Well well JayFish what an incredible ride it's been all the way to becoming such a top deck! Now I think maybe you could start a new team. That would be a fun series! :D Let me know!
How long you been building this dojer team? And yes I know I spelled it wrong. One thing I was taught was never spell your enemies name correctly and I'm a giants guy lol
Listen man how many gigs of space do you need on your phone for the game to run with no problems? I've been having the most annoying experience. Right now I can't even play another game. I was waiting for the next update. It finally comes and the game is still crashing. I don't get it. I can't even get into the game to play. It begins to load after I launch it then it just crashes. Boy man this is so frustrating. How much space does a phone need to just run the darn game? I sent an email to them and they told me they had no such issue on their end. That got me even more upset. How am I the only one having this darn issue. If it's not the game that has issues then it has to be my darn phone but I don't know what the hell it is. I'm also in season mode so it's frustrating that the app doesn't allow me to continue the season. It's been like 2 months that I haven't been able to even play at all. Now this last update brought the app from 1. 5 gigs to 2.5 gigs. So it's taking even more space now and the game still can't run without crashing. I was hoping that this last update would finally fix this darn thing so I'm just pissed. And using this phone of mine doesn't make things easier. I'm only working with 3 to 4 gigs of space which keeps fluctuating. I had this game for a long time and I never had such an issue before. Not knowing the reason why the game can't run without crashing makes it even more frustrating.
Ozzie Smith has 0 home runs in his legend card so it should be 60 base power but it has 61 base. It should be 60 base like Harrelson because he has 0 home runs the vintage sig you just pull.
Sweet sweet victory ✌️
Spongebob is preforming that on an alt super bowl broadcast I think for the halftime show😂
You got the all time dodgers team 😂😂
Well well JayFish what an incredible ride it's been all the way to becoming such a top deck! Now I think maybe you could start a new team. That would be a fun series! :D Let me know!
Was thinking about that yesterday morning after the stream Thursday🤔
How long you been building this dojer team? And yes I know I spelled it wrong. One thing I was taught was never spell your enemies name correctly and I'm a giants guy lol
Same here Giants fan who loves watching Jayfish
November of 2020
you’re welcome haha also i agree with sinai we need a new team
Listen man how many gigs of space do you need on your phone for the game to run with no problems? I've been having the most annoying experience. Right now I can't even play another game. I was waiting for the next update. It finally comes and the game is still crashing. I don't get it. I can't even get into the game to play. It begins to load after I launch it then it just crashes. Boy man this is so frustrating. How much space does a phone need to just run the darn game? I sent an email to them and they told me they had no such issue on their end. That got me even more upset. How am I the only one having this darn issue. If it's not the game that has issues then it has to be my darn phone but I don't know what the hell it is. I'm also in season mode so it's frustrating that the app doesn't allow me to continue the season. It's been like 2 months that I haven't been able to even play at all. Now this last update brought the app from 1. 5 gigs to 2.5 gigs. So it's taking even more space now and the game still can't run without crashing. I was hoping that this last update would finally fix this darn thing so I'm just pissed. And using this phone of mine doesn't make things easier. I'm only working with 3 to 4 gigs of space which keeps fluctuating. I had this game for a long time and I never had such an issue before. Not knowing the reason why the game can't run without crashing makes it even more frustrating.
The Show still the king.⚾⚾
That Mookie card art is 🔥🔥🔥
If we select vintage in the off season player draw event can we get a legend possibly?
Nope sadly
@@JayFish dang it I thought maybe we would thank you for telling me tho
Jayfish with another dub
When is the 24’ roster updated?
End of March
@@JayFish much thx
Ozzie Smith has 0 home runs in his legend card so it should be 60 base power but it has 61 base. It should be 60 base like Harrelson because he has 0 home runs the vintage sig you just pull.
Is it possible to get all those packs without spending actual money?
Some of them yes, but the TSS's no
@@JayFish Fosho bro thank you
sorry, I'm a new player in this game, how do I get that much money???
i wish i could afford the GI tickets and sig pack deals
Congrats jay, I might be quitting 9 innings cuz the game getting boring
First comet