This is great. We just got an Arduino and a Raspberry Pi in the mail. For one of our first projects, we want to use a little sound censor to map out when our neighbor are playing drums - and determine which hours they are more often not at the studio! haha. This was a great little into to that.
I did everything right yet my fan does not react as it should. I need to turn it so that it starts. But after that, even if I make a loud noise, it never turns off.
I tried this with an led light instead and its just flickering on and off and I dont know if this has to do with the background noise or if I just did something wrong
it would be difficult but you could prob get it to be consistent with a pattern (sound...nosound...sound...sound...nosound etc) but it wont read audio well to differentiate ringtones or voice like a higher quality microphone and computer can do
yup, technically the sound sensor could control anything you connect it too, but not directly (limited to 5v I think), it would be the switch to some other system, like it could switch a relay and that relay could be the direct line to a large fan/tv/etc you could even program a sequence to open a door!
This is great. We just got an Arduino and a Raspberry Pi in the mail. For one of our first projects, we want to use a little sound censor to map out when our neighbor are playing drums - and determine which hours they are more often not at the studio! haha. This was a great little into to that.
Thats awesome, I love hearing when people use these things for real practical reasons
I did everything right yet my fan does not react as it should. I need to turn it so that it starts. But after that, even if I make a loud noise, it never turns off.
hmm, check the code for that, but sometimes sensors like these can be faulty
can you please give the link of code
its in the video
I tried this with an led light instead and its just flickering on and off and I dont know if this has to do with the background noise or if I just did something wrong
are you using the same ports? if you want join the discord we can try and help you
um I'm not sure but I'll try again. thank you for the offer btw :)
Do you think it's possible to detect ringtone?
it would be difficult but you could prob get it to be consistent with a pattern (sound...nosound...sound...sound...nosound etc) but it wont read audio well to differentiate ringtones or voice like a higher quality microphone and computer can do
Keep it up brooo
I will
What are the materials that are needed?
It should show in the video
Hey could you please provide python code for the same? I am trying to control 12v dc motor using sound sensor.. please?
you can't directly write python to this microcontroller, you would have to use some middle man program to convert it
Is it applicable for big fans at home?
yup, technically the sound sensor could control anything you connect it too, but not directly (limited to 5v I think), it would be the switch to some other system, like it could switch a relay and that relay could be the direct line to a large fan/tv/etc
you could even program a sequence to open a door!
Plz attach the code?
its on screen