4X Heavyweight Champion Evander Holyfield Tells His Life Story (Full Interview)

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @quensboro4773
    @quensboro4773 Рік тому +82

    This is by far one of the greatest boxers in our Era. VLAD you've done it again 👏

    • @bigtonemalone2921
      @bigtonemalone2921 Рік тому +3

      Check out his 30 for 30 “Chasing Tyson” pretty damn good

    • @andyburton1160
      @andyburton1160 Рік тому

      ​@@bigtonemalone2921is this on UA-cam

    • @Nobueno_baby
      @Nobueno_baby 10 місяців тому

      He is thee greatest of that era

    • @wademcintyre1621
      @wademcintyre1621 7 місяців тому

      He could of beat tyson 99 out of 100 times. He had heart tyson crying in the ring and got tired as Ali would of said this is a bad place to get tired and cry !!

    • @wademcintyre1621
      @wademcintyre1621 7 місяців тому

      Juiced or not he fought wars in the ring !

  • @gsxr2fst498
    @gsxr2fst498 Рік тому +59

    This guy was tough. Humble and tough.

    • @Bdott67k-i7r
      @Bdott67k-i7r 3 місяці тому

      You said tough twice bro. No need to say it twice.

  • @goldene9339
    @goldene9339 11 місяців тому +35

    I’m so impressed with Vlad interview skills when he’s not over talking guests. I enjoyed this interview immensely. Thank you Vlad.

    • @commentedrelationship
      @commentedrelationship 8 місяців тому

      Vlad shows respect to legendary people but if they're more of his peers, personal friends, or someone up-and-coming, Vlad will gladly talk over them.

  • @christopherstewart9556
    @christopherstewart9556 11 місяців тому +98

    Not only a great boxer but also a very respectful human being. God bless this man 👏🏿🙏🏿

    • @MeatHead7
      @MeatHead7 10 місяців тому +2

      Greatest cheater of all time

    • @princeali1786
      @princeali1786 10 місяців тому +2

      Yes, 15 kids with 13 different ladies - what a man.

    • @christopherstewart9556
      @christopherstewart9556 10 місяців тому

      @@princeali1786 we all made mistakes in life. You never did

    • @princeali1786
      @princeali1786 10 місяців тому

      @@christopherstewart9556 -First of all, those children that he assisted in bringing into this world is NOT a mistake - second - you claim to be a religious man and your ring walk music is the hymns and of praising Jesus, right after the bout you cheat on your wife and impregnated a lady, that is called adultery. You do it again, it’s a mistake however, when you continue to do the same damn thing over and over and over it is no longer a mistake it’s, I don’t give a crap !!! Wear a damn rubber. So, you are asking as if he had made a simple one time mistake and it’s not.
      Now, In regards to me - have I ever made a mistake, well, hell yes but the difference is I didn’t continue making the same mistake one that will affect the lives of his creation for the
      Next 80 years each. Duh !

    • @Norma1250
      @Norma1250 9 місяців тому +2


  • @travishendrix7026
    @travishendrix7026 11 місяців тому +13

    Evander said it well.
    There are those who are flashy and done alot for the sport.
    He was about the sweet science.
    1. He's a Christian
    2. He's a Southerner.
    3. He's 4X Heavy Wieght Champion.
    Grateful to call him my Brother.
    God's speed to you Evander.

  • @Born8etter
    @Born8etter Рік тому +65

    Mr Holyfield is PURE CLASS!

  • @mikebrown9521
    @mikebrown9521 Рік тому +37

    Holyfield loves his Mama! Evander is a class act. He gave each of his employees a million dollar bonus on top of paying them $250,000.00 a year.

  • @LandlordFilm
    @LandlordFilm Рік тому +26

    “I say” lol reminds me of one of my uncles telling me stories from back in the day 💯

  • @tylercampbell6365
    @tylercampbell6365 11 місяців тому +8

    My dad is from rhe south..They say.."I say" lol Same humbleness and strength, respectful and love their mothers..

  • @kokoyaro
    @kokoyaro Рік тому +22

    This man is an example of a true star that doesn't care about shinning. Mike Tyson continued to take all the spotlight while this true warrior stayed humble

    • @sheldoncooper0
      @sheldoncooper0 Рік тому +6

      A lot of it is just charisma or energy/personality. Guys like Ali and Tyson were globally famous across many generations. They transcended boxing in terms of fame. Same with Michael Jordan and basketball.
      Most guys that make it to the top of their sport end up like Holyfield where their fame doesn't transcend their sport.

    • @kokoyaro
      @kokoyaro Рік тому +4

      @@sheldoncooper0 You nailed it right there with the charisma point. It's the first time I even got to learn that this man boxed since he was a child, competed in three weight divisions became champ in two, first ever and still the only 4-time champion, no criminal record, clearly outboxed and defeated mike tyson twice, never shied away from a challenge and never had to bite his opponent's ear to avoid a fair loss, etc.
      This man is clearly morality's prefered boxing role model but in a world where entertainment matters more than competence, it's apparently not enough to be the best boxer and best sportsman. At least in my mind he will always be the humble warrior who outboxed and beat Mike Tyson twice and could have beaten Mike 10 times over if they ran it back. I watched both fights and saw how Mike became frustrated that Evander took his best shots without flinching. Everything Mike tried had failed. Even after biting Evander's ear the first time and thought the match would be stopped, Evander continued fighting pretty well with a bloody ear. Mike targeted that ear with punches to make Evander uncomfortable but Evander continued to dominate the fight. Mike Tyson just couldn't believe that another human being in gloves could outclass him like that. I'm very disappointed that after the first ear-biting, the referee didn't call for disqualifying Mike and giving the win to this warrior, let alone the second bite. It just goes to show that boxing has been a dirty business for a long time

  • @jasonmacdonald27
    @jasonmacdonald27 Рік тому +13

    Holyfield Is A Class Act....

  • @michaelhill3137
    @michaelhill3137 Рік тому +20

    “I said” - Evander Holyfield

  • @ieshawashington9459
    @ieshawashington9459 Рік тому +42

    The Real Deal Holyfield! What a legendary moment💯 🥊🏆

  • @donaldstanfield3486
    @donaldstanfield3486 Рік тому +25

    What a kind and decent man
    he is the real deal God bless
    you Evander.

    • @jerodjerod2306
      @jerodjerod2306 6 місяців тому

      11 kids 6 baby mamas is what you call a decent man ok then🥴

    • @BCritical1110
      @BCritical1110 6 місяців тому

      @@jerodjerod2306so you’re saying he’s not a decent man because of this?

  • @sandorclegane3658
    @sandorclegane3658 Рік тому +10

    You're looking at your P.E teacher but talking to grandpa. This dude fought through the toughest heavyweight boxing period against amazing talents and personalities.
    90s kids are very lucky.
    Edit only hour in, they better go over the Bowe trilogy in detail.

  • @shayakanime18
    @shayakanime18 10 місяців тому +6

    Likeable man and down-to-earth. True fighter with a good heart.

  • @holysmokes4259
    @holysmokes4259 Рік тому +12

    Makes me feel good when someone financially well off uses their fortune to help others. Gives me faith in humanity.

  • @antoniohosino145
    @antoniohosino145 10 місяців тому +4


  • @aaprofessionalcarpetandtil3189
    @aaprofessionalcarpetandtil3189 Рік тому +14

    Brings back alot of Great Memories Thank you EVANDER HOLYFEILD 😎

  • @Ytterdahls
    @Ytterdahls Рік тому +22

    Most likable dude ever and a great storyteller. Besides a bit of stammering, I don’t really think he sound punch drunk like some people are saying. When he speaks he speaks clearly, tell stories well and actually is a lot more charismatic than he maybe seemed earlier. He’s probably a great grandfather.


    He loved his mama.❤

  • @tyree8608
    @tyree8608 Рік тому +6

    I watch a lot of interviews ! That was probably one of the best I've ever seen!!! Wow thank you!!

  • @simonhernandez2678
    @simonhernandez2678 8 місяців тому +2

    Holyfield is so wholesome, I like the way he tells stories. He tells stories the way a grandfather tells stories to his grandkids

  • @allamerican7351
    @allamerican7351 Рік тому +9

    My favorite athlete of all time.

  • @taylormajors5677
    @taylormajors5677 6 місяців тому +2

    His fights with Riddick Bowe are probably the most violent fights in heavyweight history. Those men definitely put it all on the line in those fights.

  • @danistanbouly8166
    @danistanbouly8166 7 місяців тому +2

    I can listen to Evander talk all day... what a humble person...

  • @PaulBodyBuilder
    @PaulBodyBuilder Рік тому +8

    Very under-rated. The greatest fighter in our Era

    • @TomJJ37
      @TomJJ37 11 місяців тому +1

      Underrated he is one of if not the most decorated heavyweight fighter ever and everyone knows it

  • @barbarajohnson245
    @barbarajohnson245 Рік тому +14

    I’m gonna listen to this whole thing while I’m on my elliptical💪

  • @ThousandairesClub
    @ThousandairesClub Рік тому +8

    *his fights with Mike Tyson were Legendary. two professional killers in a ring trying to murder eachother with their fists....never seen anything like it.*

    • @James-h8g7x
      @James-h8g7x 10 місяців тому +1

      Lol tyson got destroyed

  • @DerrickABrooks
    @DerrickABrooks Рік тому +10

    Finally the whole interview.

    • @CajunBoyJake
      @CajunBoyJake Рік тому +3

      I said the same, guess we both too cheap to pay for the membership 😂

  • @skeelo69
    @skeelo69 11 місяців тому +8

    One of the all time GOATS.Never ducked anybody.

  • @Ytterdahls
    @Ytterdahls Рік тому +3

    I’m very happy you uploaded «the whole big thing». Lovely interview!

  • @stonessmugglasplanettv901
    @stonessmugglasplanettv901 Рік тому +9

    What a humble man

  • @kenterminateddq5311
    @kenterminateddq5311 Рік тому +15

    The realest interview on VLAD TV.
    Thank you, Evander. You are one of the greatest boxers of all-time. 😊

    • @vladtv
      @vladtv  Рік тому +2


    • @skeelo69
      @skeelo69 11 місяців тому

      The cut in's of Tyson were so funny 😂😂😂

  • @DF1234567
    @DF1234567 Рік тому +8

    Great interview with my favorite fighter ever!!

  • @youmarc11
    @youmarc11 10 місяців тому +4

    Holy was never intimidated in the ring. That's what made him great.

  • @scottmctaggart7070
    @scottmctaggart7070 Рік тому +9

    Awesome dude great to hear him and see he is ok,no man has fought more wars then him!

  • @ravensdark99
    @ravensdark99 10 місяців тому +2

    What this illustrates: You NEVER can underestimate the impact one sentence has on a child. That first person saw the greatness in him and by one sentence changed his life forever....

  • @littlemelvin5030
    @littlemelvin5030 5 місяців тому +2

    The real deal Holyfield. Wasnt called the Real Deal for no reason. One of the most entertaining fighters ive ever seen. not too mamy Holyfield fights you can say was boring if any. He went out there and put in that WORK. Any time i wanna put somebody on to boxing, a Holyfield fight is included simple and plain. One of the greats unequivocally.

  • @PortiaEvanson
    @PortiaEvanson 10 місяців тому +2

    he really loved his mama and took her words to heart. much respect and love to him.

  • @howtodoelectrical200
    @howtodoelectrical200 Рік тому +12

    Dam vlad be having classic interviews

  • @michaelburris2146
    @michaelburris2146 Рік тому +4

    always loved watching him in the ring...more impressed w him out of the ring

  • @Adonis7Belguim
    @Adonis7Belguim Рік тому +7

    Vlad you Really On a Roll.....Great Content 🫡🌴🏆👑‼️💯

  • @corybaby101
    @corybaby101 11 місяців тому +4

    Great Interview Vlad, Very Interesting, Love it Mane

  • @Jody_Joe
    @Jody_Joe 8 місяців тому +2

    Great interview !

  • @jamesr5838
    @jamesr5838 Рік тому +15

    Wonderful interview with the legend! Seems like his Mama told him everything

    • @arvelynlewis
      @arvelynlewis 11 місяців тому +1

      except, strap it up.

    • @jeremymorrical5810
      @jeremymorrical5810 11 місяців тому +1

      ​@arvelynlewis HAHAHA! GOOD ONE KIND SIR! 🧐

    • @shafo4384
      @shafo4384 9 місяців тому +2

      ​@@arvelynlewisHaha. I bet she did but he didn't listen.

  • @Sandra-xw2wp
    @Sandra-xw2wp Місяць тому

    Thanks for the great interview with one of my favorite boxers! If you didn't know his work, you'd never guess this humble guy is a boxing legend!

  • @chadwickorucker
    @chadwickorucker Рік тому +6

    I say I SAY I SAY this was a good interview 😂😂😂

    • @aw5347
      @aw5347 11 місяців тому


    • @hailreezy
      @hailreezy 10 місяців тому +2

      Foghorn leghorn head ass but you gotta love him😂❤

  • @31-December
    @31-December 10 місяців тому +2

    Vlad being a cheerleader. Just started the interview. Being a boxing fan, I’m sure I’ll enjoy it

  • @Cleveland_Teddy
    @Cleveland_Teddy Рік тому +5

    Mike could never beat holyfield head up in his prime period, and he knew that, so he did what he did..knowone had the heart that holyfield had or the hands period knowone take it how you want mike aint better then holyfield and never will be period....

  • @ELL1975
    @ELL1975 Рік тому +5

    Shout out to the Moms💯

  • @stephengiese7549
    @stephengiese7549 10 місяців тому +2

    Very honest, humble and funny interview. He mentions his mother and what she advised him to do alot which I dearly loved to hear. I love people who do this. Vlad no doubt did his research. Always thought he had the physique.

  • @davidprice4777
    @davidprice4777 11 місяців тому +2

    Great interview with Evander Holyfield!Great b interviewer, who let Mr Holyfield answer his questions clearly without interruptions!Great Man Mr Holyfield ,God bless him!

  • @James_7
    @James_7 11 місяців тому +2

    Evander Holyfield telling Vlad he hates being called skinny and never tells anyone he is skinny , few minutes later Vlad saying "but you were a skinny boy" .

  • @shawandajenkins7127
    @shawandajenkins7127 Рік тому +5

    "The odds never really made a difference to me " holyfeild he said fights not the odds 😅

  • @lloydrobertson5508
    @lloydrobertson5508 Рік тому +15

    The Real Deal.

  • @Diyanibeats
    @Diyanibeats 24 дні тому

    I like when he reference his mother. It show he respect her , retained the wisdom she shared and he was listening ❤❤❤

    @THATSWHATSUP.615 11 місяців тому +2

    Holyfield has such a beautiful soul!!!

  • @louieHuelsman
    @louieHuelsman 10 місяців тому +2

    Gr8 interview and Great Champion and person!!!

  • @stunnabreezy3
    @stunnabreezy3 Рік тому +1

    Love this interview

  • @bowtieguy377
    @bowtieguy377 2 місяці тому

    I grew up in the 70's and thought that the Heavyweights of that era were the best. I still think that way but Evander was the one that really stood out to me in his era and he is the one I would put in the 70's class of heavyweights.

  • @TheOfficialMaxTV
    @TheOfficialMaxTV 6 місяців тому

    Watching this for third time, amazing interview. Do more of these, maybe try to work with Najee from Cigar Talk, collab or some

  • @RicardoOdum
    @RicardoOdum 10 місяців тому

    This deserves more views.

  • @Paul-th9es
    @Paul-th9es 10 місяців тому +1

    Professional boxing is a beautiful sport. Evander is one of the many that made it so, and he is one of the few that reached its summit.

  • @MrJmunn
    @MrJmunn 10 місяців тому +1

    Good intro Vlad

  • @morrielarsen
    @morrielarsen 8 місяців тому

    you can tell that Evander is trying very hard, through this entire interview, to be as respectful as possible toward the people he is talking about. This is the stammering you see and hear. I have never ever seen or heard him that close to saying mother fucker...brilliant interview.

  • @rickfrias8652
    @rickfrias8652 Рік тому +3

    Evander looks great

  • @shawandajenkins7127
    @shawandajenkins7127 Рік тому +8

    This mufucka just bit me again 😂😅

    • @aw5347
      @aw5347 11 місяців тому


  • @MikeJones-ne5ko
    @MikeJones-ne5ko Рік тому +1

    Wow I got a lot of life lessons from this interview, never saw this side of him

  • @shawandajenkins7127
    @shawandajenkins7127 Рік тому +1

    Greatest fights of my life will always remember u and Mike

  • @andreanderson5416
    @andreanderson5416 6 місяців тому

    When I was young I was saying Mike Tyson and my grandfather was saying Holyfield and as I got older and watched his fights I see why true warrior boxing great

  • @ianblake815
    @ianblake815 Рік тому +2

    I’m gonna listen to this whole thing while I’m playing my PlayStation!

  • @andrewyoung6607
    @andrewyoung6607 10 місяців тому

    Alot can be learned from evanders outlook on life

  • @HappyRetiredandhealthy-qk2lg
    @HappyRetiredandhealthy-qk2lg 10 місяців тому

    excellent video

  • @rfinestl.a.r8193
    @rfinestl.a.r8193 Рік тому +1

    My Opinion. My Greatest Fighter of my generation! Period. Don't mention that other short guy with the light voice.

  • @rodneyscott2108
    @rodneyscott2108 Рік тому +3

    Evander( Tha WaWata boy) Holyfield 😀😀😀😀😀😀

  • @andyclifford911
    @andyclifford911 10 місяців тому

    Great interview - Holyfield special fighter -

  • @kevingregory8541
    @kevingregory8541 10 місяців тому

    Listening to this man studder for 3 hours was brutal good interview Vlad

  • @TheOriginalCasualT
    @TheOriginalCasualT 5 місяців тому

    Holyfield was a Beast in the Boxing ring, he fought what heart❤ and passion, he’s one of our greatest fighters ever. 🥊🥊💯💯💯💯💯

  • @WORM602
    @WORM602 Рік тому +5

    That Bobby buchay voice

  • @laithdaniels7144
    @laithdaniels7144 Рік тому +1

    This interview is hard to watch. Holy field boxing career definitely took its toll on him.

  • @shawngregory3202
    @shawngregory3202 11 місяців тому

    I love Evander.. Some of the best fights I've ever seen was with him!!

  • @edwindominguez5413
    @edwindominguez5413 11 місяців тому

    Evander was the one of the best heavyweight of all time he was my favorite fighter of all time in the heavyweight division.

  • @Jojikiba
    @Jojikiba Місяць тому

    "I said, I said...I said...I said, I said....I said"
    -- Evander Holyfield

  • @darrenhumphrey1446
    @darrenhumphrey1446 Рік тому +2

    These guys are legends but all these hits to the head got them all with a slow speech

    • @Diyanibeats
      @Diyanibeats 24 дні тому

      Yea😢 his speech not to bad but boxing definitely impacted it

  • @christopherpatten9388
    @christopherpatten9388 5 місяців тому

    My favorite heavyweight of this era he truly is a good man and tough as it gets.never ducked anyone.toe to toe brawler with an unbelievable chin

  • @IcRaVeKnOwLeDgE
    @IcRaVeKnOwLeDgE Рік тому +2

    I feel like Holyfield is to high class for Vlad.

  • @dannyav2582
    @dannyav2582 7 місяців тому

    Man I never knew how great of a story Evander Holyfield's life is. Vlad, you might ever see this but if you do please tell Evander he's awesome and I'm sure he'll go down as one of the greats long into the future.

  • @handwiredbyme
    @handwiredbyme 10 місяців тому

    He was a great champion I watched all his fights and Tysons live growing up

  • @kevindagame
    @kevindagame Рік тому

    ALRIGHT HERE WE GO, THE WHOLE INTERVIEW IS HERE, WELCOME TO VLADTV!!! Long time fan. So I wanna get into your story, so I wanna start at the very beginning. Evander Holyfield, always a pleasure, until next time, PEACE!!!

  • @maxsantana1
    @maxsantana1 Рік тому

    Great intro

  • @Ferrucci_1666
    @Ferrucci_1666 10 місяців тому

    I love this guy he’s too honest

  • @randythesavage1105
    @randythesavage1105 Рік тому +2

    It seems like Vlad doesn't understand that parents used to be able to discipline their children.

  • @SeanDubaiSinger
    @SeanDubaiSinger 3 місяці тому

    He needs a movie for sure

  • @Retics
    @Retics Рік тому +2

    Asked Holyfield about the kids when he was dating AJ and he went left! Lol
    Wish he would of let Evander talk more and explain some boxing things more. The little details.

    • @danielhenderson8316
      @danielhenderson8316 Рік тому

      There's a few videos on UA-cam that do just that. One of them is how to protect yourself from looping punches by pulling your head down to your arms instead of moving your arms up to your head. It also explains the "headbutt" accusations if you're charging in head first at Holyfield with a hook.

  • @easy8325
    @easy8325 Рік тому +4

    I workout to have a physique like his in the 90s no homo✊🏿

  • @toddentenman
    @toddentenman Рік тому +1

    Evander is a great champion and class act. But, just for fun, I would be interested to know how many times during this interview he says "I say" (or some variation). I bet it would be an astronomical amount.

  • @davidjulseth8667
    @davidjulseth8667 8 місяців тому

    Holyfield reminds me of a good friend growing up, or maybe it's just because we're the same age, class act, regardless!

  • @SOSM209
    @SOSM209 11 місяців тому

    Wow, Im just now looking at this wonderful interview. You can see so much of Holyfields Mom in Mr. Holyfield. The Champ Evander.

  • @tedr7144
    @tedr7144 Рік тому +4

    Evander didn't duck nobody he took all the smoke

    • @davidcovington1046
      @davidcovington1046 11 місяців тому +1


    • @sammalone4239
      @sammalone4239 10 місяців тому +1

      💯💯, love the fact , How great he was and all he accomplished he is most proud of being on U.S.A. Olympic team ! In which He was clearly the best light heavyweight there( BEST BOKER PERIOD) .HIT HIS OPPONET A TICK AFTR BELL .WAS THROWING PUNCH AS BELL WENT ! LOVE EVANDER , THE EPITOME OF A TRUE WARRIOR, ALWAYS FIT , PREPARED AND FOUGHT EVERYBODY! HUMBLE AND CLASS