Alan Quinlan talks eye gouge on Leo Cullen that saw him miss Lions Tour of South Africa in 2009

  • Опубліковано 26 вер 2024


  • @NickName-di3wp
    @NickName-di3wp 3 роки тому +10

    He knew!.... not nice!

  • @tennistank7606
    @tennistank7606 3 роки тому +29

    A bit harsh that Quinlan has to keep talking about this. He's made his comments on it before and they are not going to change.

    • @raydenwins1071
      @raydenwins1071 3 роки тому

      Every Lions tour it gets brought up, must be a killer to keep hearing it!!!

    • @inBODwetrust13
      @inBODwetrust13 3 роки тому +8

      He deliberately gouged Cullen and could've easily blinded him. His only concern afterwards by his own admission wasn't about what he'd done but instead only on trying to cobble together a defence.
      So no, it isn't "harsh" that someone who on a weekly basis criticises the actions of players in the media is reminded of his own acts of absolute thuggery

    • @raydenwins1071
      @raydenwins1071 3 роки тому +3

      @@inBODwetrust13 Can you be any more outraged? It happened 12 years ago, get over it. He apologised to Leo after the game. Of course he would try and make a defence for himself, he was 34 on the cusp of a Lions tour to SA . Also, it wasn't an overly deliberate gouge, he was wreckless leaving his hand there but he didn't stick his finger in his eye socket a la Schalk Burger. So stop with the pearl clutching saying he could've blinded him.
      It must be very taxing being a rugby fan and getting so upset by shit that happened 12 years ago. I'd advise that maybe you don't watch the 2009 Lions tour, you might need psychiatric help afterwards!

    • @tennistank7606
      @tennistank7606 3 роки тому +2

      @@raydenwins1071 yeh well said. On a separate note, do you think kevin mealumu and tana umaga would be banned for years if they did that now to BOD with proper footage of it? I'd like to think so

    • @raydenwins1071
      @raydenwins1071 3 роки тому +2

      @@tennistank7606 Yes definitely, reds and bans. Burger would have been a straight red in 09 too. The game has changed for the good of course. I think it is crazy to go bringing stuff up that happened on the pitch decades ago and look at it in today's climate. The people that do that are usually people who have never played before and just want something to be outraged about, it's like an addiction for them!

  • @jeremycollum
    @jeremycollum 2 роки тому +5

    nonsense, he knew exactly what he was doing

  • @odin8010
    @odin8010 2 роки тому +9

    It’s a game of war shit happens, Alana is a good man and has apologized over and over

    • @benitezsucks8625
      @benitezsucks8625 Рік тому +2

      Game of war? Gouging an eye could blind a guy ffs. It's sport. Not war. Grow up.

    • @johnmc3862
      @johnmc3862 Рік тому

      Biased af.

  • @theirishneilers
    @theirishneilers 3 роки тому +9

    I don't buy his explanation that he was trying to grab Cullen's jersey, but by the more relaxed citing standards of 2009, it was very harsh for him to be banned long enough to miss the Lions tour. It wasn't a particularly bad or forceful incident, more a careless and slightly nasty little grab at someone's face.

    • @gerrygeraghty4992
      @gerrygeraghty4992 Рік тому

      I totally agree, if you hear alan quinlan's judgements on dangerous fouls and tackles his defence of this action rings true. Alan reckons any dangerous tackle or action isn't really meant means he is missing the point.There is a duty of care and you need to remember this,he never does.

    • @michaelodonnell824
      @michaelodonnell824 Рік тому

      Let's me DELIBERATELY Eye Gouge you and then you can call it "Minor".
      Let me stick my fingers straight into YOUR eyes.
      Eye Gouging was never "Minor". That's why, when Rugby decided to clean up, it was one of the first things it targeted.
      But, hey, you Hero Worship an Eye Gouger, so I'm sure you won't care when you are a victim...

  • @davidmcdonald4272
    @davidmcdonald4272 3 роки тому +19

    So full of shit, when I play rugby in the garden with my son I always eye gauge him by mistake when I'm trying to "pull his Jersey"🤣🤣🤣

  • @ocodeskamcdbsm
    @ocodeskamcdbsm Рік тому

    The Ban Quinlan got at the time reflected his actions, even if it wasn't deliberate but in today's society an half assed apology is enough to get a ban reduced to a mere few weeks for a serial offender like Lavanini. That's a guy who clearly doesn't or hasn't learned from his mistakes and needs to face tougher consequences and longer bans. Players need to be held accountable and/but with serial carded players, their punishments should be increasing with every citation, and not getting decreased because they say sorry or show some remorse. It's the only way to stop them from continuing with their illegal tactics/hits

  • @corny165
    @corny165 3 роки тому +15

    Call a spade a spade. That's an eye gouge and his explanation is completely implausible. Quinlan always had that bit of dog in him, that was part of the reason why he was picked to face the Saffas, and in a moment of madness he went to hurt Cullen.
    I wouldn't hold it against him though. Rugby requires rather extreme levels of aggression and it's understandable that can spill over sometimes.

    • @homeward34
      @homeward34 3 роки тому +1

      it cost him 80k basically

    • @Tellemore
      @Tellemore 3 роки тому

      It was ruled to be ‘contact’ but not a ‘gouge’ IIRC?

    • @powerbite92
      @powerbite92 3 роки тому +1

      He was a dirty eye gouging player, as were many many other players at the time. Theres footage of all manner of great players committing vicious fouls down the years. It was just what players did. Now he's a media pundit we have to endure all the subsequent whitewashing of his image and subsequent lies, the "I was just trying to grab his jersey" BS.
      Just like squeaky clean BOD's version of why he was arrested in New York where he told a jackanory story and got his mate to take the rap.
      Just like Max Evans claiming he 'raised his arm' to 'defend himself' in a club and just 'forgot' that he had a glass in his hand at the time. And the jury let him off.
      The problem with the media circus is that we are asked to agree to things that we cannot believe as if they are somehow oh-so-legitimate and then somehow we become the unreasonable ones in disbelieving them.

    • @raydenwins1071
      @raydenwins1071 3 роки тому

      @@powerbite92 Never heard the story about BOD!! Any links??

    • @powerbite92
      @powerbite92 3 роки тому +1

      @@raydenwins1071"NY: The incident occurred a month after the suicide of BOD's close friend Barry Twomey. (BOD was in a bad way and went to the states to 'unwind'.")
      The incident occurred after an REM concert at Madison Square Garden O’Driscoll was followed from the arena after the altercation and pointed out to the police. He was subsequently handcuffed outside a bar, taken to Midtown South precinct and placed in a cell with around 30 other men.
      CCTV footage of the incident was not available due to a broken camera. The charges were dropped just before the 2009 Six Nations, seven months later" ie: expensive lawyers were involved.
      Having beaten the rap, meaning that all contrary evidence was withdrawn, O’Driscoll wrote that another man "charged at him" and friend Damien O’Donohoe following an argument in a lift.
      “Damo has just enough time to brace himself and shout at the guy, ‘Don’t ******* do this!! I’m warning you! (bullsh!t..)
      “He winds up a dig and launches it at Damo, who throws out an arm to protect himself. The guy runs straight into it and drops, like a new born lamb.” (people dont punch they shout warnings ahead of time and "throw out an arm", its just BS. snide sarcastic BS. he with the most expensive lawyer gets to write the snarky epitaph. and we re supposed to buy it. imagine being the guy he hit reading that cr8p)

  • @Lorcan666
    @Lorcan666 3 роки тому +7

    Ah I don't see how he tried to grab the Jersey, looks like it was something heat of the moment, I'm sure he apologised and he got some punishment for it so he doesn't really need to keep explaining it.

  • @pegan1050
    @pegan1050 3 роки тому +11

    That's not an eye gouge , more like a scrape across the face.... You can see initially going for jersey on Cullen's shoulder but drag up across face no pressure inward on Cullen's eye if there was he(Leo) would have been blinking/rubbing his eye..... How people can watch a thing and say it's something when it's not is so frustrating!

    • @shaneshaneist
      @shaneshaneist 3 роки тому +2

      Yeah on the second angle you can see he grabbed Cullen’s jersey on his shoulder first and it slipped up into his eye. He definitely didn’t put any pressure into his eye socket. The clip of him and Leo sorting it out after the game speaks volumes for me.
      The only people who would look at the video and see it any differently are these people who believe they are morally superior and jump onto any mistake another person makes to feel better about themselves.

    • @MKRM27
      @MKRM27 3 роки тому +1

      What video are you watching?

    • @shaneshaneist
      @shaneshaneist 3 роки тому +2

      @@MKRM27 The same video you are watching. Have you ever played rugby?

    • @agape777
      @agape777 Рік тому

      Schalk Burger yellow card for clear eye gauge on Fitz during that same series in 2009, which was way worse. But Quinny was a dirty fecker his whole career so I reckon it’s a case of chickens roosting and all that jazz.

  • @Cora342
    @Cora342 Рік тому +1

    He committed the crime and paid big time for it
    End of

  • @dunlaoghaire
    @dunlaoghaire 2 роки тому

    He would've been a dirt tracker anyhow.

  • @jasonwall5012
    @jasonwall5012 Рік тому +1

    Excuses, Excuses. Sure you can still see the fingers digging in trying to gouge.... filthy...

  • @SuperBlinding
    @SuperBlinding Рік тому +2


  • @leonardodavinci7425
    @leonardodavinci7425 3 роки тому +2

    Surprised to see no comments LOL

    • @kieranduggan3439
      @kieranduggan3439 3 роки тому

      The only thing that jumps out at me is that it was Ian Mcgeechan, not Gatland 🤣

    • @shane-irish
      @shane-irish Рік тому

      See plenty numpty

  • @seandebrun9853
    @seandebrun9853 3 роки тому +4

    Honest player and a good rugby analyst. He made a mistake and accepted the consequences.

    • @MKRM27
      @MKRM27 3 роки тому +8

      No, he came up with some mealymouthed excuse which doesn’t bear any resemblance to the facts of what happened

  • @bigron7009
    @bigron7009 3 роки тому +5

    Quinlan is a disgrace...correctly punished. Leo Cullen...very underrated Rugby player

  • @fionnmckool
    @fionnmckool Рік тому +3

    Quinny was always a thug and now a hack