OxF bonus blather 9/16/2024

  • Опубліковано 20 гру 2024


  • @keyboard_g
    @keyboard_g 2 місяці тому +1

    There is no on time, only early or late. Except for Gandalf, he arrives precisely when he intends to.

  • @carpetbomberz
    @carpetbomberz 2 місяці тому +1

    I have to say, the audio has been consistently good last 4-6, 7 live streams. Levels have been good.

  • @j7gy8b
    @j7gy8b 2 місяці тому +2

    Oh God now I'M triggered. I'm a Deuce Deuce rider too. We have enough high-powered engineering talent in the Bay Area to turn this into a train paradise, if we wanted to! How do we make that happen? IDK

    • @---jc7pi
      @---jc7pi 2 місяці тому +2

      Step Nr.1 is to realize that trains don't operate in a vacuum. To make trains effizient, everything around the trains need to be reconsidered. First up, changing land use pattern and zoning. This is fundamental and the primary reason the US is fundamentally failing at doing great transit, even when spending lots of money. When your train station is surrounded by highways, stroads and parking lots, it can't succeed. Second, trains need a feeder system, walking, bikes and buses. Buses need to be have a coordinate time table with the train, clock face scheduling. In order to do this buses need to be given effective priority, that means removing car lanes and parking spots, in addition to signaling priority and fundamental road redesign around actual modern smart road engineering principles, rather then 60s fake-science. Then also redesigning roads to make them appropriate for real bicycle use as transportation.
      The problem is it doesn't require some new engineering, or brilliant startup, it requires no technology that wasn't already in use in the 1960s. Its purely a social and bureaucratic problem. But don't reinvent the wheel, just adopt Dutch road engineering and safety standard, Japannase zoning laws and Swiss train management practice. Don't get any Silicon Valley startups involved, simply go to a big European or Asian company and let them do it. You don't need more tech bros reinventing trains.
      So yeah, just change your whole society I guess. Good luck.