such hostility.. (or more accurately, not just become aware of its source but actually feel it and become conscious of it as it arises and takes one over, how it feels like in the body, and what thoughts it generates) And yes, that second sentence can indeed be taken as an advice of sorts..though a friendly and caring one and one that is not intended as an attack. The emphasis is on the first word of the sentence - PERHAPS. There is no certainty here, only an attempt to shed light and inquire into what might be our blind spots, so that as a result perhaps we can all live in less darkness/pain and in more health, clarity/sanity, caring, inquiry and support for each other on this often painful and hard experience of living in this unconscious harsh judgemental culture (and being programmed and imprinted by this energy ourselves). And if one cares to shed light on my own blind spots then I wholly welcome that and am very open to hear it, if it indeed comes not as a judgemental attack but from a heart that is caring, aware of itself and wants to bring light into where there was previously darkness/unconsciousness.
@@Grateful2Life Indeed. Nicely stated. Thank you. And perhaps after one has become established in presence and (only) if one feels safe enough, perhaps it might be beneficial and useful then to take the inquiry one step deeper and look for the one who finds it necessary to protect oneself from those with lower levels of consciousness. In other words, there is a subtle (but profound) difference between naturally moving away from unconscious energy as a natural movement that has no resistance in it (as Mr. Tolle said 'you FIND YOURSELF walking away from the room') and between moving away as an act of judgement and resistance (which ultimately arises, does it not, from fear that something in oneself can be truly hurt by the unconscious behaviour of others)
Daniel G. Welcome😄. If we respond to a comment in the way Eckhart mentions from 6:20 - 7:26 in the talk, we can have a healthy dialogue that helps to develop clarity.
I recently attended his live talk with 4000 people. It was full of wit, wisdom and plenty of humor. When he was pointing out the ways in which we identify ourselves and our large egos , we naturally burst out laughing ! In his company I would say it’s “laughing at yourself” He teaches stillness of mind and being intensely present! He’s a gift to humanity !
Eckhart gives off this adorable silly old man vibe that is really effective at just putting you at ease and making his wisdom easier to digest, but you can tell behind that silly old man lay vast conscious space. Great video much love to you eckhart
Hello Eckhart, I'm in los Angeles watching you speak your magic. I was washing laundry, but I'm now washing the trash out of my mind. I cant even begin to tell you about the comfort your rationale thoughts have given me. Thank you for all your wisdom and this channel💙❤💚💜💛
Thank you Eckhart much love and appreciation for your work! My answer to increasing social challenges in a society that has become so toxic, is self imposed isolation. I find more nurture and peace in solitude and I am beginning to believe this is the greatest gift life can offer us. Solitude!
I feel like your family to me as I have none- but your words and your emotion goes straight to my heart and my spirit and means a lot to me and directs me and soothes me and trains me. Thank you thank you
Thank you ET. I had to practice this yesterday dealing with a very aggressive "unconscious" nasty neighbour; my way of dealing with her, made the conversation swift from an aggressive attack (from her) to a somewhat positive outcome. Still I will remove myself from the toxic environment, however in the short term being present is saving me!
If I had one wish, it would be to spend any amount of time with Eckhart in a normal day him helping me to put his teachings into practice in my own life.
I was going to get into how you've changed my life, but the words are not enough. You are an absolute visionary to humanity and continue to inspire a growing number of consciousness. My ego keeps voicing, "I want to be like him some day!" but I know we are all the same! :) Thank you from the very depths of my being.
Been there. I would often spend time in solitude. That was a great way to recenter. In interactions, be of few words and present. Take it in doses. Plan periodic exits.
I had to completely disconnect from my family (we already lived in different states) lol. No emails or phone calls. Cold Turkey. I really did not expect to interact with them again. I spent time trying to unravel some ugly feelings and realized that some of the discontent was my problem. After two holiday seasons I found that my identity was stronger and they did not get under my skin like they once did. We don't need to stay married to our families forever. (Family of Origin). Later I stumbled onto some videos on UA-cam that talk about such Family of Origin issues.
Ah yes anger, in times of anger I go for a walk, sitting is hard, escaping into hobbies and such is repressing, but being alone with yourself undistributed is healing.
Yeah family..cant live with them,cant live without them..I have borderline mom and its quite a challenge,but cos of that I started "working"on my self and the awareness of being so Iam kinda "greatful for all the suffering-it really is our best teacher like Eckhart said multiple times..I wish all the beings joyfull ride and lots of love&light
Yes that's what the teachers say, to not look at the situation or the person provoking you but your reaction, & how it makes YOU feel & work on that instead . Different situations affect people differently or none at all. Thank you for this insight. Needed to remember it. It's very important.
This comes exactly when I need it. I just stepped into a place that has no meaning. I stepped in willy nilly. It turns out to be more empty than I imagined it to be. I will certainly be out in four months, which is the min for making a quiet exit. How nice I hear Eckhart talking about exactly what I needed to hear about.....May the universe give me the strength to last these four months...
Everything people do & say they do to themselves & it's about themselves & their own level of consciousness. I don't take it personally. "What you resist you persists, what you fight, you strengthen". Thank you Master 🙏🏽
I love you Eckhart, you have made such a difference to my life, I live in AUSTRALIA and have loved your teaching for the last 20 years, I am now 74 and still watch you on Utube every night....... Thankyou for your wonderful teaching. XXxx Ronda
Eckhart is truly one of the great masters of all time. He started my awakening ten years ago and always feel like I’ve come home listening to him. Much love and gratitude😀❤️✌️
Eckhart's wisdom is so practical; his suggestions and ideas apply to work, family, neighbors, religion, love, ambition... When I refer to my calendar and am reminded that a challenging situation's coming up, A New Earth is my go-to book (along with Lama Surya Das' Awakening the Buddha Within) and start reading and reflecting. Inevitably, Eckhart's words help. When I actually hear him speak, his joy and humor just add a human dimension. Thank you so much Mr. Tolle!
I love Eckart. I just finished reading "Oneness with All Life" and I have been hooked on his UA-cam videos ever since. Thank you for existing in my lifetime.
Amazing! Just experienced a situation a couple hours ago. I asked the Holy Spirit to step in on behalf of me, He did. I had nothing to say and the issue was resolved in 2min. The Powe of Presence. Thanks for all the spirituality teachers who got me and all other to cease reacting over unconscious minds. Love you❤🙏
Conscious post to social media. It's very apparent that very many social media users post from the egoic, unconscious mind and rarely if ever have to face or be accountable to those they hurt. If conscious, present posts can change the insanity of social media, a major step forward for humanity will occur. Thank you Eckhart!
I worked at a book store for almost two years and I recommend you to almost every costumer. People look to be saved with little guidance on who to turn to. I love you and your videos. I’ll be in one of those rooms soon
True also for parents and teachers - dealing with kids...who need some kind of guidance input..but often trigger the unconscious reaction from parents and teachers. It's not easy but you realise both these roles provide great opportunity for practice...
I left a horrible job in office/retail. Didn’t have a job to go to at the time but left anyway because it made me ill! Now I have a great job looking after cats that’s pays good and brings me much joy ❤️
I never thought about a "present" internet comment before. It feels counter-intuitive, because if you're present, do you still feel the desire to respond? To type? It's a beautiful thought. I'm going to try it. After this.
This came right on time. I'm always having a problem when other on here explain negative interactions with some ppl. They always explain that these people are reflections of myself which I'll never understand . However you're explaining that these ppl are unconscious therefore I can't let them affect me because they don't know what they are doing to themselves yet alone me. Therefore it's not personal 🤪😜🤣🤸, makes soooooooooooo much sense. THANK YOU VERY MUCH
I read a book on boundaries in my thirties, that led me to the self-awareness that I had been raised in a religious culture so toxic, that a chapter was dedicated to my own life. I was a pattern of pain, which shocked me so badly at that time that I threw the book across the room in a shock. I then called everyone to holler at those who had harmed me, before I picked back up that book. The next chapter was on how to respond, and not react. I laugh now at how silly it is when I laugh at how I messed up, yet there is such pain in that part too, that it’s a bittersweet memory. That’s one of my largest lessons, in reacting versus responding. I am grateful to find more like minded people that are practicing sitting with the reactions we feel, together, finding responses. Hope everyone is having a good day. ✨🕊💖🙏🏼✨
Eckhart teachings prevent me from going crazy. A few years ago my mind start like a crazy motor non stop thoughts then for the first time with the teachings from power of now i realize that im not my thoughts and that was a powerful true for me. My mind is still chaotic but much less than years ago, i realize presence and the lack of it. i reach states of peace even if is just a seconds. i enjoy now so much the silence, nature, being in my own energy.
I think Echarts level of Awareness is beyond, that it took full circle and now he can speak it through practical language that regular people will easily understand.
I love Eckharts wry sense of humour. I left a well paid job because the company ethos was based on competition, fear and bullying. I outed my boss as a bully. It was very empowering. I never regretted it. Merry
The True presence the ET describes is a misnomer to most people because true presence requires purity of heart and intention. When you are pure of heart you are your authentic self, you trust what you say and the decisions you make. You dont keep quiet if your pure heart requires that you speak up. You know that there are ocassions where you have to use your power and authority to stop energetic atrocities. You simply do not doubt yourself. We live in an egoic egoic world and it permeates negative constructs that we have agreed to ie, money, taxes etc. People follow programming and rules that don't resonate with pure heart and hence given themselves to satan/ego. It is for these reasons that you cannot be right or wrong. The world is a dream and you decide what it means for you.
Hello Eckhart. I think this is a really interesting and useful subject. I find it difficult in the team meetings and it is a good reminder that often the best reaction is no reaction. It's no fun if you get dragged into situations .
Hello....to everyone 😂 Left the office environment in 2005. Still exploring this planet. Love Eckhart. Laughing along. I don’t have a pension, much savings or a bought home. So I believe I am able to be. Conscious vibrations......that is helpful for me.
I just love how real he is! And how he say the things coming on his mind. However, I am often just present, but I hate the times I feel like this and people say «how quiet you are today» -mostly because they talk about things i dont feel for engaging in.. and i want to talk and engage! And especially the times when i want to engage but my mind doesnt come up with anything/ relevant.. With some company you can just start a conscious talk, but when you dont come up with anything its not fun! My mind is amazing at times, just wish it stayed like that! Especially in the winter time its hard to keep the emotions good, and when «bad» company is the only thing i got, its hard.. (:
You have given me so much hope with this talk. I was on the floor. I experienced something which seemed to remove my being. Thanks for giving me some light again. I was slipping away.
They should make a Tolle Teddy that you can hug at night & go to sleep listening to Eckhart’s voice of wisdom. 🐻🌙 (Watch, now it’ll be on the shelves in a week!)
Anyone else waving back to Eckhart there in front of your screens, getting a glimpse of how it would feel to greet him in person? 😄 Strangely enough, I'm picking up something, as if his presence is effectively captured and transmitted to the deep I who's experiencing it through the surface I. 🤗
Thank you -I work in such company, and you are right on the point ! I needed this - I felt in my soul - that something was not right - but you putted in words - makes such sense. I consider them ( those people ) as my challenge to grow in better me - I can kill them with kindness... sometimes
I can give an answer that in ANY OCCASION it will be the correct response... for if you enter into such a place ....unconditional, conscious love, without judgement ... it will manifest the correct outcome. I’ve had much experience with this regarding family. I love them all and I see that the act is not a personal attack but rather an unconscious reaction to their own pain body then it’s easy to silently pray for them... I say ok or hum a tune or wink or blink but done all with a very conscious mind. It keeps my head above the depths of unconsciousness and I am able to respond in LOVE as opposed to REACT. One must omit EGO... one must be in the NOW. One must be authentic real and without agenda! It’s easy to speak of such a place of existence WHICH comes with meditation... believing in my creator and loving self and others as unconditionally as a human being is capable of. But it does take a conscious decision to uphold peace within at all times! My inner peace is protected by the Devine presence of God/ Source/ creator/ benevolent energy.... the label means nothing... it is the belief that is held into consciousness that manifests into reality. So deep but so good. Love you all! Brigid (energy of love)
“if you can be freed of reactivity, then something is possible. if you react you are being drawn into unconsciousness and the same level as the person you are reacting to. so in other words, you become what you are fighting against.""the fight without you knowing it, gradually you are at the same level as those people”-------MIND BLOWN. omg this is what happened to me!!!
I just discovered you... I believe I've come across your name... but today I was pulled to discover more... I love how gentle, slow and easy your teachings are. What a blessed gift to channel and guide and help people. We need to make this as simple, effective and easy to learn... with the power and love of God we can help people and bless them through prayer to transform their mind sets... mass meetings of pure love to generate it all over the world and touch the hearts of thousands in one shot. Christ consciousness is here and it's amazing 🙏 Glory to God We are divine Royalty
That was a great lesson, I feel a sense of duty to enlighten others and MYSELF by taming the anger and bitterness I feel towards corporate America.... because I enjoy the idea of entrepreneurship, and I'm patently PATIENT. I see my confidence as my gift to humanity, but it's ALSO damaging at times... it's a constant limbo between being a wise decision-maker, and a free-FLOW artist and trend maker. I'm just not willing to alter my dream career to fit the needs of others. I want the money I deserve SO BADLY, but I also want my family to feel some CALM for a bit. Thank you for listening!!! Thank you for your AMAZING guidance, Mr. Tolle!!!
I hear you! I used to think I was responsible for how meetings were conducted,but now I realise that I'm not that powerful.(Ego!!)Now I take responsibility only for what I contribute and try to mind my own business with kindness. Or, I don't go at all !!
"a company has an ego identity too" Which often appears to become characteristic of the psychopath. Along with nations, political ideologies, religions, and basically any group has such a potential, which goes to show it's the integrated individual who changes the world. Only then can truly rational groups emerge.
5:56 When very unconscious people are around you then it’s extremely important to be highly present . . . you represent a different level of consciousness there.
I had a bad experience with 2 unconscious men at the park yesterday and I remembered one of them saying the exact rude things he said to me about 9 years ago at a different park. He is obviously glitched and repeating the same hurtful behavior over and over. I snapped and later thought about how I could have handled this from a more conscious state. This video was the first thing to pop up in my feed. I thank you for your wisdom and promise to be more conscious for now on. I appreciate your words of wisdom.
Eckhart I am smiling ... Thankyou for your presence ... Be impeccable with your word ... This is written on the fridge to remind me ... sometimes I do respond too quick though I keep trying ❤️🙏🏼
I went through this. The group consciousness was too much. I changed shifts, with lesser people. And it ended up being the best thing for my journey. I'm going through it again but in another setting in which, lucky for me, I'm always outside with this one. And being outside, helps me stay conscious when dealing with these settings
The group consciousness is at my small apartment community and it has given me very challenging lessons to not react, to their words, the inane high school behaviors, and even hateful gossip. I do appreciate hearing this as your words and kind voice always help me laugh at myself and be stronger in presence.
Eckhart, your teachings have made such a positive change in my life, in such a short space of time, there really aren't words I can use to convey my appreciation except to simply say Thank you 💙
This is such a nice synchronicity for me to come across this information right now. The coach I am currently working with told me today “on the most basic level, all any company really wants is to survive”. It ties in so nicely with the “every company has an ego/egoic energy field”-thought. Same idea, just put differently. I thought it makes sense and puts it into perspective❤🤗
If we remember this is a school and all the people in this world are our teachers, we can really learn a lot from uncomfortable and difficult situations. If we can learn fast from even those who are a asleep, we are in a heavenly place within ourselves sooner! 💗💛💚💙💜 Blessings to you Eckhart!
I just woke up. This video was referred to me right after an unconscious friend on Facebook tried to draw me into a heated discussion. Thank you for this video.
I love your saying “delusional security”. I’ve left many jobs where I didn’t feel at peace. I just cannot sell my soul for money. The universe has rewarded my decisions each time with something better. Dare to seek peace and you will find it!
Dare to seek peace and you will rest in peace.
Thank you for your comment! I needed to hear that right now myself :)
Sandy Maldi Yeh Financial vs Social profit.
You can’t take money with you when you go & you can’t buy back time. ✌️
Thank you. I’ve been wavering on that decision myself. You just helped. Blessings to you.
Well said. Now I have to go process!
These lessons should be taught in schools. I believe the world would be a MUCH better place!
More and more schools are adding meditation to their curriculums! It’s being done in England in all schools!
Someday they will, it's just a matter of spiritual evolution
I face an unbearable situation.
I begin thinking
‘It won't work anyway.’
‘They will all hate me.’
‘I will only be humiliated.’
Then I think about the situations I have been avoiding.
Meeting with people that make me feel uncomfortable.
Work that stresses me out.
Things I have been procrastinating for a while.
Now I can deal with it!!!
search youtube "paradox of I can do it"
They wouldn't create sheeple that way 😒but yes they 100% should ❤👌🏻
Most teachers don't know them
"if you react you are being drawn into unconsciousness" soooo true. Eckhart Tolle changed my life for the better..I am so grateful I met you on my path 🙏🏻
360selfcare with Vale me too 😊
If one reacts, say with understanding and compassion, one is drawn into unconsciousness? Gems and jewels can be found in all reactions
🤦🏾So true.... I'm with you sister.... 📿🙏🏾
I liked his phrase 'you become what you fight'
His book A new hearth saved my life when I was in total despair and had no hope left in me, I read his book and found total Peace 😌🙏🏻
If you are fully present in that moment, you will know the best way to handle it. The situation will take care of itself. 😊
Does that apply to every kind of problem as well? I mean like social anxiety or u know... I feel like with the idea of that ad coming to some consciousness I can be able to replace it with what I would want. Am I on the right path?
@@hamedsiadati6042 those who don't understand judge others, those who do understand never judge others
Brenda Colman simply true, Good Luck✌🏽
@@andrewtodd628 neither is this video about anything u just said and nor is my question.
@@hamedsiadati6042 yes.
Listen to the video, he answers your question.
It's only a problem by perception of your mind. Presence helps you make a choice on what to do in that moment.
Bring presence into the anxiety, the anxiety doesnt go away straight away but keep doing it and over time the anxiety stops. I found my anxiety helped me come to peace faster. Sometimes the anxiety came with no thought, it was just there. But same thing, bring presence in.
The way I see it, it is a pattern, a thought pattern created the same feeling over n over so it was just producing a new pattern, a new pattern of watching the thought n feeling into your body. Then over time, situations that would usually cause anxiety, didnt. Or if it did, the feeling didnt stay as long as it used to.
This is my favorite Ekhart Tolle video I am a nurse and I watch it before every staff and nurses meeting I have to attend!!! His humor along with his wisdom is a great help!!
Irish Girl
Will you marry me? 💍 😊
The reason I never became a nurse was because of the bitching!!
Im a nurse and watching this to learn how to centre myself when a relative is letting rip on me and i havnt even eaten or had a wee for 10 hours 😂
Hang in there girls! You're doing the most noble work in this pandemic 😊
I really needed this today after my neighbours verbally attacked me. I was left with the old painbody feeling 'it must be me who is wrong, and I am misunderstood'. I see their unconsciousness, their lack of consideration for us, their neighbours. I am trying to keep Presence through this latest life lesson with Grace. Thank you, Eckhart. If the 'Deeper I' can wrap itself around this latest pain and dissolve it then gratitude and respect for the process. Deep breath.
This guy is like the world's greatest grandpa. Quiet, thoughtful, funny, sage. It's impossible for me to get upset while listening to him or disagree with anything he says. He's just too nice! I've read The Power of Now and am in the middle of A New Earth but figured I'd check out his UA-cam Channel. So glad I did. A real gem.
I had spiritual awakening reading A New Earth ❤️ Eckhart is my spiritual teacher.
As Albert Einstein said 'You cannot solve a problem from the same level of consciousness that created the problem in the first place'.
In other words, we cannot "deal with" or "handle" unconscious interactions if we are inhabiting the same level of unconsciousness, because that would make us ourselves unconscious and not present (living in a conceptual world, un-embodied world, a world of time as past and future, of labels and ideas).
And by the way, even to set oneself up as better (more spiritual, more evolved) than the unconscious behaviour exhibited by others is a subtle form of unconsciousness, a subtle form of erecting a protection mechanism for my sense of self importance.
Daniel G. People on varying levels of consciousness is a fact. And learning to respond to someone with a lower level of consciousness is highly necessary while living with and around people especially those with strong collective egoic identifications. Eckhart's suggestion has been of help to me in this regard without necessarily creating a 'holier than thou' attitude. It has only helped me to connect with their unconditioned realm and feel the sense of oneness that lies underneath the temporary identifications of every individual.
@M H Advice? As far as I can tell and as far as my intention went that was an observation, not an advice. Perhaps more beneficial would be to observe the source of that resentment/pain (behind resentment there is always pain, ultimately) that leads one to reply with such hostility.. (or more accurately, not just become aware of its source but actually feel it and become conscious of it as it arises and takes one over, how it feels like in the body, and what thoughts it generates)
And yes, that second sentence can indeed be taken as an advice of sorts..though a friendly and caring one and one that is not intended as an attack. The emphasis is on the first word of the sentence - PERHAPS. There is no certainty here, only an attempt to shed light and inquire into what might be our blind spots, so that as a result perhaps we can all live in less darkness/pain and in more health, clarity/sanity, caring, inquiry and support for each other on this often painful and hard experience of living in this unconscious harsh judgemental culture (and being programmed and imprinted by this energy ourselves).
And if one cares to shed light on my own blind spots then I wholly welcome that and am very open to hear it, if it indeed comes not as a judgemental attack but from a heart that is caring, aware of itself and wants to bring light into where there was previously darkness/unconsciousness.
@@Grateful2Life Indeed. Nicely stated. Thank you. And perhaps after one has become established in presence and (only) if one feels safe enough, perhaps it might be beneficial and useful then to take the inquiry one step deeper and look for the one who finds it necessary to protect oneself from those with lower levels of consciousness.
In other words, there is a subtle (but profound) difference between naturally moving away from unconscious energy as a natural movement that has no resistance in it (as Mr. Tolle said 'you FIND YOURSELF walking away from the room') and between moving away as an act of judgement and resistance (which ultimately arises, does it not, from fear that something in oneself can be truly hurt by the unconscious behaviour of others)
Daniel G. Welcome😄. If we respond to a comment in the way Eckhart mentions from 6:20 - 7:26 in the talk, we can have a healthy dialogue that helps to develop clarity.
No way to figure it out. Only dissolve problems
I recently attended his live talk with 4000 people. It was full of wit, wisdom and plenty of humor. When he was pointing out the ways in which we identify ourselves and our large egos , we naturally burst out laughing ! In his company I would say it’s “laughing at yourself”
He teaches stillness of mind and being intensely present!
He’s a gift to humanity !
Indeed he is a gift to humanity 😌
I’m truly grateful for easy access to your guidance✨
The part where he says "and it could be you never return to this office!" around 8:05. The way he tries to stop himself chuckling= comedy gold!
Into The Rainbow Vein, yes!! I tell ya, I’m about to do this exactly to get away from the unconscious humans in the office. 🤪
Eckhart smile like a cute baby
@M H wake up
Yeah, that's because babies have no ego yet.
Hahahahahaha that's such a cute observation too!
@@ayeshak6822 Thanks. :D
I see Eckhart in my baby nephew's smiling face all the time XD
I’ve gotten out of insane work environments after wrestling with the idea of job security and once I left I knew I had made a great decision.
PTPOP what are you doing now?
Thank you. I needed to hear that.
Eckhart gives off this adorable silly old man vibe that is really effective at just putting you at ease and making his wisdom easier to digest, but you can tell behind that silly old man lay vast conscious space. Great video much love to you eckhart
"You become what you are fighting against".
Hello Eckhart, I'm in los Angeles watching you speak your magic. I was washing laundry, but I'm now washing the trash out of my mind. I cant even begin to tell you about the comfort your rationale thoughts have given me. Thank you for all your wisdom and this channel💙❤💚💜💛
Thank you Eckhart much love and appreciation for your work! My answer to increasing social challenges in a society that has become so toxic, is self imposed isolation. I find more nurture and peace in solitude and I am beginning to believe this is the greatest gift life can offer us. Solitude!
😂 👋 watching all the way from Botswana several years after the fact. So much learning here and the humor too helps. So thankful for Eckhart Tolle
I feel like your family to me as I have none- but your words and your emotion goes straight to my heart and my spirit and means a lot to me and directs me and soothes me and trains me. Thank you thank you
Same here ❤️
You're not alone, sending loving thoughts to you, Susan xx
Thank you Mr. Tolle for your presence, humor and love ❤️ and everyone watching in their office building 🙏
Thank you ET. I had to practice this yesterday dealing with a very aggressive "unconscious" nasty neighbour; my way of dealing with her, made the conversation swift from an aggressive attack (from her) to a somewhat positive outcome. Still I will remove myself from the toxic environment, however in the short term being present is saving me!
If I had one wish, it would be to spend any amount of time with Eckhart in a normal day him helping me to put his teachings into practice in my own life.
2:21 needed this. Don't react, to that arising out of unconsciousness. Presence without reaction is solution. Nothing personal.
I was going to get into how you've changed my life, but the words are not enough. You are an absolute visionary to humanity and continue to inspire a growing number of consciousness. My ego keeps voicing, "I want to be like him some day!" but I know we are all the same! :)
Thank you from the very depths of my being.
Having a Hard time with anger tonight concerning my family, Thank you for uploading this at such a perfect timing ❤️
BENIS :D The holidays!
Been there. I would often spend time in solitude. That was a great way to recenter. In interactions, be of few words and present. Take it in doses. Plan periodic exits.
I had to completely disconnect from my family (we already lived in different states) lol. No emails or phone calls. Cold Turkey. I really did not expect to interact with them again. I spent time trying to unravel some ugly feelings and realized that some of the discontent was my problem. After two holiday seasons I found that my identity was stronger and they did not get under my skin like they once did. We don't need to stay married to our families forever. (Family of Origin). Later I stumbled onto some videos on UA-cam that talk about such Family of Origin issues.
Ah yes anger, in times of anger I go for a walk, sitting is hard, escaping into hobbies and such is repressing, but being alone with yourself undistributed is healing.
Yeah family..cant live with them,cant live without them..I have borderline mom and its quite a challenge,but cos of that I started "working"on my self and the awareness of being so Iam kinda "greatful for all the suffering-it really is our best teacher like Eckhart said multiple times..I wish all the beings joyfull ride and lots of love&light
When Eckhart said hello to the camera . I felt like his eyes piercing through my mind
I love the laugh this man gets out of me. It’s so easy and gentle.
Y'know it's a off-topic thought...but I think Eckhart would be quite good at stand-up comedy 🤣
I agree
He's already pretty good at sit down comedy.
Damn he liked your comment.. or his channel did
Haha :-))))
@@desertfox432 agree. Always chuckle during his sessions
Seeing what's triggered inside instead of reacting resonated with me.
Yes that's what the teachers say, to not look at the situation or the person provoking you but your reaction, & how it makes YOU feel & work on that instead . Different situations affect people differently or none at all. Thank you for this insight. Needed to remember it. It's very important.
He just shows us how important it is , our sense of humour ..........🤗
This comes exactly when I need it. I just stepped into a place that has no meaning. I stepped in willy nilly. It turns out to be more empty than I imagined it to be. I will certainly be out in four months, which is the min for making a quiet exit. How nice I hear Eckhart talking about exactly what I needed to hear about.....May the universe give me the strength to last these four months...
Nothing synchronous about it. Your phone is spying on you.
@@mariamalhotra8228 yes, of course
Everything people do & say they do to themselves & it's about themselves & their own level of consciousness. I don't take it personally.
"What you resist you persists, what you fight, you strengthen". Thank you Master 🙏🏽
"It could even be that you never return to this office." YES!!
I love this true Human-Being … He is a Beacon of Hope ..
Ufuk Bal perfect description ! He is , indeed. Like you described him .
I love you Eckhart, you have made such a difference to my life, I live in AUSTRALIA and have loved your teaching for the last 20 years, I am now 74 and still watch you on Utube every night....... Thankyou for your wonderful teaching. XXxx Ronda
I love this beautiful being ❤
In 20/10 , he was the one that woke me up ❤
Forever great full to him ❤
Where was this when I needed it - over the holidays with visiting family!
Eckhart is truly one of the great masters of all time. He started my awakening ten years ago and always feel like I’ve come home listening to him. Much love and gratitude😀❤️✌️
Eckhart's wisdom is so practical; his suggestions and ideas apply to work, family, neighbors, religion, love, ambition...
When I refer to my calendar and am reminded that a challenging situation's coming up, A New Earth is my go-to book (along with Lama Surya Das' Awakening the Buddha Within) and start reading and reflecting. Inevitably, Eckhart's words help. When I actually hear him speak, his joy and humor just add a human dimension. Thank you so much Mr. Tolle!
I love Eckart. I just finished reading "Oneness with All Life" and I have been hooked on his UA-cam videos ever since. Thank you for existing in my lifetime.
What a precious soul this man is. ❤
Amazing! Just experienced a situation a couple hours ago. I asked the Holy Spirit to step in on behalf of me, He did. I had nothing to say and the issue was resolved in 2min. The Powe of Presence.
Thanks for all the spirituality teachers who got me and all other to cease reacting over unconscious minds. Love you❤🙏
It's not a dreadful person but human unconsciousness in action, brilliant, if only I could always remember
Thank you so very much for your quiet, beautiful participation for humanity🔥🙏😊😌🎇👍
Conscious post to social media. It's very apparent that very many social media users post from the egoic, unconscious mind and rarely if ever have to face or be accountable to those they hurt. If conscious, present posts can change the insanity of social media, a major step forward for humanity will occur. Thank you Eckhart!
One of the most insightful speeches I've ever heard. He touches upon just pure wisdom I would say ...
I absolutely love the comedian part of eckhart tolle.
I worked at a book store for almost two years and I recommend you to almost every costumer. People look to be saved with little guidance on who to turn to. I love you and your videos. I’ll be in one of those rooms soon
True also for parents and teachers - dealing with kids...who need some kind of guidance input..but often trigger the unconscious reaction from parents and teachers. It's not easy but you realise both these roles provide great opportunity for practice...
Eckhart is just the king! So perfect already... noone can explain better like eckhart.. deep respect...
I left a horrible job in office/retail. Didn’t have a job to go to at the time but left anyway because it made me ill! Now I have a great job looking after cats that’s pays good and brings me much joy ❤️
Greetings Mr. Tolle! You make it so much easier to breathe... your wisdom never fails to loosen fear’s grip
I never thought about a "present" internet comment before. It feels counter-intuitive, because if you're present, do you still feel the desire to respond? To type? It's a beautiful thought. I'm going to try it. After this.
This was so funny in the end when he said that you know you are doing what you should be doing. So like it.
This came right on time. I'm always having a problem when other on here explain negative interactions with some ppl. They always explain that these people are reflections of myself which I'll never understand . However you're explaining that these ppl are unconscious therefore I can't let them affect me because they don't know what they are doing to themselves yet alone me. Therefore it's not personal 🤪😜🤣🤸, makes soooooooooooo much sense. THANK YOU VERY MUCH
I read a book on boundaries in my thirties, that led me to the self-awareness that I had been raised in a religious culture so toxic, that a chapter was dedicated to my own life. I was a pattern of pain, which shocked me so badly at that time that I threw the book across the room in a shock. I then called everyone to holler at those who had harmed me, before I picked back up that book. The next chapter was on how to respond, and not react. I laugh now at how silly it is when I laugh at how I messed up, yet there is such pain in that part too, that it’s a bittersweet memory. That’s one of my largest lessons, in reacting versus responding. I am grateful to find more like minded people that are practicing sitting with the reactions we feel, together, finding responses. Hope everyone is having a good day. ✨🕊💖🙏🏼✨
Eckhart teachings prevent me from going crazy. A few years ago my mind start like a crazy motor non stop thoughts then for the first time with the teachings from power of now i realize that im not my thoughts and that was a powerful true for me. My mind is still chaotic but much less than years ago, i realize presence and the lack of it. i reach states of peace even if is just a seconds. i enjoy now so much the silence, nature, being in my own energy.
I think Echarts level of Awareness is beyond, that it took full circle and now he can speak it through practical language that regular people will easily understand.
And a big Hello to you to Eckart from Penzance Cornwall....You never fail to brighten my days...xx
I love Eckharts wry sense of humour. I left a well paid job because the company ethos was based on competition, fear and bullying. I outed my boss as a bully. It was very empowering. I never regretted it. Merry
The True presence the ET describes is a misnomer to most people because true presence requires purity of heart and intention. When you are pure of heart you are your authentic self, you trust what you say and the decisions you make. You dont keep quiet if your pure heart requires that you speak up. You know that there are ocassions where you have to use your power and authority to stop energetic atrocities. You simply do not doubt yourself. We live in an egoic egoic world and it permeates negative constructs that we have agreed to ie, money, taxes etc. People follow programming and rules that don't resonate with pure heart and hence given themselves to satan/ego. It is for these reasons that you cannot be right or wrong. The world is a dream and you decide what it means for you.
*You take your life in your own hands, and what happens? A terrible thing: no one to blame...*
Happy new year everybody 🎉
Happy New Year! 😀
Same to you!
Happy New Year 😊!!
Happy new year too!
same same : )
Hello Eckhart. I think this is a really interesting and useful subject. I find it difficult in the team meetings and it is a good reminder that often the best reaction is no reaction. It's no fun if you get dragged into situations .
I love you Ekhar Tolle. I read The Power of Now and found my true being for the first time. Thank you so much
Hello, I just finished a client, cleaned around and sitting listening. Thanks Ekhart, so calm
Hello....to everyone 😂 Left the office environment in 2005. Still exploring this planet. Love Eckhart. Laughing along. I don’t have a pension, much savings or a bought home. So I believe I am able to be. Conscious vibrations......that is helpful for me.
I just love how real he is! And how he say the things coming on his mind.
However, I am often just present, but I hate the times I feel like this and people say «how quiet you are today» -mostly because they talk about things i dont feel for engaging in.. and i want to talk and engage! And especially the times when i want to engage but my mind doesnt come up with anything/ relevant..
With some company you can just start a conscious talk, but when you dont come up with anything its not fun! My mind is amazing at times, just wish it stayed like that! Especially in the winter time its hard to keep the emotions good, and when «bad» company is the only thing i got, its hard.. (:
Eckhart ist PURE & TRUE Love
You have given me so much hope with this talk. I was on the floor. I experienced something which seemed to remove my being. Thanks for giving me some light again. I was slipping away.
They should make a Tolle Teddy that you can hug at night & go to sleep listening to Eckhart’s voice of wisdom. 🐻🌙
(Watch, now it’ll be on the shelves in a week!)
Smart business mind!
Press a button on it's belly and you hear random Ekhart quotes
That would be a hit, I'd buy one. With meditation/deep relaxation setting too ... Ahhh, wonderful :-)
Whoa..so true
Eckhart - a wise and peaceful man, I love to listen to you
Anyone else waving back to Eckhart there in front of your screens, getting a glimpse of how it would feel to greet him in person? 😄 Strangely enough, I'm picking up something, as if his presence is effectively captured and transmitted to the deep I who's experiencing it through the surface I. 🤗
So helpful! Thank you Eckhart. So many unconscious people everywhere in my world.
Yes, hello to you too. I’m watching you are therapy. He’s so funny... adorable life changer. I’m grateful for you Eckhart. 🙏
Thank you -I work in such company, and you are right on the point ! I needed this - I felt in my soul - that something was not right - but you putted in words - makes such sense. I consider them ( those people ) as my challenge to grow in better me - I can kill them with kindness... sometimes
His humor is so unique and refreshing
I can give an answer that in ANY OCCASION it will be the correct response... for if you enter into such a place ....unconditional, conscious love, without judgement ... it will manifest the correct outcome.
I’ve had much experience with this regarding family. I love them all and I see that the act is not a personal attack but rather an unconscious reaction to their own pain body then it’s easy to silently pray for them... I say ok or hum a tune or wink or blink but done all with a very conscious mind. It keeps my head above the depths of unconsciousness and I am able to respond in LOVE as opposed to REACT. One must omit EGO... one must be in the NOW. One must be authentic real and without agenda! It’s easy to speak of such a place of existence WHICH comes with meditation... believing in my creator and loving self and others as unconditionally as a human being is capable of. But it does take a conscious decision to uphold peace within at all times! My inner peace is protected by the Devine presence of God/ Source/ creator/ benevolent energy.... the label means nothing... it is the belief that is held into consciousness that manifests into reality.
So deep but so good. Love you all!
Brigid (energy of love)
“if you can be freed of reactivity, then something is possible. if you react you are being drawn into unconsciousness and the same level as the person you are reacting to. so in other words, you become what you are fighting against.""the fight without you knowing it, gradually you are at the same level as those people”-------MIND BLOWN. omg this is what happened to me!!!
Im at the office right now..... this video brings soo much peace thank you Eckhart Tolle
I just discovered you... I believe I've come across your name... but today I was pulled to discover more... I love how gentle, slow and easy your teachings are. What a blessed gift to channel and guide and help people. We need to make this as simple, effective and easy to learn... with the power and love of God we can help people and bless them through prayer to transform their mind sets... mass meetings of pure love to generate it all over the world and touch the hearts of thousands in one shot. Christ consciousness is here and it's amazing 🙏 Glory to God
We are divine Royalty
That was a great lesson, I feel a sense of duty to enlighten others and MYSELF by taming the anger and bitterness I feel towards corporate America.... because I enjoy the idea of entrepreneurship, and I'm patently PATIENT. I see my confidence as my gift to humanity, but it's ALSO damaging at times... it's a constant limbo between being a wise decision-maker, and a free-FLOW artist and trend maker. I'm just not willing to alter my dream career to fit the needs of others. I want the money I deserve SO BADLY, but I also want my family to feel some CALM for a bit. Thank you for listening!!! Thank you for your AMAZING guidance, Mr. Tolle!!!
So agree! His humour is so attractive isn't it! 😍
I hear you! I used to think I was responsible for how meetings were conducted,but now I realise that I'm not that powerful.(Ego!!)Now I take responsibility only for what I contribute and try to mind my own business with kindness. Or, I don't go at all !!
"a company has an ego identity too"
Which often appears to become characteristic of the psychopath. Along with nations, political ideologies, religions, and basically any group has such a potential, which goes to show it's the integrated individual who changes the world. Only then can truly rational groups emerge.
5:56 When very unconscious people are around you then it’s extremely important to be highly present . . . you represent a different level of consciousness there.
I had a bad experience with 2 unconscious men at the park yesterday and I remembered one of them saying the exact rude things he said to me about 9 years ago at a different park. He is obviously glitched and repeating the same hurtful behavior over and over. I snapped and later thought about how I could have handled this from a more conscious state. This video was the first thing to pop up in my feed. I thank you for your wisdom and promise to be more conscious for now on. I appreciate your words of wisdom.
I for one, prefer to laugh my way away from insanity. Thanks Mr Tolle!
Liebe Eckhart Tolle , Viel - Dank für Sie alles ! Ich Viel lernen , Sie ein Grose Engel für alle Perdonen ! Für Sie stimme ein Traum ! LG. Fr. Papp
It’s a shame the most unconscious humans tend to be the most opinionated and self assured 😞
Eckhart I am smiling ... Thankyou for your presence ... Be impeccable with your word ... This is written on the fridge to remind me ... sometimes I do respond too quick though I keep trying ❤️🙏🏼
I went through this.
The group consciousness was too much. I changed shifts, with lesser people. And it ended up being the best thing for my journey.
I'm going through it again but in another setting in which, lucky for me, I'm always outside with this one. And being outside, helps me stay conscious when dealing with these settings
The group consciousness is at my small apartment community and it has given me very challenging lessons to not react, to their words, the inane high school behaviors, and even hateful gossip. I do appreciate hearing this as your words and kind voice always help me laugh at myself and be stronger in presence.
Eckhart, your teachings have made such a positive change in my life, in such a short space of time, there really aren't words I can use to convey my appreciation except to simply say Thank you 💙
This is such a nice synchronicity for me to come across this information right now.
The coach I am currently working with told me today “on the most basic level, all any company really wants is to survive”.
It ties in so nicely with the “every company has an ego/egoic energy field”-thought.
Same idea, just put differently. I thought it makes sense and puts it into perspective❤🤗
If we remember this is a school and all the people in this world are our teachers, we can really learn a lot from uncomfortable and difficult situations. If we can learn fast from even those who are a asleep, we are in a heavenly place within ourselves sooner! 💗💛💚💙💜 Blessings to you Eckhart!
I just woke up. This video was referred to me right after an unconscious friend on Facebook tried to draw me into a heated discussion. Thank you for this video.
Simply adore you! Thanks for being there.
You are the light of the world, keep shining and helping others shine..... 😇❤
'the Internet is full of things that have come out of very unconscious minds'. that's almost worthy of a place in the encyclopaedia.