From 日本, I love this old style of Japanese house. I'm interesed in that this architecture is familiar to the people of Taiwan. It is a symbol of our strong relationship with Japan!! Also, It is truly wonderful that the people of Taiwan have preserved and utilized this architecture as a cultural asset. As a Japanese person, when I see Japanese-style architecture in Taiwan, I am reminded of World War II, but for the Taiwanese people, this architecture is more modern, and they see it as a cultural heritage of their community.
把鄉愁放下, 荷蘭人、日本人、台灣人都是眾生, 大家都希望過着歲月靜好的日子, 再感謝營造這美好書房的志工們!!🙏🌈🌷🌷
From 日本, I love this old style of Japanese house. I'm interesed in that this architecture is familiar to the people of Taiwan. It is a symbol of our strong relationship with Japan!! Also, It is truly wonderful that the people of Taiwan have preserved and utilized this architecture as a cultural asset. As a Japanese person, when I see Japanese-style architecture in Taiwan, I am reminded of World War II, but for the Taiwanese people, this architecture is more modern, and they see it as a cultural heritage of their community.