Can you help me with this?, What do you think about this?, Could you repeat that, please?, ...

  • Опубліковано 20 вер 2024
  • This week's Conversation :
    * Can you help me with this? - 이거 좀 도와줄 수 있어?
    - Can you help me with this? I can't seem to open this file.
    이거 좀 도와줄래? 이 파일이 안 열려.
    - I'm really struggling here, can you help me with this problem?
    여기서 정말 힘들어. 이 문제 좀 도와줄 수 있어?
    - Can you help me with this math homework? I don't understand how to solve it.
    이 수학 숙제 좀 도와줄래? 이거 어떻게 푸는지 모르겠어.
    * What do you think about this? - 이거 어떻게 생각해?
    - What do you think about this dress for the party?
    파티용으로 이 드레스 어때?
    - I've made some changes to the report. What do you think about this?
    보고서에 몇 가지 변경을 했어. 이거 어떻게 생각해?
    - What do you think about this idea for our next project?
    다음 프로젝트를 위한 이 아이디어 어때?
    * Could you repeat that, please? - 그거 다시 말해줄래?
    - I didn't catch the last part. Could you repeat that, please?
    마지막 부분을 못 들었어. 그거 다시 말해줄래?
    - Sorry, I didn't understand. Could you repeat that, please?
    미안, 이해 못 했어. 다시 말해 줄래?
    - Could you repeat that, please? It's a bit noisy here.
    다시 말해줄래? 여기 좀 시끄러워서.
    * How's it going? - 어떻게 지내?
    - Hey, long time no see! How's it going?
    안녕, 오랜만이야! 어떻게 지내?
    - How's it going with your new job?
    새 직장은 어떻게 지내?
    - Met John yesterday. Asked him how's it going.
    어제 존 만났어. 어떻게 지내는지 물어봤어.
    * Sorry, I didn't catch that. - 미안, 잘 못 들었어.
    - Sorry, I didn't catch that. Can you say it again?
    미안, 그 말 잘 못 들었어. 다시 말해 줄래?
    - He was speaking so fast, I said 'Sorry, I didn't catch that.'
    그가 말을 너무 빨리 해서 '미안, 잘 못 들었어'라고 했어.
    - During the call, I had to say 'Sorry, I didn't catch that.' a few times because of the noise.
    전화하는 동안 소음 때문에 몇 번 '미안, 잘 못 들었어'라고 했어.
    * That sounds great! - 정말 좋네!
    - They invited us to their cottage for the weekend. That sounds great!
    그들이 주말에 그들의 별장에 우리를 초대했어. 정말 좋네!
    - I suggested a road trip to the mountains, and everyone said that sounds great.
    나는 산으로 떠나는 로드 트립을 제안했고, 모두들 좋다고 했어.
    - He's offering us free tickets to the concert. That sounds great, doesn't it?
    그가 우리에게 공연 티켓을 공짜로 제공하고 있어. 정말 좋지 않아?
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